Government College of Technology, Coimbatore - 13 Department of Mechanical Engineering - Ug Course: Semester: Subject: Assignment: 03
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore - 13 Department of Mechanical Engineering - Ug Course: Semester: Subject: Assignment: 03
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore - 13 Department of Mechanical Engineering - Ug Course: Semester: Subject: Assignment: 03
5. An axial flow air compressor of 50% reaction design has blades with inlet and L4 4
outlet angles of 45° and 10° respectively. The compressor is to produce a
pressure ratio of 6 : 1 with an overall isentropic efficiency of 0.85 when the air
inlet temperature is 40°C. The blade speed and axial velocity are constant
throughout the compressor. Assuming a value of 200 m/s for the blade speed,
find the number of stages required when the work factor is (i) unity (ii) 0.89 for
all stages.
6. Air at 1.013 bar and 15°C is to be compressed at the rate of 5.6 m/min to 11.75 L2 4
bar. Two machines are considered : (i) the roots blower ; and (ii) a sliding vane
rotary compressor. Compare the powers required, assuming for the vane type that
internal compression takes place through 75% of the pressure rise before delivery
takes place, and that the compressor is an ideal uncooled machine.
7. A turbo-jet engine consumes air at the rate of 60.2 kg/s when flying at a speed of L3 5
1000 km/h. Calculate : (i) Exit velocity of the jet when the enthalpy change for
the nozzle is 230 kJ/kg and velocity co-efficient is 0.96. (ii) Fuel flow rate in
kg/s when air-fuel ratio is 70: 1 (iii) Thrust specific fuel consumption (iv)
Thermal efficiency of the plant when the combustion efficiency is 92% and
calorific value of the fuel used is 42000 kJ/kg. (v) Propulsive power (vi)
Propulsive efficiency (vii) Overall efficiency.
8. Describe with neat. sketches the. working of a simple constant pressure open. L2 5
cycle’ gas turbine.
9. Discuss briefly the methods. employed for improvement of thermal efficiency. of L4 5
open cycle gas turbine plant.
10. Explain the working difference between propeller-jet, turbo-jet and turbo-prop. L4 5
In a gas turbine plant air at 10°C and 1.01 bar is compressed through a pressure L4 5
ratio of 4 : 1. In a heat exchanger and combustion chamber the air is heated to
700°C while its pressure drops 0.14 bar. After expansion through the turbine the
air passes through a heat exchanger which cools the air through 75% of
maximum range possible, while the pressure drops 0.14 bar, and the air is finally
exhausted to atmosphere. The isentropic efficiency of the compressor 1s 0.80 and
that of turbine 0.85. Calculate the efficiency of the plant.
11. Describe with neat. diagram a closed cycle gas turbine. State also its merits and L5 5
demerits. |
12. A turbo-jet engine travels at 216 m/s in air at 0.78 bar and — 7.2°C. Air first L2 5
enters diffuser in which it ts brought to rest relative to the unit and it is then
compressed in a compressor through a pressure ratio of 5.8 and fed to a turbine at
1110°C. The gases expand through the turbine and then through the nozzle to
atmospheric pressure (i.e., 0.78 bar). The efficiencies of diffuser, nozzle and
compressor are each 90%. The efficiency of turbine is 80%. Pressure drop in the
combustion chamber is 0.168 bar. Determine : (i) Air-fuel ratio ; (ii) Specific
thrust of the unit ; (iii) Total thrust, if the inlet cross-section of diffuser is 0.12
m2. Assume calorific value of fuel as 44150 kJ/kg of fuel.
DATE : 03.11.2021