Questionnaire For Integrated Psychology Class

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PRACTICEQUESTIONS C. Neither of these 5. The purpose of examining a client's family C.

Give clues as to the development of that

constellation is: individual's lifestyle
INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY 9. Learning and observing behavior, is a study Discuss D. All of the above
done by E. Both (b) and (c)
1. What is classical conditioning? A. Pavlov A. To get a picture of the individual's early social
A. Two stimuli; one response, one consequence B. Darwin world 10. When Adler spoke of individuality, he
B. Two stimuli C. Bandura B. To bring unconscious factors to the surface referred to:
C. Two stimuli; 2 responses C. To discover hereditary aspects of the client's Discuss
2. Learning is defined as "a relatively permanent D. To determine who else in the family needs A. The unique way we rewrite our own life script
change in an organism's behavior due to 1. According to Adler, childhood experiences: help B. The unique way we deal with the crises of our
A. Instinct" E. Both (b) and (c) development
B. Mental processes" A. Are into relevant to the practice of therapy C. The unique way we confront our unfinished
C. Experience" B. Determine the adult personality 6. The term "social interest" refers to: business
C. Are not as crucial in themselves as is our D. The unique way we develop our own style of
3. In Pavlov's experiments, dogs learned to attitude toward these experiences A. An individual's attitude in dealing with the striving for competence
salivate in response to a tone. The tone is D. Should provide the focus for therapy sessions social world
therefore a(an) E. Passively shape us B. A sense of identification and empathy with 11. "Fictional finalism" is an Adlerian term that
A. Conditioned stimuli others refers to:
B. Neutral stimulus 2. Which is (are) true concerning one's style of C. Striving for a better future for all humans
C. Unconditioned response life? D. All of the above A. The unrealistic ideas that we have about the
E. Both (a) and (b) way life should be
4.Which scientists performed the study on Little A. All people have a lifestyle, but no two people B. Our strict adherence to certain beliefs that are
Albert? develop exactly the same style 7. All of the following are stages in Adlerian not based on reality
A. Watson and Rayner B. The lifestyle is largely set by the age of 6 counseling except: C. An imagined central goal that guides our
B. Rayner and Pavlov C. One's style of life is a reaction to perceived behavior
C. Pavlov and Darwin inferiority A. Reorientation D. Our stubborn resistance to change
D. One's style of life is learned from early B. Insight
5. What are the processes of Classical interactions in the family C. Establishing a therapeutic relationship ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY
Conditioning? E. All of the above D. Analysis and assessment 1. Which of the following familial patterns is not
A. Discriminate, generalization, acquisition E. Analysis of resistance associated with the occurrence of schizophrenia?
B. Acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, 3. Alder believed that human behavior is:
generalization, discrimination 8. The process of encouragement in Alderian A. Double-bind communication
C. None of the above A. Motivated by sexual urges counseling includes: B. Triangulation
B. Motivated by social urges C. Marital schism
6. Learning from the results of your behavior. C. Purposeful and goal-directed A. Helping clients use all their resources 1
A. Behaviorism D. All of the above B. Transforming traits that can be liabilities into
B. Reinforcement E. Both (b) and (c) assets 2. A child displays the following: A lack of
C. Operant conditioning C. Helping clients recognize and accept their emotional responsivity, indifference to physical
4. In Adlerian counseling, the client/therapist positive qualities contact, abnormal social play, stereotyped body
7. Primary reinforcers can be relationship is characterized by: D. All of the above movements, and markedly abnormal speech. The
A. Kisses, hugs, food E. All but (b) most likely diagnosis for this child is:
B. Money, jewelry, gold stars A. Cooperation and respect
C. None of these B. Equality 9. An Adlerian therapist would ask a client to A. Schizophrenia
C. Aloofness give their earliest recollections in order to: B. Autistic Disorder
8. Secondary reinforcers can be... D. The counselor as "expert", the client as "sick" C. Severe intellectual functioning
A.Money, gold stars, jewelry E. Both (a) and (b) A. Discover goals and motivations D. Stereotypy disorder
B. Kisses, hugs, candy B. Reveal their beliefs and basic mistakes
3. A person manifesting an excessive reaction of D. Both b and c D. Fairness
sadness due to some external circumstances or A. Schizophrenia, catatonic E. None of the above
recent loss experience is most likely suffering B. Schizophrenia, paranoid 3. Therapists attributes include:
from: C. Schizophrenia, residual 9. _______ is a non-evaluative
D. Schizophrenia, chronic undifferentiated A. Being present to clients (phenomenological) attempt to experientially
A. Endogenous depression B. Being accessible to clients understand the world from the client’s
B. Adjustment disorder with depressed mood 9. Which of the following symptoms would be C. Focusing on immediate experience perspective
C. Bipolar disorder most useful for distinguishing between Delirium D. Being real in the relationship with the client
D. Anaclitic depression and Dementia? E. All of the above A. Sympathy
B. Focusing
4. Which of the following disorders does not A. Reduced consciousness 4. Therapists MUST display: C. Empathy
belong with the others? B. Impaired memory D. Trusting
C. Hallucinations A. Congruence E. None of the above
A. Conversion disorder D. Depressed mood B. Unconditional positive regard
B. Hypochondriasis C. Accurate empathic understanding, whereby 10. Developing empathy requires:
C. Somatization disorder 10. Young women who suffer from Anorexia helpers’ attitudes are more important than their
D. Malingering Nervosa often come from families with certain knowledge A. Attending carefully sometimes
characteristics. Which of the following is most D. All of the above B. Listening for core or basis messages
5. False ideas that cannot be argued away by true about anorexics and/or their families: C. Not responding tentatively
logic and which are not part of the cultural 5. What's useful in a therapist/client relationship? D. Not being gentle but helping the client to
environment are called: A. Mothers of anorexics are often overly focus
concerned with weight A. Trust E. None of the above
A. Hallucinations B. Fathers of anorexics are often passive and B. Warmth
B. Delusions withdrawn C. Acceptance
C. Projections C. Anorexics are often the "black sheep" of the D. All of the above
D. Reaction formations family
D. Parents of anorexics often have low 6. Generally ALLIANCE refers to:
6. An antisocial personality typically displays all expectations of their children
of the following except: A. 2 therapists
B. The notion of agreement between therapist and
A. Failure to learn from experiences INTRODUCTION TO COUNSELLING client
B. Failure to sustain employment C. Neither a nor b
C. Frequent suicide attempts 1. 'The integration of the best available research
D. Unresponsiveness in interpersonal with clinical expertise in the context of patient 7. What are attributes of the therapist that will
relationships characteristics, culture, and preferences' is the help clients TRUST us?
definition of :
7. A child with which of the following disorders A. Respectful, reasonable
is most likely to exhibit a cessation of symptoms A. Evidence based practice in psychology B. Honest, knowledgeable
in adulthood? B. Code of ethics C. Reliable, competent
C. Meta-analytical research D. Fair, diligent
A. Autistic disorder D. None of the above E. All of the above
B. Conduct disorder
C. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 2. Evidence base for any psychological 8. The fundamental ATTITUDE that permeates
D. Functional enuresis intervention should be evaluated in terms of: the whole counselling process is:

8. A schizophrenic condition typified by mixed A. Neither b nor c A. Diligence

symptomology, but clearly presenting B. Efficacy B. Competence
schizophrenia through affect and behavior is: C. Clinical utility C. Respect

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