Introductory Experiment F

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Introductory Experiment F

Measurement of the speed of light:

Fibre-optic method

1. To measure c, the speed of light, through fibre optic cables and calculate the speed of light
in a vacuum.
1. To gain experience of the use of electronic test equipment and breadboards;
2. To gain further experience with the analysis and elimination of experimental errors.

Further reading:
• P.A. Tipler & G. Mosca, Physics for Scientists and Engineers 5th Edn. (W.H. Freeman and
Company, New York, 2004). Chapters 31 and 32.


Introduction 5
Fibre-opticn 4 +5nV
cable 3 0.1μF
In addition to providing practice with data and error HFBR-2524Zn 2 560Ω
analysis, this experiment is intended help you become 1
familiar with standard electrical test equipment such as
oscilloscopes, signal generators and breadboards. You Outputn
will use this equipment throughout the course. signal
Before attending the laboratory to start this experi-
ment you should read chapter 3, then work through the Figure F.2: The optical receiver circuit
oscilloscopes, signal generators and fault-finding and
circuit testing resources in the Equipment section of
the DLM. This will help you finish the experiment in (1) Construct the transmitter; the connections are
good time. shown in Figure F.1. You should connect pin 1 of
the HFBR-1527Z transmitter to the output from
the 50Ω output of the signal generator, and pin 2
Theory to ground through the 150Ω resistor. Pins 3, 4, 5
and 6 do not need to be connected.
The velocity of light in free space is one of the most im-
(2) Construct the receiver; the connections are shown
portant and intriguing physical constants. Many meth-
in Figure F.2. The output signal should be dis-
ods of measuring it have been devised over the years.
played on Channel 2 of the oscilloscope. The +5 V
This experiment aims to measure the time-of-flight power should be supplied by the breadboard. Pins
of optical photons propagating along a fibre-optic ca- 3, 5 and 6 do not need to be connected.
ble. The measurements are straightforward, with all
timings being measured with an oscilloscope. The time (3) Connect a short fibre-optic cable between the light-
of propagation may be given by: emitting diode (LED) transmitter and the receiver.
nx (4) Set the signal generator to output a square wave at
t = t0 + (F.1)
c a frequency of approximately 100kHz, with a peak-
to-peak amplitude of 16 - 17 V. The 50Ω output
where t0 is an unknown propagation delay caused by from the signal generator should also be connected
the electronics, both in generating and detecting the to Channel 1 of the oscilloscope to provide your
light, n is the refractive index of the fibre-optic and x reference signal.
its length. By performing measurements on cables of
various lengths, t0 may be eliminated, and c determined (5) Display the square wave from the signal generator
from a graph of t versus x. on channel 1 of the oscilloscope and the output of
the receiver on channel 2. Make sure you can see
two square-wave traces on the screen.
Method (6) You may need to invert one of the signals on the
oscilloscope - these receivers automatically invert
First you must construct the transmitter and receiver. the signal.
These are fairly simple circuits, but you should refer
to the breadboard, signal generators and oscilloscopes (7) The fibre-optic cables may need to be adjusted
sections on the DLM if you are uncertain about the slightly to maximise the detected signal - tight
equipment. Switch the breadboard and signal genera- bends can cause a loss of signal (and damage to
tor off while you construct the circuit. the cables).
(8) Expand the oscilloscope trace so that you can see
the time difference between the transmitted and
detected signals. Measure this time difference, us-
Input signal 6
ing the CURSOR controls or otherwise. It may help
2 cable to AVERAGE over multiple sweeps of the oscilloscope
to reduce the noise in the detected signal.
Each fibre optic cable is labelled with its length. The
150Ω 5 error in the length can be taken as 5mm per metre.
Determine c and its error, then discuss your results.

Figure F.1: The optical transmitter circuit

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