Drug Study Magnesium Sulfate
Drug Study Magnesium Sulfate
Drug Study Magnesium Sulfate
Generic name: Mild: 1 g Magnesium is Used for Contraindicated to pts CNS: weakness, BEFORE ADMINISTRATION
Magnesium Sulfate intramuscularly the second most immediate control with allergy to Consumer information use and
dizziness, fainting, disclaimer.
(IM) every 6 plentiful cation of life-threatening magnesium products;
Brand name: hours for 4 of the convulsions in the heart block, myocardial sweating (PO) Use magnesium sulfate during
Concept Ob, Suprep doses intracellular treatment of pregnancy only in LIFE-
damage, abdominal pain,
THREATENING emergencies
Bowel Prep Kit, fluids. It is severe toxemias nausea, vomiting, or CV: palpitations when no safer drug available.
Tandem Plus, Tis-U- Severe: 5 g essential for the (pre-eclampsia other symptoms of Positive evidence of human fetal
sol intravenously activity of many and eclampsia) of appendicitis; acute GI: Excessive bowel risk.
(IV) over 3 enzyme systems pregnancy and in surgical abdomen, fecal Assessment
Classification: hours and plays an the treatment of activity, perianal
impaction, intestinal and History: Hypersensitivity
Therapeutic: important role acute nephritis in biliary duct obstruction, irritations to drug
Antidysrhythmics, Maintenance: with regard to children. Also Hepatitis Check expiration date.
V 30-60 neurochemical indicated for Do not give during 2-hr Metabolic: Do not give magnesium sulfate to
mg/kg/day IV transmission and replacement preceding delivery patients with abdominal pain,
hypermagnesemia and nausea and vomiting
Pharmacologic: muscular therapy in because of the risk of toxicity in patients with
Electrolytes excitability. magnesium magnesium toxicity to
Magnesium deficiency, the neonate. renal failure.
sulfate reduces especially in Discontinue if hypersensitivity
striated muscle acute occurs.
contractions and hypomagnesemia Monitor serum magnesium levels.
blocks accompanied by Monitor knee-jerk reflex
peripheral signs of tetany Monitor bowel function, if diarrhea
neuromuscular similar to those of and cramping occur, discontinue
transmission by hypocalcemia. usage.
reducing Also used in
acetylcholine uterine tetany as a
release at the myometriat AFTER ADMINISTRATION
myoneural relaxant. Discontinue drug and notify
junction. physician if S&S of
Additionally, hypersensitivity occurs.
inhibits Ca2+
influx through
channels. This
accounts for
much of its
relaxant action
on vascular
smooth muscle.