LPDA and Feeds

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Log Periodic Dipole Array:

These remarkable antennas exhibit relatively uniform input impedances, VSWR, and radiation characteristics over a wide range of frequencies. The design is so simple that in retrospect it is remarkable that it was not invented earlier. In essence, log periodic arrays are a group of dipole antennas of varying sizes strung together and fed alternately through a common transmission line. Still, despite its simplicity, the log periodic antenna remains a subject of considerable study even today. The log periodic antenna works the way one intuitively would expect. Its active region-that portion of the antenna which is actually radiating or receiving radiation efficiently which also shifts with frequency. The longest element is active at the antennas lowest usable frequency where it acts as a half wave dipole. As the frequency shifts upward, the active region shifts forward. The upper frequency limit of the antenna is a function of the shortest elements. Each element is shorter than the element to its left. Ratio of each element to each adjacent element is constant, and is referred to as tau (). The other critical dimension is the spacing between elements, designated d. Distance d1,2 for example, is the distance between the left most element and its nearest neighbor. The distance between two adjacent elements is equal to:

Two factors, tau () and sigma (), are for the most part the only factors we need to consider. Tau, as mentioned, is the ratio of the length of one element to its next longest neighbor. Sigma is known as the relative spacing constant and along with determines the angle of the antennas apex, .

In operation, the LPDA works as follows. Referring to Figure 2, assume that we are operating at a frequency in which the third (middle) element is resonant. Elements 2 and 4 are slightly longer and shorter, respectively, than element 3. Their spacing, combined with the fact that the transmission line flips 180 degrees in phase between elements allows these two elements to be in phase and nearly (but not quite) resonant with element 3. Element 4, being slightly shorter that element 3 acts as a director shifting the radiation pattern slightly forward. Element 2, being slightly longer, acts as a reflector further shifting the pattern forward. The net result is an antenna with gain over a simple dipole. As the frequency shifts, the active region (those elements that are receiving or transmitting most of the power) shifts along the array.
We have to select the characteristic impedance of the transmission line that feeds the elements, a transmission line that also acts as the boom of the antenna. We will call this transmission line impedance Zb (for boom) and Reference 1 tells us it should be:

This equation deserves some explanation. Zd is the average characteristic impedance of a simple dipole antenna. As stated previously, Zb is the characteristic impedance of the boom, itself a transmission line (referred to as the antenna feeder line in Figure 2). Zi is the impedance of the antenna as seen from its input terminals. Those terminals are usually connected to some kind of balun which performs the balanced to unbalanced transformation and steps down the impedance Zi to match the impedance of the signal source (when transmitting) or receiver input (when receiving). The impedance is of this line, referred to as the coax feed line in Figure 2, is usually 50 ohms and we will refer to it as Z0.

Parabolic feeds:
Basic components of parabolic reflector: -Reflector or secondary radiator. -Source of primary radiation at the focus.

Ideal Feed: one which radiates towards reflector such that it illuminates its entire surface with no energy radiated in other directions. 1) Waveguide Horn Feed: Most commonly used feed radiation. -Waveguide feed with horn antenna pointing the paraboloid where maximum beam pattern is obtained along the parabolic axis with feed at the focus of the paraboloid. -Pattern broadens if feed moved along the axis.

2) Cassegrain Feed: feed antenna is mounted at or behind the surface of the concave main parabolic reflector dish and is aimed at a smaller convex secondary reflector suspended in front of the primary reflector. The beam of radio waves from the feed illuminates the secondary reflector, which reflects it back to the main reflector dish, which reflects it forward again to form the desired beam. Geometry: The primary reflector is a paraboloid, while the shape of the convex secondary reflector is a hyperboloid. The geometrical condition for radiating a collimated, plane wave beam is that the feed antenna is located at the far focus of the hyperboloid, while the focus of the primary reflector coincides with the near focus of the hyperboloid. Usually the secondary reflector and the feed antenna are located on the central axis of the dish. However in offset Cassegrain configurations, the primary dish reflector is asymmetric, and its focus, and the secondary reflector, are located to one side of the dish, so that the secondary reflector does not partially obstruct the beam. Disadvantage: Some radiation from paraboloid reflector is obstructed. Solution-Offsetting feed. Advantage: Less spill over and minor lobe. Achieves an equivalent focal length greater than physical length. One of the reflecting surfaces can be moved for broadening the beam.

3) Gregorian Feed: Similar to the Cassegrain design except that the secondary reflector is concave, (ellipsoidal) in shape.

4) Line Source Feed: Required for parabolic cylinder reflector as they have a focal line instead of a focus. Hence a line source feed is required for them which is positioned along the focal line. Simplest is the linear array feeding to get a line source feed. Waveguide slot array at microwave frequencies. 5) Pillbox or cheese antenna:

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