Company Profile Pt. Lobunta Kencana Raya

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PT. Lobunta Kencana Raya (Lobunta PT. Lobunta Kencana Raya (Lobunta
Group) berdiri sejak 1977. Group) was established since 1977.
Bergerak di bidang Jasa Kontraktor, Engaged in Contractor, Mining, Property,
Pertambangan, Property, Grosir & Retail, Wholesale & Retail, authorized Distributor
Distributor resmi Pelumas Pertamina, of Pertamina Lubricants, Stone Cruiser,
Stone Cruiser, Ban & Spare Part, Restoran, Tires & Spare Parts, Restaurant, Online
Online Shop, dll. Shop, etc.
PROFILE Menjadi Distributor resmi pelumas Became authorized distributor of Pertamina
Pertamina sejak tahun 1991 dengan nomor
PT. LOBUNTA KENCANA RAYA C 705106, membidangi pelumas
lubricants since 1991 with C number
705106, in charge of Pertamina lubricants,
Pertamina, meliputi : Pelumas Industri, including: Industrial Lubricants, Heavy
Heavy Equitment, Transportasi, Perkapalan Equitment, Transportation, Shipping etc.
Visi "Providing the best service"
“Memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik”
General Informasi General Information Mission Bersih Clean
1. Established in : Misi "With the spirit and hope of full responsibili- Dikelola secara profesional, mengacu
1. Berdiri : Professionally managed, refers to
January 27, 1973 “Dengan semangat dan harapan yang ty, become one of the line of business in standar perusahaan. Menjunjung tinggi
27 Januari 1973 company standards. Upholding trust and
(CV. Lobunta) (CV Lobunta) penuh tanggungjawab, menjadi salah satu one Group is growing, progressing and kepercayaaan dan integritas serta integrity and guided by the rules and
line bisnis di satu Group yang berkembang, prosperous." berpedoman pada tata tertib dan aturan regulation of the company.
30 September 1977 September 30, 1977 maju dan sejahtera.” perusahaan.
(PT. Lobunta Kencana Raya) (PT Lobunta Kencana Raya)
Kompetitif Able to compete, encourage the quality of
2. Bergerak dibidang : 2. Engaged in the :
Mampu berkompetisi, mendorong human resources, build a conscious
Distributor resmi Pelumas Pertamina, Authorized Distributor of Pertamina
pertumbuhan kualitas sumber daya culture, work culture and appreciate the
Jasa Kontraktor, Jasa Pertambangan, Lubricants, Contractor Services,
manusia, membangun budaya sadar, kultur yield.
Property, Grosir & Retail, Mining Services, Property,
Wholesale & Retail, Stone Cruiser,
kerja dan menghargai hasil kerja.
Stone Cruiser, Ban & Spare Part,
Restoran, Online Shop, dll. Tires & Spare Part, Restaurant,
Online Shop, etc. Fokus Pada Pelanggan Customer Focus
3. Qualifikasi : Berorientasi pada kepentingan pelanggan Customer-oriented and committed to
B (Besar) 3. Qualification: dan berkomitmen untuk memberikan providing better service to customers.
B (Large) pelayanan yang lebih baik kepada
Komersial Creating value added with a commercial
Menciptakan nilai tambah dengan orientasi orientation, make decisions based on
komersial, mengambil keputusan

sound business principles, toward a
berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip bisnis yang thriving and growing Company.
sehat, menuju Perusahaan yang
berkembang dan maju.
Berkemampuan One of the growing line of business in the
Salah satu line bisnis yang berkembang group, being the synergy of a powerful
dalam group, menjadi sinergi sumber source of strength. Managed by leaders
kekuatan yang tangguh. Dikelola oleh and professional staff with high technical
pimpinan dan staff professional yang talents and mastery, and able to create
memiliki talenta serta penguasaan teknis turnover and customer growth.
tinggi, dan mampu menciptakan
pertumbuhan omzet dan pelanggan.

Kualitas dan Kwantitas asli Pertamina, karena
Quality and Original Quantity of Pertamina,
Lobunta Lubricants adalah Distributor resmi
because Lobunta Lubricants is an authorized
Pelumas Pertamina dengan nomor keagenan C

Distributor of Pertamina Lubricant with agency
number C 705106.
Dengan kemampuan produksi dari Pertamina
The highly reliable production capability of
yang sangat handal di 4 lokasi LOBP (Jakarta,
Pertamina in 4 LOBP locations (Jakarta, Cilacap,
Cilacap, Surabaya dan Gresik),maka kami sebagai
Surabaya and Gresik), we as authorized distributor
distributor resmi pelumas Pertamina memberikan
of Pertamina lubricants provide a consistent
jaminan supplai secara kontinyu sebagai bentuk
supply guarantee continuely form our commitment
komitmen kami dalam pelayanan ke konsumen.
to customer service.
Didukung armada kami yang selalu siap dan
Supported by our ever-ready and adequate fleet,
memadai, serta tenaga pengiriman yang handal,
as well as reliable shipping staff, we has given
Kami memberikan pelayanan tepat waktu.
accurately service. In order to creation of good
Sehingga terciptanya hubungan kerjasama yang
cooperation relationship.

GUDANG KAMI Dalam memberikan pengetahuan pelumas dan
pelumasan, kami dan Pertamina selalu siap
In offering lubricant and lubricant knowledge, we
and Pertamina are always ready to provide
Product Fundamental Training. Appropriate
OUR WAREHOUSE memberikan Training Fundamental Produk. Sesuai
kebutuhan konsumen.
consumer needs.
Sebagai Distributor resmi Pelumas Pertamina dengan Nomor Keagenan C 705106,
memasarkan pelumas Pertamina, meliputi : RECOMMENDATION OF LUBRICANTS
Always ready to provide information and technical
Selalu siap memberikan informasi dan layanan
1. Heavy Duty Diesel Oils services to consumers, in selection of appropriate
teknis ke konsumen, dalam pemilihan pelumas
lubricants for Industrial machines and equipment.
2. Automatic Transmission Oil & Manual Transmission Oil yang tepat untuk mesin dan peralatan Industri.
As a form of cost efficiency, still refers to the
3. Circulating Bearing & System Sylinder Oil Sebagai wujud efisiensi cost, tetap mengacu pada
manual book and rules of use.
4. Industrial Engine Oils & Marine Engine Oils manual book dan aturan penggunaan.
5. Natural Gas Engine Oils TECHNICAL SERVICES
6. Industrial Compressor Oils, Gear Oils, Hydraulic Oils & Turbine Oils Reliable Engineer and Technical Support Team,
Engineer dan Team Technical Support yang
7. Heat Transfer Oils & Grease both Pertamina and Lobunta Lubricant, are always
handal, baik Pertamina maupun Lobunta
ready to follow up in breaking down technical and
Lubricant, selalu siap meindaklanjuti dalam
mechanical issues on Industrial machinery and
memecah persoalan teknis dan mekanis pada
equipment related to technology and lubrication
mesin dan peralatan Industri yang berkaitan pada
teknologi dan keahlian di Pelumasan.
OUR PRODUCT “Oil Clinic” adalah Laboratorium yang dimiliki oleh
principal kami, sebagai tempat pengujian pelumas
"Oil Clinic" is a Laboratory that is owned by our
principal, as a place of testing oil lubricants use.
Accurate service form knowing the superiority and
uses oil. Bentuk layanan yang akurat mengetahui
quality of lubricant, so that consumers know the
keunggulan dan kwalitas pelumas, agar konsumen
condition of lubricant after usage.
mengetahui kondisi pelumas setelah pemakaian.

As an Authorized Distributor of Pertamina Lubricant with No Agency C 705106,

marketing of lubricants Pertamina, including:

KEGIATAN KAMI 1. Heavy Duty Diesel Oils

2. Automatic Transmission Oil & Manual Transmission Oil
OUR ACTIVITY 3. Circulating Bearing & System Sylinder Oil
4. Industrial Engine Oils & Marine Engine Oils
5. Natural Gas Engine Oils
6. Industrial Compressor Oils, Gear Oils, Hydraulic Oils & Turbine Oils
7. Heat Transfer Oils & Grease

Jl. Jatiwaringin No.26, Pondok Gede, Bekasi

(021) 848 0520, 849 94214
(021) 848 0521 (fax)
[email protected] PT. LOBUNTA KENCANA RAYA

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