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Moderator Scripts and Additional Information About Zoom Platform

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Moderator Scripts and Additional Information about Zoom

Please review the template script below for your specific type of session during the 76th Annual
Conference, then scroll to the end of the document for additional information about the Zoom
platform and information for all Moderators.

Moderator Script for Live Paper Sessions

Important Notes to Remember:
- Live Paper Sessions will be in a Zoom webinar format.
- Start the meeting following the guidance in the Presenter and Moderator Guidelines. In
particular, visit the page of the session you are moderating on the main schedule or in
My Agenda. Click on Manage, then Start Meeting, which will launch the Zoom meeting
application for you and all the presenters and put you into a Zoom Green Room.
- Click on the “Live Transcript” button and “Enable Auto Transcription.” Attendees will
have the option to hide the Live Transcript themselves, if they choose.
- One minute before the session is scheduled to begin, attendees will be able to enter the
Zoom room, but will not actually see you and the presenters until you click "Start
Webinar/Broadcast." When you click "Start Webinar/Broadcast" on a webinar, attendees
will be able to see and hear you and the presenters and the recording of the session will
automatically begin. DO NOT click "Start Webinar/Broadcast" until you are ready to be
recorded, and have attendees be able to see and hear you. Plan to click “Start
Webinar/Broadcast” about one minute before the scheduled start time of the session.
o Warning: Make sure that once you click “Start Webinar/Broadcast,” you see the
blinking red dot that says "Recording." Even though the session has been set to
auto-record, if you don't see the red dot blinking, the session is not recording.
Please click “Record” and “Record to Cloud” if it is not already on. Do NOT select
“Record to Computer.”

Good Morning / Good Afternoon!

My name is ______________ and I will be moderating this live paper session. This is the
__<SESSION NAME>___ session and the presenters are ________ (include all presenter

Before we begin, I have a few housekeeping notes:

• Today’s session is being recorded to be available for viewing post-conference.
• I have also enabled “Live Transcript” for the meeting today. If you wish to hide the “Live
Transcript,” you may click on the “Live Transcript” button, then “Hide Subtitle.”
• If you have any questions for the presenters, please use the chat feature in this Zoom
webinar. You can also submit a question via the chat feature on the conference platform for
this session for presenters to answer after this session.
• If you have any technical questions, please reach out directly to me via the chat function or
use the “Pathable Support” option, located either in the top bar of the conference platform
called “Need Help? Get Support” or under the “Connect” menu. You can also email
[email protected] for help.
• Each presenter today will have a total of 15 minutes for their presentation. If one of our
presenters completes their presentation before their 15 minutes is up, there may be time for
a question from attendees. However, we will hold most questions until the end of the
session and I will then read questions out loud for the presenters to answer, as time permits.

Now, let’s please welcome our first presenter, ________. (Read their 1-2 sentence bio you have
obtained, then the presenter begins)

You will need to verbally announce time limits for each presenter.
• <PRESENTER NAME>, you have 5 minutes left
• 1 minute-warning
• <PRESENTER NAME>, Please wrap up (end of time).
• If the presenter talks for more than 1 minute beyond their presentation time, please
thank the presenter for their contribution and encourage them to go to the last slide.

Thank you for that excellent presentation. If you have questions for _____ (presenter name),
please add them in the chat and we’ll be able to answer some of them during the Q&A at the
end. Any questions we can’t get to can be answered in the chat feature in the conference
platform for this session or you can connect with the speaker one on one through a private
message or meeting.

Introduce each presenter individually ahead of their presentation.

Wrap-Up: Thank you to all our presenters today and thank you for attending this session. If you
have additional questions for presenters, you can ask them in the chat feature in the conference
platform for this session and presenters may answer you or you can connect with the speaker
one on one through a private message or meeting. Be sure to visit the exhibit hall to talk with
our sponsors and exhibitors. Enjoy the rest of the AAPOR Annual Conference!

Moderator Script for Live Q&As

Important Notes to Remember:
• Live Q&As will be in a Zoom meeting format.
• Speakers and attendees are not automatically muted when they first join, so please ask
them to mute or you can mute them with your presenter rights. You can also go into the
“Participants” widget on the Zoom tab, and there will be three buttons to select at the
bottom (“Invite”, “Mute All” or and “…”. Clicking on the “…” will show an option to “Mute
all participants upon entry”). Click on “Mute all attendees upon entry”, then “Continue.”
• Live Q&As for each prerecorded session will take place for the last 30 minutes of the 2-
hour session. As a moderator for the live Q&A, you do not need to be monitoring the
session for the full 2 hours. You are only responsible for moderating the 30-minute live
• For live Q&A, the meeting will automatically start and open to attendees one minute
before the scheduled start time of the session (once you have started the meeting and
opened the green room, per the Presenter and Moderator Guidelines). This will happen
without you needing to open up the live Q&A.
• As moderator, you are responsible for making sure that the Live Q&A is recorded. Once
the live Q&A is about to begin (within one minute of start time), click on the Record
button then select “Record to Cloud.” Do NOT select “Record to Computer.” If you don't
see the red dot blinking, the Live Q&A is not recording.

Good Morning / Good Afternoon!

My name is ______________ and I will be moderating this Live Q&A. This Live Q&A is for the
___<SESSION NAME>_____ session.

Before we begin, I have just a few housekeeping notes:

• Today’s Live Q&A is being recorded to be available for viewing post-conference.
• I have also enabled “Live Transcript” for the meeting today. If you wish to hide the “Live
Transcript,” you may click on the “Live Transcript” button, then “Hide Subtitle.”
• If you have questions for the presenters, you may raise your hand and turn on your
microphone and ask them out loud or use the chat feature in this Zoom meeting and I will
read your question out loud. You can also submit a question via the chat feature on the
conference platform.
• If you are not asking a question, please keep yourself muted during the Live Q&A.
• If you have any technical questions, please reach out directly to me via the chat function or
use the “Pathable Support” option, located either in the top bar of the conference platform
called “Need Help? Get Support” or under the “Connect” menu. You can also email
[email protected] for help.

Now, let’s please welcome our presenters. As I read your name, please raise your hand or wave
so that we know who you are. (Read presenters names and the title of their presentations)

If you would like to ask a question, please raise your hand. I will call on you to ask the question.
Please identify yourself and the presenter to whom you would like to ask the question. You can
also put your question in the chat. (Call on questioners in the order they appear. Help moderate
questions coming through, reading any questions that come through the Zoom chat out loud
and periodically checking the chat function in the session within the conference platform to read
any questions out loud. You may want to also have some questions prepared for presenters in
case there is a lull in questions).

With 3 minutes left in the Live Q&A: There is time for one more question.

Wrap-Up: Thank you to all our presenters today and thank you for attending this Live Q&A. If
you have additional questions for presenters, you can ask them in the chat feature in the
conference platform for this session and presenters may answer you or you can connect with
the speaker one on one through a private message or meeting. Be sure to visit the exhibit hall to
talk with our sponsors and exhibitors. Enjoy the rest of the AAPOR Annual Conference!

Moderator Script for Round Tables:

Important Notes to Remember:
• Live Round Tables will be in a Zoom meeting format.
• Speakers and attendees are not automatically muted when they first join, so please ask
them to mute or you can mute them with your presenter rights. You can also go into the
“Participants” widget on the Zoom tab, and there will be three buttons to select at the
bottom (“Invite”, “Mute All” or and “…”. Clicking on the “…” will show an option to “Mute
all participants upon entry”). Click on “Mute all attendees upon entry”, then “Continue.”
• For Round Tables, the meeting will automatically start and open to attendees one minute
before the scheduled start time of the session (once you have started the meeting and
opened the green room, per the Presenter and Moderator Guidelines). This will happen
without you needing to open up the Round Table.
• As moderator, you are responsible for making sure that the Round Table is recorded.
Once the Round Table is about to begin (within one minute of start time), click on the
Record button then select “Record to Cloud.” Do NOT select “Record to Computer.” If
you don't see the red dot blinking, the Round Table is not recording.
• Some may start with presentations. Others may start with open discussion. Connect with
the speakers in your Round Table to see how they would like to format the Round Table.

Good Morning / Good Afternoon!

My name is ______________ and I will be moderating this Round Table, ___< ROUND TABLE

Before we begin, I have just a few housekeeping notes:

• Today’s Round Table is being recorded to be available for viewing post-conference.
• I have also enabled “Live Transcript” for the meeting today. If you wish to hide the “Live
Transcript,” you may click on the “Live Transcript” button, then “Hide Subtitle.”
• If you have questions for the presenters, you may raise your hand and turn on your
microphone and ask them out loud or use the chat feature in this Zoom meeting and I will
read your question out loud. You can also submit a question via the chat feature on the
conference platform.
• If you are not asking a question, please keep yourself muted during the Round Table.
• If you have any technical questions, please reach out directly to me via the chat function or
use the “Pathable Support” option, located either in the top bar of the conference platform
called “Need Help? Get Support” or under the “Connect” menu. You can also email
[email protected] for help.

Depending on Round Table format, either introduce presenters all at the beginning or introduce
them one at a time if they are each giving a brief presentation and read their 1-2 sentence bio
you have obtained.

With 3 minutes left: There is time for one more question.

Wrap-Up: Thank you to all our presenters today and thank you for attending this Round Table. If
you have additional questions for presenters, you can ask them in the chat feature in the
conference platform for this Round Table and presenters may answer you or you can connect
with the speaker one on one through a private message or meeting. Be sure to visit the exhibit
hall to talk with our sponsors and exhibitors. Enjoy the rest of the AAPOR Annual Conference!
Important Notes for all Moderators:
• Zoom chats will not be saved after sessions, Live Q&As or Round Tables. The chat
feature in the conference platform for each session will be open throughout the entire
• Please plan to end your meeting on time. However, all Zoom meetings and webinars will
allow for a 10-minute grace period if your session goes a bit over time. After the 10-
minute grace period, the session will automatically end.

Differences between Zoom Meetings and Zoom Webinars inside the AAPOR Conference

Feature Zoom Meetings (Live Q&As Zoom Webinars (Live Paper

and Round Tables) Sessions)
Entering • Session will become live • Session does not become live
Session one minute before until Host clicks the “Broadcast”
scheduled start time (and button
attendees will enter)
Recording • Recording does not • Recording is set to start
automatically start and automatically once Broadcast
must be pressed by button is clicked.
Moderator or Speaker.
Please select “Record to
Audio • All participants can • Only the Host and Speakers
mute/unmute their own can mute/unmute their own
audio audio
• Host can mute/request to • Attendees join in listen-only
unmute all participants mode
• Host can set all • The Host can unmute one or
participants to mute upon more attendees as necessary
entry (when they raise their hand to
ask a question, for example)
Video • All participants can see • Hosts and Speakers can see
each other in the gallery each other (and attendees can
(although attendees have see them as well); attendees
the option to turn off their cannot see each other and
cameras) Host/ speakers cannot see
Screen • All participants have the • Only Host and speakers can
Sharing ability to share screens share their screen
• Host is able to control who
is allowed to share,
Participant List • The participant list is • The participant list is visible
visible to all participants Hosts and panelists only
Chat • In-meeting chat available • In-meeting chat available to all
to all participants in both participants in both Zoom and
Zoom and conference conference platform
Q&A • Not available in Meetings, • Not available in Webinars,
however the Chat function however the Chat function can
can be used for this be used for this purpose
Non-Verbal- • Raise Hand/Lower Hand • “Raise Hand” only
Feedback • Yes
• No
• Go slower
• Go faster
• Agree
• Disagree
• Clap
• Need a break
• Away
Polling • Not available • Not available
Breakout • Available in Meetings • Not available

Troubleshooting List from Pathable:

In case any presenters or attendees have technical issues and reach out to you, please refer to
the list below. You can also direct them to the “Pathable Support” option, located under the
“Connect” menu in the upper right hand corner of all the pages on the conference platform. You
can also email [email protected] for help.

User can see video, but Check to see if they are in Safari or Firefox. These are
has no audio not supported browsers. Try using Google Chrome,
Microsoft Edge or Mozilla FireFox. If still not working, tell
them to contact Pathable support

User cannot see video, Tell them to install Zoom at https://zoom.us/download

or hear audio and try the link again.

User has logged in but Check that they are in the agenda page and understand
isn't seeing the events how to access the events.

Start broadcast button is If it's a Zoom Meeting, the meeting will start
missing automatically without any further steps necessary
Speaker can't join green 1) Check they're using the recommended system
room requirements (i.e. using a supported browser) & have
Zoom installed;
2) If they're still having trouble, click on the “need help?
Get support” button in the conference platform or reach
out to [email protected] and we can help them access the
green room.

Start Live Broadcast No issue here, but webinar will start and begin
button was hit before recording.

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