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Time-Bound Home Exam-2020: Purbanchal University

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Time-bound Home Exam-2020(Fall)

Master of Business Administration/First Semester/Final
Time: 03:00 hrs. (+2 hours for submission) Full Marks: 60/Pass Marks: 24
515: Organizational Behavior and Leadership Skills (New Course)
Dear Students!
• This model of examination is for you as the end of your current semester. This examination allows you
to write answer from your own place of residence. Follow the following instructions without fail.
• Do not write your name in the answer-sheet(s)
• All the answer-sheets should be sent to college through your approved email in which you have
received your question paper.
• Do not write questions in the answer-sheet but mention clearly the question number.
• All the scan/photos of answer-sheets should be clearly visible. Any blur scan/photo will not be
considered for evaluation. Responsibility lies with the students to make sure that scan/photos of the
answer-sheet are of readable quality.
• Leave 1 inch margin on each side of the answer-sheet.
• Clearly mention your Roll no, subject, program, semester, page number at the right-top of each page as
instructed by the Office of the Examination Management.
• Make sure that you send your answer-sheets within the given time. Any email received after the given
time will not be acceptable.
• You are strictly advised to write with your own handwriting and that you are not using any unfair
means to answer the questions.
• Do not consult during the examination period to any other person in answering the questions.
• Do not post any pictures of taking examination or your answer-sheets in any social-media. Found that
may be taken action from University.
Group A:
Group A: (Case Study)
Compulsory Question. 1×15=15
1. Case: Mr. Suraj, is a chartered accountant from Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN).
He was elected as a chairperson of reputed insurance company, which was at the time second largest
insurance company in the country. During the next ten years its business increased, but it did not
grow as fast as its major competitors and the company dropped its positions from second to fifth
This worried Mr. Suraj and board of directors of the company. The board of directors made details
study about the problems and finally conducted that the lack of leadership in the sales of both
ordinary life policy and group life insurance were the major cause of the company's comparative slow
progress. It was also conducted that the two directors in charge of sales in these two major areas of
business were not competent leaders.
Mr. Suraj called two directors and asked them to ensure strong leadership at the district level or else
suspend their jobs. As these two directors left the meeting with the chairperson, one director told the
other, now, just how do we make people leader? How can we be sure whether or not a person is a
leader? You know this is a tough job. Read the above case carefully and answer the following
(a) What are the main reasons of failure insurance policy of the company?
(b) Explain the measures to be taken to develop leadership skills.
(c) Who is responsible in the failure of the company? Write your opinion.

Group B: (Long Answer Type Questions)

Answer TWO questions. 2×10=20
2. What is organization behavior? Explain the different contributing discipline to the field of
organizational behavior.
3. What is learning? Explain the different theories of learning.

Contd. ...

4. What are the various sources of conflict in an organization? As a successful manager, what do you
apply to manage conflict in the organization?
Group C: (Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer FIVE questions. Q. (10) is Compulsory. 4×5+(5×1)=25
5. Explain the challenges and opportunities of organizational behavior.
6. Describe the Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory of motivation.
7. How does the biological foundation of behavior help in understanding the individual behavior?

8. What is organizational structure? Discuss the key elements of organizational structure.

9. What is leadership? Explain the managerial grid approach of leadership.
What is organizational change? Explain the role of leaders in the change process.
10. Answer the following questions in a single sentence.
(a) Organizational Development
(b) Perception
(c) Personality
(d) Power
(e) Work Design.

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