Life Purpose Challenge Workbook

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Life Purpose

You were meant for more. Discover Your Life Purpose
You know this deep down. Yet something A life purpose is like a compass, guiding
is holding you back from taking the first you over life’s path. Keeping you centered,
step toward making your next career focused and clear on what really matters to
move or finding your life purpose. you and what you want from life.

Maybe the change feels too big. Or In this 30-Day Challenge, you'll learn the
perhaps you don't have the confidence to ancient Japanese tradition of the Ikigai to
take a leap of faith. Or institutional bias is discover your reason for being.
your roadblock.
You'll follow the phases of the Ikigai in daily
Without a life purpose, you’ll continue journal prompts or powerful action to keep
feeling stuck, like you’re moving in circles, you moving forward toward your purpose.
watching as time (and your life) continues
to pass you by. Let's get started!

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our

deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is
our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us."
Marianne Williamson


Hi there!
I'm Jessica. I'm a Spiritual Career & Leadership
Coach, Gender Equity Advocate and healthcare
executive with over ten years in the field.

I believe that if every woman lived her purpose,

every need in the world would be met.

I spent my career in healthcare specializing in continuous process improvement.

My job was to help smart people solve hard problems, figure out ways to make their
jobs easier, and to set the strategy for transformational change.

I was one of the youngest members of the leadership team, and one of the only
women. I thought I had it all - the big house, nice car, six-figure salary.

But something didn't feel right. I found myself trapped in a toxic work environment
where my ideas and opinions were constantly challenged. I felt stuck and
discouraged. I felt like my life was just passing me by. Day by day.

I realized I wasn't living in alignment with my life purpose. I felt stuck and
discouraged because I wasn't fulfilling my Ikigai - my reason for being. I made a
commitment to find my purpose and and align it with a career and life I loved.

"You already have everything you need to be successful.

You just have to believe it's there."
It started with a mindset shift and daily gratitude practice. From there, I used the
Ikigai to identify my strengths and values and how I could serve the world. Over
time, I found my life purpose; what I was meant to do on this Earth.

Since that time, I've helped hundreds of women find their purpose and align their
career with their values, strengths, gifts, and experience to find more fulfillment and
make an impact in their organizations, communities, and the world. Now, it's your
turn. Use this workbook as a guide to help you discover your life purpose.


30-Day Life Purpose Challenge
1 2 3 4 5
What do you What do you love What did you What are your What are your
hope to gain to do? What love to do as a core values? How top strengths?
from finding your could you do for child? How can do they support How do you use
life purpose? hours without you bring that your decisions? your strengths at
Why now? taking a break? into your life? work or in life?

6 7 8 9 10
What are your top What do you love How can you What might you What can you be
accomplishments? to do that you're bring more of have to start doing paid for? What
What achievements also good at? your Passions to embrace your skills do you
are you most proud These are your into your daily Passions? Stop bring to the
of? Passions. life? doing? Why? table?

11 12 13 14 What are some 15

What did you
want to be when What might you What are you examples of How would it feel
you grew up? Is need to learn to good at that you times you were to go to work
this something improve a skill can also be paid paid to do knowing you're
you could be paid you could be paid for? These are something you're being paid to use
for today? for? Professions. good at? your strengths?

16 17 18 19 20
What would
What does the What injustices make the world a What does the How would it feel
world need? make you angry? better place to world need that to be paid to
What causes do How can you live in? What you can be paid make a positive
you care about? improve them? does a better for? These are impact in the
world look like? Vocations. world?

21 22 23 24 25
Write about what
What does the How can you give How can you What do you love
the future would
world need that your time, align your career to do that you're
look like if you
you love to do? talents, and or life to support good at and can
were paid to
This is your treasure to make your Mission? be paid for?
change the
Mission. an impact?

26 27 28 29 30 Write A Day in
the Life: what
What are you What do you love What do you love What do you love
does it look like
good at that you to do that you're to do that you to do that you're
now that you're
can be paid for good at and the can be paid for good at, you can
living your
and the world world needs? and the world be paid for, and
purpose? How do
needs? needs. the world needs?
you feel?


Discover Your Purpose
Ikigai is a Japanese term which, loosely translated means "a reason to live," or our life's
purpose. The diagram below shows the intersection between four main areas of life.

What You


What You're What the

good at World Needs


What You can

be paid for


Discover Your Purpose
Finding a balance between these four areas could be a path toward finding our purpose.
Start by filling in the outer circles, then continue moving inward. Keep your mind open!


Your Core Values
Core values are the fundamental beliefs you have about your life. They guide your
behaviors, decisions, and actions. They bring about a sense of purpose and self-worth.
They remind you what’s important to you and what you want more of in your life.

Brainstorm your  personal values: Use the guide on page 8 for inspiration!

Next, narrow this list down to your Top 5 Core Values. How do you honor each one?

Common Core Values
The following is a list of common core values. For more inspiration, check
out the master list at:

Authenticity Competition Humor Power

Achievement Contribution Influence Recognition
adventure Creativity Justice Religion
Authority Curiosity Kindness Reputation
Autonomy Determination Knowledge Respect
Balance Fairness Leadership Responsibility
Beauty Faith Learning Security
Boldness Friendship Love Service
Compassion Fun Loyalty Spirituality
Challenge Growth Openness Stability
Citizenship Happiness Optimism Success
Community Harmony Peace Trustworthiness
Competency Honesty Pleasure Wisdom
What You're Good At
Understanding our strengths gives us a new language for understanding and
discussing what we naturally do best. Knowing what we're good at is the
second step in finding our life purpose.

1. Take the StrengthsFinder Assessment

2. Print out your results and highlight words and phrases that resonate
with you. Cross out words and phrases that don't resonate with you.

List your Top 5 Themes and an example of each theme in your life:


Journal Prompt: A Day in the Life
Spend some time journaling about a day in the life in your new future. What is your
Ikigai, your life purpose? What career do you have? How do you feel?


Manifesting Your Life Purpose
Confidence and clarity come from taking action. Build in daily habits so you can take
small steps every day that get you closer to aligning your career and life to your purpose.

What small step(s) can you take daily to get you closer to aligning your
career with your life purpose?

How will you hold yourself accountable for taking these steps?

Write down your next Powerful Action. When will you complete this?


The world needs more
women leaders.

I'm so grateful to have you in my community of

inspiring, empowered women!

Thank you for taking this important step to find

your purpose. Now, it's time to put it into

If you're ready to find a career that aligns with

who you're meant to be, I'm here to help!

Simply reply to any of my emails to learn more

about my career and leadership coaching
services, and let's chat!

xx - Jessica


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