Engebretson Et Al., 1985 PDF
Engebretson Et Al., 1985 PDF
Engebretson Et Al., 1985 PDF
Continental Plates in the Pacific Basin
David C. Engebretson
Department of Geology
Western Washington University
Bellingham, Washington 98225
Allan Cox
Department of Geophysics
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305
Richard G. Gordon
Department of Geological Sciences
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois 60201
@ 1985 by The Geological Society of America, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.
Engebretson, David C.
Relative motions between oceanic and continental
plates in the Pacific Basin.
Acknowledgments .................................................... v
Abstract ............................................................ 1
Introduction ......................................................... 2
The Model .......................................................... 2
Method and Assumptions ............................................. 2
Reconstructions Used to Build the Model ................................. 3
Errors and Uncertainties ............................................... 17
Motion between hotspots ............................................ 17
Errors in determining plate-hotspot motions ............................. 17
Errors in determining plate-plate motions ............................... 17
Uncertainty in the location of boundaries between
oceanic plates ................................................... 18
Summary of errors .................................................18
Reconstructions ......................................................18
Method, Data. and Assumptions ........................................18
Detailed Reconstructions ..............................................27
Present configuration ...............................................27
20 Ma (chron 6) ...................................................27
37 Ma (chron 13) ..................................................27
56 Ma (chron 25). 65 Ma (chron 29). and 80 Ma
(chron 33r) ..................................................... 27
110 Ma (Albian. middle of Cretaceous normal superchron) ................. 28
140 Ma (Berriasian. chron M14) ......................................28
Comparison with Global Circuit in the Neogene ............................29
Plate Tectonic Interpretation ...........................................29
Age and Thickness of Subducting Farallon Plate ............................29
Variations in Bathymetry Parallel to the Trench ............................32
MendocinoEscarpment .............................................34
Velocity of Convergence ..............................................34
Trajectories of Plates .................................................42
Geologic Interpretation ................................................42
Pacific-North American Convergence beginning at 5 Ma ..................... 42
Convergence and Magmatism, ..........................................44
Laramide Orogeny ................................................... 44
Appendix A-Information for Tracing the Causes of
Changes in Relative Plate Motions ................................46
Appendix B-Azimuth and Speed of the Linear Velocities
of Oceanic Platesfor North America and Eurasia ................... 50
References ...........................................................58
Grateful acknowledgment is made to Cecil and Ida Green for fellowship support to
D.C.E.; to Shell Faculty Career Initiation Funds for support of R.G.G.; to the donors of the
Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, for partial
support of this research; to the National Science Foundation for support from grants EAR
79-19712 and EAR 8 1-07702; to Gulf, Mobil, Texaco, Arco, and Aminoil corporations for
support of this project through the Stanford Circum-Pacific Tectonics Affiliates Program; to
R. B. Hart for convincing us that the spreading history south of the Mendocino Fracture Zone
should be given serious consideration;to Michel Debiche for help in checking and revising the
tables; and to Benjamin Page and George Thompson for their encouragement and criticism
along the way.
2 Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
Figure 1. Global plate tectonic model showing the links between the major plates included in our
analysis. In addition, the motion of Eurasia (not shown here) was determined from that of North
America using the record of the opening of the North Atlantic (Srivastava 1978). South America and
Antarctica rotations (not shown here) are included in the tables. PA: Pacific plate. FA: Farallon plate.
KU: Kula plate. NA: North America plate. AF: Africa plate. HOT SPOTS: Those in the Pacific and
Atlantic basins, here shown schematically, are assumed to have remained at a constant distance from
each other.
when hotspots have shifted relative to the rotation axis, hotspots Morgan's Africa-hotspot motion. The motion of Eurasia with
on one side of the globe moved toward the rotation axis and those respect to the hotspots was then determined from North Ameri-
on the other side moved away, as if the mantle as a whole were ca-hotspot motion and the Eurasia-North America reconstruc-
moving relative to the rotation axis while the hotspots remained tions of Srivastava (1978). These reconstructions, as modified by
fixed and at the same distance from each other relative to the the interpretation of Cande and Kristoffersen (1977), showed that
mantle (Morgan 1981; Gordon and Cape 1981; Gordon 1983; the anomalies Srivastava identified as anomalies 31 and 32 are
Andrews in press). On balance, hotspots appear to us to form an actually anomalies 33 and 34. The timing of initial rifting of
imperfect but still useful mantle reference frame. Eurasia-Greenland from North America (-95 Ma) was esti-
mated by extrapolating the spreading rate between anomalies 33
Reconstructions Used to Build the Model and 34 out to the ocean-continent boundary as determined by
The reconstructions used to build the model come from a The post-43 Ma Pacific-hotspot motion, that is, the motion
variety of sources. The motion of the African plate relative to the of the Pacific plate relative to the hotspots, is generally repre-
Atlantic hotspots (i.e. Africa-hotspot motion) was taken from sented by a single Euler pole (Jarrard and Clague 1977). The
Morgan (1983). The ages of these reconstructions were adjusted possibility that the Pacific plate began to move in a more north-
to be consistent with the magnetic reversal time scale of Harland erly direction several million years ago is suggested (Cox and
and others (1982), which is used throughout this paper. To obtain Engebretson 1985) by a difference between the Euler pole for the
the motion of North America relative to hotspots, the Africa-- Hawaiian trend (Jarrard and Clague 1977) and the Euler pole for
North America relative motion determined by Klitgord and oth- present plate motions, as determined from observations spanning
ers (1984 and personal communication) was combined with the past several million years (Minster and Jordan 1978). A
4 Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
TABLE 1. Sources of Euler poles used for displacement model. Age (Ma) Latitude Longityde Angle
From 1 To ON (Deg)
Age (Ma) Latitude Longitude Angle
?rom 1 To ON (Deg) PACIFIC-FARALLON N.o.M.@)
5 0 -19 2 206 5 -3.1 11
9 5 -77.9 68.0 -5.0 11
5 0 56 5 -75.1 4.7 5 17 9 -88 0 252.1 -6.5 11
28 0 66.6 -71.0 22.8 2 28 17 -80 6 245.1 -7.5 12
43 0 67 4 -70.5 33.2 2 37 28 -79.7 31.9 -13.1 12
74 0 52.2 -90.7 49.1 1 43 37 -79 7 31.9 -11.0 12
100 0 48.8 -81.6 72.1 1 48 43 -79 7 31.9 -8.0 12
115 0 53.9 -79.8 77.1 1 56 48 -77.4 358.4 -10.6 12
135 0 56 1 -77.2 86.5 1 61 56 -66.0 244.2 -3.8 12
145 0 61.1 -78.8 87.3 1 66 61 -66.0 244.2 -3.4 12
74 66 -66.0 244.2 -5.7 12
85 -66.0 244.2 -7.8 12
5 0 50.4 323.1 -1.3 6 100 85 -64.9 236.0 -13.1 12
9 0 50.4 323.1 -2.4 6 119 100 -64.9 236.0 -16.1 12
17 0 50.4 323.1 -4.5 6 127 119 -9.2 195.7 -7.4 12
37 0 46.3 43.1 -9.8 6 135 127 -9.2 195.7 -7.4 12
48 0 46.2 43.1 -12.8 6 145 135 -25.3 227.3 -5.9 12
85 0 34.7 -56.9 -22.3 6 163 145 -25.3 227.3 -11.3 12
119 0 26.0 -44.7 -31.8 6 PACIFIC-FARALLON s.o.M.^
145 0 23.9 -45.8 -34.1 6
180 0 .5 -71.4 -22.7 6 85 74 -66.0 244.2 -7.8 12
100 85 -64.9 236.0 -18.9 12
AFRICA-NORTH AMERICA 119 100 -64.9 236.0 -23.9 12
37 0 70.5 341.3 -10.4 3 127 119 -9.2 195.7 -7.4 12
66 0 80.4 -8.6 -22.5 3
85 0 77.1 -19.2 -29.4 3
119 0 66.3 -19.9 -54.3 3 43 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12
127 0 66.1 341.0 -56.4 3 48 43 -18.0 291.4 -6.5 12
145 0 66.1 341.6 -59 8 3 56 48 -18.0 291 4 -10.4 12
161 0 67.2 -16.0 -64.7 3 61 56 -18.0 291.4 -1.7 12
180 0 67.0 -12.0 -75.6 3 66 61 -18.0 291.4 -3.0 12
74 66 -18.0 29 1:4 -7.7 12
NORTH AMERICA-EURASIA 85 74 -18.0 291.4 -10.7 12
37 0 68.0 129.9 7.8 9 PACIFIC-IZANAGI I
48 0 50.8 142.8 9.8 9
53 0 40.0 145.0 11.4 9 100 85 48.0 182.7 -22.6 12
85 0 70.8 150.9 20.3 9 119 100 48.0 182.7 -27.8 12
95 0 75.7 153.8 24.2 9 127 119 48.0 182.7 -12 3 12
180 0 75.7 153.8 24.2 9 135 127 48.0 182.7 -19.1 12
145 135 14.7 267.5 -8.2 12
37 0 57.4 -37.5 -13.4 8
85 0 63.0 -36.0 -33.8 8
119 0 46.6 -31.1 -52.4 8
135 0 44.1 -30.3 -56.1 8
180 0 44.1 -30.3 -56.1 8
neianve Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates 5
TABLE 1. (Continued) probability that their pole was biased by the inclusion in their
Age (Ma) Latitude Longitude Angle analysis of hotspot tracks as old as 10 Ma. The motion of the
From 1 To O
E (Deg) Pacific plate relative to the hotspots for 43 Ma to 5 Ma was
determined using the Pacific-hotspot Euler pole of Jarrard and
Clague (1977). The 28 to 5 Ma angle was determined by requir-
123 -3.9 -27.8 45.5
145 -2.4 -32.7 55.4
ing that the Hawaiian hotspot lay beneath Midway Island at 28
Ma, its radiometrically determined age (Dalrymple and others
AUSTRALIA-ANTARCTICA 1980). The 43 to 28 Ma angle was determined by locating the
10 0 8.7 35.6 -6.7 10 Hawaiian hotspot beneath Yuryaku Guyot at the bend in the
20 0 9.0 12.1 -12.0 10 Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain at 43 Ma, its radiometri-
37 0 11.7 31.8 -20.5 10 cally determined age (Dalrymple and others 1980). The pole of
43 0 11.5 31.0 -23.6 10 motion from 74 to 43 Ma is essentially the Emperor pole of
85 0 15 37.0 -28.0 4 Clague and Jarrard (1973), adjusted slightly to provide a match
PACIFIC-ANTARCTICA at the Emperor-Hawaii elbow with our track for 43 to 0 Ma.
Our rotations for 74 to 43 Ma and from 43 to 0 Ma move Tenji
10 0 72.0 -70.0 9.8 10 'Seamount from its present location in the northern Emperor
20 0 71.3 -73.2 15.4 10 Chain to the present location of the Hawaii hotspot.
37 0 74 8 -56.9 28.0 10
For motion from 74 to 100 Ma, we used a stage pole (36ON,
43 0 75.1 -51.3 32.6 10
56 0 71.6 -57.5 40.1 10 76OW) that Epp (1978) found by fitting small circles to the three
67 0 71.7 -41.0 53.8 10 northwest-striking seamount chains north of the Hawaiian Chain.
Small circles about this pole are also a good fit both to the
INDIA-AFRICA Emperor Chain north of 50 and to the northern Line Islands,
40 0 13.3 54.1 -20.8 7 which we assume to have been originally formed in Late Cre-
50 0 12.9 45 3 -30.1 7 taceous time (Schlanger and others 1984). The rotation angle for
63 0 18 8 26.2 -38 4 7 this stage was determined by finding the angle that placed the
85 0 18.7 25.8 -56 0 7 intersection of the Line Islands and the Mid-Pacific Mountains
123 0 24.5 33.5 -59 0 7 over the present-day location of Henderson and Gordon's (1981)
145 0 29.6 36.1 -56.8 7 Easter plate hotspot (22OS, 114OW).
(1) Based on spacing of isochrons north of the Mendocino Fracture For pre-100 Ma motion of the Pacific plate relative to hot-
Zone. spots, Morgan (1972) proposed a very simple model, a single
(2) Based on spacing of isochrons south of the Mendodno Fracture stage pole located at the present north pole. The model we used
Zone. Entries other than those listed are the same as for Farallon N.O.M.
(Henderson and Gordon 1981) resembles Morgan's but is some-
what more detailed. As in Morgan's (1972) model, the Mid-
(1) Henderson and Gordon (1981); (2) Jarrard and Clague (1977); (3) Pacific Mountains are interpreted as the older continuation of the
Klitgord et al. (1982); (4) Koenig (1980); (5) Minster and Jordan Line Islands Chain, which is assumed to be a hotspot track.
(1978); point on error ellipse for Euler pole closest to equator; (6) However, the Mid-Pacific Mountains were not fit by a single
Morgan (1980); (7) Norton and Sclater (1979); (8) Sibuet and Mascle Euler stage pole (as in Morgan 1972) but by three sub-stages
(1978); (9) Srivastava (1978); (10) Stock and Molnar (1982); (11) corresponding to the west-southwest trend of the easternmost
Wilson et al. (1982); (12) this paper.
(and presumably youngest) Mid-Pacific Mountains (100-115
Ma), the northwest trend of the central portion of the Mid-Pa-
cific Mountains (115-135 Ma), and the southwest trend of the
possible consequence of this change in direction of motion can be westernmost (and presumably oldest) portion of the Mid-Pacific
seen in the trend of the chain through the islands Oahu, Maui, Mountains (135-145 Ma). These rotations are consistent with the
and Hawaii, which is rotated 5 to 10 degrees clockwise relative to interpretation that much of the Hess and Shatsky rises are the
the trend of the older islands. We do not know whether this trace of a single hotspot, active at the same time as the hotspot
change in trend is due to irregularitiesin the pattern of volcanism that formed the Mid-Pacific Mountains. The youngest pre-100
forming on a uniformly moving plate or to a recent change in the Ma segment of this hotspot track, corresponding to the eastern-
direction of Pacific plate motion. most Mid-Pacific Mountains, passes through the west-southwest
In the present analysis we have adopted the latter view and trending platform of the southern Hess Rise that lies just north of
divided the post-43 Ma motion into three stages. The motion for and sub-parallel to the Mendocino Fracture Zone. The interme-
the past 5 m.y. was based on Minster and Jordan's (1978) model diate segment of the hotspot track, corresponding to the central ,
AMI-2 for present Pacific-hotspot motion. For the present anal- Mid-Pacific Mountains, begins with Northwestern Ridge on Hess
ysis we selected a pole at the southern limit of the confidence Rise near the southwestern edge of the rise, crosses the Emperor
limit listed for the Minster and Jordan (1978) pole because of the Chain, and then joins Shatsky Rise where it meets the Emperor
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
5 -50 143 1.3 -50 143 1.3
9 -50 143 1.1 -50 143 2.4
17 -50 143 2.1 -50 143 4.5
37 -43 132 5.3 -46 137 9.8
48 -46 137 2.9 -46 137 12.7
85 -2 1 108 10.6 -35 123 22.3
119 -2 149 11.4 -26 135 31.8
145 0 116 2.6 -24 134 34.1
180 32 359 19.8 0 109 22.7
5 35 122 .5 35 122 .5
9 35 121 .4 35 122 .9
17 34 119 .8 35 120 1.8
37 32 104 30 33 110 4.7
48 51 115 3.3 40 112 7.9
66 46 91 7.9 44 102 15.6
85 41 59 6.0 46 90 21.0
119 55 21 19.3 59 63 37.4
127 40 41 2.2 59 61 39.4
145 43 52 3.5 58 59 42.8
161 41 6 13.7 59 42 54.4
180 40 7 21.4 58 25 73.8
5 -85 70 .7 -85 70 .7
9 -83 66 .5 -85 68 1.2
17 -84 67 1.1 -84 67 2.3
37 -62 77 2.6 -72 76 4.9
48 42 10 3.0 -40 38 4.1
53 36 9 2.8 -10 27 5.3
66 -8 104 4.9 -13 64 8.0
85 -30 88 5.6 -2 1 73 13.2
95 15 51 2.5 -15 70 15.2
119 55 21 13.6 21 58 21.8
127 40 41 2.2 23 57 23.8
145 43 52 3.5 26 57 27.2
161 41 6 13.7 36 45 38 2
180 40 7 21.4 42 33 57.7
5 76 320 .5 76 320 .5
9 77 322 .4 76 32 1 .9
17 76 325 .8 76 322 1.8
37 70 47 2.6 76 21 4.3
48 77 60 2.2 77 34 6.5
85 53 58 12.6 61 52 18.6
119 22 347 11.2 54 13 26.2
135 3 360 3.5 49 9 28.4
145 0 116 1.O 49 12 28.2
180 32 359 19.8 43 3 47.3
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates
TABLE 2. (Continued)
Stage Total ~econstructions(~)
Age Lat Long Angle Lat Long Angle
(Ma) ON OR (Deg) ON Peg)
5 57 285 4.7 57 285 4.7
28 69 289 18.2 67 289 22.8
43 69 289 10.4 67 290 33.2
74 22 269 20.2 52 269 49.1
100 48 299 24.0 49 278 72.1
115 68 162 8.0 54 280 77.1
135 75 273 10.0 56 283 86.5
145 24 162 7.0 61 281 87.3
180 - - - 61 281 87.3
5 33 244 5.1 33 244 5.1
9 -64 2 2.1 12 255 4.1
17 -12 299 2. 3 27 1 6.0
28 10 295 4.1 5 281 9.9
37 -58 14 7.6 -30 301 11.8
43 -60 25 7.3 4 9 317 16.6
48 -70 340 6.5 -56 319 22.7
56 -55 333 8.8 -56 323 31 4
61 -27 288 4.8 -52 318 35.3
66 -23 290 4.5 4 8 315 39.1
74 -22 293 7.4 4 4 312 45.5
85 7 316 10.9 -35 318 53.0
100 1 325 15.9 -28 324 66.3
115 -14 14 6.5 -30 328 70.8
119 -12 355 2.4 -30 330 72.9
127 -8 280 6.8 -27 327 77.2
135 -8 284 6.8 -24 324 82.1
145 2 206 1.9 -23 323 81.2
163 -28 328 11.3 -24 323 92.5
180 -28 328 10.7 -25 323 103.1
FARALLON s.o.M.(')
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
TABLE 2. (Continued)
Stage Total ~econstructions(~)
Age Lat Long Angle Lat Long Angle
(Ma) ON OE (Deg) ON (Deg)
85 - - - 27 298 80.7
100 27 246 30.1 37 288 103.6
115 * 23 229 24.8 46 278 120.0
119 23 243 6.8 47 275 125.5
127 22 246 14.1 49 269 137.3
135 17 249 20.9 50 260 154.3
145 75 276 6.9 50 262 160.5
130 - - - 56 282 84.1
135 -22 302 8.9 50 278 86.1
142 -36 285 9.8 44 272 87.3
85 - - - 51 274 58.8
100 41 107 8.9 59 280 59.8
115 9 128 18.5 78 281 56.4
119 10 131 3.8 82 280 56.5
127 9 134 7.7 89 212 57.3
135 9 138 7.7 82 115 58.9
145 5 151 11.6 71 119 62.0
163 -2 1 140 15.1 57 114 62.8
180 -2 1 140 14.3 44 112 66.4
5 67 290 4.0 67 290 4.0
9 67 289 3.2 67 289 7.2
10 67 288 .8 67 289 8.0
17 59 280 2.8 65 286 10 8
20 65 28 1 1.2 65 285 12.0
37 76 334 10.0 71 302 21.8
40 72 338 1.8 71 305 23.5
43 84 218 2 ,O 73 304 25.4
48 54 252 2.5 72 296 27.6
50 74 255 1.1 73 295 28.7
56 63 30 1 4.0 71 295 32.6
63 70 9 9.6 72 312 41.6
67 61 3 5.5 71 319 46.7
5 -87 309 0.9 -87 309 ' 0.9
9 -90 297 0.7 -87 303 1.7
17 -87 280 1.5 -87 291 3.2
37 -8 1 86 3.3 -87 76 6.5
40 -90 165 0.5 -87 78 7.0
48 -23 174 2 .O -77 166 8.0
50 -2 139 0.5 -74 161 8.1
63 59 77 1.2 -70 148 7.2
85 0 5 4.5 -65 39 7.4
119 -4 1 324 17.4 -50 339 23.1
123 -27 328 2.8 -48 338 25.7
145 3 290 8.6 -36 326 30.2
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates
TABLE 2. (Continued)
(1) Stage poles in a fixed hotspot reference frame. The rotations given are those that will restore the
plates to their positions at times shown in the left-hand column from their positions at the next youngest
times shown in the left-hand column. For example, to restore Africa from its present position to its 5 Ma
position rotate 1.3O counterclockwiseabout the pole with lat. 50Slong. 143OE. Similarly, to restore
Africa from its 5 Ma position to its 9 Ma position rotate l.1counterclockwiseabout the pole with lat.
50Slong. 143OE.
(2) Total reconstruction poles describing the rotation necessary to restore the plates from their present
positions to their positions at the times given in the left-hand column relative to a fixed hotspot frame of
reference. For example, to restore Africa to its position at 85 Ma, rotate 22.3O counterclockwise about
the pole with lat. 3S0S,long. 123OE.
(3) Elements of circuits used to calculate poles are as follows. AF, African plate. AHS, hotspots
producing tracks on Africa and North America. AN, Antarctica plate. EU, Eurasia plate. FA, Farallon
plate. IN, India plate. IZ, Izanagi plates I and 11. NA, North American plate. PA, Pacific plate. PH,
Phoenix plate. PHs, hotspots producing tracks on the Pacific plate.
(4) See note (I), Table 1.
(5) See note (2), Table 1.
Chain at -37O N. The oldest segment of this hotspot track, cor- prior to Early Cretaceous time and if all of the numerous hotspots
responding to the westernmost Mid-Pacific Mountains, trends located near the spreading ridges of the Pacific that were active in
southwestward from 37ON and 162OEto the southwest comer of the Early Cretaceous were also active during the Late Jurassic,
Shatsky Rise, which we take to be the oldest comer of the rise. then we would expect to observe Late Jurassic hotspot tracks on
In summary, from 145 to 135 Ma the Pacific plate moved to the Pacific plate now, which is not the case. Our model for the
the southwest parallel to the western Mid-Pacific Mountains. interval 180 to 145 Ma, although highly speculative, has the
From 135-1 15 Ma the Pacific plate moved northwest, parallel to virtue of making specific predictions which, when compared to
the central portion of the Mid-Pacific Mountains. From 115 to the geology of the circum-Pacific margin, may permit substantia-
100 Ma the Pacific plate moved west-southwest, parallel to the tion or refutation of the proposed model.
eastern portion of the Mid-Pacific Mountains. From 100-74 Ma The relative motion of the oceanic plates (Pacific, Farallon,
the Pacific plate moved rapidly to the northwest, parallel to the Izanagi, Kula, and Phoenix) was determined by Engebretson and
northern Line Islands and the three northwest-trending seamount others (1984a) using the magnetic lineations and fracture zones
chains just north of the Hawaiian Chain. From 74-43 Ma the shown in Figure 2. These plate-plate motions were combined
plate moved rapidly northwestward, parallel to the Emperor with the Pacific plate-hotspot motions to obtain the motions of
Chain. From 43 Ma to the present, the Pacific plate moved the oceanic plates with respect to the hotspots. The relative mo-
rapidly in a generally west-northwest direction, parallel to the tions of the Pacific and Farallon (Juan de Fuca) plates younger
Hawaiian Chain, this motion being divided into three small sub- than 17 Ma are those of Wilson and others (1984).
stages as described above. The spacing between isochrons commonly changes across
The above model allows reconstructions of the Pacific plate fracture zones in the north Pacific because of ridge jumping or
relative to hotspots back only to 145 Ma, whereas reconstructions asymmetric spreading (Menard 1984). Where this has happened,
are available back to 180 Ma for most of the major plates of the spreading rates inferred from the isochrons are not consistent.
interest. In order to develop a specific model for pre-145 Ma plate In effect, the method of analysis used by Engebretson and others
interactions that can be tested against geologic observations, we (1984a) averaged the varying spreading rates and provided error
extended our Pacific-hotspot model back to 180 Ma by conjec- estimates based on data dispersion. The determination of Faral-
turing that the Pacific plate was fixed with respect to the hotspots Ion-Pacific spreading during the Cretaceous superchron was a
between 180 Ma and 145 Ma. The rationale for this assumption special case. Data available mainly from plate segments north
was based on two lines of evidence suggesting that the Pacific and south of the Mendocino Fracture Zone imply that spreading
plate had little or no absolute motion prior to mid-Early Creta- rates are quite different, Rather than find the average, we deter-
ceous time. First, Larson and Lowrie (1976) presented paleo- mined two different rates to bracket the range of uncertainty. The
magnetic evidence, based on the skewness of magnetic lineations, resulting Euler poles and quantities derived from them are listed
that the Pacific plate moved very slowly, perhaps with clockwise in the table under "Farallon N.O.M." for the rates determined
rotation about a local Euler pole, during latest Jurassic and earli- from isochrons north of the Mendocino and "Farallon S.O.M."
est Cretaceous times. Second, it appears that the spreading centers for rates determined south of the Mendocino Fracture Zone.
surrounding the Pacific plate migrated over several hotspots in In most of our analyses we use the preferred model of Enge-
earliest Cretaceous time, yet no hotspot tracks older than earliest bretson and others (1984a), which is based on the spacing of
Cretaceous now appear on the Pacific plate. If the Pacific plate isochrons on the north side of the Mendocino Fracture Zone
had not been approximately fixed with respect to the hotspots under the assumption that spreading from 118 to 83 Ma occurred
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
5 -35 302 .5 -35 302 .5
9 -35 30 1 ,4 -35 302 .9
17 -34 299 .8 -35 300 1.8
37 -32 284 3.0 -33 290 4.7
48 -50 297 3.3 -40 292 7.9
66 -48 272 7.9 -44 282 15.6
85 -49 236 6.0 -46 270 21.0
119 -69 194 19.3 -59 243 37.4
127 -50 205 2.2 -59 241 39.4
145 -49 218 3.5 -58 239 42.8
161 -62 162 13.7 -59 222 54.4
180 -60 161 21.4 -58 205 73.8
37 -71 161 10.4 -7 1 161 10.4
66 -85 233 12.4 -80 171 22.5
85 -67 140 7.1 -77 161 29.4
119 -55 150 25.9 -66 160 54.3
127 -57 171 2.2 -66 161 56.4
145 -64 169 3.4 -66 162 59.8
161 -66 205 5.1 -67 f64 64.7
180 -60 180 11.0 -67 168 75.6
37 -68 310 7.8 -68 310 7.8
48 -6 330 3.4 -5 1 323 9.8
53 6 326 2.6 -40 325 11.4
85 -78 104 12.1 -7 1 331 20.3
95 -78 104 4.3 -76 334 24.2
180 - - - -76 334 24.2
37 21 302 4.3 21 302 4.3
66 -9 302 4.9 5 301 8.9
85 60 230 1.2 11 298 9.3
119 -57 27 1 13.3 -29 283 18.4
127 -35 272 1.8 -30 282 20.2
135 -17 289 1.7 -29 283 21.8
145 -64 169 1.9 -33 279 22.4
161 -66 205 5.1 -39 272 25.7
180 -60 180 11.0 -49 252 33.0
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates
TABLE 3. (Continued)
~1 2:;
56 -7
87 3
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
TABLE 3. (Continued)
Stage poles(^ Total ~econstructions(~)
Age Lat Long Angle Lat Long Angle
(Ma) ON (Deg) ON OR (Deg)
-- -- - - - -
85 - - - 19 285 87.3
100 4 219 31.2 30 269 103.4
115 -5 197 . 27.4 38 252 112.2
119 -1 204 7.3 40 248 116.0
127 9 206 15.2 43 240 126.4
135 9 209 21.6 45 230 142.4
145 54 188 6.1 47 230 147.8
85 - - - 32 261 59.7
100 -20 123 8.1 35 255 53.7
115 -25 Ill 20.6 43 236 37.8
119 -32 112 4.6 44 229 34.7
127 -19 112 7.9 47 211 31.2
135 -19 Ill 7.6 48 190 29.3
145 -23 121 11.9 38 162 30.7
161 -58 118 25.2 -1 137 35.1
163 -61 123 3.7 -5 134 37.0
180 -64 121 31.1 -30 121 58.8
10 60 290 7.9 60 290 7.9
20 44 282 4.1 54 286 11.9
37 65 304 9.3 59 293 21.1
40 46 310 1.5 58 294 22.5
43 62 265 1.4 58 293 23.8
50 20 261 3.4 55 285 26.4
56 24 276 3.9 52 282 29.7
63 68 309 7.7 55 287 37.1
66 60 316 3.4 55 290 40.4
67 69 314 1.2 55 290 41.5
(1) Conventions as in Table 2.
(2) See note (3), Table 2.
(3) See note (I), Table 1.
(4) See note (2), Table 1.
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates
37 -22 151 6.7 -22 151 6.7
48 -49 169 5.6 -35 157 11.8
53 -4 1 164 3.5 -37 158 15.3
66 -2 1 276 1.6 -41 164 15.2
85 17 184 1.9 -36 168 16.2
95 -26 184 . 4.3 -34 172 20.3
119 -54 182 18.3 -44 173 38.0
127 -54 202 2.2 -45 174 40.0
145 -61 202 3.4 -47 175 43.2
161 -60 233 5.1 -50 177 47.4
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
TABLE 4. (Continued)
Stage ~ o l e s ^ Total ~econstructions(~)
Age Lat Long Angle Lat Long Angle
(Ma) ON OE (Deg) ON Peg)
43 - - - 69 282 36.9
48 7 255 3.4 65 273 38.5
53 -4 238 4.1 62 263 39.8
66 21 274 13.2 51 262 50.4
74 28 267 7.6 48 261 57.4
85 51 284 13.1 48 265 70.1
95 46 277 9.4 47 266 79.4
100 23 266 3.6 46 265 82.7
115 -10 186 7.6 48 258 83.0
119 -4 213 1.6 48 256 83.7
127 41 212 3.5 49 255 86.6
135 52 211 3.5 50 254 89.7
145 -10 162 7.2 54 247 88.9
161 -59 195 13.7 50 234 82.6
180 -58 194 21.4 41 215 76.5
5 38 244 5.6 38 244 5.6
9 -57 358 1.6 27 255 4.7
17 13 298 2.6 23 271 6.8
28 24 293 5.0 23 280 11.6
37 -53 11 6.6 -6 298 11.4
43 -71 32 7.9 -38 307 14.3
48 -75 322 7.2 -50 307 20.5
53 -69 29 1 6.4 -55 303 26.6
56 -37 316 3.8 -53 306 30.2
61 -12 289 6.4 -46 304 35.1
66 -8 290 6.2 -40 304 40.1
74 -5 29 1 8.9 -33 303 47.5
85 22 309 13.2 -23 310 56.0
95 8 316 10.7 -19 313 65.3
100 -11 315 5 .O - 19 314 70.2
115 -63 336 8.6 -23 312 76.3
119 -40 322 2.7 -24 312 78.9
127 -6 264 8.0 -20 309 84.4
135 -1 269 7.7 - 17 307 90.1
145 -30 216 3.5 -16 305 90.6
161 -51 268 15.2 -18 297 101.8
163 -52 250 2.3 -18 296 103.3
180 -48 245 19.7 -17 287 116.4
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates
TABLE 4. (Continued)
Stage ~ o l e s ( l ) Total ~econstructions(~)
Age Lat Long Angle Lat Long Angle
'Ma) ON OE (Deg) ON OE (Deg)
85 - - - 48 265 70.1
95 28 139 4.8 52 264 70.2
100 -2 1 153 2.8 53 261 68.9
115 -28 138 20.5 62 236 57.1
119 -35 140 4.6 63 227 54.7
127 -22 137 7.9 64 208 52.6
135 -22 136 7.6 63 189 51.5
145 -26 147 11.9 54 168 51.9
161 -60 151 25.2 28 149 46.7
163 -62 157 3.7 24 147 46.8
180 -66 157 31.1 -9 136 55.9
10 70 287 9.4 70 287 9.4
20 65 278 5.3 68 283 14.7
37 77 317 12.0 72 295 26.5
40 75 257 1.2 73 294 27.7
43 60 198 1.6 74 290 29.0
48 29 229 2.4 73 276 30.5
50 18 205 1.1 73 270 30.9
53 33 227 1.5 72 264 32.0
56 49 291 2.8 71 267 34.5
63 71 338 10.3 71 282 44.2
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
TABLE 4. (Continued)
Stage Total ~econstructions(l)
Age Lat Long Angle Lat Long Angle
(Ma) ON Peg) ON (Deg)
Figure 2. Magnetic lineations discussed in text and shown in subsequent figures. After Figure 1 in
Engebretson and others (1984a), which lists the sources of data.
smoothly without ridge jumps. The model proposes that the opposite sides of the Mendocino Fracture Zone showed very little
spreading rate during the Cretaceous normal superchron is similar offset at the time of chron M29 and increasingly large offsets up
to that before 118 Ma and after 83 Ma. Picks of chron 34 (85 to and through the Cretaceous quiet zone and chron 32, subse-
Ma) on several ship tracks north of the Murray Fracture Zone are quent to which the offsets show no further systematic increase. If,
consistent with a spreading rate from chron 34 to chron 32b on the other hand, spreading on the south side of the Mendocino
(85-74 Ma) that is the same as that from chron 32b to chron 25 occurred smoothly, without ridge jumping, then the ridge north
(74-56 Ma). This model requires an eastward jump of the Paci- of the Mendocino Fracture Zone must have jumped during this
fic-Farallon ridge south of the Mendocino Fracture Zone during time and the true Farallon-Pacific spreading rate recorded on the
the normal superchron because the Cretaceous quiet zone on the south side was substantially greater than that proposed by our
south side of the Mendocino Fracture Zone is much wider than preferred model. The effect of this may be seen by comparing
on the north. This is part of a pattern in which isochrons on tables labeled "Farallon N.O.M." and "Farallon S.O.M."
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates 17
the hotspot reference frame. These have proved very useful in 56 Ma (chron 25), 65 Ma (chron 29), and 80 Ma (chron
determining whether the Mesozoic boundaries between paleo- 33r). The location of the Kula-Farallon boundary during the
plates like Izanagi and Farallon were ridges, transforms, or sub- Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary, which is not constrained by
duction zones. marine data, is crucial to the present analysis. We have adopted
In order to make successive reconstructions mutually con- Woods and Davies's (1982) interpretation that the Kula plate
sistent we have employed forward and backward modeling con- broke from the ancestral Farallon plate at about 85 Ma and that
sistent with first-order rules of plate tectonics. For example, if at a subsequent Kula-Pacific spreading produced the east-west mag-
given time we specify the location of a ridge between two diverg- netic lineations south of the Aleutian trench. From the broad
ing plates, for earlier and later times we use forward and back- range of possible locations for the Kula-Farallon boundary at the
ward modeling to find the location of the ridge, under the time of the break, we have considered two end members, a
assumption that spreading was symmetric and continuous. Maps northern option and a southern option, in which the boundary
of our reconstructions are presented in Figure 3 where the between the Kula and Farallon plates is placed either as far north
present-day outlines of continents serve as a familiar reference for or as far south as is plausible.
showing the displacements of continents relative to hotspots. Of For the northern option the location of the Kula-Farallon
course in early Tertiary and Mesozoic time, the actual margins of ridge was specified at 56 Ma on the basis of the following geo-
the continents were substantially different from the present ones. logic reasoning. In northern Washington and British Columbia
the presence of northwest-trending faults with large amounts of
Detailed Reconstructions
Cretaceous dextral motion suggests a tectonic driving force with a
Present configuration. The isochrons and fracture zones strong northward component. This would be consistent with a
shown on the Pacific plate in Figure 3a comprise the basic data Kula plate that extended at least as far south as northern Wash-
set used to make the reconstructions. These isochrons, which give ington in latest Cretaceous time (Plumley 1980). Accordingly, for
previous locations of the ridge system around the Pacific plate, the northern option the model constrains the Kula-Farallon
are reconstructed in Figure 3 using known motions of the Pacific spreading center at 65 Ma to intersect the continental margin in
plate relative to the Hawaiian (H in Figure 3) and other Pacific southern Washington and connected this control point to the
hotspots. North America was rotated back to earlier positions Pacific-Farallon-Kula triple junction with a single great circle
over North American and Atlantic hotspots including Y, the ridge. Using the known Euler poles for Kula-Pacific and Faral-
Yellowstone hotspot, under the assumption that these hotspots Ion-Pacific motion to derive a pole for Kula-Farallon motion
existed at these earlier times and remained fixed relative to Pacific and assuming symmetrical spreading, we modeled the generation
hotspots. Arrows showing the direction and velocity of plate of oceanic lithosphere by Kula-Farallon spreading and found that
motions in this and succeeding figures are scaled to show the the eastern termination of the Kula-Farallon ridge ranged be-
distance the plate would move in 10 m.y. based on the stage pole tween northern California and northern Washington from 85 to
angles listed in Table 2. The 0-5 Ma stage was used for Figure 3a. 56 Ma.
20 Ma (chron 6). The velocity fields for this reconstruction In exploring the southern option, we placed the initial break
are based on the Euler poles for the stage from 17 to 28 Ma between the Kula and Farallon plates along a set of ridges and
(Table 2). Note that the part of the Pacific plate being subducted transforms trending subparallel to the continental margin. Figure
beneath the Aleutian arc at this time was former Kula plate 3f shows a hypothetical boundary at 80 Ma, shortly after the
(Fig. 3b). The location of the extinct Pacific-Kula spreading presumed time of the break between the two plates. Because the
center, assumed to have died at 43 Ma, is shown by the (x-x-x-x-) orientation of the Kula-Farallon ridge inferred from velocity
pattern. This extinct ridge arrived at the Aleutian trench at - 10 analysis is approximately parallel to the trend of old Farallon-
Ma, and, since it would have been only 30 million years old at Pacific fracture zones on the Farallon plate, it is possible that
that time, might have been sufficiently buoyant to have produced Kula-Farallon spreading began along these fracture zones, as
compressive tectonics in the Aleutian arc. shown in Figure 3f. Beginning with the assumption that the break
37 Ma (chron 13). In our reconstruction, the Pacific plate was as shown for 80 Ma, the reconstruction at 65 Ma was found
first came into contact with North America at about 37 Ma using calculated Kula-Farallon Euler poles assuming symmetri-
(Fig. 3c). The Pacific-Farallon ridge, as shown in this reconstruc- cal spreading.
tion, lay slightly east of the present margin of the continent-an Between 65 and 56 Ma the Euler poles describing Kula-Far-
impossible plate geometry. However the amount of the overlap allon motion shifted markedly (Engebretson and others 1984a).
was smaller than the expected errors in reconstructions. More- A corresponding change in the orientation of the Kula-Farallon
over the overlap would have been smaller if, in the model, we ridge is shown between the 65 and 56 Ma reconstructions. In the
had closed the Gulf of California and restored the continental absence of data, no attempt was made to model details of this
margin to a more easterly 37 Ma location to account for the plate reorganization.
effects of Basin and Range extension. In a subsequent section, this The shaded areas in the 80 and 65 Ma reconstructionscould
result is compared to the analysis by Atwater and Molnar (1973) be either Kula or Farallon plate. The northern option places
based on the global plate circuit. Farallon plate adjacent to the western United States from 85 to
28 Engebretson, (.70% and Gordon
56 Ma, producing rapid plate convergence that may have been form the Kula plate. To the west lay the Izanagi plate or plates.
associated with Laramide tectonism (Engebretson and others, The following information is available concerning the nature of
1984b). The southern option places the Kula plate along the the boundaries between the three plates. The time of this recon-
continental margin, offering a mechanism for rapid northward struction, 110 Ma, lies within the Cretaceous normal polarity
transport of terranes. Further geologic consequences of selecting superchron (118 to 83 Ma), so no isochrons are available to mark
the southern option for the Kula-Farallon ridge are discussed by plate boundaries. However, well defined isochrons werepro-
Page (1984) and Page and Engebretson (1984). By 56 Ma the duced by Pacific-Farallon spreading both before and after the
part of the Kula plate adjacent to California in the southern Cretaceous normal superchron, so there is little doubt that the
option had been subducted and replaced by the subducting Faral- Pacific-Farallon boundary was a ridge at 110 Ma. Its location
Ion plate, shifting the locus of Kula-Farallon divergence to the was found by interpolation (Figure 3g). The Pacific-Izanagi
north and eliminating most of the difference between the north- boundary produced a magnetic anomaly at the beginning of the
em and southern options (Figure 3d). Cretaceous normal superchron and therefore was a ridge at 119
In our early Tertiary reconstructions (65-56 Ma) the Yel- Ma. Its location at 110 Ma as found by extrapolation from the
lowstone hotspot lies west of the continent in the vicinity of the 119 Ma position is shown in Figure 3g.
Kula-Farallon ridge. Although differing from each other in de- To investigate the nature of the Izanagi-Farallon boundary,
tail, several plate tectonic models advanced to account for the velocity fields in a fixed hotspot reference frame were plotted for
ages and distributions of early Tertiary seamounts in the Wash- both plates (Figure 3g). The two velocity fields converge along
ington and Oregon Coast Range (Simpson and Cox 1977; almost any boundary drawn between the Izanagi and Farallon
Duncan 1982; Wells and others 1984) have in common the plates except for a short segment of boundary south of the Izana-
presence of the Yellowstone hotspot and the Kula-Farallon gi-Farallon rotation pole (Figure 3g). Therefore the boundary is
spreading center at about the location shown in our reconstruc- dominantly convergent. To determine which of the two plates is
tion for 56 Ma. subducting along this boundary, we noted that the velocity of the
Similarly, the location of the Kula-Pacific boundary is not Izanagi plate in the hotspot reference frame was rapid and that it
constrained by ocean floor data. We have followed Hilde and was directed toward the boundary whereas that of the Farallon
others (1976) in making the boundary a northwest-trending plate in the vicinity of the boundary was low. Rapidly moving
transform. In our model, the trend of the transform (although not present-day oceanic plates are all attached to downgoing slabs
its location) is determined by the Euler pole for Kula-Pacific and are moving toward the trenches where the slabs are being
motion. An alternative model would be to extend the well- subducted (Gordon and others 1978), whereas present-day upper
documented short segment of Kula-Pacific ridge adjacent to the plates generally have small velocities relative to hotspots. There-
Kula-Pacific-Farallon triple junction westward as an east-west, fore it seems likely that the Izanagi plate was the subducting plate
dominantly ridge-type Kula-Pacific boundary. In this model, and the Farallon the upper plate at the boundary between them,
however, the motion of the Pacific plate relative to hotspots as shown in Figure 3g, although as noted earlier the location of
would be toward the Pacific-Kula ridge, an unlikely geometry this boundary is highly uncertain. The location of the Izanagi-
with no analogue in the present motions of plates. With the Farallon boundary is not well determined and could lie well to
Pacific boundary drawn as shown in Figures 3e and 3f, the Pacific the east of the position shown in Figure 3g.
plate was moving toward a subduction zone along its northwest Our reconstructions for 110 and 80 Ma suggest that a major
boundary where presumably a slab attached to the plate was pro- change took place in the plate geometry of the northwest Pacific
viding slab pull to drive the plate. This geometry is characteristic basin during this interval. One scenario consistent with the sparse
of all of the present plates that have rapid velocities relative to amount of available information would be for the Pacific-Izanagi
hotspots (Gordon and others 1978). ridge and the Izanagi-Farallon subduction zone to die at some
110 Ma (Albion, middle of Cretaceous normal super- time after 119 Ma (MO) and for the new Kula-Pacific transform
chron). Although magnetic anomalies older than 85 Ma in the boundary to originate in the general vicinity of the old Izanagi-
northwestern Pacific have been attributed to spreading between Farallon subduction zone. The timing of these hypothetical
the Pacific plate and an ancestral Kula plate, Woods and Davies events, which would have occurred at some time or times during
(1982) pointed out that there is no evidence that the post-85 Ma the Cretaceous normal superchron (118-83 Ma), is uncertain.
and pre-85 Ma plates were ever continuous in space or time. The onset of rapid Pacific-hotspot motion toward the northwest
They proposed that the older plate to the west be called the at 100 Ma suggests that at this time the geometry of the Pacific
Izanagi plate. The analysis of Enbegretson and others (1984a) plate was changed by addition of a subduction zone along its
supports this interpretation. In our reconstructions we will refer to northwest boundary. One possibility is that at this time the old
pre-85 Ma plates west of the ancestral Farallon plate as the Izanagi plate became part of the Pacific plate as the Izanagi-Pa-
Izanagi plate or plates. cific ridge died.
The following plate geometry is proposed for the northern 140 Ma (Berriasian, chron M14). The Pacific-Izanagi
Pacific basin prior to 85 Ma. To the east lay an ancestral Farallon and Pacific-Farallon boundaries are known to have been spread-
plate including the northern segment that broke away at 85 Ma to ing centers at this time because of the presence on the Pacific
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates
plate of magnetic anomalies produced along these ridges. Veloc- PLATE TECTONIC INTERPRETATION
ity fields for the Izanagi and Farallon plates in a fixed hotspot
reference frame show that the motion of the two plates was Age and Thickness of the Subducting Farallon Plate
oblique, suggesting that the fcanagi-Farallon boundary was dom-
inantly transform in character (Figure 3h). In going from our The importance of the age and thickness of subducting
reconstruction for 140 Ma to our reconstruction for 110 Ma, we plates in determining the style of subduction has been recognized
were guided by a suggestion of Uyeda and Yamano (1984) that a by many workers. Comparing the present-day tectonic styles of
subduction zone may originate along the locus of an earlier the overriding plates at convergent plate boundaries with the age
transform. of subducting lithosphere at such boundaries, Molnar and At-
water (1978) found that interarc spreading tends to occur behind
Comparison with Global arCuit in theNeogene trenches subducting old lithosphere (>I00 m.y.) whereas
collision-like compressive tectonism tends to occur behind
A key event in the Tertiary plate tectonic history of western trenches subducting young lithosphere (<50 m.y.). This led them
North America was the first arrival of the East Pacific Rise at the to suggest that the age of the subducted lithosphere may be a
continental margin. The location of the rise at or slightly before principal factor causing different tectonic styles and geologic de-
the time of arrival is marked by anomaly 8 (28 Ma), the last to velopment in the overriding plates at subduction zones. They
form prior to the first contact of the Pacific plate with North further suggested that the compressional Laramide tectonic re-
America (Atwater 1970). Our model is compared with that ob- gime of western North America during the Late Cretaceous and
tained using the North America-Africa-India-Antarctica-Pacific early Tertiary orogeny was caused in part by subduction over a
circuit (Atwater and Molnar 1973)in Figure 4 and in Tables 2-4. long interval of time of young, presumably buoyant lithosphere of
The location of anomaly 8 is plotted in Figure 4 for our model the Farallon plate.
(solid line) and the global circuit (dashed line) relative to a fixed In order to determine the age of the Farallon plate as it was
North America. Both reconstructions show the ridge located east being subducted, we constructed a set of synthetic Farallon and
of the present coastline of North America at 28 Ma. (The present Kula plates using the anomalies on the Pacific plate and our poles
North American coastline is shown only for geographic refer- for Farallon-Pacific and Kula-Pacific motion, assuming symmet-
ence.) The next step (that we have not taken) will be to modify rical spreading. The maps of the synthetic plates reflect the pat-
the coastline to allow for Basin and Range extension, the opening tern of isochrons and fracture zones present on the Pacific plate.
of the Gulf of California, widespread strike-slip faulting, and For clarity in the following discussion, the complement on the
other tectonic events that have changed the shape of the continen- Farallon plate of the Murray Fracture Zone, for example, will be
tal margin. Because an error-free reconstruction would place described as the Murray-F Fracture Zone. From the resulting set
anomaly 8 just west of the continental margin restored to its of maps for different geologic epochs, we estimated the age of the
configuration at 28 Ma, an overlap of this type shows that the Farallon and Kula plates at the time when they descended into
error in the reconstruction is at least as large as the overlap. Even the trench. Age estimates for four locations are given in Figure 5.
without moving the continental margin eastward to account for At 65 Ma the Farallon plate being subducted was -100
the westward motion that occurred during Basin and Range ex- m.y. old. Before this, the age of the Farallon plate being sub-
tension, the amount of the observed overlap is, in fact, within ducted (if indeed the Farallon plate existed prior to 165 Ma) is
earlier error estimates in our reconstructions. unknown because no anomalies formed by Pacific-Farallon
The difference between the two reconstructions is less than spreading are preserved. Before 163 Ma, if Pacific-Farallon
their probable errors and therefore the two reconstructions are spreading occurred at the same rate as from 163 to 135 Ma, then
not significantly different. Within experimental errors both mod- the age of the subducting Farallon plate was as shown by open
els fit the Neogene history of northward migration of the Mendo- circles in Figure 5. Under this assumption the age of the subduct-
cino (Pacific-Farallon-North America) triple junction inferred ing lithosphere at 85 Ma just prior to the onset of the Laramide
from the history of volcanism, crustal thinning, and basin forma- orogeny was 150 m.y. If the rate of Pacific-Farallon spreading
tion in California (Dickinson and Snyder 1979; Pilger and He- prior to 163 Ma was lower than afterwards, then at 85 Ma the
nyey 1979; Fox 1981; Zandt and Furlong 1982), although the fit age of subducting Farallon lithosphere was less than 150 m.y. but
of the global circuit appears to be somewhat better. On the other probably still greater than the age of 4 0 m.y. that Molnar and
hand, in Paleogene time the global-circuit model is grossly incon- Atwater (1978) associate with compressive tectonics behind sub-
sistent with the hotspot model because the global circuit fails to duction zones.
predict the elbow- in the Emperor-Hawaiian seamount chain The rifting of the Farallon plate to form the Kula plate
(Morgan 1981; Duncan 1981). The large uncertainties in Neo- beginning at 85 Ma (Woods and Davies 1982) caused a major
gene reconstructions based on both the global-circuit and hotspot discontinuity in the age of Farallon lithosphere, with old Farallon
models point to the importance of acquiring geologic and paleo- lithosphere in direct contact with new Farallon lithosphere
magnetic data from the continental margin capable of further formed at the Kula-Farallon spreading center. When this discon-
checking and constraining the plate tectonic models. tinuity contacted the west coast of North America, the age, thick-
30 Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
Figure 4 (this and following page). Reconstructions of the Pacific plate relative to a fixed North
America plate. Heavy solid line: the chron 8 (28 Ma) Pacific-Farallon isochron obtained using our fixed
hotspot model. Heavy dashed line: 28 Ma isochron obtained using the plate circuit through Antarctica.
Light dashed band: approximate location of the active ridge at the time of the reconstruction. The
rotations used in the global circuit (Table 4) are: North America-Africa, Klitgord and others (1984 and
personal communication 1984); Africa-Antarctica, Norton and Sclater (1979); Antarctica-Pacific,
Stock and Molnar (1982).
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
10 laland -I Kula_^i_Paclflc ~ . 4
Farallon 1 a
r a/ o
l lro n (a 1
100 0
- F a r a l l o n
I (b)
150-- G U Y ~
(m.y.1 P a c i f i c (d)
a , .
fr u . 1 r . . , I v
1 0 id0 6'0
Figure 5. Age at the time of subduction of plate adjacent to the western edge of North America as a
function of time. Open circles: present ages of Farallon plate which, if it had not been subducted, would
have been > 163 Ma, as estimated by assuming that rate of Farallon-Pacific spreading before 163 Ma
was the same as from 163 to 135 Ma. (a) Northern Vancouver Island, Lat. 51NLong. 232OE, (b) Cape
Mendocino, Lat. 40NLong. 236OE, (c) Los Angeles, Lat. 34ON, Long. 242OE, and (d) Guaymas, Lat.
28ON, Long. 24g0E.
ness, and density of the lithosphere being subducted underwent a irregularly in age and thickness as Kula-Farallon transform faults
sudden transition from old, thick, and dense to young, thin, and arrived a t the trench.
buoyant as lithosphere created at the Pacific-Farallon spreading /
center was replaced by crust created at the Kula-Farallon spread- Variationsin Bathymetry Parallel to the Trench
ing center. If the northern option for the locus of the initial
Kula-Farallon break is correct, this major age discontinuity The age of the portion of the Farallon plate being subducted
propagated southward from Vancouver Island, reaching Cape at any given time varied greatly along strike, producing large
Mendocino at 65 Ma, as shown in Figure 5. If a more southerly variations in the depth of the Farallon plate adjacent to the
option is correct, young crust could have arrived at the subduc- trench. An example based on our reconstruction of the Farallon
tion zone starting at 85 Ma at any point from Vancouver Island to plate for 52 Ma (Figure 6 ) illustrates this point. The Farallon
Mexico. The region of young crust would slowly widen, jumping plate fracture zones, which mirror those now on the Pacific plate,
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates 33
T KIII A - F A R A I I nu R I ~ G F a z f t
Figure 6. (a) Reconstruction of the plates at 52 Ma showing the age of the Farallon plate along line
A-A'. Arrows are linear velocities for the points located at the tails of the arrows. (b) Predicted depth of
the Farallon plate along line A-A' from (a) using the measured depth versus age compilation of Sclater
and others (1971).
34 Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
point along the margin the adjacent subducting plate was first
young and buoyant, producing uplift and erosion until the frac-
ture zone moved past the point. The subducting plate abruptly
became old and dense, providing subsidence conditions suitable
for the development of a sedimentary basin. This geometry ex- -
isted on the Farallon plate between the Surveyor-F and Mendo-
cino-F fracture zones and between the Murray-F and
Molokai-F fracture zones as they migrated northward with the , I I I I I I 1 620'~
220 230 240 250
Farallon plate along the continental margin. Local highs and lows a
along the trend of the fracture zones undoubtedly added to the
complexity of the process.
The direction of motion of the Farallon plate relative to
North America was nearly parallel to the trend of the fracture
zones, much as if the topographic escarpments of the subducting
oceanic plate had formed guiding indentations in the upper con-
tinental plate. As a consequence, the fracture zones appear to
have migrated very slowly along the continental margin during
the early Tertiary, providing ample time for the process of basin UJ
28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0
Mendocino Escarpment. Figure 7a shows the recon-
TIME (Ma) b
structed locations of the Mendocino Fracture Zone at 4 m.y.
intervals. The topographic relief across this escarpment is large Figure 7. (a) Palmlocations of the Mendocino Fracture Zone in fixed
because of the great difference in the ages of juxtaposed crust North America coordinates at times shown to the left of each paleoloca-
north and south of the fracture zone. To assess the changing relief tion. (b) Predicted height of the Mendocino Escarpment near the anom-
aly 8 lineation as a function age. The escarpment faces north for positive
of the Mendocino Escarpment as it migrated northwestward heights and south for negative heights. Numbers in parentheses are the
along the continental margin, we used the techniques described approximate palmlatitudes of the escarpment.
earlier to make maps of the Farallon plate reconstructed to its
positions at earlier times. At 28 Ma, the Farallon plate north of
the Mendocino was approximately 20 m.y. old while directly to Dickinson and Snyder (1979) and interpreted in terms of the
the south there was an active ridge. Depth versus age data for the geometric instability of the triple junction. Another relationship
North Pacific (Sclater and others 1971) indicates that the height that may have caused the formation of basins in the wake of the
of the escarpment was approximately 1.3 km with the north side triple junction is the presence of a younger, buoyant, bathymetri-
down. Successive locations of this plow-like escarpment as it cally high source region on one side of the fracture zone directly
migrated northward are shown in Figure 7b. With time the es- juxtaposed against an older less-buoyant, deep section on the
carpment became smaller and at about 12 Ma it switched polarity other side. The northward migration of this source-sink pair
(Figure 7b), so that today it faces to the south rather than to the astride the fracture zone may well have contributed to the
north. The age of the Pacific plate to the south of the Mendocino formation of basins along the continental margin.
Fracture Zone is approximately 28 m.y. whereas that of the Juan
de Fuca plate to the north is approximately 5 m.y., producing a Velocity of Convergence
south-facing escarpment about 1 km high adjacent to the conti-
nental margin. Also of geologic interest are the velocities of convergence of
The space and time association of sedimentary basins with oceanic plates relative to continental plates that were found from
former positions of the Mendocino triple junction was noted by the Euler poles given in Tables 2 to 4. Each stage pole describing
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates 35
the displacement of one oceanic plate relative to a continent was continental margin shows the convergence velocity of the adja-
used to estimate a quasi-instantaneous angular velocity vector. cent oceanic plate at the time indicated, which is between the two
The orientation of this vector was taken as that of the stage pole, times that bound the stage used to estimate the velocity vector.
and its length was obtained by dividing the finite angle of the where there is some ambiguity as to which plate was converging
stage pole by the time spanned by the stage. An estimate of the with the continent at a given locality, two arrows show the con-
instantaneous velocity of the oceanic plate relative to a fixed vergence velocities of both oceanic plates. Numerical values of
point on the continent was then found as the cross product of the the azimuth and speed of convergence for selected localities
quasi-instantaneous angular velocity vector and the position vec- around the north Pacific basin are listed in Tables 5 and 6.
tor of the fixed point. Along the western margin of North America, convergence
The genealogy of the convergence vectors for all of the plate at mid-latitudes in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous was
pairs in the north Pacific basin is traced in detail in Tables 2 to 4 -
dominantly east-west at the high rate of 100 km/m.y. (Figure 8,
and in Appendix A. Because convergence vectors are found from maps for 175,150, and 125 Ma). In the Late Cretaceous, conver-
chains of linked plate and hotspot motions, the vectors change at gence was oblique in a northeast-southwest direction (Figure 8,
each time corresponding to a time boundary between stage poles maps for 100 and 75 Ma). In the Eocene, convergence was
that describe the motion of any of the relevant plates. For exam- oblique and at a more rapid rate than at any other time for which
ple, Farallon-North America convergence vectors were found by data are available (Figure 8, map for 50 Ma). From mid-
adding stage poles for North America-Africa-Atlantic hotspot Oligocene time to the present, the convergence rate of the shrink-
motion and Farallon-Pacific-Pacific hotspot motion. The Faral- ing Farallon plate was small and the dominant plate interaction
Ion-North America convergence vectors change direction and was that of strike-slip motion along the growing transform
length, at times corresponding to the stage boundaries for all of boundary with the Pacific plate.
these plate motions. Stages for short time intervals commonly The motion of the Farallon plate relative to North America
have poles that vary erratically from the poles of adjacent stages is displayed in another way in Figure 9, which shows the normal
because of the relatively large magnitude of the errors of short and tangential components of convergence at a fixed point near
stages. Where practical we reduced the number of small stages by present-day San Francisco. In resolving the convergence vector
eliminating or shifting stage boundaries in the input data sets so into normal and tangential components, it was assumed that the
that as many of the input stage as possible had common time trend of the continental margin was N40WSimilar diagrams
boundaries. This could be done without introducing large errors showing the normal and parallel components of motion for all of
where the poles for adjacent stages in the input data set were the oceanic and adjacent continental plates of the North Pacific
closely spaced but could not be done where input stage poles are in Engebretson (1982).
were widely spaced. The pattern that emerged is one of small, These normal and tangential velocities are fairly well con-
generally insignificant changes in the vectors over times of the strained during times when the geomagnetic field was reversing
order of 5 to 10 m.y. superimposed on larger changes over times (163-1 18 Ma and 83-0 Ma) but not during the Cretaceous nor-
of -20 to -50 m.y. It is the latter that we believe reflects true mal superchron (1 18-83 Ma) nor during the normal superchron
changes in the angles and rates of convergence between con- prior to 163 Ma. As noted earlier, the curves for ages > 163 Ma
tinents and adjacent oceanic plates. are based on extrapolation of the post-163 Ma Farallon-Pacific
The geologist interested in possible correlations between spreading rate. The curves shown for the interval (1 18-83 Ma)
geologic events on a continent and individual peaks and troughs correspond to the preferred model of Engebretson and others
appearing on plots of convergence velocity versus time will want (1984a) for Farallon-Pacific spreading during the Cretaceous
to begin by assessing the origin and the reliability of individual normal superchron (entries labeled "Farallon N.O.M." in the
features on the velocity plots. Tables 2 to 4 and Appendix A tables), which is based on the ocean floor record on the north side
provide the basis for making this assessment. In Appendix A the of the Mendocino Fracture Zone. If, on the other hand, the ridge
relative velocities for each plate pair in the circuits used to find jump occurred north of the Mendocino Fracture Zone during this
convergence velocities are displayed as plots of velocity versus time, then the true Farallon-Pacific spreading rate is substantially
time at a point appropriate for each plate pair. These plots show greater, (entries labeled "Farallon S.O.M." in the tables). The
the genealogy of the peaks and troughs appearing in the final result of using the spreading rates determined south of the Men-
plots of convergence velocity versus time. These genealogy dia- docino is an increase in the North America-Farallon convergence
grams show that some of the peaks and troughs probably describe rate of about 40 km/m.y. during the time of the normal super-
real changes in convergence velocity whereas others are probably chron, approximately 118-83 Ma.
artifacts resulting from some of the errors discussed earlier. Ex- The dashed line in Figure 9a shows the convergence velocity
amples of the use of these plots to trace the origin of apparent of the Kula plate if the southern option is taken for the locus of
changes in convergence velocity are given in Appendix A. the initial Kula-Farallon break. This places the Kula plate oppo-
Velocity vectors that show the direction and speed with site San Francisco beginning at 85 Ma, the time of the break. A
which oceanic plates have converged with North America and somewhat surprising result of the present analysis is that the
Eurasia are shown graphically in Figure 8. Each arrow along the subduction velocity of the Kula plate, that is, the convergence
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
Figure 8 (this and facing page). Convergence velocity vectors of oceanic plates relative to adjacent
continental plates. Each arrow at a point along a continental margin shows the convergence velocity of
the adjacent oceanic plate at the time indicated, which is between the two times defining the stage used
to estimate the velocity vector. Two arrows at certain points show convergence velocities of two oceanic
plates when either may have been adjacent to the point. P: Pacific plate. F: Farallon plate. I: Izanagi
plate. K:Kula plate. The Izanagi vectors (I) at 175 Ma are based on highly speculative extrapolations of
the oldest stage poles for Izanagi-Pacific motion from 145 to 135Ma. (a) Convergence velocities along
North American margin. (b) Convergence velocities along Eurasian margin.
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
*I35 1 145 I 281 2 I 135 145 105 39
Farallon Plate N.o.M.~') Farallon Plate N.o.M.~') 145 161 67 92
Vector 161
163 1180 178 1
80 115
TABLE 5. (Continued)
izimuth speed
349I 37
I<) Plate *56 61
Age(Ma) Vector *61 66 32 131
*66 74 24 138
rom to 358 1 140
*74 85
*43 48
Farallon ate N.O.M.~'J
*48 1 66 1 46 1 98 *48 1 66 1 53 1 94 *48 56
Age(Mal Vector
Kula Plate Kula Plate *56 61
qi!i ;:;1
rom -
- azimuth - speed
1 Age(Ma) 1 Vector
*61 66
Age(?) Vector
'rom 1 to, 1 azimuth 1 speed
PI:1 3 1 140
Farallon ate N.O.M.~~)
T Vect - 17 27 50
141 28 42 65
145 azimuth -speed
37 47 91
74 155 66 22 149 60 43 *43 55 135
74 85 358 157 74 150 46 43 *48 49 144
Farallon F iwallon Plate N.o.M.~" 32 46 152
- - Plate N.o.M.^ - *56 53
Age('M Vect a Vect - 29
- azimuth -
rorn azimuth -speed 41 81 *74 25 106
"74 17 *74 23 113 52 125 *85 34 Ill
85 22 85 29 113 47 138 100 55 52
100 37 100 46 42 53 152 115 45 73
115 28 115 37 67 51 146 119 84 91
119 69 119 77 103 55 127 127 77 82
127 63 127 70 95 28 108 136 126 39
135 114 135 120 39 35 112 145 84 104
145 74 145 79 98 52 48 161 95 127
161 87 161 91 119 43 71
163 99 128
16] Farallon
180 90
late S.0.1
ate S.O.M. %==
Farallon -F==
ate S.0.b
Vector Vector
azimuth azimuth 1 meed
azimuth speed
99 126
ate S.0.h 7 35 112
- Age1 Vector
115 33 110
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
TABLE 5. (Continued)
Site Site Site
Los Angeles Basin Baja California Southwestern Mexico
Lat. 34 'N 1 Long. 242 'E Lat.26-N 1 Long.248-E Lat. 18 * N 1Long. 256.E
Pacific Plate c Plate Farallon Plate N.o.M!"
Age(Ma) 1 Vector Vector 4 4 a) 1 Vect -
- to azimuth speed
48 161
66 127
296 60 61 119
*17 I28 I 306 1 51 298 1 56 66 99
Kula Plate , Plate 74 72
Vector 85 87
Age Ma Vector 100 64
zq-&Z 115 73
119 62
127 49
135 38
348 1 122 145 102
*74 354 1 131 ate N.o.M.~') 161 127
Farallon ate N.o.M.^ [a)_ Vector- 163 1 180 I 111 126
M -
Vect -to izimuth - w==
Farallon Plate S.O.M! -
Age Ma Vector
rom azimuth 37
*17 28 47
28 48 76 48 62
37 53 Ill 56 56 100 116 105
*43 59 151 61 60 115 119 46 116
*48 53 154 66 58
*56 57 148 74 61
*61 55 141 85 25
*66 58 121 100 38
*74 26 98 115 62
85 37 106 119 52
100 59 57 127 102
115 49 75 135 94
119 92 81 146 135
127 84 71 161 91
136 131 39 163 101
145 87 105 -180 106
163 180
allon late S.0.h
Farallon late S.0.t 7
- to
Vector 100
ZKZp-z 115
-119 118
17 28 292 73 17
61 66 32 157 28 37 292 65 28 84
66 74 316 177 37 43 319 42 37 55
74 85 301 203 $43 48 348 75 $43 73
Izaiiagi Plate $48 53 8 90 $48 89
Vector *53 66 325 112 $53 108
$66 1 74 1 328 I 102 $66 104
Kula Plate $74 I85 I 294 1125 $74 1 85 1 292 1 131
Kula Plate Kula Plate
'100 Vector Vector
"119 127 146
'127 135 213
'135 4 1 18 136 287
FE ate N.O.M.~~] 156 303 123
296 137
Vector -
116 Izanagi Plate
208 159 .
Figure 10. (a) Motion of North America with respect to the hot spots for
the past 180 Ma at 10 may.intervals. The dark line is the trajectory of a
point (S)near present-day San Francisco. Small dots show positions of S
at 5 m.y. intervals and large dots show positions at 30 m.y. intervals.
(b) Sequence of dots shows the trajectory of a point on the Parallon plate
as the, Farallon plate moved across the Pacific basin. This point is located
on anomaly M29 (164 Ma) where"e anomaly is offset by a small
fracture zone. Coordinates remain fixed relative to North America.
44 Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
and North America plates during the Pliocene is consistent with convergence, but that a high rate of convergence does not neces-
the following geologic observations in California, which seem to sarily produce plutonism.
require compression transverse to the Pacific-North America Both of the above models assume the northern option for the
plate boundary at about this time (B. M. Page, personal commun- locus of the initial break between the Kula and Farallon plates. In
ication 1982); (1) withdrawal of the sea from the San Joaquin the southern option for the initial boundary, at the time of the
Valley and most of California around 3 Ma; (2) uplift of the break (-85 Ma) the Farallon plate became the Kula plate over
Diablo, Santa Cruz, and Santa Lucia Ranges, all parallel to the the latitude range of the Sierra Nevada. The approximate correla-
plate boundary, within the past 2 to 3 m.y.; (3) development of tion in time with the cessation of plutonism suggests the possibil-
many Pliocene or Quaternary folds in the Sur-Obispo belt paral- ity that the latter was due to a marked decrease in convergence
lel to the plate boundary; (4) rise of the nonbuoyant Mount rate at the time of change from easterly Farallon-North America
Diablo piercement in the past 2 to 3 m.y.; (5) rise of the Kettle- convergence to more northerly Kula-North America conver-
man Hills anticline with its axis parallel to the Pacific-North gence. Surprisingly, however, the convergence rate of the Kula
America plate boundary beginning around 1 Ma; (6) formation plate (dashed line in Figure 9a) was only slightly less than that of
of thrust faults, some of which are parallel to the plate boundary, the Farallon plate. Thus, whichever plate was opposite the Sierra
along both sides of the Santa Clara Valley within the past 1 m.y.; Nevada, the interval of time after the cessation of Sierra plu-
(7) thrusting of strata of the lower continental slope over Quater- tonism was characterized by a high rate of convergence (>100
nary sediments in the relict trench west of San Luis Obispo and km/m. y.).
Point Sur. The weakest link in the plate circuit that provides the basis
for the above analysis is motion of the Pacific plate relative to
Convergence and Magmatism hotspots. The rapid increase in convergence rate at 74 Ma is
primarily the result of a change in motion of the Pacific plate
Cretaceous plutons of the Sierra Nevada were emplaced relative to hotspots (Appendix A). The increase is not strongly
during the interval 120 to 80 Ma (Chen and Moore 1982). The dependent upon the model used for Farallon-Pacific spreading
important question of how this interval correlates with the rate of nor upon the location of the initial Kula-Farallon break. Because
Farallon-North America convergence depends critically upon Pacific-hotspot motion is well-documented after 74 Ma but less
the model used for Farallon-Pacific spreading during the Cre- welldocumented before that time, it seems likely that con-
taceous normal superchron (1 18-83 Ma). Figure 9a shows the vergence was rapid during the time interval after the episode of
convergence rate corresponding to the preferred model of Enge- intense plutonism (120 to 80 Ma) but it is less certain what the
bretson and others (1984a). As discussed earlier, this is based on rate was during the episode of intense plutonism.
the assumption that no ridge jumping occurred north of the Men-
docino Fracture Zone during the normal superchron and that the Laramide Orogeny
spreading rate changed smoothly. During the interval of intense
plutonism from 120 to 80 Ma, the rate of convergence, while Many causal links have been proposed between plate tecton-
moderately high (50 to 100 km/m.y.), was lower than during the ics and the Laramide orogeny, including a change in the absolute
subsequent pulse of very rapid Farallon-North America conver- motion of North America, a decrease in the age of the subducting
gence between 75 and 40 Ma (Figure 9a), which reached a peak plate, a change in the rate of convergence, a shallowing of the
convergence rate of 150 km/m.y. and was not accompanied by angle of subduction, and the arrival of allochthonous terranes. In
extensive plutonism. examining these possible mechanisms, we find that the question
The alternative model for Farallon-Pacific spreading dis- of the timing of plate tectonic processes offshore and continental
cussed earlier is based on the assumption that no ridge jumping tectonic processes onshore is crucial.
occurred south of the Mendocino Fracture Zone during the Cre- Between 75 and 40 Ma magmatism ceased in the arc along
taceous normal superchron. The latter requires a westward jump the western edge of the Cordillera but continued sporadically
in the Pacific-Farallon spreading center to the north of the Men- inland at distances up to 1500 km from the arc (Lipman and
docino Fracture Zone. The net result is to increase the Farallon- others 1972; Cross and Pilger 1978; Keith 1978; Dickinson and
North America convergence rate by about 40 km/m.y. during Snyder 1978; Lipman 1980, 1982). This magmatic lull was not
the normal superchron (1 18-83 Ma). As a result, the average synchronous throughout the western arc. It began first near the
convergence rate during the episode of Sierra Nevada plutonism latitude of Montana and Idaho (-45O N) and between 75 Ma
is - 100 km/m.y., with more rapid convergence from 100-85 Ma and 40 Ma, migrated south to the latitude of southern Arizona
than from 120-100 Ma. In this model the cessation of plutonism and New Mexico (-30 N). Magmatism resumed in the western
occurs at about the same time as a drop in convergence rate to arc in the north by -45 Ma and in the south by -25 Ma (Lipman
below 100 km/m.y., followed as before by a pulse of rapid 1980,1982).
convergence unaccompanied by extensive plutonism. A generali- The magmatic lull and increase in the arc-trench distance
zation consistent with both models is that plutonism is associated during the Laramide orogeny have been attributed to anoma-
with a moderate (>SO km/m.y.) to high (> 100 km/m.y.) rate of lously shallow-dipping subduction of the Farallon plate beneath
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates 45
North America (Coney 1972; Burchfiel and Davis 1975; Coney to the Laramide orogeny. The first is the motion of the North
and Reynolds 1977; Cross and Pilger 1978; Dickinson and American plate relative to hotspots. The component of the mo-
Snyder 1978). This interpretation is supported by the paleodepths tion normal to and toward the trench along the western margin of
of the Benioff zone inferred from the geochemistry of Cretaceous North America (dotted curve in Figure 9a) was more rapid than
and Tertiary andesitic rocks (Lipman and others 1972; Keith at any time before or after the orogeny, in accord with the hy-
1978, 1982). pothesis that the Laramide orogeny was related to rapid motion
If the northern option for the locus of initial rifting between of the North American plate toward the trench (Coney 1978;
the Kula and Farallon plates is correct, the subduction of young Cross and Pilger 1978; Engebretson and others 1984b). The sec-
lithosphere began near Vancouver Island at about 85 Ma and ond is the age of the Farallon plate arriving at the trench, which
then migrated to the south (Figure 3). This correlates fairly well decreased rapidly during the Laramide orogeny. In a general way,
with the timing and the southward migration of the locus of the this result supports the hypothesis that the Laramide orogeny was
magmatic lull described above. However this model also predicts related to subduction of young lithosphere (Molnar and Atwater
the northward migration of an analogous magmatic lull in Can- 1978; Cross and Pilger 1982; Engebretson and others 1948b).
ada, and neither the pattern of magmatism observed in the United However, our model, using the northern option, indicates
States nor a lull in that pattern is observed in Canada (Lipman that at the beginning of the Laramide orogeny, the age of the
and others 1972). lithosphere arriving at the trench was 100 m.y. or more, an age
An alternative mechanism to account for shallow-dipping that Molnar and Atwater (1978) have associated with extensional
subduction associated with magmatism well inland from the arc tectonics, suggesting that the onset of the Laramide did not corre-
is the subduction beneath North America of an aseismic ridge late with the first subduction of young lithosphere. It was not
riding on the Farallon plate (Livaccari and others 1981; Hender- until half way through the orogeny that lithosphere as young as
son and others 1984). According to Henderson and others 50 m.y., the age associated by Molnar and Atwater (1978) with
(1984), the aseismic ridge first collided with North America near compressional tectonics, arrived at the subduction zone. The
the present-day location of Cape Mendocino. The ridge migrated onset of the Laramide event appears to be more closely associated
southward rapidly, accounting for the southward migration of with the rapid younging of the lithosphere arriving at the subduc-
tectonic and magmatic events associated with the Laramide orog- tion zone than with the first arrival of young ( 4 0 m.y.) litho-
eny. This model is consistent with both the northern or southern sphere when the northern option model is used.
option for the locus of initial Kula-Farallon rifting. The hypothesis that the Laramide orogeny was produced by
Our analysis (as summarized in Figure 9) supports Coney's the arrival at the subduction zone of thickened buoyant litho-
(1978) suggestion that the rate of convergence was high during sphere carrying aseismic ridges or oceanic plateaus (Livaccari and
the Laramide orogeny. An important new result is the steep rise others 1981; Henderson and others 1984) is consistent with ter-
in convergence rate beginning at -74 Ma, very close to the onset rane trajectories based on the present model.
of the Laramide orogeny, followed by a rise during the last pan of If our analysis had shown that only one of the plate tectonic
the Laramide orogeny to the remarkably high rate of 150 processes proposed as a cause for the Laramide orogeny had been
km/m.y. The rapid increase in convergence rate at 74 Ma was operating during the time 80 to 40 Ma, the single cause of the
primarily the result of a change in Pacific-hotspot motion at this Laramide orogeny would be obvious. Instead, our analysis shows
time, as noted earlier. This interpretation depends strongly on our that almost all of the proposed processes may have been occur-
model for Pacific-hotspot motion but not on the particular model ring simultaneously. Our conclusion is that more than one and
used for Farallon-Pacific spreading or the locus of the initial perhaps all of the above plate tectonic processes, acting simul-
Kula-Farallon break. taneously and in concert, produced the Laramide orogeny (En-
Two other relationships shown in Figure 9a may be related gebretson and others 1984b).
46 Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
slow (approximately 60 km/m.y.) FA-NA conver- with North America, and the Kula plate broke away from the
gence. Variations within this interval lie at the limit Farallon plate at 85 Ma. Therefore, after 85 Ma KU-NA and
of resolution of the method. PA-NA motion are of primary interest.
Genealogy: (1) Slow HS-NA motion beginning at 145 Ma (see
earlier discussion). Feature: Between 74 and 56 Ma stepwise decrease in
(2) Initiation of southerly PA-HS motion at 145 KU-NA convergence accompanied by clockwise
Ma. shift in direction.
(3) Directional changes in PA-HS motion at 135 Genealogy: (1) Stepwise (probably continuous) decrease in
and 115 Ma. KU-PA spreading rates at 74,66, and 61 Ma.
(4) Moderate directional change in FA-PA spread- (2) Change in PA-HS motion at 74 Ma as discussed
ing at 135 Ma. earlier.
(5) Small directional change and moderate increase Feature: Between 56 and 43 Ma an abrupt (approximately
in FA-PA motion at 119 Ma. 100 km/m.y.) increase in KU-NA convergence.
Feature: At 100 Ma a marked increase in FA-NA conver- Genealogy: Marked increase in KU-PA spreading rate between
gence from approximately 60 km/m.y. to greater 56 and 43 Ma, ending with the death of KU-PA
than 100 km/m.y. ridge.
Genealogy: Abrupt increase (nearly 100 km/m.y.) in FA-HS
motion resulting entirely from a change in direction NA-EU Motion
and velocity of PA-HS motion at 100 Ma.
Feature: At 74 and 66 Ma stepwise increases in FA-NA con- Feature: At 95 Ma abrupt changes in NA-EU (Figure A2).
vergence rates from approximately 100 km/m.y. to Genealogy: Initiation of spreading ridge in the Arctic, accom-
approximately 150 km/m.y. accompanied by a panied by a change in the direction of spreading.
clockwise shift in direction.
Genealogy: (1) At 74 Ma a small directional change in FA-HS HS-EU Motion
motion as a result of a clockwise directional change
and increase in velocity of PA-HS motion. Feature: Between 53 and 48 Ma a short-lived increase in
(2) At 66 Ma an increase in HS-NA velocity result- HS-EU velocity.
ing from an increase in AF-NA spreading rates. Genealogy: This feature, which is probably spurious, is the result
Feature: Between 43 and 28 Ma stepwise decreases in of combining a reported change in NA-EU motion
FA-NA convergence rates. at 53 and 48 Ma with a reported change in HS-NA
Genealogy: (1) Decrease in FA-HS velocity at 43 Ma that re- motion at 48 Ma.
sulted from the combination of an increase in
FA-PA spreading rates and a counterclockwise shift SA-NA Motion
in PA-HS motion marked by the bend in the Ha-
waiian-Emperor seamount chain. Feature: Between 85 and 65 Ma a markedly different direc-
(2) Decrease at 37 Ma in the FA-PA spreading rate. tion of SA-NA motion.
(3) Decrease at 28 Ma in the FA-PA spreading rate. Genealogy: (1) The anomalous direction of motion during that
(4) Decrease in HS-NA velocity at 37 Ma (see ear- period is probably not significant because the veloc-
lier discussion). ity is close to zero. The origin of the low velocity
during this period is a simultaneous change in
(IZ, KU,PA)-NA Motion NA-AF and SA-AF motion at 85 Ma.
(2) The 66 Ma increase in SA-NA velocity resulted
In our reconstructions the Izanagi plate was never in contact from a change in AF-NA divergence at this time.
50 Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
APPENDIX B: AZIMUTH AND SPEED OF THE B2. These figures were developed to display when major changes
LINEAR VELOCITIES OF OCEANIC PLATES in plate interactions occurred. Because of uncertainty in the loca-
FOR NORTH AMERICA AND EURASIA tions of plate boundaries at certain times, velocity vectors for
more than one plate pair appear on some of the plots. Earlier
Tables 5 and 6 give the azimuth and speed of linear veloci- convergence velocities are known with much less certainty than
ties of the oceanic plates relative to North America and Eurasia are later convergence velocities.
respectively. This information is also plotted in Figures Bl and
Figure Bl (this and following pages). Speed and azimuth of linear velocities relative to North America at
selected sites. Where it is uncertain which of two plates was adjacent to a site at a given time, velocity
arrows for both plates are shown.
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates
B a a t e r n A l e u t i a n Are Kodlak l a l a n d
Lat. 86.0 Long. 1 0 2 . 0 Lat. 5 8 . 0 Long. 2 0 0 . 0
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
outhwee Mexleo
f t. 16.0 Long. 2 0 0 . 0
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
t. K o r y a k k l Mt
Lat. 0 2 . 0 Longd 1 7 6 . 0 8hellkhova 8 e a
r3 Let. 0 0 . 0 Long. 1 6 6 . 0
1 I
Figure B2. Speed and azimuth of linear velocities relative to Eurasia at selected sites. Where it is
uncertain which of two plates was adjacent to a site at a given time, velocity arrows for both plates are
Relative Motions Between Oceanic and Continental Plates 57
8kRoll l o l n Honohu l o l a n d
Lot. 6 3 . 0 Long. 1 4 2 . 0 Lt 40.0 Long.140.0
Engebretson, Cox, and Gordon
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