Harvard Government 90fj Syllabus
Harvard Government 90fj Syllabus
Harvard Government 90fj Syllabus
Fall 2007
Professor D. Sunshine Hillygus
Required Readings
The following books are required purchases (and should be available at the Coop)
Diana C. Mutz, Paul M. Sniderman, Richard A. Brody (eds.). 1996. Political Persuasion and
Attitude Change. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press.
John Zaller. 1992. The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion. Cambridge Univ. Press
Tali Mendelberg. 2001. The Race Card: Campaign Strategy, Implicit Messages, and the
Norm of Equality, Princeton University Press
In addition to the required texts, a sourcebook is available for purchase at Gnomon Copy on
Mass Ave. and additional required readings may be found on the course website.
Grades will be earned on the basis of seminar participation (30%), writing assignments (30%),
and a final paper (40%). For the research paper, students will be allowed to pick a topic of their
choosing related to any aspect of political persuasion. The final paper (15-20 pages, double-
spaced, 12-point font) is due January 11 at 5:00 pm.
To encourage careful reading and reflection, students must generate at least 3 written questions
on the weekly readings. These questions should be emailed to me by midnight on Sunday
(Questions should be in the text of the messages, not sent as attachments.). These questions
should try to clarify, challenge, expand, or otherwise synthesize the material for the week.
Additionally, for each class, one student will be expected to help lead class discussion by
presenting a brief critical analysis of the recommended reading (and how it relates to the
readings) and another student must present a “real world” example of the persuasive concepts
covered in that day’s readings. These efforts will be part of the seminar participation grade.
Tentative Course Schedule
September 17 Introduction
Jamieson. Everything you think you know about politics, Part II (+)
Recommended: Ansolabehere and Iyengar. Going Negative excerpt in Quill Magazine
Zaller, The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion, Chapter 12
Verba, “The Citizen as Respondent: Sample Surveys and American Democracy.”
American Political Science Review
Jacobs and Shapiro, Politicians Don’t Pander, Chapters 1-2