Urci Road

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Transportation Research Record I I 06

A Method for Rating unsurfaced Roads

R. A. EAToN, S. GEnenD, ANDR. S. Derrn-o

A method for rating the surface condition and drainage of reviewing past and current maintenance practices, and identi_
unpaved roads has been developed, and a field manual has been
fying and conducting field surveys of unsurfaced road distress
prepared to assist county, municipal, military, and township
highway agencies in managing the maintenance of such roads. Phase II consisted of a series of field surveys that were
Types of distress found in unpaved roads are categorized and
directed at validating the field manual. These surveys provided
listed in the manual. For each type of distress listed there is a the information required to define and describe the distress
description of the type and the level of severity, an illustration, types and their associated severity levels. In addition the surveys
and a measurement method. The manual also includes in_ provided the data needed to develop the deduct-values associated
structions on how to inspect unsurfaced road conditions, a field with each distress and severity level. This phase was conducted
inspection worksheet, and a family of deduct-value curves for through the cooperative efforts of the Federal Highway Ad_
the distress types and associated severity levels. The curves were
ministration (FHWA); U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Cold
validated using data gathered during seven field surveys Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Construction
throughout the United States. The surface and drainage rating Engineering Research Laboratory, and Waterways Experiment
rnethod and rnaintenance managernent strategies can be used
Station; U.S. Army Forces Command; U.S. Army Training
alone, or they can be adapted for use with any existing Command; U.S. Army Facilities Engineering Support Agency;
cornputerized pavernent rnanagernent systern (pMS). The rating
U.S. Army Engineer District, Tulsa; Town of Hanover, New
method and strategies are cornpatible with the PAVER pMS Hampshire; State of New Hampshire Department of Trans_
developed by the U.S. Arrny Corps of Engineers and the portation; Hardin County, Kentucky; Long County, Georgia;
Arnerican Public Works Association. With appropriate software
Ft. Knox, Kentucky; Ft. Stewart, Georgia; Ft. Chaffee,
rnodifications, an unsurfaced roads cornponent of the pAVBR Arkansas; Ft. Irwin, California; Ft. Lewis, Washington; and
PMS will be available for use to provide local highway agencies State of Alaska Department of Transportation. The CRREL
with a rnore cornprehensive roadway rnânagernent systern, Special Report "Unsurfaced Road Distress Measurement Field
Manual" provides more detail about phase l.
About two-thirds of the highway systems in the United States
and 90 percent of all roads worldwide are unsurfaced or lightly
surfaced low-volume roads. No single, recognized management PROJECT BACKGROUND
system is being used to effectively maintain these roads. The
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the American public Works The Phase I development ofthe unsurfaced roads field condition
Association, and others have developed pavement management rating method and manual was funded through the FHWA
systems (PMSs) for use on paved roads. These pMSs cannot Rural Technical Assistance Progam (RTAP). The research
currently be used for unsurfaced roads. An unsurfaced road study work has been conducted as ..RTAp project No. 29:
component that can stand alone or be used with any of these Revising the PAVER Pavement Management System for Use
PMSs would provide local highway agencies with a compre_ on Unpaved Roads." A concise description of the RTAp
hensive roadway management system that would be more program and how the study originated follows.
suitable for their needs. The U.S. Congress appropriated funding for RTAp beginning
The research effort to develop a method for rating and in 1982. The program is focused on roads, bridges, and public
managing the maintenance of unsurfaced roads has been transportation in rural areas. It is mainly aimed toward county,
divided into three phases: phase I, field manual development; municipal, and local agency personnel. Under the program!
Phase Il, field validation and deduct-value model development; several RTAP centers were established, primarily at institutions
and Phase Ill, method implementation and development of of higher learning. Through these centers, local agency training
PMS software-compatible packages. Only phases I and II are is completed and transfer of new technology by various other
addressed in this paper. means is also accomplished.
Phase I consisted of the development of a field manual for The PAVER PMS was developed by an unsurfaced roads
rating the condition of unsurfaced low-volume roads. Mainte_ component of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and the
nance management practices employed by townships, the American Public Works Association (ApWA). It was suggested
military, and municipal, county, and state governments were to FHWA by the Vermonr Local Roads program (VLRp),
used to develop this rating system. The effort also focused on which is the RTAP center at St. Michael's College in Winooski,
Vermont. The VLRP RTAP cenrer had been assisting local
agencies with implementation of the COE-APWA PAVER
PMS, and found that it, as well as others, did not include
provisions for unpaved roads. Several local agencies indicated
Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering that having an unpaved roads component in the pAVER
l:j: Pi!"^;J-S.
t¿ Lyme Road, Hanover, N.H.03755_1290. S. Gerard]
Technology Corp_oration, p.O. Box I27, Hanover, N.H. system would be helpful because this category of roads
03755. R. S. Dattilo, Federal iTig-hway Adminisrration, ftRf_lfj, O¡OO constitutes a major portion of the roadway system they were
Georgetown Pike, Mclean, Va.12l0i. responsible for maintaining. They also agreed to work on a

project to develop this component. Based on the VLRP c Roughness: This term refers to the ride quality of an
su$gestion and evidence of local agency need and support for unsurfaced road.
such a project, the Phase I effort to develop a method and c (Jnsurfaced Road Condition Index (URCI): This index is
manual for rating the field condition of unpaved roads was a numerical indicator, based on a scale of 0 to 100, that
initiated in cooperation with the COE. To ensure compatibility measures the road's operational condition; it corresponds to the
of the developed method and manual with the COE-APWA PCI (pavement condition index) in the PAVER management
PAVER PMS, the COE Construction Engineering Research system.
Laboratory (CERL), which originally developed the PAVER o Inspection: As used in this manual, "windshield" inspec-
system, was also asked to participate in the study' A prototype tions consist of driving the full length of an unsurfaced road at
rating method and manual were developed, and the need to 25 mph (the speed may be higher or lower depending on road
validate them under actual field conditions was recognized. conditions or local practice) in a pickup truck to determine the
As a result of the Phase I study, the Phase II field validation overall surface and drainage conditions four times a year (once
effort was approved and initiated. The Phase II work was each season). Relative surface condition ratings and drainage
jointly funded through an extension of RTAP Project No. 29 problems can be noted for all unsurfaced roads within the
and by contributions from several U.S. Army agencies. An military installation, town, county, or city limits. General
executive steering committee was formed by the principal estimates of maintenance needs and priorities can be made from
funding agencies to coordinate the work activities in Phase II. this initial inspection.
This committee included representatives from the U.S. Army's o Measuremenls: Measurements are the collection of
Facilities Engineering Support Agency, Forces Command, detailed data on the roadway's surface and drainage conditions
Office of the Chief of Engineers, Training Command, and by highway personnel. After the initial inspection ride, a

Corps of Engineers research laboratories (CERL, CRREL, and representative I 00-ft section of road is selected in which actual
WES), and the Federal Highway Administration. A representa- measurements of distresses are taken. The measurements are
tive of the Vermont Local Roads Program, RTAP Ceçter, was needed to develop the numbers for the URCI. The section
also a liaison member. The actual field validation was pÉrformed should be permanently marked so that future measurements
at military installations and nearby areas. The selected sites will be taken in exactly the same location.
represented the varying unpaved road soil and surface aggregate o Deduct-Values'. As used in PAVER, the deduct-value is a
conditions, environmental conditions, and degrees of mainte- number from 0 to 100, in which 0 indicates that a particular
nance provided. The sites were located in Kentucky, Georgia, distress has no impact on road conditions, and 100 indicates an
Oklahoma, Arkansas, New Hampshire, Vermont, California, extremely serious distress that causes the road to fail. Deduct-
Washington, and Alaska. Field condition rating panels con- values for each distress and severity level are presented in this
sisting of representatives of the military installations and local paper.
areas have used the Phase I prototype method and manual to c Delphi Panel: A Delphi panel is a group of experts on a
ensure that the unpaved road distress types, severity levels, and subject who are brought together to discuss and document an
deduct-value curves are accurate and repeatable. A final field area of concern.
manual, including final curves, is being published as the
CRREL Special Report mentioned earlier. The COE Army
Technical Manual 5-623, Pavement Maintenance Management,
published in 1982, will be modified to include unsurfaced roads.
The field condition rating manual was developed by ac-
complishing the following tasks:
o Conducting an extensive literature search on the design,
The- following are the statements and definitions used in the construction, operation, and maintenance of unsurfaced roads;
development of the manual: o Convening a series of workshops using the Delphi panel
technique, in which the panel is predominantly composed of
Pavemenî Management: Differences exist between paved unsurfaced road experts from New England;
and unpaved or gravel roads. This is primarily because of o Conducting discussions with local, state, federal, and
the short life span of gravel roads compared to paved roads. university personnel; and
Long-term planning for a paved road would be 5 to l5 years, ¡ Conducting a number of on-site field trips to survey
whereas for a gravel road it would be I to 2 years. unsurfaced road distress problems, how these problems manifest
o (Jnsurfaced Road Management'. An unsurfaced road is themselves, and what maintenance strategies are used to
any road that does not have Portland cement concrete, asphalt combat them.
concrete, or any other surface treatment. The normal mainte-
nance of unsurfaced roads consists of blading with a road First, an extensive review was conducted of available pub-
grader. Unsurfaced road management is based on a dynamic lished information on operations and maintenance practices,
situation in which road conditions change significantly bet\ryeen maintenance management systems, construction and design,
one grading or blading and the next. Blading or grading should and traffic volumes and loads of unsurfaced low-volume roads.
be conducted three or four times a year, and planning or The literature search included a thorough review ofdocuments,
scheduling should be done on an annual basis. reports, manuals, and fact sheets prepared by a wide spectrum
o Distess: Distress signifies any undesirable condition of of organizations, including the Transportation Research Board,
an unsurfaced road. Use of this term maintains compatibility the Federal Highway Administration, the U.S. Department of
with PAVER. Agriculture Forest Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Transportation Research Record I I 06

Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, the New road surface, water draining or running along the road surface,
Hampshire Department of Transportation, the U.S. Army lack ofa crown on the road, or road surface erosion caused by
Facilities Engineering Support Agency, the American public water runoff.
Works Association, and the Vermont Local Roads program.
These documents provided a good background for the Delphi
panel workshops and ensured that the rating and maintenance Severity Levels
management system developed for unsurfaced roads was
compatible with existing methods, procedures, and systems. L-Small amounts or evidence of ponding water on the road
Based on this review, it became apparent that this effort was not surface or a completely flat road surface (no cross_slope), or
duplicating previous or ongoing efforts, and that it was
worthwhile. M-Moderate amounts or evidence of ponding water on the
Three Delphi panel workshops were held with New Hampshire road surface or a bowl-shaped road surface, or both.
and Vermont local and state highway agency personnel. The H-Large amounts or evidence of ponding water on the road
purpose of the workshops was to prepare a preliminary draft of surface or severe depressions in the wheel paths on the road
the distress rating aird identification manual to be used in the surface, or both.
Phase II field validation work. The Delphi technical panel
accomplished this task, and the results of its efforts were
documented in an interim, unpublished project report. In
addition, the panel brought up and discussed many other topics
Improper cross-section is measured in linear ft per 100_ft
related to construction, operation, and maintenance of un_
section from outside shoulder break to outside shoulder break.
surfaced roads. These three workshops provided the major
Different severity levels can exist within rhe 100-ft sample unit.
contributions to the manual. They provided the background
A maximum of I00 linear ft can be measured.
information on how unsurfaced roads are currently being
The deduct-values are shown in Figure L
maintained; identified and categorized the unsurfaced road
distresses; identified some economic, political, and social
problems; and outlined the information that should be in the
Roadside Drainage
Another major goal of the workshops was to present the
information so that it could be readily understood by highway
personnel and help them maintain their roads and conduct their
Poor drainage causes water to pond. Drainage problems occur
budget reviews.
when ditches and culverts are not in the proper condition to
adequately direct and carry runoff water. This condition is
evidenced by overgrown or debris-filled ditches, ditches that
have not been properly shaped or maintained, water running
across or down the road, and areas in which the ditches have
The Phase I field manual identified six unsurfaced road begun to erode into the roadway.
distresses and two drainage-related distresses, each with a
separate index. As a result of the phase ll field validation, the
manual was modified by combining the two indices so that it Severity Levels
currently lists the following seven distresses:
L-Small amounts of:
. Impropercross-section, o Ponding'water or evidence of ponding water in ditch,
¡ Roadside drainage, and
¡ Corrugations, . Overgrowth or debris in ditch.
o Dust,
o Potholes, M-Moderate amounts of:
o Rutting, and o Ponding water or evidence of ponding water in ditch,
o Loose aggregate. . Overgrowth and debris in ditch, and
¡ Evidence oferosion ofditch into shoulder or roadway.
Each of the following sections is structured to provide a H-Large amounts of:
description of the type of distress, definitions of its severity o Ponding water or evidence of ponding water in ditch,
levels, and instructions on how to measure both the distress and . Water running across or down road,
its severity level. The accompanying figures depict the deducG . Overgrowth and debris in ditch, and
curves for each of the seven distresses. o Erosion of ditch into shoulder or roadway.

Improper Cross-Section

Description Drainage problems are measured in linear ft per I00-ft section

parallel to the road centerline, from the outside shoulder break
Improper cross-section is the result of the road surface not perpendicular to and away from the road. It is possible to have a
being properly shaped or maintained to carry water to the maximum of 200 linear ft of roadside drainage distress.
ditches. This condition is evidenced by water ponding on the The deduct-values are shown in Figure 2.



- to 20 30
Density (%)
FIGURE I Deduct-value curves for irnproper cross-section.



v to 20
Densily (%)
FIGURE 2 Deduct-value curves for roadside drainage.

Corrugations H-Corrugations deeper than 3 in or high-severity roughness,

or both.
Corrugation, also known washboarding, is a series ofclosely
spaced ridges and valleys or ripples that occur at fairly reguiar
Corrugation is measured in square feet of surface area per
intervals. The ridges are perpendicular to the traffic direction.
1O0-ft-long section. It must not exceed the total area of the
This type of distress is usually caused by traffic action and loose
10O-ft-long section.
aggregate. These ridges usually form on grades or curves, in
The deduct-values are shown in Figure 3.
areas of acceleration or deceleration, or in areas in which the
road is soft or potholed.

Severíty Levels Description

L-Corrugations less than I in deep or low-severity roughness, The abrasive action of traffic on unsurfaced roads eventually
or both. loosens the larger aggregate particles from the soil binder. As
M-Corrugations I to 3 in deep or medium-severity roughness, traffic passes, dust clouds create a danger to trailing or passing
or both. vehicles and cause significant environmental problems.
38 Transporørion Research Record I 106



o2040 60
Densi t y (%)
FIGURE 3 Deduct-valu€ curves for corrugations,

Severity Levels Average Dianteter

MaximuntDepth <1/i .t-2 li 2-3.ft > 3 li
Normal traffic produces the following levels of severity:
Il2-2in L LMM
L-Thin dust that does nor obstruct visibility, 2-4in L MHH
M-A moderately thick cloud that partially obstructs visibility 4in+ M HHH
and causes traffic to slow down, or
H-A very thick cloud that seve-rely obstructs visibility and If the pothole is over 3 ft in diameter, the area should be
causes traffic to significantly slow down or stop. determined in square feet and divided by 5 ltz to find the
equivalent number of holes.

Dust is measured by driving a vehicle at 25 mph and observing
the dust cloud; the dust is estimated to be thin, moderately Potholes are measured by counting the number that are of low,
thick, or very thick. medium, and high severity in a 100-ftJong section and recording
Dust is not rated by density. The severity of the distress is them separately by'severity level.
determined by the size of the dust cloud generated by traffic and The deduct-values are shown in Figure 4.
the reduction in visibility caused by the dust.
The deduct-values for the levels of severity are as follows:
Low 2 points
Medium 5 points Descripf ion
High t5 points
A rut is a surface depression in the wheel path. Rutting is caused
by a permanent deformation in any of the road layers or
Potholes subgrade. It results from repeated traffic loads, especially when
the road is soft. Significant rutting can lead to major structural
DescrÌption failure of the road.

Potholes are small, bowl-shaped depressions in the road surface

that are usually less than 3 ft in diameter. Their growth is Severity Levels
accelerated by free moisture collection inside the hole. potholes
are produced when traffic abrades small pieces of the road L-Ruts less than I in deep or low-severity roughness, or both.
surface. The road then continues to disintegrate because of M-Ruts I to 3 in deep or medium-severity roughness, or both.
loosening surface material or weak spots in the base or H-Ruts deeper than 3 in or high-severity roughness, or both.

Rutting is measured in square feet of surface area in a 100-ft-
The levels of severity for potholes under 3 ft in diameter are long section. The total square feet ofrutting must not exceed the
based on both the diameter and the depth of the pothole total area of the 10O-ft-long section.
according to the following table: The deduct-values are shown in Figure 5.



DensitY (%)
FIGURE 4 Deduct-v¡lue curves for potholes.



ô 20 40
Density (%)
FIGURE 5 Deduct-value curves for rutting'

Loose Aggregate M-Moderate (2 to 4 in) aggregate berm on shoulder or less-

traveled roadway area; excessive fines are usually found on the
Description roadway surface.
H-Large (greater than 4 in) aggregate berm on shoulder or
The abrasive action of traffic on unsurfaced roads eventually less-traveled roadway area.
loosens the larger aggregate particles from the soil binder. This
leads to base aggregate particles on the road surface or shoulder
of the road. Traffic moves loose aggregate particles away from Measurement
the normal road wheel path and forms berms in the center or
along the shoulder ofthe roadway or less-traveled area, parallel Loose aggregate is measured in linear ft in a 1O0-ft-long section
to the road centerline. parallel to the road centerline.
The deduct-values are shown in Figure 6.

Severity Levels
L-Loose aggregate on the road surface or an aggregate berm
on the shoulder or less-traveled roadway area of less than 2 in, Based on the workshops, the relative importance ofeach type of
or both. distress was established. This information was used to develop
Transportation Reseørch Record I 106



Density (%)
FIGURE 6 Deduct-value curves for loose sggregate.

the deduct-values for each type of distress and the associated are measured. If a pavement management system for paved
severity levels for the initial field validation survey at Ft. Knox roads is being used, the same procedures can be followed for
and Hardin County, Kentucky. unsurfaced roads. If the pAVER pMS is being used, the
The initial field validation survey team was composed of specifications in Army Technical Manual 5-ó23, mentioned
eight members. Twelve 100-ft road sections were selected for earlier, should be followed. Once this has been accomplished,
evaluation and measurement. Each member of the team rated road condition data can be obtained and the URCI of each
the section according to the Unsurfaced Road Condition Index section can be determined.
(URCI) as follows: A windshield inspection and detailed distress measurements
are both performed for unsurfaced roads. A description of the
0-25 Poor recommended inspection and distress measurement procedures
25-50 Fair
75- I 00 Excellenl Unsurfaced road inspections should be made from inside the
road agent's vehicle at 25 mph. The inspector should drive the
Field evaluation surveys were then conducted at Ft. Stewart full length of each unsurfaced road, and note any surface
and Long County, Georgia; southeastern Oklahoma; Ft. distresses and drainage problems. These inspections should be
Chaffee and northwestern Arkansas; central New Hampshire made four times a year, once during each season. However,
and Vermont; Ft. Irwin and southern California; Ft. Lewis, detailed distress measurements necessary to compute the URCI
Washington; and central Alaska from Anchorage to prudhoe are not required every year. These field measurements should be
Bay. taken between l5 August and l5 September in order to compare
In addition to the original URCI estimate, each team member ratings from one year to the next. This time period is based on
was required to assess the distresses in each section. These conditions in New England and may vary for other parts of the
distresses were used to compute ratings based on the deduct_ United States. It is the time of the year in which roads in New
values. Based on both the ratings and the distress measurements, England are in the best and most consistent condition from year
new adjusted deduct-values were developed that resulted in the to year.
least difference between the computed and estimated ratings. Measurement sample units should be 100 ft long, and the
These adjusted deduct-values were used to compute ratings at number of samples measured per section depends on the length
subsequent field validation surveys. The mean difference be_ of the section. Two sample units per mile of unsurfaced road
tween the estimated and the computed ratings was _0.1 point. generally are sufficient.
The average dispersion of any road section among the team Data collected during the distress measurements are used to
members was approximately 6.0 points. These differences in the calculate the URCI, which is based on deduct-values. As was
estimated and computed ratings are extremely small considering previously stated, a deduct-value is a number from 0 to 100, in
the significant differences in the locations, soil conditions, which 0 indicates that the distress has no effect on the road
composition of the survey teams, and road conditions. condition and 100 indicates that the road has completely failed.
A sample of the inspection sheets that were developed to The URCI of a sample unit can be calculated by the following
conduct the unsurfaced road measurement surveys is shown in simple, five-step procedure:
Figure 7.
l. Each sample unit selected for distress measurements is
inspected and distress data are recorded on the Unsurfaced
MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES 2. The deduct-values are determined from the deduct-value
curves for each distress type and severity levet.
The unsurfaced road network must be divided into branches, 3. A total deduct-value (TDV) is computed by summing all
sections, and sample units before it is inspected and distresses individual deduct-values.

Srep¡s LAxe, Cta¡roÐ, OK¿nHonn

8r¡nch L LÉÚfE+L S¿ctior 7
Dacc Seqlc thtt ¿
Survcycd Èy F. F*ro^l Arcr of.saoplc IOO'x tb'
l. rnpropcr-crocr-;ecclol(llna¡rf eet)
2. &o¡d¡idc Drrinegc (llncrr fcct)
3. Oorrugetloar (rquerc fecc)
4. ou¡t (t¡blc)
5. Potholcr (nu¡bcr)
6. R¡¡tttûg (¡qr¡¡rc fcct)
7. Ioorc Aggreg¡ta (ll¡c¡r fcct)

IIRCI . 100- CDV '

¡6¿- 9ô = lctl

RATING - ,ry

IGURE 7 Unsurfaced road inspection.

4. Once the TDV is computed, the corrected deduct-value Step l. Each sample unit has been inspected and the distress
(CDV) can be determined from a correction curve (Figure 8). If recorded on an Unsurfaced Road Inspection Sheet (Figure 7).
any individual deduct-value is higher than the CDV, the CDV is Step 2. The deduct-values are determined from the deduct-
set equal to the highest individual deduct-value. value curves. The densities ofeach distress and severity level are
5. The URCI is computed using the relation based on a sample unit of 1,600 ft2 (shown in Figure ?).
l. For l00linearftofalow-severityimpropercross-section,
The URCI for a section is computed by taking the arithmetic the density equals
mean of all the individual URCIs of all sample units measured.
loo xloo=6.3.
2. For 100 linear ft of medium-severity roadside drainage,
A sample section called Potatoe Hill Central at Sardis Lake,
the density equals
Clayton, Oklahoma, was chosen to illustrate the determination
of the uRCl (Figure 7). loo x
Based on the previously described procedures, the URCI of loo=6.3.
Potatoe Hill Central is calculated as follows' I,600
Transportation Research Record I 106


o 90 :;

s¿ .:::l::
g 60
() 50
lrj 40
ô 30

40 50 60 90 too r20 r30 t40 t50 t60 t70 r80 r90 200


FIGURE 8 Correction curves.

3. For 100 linear ft of high-severity roadside drainage, the Step 3. A TDV is computed for the sample unit. For example,
density equals in Step2 the total deduct-value is 13+ 15+20 +2+l+4
loo x loo=6.3. Step 4. The CDV is computed. In the example in Step 2, the
r,600 TDV was found to be 73. The value of q, the number of
individual deducts the value of which is 5 or greater, is 5. Based
4. Dust has been measured as low severity. on the corrected deduct-value curve in Figure 8, the CDV is 36.
Slep 5. The sample unit U RCI is computed using the relation
5. For one pothole at low severity, the density equals URCI = 100 - CDV.lnthisexampletheURCI = 100 - 36 = 64:
the rating is good. Note that if the section being rated had had
only one sample unit, the section's URCI would also have been
I ,a loo o.l.
= 64. But if two or more sample units had been rated, the section's
r.600 URCI would have been the arithmetic mean of all of the sample
units rated.
6. For one pothole at medium severity, the density equals

I x loo=0.1.
7. For 100 linear ft of low-severity loose aggregate, the
density equals The ratings obtained using this procedure can be used to
effectively manage maintenance of unsurfaced roads. Each
loo x roo=6.3.
agency can establish critical URCI ratings that can be used to
establish a maintenance strategy. For example, a rating of 50 on
a road would require the development of maintenance action to
restore the road to a rating of75 or higher. This technique could
8. For 25 linear ft of high-severity loose aggregate, the be used as a stand-alone, or manual, pavement management
density equals
system, or it could be used in conjunction with pAVER or any
25 xloo=r.1. other automated PMS. The integration of this rating method
into PAVER would provide procedures to divide the road into
1,600 sections, conduct a road condition survey and rating, evaluate a
road, determine rational maintenance and repair needs and
Using the deduct-value curves, deduct-values can be obtained priorities, perform life-cycle costing on feasible maintenance
for all the densities computed above; these are shown in and repair alternatives, and develop manual or automated
Figure 7. systems to store and retrieve data.
Transportation Research Record I 106


A method of rating unsurfaced roads has been developed and The authors would like to thank all workshop participants,
field-validated at seven test areas across the United States from evaluation panel members, steering committee members, and
New England to Alaska. This method can be used alone to rate sponsoring agencies noted in this paper for their tremendous
unsurfaced roads, or it can be incorporated into automatic, support ofthis project. Special thanks are due to S' Alford' R'
computer-aided pavement maintenance management systems Beaucham, W. Benton, E. Blackmon, J. Glenn' R' Hauger, T'
for paved roads, such as PAVER' Houston, N. J. LeBrun, K. Leland, F. Oler, R' Stith' and W'
Manual or computer-aided PMS use of this rating method Wilkerson for their participation in the field validation phase of
should provide the data necessary for optimum allocation of this project.
resources and maintenance of unsurfaced roads in the best
possible condition for the least cost.

Pavement Management for Low-Volume

c¡nol w. Blern, Enweno G. B¡res, Jn., aNO D4VIO M. DnevlNSKY

ement M anagement Jor C ommunitíes is a manual for srnall

This paper is based on the premise that pavement management
P av
is important for low-volume roads. Although some jurisdictions
road networks. Every road agency with rnaintenance respon-
may have adequate maintenance budgets, others regularly defer
sibilities is experiencing the problern of escalating costs and
deteriorating road conditions; pavement tnanagetnent is a part of their maintenance program because of inadequate
solution. However, tnany stnaller cotnmunities do not have the funding. The costs ofdeferring maintenance are significant and
resources to irnplernent the pavernent tnanagernent rnethods should be addressed in the process ofbudgetingfor maintenance
offered in an abundance of literature on the subject' Sotne activities. Furthermore, ranking road maintenance projects
rnethods require extensive data. Others require the use of a systematically, with the goal of minimizing long-term mainte-
cornputer. Most involve a significant amount of tirne to nance expenditures, is essential in cases in which a budget
understand the rnethodology and collect data, or a considerable
shortfall exists. A description is provided ofwork performed by
investrnent in outside services' The goals of the rnanual the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) (Boston) in
response to a need among member communities to formalize
discussed in this paper are to introduce local oflicials and
highway superintendents to the concept and benefits of pave- the pavement management Process'
rnent rnanrgement, and to distitl the extensive work of others After it was recognized that limited resources were available
into a sirnplified approach to pavernent rnanagernent' The for such an activity, a simplified manual was developed to
alternatives begin with a basic, stripped'down rnethod, suitable demonstrate how to document maintenance needs and program
for situations that dernand a quick turn-around with a rninimutn needed improvements. The manual is based on the synthesis of
of resources. The basic method is presented in detail and existing pavement management manuals and the seasoned
appropriate charts and forrns are included. Possible refinements advice of a panel whose members were drawn from universities,
are then discussed and rnodifications are offered to include consulting firms, and government' There are no new or global
additional factors or to gain precision. Available inforrnation solutions to the problems of inadequate budgets and deferred
on pavement rnanagernent software and consultants is included' maintenance, but the simple methods described offer the tools
needed to justify increased funding and to effectively spend the
Cornrnunities aÌe encouraged to adapt these rnethods to best
suit their particular needs and resources. funds that are available.


C. W. Blair and E. G. Bates, Jr', Metropolitan Area Planning.Council, Pavement management is the process of overseeing the mainte-
iiO îr"rnont St., Boston, Mass. 02lOti. D. Drevinsky, Bayside Engi-
neering, 286 Summer St , Boston, Mass. 02210 nance and repair of a network of roadways. Unfortunately,

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