766 Series: Surface Mount Resistor Network
766 Series: Surface Mount Resistor Network
766 Series: Surface Mount Resistor Network
Telecom Infrastructure Edge Routers Network Attached Storage
Optical Networking Internet/Network Security Switches
Wireless Networks Storage Area Networks RAID Controllers
766 Series Resistor Networks are single packaged devices containing an array of homogeneous resistor elements.
CTS network designs provide a smaller circuit footprint, excellent reliability, improved TCR tracking and resistor
tolerance matching; while helping to save placement costs by reducing application component count.
Ordering Information
N um ber Res i s tor Res i s tor RoHS
Model Schem a ti c Pa cka g i ng
of Pi ns Code T ol era nce Com pl i a nt
766 16 3 103 G P T R7
Code Pin Count Code Resistor Value * Code Compliance Code Packing
14 14 Pins 103 10k ohm P RoHS Blank Slide Pack
16 16 Pins * See Addendum for TR7 Tape & Reel, 7"
Standard EIA Values TR13 Tape & Reel, 13"
Code Schematic Type Schematic Types 1 & 3 Schematic Type 5 Schematic Type 7
1 Bussed Circuit Code Tolerance Code Tolerance Code Tolerance
3 Isolated Circuit G ±2% [std] Blank ±2% F ±1 LSB
5 Dual Terminator Circuit F ±1% D ±0.5 LSB
7 Ladder Circuit D ±0.5% [LSB = Least Significant Bit]
J ±5% 2
1. No dashes or spaces to appear in part number.
2. Not supported per PCN ECP-3200029. Use code "G" as standard platform tolerance.
N ot a l l perf orm a nce com bi na ti ons a nd res i s tor va l ues m a y be a va i l a bl e.
Conta ct your l oca l CT S Repres enta ti ve or CT S Cus tom er Servi ce f or a va i l a bi l i ty.
This product is specified for use only in standard commercial applications. Supplier disclaims all express and implied warranties and liability in connection with any use of this
product in any non-commercial applications or in any application that may expose the product to conditions that are outside of the tolerances provided in its specification.
Environmental Parameters
Maximum MIL-STD-202
Test Test Description
Delta R [%] Method
Thermal Cycle 0.50 107 Condition B 5 cycles -65°C to +125°C
Short Time Overload 0.50 2½ times rated working voltage for 5 seconds [100V maximum]
Moisture Resistance 0.50 106 240 hours, 0.1 rated load, -10°C to +65°C, 90% RH
Load Humidity 1.00 1,000 hours, 0.1 rated load, +70°C, 85% - 92% RH
High Temperture Exposure 1.00 240 hours @ +125°C, no load
Load Life 1.00 108 Condition F 2,000 hours @ +70°C, rated load
Resistance to Solder Heat 0.25 30 seconds @ +218°C, dwell
Mechanical Shock 0.25 213 Condition I 100g, 1m second, 3 shocks each plane
Vibration 0.25 204 Condition D 20g, 10Hz - 2,000Hz, 4 houes per plane
Terminal Strength 0.25 0.9kg pull, 30 seconds; two 45° bends
Low Temperature Storage 0.25 24 hours @ -65°C, no load
Low Temperature Operation 0.25 45 minutes @ -65°C, full load
Flammability N/A 94V-0
Non-Fungus Pass --- MIL-STD-810C
Resistance to Solvents Pass Isopropyl alcohol, Freon TMC
Solderability Pass RMA Flux, +230°C, 5 seconds dip, 95% coverage
Mechanical Specifications
Package Drawing
"A" Dimension
mm inch
14 Pin 8.65 ±0.10 0.340 ±0.004
16 Pin 9.90 ±0.10 0.390 ±0.004
Marking Information
1. 766 – Product Series.
2. zz – Pin count, 14 or 16.
3. S – Schematic type, 1, 3, 5 or 7.
4. xxxx – Resistance value code, 3 or 4 digits.
5. T – Resistor tolerance code; G, F or D. Leave blank for Schematic Code 5.
6. P – RoHS compliant.
7. – Pin 1 identifier.
8. CTS – Manufacturer.
9. YYWW – Date Code: YY – year, WW – week.
1. Lead Co-Planarity - 0.10mm maximum [0.004in.].
2. General Tolerances - ±0.25mm [±0.010in.].
3. Lead termination (e1). Barrier plating is nickel [Ni] with tin/silver/copper [Sn Ag Cu] finish.
4. Reflow conditions per JEDEC-J-STD-020; +260°C maximum, 30 seconds.
Tape and Reel Information
Reel Diameter 14 Pin 16 Pin Reel Diameter 14 Pin 16 Pin
180mm [7"] Package Package 330mm [13"] Package Package
Parts Per Reel 800 800 Parts Per Reel 3,000 3,000
Pitch 8mm 8mm Pitch 8mm 8mm
Carrier Width 16mm 16mm Carrier Width 16mm 16mm
Material Plastic Plastic Material Plastic Plastic
1. See Ordering Information for packaging code indicator.
Plastic Tube
14 Pin 16 Pin
Slide Pack
Package Package
Tube Length 508mm 508mm
Parts Per Tube 56 49
Standard EIA Codes and Resistor Values – E-24 [3-Digit Resistor Code for G, F & D Tolerances]
000X 1 0 680 68 511 510 392 3,900 303 30,000 224 220,000
100 10 750 75 561 560 432 4,300 333 33,000 244 240,000
110 11 820 82 621 620 472 4,700 363 36,000 274 270,000
120 12 910 91 681 680 512 5,100 393 39,000 304 300,000
130 13 101 100 751 750 562 5,600 433 43,000 334 330,000
150 15 111 110 821 820 622 6,200 473 47,000 364 360,000
160 16 121 120 911 910 682 6,800 513 51,000 394 390,000
180 18 131 130 102 1,000 752 7,500 563 56,000 434 430,000
200 20 151 150 112 1,100 822 8,200 623 62,000 474 470,000
220 22 161 160 122 1,200 912 9,100 683 68,000 514 510,000
240 24 181 180 132 1,300 103 10,000 753 75,000 564 560,000
270 27 201 200 152 1,500 113 11,000 823 82,000 624 620,000
300 30 221 220 162 1,600 123 12,000 913 91,000 684 680,000
330 33 241 240 182 1,800 133 13,000 104 100,000 754 750,000
360 36 271 270 202 2,000 153 15,000 114 110,000 824 820,000
390 39 301 300 222 2,200 163 16,000 124 120,000 914 910,000
430 43 331 330 242 2,400 183 18,000 134 130,000 105 1,000,000
470 47 361 360 272 2,700 203 20,000 154 150,000
510 51 391 390 302 3,000 223 22,000 164 160,000
560 56 431 430 332 3,300 243 24,000 184 180,000
620 62 471 470 362 3,600 273 27,000 204 200,000
1. Include "X" in tolerance code.
Dual Terminator Resistor Values [Schematic 5 - 4-Digit Resistor Code]
The 766 Series part number includes the EIA Code value of the Thevenin equivalent resistances of R1 and R2.
The Thevenin equivalent resistance is calculated using the following formula; REQ = R1*R2/(R1 + R2).
Thevenin CTS Thevenin CTS Thevenin CTS Thevenin CTS
R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2
Equivalent Resistor Equivalent Resistor Equivalent Resistor Equivalent Resistor
[ohms] [ohms] [ohms] [ohms] [ohms] [ohms] [ohms] [ohms]
[ohms] Code [ohms] Code [ohms] Code [ohms] Code
22 50 15 150A 118 178 71 710A 240 620 173 171C 680 1,500 468 471A
25 50 17 170A 120 120 60 600B 250 250 125 131B 715 240 180 181B
30 50 19 190A 120 150 67 670C 260 162 100 101G 750 750 375 381A
30 620 29 290A 120 180 72 720A 270 130 88 880B 750 2,300 566 571A
33 680 31 310A 120 200 75 750B 270 180 108 111C 780 390 260 261A
33 4,700 33 330A 120 220 78 780B 270 270 135 141A 820 560 333 331B
36 620 34 340A 121 195 75 750C 270 470 171 171A 1,000 1,000 500 501A
38 125 29 290B 122 253 82 820A 271 131 88 880A 1,000 1,500 600 601B
43 620 40 400A 130 210 80 800A 330 220 132 131D 1,000 2,000 667 671A
47 68 28 280A 133 154 71 710B 330 330 165 171B 1,000 2,200 688 691A
47 270 40 400B 150 150 75 750A 330 390 179 181A 1,000 3,300 767 771A
65 90 38 380A 150 180 82 820B 330 470 194 191A 1,100 820 470 471B
68 189 50 500B 150 1,000 130 131E 330 680 222 221A 1,100 2,200 733 731A
75 620 67 670A 160 240 96 960A 330 3,900 304 301A 1,200 1,200 600 601A
80 220 59 590A 160 260 99 990A 360 390 187 191B 1,500 1,500 750 751A
81 130 50 500A 160 270 100 101D 360 600 225 231A 1,500 3,300 1,031 102A
81 220 59 600C 160 440 117 121D 360 720 240 241B 2,000 1,000 667 671B
81 330 65 650B 162 260 100 101B 390 620 239 241A 2,000 2,000 1,000 102B
81 2,200 78 780A 180 220 99 101A 400 200 133 131F 2,200 3,300 1,320 132A
82 120 49 490A 180 240 103 101F 400 600 240 241C 2,200 4,400 1,467 152A
82 130 50 500D 180 270 108 111A 470 330 194 191C 2,200 5,600 1,579 162A
83 128 50 500C 180 300 113 111B 470 680 278 281C 3,000 2,000 1,200 122A
95 156 59 590B 180 390 123 121A 470 940 313 311A 3,000 6,200 2,022 202A
100 75 43 430A 180 470 130 131C 470 1,000 320 321A 3,300 4,700 1,939 192A
100 82 45 450A 182 245 104 101E 500 500 250 251A 3,900 3,300 1,788 182A
100 100 50 500E 200 100 67 670D 510 760 305 311B 4,400 2,200 1,467 152B
100 150 60 600A 200 270 115 121C 560 390 230 231B 4,700 4,700 2,350 242A
100 175 64 640A 200 1,500 176 171D 560 820 333 331A 4,700 22,000 3,873 392A
100 200 67 670B 220 220 110 111D 560 910 347 351A 5,000 5,000 2,500 252A
100 220 69 690A 220 270 121 121B 560 1,000 359 361A 6,800 22,000 5,194 522A
100 430 81 810A 220 330 132 131A 620 820 353 351B 10,000 20,000 6,667 672A
106 169 65 650A 220 470 150 151A 620 910 369 371A 10,000 51,000 8,361 842A
110 91 50 500F 220 1,800 196 201A 660 990 396 401B 50,000 100,000 33,333 333A
110 220 73 730A 240 170 100 101C 680 1,000 405 401A 360,000 390,000 187,200 194A
1. Resistor tolerances are ±2%.
2. Suffix letter in CTS Code has no significance, assigned in sequential order.