BAHAN AJAR Supervisi

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Present continuous tense / Present Progressive Tense is used to express a continued or ongoing action at the
present time. It expresses an action which is in progress at the time of speaking. (Present continuous tense /
Present Progressive Tense merupakan tenses yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu kegiatan yang
dilakukan sedang terjadi / berlangsung. Tenses ini memiliki fungsi untuk mengekspresikan suatu kegiatan yang
bersifat continue / berkelanjutan.)Example:
 She is reading a book. (Dia sedang membaca buku.)
 We are studying English.(Kita sedang belajar bahasa Inggris)
 We are singing our favourite song. (Kami sedang bernyanyi lagu favorit kami.)
 My brother and I are playing badminton. (Saudara saya dan saya sedang bermain badminton.)
In the present continuous tense, we use Auxiliary verb or to be(am/is/are)+ verb 1+ ing.
1. Positive Form Present Continuous Tense
Subject + To Be (is, am, are) + V-ing + Object/Complement
Subject To Be V-ing Object/Complement
I am
He is
It Washing the car
You are
Example: - She is working at a Hospital. (Dia sedang bekerja di Rumah Sakit)
 Deny is writing a novel. (Deny sedang menulis novel)
 It’s raining now. (Sekarang sedang hujan)
 My mother is waiting your mom. (Ibuku sedang menunggu Ibumu)

2. Negative Form Present Continuous Tense

Subject + To Be (is, am, are) +not+ V-ing + Object/Complement
Subject To Be +not V-ing Object/Complement
I Am not
He Is not
It Washing the car
You Are not
Example: - My mother is not waiting your mom. (Ibuku tidak sedang menunggu Ibumu)
Budi and Ani aren’t playing very well. (Budi dan Ani tidak bermain dengan baik)

3. Interrogative Form Present Continuous Tense

To Be (is, am, are) +Subject+ V-ing + Object/Complement ?

To Be Subject V-ing Object/Complement

Am I

Is She


It washing the car

Are We


Example: - Are you learning English now? (apakah kamu sedang belajar bahasa Inggris sekarang?)
 Is She cooking now? (Apakah dia sedang bekerja sekarang?)
Untuk menjawab bentuk pertanyaan tersebut kita bisa menggunakan short answer seperti dibawah ini.
 'Yes' answer
Yes + Subject + To Be (is, am, are)
Subject To Be
I Am
He Is
We Are

 'No' answer
No + Subject + To Be (is, am, are)+ not
No Subject To Be Not
I Am Not (I’m not)
He Is Not (isn’t)
You Are Not (aren’t)


We use the present continues tense to talk about the present
 For something that is happening at the moment of speaking.
Example: Please be quiet. The children are sleeping.
 For something which we think is temporary
Example: I am studying for examination
 To show that something is changing, growing or developing
Example: She is getting bored with this conversation
 For something which has been arranged or planned.
Example: He is going to Dubai for vacation tomorrow.
D. Adverb of Time
Keterangan waktu yang biasanya digunakan pada kalimat present continuous tense adalah:
1. Waktu dimana pembicaraan sedang terjadi (at the time of speaking): today, right now,at the moment, at
present, etc.
2. Kejadian terjadi sekitar waktu pembicaraan (around the time of speaking): This year, this month, this
week, this semester, etc.
Example: •We will be spending our holiday in Bogor next week.
•She is talking right now
•He is working at the beach this two weeks because he needs money to buy a new game
E. Aturan penambahan Verb + ing
Ada beberapa aturan cara menambahkan ing pada Verb:
1. Umumnya, sebagian besar verb bisa langsung ditambahkan –ing diakhir kata kerja tanpa perubahan atau
penambahan apapun. Contohnya:
•work + ing = working
She is working on her project now. (Dia sedang mengerjakan proyeknya sekarang.)
•eat + ing = eating
Lala likes eating vegetables. (Lala suka makan sayur.)
•repair + ing = repairing
My dad is repairing my bike. (Ayah saya sedang memperbaiki sepeda saya.)
•do + ing = doing
I like doing my homework at night. (Saya suka mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya pada malam hari.)
•wash + ing = washing
Ryan is washing his clothes. (Ryan sedang mencuci bajunya.)
2. Verb dengan Akhiran E +ing
Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran “e”, huruf “e” tersebut harus dihilangkan terlebih dahulu, baru kemudian
ditambahkan –ing. Contohnya:
•dance + ing = dancing
Bianca and Ghea are dancing a traditional dance. (Bianca dan Ghea sedang menari tarian tradisional.)
•hike + ing = hiking
Our team is hiking a dangerous route. (Tim kita sesang mendaki sebuah rute yang berbahaya.)
•ride + ing = riding
My brother is riding his new little bike. (Saudara saya sedang mengendai sepeda kecil barunya.)
•smile + ing = smiling
The baby is smiling to me. (Bayi itu sedang tersenyum kepada saya.)
•practice + ing = practicing
Jason likes practicing his piaso in the studio. (Jason suka berlatih pianonya di studio.)
3. Verb dengan Akhiran IE +ing
Jika sebuah kata kerja berakhiran “ie”, maka kedua huruf tersebut harus diganti dengan huruf“y” baru
ditambahkan -ing. Contohnya:
•die + ing = dying
The fish is dying. (Ikan itu sekarat.)
•lie + ing = lying
I don’t like lying. (Saya tidak suka berbohong.)
•tie + ing = tying
Nana is tying her shoes. (Nana sedang mengikat sepatunya.)
4. Verb Satu Syllable dengan Akhiran Consonant-Vowel-Consonant +ing
Consonant adalah huruf mati sementara vowel adalah huruf vokal a, i, u, e o. Ketika kata kerja dengan satu syllable
(suku kata) berakhiran consonant-vowel-consonant, maka huruf konsonan terakhir pada kata tersebut harus
digandakan, baru ditambahkan –ing. Contohnya:
•sit + ing = sitting
Miranda is sitting on the floor. (Miranda sedang duduk di atas lantai.)
•swim + ing = swimming
We are swimming together in the pool. (Kita sedang berenang bersama di dalam kolam.)
•knit + ing = knitting
My mom is knitting a sweater. (Ibu saya sedang merajut sebuah baju hangat.)
• dig + ing = digging (menggali)
• plan + ing = planning (Merencanakan)
5. Verb Dua Syllable atau Lebih dengan Akhiran Consonant-Vowel-Consonant +ing
Jika sebuah verb dengan dua suku kata atau lebih berakhiran CVC (consonant-vowel-consinant), dan penekanan
pengucapannya berada di akhir kata, maka huruf konsonan yang terakhir harus digandakan. Contohnya:
• forget + ing = forgetting
•begin + ing = beginning (awal)
•submit + ing = submitting( mengumpulkan)
•admit + ing = admitting (mengakui)
•upset + ing = upsetting (mengecewakan)
Sedangkan jika sebuah verb dengan dua suku kata atau lebih berakhiran CVC, dan penekanan pengucapannya
berada di awal kata, maka huruf konsonan yang terakhir tidak perlu digandakan. Contohnya: •listen + ing = listening
•visit + ing = visiting (mengunjungi)
•develop + ing = developing
6. Verb dengan Akhiran “W”,”X” dan “Y”
Jika verb berakhiran “w”, “x” dan “y”, tidak perlu menggandakan huruf konsonan tapi langsung saja ditambahkan –
ing. Contohnya:
•fix + ing = fixing (memperbaiki)
Rama and Gata are fixing their car. (Rama dan Gata sedang memperbaiki mobil mereka.)
•mix + ing = mixing (mencampur)
You are mixing the ingredients. (Kamu sedang mencampur bahan-bahannya.)
•draw + ing = drawing (menggambar)
My niece is drawing a beautiful scenery. (Keponakan saya sedang menggambar sebuah pemandangan yang
•throw + ing = throwing (melempar)
He is throwing a ball. (Dia sedang melempar sebuah bola.)
•enjoy + ing = enjoying (menikmati)
Eddy is enjoying his meal. (Edi sedang menikmati makanannya.)
Write the Following Sentences with the verbs in the present continuous tense. (Tulislah kalimat-kalimat di
bawah ini dengan kata kerja dalam present continuous tense).
Example: Ghania and I (discuss) are discussing our project.
1. I (wait) ________________ for a call from my roommate.
2. Ghania and Aisyah (decorate) ________________ the room for the party.
3. She (run) ________________ fast.
4. They (sleep) ________________ in the tent.
5. Some tourist (sunbath) ________________ on the beach.
6. Ali is in the kitchen. He (have) ________________ dinner.
7. I (call) ________________ him now.
8. The girl (read) ________________ a book.

EXERCISE 2 : Complete the questions and answer. Add am, is, are to the questions and am, is, are, or ‘m not, isn’t,
aren’t to the short answer.( Lengkapi pertanyaan dan jawabanya. Tambahkan to be (am,is,are) untuk pertanyaanya
dan to be (am,is,are)atau ‘m not, isn’t, aren’t untuk jawaban singkatnya.
Example: - Is it raining outside? Yes, it is.
- Are the students doing an experiment in the laboratory? No, they aren’t.
1. ________________ you watching TV right now? Yes, I ________________
2. ________________ he working on his home work? No, he ________________
3. ________________ your parents attending the meeting? Yes, they ________________
4. ________________ she looking at us? No, she ________________
5. ________________ they cleaning the swimming pool? No, they ________________
6. ________________ we waiting for someone? No, we ________________

EXERCISE 3: Write the sentences into the negative forms. (Tulislah kalimat-kalimat berikut dalam bentuk
Example : They are leaving the school.
(-) They aren’t leaving the school
1. He’s talking to a stranger.
2. We’re cleaning the garage now.
3. They’re drinking coffe.
4. She’s washing her sneakers.
5. I’m lying on my bed

EXERCISE 4: Make sentences based each of the picture using present continuous tense. Do in pairs.

a. b. c.

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