Script & Petunjuk Moderator ICLIQE 2022

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Petunjuk Moderator Parallel Session

1. Pukul 11.00 Panitia Moderator Parallel Session mendownload file PPT

tiap ruangan di google drive pada link berikut:
2. Pukul 11.00 Panitia yang menjadi Moderator di Parallel Session
mengambil makan siang terlebih dahulu kemudian saat masuk waktu
dzuhur segera Sholat.
3. Pukul 12.30 semua moderator harus sudah standby di ruangan parallel
session masing masing.
4. Moderator melakukan setting background di aplikasi ZOOM Meeting
menggunakan gambar yang telah disediakan (File ada di Drive
5. Pastikan mute tab whatsapp Anda
6. Moderator harus klik tombol Record di aplikasi ZOOM Meeting
sebelum memulai Parallel session.
7. Pukul 13.00 Parallel session dimulai. Moderator membuka parallel
session dan membacakan rules (file print out ada di map). Pastikan
saat hendak berbicara microphone dalam keadaan aktif.
8. Pukul 13.10 presentasi pertama dimulai. Moderator bertugas untuk
mempersilakan peserta melakukan presentasi dan mencatat
pertanyaan peserta lain yang ada di fitur chat pada aplikasi ZOOM
Meeting. Daftar pertanyaan ini nantinya akan dibacakan saat sesi
Tanya jawab.
9. Moderator harus selalu mengingatkan waktu presentasi (8 menit
presentasi dan 4 menit Tanya jawab).
10. Penting, Parallel session dibagi 2 sesi presentasi. Setelah selesai 1
sesi, moderator hendaknya menyampaikan kalimat penutup sesi 1
dan dilanjutkan sesi 2. (penutupan diadakan di akhir sesi 2 di ruang
11. Moderator memberikan closing statement saat semua sesi presentasi
sudah selesai.
12. Setelah selesai parallel session tiap room, silahkan unggah file
recording ke drive masing-masing room pada link berikut
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Hello, good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen
First of all, let us thanks to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to
come here, to join this parallel session.
Well, secondly, Let me introduce my self. My name is .................. as moderator and here
Mr / Ms ............ as operator in Parallel Session ROOM ……(berapa) in The 6th
International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2022)
Ladies and Gentlemen, before we continue to the next schedule, I would like to read the rules
of Parallel Session, Listen carefully and if you have questions don’t be hesitate to ask me ☺
(rules baca dr slide yg dishare saja agar sesuai dengan tayangan)

The Rule of parallel session:

Each presenter must be in the virtual room throughout the session.
One presentation is allocated 12 minutes, with 8 minutes for the presentation and 4 minutes
for the Question & Answer session. Presenters have to close the presentation strictly within
8 minutes.
Presenters are expected to share the presentation screen independently. However, if
there are problems related to connection, the share screen will be assisted by the committee
Session chairs need to strictly control the start and closing times of each session. During
your presentation, the session chair will give you notification via zoom chat two times
(indicating that your time allocation is coming to an end) :
First notification: TWO minutes presentation time remaining
Second notification: time is over; finish your sentence and STOP your presentation
The Question & Answer session :
Participants give questions through chat that will be read by chair or directly unmute your
microphone. But please ask the Chair’s permission first.
If there is some trouble with the connection or the technical from the presenters, it will be
skipped and will be continued by the next presenter. The skipped presenter can present the
manuscript at the end of each session in each room.

Well, any question? Please raise your hand or write on the chat column.
Okay everyone, I would like to invite the first speaker for this session, please welcome (Prof/
Dr/ Mr/ Mrs) ......, Please unmute your microphone. Thank you ☺
*Peringatan waktu
2 minutes left. (Tergantung keadaan)
.*Peringatan waktu habis,
Well, time is up
(No matter what just stop him/her)
Thank you, (Prof/ Dr/ Mr/ Mrs) ......
Well ladies and gentlemen, now we are come to the opinions, Questions and Answers
Session. Here we have 5 minutes for that session,
For all participants, before that please raise your hand or write on the chat column, and don’t
forget to mention your name. Any Questions maybe? (Pertanyaannya bisa variatif kok,
terserah moderator aja enaknya gmana)
Please Mr/ Mrs Questioner have you satisfied with the answer?
Okay, because the time is up, Thank you so much (Prof/ Dr/ Mr/ Mrs) ......for being the first
Well, next turn is for the second speaker, please welcome (Prof/ Dr/ Mr/ Mrs) ......... Don’t
forget to unmute your microphone, the time is yours.
.*the next speaker .... sampai seluruh participant habis
Ladies and gentlemen, finally, we are now at the end of session ONE and I would like to
apologize if I have mistakes in my wording. I will close this session. Thank you for your
And now we will continue the next parallel session (Session TWO)
(Kembali lagi ke awal dengan membacakan rules sebelum memulai session TWO)


Ladies and gentlemen, finally, we are now at the end of parallel session and I would like to
apologize if I have mistakes in my wording.
Again, Thank you so much for all participants.
We as moderator and operator for today’s parallel session will sign off, that’s it from us, and
see you in The 7th International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality
Education (ICLIQE 2023)
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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