What Is Caption?
What Is Caption?
What Is Caption?
What is caption?
A caption, also known as a cutline, is text that appears
below an image.
A caption is a brief description, heading, or title that
identifies or introduces a document, graphic, photograph, or
Captions can consist of a few words of description, or
several sentences.
A caption helps the readers to understand more information
that might not be present in photos.
Kinds of caption
Identification bar : This type of caption only mentions who
is in the picture Cutline : This type of caption mentions
who is drawn and what is Doing
Summary : Contains a complete explanation of who is
drawn, what is when it happened, where it happened, and
why it happened performed.
Expanded : The form is more complete than summary, this
type of caption also contains how it happened and the
Group identification: Same as the type of caption
identification bar, it's just this type when the image
contains more than one person.
Quote: Contains a quote of someone's words related to the
Basic guidelines for creating photo captions
1. Get all the information yourself, don't rely on others.
2. One's name must be clear, check and read more spelling.
3. If the event is an event that has been scheduled to ask for
everything related to the schedule of the event, speech, the
name of the person in the event.
4. Ask for the name and phone number of the person who is
our subject.
5. Do not ask someone's name to someone else, unless the
person is the husband or wife in question or Public Relation
and the person designated as Public Relations, For spot
news events, asking the person during the incident may be
troublesome. Try to get your name and number
6. the phone of the officer or perpetrator who was in the
incident, for further information.