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Grammar Section : Continous Tenses

For grade 9
English Book, Chapter 6
There are many tenses but in this chapter, we will learn:
1. Present Continous tense
2. Past Continous Tense
3. Future Continous Tense

1. Present Continuous Tense

What is the definition?

The present continuous (also called
present progressive) is a verb tense
which is used to show that an ongoing
action is happening now, either at the
moment of speech or now in a larger

Present continuous tense atau present

progressive tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang sedang
berlangsung sekarang (present) atau rencana di masa depan (future). Karena dapat digunakan
pada present atau future, tense ini sering diiringi adverbial of time untuk memperjelasnya

How is the form?

Positive Sentence (+) The ships are sailing.
(Kapal-kapal itu sedang berlayar.)
S + be (am/is/are) + present participle (- He is smiling.
ing) (Dia sedang tersenyum.)
Negative Sentence (-) The ships are not sailing.
(Kapal-kapal itu tidak sedang
S + be (am/is/are) + not + present berlayar.)
participle (-ing) He is not smiling.
(Dia tidak sedang tersenyum.)
Interrogative Sentence (?) Are the ships sailing?
(Apakah kapal-kapal itu sedang
be (am/is/are) + S + present participle (- berlayar?)
ing)? Is he smiling?
(Apakah dia sedang tersenyum?)
The present continuous tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form
(-ing) of the main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is, are.

Rumus yang digunakan: Subject + be (is,am,are) + verb-ing.

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 2020 Miss Nurul SMP Taruna Bhakti

Present continuous tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb “be”, berupa is/am/are – karena
present tense (waktu sekarang), dan present participle (-ing).
• is untuk subject berupa third person singular (Jack, a man, she, he, it)
• am hanya untuk “I”
• are untuk “you” dan plural subject (Jack and I, we, they)

Present continus dapat di gunakan untuk:

• Menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung
Ex: She is eating at the moment
I am studying English now.
Don’t make any sound! The students are having an exam.
• Menyatakan rencana di masa depan
Ex: He is going to a new school next semester
I’m spending my holiday on Kuta beach next month.
I‘m moving to West Jakarta this month.
The buses are arriving in an hour.

Time Expression in Present Continuous Tense?

• now (sekarang)
• at the moment (saat ini)
• over the holidays (selama hari libur)
• on Sunday (pada hari Minggu)
• at nine o’clock on Sunday (pada pukul sembilan hari Minggu)
• next week/month (minggu/bulan depan)
• this month (bulan ini)

2. Past Continuous Tense

What is definition?
The past continuous describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in
the past and were still going on when another event occurred.

Past continuous tense atau past progressive tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang
digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa
lampau. Aksi tersebut telah dimulai tapi belum selesai pada saat itu.

How is the form?

The past continuous of any verb is composed of two parts : the past tense of the verb
"to be" (was/were), and the base of the main verb +ing.

Rumus yang digunakan: Subject + (be) was/were + verb-ing.

Past continuous tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb “be”, berupa was atau were – karena past
tense (terjadi di masa lalu), dan present participle.
• Was untuk singular subject berupa singular noun (seperti: Andi, book, dan cat) dan
singular pronoun (seperti: I, she, he, dan it) kecuali “you”

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 2020 Miss Nurul SMP Taruna Bhakti

• Were yang merupakan plural verb digunakan pada plural subject seperti plural noun
(seperti: cats, people, books) dan plural pronoun (seperti: you, they, we, dan cats), dan
Positive Sentence (+): He was sleeping
The people were waiting
S + be (was/were) + present participle (-

Negative Sentence (-): He wasn’t sleeping

The people weren’t waiting
S + be (was/were) + not + present
participle (-ing)

Interogative Sentence (?): Was he sleeping

Were the people waiting
be (was/were) + S + present participle (-

There are many situations in which this verb tense might be used in a sentence. For
a. it is often used to describe conditions that existed in the past.
• The sun was shining every day that summer.
• As I spoke, the children were laughing at my cleverness.
• I was shopping at this time yesterday.
• What was she doing at 5 am this morning?

b. It can also be used to describe something that was happening continuously in

the past when another action interrupted it.
• The audience was applauding until he fell off the stage.
• I was making dinner when she arrived.

c. It can also refer to a habitual action in the past.

• She was talking constantly in class in those days.
• The girl was always yelling out loud.
• I was repeatedly checking things.

a. Past continuous tense untuk mengindikasikan suatu aksi yang terjadi selama momen
tertentu di masa lampau.
b. Menunjukkan bahwa ada aksi berdurasi pendek (simple past tense) yang terjadi ketika
suatu aksi berdurasi panjang (past continuous tense) sedang berlangsung. Subordinate
conjunction while dan when dapat digunakan dengan formulasi sebagai berikut.
simple past tense + while + past continuous tense
c. Membicarakan sesuatu yang terjadi berulang-ulang. Interval kejadiannya acak namun
sesungguhnya merupakan kebiasaan alami.

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 2020 Miss Nurul SMP Taruna Bhakti

Time Expression in Past Continuous Tense?

• at this time yesterday (pada jam ini kemarin, at this time last night (pada jam
ini semalam)
• at 5 am this morning (pada pukul 5 pagi ini)
• all day yesterday (sepanjang hari kemarin)
• in February (di bulan Februari)

3. Future Continuous Tense

What is the definition?
Future continuous tense is used to talk about something that will be in progress at
around a time in the future.

Future continuous tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk membicarakan sesuatu
yang akan berlangsung di masa yang akan datang. Dengan kata lain untuk
memperkirakan dan merencanakan.

How is the form?

It is formed using the construction will + be + the present participle (the root verb + -
ing). The simple future tense is a verb tense that is used when an action is expected to
occur in the future and be completed. For example, let’s suppose you have a meeting
tomorrow at five o’clock.
• At five o’clock, I will be meeting with the management about my raise.
• Reny will be working at the office when you arrive.
• He’ll be sleeping at 10 p.m.
• Don’t phone me at 7 o’clock, I’ll be having dinner with my family.

Rumus yang digunakan: Subject + will/shall + be + verb-ing.

• will digunakan untuk objek seperti: I, you, they, we, he, she, it.
• shall digunakan untuk objek I dan we.
Will not dan shall not dapat disingkat dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris menjadi “won’t” dan
“shan’t“. Namun, penggunaan singkatan shan’t tidak lazim digunakan dalam conversation
sehari-hari. Biasanya dipakai hanya dalam bentuk tulisan saja. Future continuous tense
dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb will dan be, dan present participle (-ing). Future continuous
tense untuk mengindikasikan suatu aksi yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa

Positive Sentence (+): He will be sleeping at 10 p.m.
(Dia akan sedang tidur pada pukul 10 malam.)
S + will be + present participle They will be strolling at the park tomorrow
(-ing) morning.
(Mereka akan sedang berjalan-jalan di taman
besok pagi.)
Negative Sentence (-): He will not be sleeping at 10 p.m.
(Dia tidak akan sedang tidur pada pukul 10

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 2020 Miss Nurul SMP Taruna Bhakti

S + will + not + be + present They won’t be strolling at the park tomorrow

participle (-ing) morning.
(Mereka tidak akan sedang berjalan-jalan di
taman besok pagi.)
Interrogative Sentence (?): Will he be sleeping at 10 p.m?
(Apakah dia akan sedang tidur pada pukul 10
Will + S + be + present malam?)
participle (-ing) Will they be strolling at the park tomorrow
(Apakah mereka akan sedang berjalan-jalan di
taman besok pagi?)

Time Expression in Future Continuous Tense?

• tomorrow morning (besok pagi)
• next summer (musim panas selanjutnya)
• at 10 p.m. (pada pukul 10 malam)
• this time tomorrow (pada saat ini esok hari)
• when + simple present tense (when you arrive (ketika kamu tiba), when I see
you again (ketika saya bertemu denganmu lagi), when he gets home (ketika dia
sampai di rumah))

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 2020 Miss Nurul SMP Taruna Bhakti

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