Ac Circuit Simulation: i (t) =I sin (ωt) =I si n (2 π f t)
Ac Circuit Simulation: i (t) =I sin (ωt) =I si n (2 π f t)
Ac Circuit Simulation: i (t) =I sin (ωt) =I si n (2 π f t)
Date___________________ ___________________________
This simulation deals with circuits involving resistors, capacitors and inductors in which the
currents and voltages vary as a sinusoidal function in time.
then the voltage across the component also varies sinusoidally, but with a phase that depends on the
component. For a resistor the voltage is in phase with the current. For a capacitor the voltage lags the
current by 90o, and for an inductor the voltage leads the current by 90o. The peak current-voltage
relationships for a resistor, capacitor and inductor are
V R =I R (2)
V C =I X C =I /( ω C ) (3)
V L =I X L =I ω L (4)
where XC and XL are the reactances of the capacitor and the inductor.
v (t )=V s i n(ω t )
Series RC Circuit
V =I √ R2 + X 2c (5)
Figure 1
Series RL Circuit
V =I √ R + X L
2 (6)
Figure 2
V =I √ R2 +( X L− X C )2 (7)
Figure 3
We can write this as a modified Ohm’s law
V =I Z , Z =√ R 2+( X L + X C )2
where Z is the circuit impedance. In the series RLC circuit, the current will be a maximum when the
impedance is a minimum, that is, when XL = XC, or
1 (8)
f =f 0=
2 π √ LC
1 – Preliminary Questions
In a series RL circuit the rms voltage across R is 25 V and the rms voltage across L is 50 V.
3. What is the rms value of the voltage across the RL combination? (V)
2 – Series RC Circuit
Click the schematic button on the right hand side. This simulation will let you construct
circuits. The circuit elements are displayed on the right side and can be dragged into the blue
canvas. Once you have a circuit element in the canvas it can be modified by right clicking on
the object. This will let you change the value of the voltage of a battery, the capacitance of a
capacitor and so on. Click the voltage chart to display a graph which can be used to
measure the voltage across elements in your circuit. To do this move the two probes (1 red 1
black) to touch each side of the wire connecting to a circuit element.
Use the circuit simulation to create the RC circuit shown in Fig. 1 (the circuit displayed in
the simulation above). Set the resistance to R = 40 Ω and the capacitance to C = 0.05 F. The
AC voltage element in the circuit simulation is a AC voltage source, right click on it change
the AC voltage and frequency. Set the V = 10 V, and f = 0.1 Hz. Use the voltage chart to
measure the max voltages across the resistor V R and the capacitor V C . The chart does not
provide the numerical value of the voltage but you can get a visual reading using the zoom
in/out buttons displayed with the +/- signs on top of the chart. Also you can open two voltage
4. Is V 2 +V 2 = 10 V? (within a 5% error)
√ R C
If not try your measurement again.
Perform new measurements at frequencies f = 0.3 Hz, 0.5 Hz, …. 2.1 Hz (steps of 0.2 Hz).
Plot on a single graph V R vs f, V C vs f. You can use Excel or Libreoffice Calc or what you
5. Does the quantity V 2 +V 2 depend on the frequency?
√ R C
6. Are you measurements in qualitative agreement with your answer to questions 1 and 2?
7. Why don’t the voltages add as V = V R +V C ?
8. Does the quantity I in equation 5 depend on the frequency?
9. From you graph estimate the frequency when V R =V C (Hz)
10. From equation 1 and 2 calculate the frequency when V R =V C . (Hz)
11. Find the % error of the two frequencies obtained in question 8 and 9.
Make a graph of V R vs f.
12. From your graph estimate f 0. (Hz)
13. From equation 8 calculate f 0. (Hz)
14. Find the % error of the two frequencies obtained in question 11 and 12.
The “quality” factor Q of the resonant circuit, is defined as Q = f 0 /Δf where Δf is the width
of the resonance curve measured between points where the power dissipation is ½ the value
at resonance. It can be shown that Q can be calculated using the expression
Q = 2πf 0 L/R.
15. Calculate Q
Set your frequency to the resonance frequency f 0 (as calculated in question 12).
16. What is the voltage V L ? (V)
17. What is the voltage V R ? (V)
18. What is the voltage V C ? (V)
19. What is the voltage V LC ? (V) (V LC is the voltage across the capacitor and inductor
At resonance V L and V C should be 180 0 out of phase so they would cancel and your circuit is
essential an AC source and a resistor only.
20. Use the current chart to measure the current in the circuit. (A)
21. Use the Ohm’s law to calculate the current in the circuit. (A)
22. Find the % error of the two currents obtained in question 19 and 20.