Operating Instructions C: Digital Competencies and Online Education

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Operating instructions c
Development Center

digital competencies
and online education
Download the program from the official website of the service

Your program is first on the list!
1. After downloading, find the download file on your computerZoomInstaller.exe(With icon -
a white video camera on a blue background) in the “Downloads” section and run it to
install the program

2. In the case of a telephone, after you pressed the button"Download"the program

loads and the “Open” button appears after the process is completed
3. In both cases, after loading, the “White Camera in a Blue Circle” program icon will appear
on the desktop. Click this icon
4. A window will appear in which you will be asked to “Enter the conference”, “Log in”. You
choose"Sign in"and click “Register for free”.
Or you can log in using your Google (Gmail), Facebook or SEB account.
5. After registration, you will receive an email from the system to confirm your
account. Go to your mailbox and find it
6. As soon as you confirm your registration, an account activation window will automatically
open where you can set your password. Remember that the password must contain upper
and lowercase letters and numbers. There are hints there. If they are red, then the password
needs to be changed until the system is satisfied
7. Next you will be asked to invite friends. You can skip this step. Like the next one with the
proposal to start the first conference
8. On this page with a proposal to start the first conference there will be a 10-digit code.
Remember it. This is a permanent code for the “Personal Conference Room”, which is
assigned to you from now on.

9. You can close the site. Authorization was successful

After logging in, the main dialog box appears as shown below. The default tab is
• View the type of account used to log in
• Press"New conference"to start a video conference
• Press"To come in",to join a conference that has already started
• Press"Schedule"to set up a future conference
• Press"Screen demonstration"to start screen sharing in a Zoom Room after entering
your sharing key or meeting ID
Method No. 1
This method is used before the start of the conference.
• In the menu at the top, find the “Contacts” button and click on it
• The add contacts menu window opens.
• And you can add participants to the planned conference either by clicking on “Add
participant” and entering the email address of the invited person.
• Or in the contact list, find the right people with whom you are already “friends” in the ZOOM
system and click on their avatars
Method No. 2
Can be used even when you have started the conference and you have a working area with video
1 – “Invite”
This is the main button for inviting participants to your conference while the program is
already activated. Click on it and you will see a window described below (starting from point
2 – “Manage participants”
Next to this button there is always a number indicating the number of participants who are
live in the online conference room. If you want to view the list, then click on this button and
another field will appear next to the screen on the right, where there will be a list and where
you can see the activity (raised hands)
3 – “Record”
The organizer has access to the function of recording a meeting. It may be available to other
participants if you allow it in your settings. After the meeting ends, a window will appear on
the computer screen showing the video conversion speed. Wait until the process is completed
and do not disconnect the Internet. Then you can find the recording on your computer in a
special folder
After you click on button 1 - “Invite” the following window will open
4 – “Invite by email”
You can select the option of sending an email message from the options presented (5)
and send an invitation. The invitation text is copied using buttons 6 and 7
6 – “Copy URL”
When you click this button, a very short version of the invitation is copied, which consists of only
one line with a link, like this https://zoom.us/j/5979753536. If your friend has the Zoom program
on his computer or phone, then he will only need to click on this link to be in a virtual
conference room and in touch with you

7 – “Copy invitation”
- This is a long text with many different options for how a person can join the
- You can send both texts 6 and 7 by email or paste into a dialogue in any
8 – “Invite to contact list”
If you want to invite people you already know who are “friends” in your system, you can click
on button 8 and select from the list of friends that opens
9 – Conference number
Each conference is assigned a number
– When registering, you are assigned a permanent personal number of the “Personal
Conference Hall”. You can use it to communicate with people you know on an ongoing
– If you open a conference with strangers or for one time, then the room is assigned a new
number each time, which is valid until the end of the conference. This is what is sent to
people in the invitation if you have invited them to a conference that has already started. This
number does not need to be copied. It will automatically be inserted into the invitation
generated when you press buttons 6 or 7.
There are several options for joining a conference (webinar, talk, etc.) that someone else
has hosted
Via contact list
1. The conference organizer from the Zoom system sends you a “friend” invitation to the email
you provide to him
2. If you accept the offer, then you will be on the organizer’s “Contact List” (and he/
she will be on yours)
3. As soon as a scheduled or newly created meeting starts, the organizer clicks on your name in
the list and an invitation is sent to you in real time

4. If you have the ZOOM program turned on at this moment, then somewhere on the
computer or phone screen the invitation appears as a pop-up window (or a message appears
in the Zoom menu)
5. You click on the invitation and the conference window opens and you are already in online
Using the ZOOM menu
1. The organizer sends you the number of the scheduled conference
2. You open the Zoom menu and click on the “Login” button (the icon with a plus sign in the center
on any gadget)
3. A panel opens in front of you, where you enter the 10-digit conference code and your
name, which will be displayed in the “Participants” section.
4. Click “Login” and you are already online at the conference
Via messenger
1. The organizer has the opportunity to send you an invitation using any messenger
(WhatsApp, Viber, Vkontakte, etc.)
2. Once the organizer has scheduled the event, he sends a message to you. The system sends
you complete instructions with links to enter, by clicking on which you can be online at the
conference at the specified time
3. The invitation will be long, but at the end there will be a link like this that you click on

4. The invitation can only consist of a link without long text

When you log in, the working panel of the ZOOM service will open in front of you.
You will see everyone who is currently at the conference

1 – “Mute”
With this button you can turn your microphone on and off.
According to an unspoken rule, if someone speaks on air, the rest of the participants turn off the
microphone. This is due to the fact that even if you are silent, mouse clicking, any noise in your
room, etc. audible to all participants. The more participants there are, the more background noise
there may be.
Your microphone can be turned on or off by the conference organizer.
Next to this button is a checkmark pointing up. When you press it, a menu drops down where
you can configure your microphone
2 – “Stop video”
The button is similar to the previous one. You can use it to turn your camera on and off.

But there is a difference. The host can turn off your camera, but cannot turn it on. When he
decides to reconnect you to the conversation and turns on your camera, you will be asked
for permission.
3 – “Screen sharing”
This function can be used either if you organized the conference yourself, or with the
permission of the organizer. It allows you to switch and show all participants the screen of your
computer or gadget (presentation, document, etc.). This may be necessary during a
brainstorming session, meeting, or interactive training. As soon as the screen turns on, an
additional menu appears that will allow you to draw, place arrows, move the mouse, etc.
Explore these possibilities for yourself
4 – “Chat”
This button allows you to open a chat window and write there during the session. The function is
similar to that in webinar rooms. This is useful if you are not yet participating in an active discussion
and your video is not displayed on the screen. I would like to ask a question
5 – “End conference”
With this button you can leave the conference (talk, training, meeting). If you are the organizer,
you can simply leave the “conference room”, giving others the opportunity to communicate for
a while, or you can close the conference to everyone

Why does the organizer have the right to connect and disconnect participants? It happens that
there are more participants than the work area can accommodate windows. Therefore, only those who
are currently actively participating in the conversation can be seen in the work area. The rest are “in the
shadows”. That is. They are present, they see everything, they can ask a question in the chat, but not by
voice from the screen. If the organizer needs to add new participants to an active discussion, then he
disconnects (or asks to disconnect) participants who have already spoken and connects new ones. For
example, you
To get attention you can"Raise a hand"
6 – “Raise your hand”
In order to “Raise your hand” and draw attention to yourself, you need
– Enable “Chat”, as described in step 4. A chat field will appear on the right side of you
– At the very bottom you can see two buttons “Mute my sound” and “Raise your hand”
– If you need to mute yourself so as not to disturb others while you are not participating in a
live discussion, do so here
– If you want to attract attention, click on “Raise your hand”
– As soon as you do this, the organizer will have a palm icon appear in front of your name and avatar
on the “Participants” panel. And as soon as he can he will give you the floor and display your image
on the screen if you are not there already

All! Congratulations! You're ready to use ZOOM!

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