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ron [ ] Answer Shoot No. 24 @ _ we ‘Sig. of Candidate, ‘Sig. of invigilator, — — Time’allowed: 20 Minutes (Science Group) NOTE: Seciion-A f= compulsory. All parts of is seation aro to be answered on the question paper itself - Wt should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deletingioverwriting is not sllowed. Do not use lead pencil @.1_Circlethe correct option i.e. A/ BC /D. Each part carries one mark. then x Is equal to: a 6 a 9 c 6 a) - (Imaginary pat of (31 +2) ~ A 2 Bt e 8 D. (i) Tho garth of unity to any base iss | ae At 8 | Ge b8 = () (V3 +N2)(v3 -¥2) is ecu to | = AS Bs e @ D. (0) Factorsof 3x? —x~2 are: - A (+IGrH2) BHT] e-2)C G=DGx+2)0. Y,Gx-2) (Lemon 15x? , 43xy and 30ay2 _ A 9002 Bre ge Deb (Wi) Forany a, eR ta>b and b>, thena> , Name of te propery i: = AL Tiiobotomy «B= Tranditve = €.—Cosure Dative = {in| The solution ofthe equiion2x+-y=1 Is ‘ = A Grd B03) G3) 2 C43) = |b) The distance between points (-8,]) and (6.1) is: = ° A 2 Bo 6 86 D _ |x) Bisection of a Line Segment means to cvice itinto equal pars. A 2 B38 4 3. Intnte (x) How many lines can be drawn through two points? A One B Two Three D Ininite (xi) The distance of the point of concurrency of the median ofa triangle rom its vertex is, then the - tengtn of that medan i: AD 2om Bo: 3om © 4em D. | Bem = (ail) The right bisector ofthe sides of right tiangle intersect each other. - ‘A. Inside the tiangle B,.Outaide the tiangle © Onthe mypotenuse D. Onthe base = (¥) Each median of a triangle clvides i into tangles of equal areas. _ A Two B Three © Four D. into (Uo) The region enclosed by the bounding linee of a closed figure is calles Ee ‘A Triangle’ ~=—-B.——Paralislooram C. Aree D, Perimeter = For Examiner's use only aia = Marks Obtaine 184 1900 0mLLTLLL] ‘Answer Sheot No. 24 Sig. of invigilator. MATHEMATICS @8C-i ‘SECTION - A (Mads 15) Time allowed: 20 Minutes {Science Group) NOTE: Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section ase be answered on the question paper itself. ft should be completed in the first 20 minutes an banded over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pemell, Q.1 Circle the correct option Le, A/B/C /D. Each part carte ene mark. ()—-Amatricis skew symmetric it: A AeA B 424 CG (=A DO (AY (i) Real part of 2ab(i+ #)is: A Dab B ~2ab © abi Do ~2abs (ii) 110 100 then: A logl00 BB, —-2= Hogi l0C.—«10=Hog,100 0. 100=0g,10 wy Is equal to A (@t-ab+6*) B (at tabeb') Gah + Da () Factors of x7 -x-6 are A xthr-6 Bo ree-3 x het6 DHF (Vi) Product of two algebraic expression is equal te: A HCF+LOM BR HCR-LCM © HCFILCM DHE FKLCM (vil) x= Ois a solution of the inegualiy: A x30 Bo Bre5<0 0G x42<0 Dx 20 (vill) Which ordered pair satisfy the equation y= 2x A (2) Bl) & @2 2 @D (%)—-Mispoint of the points (2,~2) and (—2,2)is: A @,2) B (2-2) G0) Da) (©) Two Ines.can intersect at points A One 8 Two © Thee D. Infinite (%))_Iftwo opposite sides of a quadriiatera! are congruent and parallel, then itis 2: A Square 8 Rectangle §=—
W iia (ov) Order oftranspose of [0 1 is? A 3-by-2B é by3 D3 (00) Characteritcs of 1662.48? ron 3 a 4 D3 For Examiner's use only: ‘Total Marke: ‘Marks obtained: — 18h 1699 (ON) —(GBS ome CEPT Answer Sheet No. Sig. of Invigitator. MATHEMATICS SSC SECTION ~ A (Marks 15) Time allowed: 20 Minutes (Science Group) NOTE: Sectlon-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself. It should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. @.1 Gircle the correct option i.e. A/B/C! D. Each part carries one mark. w G+ V5 1B-V5 = B25 c 48 2 2 wo B. (x-2)(7 +4) ©. (x42? - 4) D. (x= 2)(e4 2)e 4) (i) 7 rr c o 4 (iv) The equare root of u? 20 +1 i A Hath Be 5 Do att (-HGFof a?—6? and a? 6 is A a-b B. ath c +ab+b? 0, a —ab+b? (vi) What should be added to complete the square of x4 +647 A 87 B 8x7 cc 16x? DB 4x? (wii) Ifa,b€ R . only one of a=b or a
d holds is called. property. A Trchotomy 8. -—Transitve «= Adve D—Multipicatve (wii) The decimal part of the common iogarithm of a number ts called A Characteristic 8. —Antlogarthm C. Base D. Mantisea (x) The medians of a triangle cut each other in the ratio A 4a B34 cat Doo4a (%) When all the sides of the triangle are different in length, the triangle is called angle A Rigntangied 8, —Scalene cS. Eauiatert 0. —ssosceles (xi) © A quadrilateral having each angie equal to 00° 1« called A Perallelogram 8 Rectangle C.-~—=sTrapazum © 0. Rhombus (xi) Iwo sides of a triangle are unequal in tength, the longer side has an angle of measure opposte toit A Smaller 8 Equal Double D. Greater (i) PLx, 3p) and OC<>, 3-9 are two pointe inthe plane, the mid-point R(x . y)ef ine segment PO a (abn ats) 8 6 (3 52.452) D. None of nese Gin) Produ offs 2] ao A [2e+y) 8. [x29] c [2x-y] D [e+ 2v] (xv) imaginary part of ~i(3i+2) is. a = 8 2 c 8 a) For Examiner's use only: Total Marks: Marks Obtained: 184 1408 4) —mm | sone Pa Sig. of Candidate Sig. of Invigiator. MATHEMATICS SSC_i SECTION (Marks 15) Time allowed: 20 Minutes (Science Group) NOTE: Section-A Is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itso. It should be completed in the first 20 minutes amd handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deloting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Q.1 Circle the correct option i.e. A/B/C / D. Each part caries one mark. 2 01 Aso. thes x's equal A 9 a + . 6 D. (i) Wex
yiscaled: A Transitive property B. —_Trichotomy property ©. Symmetric property D. Associative property (ii) The conjugate of 5 +4iis A 5+4i Bo -S~4i 5-41 D S44 () The logarithm of unity to any tase is: A B10 Ge D0 w) BB (a+by © ate Dab (vi) What will be added to complete square of 9a’ ~12ab A 166" Be ° D. (vi) Find m” so that 2? = 4x + mis & complete square. A 8 a 38 a 4 Do 6 (vil) HOF of a + Band a? ab + A asd 8 a-abebh (aba xe is 8 soluton of inequality -2-< xg A B83 2 0 oF (%) How many non-colinear points determine a plane? A One 5 Two c.Three D. Four (xi) measure of sides ofa tiangle are 3om, dom and Sem then triangle is: A Obluse 8. Right c. Acutle D. — Equiateral (ail) Which ordered pair satisty the equation x=2y A (2) B @D & @a) CC) (xii) Hatt length of diameter of cre is called: A Radus 8 Centre ©. Tangent =D. goint (xiv) Aray has end points A Oe = TW © Twee Db. Four (0) The right bisector ofthe sides of an acute angled tangle intersect each other: A Inside B. Oulside—C.—~Onhypotenuse D. On base For Examiner's use only: ‘Total Marks: 15 | Marks Obtained: [ —18A 1008/0) —Answor Sheet No. Sig. of invigitator a MATHEMATICS SSC-—I SECTION ~ A (Marks 15) Time allowed: 20 Minutes (Science Group) NOTE: Sectlon-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself, It should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deletingioverwriting Is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Q.1 Circle the correct option i.e. A/ B/ C/D. Each part carries one mark. @ B+yF1G-V5y A 4 B25 c 48 D2 w Bo (x24) (HAR 4) (X= (HH NHL w a7 a a4 co - a 4 (iv) The square root of o? 201i A ath B 4a Cal Dal ( — HeFot a?—6? and a —6" ts A ab Bath © atsab+b? 0 a*-ab+b* (v) What should be added to complete the square of 24 +647 A 8x? B 8x 16x? Do 4x? (a) Habe R. only one of a=b or ab or amb hold is called property A Trichotomy 8, Transitive = «Gite D Mutipieative (ui) _The decimal part of the common logarithm of a number is called A Characteristic 8 —Antilogarthm C Base D.— Mantissa (The medians of a tangle cut each other in the ratio A ant B34 ean Boot 6) When ail the sides of the tangle are different in length, the triangle iscaled_ triangle. A Rightangled 8, Scalene © Equilsteral«—(.Isosceles (x) + A quadrilateral having each angle equal to 90° ws called A Parallelogram 8 Rectangle = C._—=Trapezium =O. Rhombus (iil) i two sides of a triangle are unequal i length, the longer side has an angle of _ measure opposite to it A smelier 8 Equal Double D. Greater (aii) IF PCay.3y) and OC, ¥5)are two points in the pane, the mic-point K(x . y)otline segment 7 A (aust) . (2422222) ace 2 é (a2 =%2) D None of these (iv) Product of [x,y] A fax+yl 8 fx al Cc peo DB [xs20) 6) imaginary part of —i(3i +2) is. — A B 2 c 3 D. For Examint Total Marks: Marks Obtained: 180 1408 *B\ roe. [TT DI 1d Answer Sheet N ff) Sig. of Candidate. Sig. of invigitator. L MATHEMATICS SSC-i SECTION —A (Marks 15) lowed: 20 utes NOTE: Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper iteclf. lt should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deletingloverwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Q.1 Circjp the correct option ie. A/B/C / D. Each part carries one mark. () IFAS (1,2, 3). the order of A is, A 2x3 B 3x1 c 3x3 dD 1x3 (i) Anon-terminating, non-recurring decimal fraction represents a / an _ number. A Natural 8. Rational Irrational DB.» Prime (ii), The integral part of the common logarithm of a number is called A Mantissa = 8, Base © Power D. Characteristic (Ww) What will be added to complete the square of 9a” -12ab7 A 1667 8. 1667 c 4B" D. 4 (VHF of Sx?y? and 207)? is A Sxty? 8, 20x3)9 c 100x> D. None of these (wi) if y=2x41 and x=2 then y= A 2 8. 3 c. 4 D. 5 (vi) Distance between the points (1,0) and (0,1) A 0 B 1 a 2 D2 (il) The graph of y=7 wil be A. Along x-axis B Along y-axis ©. Passing through origin D None of these @) 107 = A O41 B. 0.01 c 0.001 D. 100 (2) Atriangle having two sides congruent is called tangle A. Scalene 8. Rightangled = C. Equilateral D. Isosceles (x) The sum of the length of any two sides of a triangle is the length of the third sige. A Lessthan = B.S Grealerthan C.— Equal to D. Half (xi) If Wo medians of a triangle are congruent, the triangle will be A Isosceles B. Equilateral —C. Right angled Acute angled (xii) fone angle of a right triangle is of 30°, the hypotenuse is ____as long as the side opposite to the angle. A Half B. Twice Cc. Thrice D. The same (xiv) The scientific notation of 96,000,000 is__— A 96.0107 B, 9.6%10° c. 9.6% 107 D. 96.0%10% (ov) The radical sign of 4° is __ a Me a Ya c v4 D. None of these For Examiner's use only: ‘Total Marks: [a5 ] ee| Answer Shoot No, MATHEMATICS SSC-i SECTION ~ A (Marks 15) x Time allowed: 20 Minutes (Science Group) NOTE: Section—A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself. It should be completed the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwiting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Circle the correct option ie. A/ BC /D. Each part carries one mark. 0 “io «iy w ™ w (vi (vii) (ie) ) xi) co) xi) ev) co A square matrix is called singular if its determinant i A Negative = B,Positve ©. Zero D. one The value of i is: Ad 8. 1 ao og D. i The logarithm of ary number to itself as base ie A 4 BO GA D0 a? ~ab +87 isa factorof: A ab Bow aB © (ashy D (e-by When 9x7 —6x+2 is divided by 2, the remainder is: A 9 BR 6: co 2 D3 H.CF of Sx*y*z? and30x"y°z's: A Sxtyz? BS x8y8e C308 D0 X= 5 is a possible solution of the inequality A x<0 Bo x+5<0 x45>0 D x-1050 The point (—3,~1) lies in the quadrant AT Boon c om . oF ‘The midpoint ofthe line segment joining the points (—4,9) and (~4,~3) is: A (8,6) BR 4 c 06) oO) ARay has. end points A No B One c Two DIninte ‘Sum of the adjacent angles of a paraislogram s A 90 B 180° ©. 270 360° In the biseation of right engle, each angle is of . A 30 BAS © 60 | 90° Right bisection of aline segment means to draw a perpendicular at the ofthat tine segment. A Anypont 8. Midpoint." Twopoints—O._infnitepoins Ifhypotense of an isoscoles righ triangle ls vem , then each of te other side is of length A 2em B Vaem © tem Dem Altitude of an equilateral triangle from vertex tothe opposite side makes an angle of © that side. A 30° a a DB 90° For Examiner's use only: Total Marks: Marks Obtained: 184 1908 4) —
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