Robert Paul Musgrave: Education
Robert Paul Musgrave: Education
Robert Paul Musgrave: Education
Ph.D., Government, Georgetown University, December 2014
Dissertation topic: “Divided States: How Bargaining at Home Affects U.S. Foreign Policy”
Chair: Professor Andrew Bennett
M.A., Politics, University College Dublin, 2005
B.A., Political Science and History, Indiana University, 2004
Professional Employment
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts (Amherst, Mass.), Department of Political Science and
Legal Studies, September 2023—
Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts (Amherst, Mass.), Department of Political Science and
Legal Studies, Fall 2015–August 2023.
Visiting Instructor/Visiting Assistant Professor, Dickinson College (Carlisle, Pa.), Department of Polit-
ical Science and International Studies, Fall 2014–Spring 2015.
Book Manuscript (In Preparation)
Divided States: The Making of Informal Institutions and U.S. Foreign Policy
Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
“The Tripwire Effect: Experimental Evidence Regarding U.S. Public Opinion.” With Steven Ward.
Accepted at Foreign Policy Analysis.
“Backwards from Zero: How the U.S. Public Evaluates the Use of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Cyber-
security." With Marcelo Mesquita Leal. Early View at Contemporary Security Policy.
“New Questions for Old Alliances: NATO in Cyberspace and American Public Opinion." With Lindsey
Guenther. Early View at Journal of Global Security Studies.
“The Meddling American Voter? How Norms, Interests, and Great Power Rivalries Affect U.S. Public
Support for Partisan Electoral Interventions Abroad." With Dov Levin. Early View at Journal of Conflict
“Hitting Back or Holding Back in Cyberspace: Experimental Evidence Regarding Americans’ Re-
sponses to Cyberattacks." With Marcelo Mesquita Leal. Early View at Conflict Management and Peace
“Cheerleading in Cyberspace: How the American Public Judges Attribution Claims for Cyberattacks."
2022. With Marcelo Mesquita Leal. Foreign Policy Analysis 18(2).
Robert Paul Musgrave 2
“Bringing The State Police Back In: Explaining the Diffusion of Statewide Policing Agencies, 1905–41.”
2020. Studies in American Political Development 34(1): 3–23.
“Democracy and Collective Identity in the European Union and the United States." With Kathleen
McNamara. 2020. Journal of Common Market Studies 58(1): 172–88.
“The Missing Links: Forging International Issue Linkages in the Presidential Interest." 2019. Presidential
Studies Quarterly 49(3): 581-608.
“Asymmetry, Hierarchy, and the Ecclesiastes Trap." 2019. International Studies Review 21(2):284-300.
“International Hegemony Meets Domestic Politics: Why Liberals Can Be Pessimists." 2019. Security
Studies 28(3): 451–78.
“Defending Hierarchy from the Moon to the Indian Ocean: Symbolic Capital and Political Dominance
in Early Modern China and the Cold War." With Daniel Nexon. 2018. International Organization 72(3):
591–626. (Honorable Mention for the Alexander L. George Article Award from the Qualitative and
Multi-Method Research Section of the American Political Science Association, 2019.)
“Beyond Anarchy: Logics of Political Organization, Hierarchy, and International Structure." With
Daniel Nexon and Meghan McConaughey. 2018. International Theory 10(2): 181–218.
“Synthetic Experiences: How Popular Culture Matters for Images of International Relations." With
J. Furman Daniel. 2017. International Studies Quarterly 61(3): 503-516. (The subject of a March 2019 ISQ
Online Symposium entitled “Popular Culture Matters" edited by Meera Sabaratnam.)
“The Global Transformation: More than Meets the Eye." With Daniel Nexon. 2016. International Theory
“Oil, Autocratic Survival, and the Gendered Resource Curse: When Inefficient Policy is Politically
Expedient.” With Yu-Ming Liou. 2016. International Studies Quarterly 60(3): 440–56.
“Fair And Balanced? Experimental Evidence on Bias in Grading.” With Mark Carl Rom. 2015. Ameri-
can Politics Research 43(3): 536–54.
“Refining the Oil Curse: Country-Level Evidence from Exogenous Variations in Resource Income.”
With Yu-Ming Liou. 2014. Comparative Political Studies 47(11): 1558–83. (Received Frederick Hartmann
Award for Best Graduate Student Paper, ISA-Northeast, 2012.)
“Political Bias in Grading: Identifying Problems, Proposing Solutions.” With Mark Carl Rom. 2014.
Journal of Political Science Education 10(2): 136–54.
“The Making of the Pundit, 2010: When Strong Ties Trump Weak Ones.” 2012. PS: Political Science and
Politics 45(2): 265–9.
“‘A Primitive Method of Enforcing the Law’: Vigilantism as a Response to Bank Crimes in Indiana,
1925–1933." 2006. Indiana Magazine of History 102(3): 187–219.
“Highly Polarized or Sorted at the Grassroots? Political Polarization and Cannabis Legalization”. 2022.
With Clyde Wilcox. In Stoneover: The Observed Lessons and Unanswered Questions of Cannabis Legalization.
Editors Nikolay Anguelov and Jeffrey Moyer. (Rowman & Littlefield).
“Sharing the End of the World: Students’ Perceptions of Their Self-Efficacy in the Creation of Open
Access Digital Learning Objects." 2020. With Sarah Hutton and Lisa Di Valentino. In Alexis Clifton and
Kimberly Davies Hoffman (Eds.), Open Pedagogy Approaches: Faculty, Library, and Student Collaborations
(Milne Library/SUNY Geneseo).
Robert Paul Musgrave 3
“States of Empire: Liberal Ordering and Imperial Relations.” 2013. With Daniel Nexon. In Tim Dunne
and Trine Flockhart (Eds.), Liberal World Orders (Oxford UP/British Academies).
“American Liberalism and the Imperial Temptation.” 2013. With Daniel Nexon. In Noel Parker (Ed.),
Empire and International Order (Ashgate).
“The Highs and Lows of Support for Marijuana Legalization Among White Americans." 2013. With
Clyde Wilcox. In Katherine Tate, James Lance Taylor, and Mark Q. Sawyer (Eds.), Something’s in the Air:
Race, Crime, and the Legalization of Marijuana (Routledge).
Working Papers
“Legislators, Public Goods, and Private Benefits: Evidence from a Survey Experiment Regarding
Congress and Cybersecurity” (with Marcelo Leal)
“By All Means Necessary? Determinants of partisan electoral interventions and U.S. public support”
(with Dov Levin; Under Review)
“Developing the Resource Purse: State Formation, Resource Politics, and Regime Outcomes" (With
Luis Felipe Mantilla Rehder and Yu-Ming Liou)
“Federation of Liberty: International Society and Hierarchy Among United States”
“Past Presidents, Presidential Legacies, and the Future of the United States." 2020. Cato Unbound
(Online), 16 November.
“What ‘The Cult of the Irrelevant’ Neglects (And Gets Right).” 2020. Political Science Quarterly 135(1):
Introduction (5,000 words) to “Teaching Roundtable 11-6 on The Clash of Civilizations in the IR Class-
room”. 2019. H-Diplo/ISSF. November 6.
“Teaching Counterfactuals From Hell.” With Anjali Kaushlesh Dayal. 2018. Peace Review. 30: 23-31.
“The Grim Fantasia of a Civilizational War.” 2017. Cato Unbound (Online), 8 February.
“The Imitation Game: Why Don’t Rising Powers Innovate Their Militaries More?” With Yu-Ming Liou
and J. Furman Daniel. 2015. The Washington Quarterly 38(3): 157–174.
“Singularity or Aberration? A Response to Buzan and Lawson.” With Daniel Nexon. 2013. International
Studies Quarterly 57(3): 637–9.
“Coming Attractions: An in-class group exercise for teaching theoretical concepts.” 2011. The Political
Science Educator, Spring.
Policy Papers
“Imperium in Imperio: Why Chechnya’s Internal Empire Makes Russia Fragile." With Meghan Mc-
Conaughey. 2019. Harriman Institute on Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies.
“Between Two Poles: The Kingdom and U.S. Foreign Policy in an Age of Political Polarization." 2019.
King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies.
Robert Paul Musgrave 4
Book Reviews
Oilcraft: The Myths of Scarcity and Security that Haunt U.S. Energy Policy by Robert Vitalis (Stanford
University Press, 2020) in Political Science Quarterly 136(4): 779–80.
The Price of Prestige: Conspicuous Consumption in International Relations by Lilach Gilady (University of
Chicago Press, 2017) in Political Science Quarterly 134(1): 176–78.
The Institutions Curse: Natural Resources, Politics, and Development by Victor Menaldo (Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 2016) in Perspectives on Politics 16(2): 553-555.
The Fix: How Nations Survive and Thrive in a World in Decline by Jonathan Tepperman (Tim Duggan,
2016) in Governance 31(1): 192-193.
Diplomacy and the Making of World Politics edited by Ole Jacob Sending, Vincent Pouliot, and Iver B.
Neumann (Cambridge University Press, 2015) in International Studies Review 19(2): 318-320.
Petro-Aggression by Jeff Colgan (Cambridge University Press, 2015) in Energy Research & Social Science
6: 167-168.
The Rise of Global Powers: International Politics in the Era of the World Wars by Anthony D’Agostino
(Cambridge University Press, 2012) in Political Science Quarterly 127(4): 730-731.
Public Commentary
“How Stalin manipulated the Western press during WWII (Review of The Red Hotel by Alan Philps)."
2023. The Washington Post (Online and in print), 3 July.
“Why Gorbachev’s Death Feels Like It’s Part of an Alternate History." 2022. The Washington Post (Online
and in print, Sunday Outlook), 4 September.
“Trump Turned Over His Records To The Archives. But The Crisis Isn’t Over." 2022. The Washington
Post (Online and in print, Sunday Outlook), 13 February.
“Richard Nixon’s Last Christmas Trick." 2021. Foreign Policy (Online), 24 November.
“The Doomed Voyage of Pepsi’s Soviet Navy." 2021. Foreign Policy (Online), 27 November.
“How Filibusters Moved from Piracy to Congress." 2021. Foreign Policy (Online), 19 September.
“There’s No Wake-Up Moment on Climate in America." 2021. Foreign Policy (Online), 3 September.
“Olympic Medals No Longer Show Off Nations’ Cultural Power. That’s Good." 2021. The Washington
Post (Online and in print), 30 July.
“You Shouldn’t Have to Pay for that IR Master’s." 2021 Foreign Policy (Online), 29 July 2021.
“America’s Collapsing Meritocracy Is a Recipe for Revolt." 2021 Foreign Policy (Online), 16 July 2021.
“Political Science Has Its Own Lab Leaks." 2021 Foreign Policy (Online), 2 July.
“Chernobyl Has Become a Comforting Fable." 2021 Foreign Policy, 26 April.
“There’s Not Much for the United States Up in Space." 2021 Foreign Policy, 12 March.
“The Founding Fathers of International Relations Theory Loved War but Overlooked Sex." 2021 Foreign
Policy, 14 February.
“America’s Currency is as Weirdly Outdated as Its Political Structure." 2021 Foreign Policy, 8 February.
“Republican Senators Want Trump Gone. If They Say So, They’ll Be Gone, Too." 2021. Washington Post,
26 January.
Robert Paul Musgrave 5
“Political Scientists Turned a Blind Eye to America’s Democratic Failures." 2021 Foreign Policy, 18 Jan-
“Against Academic Book Reviews." 2021. Chronicle of Higher Education, 8 January.
“This Is A Coup. Why Were Experts So Reluctant to See It Coming?". 2021. Foreign Policy, 6 January.
“The True Meaning of Christmas Movies Is a Cozy American Worldview." 2020. Foreign Policy, 24
“The Beautiful, Dumb Dream of McDonald’s Peace Theory.” 2020. Foreign Policy, 27 November.
“Trump’s Presidential Library Will Be A Shrine To His Ego." 2020. Washington Post (Online and in
print), 22 November.
“Moving to Canada Won’t Save You from Trump." 2020. Slate, 28 October.
“Busy Work: Trump’s Secret Political Weapon: Wasting His Opponents’ Time." 2020. The Washington
Post (Online) and in print (lead Outlook Sunday-section piece), 14 August.
“Trump’s Covid-19 Response Shows He Has Given Up on Competition With China That Doesn’t In-
volve Guns and Bombs." 2020. Business Insider (Online), 20 July.
“Mikhail Gorbachev’s Pizza Hut Thanksgiving Miracle." 2019. Foreign Policy (Online), 28 November.
“America Is Stuck With a Broken President." 2019. Foreign Policy (Online), 8 October.
"The U.S. Tried to Fix Ukraine’s Government. We Exported Our Corruption, Instead." 2019. The
Washington Post (Online and print), 29 September.
"Don’t Expect John Bolton’s Abrupt Departure To Change Much about Trump’s Foreign Policy." 2019.
The Monkey Cage on The Washington Post (Online), 10 September.
"American Imperialists Have Always Dreamed of Greenland." 2019. Foreign Policy (Online), 16 August.
"Plato and Proust Can’t Solve Silicon Valley’s Problems." 2019. The Washington Post (Online and print),
15 August.
"America the Mediocre." 2019. Foreign Policy (Online), 15 August.
“John Bolton Is Warning Of A ‘Clash Of Civilizations’ With China. Here Are The Five Things You
Need To Know.” 2019. The Monkey Cage on The Washington Post (Online), 18 July.
“Trump Bends Over to Kiss the Blarney State." 2019. Foreign Policy (Online), 2 June.
“IR Theory and ‘Game of Thrones’ are Both Fantasies." 2019. Foreign Policy (Online), 23 May.
“Universities Aren’t Ready for Trade War Casualties." 2019. Foreign Policy (Online), 19 May.
“The Slip that Revealed the Real Trump Doctrine." 2019. Foreign Policy (Online), 2 May.
“Why Were Liberals So Desperate To Believe That Mueller Would Save Democracy?" 2019. The Wash-
ington Post (Online and print), 28 March.
“Trump’s Birthright Citizenship Proposal Isn’t Just An Electoral Stunt.” With Philip Rocco. 2018. The
Washington Post (Online), 31 October.
“Conspiracy Theories Are For Losers. Qanon Is No Exception.” 2018. The Washington Post. (Online), 2
“How Do We Know If U.S. Troops In South Korea Are A Viable Tripwire? A New Survey Suggests It’s
Not That Simple." With Steve Ward. 2018. The Monkey Cage on The Washington Post (Online), 8 June.
Robert Paul Musgrave 6
“Theorizing About The Trump Administration Has Become Our National Pastime.” 2018. The Wash-
ington Post. (Online), 15 May.
“Seven Reasons We Use Annotation for Transparent Inquiry (ATI).” With Sebastian Karcher. 2018. The
Duck of Minerva. (Online), 15 May.
“What ‘The West Wing‘ Tells Us About the West Wing”. With J. Furman Daniel. 2018. The Monkey Cage
on The Washington Post (Online), 22 January.
“There Is No Secret Master Plan. Trump is the WYSIWYG President." 2018. The Washington Post,
(Online and print), 3 January.
“Zheng He’s Voyages and the Symbolism Behind Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative." With Daniel
Nexon. 2017. The Diplomat (Online), 22 December.
“Sorry, an Oil Embargo Won’t Lead to North Korea’s Capitulation.” With Yu-Ming Liou. 2017. The
Diplomat (Online), 9 September.
“President Trump Should Stop Tweeting. Now." 2017. The Washington Post (Online), 8 June.
“Democracy Requires Trust. But Trump is Making Us All into Conspiracy Theorists.” 2017. The
Washington Post (Online), 7 March.
“Donald Trump is Normalizing Paranoia and Conspiracy Thinking in U.S. Politics." 2017. The Wash-
ington Post (Online), 12 January.
“If You’re Even Asking if Russia Hacked the Election, Russia Got What it Wanted.” 2016. The Washing-
ton Post (Online), 28 November.
“Why Would Russia Interfere in the U.S. Election? Because It Sometimes Works." 2016. The Washington
Post (Online and print), 26 July.
“Here’s Why Saudi Arabia Is Loosening Its Restrictions on Women.” With Yu-Ming Liou. 2016. The
Monkey Cage on The Washington Post. (Online), 27 June.
“The First Nixon Library." 2009. Prologue, 41(2).
“In Praise of Patronage.” 2008. Slate, 2 December.
Invited Talks and Lectures
“Broken Escalator? Forward Military Deployment, Casualties, and Public Support for Escalation", MIT
Security Studies Program seminar series, 29 September 2021
“The Elections of Others", Syracuse University Sovereignty, Order and Conflict series, Moynihan Insti-
tute of Global Affairs at Syracuse University, 1 April 2021.
“Popular Images of International Relations", Cato Restraint and Emergent Technology series, the Cato
Institute, 23 November 2020.
“Developing the Resource Purse: State Formation, Resource Politics, and Regime Outcomes”, Severyns
Ravenholt Talk, University of Washington Department of Political Science, 11 October 2019.
“The Foreign Policy of the ‘Divided‘ States of America”, King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic
Studies, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1 April 2019.
“Federation of Liberty", Georgetown University International Theory And Relations Seminar (GUI-
TARS), 4 February 2019.
Robert Paul Musgrave 7
“Memes, Bots, and Tweets: International Relations In the Social Media Age”, Texas Tech University, 16
October 2018.
“Myths of The Tripwire Effect", Texas Tech University, 16 October 2018.
“Federation of Liberty”, Boston University, 28 September 2018.
“The End of an Elite Consensus? Domestic Political Polarization and US Foreign Policy”, Harriman
Institute, Columbia University, 27 April 2018.
“The Politics of the End of the World”, Indiana Political Science Association annual meeting (keynote),
16 March 2018.
“Polarization and U.S. Foreign Policy", Carleton University (Ottawa), 4 April 2017
Conference Presentations
ISA 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2023 APSA 2010, 2011, 2014–19, 2021, 2022–23
SPSA 2013, 2022 MPSA 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023
ISA-Northeast 2012, 2016, 2022 ISSS-ISAC 2015
Teaching Experience
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
POLISCI 121, World Politics, Fall 2020 (Online), Spring 2022, Summer 2021 and 2022 (Online), Spring
POLISCI 255, American Foreign Policy, Spring 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019; Fall 2020 (Online); Spring
2022; Summer 2021 (Online), Winter 2022, Spring 2023
POLISCI 499C/D, Energy & Global Politics (yearlong senior honors thesis seminar), AY 2015-16 and
AY 2016-17
HONS K391, Empire and Politics (1-credit), Fall 2017
HONS K391, The Politics of the End of the World (1-credit), Fall 2016
Dickinson College
Introduction to International Relations, Fall 2014 and Spring 2015
Georgetown University
Fundamentals of Foreign Policy, Summers 2013, 2014 (two sections), and 2015
Introduction to International Relations, Summers 2011, 2012, and 2013
Scope & Methods of Political Science (Quantitative Methods for Honors Students), Spring 2013
Interstellar Relations: Political Science and Science Fiction, Summer 2012
Department Service
Departmental Honors Program Director, AY 2016-17, AY 2017-18, AY 2018-19, AY 2020–
Faculty Advisor to UMass chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honors society, AY
2016-17, AY 2017-18, AY 2018-19, Spring 2021–. (Received Best Chapter Award, enrollment between
15,000 and 25,000 students, from the national office, 2019.)
International Relations Field Clerk, AY2017-18, Fall 2018
Undergraduate Studies Committee, AY 2015-16, AY 2016-17, AY 2017-18, Spring 2022–
Manuscript Reviewer
American Political Science Review American Journal of Political Science International Organization
International Studies Quarterly European Journal of International Relations Journal of Politics
Security Studies Comparative Political Studies Journal of Conflict Resolution
Journal of Global Security Studies Political Studies International Security
American Politics Research Research & Politics SAGE Open
PS: Political Science and Politics Political Research Quarterly International Political Sociology
Conflict Management and Peace Science Journal of International Development International Studies Perspectives
International Development Planning Rev. International Relations World Politics
Australian J. International Affairs East European Politics and Societies International Affairs
International Studies Review Texas National Security Review
Dissertation Summer Research Grant, Georgetown Government Department, 2011 and 2012
Theodore C. Sorensen Research Fellowship, Kennedy Presidential Library, 2011
Korea Research Grant, Scowcroft Institute on International Affairs, 2011