Becoming Your Ideal Self - Dimple Verma
Becoming Your Ideal Self - Dimple Verma
Becoming Your Ideal Self - Dimple Verma
Ideal Self
Dimple Verma
Becoming Your
Ideal Self
You cannot have what you want in life without first
becoming the kind of person that deserves it.
It’s as simple as that.
If you think that things will come to you by thinking
about them, or applying certain tactics, you’re under
a false impression.
To receive anything in life, we first need to become
worthy of it.
Because the thing is, if you were capable & worthy of
achieving what you want, you would have already
achieved it.
You want to become so worthy of whatever you want
in life that the Universe simply can’t deny you that
And that is the key to success/fulfillment/happiness.
Becoming Your
Ideal Self
If you have a goal that you really want to achieve, this
worksheet is going to be immensely helpful for you to
reach that goal & have that life.
If you do not have a goal, this worksheet will help you
in setting a worthy goal & achieving it.
So whether you want to just be just be happy and
more fulfilled or become a world-class
CEO/educator/artist/manager/speaker or anything in
the world, this is what will take you there.
I urge you to become incessantly obsessed with this
worksheet & this process and there’s no stopping you
in life.
Your Ideal Self will bring you everything you want in
So think deeply about what exactly do you want?
What the kind of life do you want?
And what kind of person will have that kind of life?
How To Use This Workbook
This is a very intense & time & thought intensive
workbook, and not to forget, life-changing.
And so I'd like you to start it with the mindset that
doing this workbook is a priority.
I'd also recommend that you do this workbook in
writing - either physically in a notebook or by typing
in Google Docs/ MS Word.
To do it in writing, it's better that you buy a
journal/notebook just for this workbook as it'll help
you in coming back to your answers again easily when
you need to revisit them.
To do it on your Laptop, make a separate folder & in it
keep this workbook & your Word/Google Docs file.
Simply put the Date & Time of when you started
doing the workbook at the top of the page.
Then put the name of the worksheet that you're
currently doing & start writing/typing the answers to
the numbered questions.
If you can't do the entire workbook in 1 sitting, then
allot dedicated timings on the days when you'll do the
Certain terms that are used heavily throughout
this worksheet.
It's useful to go through them and what they mean
for a better understanding of what information is
required in the worksheet.
6. List your current 5 good and 5 bad habits? What are the things
you do repeatedly?
8. Mention the past events that you worry about or replay in your
mind all the time?
10. Mention the things that block you from doing what you want
to do each day and working towards your dreams and goals?
(Example - procrastination, self-doubt, unsupportive
11. Who are you currently angry at? What people/ things/
circumstances do you blame?
14. What does the average day look like for you? Describe it
from when you first wake up till the moment you go to bed.
Describe all the negative/positive patterns that you currently
repeat everyday. (For example: repeatedly snoozing the alarm)
16. What are your self traits? (Example: Driven, powerful, smart,
classy or procrastinate, lazy, scrappy, shy).
17. How do you imagine others gossiping and talking about you
in a café?
After you have written the answers for every question in detail,
it’s time to move forward.
Your Ideal Self
3. What are the strengths this new self has that your current one
does not?
5. What good habits does this new self have that your current
one does not?
6. What bad habits is this new self free of that your current one
7. What fears is this new self free of that your current one
9. What judgements is this new self free of that the current one
10. What stories about the past is this new self free of that the
current one possesses?
Ideal Self Worksheet
11. What traits does this new self have? (Example: Driven,
powerful, smart, classy or procrastinate, lazy, scrappy, shy).
12. Describe what the average day looks like for this new self
when he/she is executing and taking massive action to achieve
his/her goals?
13. Describe the constructive things this new self loves doing
and has an appetite for that the current self hates and avoids
at all costs?
14. How would other people gossip and talk about this new you
in a café?
Your Core Values &
Here’s the thing, you are not your ideal self without
having some core values and principles that you
operate on.
Your character has no backbone without the core
principles & core values that you rely on.
Your principles & values dictate what kind of life you
live, how you appear to the world, how much you
achieve, the quality of your life, the relationships you
have and everything else.
Hence, it's crucial to focus on what core values &
principles you hold close & whether they're sufficient
to get you the life you want.
If someone's Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Mahatma
Gandhi, Michael Jordan; chances are that they have
completely different core values & principles than you
& I.
And these values & principles are what's allowing
them to make an impact on the world.
Complete the following worksheets to become aware
about your current values & principles and then
modify them to what will serve you.
Core Principles
Your principles are fundamental truths or propositions that serve
as the foundation for you, your belief system, behavior and
chain of reasoning.
State the core principles of your ideal self will operate on.
Self has, define accurately what it means to them & how it’s
Compassion, Joy
1. What does your ultimate dream life look like? Make this as
detailed and colorful as possible and keep coming back to this
each day to build on it.
3. Who do you live with? Do you live alone? Or do you live with your
spouse, your parents and siblings? Do you have a big/small family?
How many people? Are there children? How many kids? How many
pets? Search within for the answers.
4. Decide what are you going to do? Are you running a business?
What business is that? Or are you working your dream job? Or are
you pursuing your passion? Where do you work? What place and
with who? What’s your workstation look like? Picture everything in
5. What does your health look like? What do you look like? How
much do you weigh? What do you eat on a day to day basis? How
do you keep yourself fit? Do you go to the gym? Are you pursuing
Jiu Jitzu? What does your skin and hair look like?
8. Are you spiritual or religious? Do you pray daily? What are your
beliefs about god/higher power? What beliefs do you follow? How
do you connect to that higher power?
11. How do you measure your growth as a person? What are your
metrics for growth and expansion as an individual? What do you
believe is the highest level for you?
12. What’s the skill/skills that you’re in the top 1% of the world in?
What can you do better than anyone else in the world? What’s the
combination of skills that you’re the best at in the world?
Goals For Every Area Of Life
To fully embody your Ideal Self, you need to cultivate a
strong, powerful vision for your ENTIRE LIFE.
Now some people think of goals only in terms of their
career while simultaneously ignoring all the other areas
of their lives. People believe that the other areas of life do
not deserve the same type of conscious thought.
And that’s why most of the people who have great jobs
and are on the best career trajectory are still unhappy
and suffering.
Instead, we need to set clear goals for every area of life
that leads to the attainment of your life’s vision.
You need to have worthy goals for the following areas of
your life:
Personal Growth
Goals For Every Area Of Life
Complete the worksheet given below to get clear on what goals
you want to set and achieve in every area of your life.
Personal Growth
Deadlines & Plans Of
Achievement For The Goals
Now - A Strategy for the achievement of those goals.
Daily actions.
Pick 1 or 2 goals.
Now take the big picture then break it down into:
2 year milestone
1 year milestone
6 months milestone
1 month milestone
Then think about exactly what you’ll need to do DAILY in
order to reach these set milestones on time!
Set daily targets that you will need to achieve to reach
that goal.
Use the table given below to plan your goals & their
different milestones.
Remember to be specific.
Deadlines & Plans Of
Achievement For The Goals
I am told that I’m not creative enough to pursue my passion BUT I’m
grateful to all those who didn’t believe in me because it’ll lead me
to become one of the bests in my field of choice.
What are the things you'll need to sacrifice to form these habits?
What will be the cost you'll have to pay if you do not cultivate
these habits at this point in your life?
Create Your Personality -
Now it’s time to translate your internal personality into
an external one.
What you’re on the inside should reflect on the outside.
The kind of person that you are or want to be, should
reflect in your external personality.
From the way you present yourself to the way you
conduct & hold yourself, everything speaks for you.
Now you do not need to be extravagant & spend
thousands on material stuff to portray your true Ideal
Self externally.
Instead, we want to pay attention to the little things that
get noticed subconsciously & remain people's memories
No one will really remember what you were wearing the
day you met them, but they'll remember the confidence
or the positive vibe you displayed.
That's why, you need to shift your focus on the things
that matter.
How You Look & Dress
Take time to reflect on the questions below and design
how you’d like your Ideal Self to look like.
Let your imagination run wild.
Express yourself fully in your style.
Remember, life’s too short to not follow your own
personal style. Think of how you dress - not just outside
but inside your home, too.
You’re always expressing yourself, no matter where you
Again, this doesn't mean wearing the most expensive
clothes, rather having a style & charisma that's unique to
It's as easy to make a statement with a simple black T-
shirt & grey jeans as it is to make with a Gucci jacket
because it's all about the person wearing the clothes &
not the clothes itself.
Complete the following worksheets to design a
personality that matches your Ideal Self.
Personality Design Worksheet
1. What do you look like?
4. What kind of dresses do you wear that represent the style you’ve
just defined for yourself? What are the top 20 items of your
wardrobe? What kind of fabric do you prefer most? What are your
top 5 favorite colors to wear?
7. What’s your hair and hairstyle like? How long? How short? Do you
color your hair? Do you experiment a lot? Define what looks best
on you.
8.What kind of accessories do you wear? Are you into watches and
rings? Do you have fancy bracelets? Or do you like to keep it
Your Signature
Name 1-3 items that define your personal signature style.
2. What does your voice sound like? Do you have a high pitch
strong voice or do you have a low pitch soft voice? What’s the
tempo of your voice when you speak? Is your voice soothing or
inspiring? What does your laughter sound like?
4. What’s your body language like? What’s your posture like? How
do you walk? How do you sit? How do you stand? Do you present a
powerful frame with your body language?
5. What kind of energy do you have throughout the day? Are you
always highly energetic? Or do you maintain a calm state
throughout the day?
Journaling helps you get clarity about your goals & dream life.
Every day for 15 minutes, write about your goal - what it'll feel like,
all the things you'll need to do to achieve it, what your
accomplishments are going to be; devour yourself into your dream
life by journaling about it.
This is the most powerful tool. Every day after you wake up & every
night before going to bed, close your eyes for 10 minutes and
visualize your goals for this year. Then, visualize the tasks you’ll
need to get there & doing them successfully. Then visualize
operating as your Ideal Self in different situations. Get involved in
the reality that you want to experience through visualizing it in
great detail.
Writing Your Reality
Now take a few minutes to visualize and write a detailed script
about what your ideal day in life would look like. How you’re
conducting yourself and how you’re operating throughout the day.
Brainstorm all that you’d be doing as your Ideal Self and write it
down from the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment
you go to bed at night.
Write down your ‘perfect day’ that will make you love your life. It’s
not just enough to know it intellectually, you must make it visceral
by writing about it in excruciating details.
From Waking Up
To Going To Bed
Now you’re going to work on embodying the Ideal Self
as much as possible to become more congruent with it.
For this, you need a system or a process that you can
follow throughout the day.
To accomplish the embodiment of your Ideal Self in the
present, you’ll need to turn to Theatre-acting.
Acting is the easiest tool to trick your brain. You have to
get into the mind of an actor.
We think that acting is all about lying but the truth is
that good acting is all about honesty. If you can fake true
honesty in your acting, you’ll be able to convince anyone
of the thing you’re doing or the person you’re being.
Here’s a quote that’s going to be immensely helpful in
this process:
“Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances.”
So before you go to sleep each night, close your eyes and visualize
in detail, how you’re going to conduct yourself the next day.
After you’ve done the routine that you’d visualized the night
before, we’re going to repeat the process for the day that’s ahead
of us.
Every morning before you head out/start work, take a few minutes
to visualize your entire day and how you’ll operate.
This will also require going obsessively deep into the details.
Think in depth.
This is something that you’ll do every single day before you start
your day to make yourself more prepared to operate with purpose.
By now you must have realized that you can employ the power of
Visualization in anything that you do or want to do effectively.
In Conflicts &
Uncomfortable Situations
Whenever you find yourself where you have to struggle to do things
as your Ideal Self, just take a few minutes to visualize yourself as
the Ideal Self.
Sit in silence and try to obtain the will power from your Ideal Self
to move forward with the purpose.
Remember that your Ideal Self already possesses all the focus, will
power and strength you need, you just have to get in touch with it
through the power of your mind.
If you find yourself not behaving or conducting yourself as your
Ideal Self, sit down in silence with a journal and write down the
exact situation or day when you could not operate as your Ideal
Self, where you made mistakes and what were you feeling during
those moments. After you’ve written it in your journal, read the
description of your ideal self that you’ve previously written in ‘your
conduct worksheet’.
Now write a few key points that you will keep in mind next time if
you start slipping.
The more you do this, the more you become congruent with your
Ideal Self.
What You Do If You
Fail/Course Correct
At any point in your journey, if you fail or if you go off
track, there’s always a way to make a comeback. Do not
lose hope or give up, because your Ideal Self won’t.
Remember - It’s always better to not lose the
If you find yourself slipping away even for a few hours,
pull yourself together and direct your energies toward
saving yourself from failure.
But if it ever happens that you go off track for a few days
or a couple weeks, it’s easy to reset your compass.
Just take out a couple hours to go through and read
again the worksheets number - , where you’ve written
everything about your Ideal Self.
Because the thing is...we human beings, we forget!
What You Do If You
Fail/Course Correct
We forget anything that we do not see, smell, hear,
taste, touch, read, pay attention to regularly.
So our success lies in our habit of repetition.
The more we repeat something, the better we become at
Read, study, investigate, test your Ideal Self and you’ll be
able to get it into your subconscious.
When it gets into your subconscious, you’ll be able to
translate it into actions and eventually your reality.
You're All Set!
If you managed to finish this entire worksheet,
You're well on your way to create a life & 'you' of your
I hope the vision of the life that you want inspires &
excites you endlessly & that this book was helpful in
marching toward it in someway.
If you'd like to connect with me to share your
experience about this book or to offer any
suggestions, you can find me here:
Email - [email protected]
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