How To Teach Grammar Like A Pro 1

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4 GENERAL: Two Peas in 17 TO BE: How to Teach the 31 PAST SIMPLE: How to
a Pod: 5 Tips to Integrate Verb “To Be” to Beginners Teach Past Simple –
Grammar and Writing Regular/Irregular Verbs
More Effectively
How to Teach Present 32 PAST SIMPLE: How to
5 GENERAL: 5 New Fun Simple to Complete Teach the Past Simple
Ways to Teach Grammar Beginners Tense – Verb to Be
to ESL Students


6-7 GENERAL: How to to Teach the Present Did He Go? How to Teach
Do a Comprehensive Simple Tense Question-Making in Past
Review of Verb Tenses Tense
for Intermediate ESL
How to Teach Present 34 USED TO & WOULD: How
Perfect: Activities and to Teach Used To and
8 GENERAL: How To Teach Examples Would
Boring Grammar Points: 7
Quick Proven Tips
How to Teach Present USED TO: I Can Never
9 GENERAL: Quick Perfect: Alternative GET USED to Using
Grammar Drills for Review Approach USED TO: Ideas on How
and Practice to Teach the Difference

10 TENSES: Are You Tense Present Perfect Mystery: 36 PAST PERFECT: 3
About Tenses? 5 Tense How to Teach For and Perfect Ways to Introduce
Review Activities Since Past Perfect Tense

11-12 TENSES: Past, 24-25 PRESENT PERFECT: 37 PAST PERFECT: How to

Present, Future: Teaching Where Have You Been? 5 Teach the Past Perfect
the Verb Tense System Perfect Tips for Practicing Tense
Present Perfect


Conversation Activities 26 PRESENT CONTINUOUS: What Were You Doing
to Practice Using Verb How to Teach the Present When? 3 Great Activities
Tenses Continuous Tense for Past Continuous Tense


to Make Your Grammar How to Teach Present How to Teach the Past
Lessons a Little More Continuous: Alternative Continuous Tense
Interesting Approach


15 USING PICTURES: 28 PRESENT PERFECT Future May Bring...These
Picture This: 5 Unique CONTINUOUS: How to Future Tense Activities for
Ways to Practice Teach the Present Perfect Your Class
Grammar Using Pictures Continuous Tense


16 GRAMMAR DRILLS: 29-30 PRESENT PERFECT to Teach the Simple
How to Drill: Drilling VS PAST SIMPLE: How Future Tense
Activities for Your English To Teach Past Simple VS
Classroom Present Perfect
HOW TO TEACH GRAMMAR Teach Comparatives and
54 MODAL VERBS: 10 Superlatives
42 FUTURE CONTINUOUS: Teacher Tested Tricks to
How to Teach the Future Teach Modal Verbs 67-68 -ED AND -ING
Continuous Tense ADJECTIVES: 4
Fascinating Ways for
55 MODAL VERBS: Teaching -ED and -ING
43 FUTURE PERFECT: I Should Have Known: Adjectives
How to Teach the Future Teaching Modals of
Perfect Tense Regret


44 REPORTED SPEECH: 56 IMPERATIVE: How to I Like Swimming: 3
How to Teach Reported Teach the Imperative Tremendous Techniques
Speech - Statements Form for Teaching Gerunds
and Infinitives


How to Teach Reported This! Don’t Do That! 8
Speech: Alternative Interactive Classroom 70 GERUND & INFINITIVE:
Approach Activities for Using the Gerund vs. Infinitive:
Imperative How to Explain the
What Did She Say? Tips 59 IMPERATIVE: Following
on Teaching Reported and Giving Directions:
Speech Using the Imperative 71 HOW MUCH & HOW
MANY: 3 Top Strategies
to Alleviate Confusion
48 PASSIVE VOICE: The 60-61 ARTICLES: America About HOW MUCH and
Man Was Robbed! Tips is THE Free Country? HOW MANY
on When Using Passive Teaching the Article
Voice is a Good Thing System
Turn Right, Go Left:
49 PASSIVE VOICE: How 62 WISHES & HOPES: Practicing Prepositions
to Teach Passive Voice I Dream Of... Three of Place
Strategies for Teaching
Wishes and Hopes
to Teach the Passive to Teach Prepositions of
Voice – While Being 63 ADJECTIVES: Amazing Time
Active! Animals: A Super-
Engaging Elementary
Lesson on Adjectives
Teach the Real, Unreal,
and Past Conditionals 64 OPPOSITES: The 3
Little Wolves and the
Big Bad Pig: Teaching
52 CONDITIONALS: What Opposites
Would You Rather?
6 ESL Activities
for Reviewing the 65 DEGREES OF
Conditional COMPARISON: How
to Teach Degrees of
to Teach Modal Verbs: 4
Simple Steps 66 DEGREES OF

5 Tips to Integrate Grammar
and Writing More Effectively
beyond basic drills. Seeing the featured dents stay on the safe side and use
grammar in others’ writing will empower simplistic sentences. To push them to
students to be more confident in using practice using the more complex struc-
the structures in their own writing. tures that you’ve been teaching in class,
design your rubric to include specific
While our students do need to learn
grammar explicitly, the language learn-
ing journey is more complicated than
simple grammar rules. Students are
points addressing which kinds of gram-
matical structures you would like to see.

After introducing and practicing a One approach is to tell students a mini-

good at doing grammar exercises, how-
grammar concept, give students a mum number of structures for each
ever, when it comes to applying this
short informal writing to illustrate writing. For example, you might assign
grammar in their writing, they fall short.
that grammar concept. Whether it is students a narrative essay in which they
Why? Most likely because we as teach-
a paragraph or a full essay, immediate must use at least five examples of past
ers tend to teach writing and gram-
writing with a prompt aimed at eliciting perfect. Alternatively, you may wish to
mar as separate concepts. Below are
the grammar structure will get students be less legalistic and implement a point
some strategies to make writing more of
into producing the grammar more nat- system which rewards students for
a part of the grammar classroom.
urally than sentence drills. By writing using target grammar. If you have
TRY THESE 5 TIPS TO more frequently, you are building their been reviewing sentence variety, you
INTEGRATE GRAMMAR association between grammar and writ- can assign students to write a para-
AND WRITING ing. Also, emphasizing writing more graph in which they get one point for
every simple sentence they use, five
than grammar in the classroom enforc-

es the idea that language learning is not points for every compound sentence
TAKE TIME TO READ they use, and ten points for every com-
simply memorizing rules.
IN WRITING CLASS pound/complex sentence they use.
Any time you can emphasize the
crucial relationship between reading
and writing will be beneficial for the
students. When you introduce a gram-
mar concept, show students a model Each time you evaluate student writing, Some grammatical structures are dif-
paragraph or text which illustrates this jot down a few sentences from each stu- ficult to bring out in expository writing.
concept nicely. For example, when dent’s paper that contain errors. A good For example, the present progressive is
teaching indirect/reported speech, you warm-up activity is to make a work- used quite infrequently compared with
can take a news article and highlight the sheet based on student errors and go present simple. As a way to elicit a wide
examples of indirect speech for the stu- over them as a class. Remind students range of tenses, you can use pictures
dents to expose them to this new form. that everyone makes mistakes, even in your writing classroom. Depending
Ask students to study these bolded sen- the teacher, and that each student has on the particular grammar structure
tences, and ask why these sentences one error represented in the worksheet. you are teaching, pictures give writ-
are written the way they are. For indi- After students have practiced correct- ers the freedom to practice virtually
rect speech, you could show two cop- ing these errors, they can return to their any tense. For present progressive,
ies of the same article, one with direct writing to revise and improve. you can ask students to describe what
speech and one with indirect speech. is happening in the picture. For pres-
It is also beneficial to keep an error ent perfect, you can show a picture of a
Alternatively, you can show students a journal for your class. After you fin- person and ask students to write down
text after you have introduced the gram- ish reading an assignment from your life experiences of this person. For ad-
mar concept and ask them to find all of students, make note of the common vanced students, you can ask them to
the examples of the rule you have just frequent errors among your students. predict that person’s future using future
taught. While teaching past perfect, you These lists that you make should help simple and future perfect progressive.
can give students a story to have stu- inform your daily lessons to target the
dents compare and contrast past sim- grammar your students still have not ONE OF THE BIGGEST DISSERVICES
ple and past perfect events. mastered. WE CAN DO TO OUR STUDENTS IS
Whether you use texts before instruc-
tion or after, seeing grammar concepts
in their appropriate and realistic context
ICAL KNOWLEDGE. Without successful
writing strategies to use the grammar,
grammatical structures are quite useless
is critical for learners. If they can’t un- Typically speaking, students will write
derstand the patterns and situations in formal papers using only the grammati- on their own. These useful strategies will
which this grammar is useful and ap- cal structures with which they feel com- encourage both you and your students
plicable, they will not be able to move fortable. Rather than taking risks, stu- that integrating grammar and writing is
easier than it sounds.
5 New Fun Ways to Teach Gram-
mar to ESL Students
MENTION THE WORD “GRAMMAR” years earlier. When I was born it simple past and present perfect tenses.
AND STUDENTS WILL CRINGE. IN hadn’t ended yet.” Find out which celebrities or sports stars
your students admire. Then find a short
• Give as many examples as you like, biography or write one yourself summa-
go over briefly how the past perfect rizing a celebrity’s main achievements.
Of course, teachers know correct gram-
tense is formed and make sure they Read the bio with your students and
mar rules, but it’s one thing to know
understand you’re talking about two make sure they understand the differ-
them, and another thing to effectively
events that took place in the past, ences. Point out examples that clearly
teach them, and transmit them so that
but one before the other. Then, illustrate this: “He starred in his first
students not only understand the rules,
have students come up with exam- hit film in 1985. But he has worked
but also apply them correctly. in 20 hit films throughout his ca-
ples of their own using the timeline.
The thing is, grammar shouldn’t be
• Once they are comfortable us-

taught “by the book”. At least not in
teaching English as a second language.
ing the past perfect in affirmative CELEBRITY PHOTOS
sentences, move on to examples
That’s not what students are there for. Another way in which you can
with questions. Then have them
They don’t want to know all of these use your students’ interest in certain
ask each other questions: “Lau-
rules. They want to learn English. They celebrities. Cut out celebrity pics from
ra, when you started primary
want to speak, read, and write in Eng- school, had terrorists attacked entertainment magazines. Use these
lish. So, how do we as ESL teachers the World Trade Center?” pictures to teach comparatives and
teach them essential grammar and give superlatives: “Katie Holmes is taller
them what we need, rather than boring Save the timeline because it will come than Tom Cruise.” “Shakira is more
them to death with “the rules”. It’s actu- in handy to practice the past perfect in talented than Ricky Martin.” and it
ally quite simple: by teaching grammar passive voice. Naturally, timelines are works great with comparative adverbs:
in context. And in fun ways. great for many tenses, like the simple “Shakira dances better than Ricky,
past or the passive voice. too.”


5 A OR AN?

Nothing shakes them up bet- This activity works great with be-
Yes, it’s hard to find an ESL student who ter than getting them out of their ginners, including small children. Cut up
spontaneously uses the past perfect seats. When you see your students a list of several words that either take
tense. In fact, there are some “native” daydreaming, not paying attention, or “a” or “an” and mix them up. For very
English speakers who don’t use it either simply bored, tell them to get up and young learners, you may use pictures
(along with other forms of “correct” Eng- form a circle. Now, this simple exercise instead of words. Then divide students
lish). But it must be taught, never over- works great to teach numerous gram- into pairs of groups, and have them put
looked, or your students will be lack- mar points, but here’s an example: the words in two piles, depending on
ing something that they need to take the article. Once they have their piles
their English fluency to the next level. Say you want your students to practice ready, ask them if they can figure out
So, how can we teach the past perfect the simple past of regular or irregular the rule by themselves.
tense so that it may be fully grasped by verbs. Grab a small ball or bean bag
our students? Here are the steps: and say a verb out loud, toss the ball to By far the best ways to teach any type
a student who will have to say its past of grammar is through the use of either
• Go to where form. He or she tosses the ball back to realia or real life settings and contexts.
you may generate your personal- you and you choose another student. Why would a student be motivated to
ized timeline and see when ma- Whenever a student makes a mistake, learn the conditional tenses if he has
jor historical events took place he or she has to leave the circle. The no idea why he’s learning them, in other
throughout your life. For example, last student left standing gets a reward words, he doesn’t understand when and
if you were born in 1971, you’ll see sticker or other prize. You can say a where he’ll have use for them? When
that the Internet was invented when sentence in affirmative, and they have teachers use real life settings and ob-
you were 2. to supply a question, or vice versa... jects students will know the grammar
This activity can be adapted to any structures they learn will be useful for
• Show students your timeline (or grammar point. them.
anyone else’s) and set up the past

perfect like this: “Sam, the Viet- CELEBRITY PROFILES
nam War ended in 1975. I was GRAMMAR LESSONS, AND PUT
born in 1971. You were born in An awesome way to teach and SOME FUN INTO THEM. YOU’LL SEE
1995. So, when you were born, practice any verb tense is through biog- THAT YOUR STUDENTS LEARN MUCH
the Vietnam War had ended 20 raphies. Try this activity to contrast the FASTER, TOO.

How to Do a Comprehensive
Review of Verb Tenses
for Intermediate ESL Students
many tenses with varying degrees of ingful context, the way the tenses
ENGLISH GRAMMAR, PARTICULARLY correctness. Show students the pat- would be used in a real-life situation,
ITS COMPLEX VERB TENSE SYSTEM, tern, that verb tense can in fact be or- such as the use of future tenses in the
CAN BE CONFOUNDING FOR ESL ganized in terms of timeframe (past, context of a discussion about plans
STUDENTS. MANY INTERMEDI- present, and future) and of aspect, or for the summer, for example.
ATE LEVEL STUDENTS WHO HAVE the particular way of looking at that
SOME LEVEL OF CONVERSATIONAL time frame, the simple or progressive
However, to reach a higher level of
academic success, students have to
Put a chart on the board or
give out a handout, dividing the verbs
up into present, past, and future tens-
1 Call on students: e.g., “Jose,
control grammatical accuracy, includ- es and then by progressive, perfect, how long have you driven?” The
ing the verb tense system. and simple aspects. teacher should call on students after
handing out the chart for verb tense

Often students have learned the verb review and get them to practice using
tenses in isolation of each other, when the various tenses. Students will then
in fact verb tenses interact and relate: Offer examples. Visuals are have to refer to their chart to form the
if I’m telling a story about an accident also helpful. For example, a straight sentence.
I was involved in yesterday, for exam- line connecting the past and present
ple, I’m likely to use simple past, past
progressive, and past perfect tenses.
It helps students to see there is some
can indicate perfect tense:
2 Give out a paragraph with mis-
pattern and organization to our verb I have driven for ten years______ takes in the various verb tenses. Have
tense system, and that the verb tens- 2001 2011 students work together to proofread it.
es are related. It can be particularly
helpful, for example, to show how all
the verbs within one timeframe relate
4 Teach the meaning and use of 3 Have students interview each
to each other because these are the the verb tense along with the form.
verbs tenses that are most likely to Contrast the tenses with each other: other using the various verb tenses.
occur together. e.g., “I drive,” simple present, means Provide the interview questions or
“I usually drive” or it is my habit to have students brainstorm them.
Teaching this can be accomplished drive... “I am driving,” present pro-
through a careful review for those
intermediate-level students who have
been exposed to the major verb tens-
gressive, means I’m driving at the mo-
ment, right now. 4 When doing a class reading,
es but don’t necessarily use them ac- PROVIDE take note of the verb tenses used.
curately. MEANINGFUL Show how in the narrative past, for
OPPORTUNITIES example, tenses shift between simple
STEPS TO A TO PRACTICE past to past progressive and past per-
REVIEW OF OUR Students must practice a skill like use
of verb tenses both in speaking and
writing for it to become internalized.
Students have probably encountered
5 Give writing assignments that

1 many of these verb tenses, again, but will focus on a particular time frame,
have not acquired them in the sense such as the narrative essay that will
Often students will not under- of being able to recall and use them call upon uses of the various past
stand the pattern of our verb tense fluently in the correct situation. Addi- tenses. Have students write the es-
system, or even that there is one, tional practice will help that. says, bring them in, and proofread
although if they are at the intermedi- each other’s work.
ate level or higher, they may be using Give examples and practice in mean-

6 Engage in class activities that
will get students to interact in a mean-
ingful way: “Alibi” is a fun activity for
teaching the past progressive and
simple past, for example. Tell stu-
dents a murder was committed (“The
teacher was murdered last night
at 7 pm. Students are suspect-
ed.”) They must interview each other
(“What were you doing last night at
7 pm?”) and decide who has strong
and weak alibis. Setting up interactive
activities like this in which students
have to practice using the language
shows a meaningful context for it
and helps students internalize its

7 Do peer editing assignments

that focus on verb tense: when turning
in assignments, have students trade
with a partner and check each other’s
work, focusing on verb tense.


However, teaching it and increasing
students’ accuracy can be accom-
plished through a systematic presen-
tation, clear visuals, focus on both
form and function, raising awareness
of verb tense in reading other’s work
and in editing their own, and in plenty
of opportunities to practice the verb
tenses in meaningful activities to in-
ternalize their use.

How To Teach Boring Grammar
Points: 7 Quick Proven Tips
answer out of them, I like to keep them possible. It is incredibly simple and can
MOST ESL TEACHERS AT SOME POINT on their toes. One such method is to even be improvised on the spot. An ex-
HAVE COME ACROSS A CERTAIN give the students an answer to a ques- ample is explaining tenses by throwing
GRAMMAR POINT THAT THEY STRUG- tion that is incorrect, and see how long a pen. By actively going through the mo-
GLE TO FIND ACTIVITIES TO LIVEN UP it takes the students to recognise the er- tions, saying the sentences and explain
THE CLASS OR ADD SOME LIFE INTO IT. ror. Being unexpected means that they the points while doing it, you can keep
E.g. the dreaded ‘Gerunds versus Infini- must always be thinking, and they are your students attention on you while
tives’ lesson that always seems to crop not going to find themselves anticipating teaching them the grammar point. For
up. Most of us generally loathe the topic the answers. topic specific tasks, another great way
and would rather find ourselves watch- for students to learn vocabulary is to
ing an episode of ‘Days Of Our Lives’
or a drama series of our local country,
rather than teaching that horrible topic
again. The bad news is, when we think
If you are explaining a grammar
create a presentation. One example
is a class Fashion Show to talk about
clothes and accessories or a role-play to
point, why not keep your students practice vocabulary and phrases related
like this, it can negatively affect the amused and educated with a story. to food and dining.
vibe of class without ourselves even This is a good way to keep their atten-
realising it. When we find a topic bor-
ing, we can generally pass this vibe
onto students. This is something that all
teachers must look out for, as when a
tion while explaining some of the more
dull aspects of grammar. Great for
children and lower-level adults, a well-
English language newspapers
known story such as The Hare and the are fantastic for students to learn about
student loses focus, it is very difficult to Tortoise are the best choices. Using a English as they generally use simple
gain their attention. The best approach short story that the students know pro- words and provide an example of what’s
is to keep the energy levels of your class vides the students with a picture and happening around the world that the
high and vibrant. There are a number of connect the grammar with an event in student’s may already know in their na-
tips and tricks that can be adapted for all the story. tive language. This allows them to easily
lessons, grammar points and topics that connect the times and even some of the
will keep your students focused and in
the right frame of mind for learning.

more difficult vocabulary in the newspa-
per article, while the timing implications
of a the events of the news article can
One nifty little way to liven up any les- be used to describe tense. Newspapers
BORING GRAMMAR son is to use the lives of celebrities to are a good introductory activity for
POINTS: 7 QUICK explain a grammar point. To do this, find any class, as they provide a real-life vo-
PROVEN TIPS out about a local celebrity in the country, cabulary source that can then progress
find out who they’ve been dating, asso- into a discussion, before getting into the


ciated with, previously dated, been mar-
ried to, been embroiled in some form of
grammatical deep-end.

No, I’m not referring to your chiselled

face, voluptuous curves, and especially
scandal, and create a time line while ex-
plaining the tense. 7 PLAY A GAME
Have you ever been in class and
not your bank account. I’m talking about Example: Tom Cruise was married noticed that the following exercise in
your personality. When you’re teaching to Nicole Kidman (Past tense – Fin- the book was a typical ‘fill in the gaps’
a grammar point that you know is bor- ished Action, They’re divorced.) or something that you knew would send
ing and the students will switch off over, Tom Cruise married Katie Holmes after the students far away into a dreamlike
lighten up, smile and become an ‘Edu- he had divorced Nicole Kidman (Past trance? Well, this is the point where
tainer’. As an ‘Edu-tainer’, your task is tense, finished action / Past Perfect – you can tell the students to stop every-
to keep them interested and attentive. the first action to happen in the past). thing, put their pens down, close books
Be funny, amusing and light hearted and stand up. Students love competi-
while at the same time teaching the dry- No matter what the topic, taking a popu- tion with each other, and any activity
as-hell topic. You can throw in jokes, be larist approach by using celebrities in a where two teams can be created and
a little bit irrelevant at times, just turn on class is always bound to entertain while scoring is involved is a sure-winner
the charm and keep them from falling adding a sense of realism to your les- with any tasks. Instead of having the
asleep on the desk. son. students complete the activity in the
book, in silence and on their own, they

One little gem I like to use in the
Teach English that students will
can learn and have fun at the same
time by working together as a group.
classroom when teaching a boring topic, find beneficial and useful in their jobs or
is to keep them thinking. Instead of their lives. One way to do this is to try HELP OF FUN ACTIVITIES THAT WILL
feeding them the answers or elicit the to use practical examples wherever KEEP YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS
Quick Grammar Drills
for Review and Practice
Learning a second language almost the passive voice, this activity will serve cific parts of speech.
certainly includes having an ongoing as useful practice for the grammatical
relationship with unfamiliar gram-
mar. Every ESL student needs practice
with elements of grammar, and some-
structure. If you have time, ask your stu-
dents to notice how much information is
lost when sentences are written in the
A cloze paragraph is an easy way
times teachers want a quick activity to passive voice. to see just how much grammar your
fill that need. Most classes find they students understand, but it does take
have five minutes to fill here and there,
so grammar review is a useful and ben-
eficial topic to fit into those five minutes.
Homophones are a topic that is
some advance preparation. In this type
of exercise, you should prepare a few
sentences up to an entire paragraph
Your reason for quick grammar drills always worth reviewing with your class. for your students to work with. For the
may be because the class needs prac- Students of all ages consistently con- passage, replace every fifth, seventh
tice or it may just be because you have fuse sets of homophones such as to/ or tenth word with a blank line that your
a few unscheduled minutes of class two/too and there/their/they’re as students will fill in. The more advanced
time. well as many others. When you have a your students are, the more frequently
few minutes of free class time, write a you can include a blank. They must
ENERGIZE YOUR set of homophones on the board and then fill in words that are grammatical
GRAMMAR LESSONS ask each person to write a sentence and make sense contextually. Since a
WITH THESE QUICK using each one. You may want to re- cloze exercise does not test one par-
LITTLE DRILLS view which meaning goes with each
word before your students write their
ticular skill but rather general gram-
matical knowledge, you should plan

sentences, or test to see how much to use this exercise for review. Sim-
WRITE ONE they already know by saving definitions ply prepare a few cloze paragraphs and
To review a specific grammati- until after they have turned in their sen- have them copied and ready to pull out
cal structure or principal that you have tences. of your desk drawer when you have a
been studying in class, ask each per- few free moments to fill during your next
son in your class to write one multiple-
choice question. You can specify what 4 REWRITE ME class!

you want the question to test, or you

can let your students choose from sev-
eral topics you have already studied.
As a review for verb tenses, give
your students a paragraph from a read-
ing book, a magazine or another re-
Ask each person to turn in his or her source. For paragraphs written in the When you have time to prepare an ac-
question and then present one or two past tense, ask your students to work tivity in advance, giving your students a
of them to your class. If you have more in pairs or groups of three or four to text in which they must place all punc-
questions than you can go through in rewrite the paragraph in the present tuation and/or capital letters is another
the time you have, keep the remaining tense, as if the events are happening at useful means of grammar review. Like
questions to use the next time you have the present moment. You could also ask the cloze exercise, this type of activ-
a few minutes you would like to fill. If your student to rewrite the paragraph ity tests a general level of knowledge
you want to make the exercise a little using future tenses. This will serve as rather than drilling a specific skill. Hav-
more challenging, have each student a good review for verb tenses and also ing some paragraphs ready to hand
specify on his paper which choice is the give your students some time to prac- out at a moment’s notice will make
correct answer and why. Having your tice their speaking as they work in their good use of a few free minutes in class
students explain the rule behind the small groups. provided you take some time to get the
question will help to solidify it in paragraph ready ahead of time.
their minds.

You can review parts of speech
TRANSFORM IT with your students by completing Mad
Libs as a class. You can find this type of CIOUS OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW OR
Though most teachers of writing
interactive activity online on many web
want their students to avoid the pas-
sites, but there are also printable ver-
sive voice, the structure is one that ESL When you have these tools ready in
students must study and understand. A sions available. You will ask your stu-
your back pocket (or just in your desk
simple review of the passive voice, and dents to give you words with a specific
drawer), you will always be ready to
a challenge for your students, is to take part of speech, and you will fit them into
make use of your class time. Not only
a short passage (two sentences up to a a paragraph resulting in a silly story.
that, these activities may give you a
paragraph) and rewrite it changing ac- Though some of the humor may be lost
new understanding of just how much
tive verbs to passive ones. If you have on your students, they will still benefit
English grammar your students really
already taught your class how to write from volunteering words that fulfill spe-

Are You Tense About Tenses?
5 Tense Review Activities tenses they have learned recently. and also has a strong meaning that
If you provide the prompt, the stu- can be analyzed, you have found the
dents will have to formulate the ques- perfect song. The best way to present
tions. For example, Find someone music in class is to first review the tens-
who... Has had a tooth ache (what es that it focuses on. Then introduce
will they have to ask each other?) the band or artist, and then jump into
OF THE TENSES THE STUDENTS HAVE Had been a doctor in their country. the music. With most songs, it is a good
BEEN LEARNING. Has been learning English for more idea to have a cloze exercise ready to
It can work really well to combine that than 4 years. go and decide how you want to pres-
review with other topics, themes or
ent the music. You can have them listen

grammar points so that students can
NAME ALL THE TENSES to it several times, you can give them
get the most out of a refresher lesson.
the fill-in-the-blank worksheet the sec-
Finding fun and realistic ways
TRY THESE 5 TENSE RE- to show learners how tenses operate
ond time through, or you can even have
VIEW ACTIVITIES and differ can be very informative. A
them learn and sing parts of the song
if you are so inclined. Any combination
worthwhile way to review tenses is to

that takes your class and their level into
FLASHCARDS bring in a variety of different kinds of pas- consideration will be a welcome break
sages. You can focus on your students’ from the usual grammar activities.
Flashcards are suitable for most interests and provide an assortment of
any level of tenses or conjugations. Many teachers consult the artists like
clippings from newspapers, magazines, the Beatles, Whitney Houston, Michael
They are valuable because once you use the internet, or even compose your
have made them you can use them Jackson or the Rolling Stones to find a
own. The best types of passages are song that is applicable. There are lots of
for all different types of drills, activities ones that weave in several tenses,
and prompts. Students appreciate the resources online for the lyrics as well as
tell a compelling story, and use some for downloading songs.
opportunity to work with cards as they other element like humor or satire. That
are something hands-on that they can

way the students aren’t only analyzing
touch and manipulate. You can gener- the tenses, but they have a lot more to SENTENCE MATCHING
ate all types of card activities, and discuss and ask questions about. There are a few ways you can
remember that the point is to get the
do sentence matching to make it
students working together. You’ll def- Often it can be fun to create some kind more or less interactive. You can do
initely want to have a selection of cards of competition for these activities as them on a worksheet and have students
for irregular past tense verbs. You can well. You could give them a time limit match two parts of a sentence or match
create sets of cards for all the irregular and tell them that the person who finds a sentence to its tense. Another way
verbs and then use them as prompts, 5 different tenses and identifies them is would be to do this in a card game for-
to play matching games, or to do per- the winner. There are a lot of ways to mat where each student gets multiple
form various drills. Then once you get to use passages that don’t simply require half sentences. They then walk around
higher level tenses you can refer back the students to read and answer ques- the room and find the missing half of
to the past tense cards and combine tions. If you want to focus on tenses, their sentence by asking questions per-
them with helping verb cards or time another engaging way is to do a cut- taining to their card. Combinations must
markers. up passage, in which you provide a be grammatically correct and logical.
passage that is cut up into sentences

Remind students that they should pay
MAKING QUESTIONS and mixed up. The students then have attention to punctuation. You can also
to figure out the order and identify the do this on the board and make it a race
Students always struggle with tenses used in each sentence. This is
question formation in any tense. Basing between two teams who can match the
a way to practice sequence and to pro- most sentences correctly. You’ll defi-
activities around this practice can be re- vide students an opportunity to use criti-
ally useful in order to solidify one tense nitely want to include challenging struc-
cal thinking skills. tures and have some halves that could
or compare several at a time. There is
have multiple answers.

also the issue of creating information
questions vs. yes/no or closed ques-
tions. It’s a good idea to practice both Using music in the classroom can GRAMMAR, ESPECIALLY TENSES, CAN
types in a variety of ways. You could be a great way to review tenses and SOMETIMES GET WEIGHED DOWN IN
provide simple prompts like: shake up the routine. Generally when THE MUNDANE.
choosing a song you want to choose Every so often it is necessary to mix
Mary/movies: See how many questions carefully to make sure the language things up and prepare activities that the
they can make with simple prompts. is understandable and that the tenses students don’t do very often. It is also a
being used are consecutive throughout good tool to observe how the students
You could do a mingling exercise like the song. If you can find a song that are putting their learning to practical
Find Someone Who and use all the has two or three repetitive tenses use.

Past, Present, Future:
Teaching the Verb Tense System
demonstrates the contrast between an overview of this variety of tenses
VERB TENSES RECEIVE A LOT OF the simple present and present con- and see how they relate to each other.
ATTENTION IN ENGLISH INSTRUC- tinuous: a habitual activity rather than I find it helpful to put the time frame
TION — IN FACT, THEY RECEIVE one engaged in at the moment. across the top of the board or handout
PERHAPS MORE ATTENTION THAN and the aspect down the side:

And with good cause: there are thir- Past Present Future
teen verb tenses in English, if you look LANGUAGE TO USE
at tense as ways to discuss time. The Students have a difficult time with simple
English-speaking world is obsessed a typical assignment like “My Likes
with time and its passage: clocks of and Dislikes” and “My Daily Rou- continuous
various types are ubiquitous in most tine” if they only know one present
English-speaking countries, a watch verb tense well. Even if the assign- perfect
is still considered a fine gift marking ment calls on the use of mostly the
the passage into adulthood, tardiness simple present, students can write Students will get an overview of the
is frowned on, and so forth. This value more, and write more correctly, with various tenses with a chart like this.
of time may be why so much attention other present tense verbs, like the I keep it simple, just to introduce stu-
is given to verb tense instruction: giv- continuous and the perfect. dents to this complex system, not ad-
en our obsession with time, we need dressing for now variations of these
a way to talk about it. So the atten- basic tenses like the perfect progres-
tion to verb tenses is not the problem. HOW TO TEACH sive: I have been walking.
The concern is student papers com- VERBS ACCORDING
ing in, even after weeks of drill in the TO THEIR TIME I also use a regular verb to model
simple present and past, missing all of FRAMES the tenses, such as “to walk,” whose
the “-ed” “-s” endings. Teachers often variations and inflections are easier to
shrug and say “It’s developmental.”

That may be so, but it begs the ques-

teach and remember: “— ed” for past,
for example. I also try to use intransi-
tive verbs, or verbs that don’t require
tion of whether drills in verb tense make Verbs in English actually have two a direct object, like “walk,” when intro-
sense if students aren’t “developmen- parts: the time and the aspect, or ducing the verb tense system, so fo-
tally ready” for the material anyway. I way of looking at that time. So, cus can stay on the verb. If I used a
suspect, however, something else is for example, within the present time verb like “to throw” to introduce verb
going on — there is a problem with frame, there are three aspects com- tenses, students would have to fo-
the sequence of instruction. Rather monly used: simple, continuous, and cus on the irregular forms of the verb
than plowing through simple present, perfect. In the present time frame, sim- “threw,” “thrown,” and also consider a
then simple past, and simple future, ple is used to show habitual activity: “I direct object that makes sense.
because supposedly these are easier drive every day.” Continuous shows

to learn, I suggest all of the present ongoing activity or activity in the mo- FOCUS ON ONE
tenses be taught together, then all of ment: “I am driving right now.” Per-
the past, and then future. Why should fect in the present time frame shows
the tenses be taught in this manner? activity that began in the past but con- It’s very helpful to students to learn
tinues into the present time frame: “I all the present verb tenses together
THERE ARE MULTIPLE have driven this car for ten years.” rather than switching from present
REASONS TENSES The past and future time frames also to past to future because this is
SHOULD BE TAUGHT have simple, continuous, and perfect how we tend to use language: when
WITHIN A TIME aspects (and in some cases, perfect relating an incident that happened to
FRAME. continuous tenses). me on the way to work yesterday, for

example, I’m going to tend to stay in
the past time for the duration of that
story, perhaps switching between
past progressive and simple past: “I
Language learning, like learning in Give students an overview of the was driving to work yesterday, and
general, occurs in relation to other entire verb system in the different this other car appeared out of no-
learning. The simple present tense time frames. The purpose of this is where...”
is best learned in relation to the pres- not to get students to learn or memo-
ent continuous: “I drive a car every rize the material right away but to get I am not going to suddenly switch to
day, but I am not driving right now,” present or future tense until perhaps

the end: “Now I need to call my in-
surance company.”

When introducing these tenses,
stay in one tense at a time, practic-
ing its form and meaning, as you
would have before, but keep show-
ing the tenses in relation to each oth-
er, keep referring back to the chart.
Meaning is learned best in context
and how an item relates to the overall

Give plenty of authentic op-
portunities to practice: have stu-
dents tell a story, plan out a schedule,
give a series of directions in writing,
and so forth, all authentic writing tasks
that highlight different verb tenses.

Understanding verb tense
is indeed developmental, in the
sense that it takes time and prac-
tice to really understand the tenses
in English, more than passing a test
will show, so continually revisiting the
tenses will help students in this pro-

Verb Talk: Conversation Activities
to Practice Using Verb Tenses
present tenses to describe the opinions the primary speaker, your entire class
EVERY ESL STUDENT NEEDS PRAC- their interviewees hold. You may also can participate by working as a group
TICE WITH HIS OR HER VERBS, BUT want to have your students make some to support and help the formal speaker.
SOMETIMES IT CAN BE DIFFICULT TO suggestions based on their research. If Not only that, debates can be tailored
MOVE THE PRACTICE OFF OF THE so, they will use future tenses to make to a specific time period to practice
PAPER AND INTO SPOKEN ENGLISH. predictions or offer suggestions on how the tenses you want to focus on.
The following activities can be used to to resolve a negative situation. When you want to give your students
give your students practice with specific practice with past tenses, choose a top-

verb tenses in a conversational setting.
INTERVIEWS ic with which your class is familiar or on
which they can do research. The most
If you like, you can fit them into the the- Not only are interviews a good common topics will be political or be
matic units you are teaching your class. scenario for speaking practice, they are events that had historical significance.
Either way, your students will benefit a life skill that your students are likely to Give your groups some time to gather
from realistic situations in which to prac- need in their futures. To practice verb information on the issue and then pre-
tice speaking. usage in the present and past, have pare their arguments. You can choose
your students pair off giving an inter- something like the following: were the
HOW TO PRACTICE view as and being interviewed by a 1960’s in the United States a de-
USING VERB TENSES prospective employer. The interview- cade of freedom or anarchy? Your
WITH YOUR CLASS er should ask questions of the other students will have to formulate their
person about his or her past experience arguments in past tenses and describe

Any opportunities you can give
and education as well as his present
interests and skills that he possesses.
Your students can also practice their fu-
past situations to support their argu-
your students to have a conversation ture tenses by making predictions about You can also have your students de-
with native speakers will be beneficial what duties they will perform in the job. bate current issues. November can be
to their language fluency. With this in The person being interviewed answers a great time to do a debate on current
mind, have your students do some re- the questions using the appropriate events since elections are bound to
search about current opinion by send- tenses. Once the interview is over, have bring controversial issues to the fore-
ing them out to survey the general your students change roles. front. Again, give your class time to re-
population. Divide your class into small search the topic under discussion and

groups - four or five students in each
group will work well. Then ask each PROBLEM SOLVING then have them formulate their argu-
ments in the present tenses giving evi-
group to think about the kinds of infor- Are your students familiar with the dence to support their opinions.
mation they might like to have from na- popular saying that hindsight is 20/20?
tive speakers. These speakers might If not, explain the term to them, and To practice future tenses with debates,
be the general public or other students then ask them to think of a time in the choose a proposition such as this: the
in their school. Do they want to ask past in which they wish they knew then world will be a better place in fifty
questions about how those native what they know now. Ask them to try to years than it is now. Your class will
speakers feel about international need time to discuss the issues and
students? Are your students inter- remember as many details about the
ested in the activities others par- situation as possible. Then put your stu- imagine what the world will be like in
ticipate in or activities they feel are dents together in pairs and have them the future. As the teams debate, they
lacking in the school? Would your share their experiences with each oth- will naturally find themselves using fu-
students benefit from learning more er. What was the problem? How did ture tenses to discuss what life may be
about the hobbies or personal inter- they handle it then? How would they like in the future. Whatever topic you
ests of other students? handle it now? What advice can the choose for your debate, you can be
other person give now that would sure it will fit the specific needs of your
Whatever they may be interested in, have been useful then? Through- class.
have each group make a list of about out the conversations, encourage your
five questions that they want to ask students to use verb tenses in the past
the average person. After the questions to describe the situation and how they ALL TOO OFTEN WHEN WE ARE
are decided, have each group go out handled it as well as what they should TEACHING GRAMMAR, WE FAIL TO
and administer their survey to a speci- have done. PRACTICE THE SPOKEN ELEMENT.
fied number of people. The more people The next time you are doing a verb re-
they are able to survey, the more reliable
their results will be. After their surveys
are taken, have each group compile the
Debates are a natural avenue for
view, try one of these conversation ac-
tivities to get your class speaking their
minds and practicing their grammar, out
information and then present it to the your students to get speaking practice. loud, in the process.
class. In this presentation, they will use Though one person on each side is

How to Make Your Grammar
Lessons a Little More Interesting
ting the tune into their head. After this,
one can then quiz them on what tens-
es or grammatical points are in the
actual text. Make this short and quick,
If you are preparing students
for a college entrance examination
LEARNING IT. and once they get the hang of it have or any other kind of test, then simply
Indeed, there are many different them sing the song again. knowing grammar structures may be
teaching methods which people to- the key to passing it. If the learners
day purport which do not focus on After this, try and make a game out have been doing grammar all along
solely teaching grammar. It is impor- of it. Select individuals to say or sing but still don’t understand the mechan-
tant to realize, however, that students a verse or phrase from the song, but ics, then it is important to make sure
have different learning needs. Some change the tense. This way they will that they receive a crash course in it.
will take a more logical approach, be able to practise with using the dif- English grammar can be relatively
whereas others will be more inclined ferent tenses and verb forms, but in a simple when it is all laid out. Start
to simply use the language as they re- much more light-hearted way. from the beginning, give them a few
ceive it. An effective teaching method practice exercises and let them work

is learning how to blend these two
MAKE IT INTO A GAME their way up. It is also a good idea to
together. Some schools will focus en- create a “grammar book” whereby the
tirely on language acquisition. They There is no doubt that playing students can write down the various
will forgo the use of teaching gram- games will make learning a lot easier. sentence structures and tenses, class
mar techniques. However, when it Both adults and children love these. by class, so that they will always have
comes to teaching in schools and oth- Perhaps even make it into a compe- a reference.
er institutions this might be required. tition. This will often get the students
Sometimes the examinations which motivated to get the answers right In fact, having a comprehensive
students are preparing for will focus and therefore allow them to learn reference for grammar is probably
solely on grammar and therefore it much faster. Amongst teenagers this one of the best things to do. At the
is essential to know how to get these can be particularly effective, whether beginning of the course, it is a good
points across to the students. the class is divided into two or more idea to start simple and help the stu-
groups. By turning it into a competi- dents to work their way up to the more
There are many different ways of tion, everyone will become a lot more complex forms. A reference will allow
making grammar a little more inter- active and a lot of fun can be had by them to be more solidly grounded and
esting. A variety of different games everyone. can be good for doing exam revision
can be designed in order to help with with.

this. The Internet is a brilliant resource TELL A STORY
when it comes to this, and is indeed
a blessing to many teachers. Another Another way to make grammar
important thing to remember is rep- a little easier to digest is to teach it in
etition. Repetition will often allow the the form of storytelling. Perhaps get
words to sink into the students’ minds the students to form a “story stick”
easier. whereby everyone contributes a
line to the overall story. If there are
HOW TO MAKE YOUR any grammar mistakes in this, then
GRAMMAR LESSONS leave it until the end.
When the entire story is finished and

Music is often a great way of
written out on the board, get a student
to come up to it and make the appro-
priate corrections. With participation
getting students to learn. By singing from the class, have the entire text
phrases, this will become embed- corrected. Ask the students questions
ded into the mind a lot faster. This as to why certain tenses are the way
is particularly true if one is teaching they are. Having something to fo-
children or even teenagers. In order to cus on like this will keep the stu-
do this, find a song that uses several dents’ attention and therefore allow
tenses or differing grammar points. for the understanding of grammatical
Get the students to sing along, and structures to sink in a lot easier.
then write up the lyrics on the board.
Get them then to sing it together, get-

Picture This: 5 Unique Ways to
Practice Grammar Using Pictures
You can also do a lot with car-
Try to do this on the board with mag-
nets, or you could also use double-sid-
ed tape. You’ll want to be able to pull off
each square easily. This is essentially a
toons, news pictures, or oddly-themed
INTERACTIVE. pictures. Have the students write their guessing game where they should be
Grammar can be incredibly dry and own captions to create a punch line. asking a lot of questions. You want them
tedious if you allow it to be, but with a You can utilize news stories or current to determine what the picture or piece
little inventiveness, you can be sure that events and have them write short cap- of artwork is with only a limited peek at
each and every time you approach a tions that tell what is happening in the the photograph. If students don’t have
grammar lesson, you have an arsenal picture using a reporter tone. You can any guess, reveal a little more and have
of engaging activities. One of the best even use Calvin and Hobbs by whiting them ask more questions. Continue un-
ways to get inspired is to let pictures out all the dialogue and ask students to til the entire picture is revealed or some-
do the work for you. fill in their own dialogue and/or captions. one answers. You can vary this activity
You can give them perimeters or you by doing it in smaller groups and by ap-
USING PICTURES TO can leave it wide open. Think beyond plying it to different language lessons.
PRACTICE GRAMMAR what is happening in this picture. Chal-
The first thing you need to do imme-
diately is get your hands on a stack
lenge their critical thinking skills and
creativity for powerful results. 5 PICTURE DICTATION
This activity is often a favorite of

of twenty to thirty magazines. Some students. It is Pictionary on steroids
of the best choices are those that use CUT-UP STORIES
and much more challenging. The
thick paper, vivid images, and approach Cut-up stories can be a lot of fun best grammar activities to use this for
a variety of topics. Magazines like: O, with pictures. You can practice things are: there is/there are, prepositions of
National Geographic, Martha Stew- like sequence, directions, story-telling, place or direction combined with house
art Living, Cosmo, Glamour, etc. will and various tenses with cut-up stories. vocabulary, or what is happening in the
serve you really well. Take some time picture. Put the students into pairs and
Essentially it is a puzzle made of pho-
and compile all different categories of give each student a picture, face down.
tographs. Have a stack of 8-10 pho-
pictures including: famous people, peo- Tell them to take a turn describing their
tographs that are related so that they
ple doing things, pictures of the home,
can be put in some kind of order (se- picture to their partner with several
street scenes, animals, food, rooms in quence, what happened, solve a sentences and descriptions. The part-
the home, odd cartoons, diverse people crime, etc.). Put the students in small ner has to draw what their partner tells
and groups of people, interesting and groups and have them examine the pic- them. For example, their partner says,
colorful objects, etc. I recommend glu- tures. Tell them what the goal is. For ex- “This is a picture of a kitchen. In the
ing them to construction paper and lami- ample, tell a story by putting these 7 kitchen on the right hand side there
nating them if you have the option. You pictures into an order. Give the people is a big refrigerator. Next to the fridge
will get years of use of them and con- names and don’t just tell me the obvi- there is a long cabinet. On top of the
tinue to add to them as time goes on. ous, use your imagination and create a cabinet there is a vase with flow-
fictional story. For a lower level, it could ers.” You’ll want to monitor how much

People pictures should be number
be something like this: there are 10 pic-
tures in your envelope. Each envelope
shows a different activity being done
concrete information they are giving and
let the partner know that they can ask
clarifying questions. After a few minutes
have them switch. At the end of the ac-
one on your list as you will use them the and you need to put them in order and
most for activities. There are so many describe each of the steps. Examples tivity, you can debrief as a class by look-
ways you can use people pictures, there could be making a cup of tea, making ing at the original picture and comparing
is no way to list them all. Here are some a sandwich, how to take the bus, etc. it the one that was drawn. It is a terrific
ideas to get you started. What you choose will be based on what activity to combine lots of listening and
topic(s) you would like them to practice. speaking skills along with comprehen-
20 questions with famous people (is sion of vocabulary and grammar.

it a man? is he a singer?), describ- PARTIAL PICTURES
ing people using picture, what are USING PICTURES CAN MAKE EXER-
they doing, What happened or what This is a fun picture activity that CISES AND ACTIVITIES MORE INTER-
is happening? Create a story from can be approached for low intermediate ESTING AND MORE INTERACTIVE.
the picture, write the sequence of a or above. You can use more abstract You can constantly improve your activi-
story for the picture and share. pictures or artwork for this activity. Take ties by looking at what went well and
a variety of photographs that are 8x10 what fell flat. These 5 unique ways to
or larger and paste them on either con- practice grammar using pictures are a
Try out different activities with different struction paper or cardboard. You will jumping off point, and can be expanded
levels to create your toolbox of go-to ex- then want to cover up most of the pic- in lots of interesting ways.
ercises. ture using squares of paper.

How to Drill: Drilling Activities
for Your English Classroom
check their comprehension of the ma- forming pair activities so that students
AFTER INTRODUCING NEW VOCAB- terial. With flashcards, you can also are reminded of the proper pronuncia-
ULARY WORDS, GRAMMAR POINTS, challenge your students when they tion of the vocabulary.
OR SENTENCE STRUCTURES, YOU become more familiar with certain vo-

HAVE TO DRILL THEM WITH YOUR cabulary by flipping through the cards GAMES
CLASS. at a faster rate.
There are many ways to drill new ma- Breaking your classroom up into

terial. Using a variety of drilling meth-
COMPREHENSION sections where each section says
ods in your classes will help make this one portion of a new structure is an-
portion of the lesson more interesting Asking for volunteers or calling other way of drilling material. In small
and keep students focused. on students to give you a synonym, classes you can conduct some drilling
antonym, or translation of a new vo- activities in a circle. The more varia-
HOW TO PROCEED cabulary word will check individual tion there is to an activity, the more
comprehension. It is always nice students have to pay attention but it

Choral repetition is a commonly
to ask for volunteers as opposed
to calling on students individually
but generally a volunteer will be more
is best to start off with the simplest,
easiest variation of a game and build
on it as opposed to trying to explain
used method of drilling. Students sim- confident in his answer so this will a complex activity from the very be-
ply have to repeat words or phrases not properly show whether or not the ginning. Challenging students but not
after you. This is a good method be- class understands the material. overwhelming them is important in
cause it means that students are maintaining their attention and partici-
given excellent model pronunciation When you find it necessary to single pation.
immediately before they are asked to out particular students who are not
respond. Going through vocabulary participating in drill activities, calling
this way many times in a single les- on them for answers is an easy meth-
son will be boring for your students od of focusing their attention on the
and they will be less inclined to per- lesson. Doing comprehension checks DRILLING IS GENERALLY NOT THE
form well. is also a good way to break up the drill MOST FUN PART OF TEACHING OR
Break up the monotony by changing ESSENTIAL STEP WHEN LEARNING

the speed or volume you use and
have students change their respons- APPROACH CAN MAKE IT MORE
es accordingly. Using this method, As material becomes more fa- ENJOYABLE AND ENCOURAGE
students are not called on individually miliar, you may want to conduct short STUDENTS TO PARTICIPATE MORE
to pronounce words therefore you will pair activities where a student’s com- FULLY.
need to check individual pronuncia- prehension is tested by his partner.
tion and comprehension separately. To do this with a vocabulary list for
Integrating these checks into your drill instance, have student A read the
activities will keep students alert be- translation of each word in random or-
cause they will never know when you der while the student B says the word
may call on them. in English. Student A can then place
a checkmark next to all the words

student B got correct and then the
students can switch roles. With this
method students can check each oth-
Drilling using flashcards can be useful er and have visual proof of how well
as well. In the introduction, show stu- they performed afterwards which they
dents both the image and word sides can refer to when practicing material
of each flashcard. When you start on their own or preparing for exams.
drilling words for the first time, show
students the word side of the flash- Conducting an activity such as this on
card so they can practice reading and a regular basis will help students re-
pronouncing it. view vocabulary often and should not
take more than five minutes even with
Later on, rather than show students fifteen to twenty vocabulary words. It
the word you want them to pronounce, may still be necessary to practice
show them the image. This will help using choral repetition before per-

How to Teach the Verb “To Be”
to Beginners
Without introducing the question form from America?” The really great
THE VERB “TO BE” IS THE FIRST “Is she happy?” you can use such thing about this activity is that stu-
VERB STUDENTS LEARN IN THEIR questions to test comprehension and dents essentially have to speak in or-
ENGLISH STUDIES. students should understand what you der to play whereas with board games
It is used extensively in the English are asking. Have them answer by students may be tempted to simply
language and will allow students to saying “Yes, she is happy.” so that roll the dice and move their pieces
create simple sentences with the vo- they continue to practice saying the around the board without really prac-
cabulary they have learned to date. target structure. ticing English.


For this first lesson, it is best to
You can use worksheets for
practice. Have students complete a fill
in the blank exercise where they must
As a general review activity you
can divide students into groups and
play Hangman with sentences or
focus on only the I, You, He/She/It choose am, is, or are to complete sen- words from their textbook. It is per-
structures which you can build upon tences to ensure that they understand haps not appropriate to play the origi-
in later classes. If students have not which form of the verb agrees with nal game in your classroom so you
really done a lot of activities with the certain subjects. You can also have can just adapt it so that no one actu-
words he, she, and it, you may want students match sentences with im- ally hangs. One adaptation is to sim-
to consider simply using names in the ages or with translations for practice ply have a very large fish where when
practice activities. Once you have de- and to test comprehension. As a class students guess incorrectly, a little fish
termined what you would like to cover check the answers before continuing gets closer and closer to being eaten.
in the first lesson, use the warm up on. This is not very accurate as you can
activity to review the vocabulary stu- either draw the game out or end it

dents will need later on in the lesson.
PRACTICE COMPLEX whenever you choose.
A short simple drill activity would be
ideal. Students can then complete Another method of playing is to as-
an activity such as Battleship for sign a point value to certain things.

During the introduction section
further practice. You can adapt this
classic game for use in the class-
room. While it can be time consum-
For example, if a group guesses the
letter a and there are three in the
sentence, the group would get three
of your lesson, introduce any new vo- ing to explain, especially to beginners, points. A correct guess of the entire
cabulary you plan to use in this lesson. your students will enjoy playing and it sentence would be five points while
Some emotions and adjectives would can be used to practice a wide vari- there should be a penalty for guess-
be good because students will then ety of topics. To play Battleship stu- ing the entire phrase incorrectly but
be able to form complete meaningful dents should work in pairs using a no penalty for guessing a letter that
sentences. Introduce words such as worksheet. For this class, the grids on is not used. You can alter the scor-
happy and sad if students have not the worksheet might have I, You, He, ing anyway you would like to make it
yet learned them. Use flashcards to She, Jenny, Ms. Smith in the first more appropriate for your class.
drill vocabulary and have students column and happy, fun, from Korea,
complete some simple worksheet ac- sad, silly, from America in the first
tivities for further practice. row. Students then practice sentenc-
es such as “I am silly.” to try to locate


Show students how to make
and sink all of their opponents ships
sentences such as “I am happy. You There may not be enough time in the LESSON, YOU SHOULD INCLUDE THE
are happy. Jenny is happy.” En- first lesson to begin this activity but PLURAL WE, YOU, THEY AS WELL.
sure that students understand how devoting the second lesson entirely AS THE FIRST VERB THEY STUDY,
the subject and forms of the verb are to Battleship would give your students “TO BE” IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR
paired. You can practice this before lots of speaking practice. YOUR STUDENTS AND IT IS ESSEN-
introducing the full sentence struc- TIAL TO GET THEM TO UNDERSTAND
ture you would like students to learn. For a third class, introduce the ques- THAT THE FORM OF THE VERB IS
Call on students to make sentences tion that goes along with this target AFFECTED BY THE SUBJECT OF THE
choosing a subject, verb, and adjec- structure and have students play us- SENTENCE.
tive from columns on the board. ing the same worksheet but by mak-
ing questions such as “Is Ms. Smith

How to Teach Present Simple
to Complete Beginners
At the outset new students are con-
vinced that they cannot communicate
in English at all, but by the end of this
chael. I’m Michael’

Teacher models Q & A. Ask all the

Ask the class “What do I do?’
lesson they will hopefully be able to students their names – going ran- ‘What’s my job?’ As students an-
confidently introduce themselves to domly around the class. Make sure swer, make sure you write the answer
anyone they meet in a simple and yet that there is plenty of movement and on the board for future reference.
meaningful way. friendly gesturing with an open hand. ‘You are an English Teacher.’
No pointing. Get your students moti-
vated and animated. Stress that you Get them to repeat and point out the
HOW TO PROCEED need first names only. It’s much more ‘an’ article if it has been omitted. Ask
friendly. all the students individually ‘What

There is no warm up activity to
Now introduce family names. Write
your name on the board – Angelo.
do you do?’ You may not be able to
elicit, so you will have to introduce the
relevant vocabulary. It would be use-
introduce any grammatical term or vo- ful to have pictures, or flashcards of
Then present the full sentence ‘My
cabulary. Assume that your students popular jobs to provide a point of ref-
name is Michael Angelo.’ Advise
have limited linguistic knowledge, or erence especially for visual learners.
your students that this is the stan-
none whatsoever.
dard format in English, as there are
cultural differences e.g. in Japan the Get your students to answer correctly
Write the substitution tables on and move pairs around to incorporate
surname precedes the given name.
the board. Get it right from the start. group practice. Ask and report back
Repeat the exercise with all the stu-
Make sure they have a model to prac- their findings. Teacher asks group
dents - ‘What’s my name?’ Get full
tice and follow. Maybe they know the members as a whole and then calls
and abbreviated answers. Repeat
structures already but it’s good to re- randomly on specific students e.g.
many times around the class.
inforce the grammar and if they are ‘What does Manuel do?’ Response

real novices they will need to follow – ‘He’s an engineer.’ Practice/drill
your guidance. Keep it basic. You are PRACTICE TIME
articles ‘a’ and ‘an.’
teaching the verbs ‘to be’ and ‘to do’

only – which will form the foundations ‘What’s his name?’ ‘What’s
of their learning.
her name?’ Get students up and do-
ing a mingling activity. Get them to re- WHERE YOU LIVE

Ensure they know pronouns or
port back to you the names they have
learned. This is fun, practical and
breaks the ice in a new group. Can
Ask your students ‘Where do I live?’
Use body language and drawings to
show your home’s location. The stu-
you will be wasting a lot of valuable they remember the people they have dents probably don’t know, so you
time. Use gestures, mime, pictures been introduced to? This is the time to want them to ask and therefore elicit
etc. to elicit or re-iterate grammar out- check. Practice for as long as you feel the question ‘Where do you live?’
lines. necessary. Demonstrate on the board the word
order. The name of your street, etc. -
There is often confusion with the mas- Don’t assume they have mastered the smallest place first – village/town/
culine/feminine form. Teach ‘I am. this first step easily, as you will often
You are (singular). He/She/It is. city. Get students to ask their partners
find later that the elementary work is and then practice by doing a milling
We are. You are. They are (plu- quickly forgotten.
rals).’ Show contractions – ‘I’m etc.’ activity. Get feedback. Students re-
port back where the other students

You write your name on the
Ensure you match your spoken
live. ‘She lives in ....’ Be alert be-
cause the preposition is often missed
or dropped
practice with written examples. Do
whiteboard. First name only. Ask your

concept checking for your question
students ‘’What’s my name?’ ‘What practice. ‘What’s his name?’ Show INTRODUCE HOBBIES
is my name?’ Repeat. You may get contractions on the board. ‘His name
a whole host of answers ‘Michael / is ...’ or ‘He’s ....’ ‘What do you do in your free
You are Michael / You’re Michael / time?’ Elicit hobbies vocabulary from
Your name is Michael / Mr Michael
Ask your group to chorally answer/ students and write on the whiteboard.
/ Teacher Michael etc. Correct the
move around the class and ask stu- Have pictures/ flashcards etc. Use
errors and write clearly on the board
dents randomly. gestures and mime. Have fun but fo-
‘My name is Michael.’ ‘I am Mi-
cus on simplicity.

Like/do/enjoy differences in nuance will pass over their heads at this level. Concentrate on the verb ‘to be’ as before only
at this stage and give models through presentation. ‘My hobby is tennis’ etc. Get students to ask their partners. Ensure
there is feedback time to the group and the teacher.


Write the 4 questions on the whiteboard and model answers.

1. What’s your name?

2. What do you do?

3. Where do you live?

4. What do you do in your free time?

Drill the students chorally and individually. Questions followed by answers/alternate roles/ask randomly. Ensure that the
students are quite clear on the 4 questions and there are no errors in their answers. Practice and repeat as necessary.
Give feedback and rectify errors using examples on the whiteboard.


Students must introduce themselves to everyone in the class. Set the scenario with mime etc. – ‘Imagine
you are at a party and meeting for the first time. You must talk to all your class members.’ Teacher walks around
monitoring and giving assistance when required. Error spotting/correcting. Focus on fluency rather than accuracy, un-
less mistakes are too blatant.

Final error rectification and exampling on the board before students must act independently.


The students introduce themselves to the class using the 4 sentences learned and practiced. ‘Hello. My
name is ... I’m ...a/an ... I live in ... My hobby is ... ‘ Aim for fluency rather than accuracy, as this is a big step and a
major accomplishment for absolute beginners.

Randomly ask students any of the 4 questions. Assign homework practice and advise that the next lesson will begin
with the self-introductions covered. Stand at the door and ask students 1 of the 4 questions, as they exit to give them a
sense of real achievement.

How to Teach Present Simple
John (to teacher): “You live in He doesn’t read USA Today.
SIMPLE THE ULTIMATE GOAL IS TO T: “Sally, you have a dog.” Ask students to do the same by using
MAKE SURE YOUR STUDENTS UNDER- Sally (to teacher): “You have a cat”. the information previously shared by
ROUTINES, HABITS, DAILY ACTIVITIES, Split your students up into pairs and
Also important is the contrast between
the Present Simple and the Present Pro-
have them give each other statements
in the second person singular.

This series of steps will guide you to-

Make a statement about yourself. Then
ask a student a question to introduce do.

wards teaching the Present Simple and T: I walk to school. John, do you walk
covers function, conjugation, and form. Say: “I read the New York Times. to school?
Sarah reads USA Today”. Make sure
HOW TO PROCEED students notice that you’ve added the s Walk around the classroom asking stu-
dents questions and teaching them to

for the third person singular. Give more
INTRODUCE AN ACTION examples with other students, and intro- answer, “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t”.
duce the irregular verbs: John goes to Do the same for all persons except third
Pick up a newspaper and pretend person singular.
work at 8. Sally has lunch at 1. Stu-
to read it. Ask your students what you’re
dents provide more examples from the

doing. They’ll say, “You’re reading a
newspaper.” information previously shared by their INTRODUCE PRESENT
classmates. SIMPLE – QUESTIONS
T: “What newspaper am I reading?” (THIRD PERSON SINGULAR)
S:“You’re reading The New York
Times.” 5 DO THE SAME
FOR THE PLURAL PERSONS Contrast students’ habits. Make a state-
ment about one, then ask about another

2 INTRODUCE Ask who lives in Queens and ask them student:

to stand up. Then point to yourself and
PRESENT SIMPLE - FIRST those standing and say: “We live in T: John walks to school. Does Sarah
PERSON SINGULAR Queens.” Ask who lives in the Bronx walk to school?
and ask them to stand up. Address those
Tell your students, “I read The New Walk around the classroom asking
who are standing and say: “You live in
York Times every day.” Make a list of the Bronx”. Point to your group and say, questions with does, and teach students
the things you do every day as a routine: to answer “Yes, he does” “No, he
“We live in Queens”. Ask who lives in
Manhattan and point to that group and doesn’t”.
I have breakfast at 7.
say: “They live in Manhattan.”

I go to work at 9.
I have lunch at 12. EXPAND AND PRAC-
I go home at 5.
I watch TV before dinner.
Make sure your students understand

that you do this on a daily or weekly Practice all persons and forms. Ask
basis - these are habitual actions. Go Make a statement in the affirmative, then open-ended questions. Introduce more
around the class and have students make one in negative with don’t. verbs.
tell you what they do everyday or what
some of their habits are. They should T: I live in Queens, I don’t live in the Where do you live?
give more examples in the first person Bronx. Where does she work?
singular. How many languages do you
Ask students to do the same present- speak?

ing first an affirmative, then a negative.
Practice all persons except the third per-
son singular.
Now’s also a great time consolidate ev-
erything that they’ve learned about the
Present Simple.

Say: “I read the New York Times.

Sarah, you read USA Today”. Go
around the class giving examples like, “I
go to work at 9. You go to school.” THEM OVER THE COURSE OF A WEEK
Face each of your students and state a Make a statement about a student, then TO MAKE SURE YOUR STUDENTS HAVE
general truth: make one in negative form using doesn’t. PLENTY OF TIME TO PRACTICE THE
T: “John, you live in Queens.” T: Alex reads the New York Times. ITS FORMS.

How to Teach Present Perfect:
Activities and Examples
with regular verbs) with both tenses:
Last month, I visited my grandmother
twice. This month, I have only visited
her once. But this month is not fin-
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, ished so I may visit her again before
EFFECTIVELY USE ONLY THREE the month is over. Provide examples
Model questions with have or has:
TENSES: PRESENT, PAST, AND in all persons, and then ask students
FUTURE. to do the same with other regular
T: Have you seen Twilight?
And they will most likely make them-
verbs. Contrast the Simple Past and
S: Yes./No.
selves understood, but only by resort-
Present Perfect as much as neces-
T: Ask me!
ing to these three. The Present Per-
S: Have you seen Twilight?
fect is one of those tenses that is soon

forgotten, easily replaced by past Continue with more questions from
simple. But students don’t realize just INTRODUCE students. Model questions with where
how important it is that they master THE PRESENT PERFECT – and what, but make sure students
it. To ensure your students will not let IRREGULAR VERBS understand that if they ask questions
the present perfect slip into oblivion, it with when, where and why, they need
must be taught right. This article pro- Proceed with the irregulars. Divide the to use the Simple Past because they
vides several clear steps that will help board into three columns and write are referring to a specific moment in
you teach the Present Perfect tense. some irregular verbs in the first col- the past. Write examples, make sure
umn, their Smple Past form in the sec- they ask questions in all persons, both
HOW TO PROCEED ond column, and finally the irregular singular and plural. If they are unsure
past participle in the third. Give them as to how to ask a question, model it

1 INTRODUCE examples as you go over each verb: for them first.

Give examples in Past Simple: Yes-
I’ve had two cups of coffee today.
I’ve spoken to John this week.
I’ve read all four of the Twilight
terday, I had a busy day. I received books
lots of emails. Lead in to Present Per- Ask Yes/No questions and teach
fect: I have received only a few today. Make sure students have a list they students to give short answers:
Show students how the Present Per- can use for reference. With the help
fect is formed: have/has plus the past of the list, they provide more exam- T: Have you seen my pen?
participle. Tell them that the past parti- ples with other irregular verbs. S: Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.
ciple of regular verbs ends in –ed, just
as in Simple Past.
Students ask classmates yes or no
questions, and classmates reply with

short answers.

Say, “I saw my grandmother last PROVIDE EXTENDED
One of the best ways to ensure that week. I haven’t seen her this week.” PRACTICE
students understand when the Pres- Give more examples alternating be-
ent Perfect is used is to contrast fin- tween an affirmative in Simple Past Tell your students that the best way
ished and unfinished time. Ask stu- and a negative statement in Present to remember the past participle of ir-
dents: Is yesterday finished? (They Perfect: I went to Rome last year, but regular verbs is through practice, in
should say it’s finished.) Ask them: I haven’t been there this year. Now, both written and oral exercises. Natu-
Is today finished? (They should say give each of your students just the rally, students should be taught all of
it isn’t.) On the board, draw two col- affirmative statement in Simple Past the other uses of the Present Perfect,
umns. On the left column write ex- and ask them to supply an example in with already, just, ever, never, for,
amples of phrases with finished time: Present Perfect negative: since, etc. For practical purposes, in
yesterday, last week, last month, last this guide we cover what should be
year, 1990, etc...On the right column, the best way to introduce the Present
write those that go with unfinished
T: I was at the bank earlier today. Perfect for the first time, i.e, the dis-
time: today, this week, this month, this
S: I haven’t been to the bank this tinction between finished and unfin-
year, etc. Make sure they notice the
week. ished time. Once they grasp this dis-
differences, then, give examples (only tinction, they should be ready to grasp
everything else.

How to Teach Present Perfect:
Alternative Approach
OFTEN TAUGHT AND PRACTICED Next have students get into groups
where students must choose an
OVER THE PERIOD OF SEVERAL of about five and choose a student
answer from “a. do you live b. are
MONTHS DUE TO ITS COMPLEXITY to change his answer for each ques-
you living c. have you lived d. did you
AND THE RANGE OF SITUATIONS IN tion. One student can change all of his

answers or students can decide that
This can make classes monotonous
different group members change an- REVIEW
for students and challenging for you
swers for different questions. When
to plan as you have to think of new An activity such as Jeopardy
students have finished there should
practice activities to use. which takes up an entire lesson period
be one lie for each question in each
would be good for reviewing the Pres-
HOW TO PROCEED group. Then the game can begin. Ask
the students in the first group to read
ent Perfect tense because it will give
students a break from worksheets

their answers to the first question
INTRODUCE and students who answered “Yes, I
and studying grammatical structures.
SIMPLE STRUCTURES When teaching a topic such as this
have.” should have a short story re-
for an extended period of time, it may
lating to the experience that can be
First, introduce the very simple “Yes, also be a good idea to set aside one
told in their native language. Give stu-
I have. No, I haven’t.” structures. lesson a week for another activity
dents in the other groups about a min-
Drill these structures with students such as writing letters to pen pals or
ute to decide who they think is lying.
and ask questions such as “Have keeping an English diary. These types
Then ask the student who lied to raise
you played soccer?” to elicit the of activities also allow you to combine
his or her hand and record points for
target structure from students. When a number of topics so that your stu-
correct guesses. Move on to the next
you first used these types of ques- dents do not lose sight of the fact that
group and use the second question
tions it is not imperative that students this particular tense is just one small
so that students get to hear different
understand exactly what the sentence part of the English language.
types of stories. When you get back to
means but they should be able to an-

the first group, just be sure not to use
swer correctly. By asking students the first question again. ADDITIONAL REVIEW
questions such as “Have you visited

~?” using a very obscure or far away As a general review activity you
place such as the moon, they should
INTRODUCE MORE can divide students into groups and
start to get a fairly good idea of what COMPLEX STRUCTURES play Hangman with sentences or
the question means. Check by asking words from their textbook. It is per-
Introduce students to more complex haps not appropriate to play the origi-
for a translation at the end of the ac-
sentence structures using the Present nal game in your classroom so you
Perfect tense and discuss when they can just adapt it so that no one actu-

would be used. Practice these exten- ally hangs. One adaptation is to sim-
PRACTICE sively as a class through drilling and ply have a very large fish where when
comprehension checks. students guess incorrectly, a little fish
To practice these structures, use
gets closer and closer to being eaten.

an interview game where students
have a worksheet with questions that PRACTICE This is not very accurate as you can
they have to go around the room ask- WITH WORKSHEETS either draw the game out or end it
ing and answering. The goal is to have whenever you choose.
students write down other students’ These practice activities will be more
answers and get signatures for each challenging for students than the ones STUDYING THE SAME MATERIAL
question. You can also design a board they completed above. Have them CLASS AFTER CLASS CAN BECOME
game where each student must an- complete some exercises practicing TEDIOUS FOR STUDENTS BUT THIS
swer the question he lands on during just the present perfect tense but as IS ONE TOPIC THAT REQUIRES
his turn. Another game, which takes they progress, challenge them with LOTS OF PRACTICE TO MASTER.
an entire class period on its own, is more difficult exercises that combine MANY ESL STUDENTS STRUGGLE
called Liar. Students should first be previously studied material. One way ON EXERCISES LIKE THE MULTI-
given a worksheet with four to five to do this is to have sentences such PLE CHOICE ACTIVITY SUGGESTED
questions such as “Have you ever as ABOVE BECAUSE THOSE ARE SOME
seen a famous person?” and write OF THE MOST COMMON MISTAKES
down their answers. Try to choose - Yuki: “You live in Furukawa? ESL LEARNERS MAKE.
questions so that some students will How long _____________ there?”
honestly write “Yes, I have.” as their - Kino: “Oh, I’ve lived here about

Present Perfect Mystery:
How to Teach For and Since
the difference between the two. If this is too challenging for students
WHEN LEARNING THE PRESENT Use diagrams on the board to explain conduct an activity that is more suit-
PERFECT TENSE, STUDENTS OFTEN that the word for is used when refer- able to their level.
STRUGGLE WITH USING THE WORDS encing a period of time such as “three
FOR AND SINCE APPROPRIATELY. years” while since is used when ref-
To assist them with this aspect of the
English language, dedicate some time
and perhaps even an entire lesson to
erencing a specific point in the past
such as “fourth grade”. 5 REVIEW
As a review activity you can
This may be hard for students to start a present perfect sentence and
practicing the use of these two words. grasp initially so practice activities are ask students to finish them by supply-
The more familiar students are with vastly important. ing a phrase starting with for or since.
using these words, the better they will With small classes, start this activity

do at using them correctly.
PRACTICE with all students standing up so that
every student needs to complete a
HOW TO PROCEED Start out by completing some sentence before sitting down. For
sentences on the board as a class. larger classes, you can start with all

As you have probably been
Ask for volunteers or call on students
to decide which word is appropriate
for each sentence and when appropri-
students standing up but allow each
student who completes a sentence to
choose either his row or column to sit
studying present perfect for several ate have students translate sentences down so that the activity is kept short.
lessons, try not to make it the focus as well.
of the warm up activity. This will give
students a bit of a break as well as a Next, have students work individu- DETERMINING WHICH OF THESE
review of other topics. A short game or ally to complete a worksheet. The first TWO WORDS TO USE IN SENTENCES
activity which engages students and section might have students choose IS A COMMON ERROR MADE BY
requires them to move around the which word best completes a sen- NON-NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS,
classroom would be an excellent idea. tence while the second section could EVEN THOSE WHO ARE ADVANCED
You can conduct an activity such as ask students to match for and since STUDENTS. PROVIDING PLENTY OF
Chinese Whispers to start off. This with appropriate time phrases such as PRACTICE ACTIVITIES THROUGH-
will give students some basic pronun- “three years” and “fourth grade”. OUT THE COURSE WILL BE THE BEST
ciation practice and encourage them METHOD OF TEACHING STUDENTS
to work more efficiently in groups. Check the answers aloud as a class THE CORRECT USE OF THESE TWO
to ensure that students understand WORDS.
Alternatively, you could play a game when to use each of these words. If
such as Fruit Basket where students students are struggling be sure to pro-
have to make a sentence about their vide them with further practice before
weekend or another similar topic moving on to the next section or per-
which would again give students haps ask another student to explain
speaking practice and allow them to the use of each word to the class.
share a little bit about themselves.
Sometimes simply giving another ex-

planation can help students under-
stand a new idea.

Perhaps in past classes you have only

introduced and practiced a basic pres-
ent perfect sentence structure such
as “I have played baseball.” In your
Using the same worksheet,
have a section which asks students
introduction for this lesson introduce to write a few sentences of their own
the longer structure using examples using these two words. Perhaps dur-
such as “I have played baseball for ing the writing section students could
three years.” and “I have played be asked to write pairs of sentences
baseball since fourth grade.” where the first one uses for and the
second one uses since to say essen-
Have students volunteer to give a tially the same thing such as the pair
translation of your example sentenc- of sentences used in the baseball ex-
es and ensure that they understand ample above.

Where Have You Been? 5 Perfect
Tips for Practicing Present Perfect
It is often used to suggest that a past
PRESENT PERFECT TENSE IS A BIG action still has an effect upon some- thing’ is my favorite way to introduce
TURNING POINT IN A STUDENT’S thing happening in the present. He and review Present Perfect tense. It
LANGUAGE LEARNING. has been in a car accident. (So now can be used over and over again, in
Once they have gotten to this grammar he is in the hospital) different formats, with different experi-
point, they have mastered a lot and ences. It also creates a natural way
are moving into more and more com- in which to use the tense and again
plex grammatical structures and tens- offers some distinction between how
es. That being said, teaching Present it is different from using past tense.
Perfect tense can be one of the most This is also a good way to show the
challenging and intimidating grammar negative uses and short answers.
points to refine. Follow these 5 perfect Here are some examples:
tips for practicing Present Perfect tense, It is often used to discuss events Have you ever been to India? Yes I
and your students will glide through this that have been happening over a pe- have. No I haven’t.
transition with ease. riod of time, but aren’t finished yet. Have you ever eaten sushi? No,
Mary has worked as a teacher for I haven’t ever eaten sushi. No,
HOW TO TEACH 25 years. never.
PRESENT PERFECT: 5 Have you ever been angry at your
PERFECT TIPS brother? I sure have.
The possibilities for this activity are

endless, and you can use worksheets,
do mingling activities or do simple Q
and A in rounds.
Timelines are a great visual when
introducing the different uses for
Present Perfect. One of the best things
about them is once you introduce them,
The biggest issue students will
The time markers for Present Per-
you can continue to refer back to them have is the big decision between using fect tense are very important and need
and make it a point to have students Past tense and Present Perfect tenses. not be overlooked. Yet, for and since
do a timeline when they are struggling. They will need constant comparisons, can confuse learners, so provide good
It is one of the best ways to show the and the language you use will also help examples for each usage where it ap-
differences in usage that are usually them to analyze what tense they need. plies.
so slight it can be hard to concretely There are lots of activities where stu-
define. A timeline shows the tense in dents need to use both tenses accu- • Yet is used to talk about an ac-
a picture format for you, and once stu- rately, and you can take that one step tion that isn’t completed, but it
dents get used to seeing them, they will further by asking them to tell you why will be soon.
begin to reference them for this point they have made which choice. Past I haven’t eaten lunch yet. (this
and other more advanced tenses. Be tense is only used to express actions implies that you will do so shortly).
sure to provide several examples with that are completed in the past with a I haven’t seen John yet today.
your timelines, and using different col- time marker. That’s it. Present Perfect
ored markers will help accentuate your tense has several uses depending upon • For is used to express the
point. Also, timelines should always what you are trying to express. You length of an activity.
have a marker for now. Here are some can compare sentences and discuss I have studied for 10 years.
examples of timelines that display their how the meaning has changed with I have worked for 2 hours so
uses for Present Perfect tense. the tense choice. You may also want
to discuss the time markers associated
• Since is used to express the
The present perfect is used to dis- with each tense. Examples to analyze:
I went to school yesterday. I ate din- specific time an activity start.
cuss events that have just been com-
ner late last night. I have been a teacher since
pleted at the moment of speaking: I 1995.
have just finished my homework. I haven’t written a letter since
I have been at school since 7 a.m. last year.
I have already eaten dinner tonight.
There are a lot of ways to practice this
with conversational activities or with fill


‘Have you ever done some-
in the blanks.

There are numerous ways in which to practice Present Perfect tense, and this is in part to its different uses. You’ll
want to take the tense step-by-step and introduce one usage at a time and then practice it. Build upon that usage
and introduce the next usage. Over a matter of weeks, you can practice the tense by providing a variety of activities
that include conversation, writing, discussion, Q and A, and grammatical exercises. Use your creativity and incorporate
activities that practice the tense as a whole when students are ready.

Take it in stride and move at the students’ pace. You may also be surprised by how many challenging grammatical ques-
tions they will pose to you. Do your homework and make sure you have a firm understanding of Present Perfect tense.
Using these 5 tips for practicing Present Perfect tense will deliver great results.

How to Teach
the Present Continuous Tense
cards for a fun game. Use a work- T: Are you reading a book?
WHEN TEACHING THE PRESENT sheet where students have to write S: Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
CONTINUOUS TENSE, ONE THING what the people in the photos are
USUALLY COMES TO MIND. THIS doing. Eventually, get them to prac- Ask students to ask each other yes or
TENSE IS TAUGHT FOR THE FIRST tice the contracted forms (I’m, he’s, no questions in present continuous,
TIME TO STUDENTS WHO ARE COM- we’re). and have them practice replying with

Pick up a book and say: I am reading
They have, however, already learned
a book... I’m not reading a news- Be sure to provide plenty of exercises
the verb to be, which should be of tre-
paper. Give more examples alternat- for extra practice, above all, because
mendous help in teaching this tense.
ing between affirmative and negative beginners need to not only practice
HOW TO PROCEED statements: Sarah, you’re looking
at me. You’re not looking at Juan.
this tense, but also acquire more vo-
cabulary and verbs to do so effec-
Juan is listening to me. He’s not

tively. At there are
INTRODUCE THE listening to Sarah.
dozens of Present Continuous work-
PRESENT CONTINUOUS sheets to choose from. You may also
WITH AN ACTION And so on with all persons, singular
choose to introduce other uses of the
and plural. Then have students do the
present continuous, as in future ar-
The present continuous tense is used same, always alternating between af-
rangements. And if they’ve already
to describe actions that are taking firmative and negative statements.
learned the Present Simple, now’s
place at the time of speaking. So, the

a good time to contrast both pres-
easiest way to introduce this tense INTRODUCE THE ent tenses.
is to carry out actions. Take a pen or PRESENT CONTINUOUS –
pencil and start writing on the board.
Say: I am writing.
First, model yes or no questions, then,
Sit down and pick up a book. Say: I VIRGIL ONCE SAID, “ENDURE
questions with what, where, which,
Start walking around the classroom. NITELY APPLIES TO BEGINNER ESL
- T: Are you listening to me?
Say: I am walking. STUDENTS.
- S: Yes!
Although they may be impatient to
- T: Ask me!
And so on with as many verbs as learn more, and feel frustrated by
- S: Are you listening to me?
you’d like, but use verbs they already their lack of vocabulary, they must
- T: What are you doing?
know, or introduce new verbs, but take things one step at a time, and
- S: I’m looking at you.
only a few at a time. soon enough they’ll be speaking Eng-
- T: Ask Juan!
lish more confidently. It is your job to
- S: What are you doing?
Go on with other persons. Remember guide them on this path.
they already know the simple pres- Continue with more questions from
ent of the verb to be. Keep walking students. Encourage them to ask dif-
around the classroom and ask a stu- ferent types of questions in different
dent to join you. Say: Juan is walk- singular and plural persons. If they
ing. I am walking. We are walking. are unsure as to how to ask a ques-
Show students that the present con- tion, model it for them first.
tinuous is formed with the present of

the verb to be + the present participle
of the main verb (verb in –ing form). INTRODUCE THE
Show as many actions as necessary, SHORT ANSWERS
and use illustrations, photos, even
videos. Have students tell you what Ask yes or no questions and teach
each person or group of people are students to give short answers:
doing. Try some present continuous

How to Teach Present
Continuous: Alternative Approach
It is very simple but students might then
guess the location as in a car, on a bus,
in a train, or on a plane.
Give students some basic practice ex-

ercises so they can get used to chang-
When teaching additional tenses it is
ing present simple verbs into the PRESENT CONTINUOUS
present continuous tense. This can
important to highlight what time period Any activity you have done for this topic
be done in the form of a fill in the blank
is referred to and also in what situations can be used as a review activity at the
worksheet but this would also be an
students would used each tense. end of the lesson. You may also want
appropriate topic to use battleship for
HOW TO PROCEED speaking practice. Students can use
the battleship grid to change I, You,
to get students moving if they have
been sitting down for the entire class

play soccer, speak English, etc. into period, especially after a writing exer-
WARM UP the sentences “I am playing soccer.” cise, so you can have students form a
and “You are speaking English.” circle. Students should take turns mak-
Have students practice using the
ing present continuous sentences and
simple present tense as they volunteer
If students have played this game be- then calling on students to make the
to answer questions or play fruit bas-
fore, it might take approximately thirty next sentence. You can continue this
ket to encourage students to make
minutes to explain and play twice. activity until everyone has made a sen-
sentences of their own. When you have
tence or until the bell rings. If you want
finished draw an image on the board il-
lustrating the simple present tense as
a reference point and ensure that stu-
dents understand when to use the pres-
Phone conversations would be a
to ensure that everyone makes at least
one sentence, you can have students
start sitting down after their turns. This
is not recommended for large classes
real life situation where the present
ent tense.
continuous tense is used quite often so because then lots of students will be

in order to give students practice with sitting down with nothing to do towards
INTRODUCE this tense as well as basic phone con- the end of the activity.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS versation, make a short model dialogue
for students to practice in pairs.
Give students some example sentenc- PRESENT CONTINUOUS IS A MORE
es using the present continuous tense. This could be very simple where Stu-
By using pairs of sentences in your ex- dent A asks Student B for someone and
amples, you can show when to use the Student B replies “I’m sorry. He’s not
present simple tense and when to use here right now. He’s playing base- BUT THE MORE PRACTICE THEY HAVE
the present continuous tense. A good ball with Ben.” USING IT, THE BETTER OFF THEY WILL
example might be “I play baseball ev- BE.
ery day.” and “I am playing baseball It could also be more complex. Adjust
with Ben (right now).” See if students the conversation to suit your students’
understand the difference in meaning ability level and encourage them to cre-
between the two and ask for transla- ate part of the conversation, preferably
tions. the present continuous part of the con-
versation, on their own. Have students
It is important to illustrate on the board volunteer to present their dialogues to
the difference between this tense the class at the end of the activity.
and other tenses your students have

learned. The best way to do this is by
drawing a simple chart. On the board
under your image illustrating the pres- Ask students to imagine a situ-
ent tense, draw a similar image to il- ation and then write three to five
lustrate the present continuous tense. present continuous tense sentences
You can also discuss the fact that the to describe it without saying the loca-
present tense is used when talking tion. Students can then work in pairs or
about daily routines while the present groups to guess the locations of differ-
continuous tense is used when talking ent scenarios. An example may be “I
about specific non-routine actions and am sitting. I am listening to my mu-
future plans. sic. I am looking out the window. I
am moving.”

How to Teach the Present
Perfect Continuous Tense
If your students are currently living
in a city that is not their hometown, Continue with more substitutions. For ing for almost a year.
would they say they’ve lived there or extended practice try this fun work-
they’ve been living there for a while?
Either tense will do if they wish to
convey that they didn’t always live
sheet where students have to guess
what a classmate has been doing.
More advanced learners or adults
there, but they’re living there now. may be given a Present Perfect Con-
Which is why ESL students are often tinuous Game to play, where they Ask yes or no questions and teach
unclear as to when it is best to use have to tell classmates what they students to give short answers:
the present perfect continuous tense. have been doing based on a specific
The present perfect continuous is the job card.
best choice when the action is still T: Have you been studying for
continuing, and you wish to empha-
size its duration and not the result. 3 INTRODUCE THE PRESENT
next week’s test?
S: Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.

Students ask classmates yes or no

HOW TO PROCEED Ask students which sports they cur- questions, and classmates reply with
rently play. short answers. Make sure they place


S: I play tennis.
emphasis on actions that are continu-

Ask students if they play any musical

instruments and when they started
playing them. Use the information
Model questions with how long,
where, etc...
T: How long have you been play-
supplied by them to introduce the ing tennis?
present perfect continuous: S: I’ve been playing for about a Above all, make sure students are
year. clear on which types of contexts or
Use affirmative statements as situations require the use of the pres-
T: Juan has been playing the prompts for student questions: ent perfect continuous tense. Provide
guitar for 5 years. Mario has T: I swim twice a week. examples:
been playing the piano for a few S: How long have you been swim-
months. ming twice a week?
S2: Where have you been swim- To describe activities, routines, or
Make sure students see the empha- ming? habits which were recently begun:
sis on the continuity of the action. I have been taking French class-
Juan and Mario are still actively play- Students make affirmative state- es this semester.
ing these instruments. Show students ments of things they are currently do-
how the present perfect continuous is ing as prompts for their classmates’ To describe recent events or tem-
formed: Have/has + been + present questions. porary situations: I haven’t been
participle sleeping well.


To talk about the temporary result
of a recently finished activity: I’ve
been cleaning the house for the
Ask students to give more examples Make an affirmative statement fol- party, that’s why I’m so tired.
through substitution. lowed by a negative one: I have been To talk about an action that start-
swimming twice a week. I haven’t ed in the past but actively contin-
been dancing twice a week. Use the ues: I’ve been studying English
T: Carlos Tevez started playing information supplied by students to for years.
football when he was a child. make incorrect statements, which
Prompt students to say: they have to correct: IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT
S: He has been playing football YOU CONTRAST THIS TENSE WITH
since he was a child. OTHER TENSES LIKE THE SIMPLE
T: Oscar started listening to opera T: Juan has been playing tennis PAST, AND THE PRESENT PERFECT
when he was in Italy. for several years. SIMPLE, OF COURSE.
S: He has been listening to opera S: I haven’t been playing tennis
since he was in Italy. for several years. I’ve been play-

How To Teach Past Simple VS
Present Perfect
When using the Present Perfect you
should call the students’ attention
to the consequences generated by
an action, rather than just the action
– try to think in the tense itself.


Ask students – ‘Which countries have Limit the teaching uses at the Lower
itself. The tense is always formed you been to?’ Write the countries on
by conjugating the auxiliary verb ‘to Intermediate Level:
the board. Then ask ‘When’ they went
have’ and then appending the verb’s to determine a definite time scale.
past participle form. a) experience – not when you did
Once these sentences have been something, but if you did it.
elicited you can distinguish the 2 tens-
HOW TO PROCEED es by ‘has been’ and ‘went.’ b) change or new information –
e.g. buy a car.
- SIMPLE PAST Use timelines and concept ques-
I bought a new bike – (just reporting tions to ensure they grasp the c) Continuing situation – a state
what I did in the past). structures. Ensure lots of personal- (not an action).
ization and practice.
- PRESENT PERFECT British speakers use this tense more
I have/I’ve bought a new bike – (ex- Check for common mistakes: e.g. I frequently: i.e. ‘Have you had lunch?’
pressing that I have a new bike now). have watched TV last night, or I live rather than ‘Did you have lunch?’
here for 5 years.
Since – usually used with the Per-


VS PRESENT PERFECT 3 EXPLAIN THE RULE fect Tenses only (point in past time).

For – can be used with all tenses (pe-

Students have probably had a gentle PAST SIMPLE FORM: riod of time).
introduction to the Present Perfect a) past form only.
before, but you are now trying to ex-
tend uses/meaning of the tense. Do
not expect mastery by the end of the
b) auxiliary ‘did’ + base form. 4 EXPLAIN FURTHER DIF-
lesson – it takes a long time to be as- The past form for all regular verbs
similated. ends in -ed/ or -d: e.g. worked/loved. Don’t get bogged down in grammar.
Check spellings and practice for short Be selective.
A theme of Fame is useful as it natu- verbs with only one syllable, as the
rally lends itself to talking about peo- consonant is doubled i.e stopped,
ple’s experiences/opportunities for planned. Verbs ending in a consonant - The Present Perfect is used
role plays/interviewing etc. It would + ‘y’, change to -ied e.g. carried/stud- when the time period has NOT
be particularly useful to contrast 2 ied. The past form for irregular verbs finished - i.e. I have seen 3 mov-
famous people/biographies, where needs to be learned by heart. ies this week (this week has not
1 member is living and the other is finished yet). The Simple Past is
dead, so that students can clearly PAST SIMPLE USE: used when the time period HAS
grasp the difference vis-à-vis time in An action/situation – an event in the finished - i.e. I saw 3 movies
the sentence structures. past, which can be short or long: i.e. last week (last week is finished).
millisecond, millions of years. The
Check students know the Past Simple event is in the past – it is completed/ - The Present Perfect is often
and past participle forms of common finished. We say or understand the used when giving recent news: i.e.
irregular verbs. time and/or place of the event. When Martin has crashed his car again.
we tell a story we usually use the
If your class is going to experience simple past – for ‘action’ and the past - The Simple Past is used when
too much difficulty in comprehension continuous to ‘set the scene.’ giving older information: i.e. Mar-
then spend some time on the Gram- tin crashed his car last year.
mar Reference Section in your text- PRESENT PERFECT FORM:
book and definitely assign for home- This tense gives speakers of some - The Present Perfect is used
work after the presentation in class. languages a degree of difficulty, be- when the time is not specific:
cause the concept/idea does not ex- i.e. I have seen that movie al-
ist in their L1 – it is expressed with a ready (we don’t know when).
present tense. Tell students not to try
and translate into their own language

- The Simple Past is used when the time is clear: i.e. I saw that movie on Thursday (we know exactly

- The Present Perfect is used with ‘for’ and ‘since’, when the actions have not finished yet: i.e. I have lived
in London for 5 years (I still live there).

- The Simple Past is used with ‘for’ when the actions have already finished: i.e. I lived in London for 5 years
(I don’t live there now).

- Simple Past – Completed actions, a series of completed actions, duration in the past, habits in the past
(past facts or generalizations could be left to a later lesson).

- Present Perfect – Experiences, Changes over time (accomplishments of humanity and uncompleted ac-
tions you are expecting could also be introduced later in the study course).

- The Simple Past is used for action that happened in the past and is OVER/DONE/FINISHED

– stress this point. It is used with time words: e.g. yesterday, last Saturday, last week, three months ago,
with specific dates – in 1990. If a time expression is used then it’s Past Simple.

- The Present Perfect started in the past, but IT IS STILL TRUE TODAY or MIGHT HAPPEN AGAIN. It con-
nects the past and the present, and we use since, so far, just, already, yet etc. If you are speaking about a
specific time you cannot use this tense.


Practice ‘For’ and ‘Since’ at length. Assign homework. Students have to find different buildings, shops, restaurants, etc
that have a sign indicating when they opened i.e. since 1989. Ask family members/friends/fellow students questions
‘how long’ questions.

How to Teach Past Simple –
Regular/Irregular Verbs
Give an example in present simple: I
STUDENTS MUST DO JUST THAT: TO T: Did you come to school yesterday?
have lunch at 12 every day. Lead in to
past simple: Yesterday I had lunch at T: Ask me!
As they learn that regular verbs simply
12. Write this on the board. Give more S: Did you come to school yesterday?
need an –ed suffix, they jump for joy.
examples with irregular verbs and write
‘This is not so hard!’, they think. Then
each verb in its past form on the board. Continue with more questions from stu-
we hit them with the endless lists of
irregular verbs to study, and their en- dents. Model questions with what time,
T: Yesterday I spoke to a friend. We where, when, why, etc. Write examples
thusiasm deflates like a balloon before
went to the movies. We saw Eclipse. on the board. First, they ask you, then
your very eyes. Don’t add to the confu-
My friend ate popcorn. I drank soda. they ask classmates, then they ask a
classmate about another classmate
Make sure students understand that (What did Bobby do last night?), and
Follow these steps to teach the past
the past form is the same for all per- so on. Make sure they ask questions
simple and keep your students right on
sons. in all persons, both singular and plural.
If they are unsure as to how to ask a
HOW TO PROCEED Give as many examples with irregular
verbs as needed.
question, model it for them first.


Ask yes or no questions and teach stu-
Go around the class and make state- dents to give short answers:
Give an example in Present Simple: I ments in present simple, which stu-
talk to my sister everyday. Lead in to dents must change to past simple:
past simple: Yesterday, I talked to her. T: Did you come to school yesterday?
Write this on the board. Give more ex- S: Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.
T: I usually drink orange juice for
amples with regular verbs and write breakfast.
each verb in its past form on the board. Students ask classmates yes or no
S: Yesterday you drank orange juice. questions, and classmates reply with
T: I visited her. We watched TV. She short answers.
To help your students study these
cooked lunch. We listened to music.

verbs, give them this worksheet. For
extended practice, try this one. PROVIDE
Make sure students understand that EXTENDED PRACTICE

the past form is the same for all per-
sons. Give as many examples with
INTRODUCE THE PAST Tell students that the best way to learn
regular verbs as needed. SIMPLE – NEGATIVE FORMS which verbs are regular and irregular,
and remember the past form of irregu-

Say, ‘Yesterday I talked to John. I didn’t lar verbs is through lots of practice and
PRACTICE PAST SIMPLE talk to Sarah.’ Give more examples al- not necessarily memorization. You’ll
OF REGULAR VERBS ternating between affirmative and neg- find hundreds of Past Simple work-
ative statements: sheets at that will
Go around the class and make state-
ments in present simple, which stu- help them do just that.
Sarah had lunch at 12. She didn’t have
dents must change to past simple: lunch at one. You went to the gym yes- Keep in mind that there are endless
terday. You didn’t go to the movies. options for practice. Ask them to write
T: I sometimes walk in the park.
S: You walked in the park yesterday. about their last vacation for home-
And so on with all persons, singular work. Have them give a presentation
and plural. Write the negative form on on what people did 100 years ago.
Now’s a good time to practice the dif- the board. Then have students do the
ferent pronunciations of the –ed past BUT NO MATTER WHAT YOU CHOOSE
same, always alternating between af- TO DO, JUST MAKE SURE YOUR STU-
form. Try this worksheet where stu- firmative and negative statements.
dents are required to group verbs ac- DENTS PRACTICE THE PAST SIMPLE

cording to their pronunciation.

How to Teach the Past Simple
Tense – Verb to Be
statements in the second person ask a classmate about another class-
“TO BE OR NOT TO BE?” IS THE singular, addressing each student: mate (Where was Sheila last night?),
QUESTION PONDERED BY THE Sarah, you were at home. John, you and so on. Make sure they ask ques-
MELANCHOLY HAMLET. ON THE were at the gym. Each student points tions in all persons, both singular and
OTHER HAND, AN ESL TEACHER to one classmate and says where he plural. If they are unsure as to how to
MIGHT ASK: HOW DO I TEACH THE or she was. ask a question, model it for them first.

4 7
It’s all rather simple. Follow a step by FOR THE PLURAL PER- SIMPLE OF THE VERB TO
step process, and don’t move on to SONS BE – SHORT ANSWERS
next step until you’re sure your stu-
dents have mastered the one you’re Get all of those who were at home to- Ask yes or no questions and teach
currently on. gether and say, “We were at home.” students to give short answers:
Do the same for “you (pl.)” and “they”:
HOW TO PROCEED John and Tom, you were at the gym.
Bobby and his cousin were at a
T: Were you at school last night?
S: Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.

friend’s house. They were there till 6
INTRODUCE THE PAST pm. Give as many examples as need- If time allows, ask them to provide
SIMPLE OF THE VERB TO ed to make sure students grasp the more complete answers.
T: Were you at school last night?

Begin by asking your students,
INTRODUCE THE PAST S: Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t. I was at
“Where am I?” They should answer, home.
“You’re in class/at school.” Introduce SIMPLE OF THE VERB TO
the past simple of the verb to be like
Say, “Yesterday at this time, I was at OF EXTENDED PRACTICE
T: Yesterday at this time, I was at home. I wasn’t at school.” Give more
examples alternating between af- Try giving your students this work-
firmative and negative statements: sheet to review what they’ve learned.
Sarah, you were at home. You weren’t And here’s another with several ex-
Go around the class, and have stu-
at the gym. John was at the gym. He ercises, one of which asks students
dents take turns saying where they
wasn’t at school. And so on with all to complete affirmative, and negative
were the previous day in the first per-
persons, singular and plural. Then sentences, as well as write questions.
son singular.
have students do the same, always

alternating between affirmative and
INTRODUCE THE PAST negative statements.
Go around the class and say where
each student was, giving examples
in the third person singular: Sarah WITH FEELINGS (I WAS HAPPY/
was at home. John was at the gym. Model questions like this:
Bobby was at a friend’s house. Etc... WAS SUNNY/HOT/WINDY), OR
Students continue by saying where T: Where were you at 10 o’clock last
some of their family members were: BAD/GREAT), JUST TO NAME A FEW
My mom was at home. My dad was at S: I was at home.
T: Ask me! OPTIONS.
work. My sister was at the park.
S: Where were you at 10 o’clock last

SIMPLE OF THE VERB TO Continue with more questions from
BE - SECOND PERSON SINGU- students. Encourage them to ask what
LAR time, where, when, why, etc. First,
they ask you (second person singular,
Go around the class and now make then they ask classmates, then they

Where Did He Go? How to Teach
Question-Making in Past Tense
Using question words like who,
Another activity to practice question
making in past tense it to do some
form of activity based on memories.
what, when, where, how and why Have students interview one another
QUESTIONS IN THE PAST TENSE IS will elicit a long answer. These are or do a mingling activity that produces
JUST AS IMPORTANT. used to draw out information, not sim- lots of questioning. One way to do this
Since past tense is often taught very ply a yes or a no. They also combine is to simply give the students a theme.
early on, question-making can be par- with ‘did’ or the verb ‘to be’ for ques- For example: childhood friends,
ticularly confusing. There are several tions. Using the same examples from vacations, past birthday celebra-
ways to relieve the confusion and pro- above, draw some parallels. Again, if tions. Anything that will get them
vide students with plenty of leeway for you have the helping verb was/were in talking about past experiences. You
errors. a sentence, it will appear in the infor- could even put one student in the “hot
mation question. When there is action seat.” This is when students fire ques-
and no helping verb in the statement, tions at the hot seat student until they
you need did in the question. A great can’t think of any more questions. It’s
HOW TO PROCEED way to get students thinking about a wonderful way to get students ask-
information questions is alter the ing and answering questions at a fast
statements and then have them pace!
determine which question word


The first thing to approach is
to use, and the word order for the
question. Here are some examples:
No matter what practice activity you
choose for creating questions, you will
inevitably have the students practicing
the use of helping verbs (HV). You past tense verbs, time markers and
need to explain when to use ‘did’ and Statement: I loved him for ten the difference between past and pres-
when to use ‘was/were’. Was/were years. ent tenses.
is the past tense of the verb to be. It Question: How long did you love
is used to talk about states of being, him?
emotions, and senses. Did is used in
conjunction with an action verb. The Statement: Mario was happy in
helping verb ‘did’ isn’t used in the Mexico A SOLID INTRODUCTION TO CREAT-
statement, only in the question and Question: Where was Mario hap- ING PAST TENSE QUESTIONS FOL-
the short answer. The question word py? LOWED BY VARIED PRACTICE ACTIV-
or helping verb always goes at the be- ITIES WILL HAVE YOUR STUDENTS
ginning of the question. Statement: James went out early LOOKING BACK WITH EASE.
this morning. Provide topics that are relevant to the
Statement: I loved him. Question: When did James go out? class age group, level, and hobbies,
Question: Did you love him? and you can’t go wrong.
Explanation: There is no helping verb Statement: They were in trouble
and there is action: Use did because they were naughty.
Question: Why were they in trou-
Statement: Mario was happy. ble?
Question: Was Mario happy?
Explanation: Reverse the statement to
put the HV in the front

Statement: James went out.

You’ll want to incorporate
Question: Did James go out? a variety of activities to practice
Explanation: There is no helping verb question making in past tense.
and there is action: Use did
One useful way to practice past tense
Statement: They were in trouble. verbs along with question creation
Question: Were they in trouble? is any form of memory games. You
Explanation: Reverse the statement to can utilize pictures or word cards and
put the HV in the front have the students draw cards until
they match. They then have to create
questions and sentences using both
the verb forms.

How to Teach
‘Used To’ and ‘Would’
stance, if Lisa said that she liked cake not be used in a negative sentence
STUDENTS CAN USE “USED TO” OR as a child and still likes cake then you without altering its meaning and while
“WOULD” TO TALK ABOUT ACTIONS cannot use that sentence. Ensure you can say “I used to dance.” you
IN THE PAST THAT THEY NO LONGER that students understand this key cannot say “I would dance.” and
DO. point. mean the same thing either.
Since behaviors change over time,
this is an excellent structure to use
when reflecting on the past. This also

3 5
gives students the opportunity to ex-
plain how they have changed as they
have gotten older. ‘WOULD’
For the first practice exercise
have students read ten statements Do a practice activity where students
using the target structure and decide change “used to” sentences into
if the each sentence applies to them
HOW TO PROCEED or not. For young students one such
sentences using “would” and then
in groups, pairs or individually com-
statement could be “I used to be plete a fill in the blank exercise. Check
really messy, but now I am more all the answers as a class to ensure
organized.” while for adult students,

that students understand these struc-
WARM UP statements such as “I used to enjoy tures well before moving on to the
going to clubs, but now I prefer to next activity. In order to get your class
Get students thinking about the do other activities.” might be more moving and enthusiastic, you can do
past by asking questions such as appropriate. You can then take a poll a team activity or play Fruit Basket
“What sport did you play when you and collect your findings on the board. for more practice.
were a child?” and “What did/didn’t It may be interesting to see how many
you like when you were a child?” students used to do certain activities
or behave in certain ways.
You could also simply have students
volunteer something that they remem-
ber from their childhood. Write some
sentences on the board as well as the
Next have students think of some
other “used to” sentences that apply
to them. You can have students vol-
Finish the lesson by asking stu-
names of the students who provided dents to tell you what they learned in
unteer to read sentences aloud to the the lesson. Prompt them to mention
them to refer to later. class or work in groups to discuss the specific points and give examples.
different sentences. After you teach You can also use this time to clarify
this lesson once, you can use sen- anything students do not understand.
tences that your students created as


Introduce the structure “used to”
the ten statements for the first practice
activity in later lessons so that they
are better tailored to your students.
by talking about one of the sentences GOES ALONG WITH THESE STRUC-
on the board or using an example of TURES AND DISCUSS HOW IN THE
your own. You can say “When I was QUESTION “DID YOU USE TO ~?”

a child I lived in New York City.” THE -D ENDING IS LEFT OFF AND
and then show students the target INTRODUCE ‘WOULD’
structure by writing “I used to live in Once students have become CONSIDER INTRODUCING “USED
New York City.” on the board. Have familiar with using “used to” on their TO” AND “WOULD” IN SEPARATE
students repeat the sentence after own, introduce “would” and explain LESSONS IF YOU HAVE TIME. THIS
you. Be sure to highlight the impor- how it is used in similar sentences. MAY MAKE THE TOPIC EASIER FOR
tance of the phrase “used to” by un- “When I was young, I would play STUDENTS TO UNDERSTAND.
derlining it. Help students realize that soccer after school.” is a good ex-
it is important, for this structure, that ample because you can also say
you no longer live in NYC. “When I was young, I used to play
soccer after school.”
Now ask students to look at the sen-
tences on the board. As a class re- Not every sentence that uses “used
write these sentences using the target to” can use “would” so be sure to give
structure and for each one check that some examples and explain the differ-
the statement is no longer true. For in- ence between the two. “Would” can-

I Can Never GET USED
to Using USED TO: Ideas on
How to Teach the Difference
substantive examples and have stu-
SOMETIME COLLOQUIAL LAN- Gary is not used to getting up dents talk about their own transitions.
AND DOESN’T CONTAIN MUCH John is not used to having a job.
REASON AS TO WHY WE SAY THE I am not used to sleeping in.
To get used to doing something 3 ACTIVITIES
You can do sentence comple-
ODDITIES. often takes a bit more explanation. tions for both used to and get used
It doesn’t have to be confusing. Fol- This is a good lesson to show pro- to.
low these ideas on how to teach the cesses and how we don’t automatical-
difference and your students will get ly just acquire habits. We go through You could also have students do
used to using used to in no time! a process to make something habitual questions rounds about their habits
or usual. In this explanation, you can and routines. Students could share
HOW TO TEACH supply more scenarios to get to the with partners information about their
THE DIFFERENCE end point and play off of the examples routines and then their partners could
BETWEEN USED TO & you used above or earlier in the les- ask questions with used to and get
GET USED TO son. To get used to something is used to.
to become familiar with it, to pos-

The best way to introduce these
sibly go through a change to acquire a
new habit. You can show the different
forms through examples.
One great way to elicit natural usage
is to have a discussion about a big
change they may have experienced
two terms is to first explain them like living in a different country, speak-
separately and then compare and I am getting used to waking up ing a foreign language or changing
contrast them through some activi- early because I have a new job. schools. Questions could be: What do
ties. Defining used to is fairly straight- Before this job, I worked nights so you have to get used to? What do you
forward. I always slept late into the morn- never get used to? How do you get
ing. It is not easy getting used to used to new things? This way the stu-
- I am used to doing something. waking up so early, but in a few dents get more speaking practice and
- He/she/it is used to doing some- more weeks, I am sure I will be can analyze the difficulties of change.
thing. used to it.
- They/we are used to doing
To be used to doing something John couldn’t find a job for many
means we are accustomed to that months. Finally, his cousin got TEACHING A TOPIC LIKE USED TO
thing. It is a habit and provides infor- him a job at Home Depot. Now he AND GET USED TO WORKS BEST
mation about our habits. When you works 35 hours a week. He’s get- WHEN IT IS PERSONALIZED.
are used to doing something, you are ting used to working almost every Create activities that get students
comfortable with it and it is usual for day and he is happy to have a job. talking about their lives and their hab-
you. This explanation is very simple, its, and you will get used to teaching
and you can provide a lot of exam- used to with ease.
ples, getting input from the class. Abby is not getting used to work-
ing six days a week. It is very dif-
I am used to waking up early ficult after only working for three
every day. days a week for a long time. She
Abby is used to working six days misses her children and doesn’t
a week. know how she will ever get used
My father is used to eating dinner to her new hours.
with us.

To get used to something shows a

The negative is also simple and you transition and sometimes even a larg-
can provide more examples: er transformation. Depending on your
students’ level you can provide more

3 Perfect Ways to Introduce
Past Perfect Tense
dent is asked questions until the class
can guess which specific year (and
month if you want to make it really
challenging) they were born.
The third conditional is basically
the hypothetical past because we are
EASILY GET AROUND USING THE talking about things that never hap-
TENSE ALTOGETHER BY JUST USING You can then follow that up with other pened.
TWO PAST TENSE VERBS WITH points in history or specific years and
SOME TIME MARKERS. IT IS STILL focus on what had and had not hap-
VERY IMPORTANT TO TEACH IT pened yet by that time. If there is a If only I had been a better father.
AND TO PROVIDE SOME ACTIVITIES specific event happening near when If only I had studied harder for the
WHERE THE STUDENTS CAN SEE you are teaching this tense you could test.
WHY IT IS A BETTER CHOICE THAN use it to draw upon for a history les- If I had gone home early, I
SIMPLE PAST TENSE. son of sorts. wouldn’t have gotten into the ac-
Try these three perfect ways of intro- cident.
ducing Past Perfect tense, and you For example, the summer or winter I wish I had gone bungee jumping
will be surprised by all the light bulbs Olympics, a presidential election, or when I had the chance.
that go on. You can also let students something to that effect. Students
know that this is a good tense to rec- can ask similar questions as to the
ognize and utilize in writing. year they were born or things more This conditional often displays regret
targeted to the actual event. For ex- or dissatisfaction with the past. You
PAST PERFECT ample: Had Russia participated in the can also incorporate I wish, if only,
TENSE, A SIMPLE last winter Olympics? Had you heard or if I had.
EXPLANATION of Barak Obama before the election?
Had anyone seen a presidential de- A good practice activity is to give stu-
The function of the Past Perfect bate before last night? dents prompts that they then cre-
tense is to talk about an event or ate sentences from. After that they
activity that was completed be- are to continue telling what happened,
fore another event, activity or time what hadn’t happened, what might

in the past. When using this tense, have happened. This ends up being a
USE REPORTED SPEECH good review of several tenses, includ-
there will always be two past events
or activities, or an event with a par- Reported speech is one of ing Past Perfect.
ticular time in the past. You don’t have the few ways that Past Perfect is
to include both events in the same used frequently. Because reported
sentence when the one event or time speech is complex in and of itself you
is understood from the context of the will want to focus on concrete second DON’T LET THE LIMITED USE OF
conversation. hand reporting. PAST PERFECT TENSE DETER YOU
PERFECT night and he had asked me what TENSE.
time we should meet. When Mary It is always a good idea with an ad-


One of the best ways to prac-
had asked me if I wanted to go to
dinner, I had told her that I was
busy. You can provide scenarios like
What had you and John discussed
vanced tense to do some sort of book
work in order to really discuss and
dissect the tense. Students may have
tice Past Perfect tense is by looking to prove their knowledge of the tense
back at history, either on a grand yesterday? The students can then later on if they are doing any sort of
scale or a personal one and create ad lib the conversation. TOEFL or college entrance exams.
some timelines.
Another way to practice reported
A good one to start with is the stu- speech for Past Perfect tense is to
dents’ birthdays. You can create have the students role play various
some questions or prompts, having to scenarios and then the audience of
do with had xx activity/event hap- students watching the role play have
pened when you were born? Had to report what happened, or what was
the internet been invented, Had a new spoken about. Then they can switch
president been nominated the year so everyone gets a turn either being
you were born? You can turn this into the speaker or the reporter.
a guessing game in which each stu-

How to Teach
the Past Perfect Tense
time to introduce the use of already. prompts:
HE CAME HOME, WE HAD ALREADY - When you were born, the Inter- T: The Internet was invented in
HAD DINNER.” THE TWO HADS IN net had already been invented. 1973.
THE SAME SENTENCE IS NOT ONLY - When I finished high school, S: Had it been invented when you
CONFUSING FOR ESL STUDENTS, IT’S the Berlin wall had already been were born?
The past perfect tense is formed by
the past of the auxiliary verb have
plus the past participle of the main
- When I started teaching, George
Bush Sr. had already finished his
term as President of the US.
verb. This may not sound too compli-
cated, but it’s still difficult for students Ask students to provide more ex- Have students ask you questions and
to grasp exactly why and when this amples, comparing historical or past introduce short answers:
tense is used.h events. Give them this worksheet,
where they read about something that
Let’s explain it to them step by step. happened, and they have to guess S: Had cell phones been invented
what happened before. when you were born?
HOW TO PROCEED T: No, they hadn’t.


S: Had penicillin been discovered
when you were born?
T: Yes, it had.

The best way to grasp the past perfect Continue using the timeline or com- Students continue taking turns ask-
is to understand that we’re dealing paring past events, but this time make ing each other questions and replying
with two events that took place in the negative statements. Now’s a good with short answers.
past, but one before the other, not si- time to introduce the use of yet.
multaneously. Draw a timeline on the
board. Mark lines for different hours
and tell students this is what hap- - When my grandmother was
pened yesterday. Write down a series born, penicillin hadn’t been dis- Make sure that students understand
of events that took place yesterday covered yet. which clause has the verb in simple
and mark them in their corresponding - When I was born, the Internet past and which has the verb in past
place in the timeline: hadn’t been invented yet. perfect. Usually the clause that starts
- When I finished high school, I with when or by the time has a verb in
hadn’t started teaching yet. simple past. This is the perfect work-
I left the school at 6pm. sheet to practice this contrast.
My husband started preparing Ask students to provide more ex-
dinner at 6 and finished at 7. amples.
I got home at 7:15 ONCE YOUR STUDENTS HAVE

Say, “When I got home, my husband

had finished preparing dinner.” Show
your students how the past perfect WITH THE PAST PERFECT IS THAT
tense is formed, and make sure they Use the same timelines to ask your STUDENTS TEND TO FORGET IT: THEY
understand one past event took place students questions: DON’T USE IT, AND SO IT SIMPLY
before another past event. SLIPS AWAY. THEY MUST UNDER-


- Had the Internet been created
when you were born?
- Had you started learning English

To show your students more exam- when you finished high school?
ples, go to, where - When did you get your first job?
you can generate your own timeline Had you learned to drive a car
of major historical events. Give exam- yet?
ples using any historical events your Encourage students to ask each oth-
students can relate to. Now’s a good er questions. If necessary, give them

What Were You Doing When?
3 Great Activities
for Past Continuous Tense
For example What were you doing was the doctor eating?
PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE CAN BE last Tuesday night at dinner time?
INTRODUCED AT A FAIRLY LOW or What were you doing when xx If you want you could set up a jury as
LEVEL OF LANGUAGE ACQUISITION. important thing happened? well and have the class vote as to who
There is no shortage of great activi- is guilty and why they don’t believe
ties for practicing Past Continuous You can explain that some historical the alibi.
tense, but it may take some time and events or other news events leave
review to solidify the point with learn- such an impression on us, we will
ers. Here are three great activities to always remember what we were do-

practice Past Continuous tense to get ing at the time that thing happened. WORD CARDS
your wheels turning. Sometimes our memories are very
clear and sometimes they are not. Have a stack of cards with ran-
REVIEW THE You may want to provide prompts so dom words prepared. Each student
GRAMMAR the students get the idea and then will choose two. In rounds have them
have them generate their own ques- create a sentence for their pair of
A quick review of Past Continuous tions. Some ideas for prompts are: words — one word for the past tense
tense will be helpful before you jump clause and one for the past continu-
into any activities. Ask the students 9/11 ous clause.
how to construct the tense and have The earthquake
some reminders up on the board. Re- Last Thursday at dinner time For example, they draw the two words,
mind them that the past tense clause Princess Diana died drive and monkey. A possible sen-
expresses some kind of interruption tence could be: I was driving down
into another activity which is the con- the street when I saw a monkey in
tinuous clause. The interruption didn’t You can also make this into a bluff the road.
necessarily stop the continuous ac- game by telling students who don’t re-
tion, and most likely the continuous member to make something up. For Or you can tell them to be more cre-
action still continued. example, I was doing laundry when ative and allow some nonsense sen-
my mom called or I was driving my tences. It does make it more challeng-
Past tense clause Past Contin- car when I heard about 9/11. Their ing and fun if each of the words has to
uous clause (It doesn’t matter which partners can then guess whether the be used in a different clause.
one comes first.) answer is true or not.
To make this activity even more in-
Your mom called while you were tak- volved you could have the students
ing a shower. create sentences that somehow re-

2 ALIBI late to the last person’s sentence to

The president coughed a lot while he create a silly sort of story of things that
was giving his speech. This game is similar to the mur- were happening at a given time!
der mystery Clue. You can set it up by
I drove the car into the gas station having the students create the crime
just as it was running out of gas. they are going to investigate. After
that, students are divided into two PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE IS AN
THREE ACTIVITIES FOR groups -- suspects and detectives. IMPORTANT ONE FOR LEARN-
PAST CONTINUOUS You want to have more suspects and ERS AND IT MAY TAKE SOME TIME
just 2-4 detectives. The suspects TO MASTER IT AS WELL AS FULLY


each have to create a story of where
they were and what they were doing
at the time of the crime. They are then
Providing variable practice activities
and tapping into students’ own experi-
Often you can use Past Continuous questioned by one of the detective ences will provide an experiential way
tense to talk about memories, or for students. The detectives must ask of practicing what could have been
looking back on what was happen- questions pertaining to Past Continu- just another boring grammar point.
ing at a specific time. With this activ- ous by only asking questions about
ity students ask each other questions the time of the murder. For example
that they may or may not remember they could ask questions like: What
the answer to. were you discussing? or Where

How to Teach the Past
Continuous Tense
say what he or she was doing: Juan
was having breakfast at 10 am. Then,
they make comparisons: I was study-

NERS, USUALLY AFTER THEY’VE ing. He was playing video games. Or Ask yes or no questions and model the
LEARNED THE PAST SIMPLE. find similarities: We were all sleeping correct way to give short answers:
at midnight.
- T: Were you watching TV yester-
Although it has its nuances, we usually Here’s a great worksheet to give stu- day at 10pm?
use it talk about actions that were in dents so they can practice the past - S: Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.
progress at a specific time in the past. continuous.
We also use it in conjunction with the
past simple when talking about inter-
ruptions (I was doing my homework
when the phone rang). As students
Ask students to ask each other yes or
no questions in past continuous, and
have them practice replying with short
should already be familiar with the Use the same daily schedule of activ- answers.
present continuous, and the past of the ities and make negative statements:
verb to be, this tense usually doesn’t
pose great difficulties, and students are
able to naturally incorporate it into their
I wasn’t watching TV at 3pm - I
was working.

speech. Juan wasn’t having breakfast at It is essential at this point, for them to
7am - he was sleeping. not only practice with as many exer-
HOW TO PROCEED cises as necessary, for example,
Use your students’ schedules as well. those found at’s Past

Then, ask them to do the same, first
with theirs, and then with a class-
mates’, but always alternating between
Continuous worksheets section, but
also to learn the difference between
the past simple and the past continu-
Tell students what you usually do late negative and affirmative statements. ous. There are numerous worksheets
at night, and lead in to the past contin- that deal with this contrast specifically.
uous: I always go to bed at 11pm. So,
last night at 11:30 I was sleeping. Write
your typical schedule on the board with
your usual everyday activities: THE CLASSROOM IS THROUGH
First, model yes or no questions, then, A VARIETY OF RESOURCES,
7:30 am – breakfast questions with what, where, which, etc: LIKE IMAGES, PHOTOS, CAR-
9 to 12 – classes TOONS, SONGS, AND VIDEOS.
12 – lunch - T: Were you watching TV at mid-
1pm to 5pm – classes night last night? IF YOU PRACTICE ANY TENSE WITH
8pm – dinner - T: Ask me! RELATE TO, OR ARE INTERESTED
11pm – bedtime - S: Were you watching TV at IN, YOU’LL MAKE LEARNING NEW
midnight last night? TENSES SO MUCH MORE FUN FOR
Now, give them examples of what you THEM!
were doing exactly at a certain time
yesterday: At noon, I was having lunch. - T: What were you doing at 7am
At 1pm, I was giving a class. Ask stu- this morning?
dents to tell you what you were doing, - S: I was sleeping.
and have them answer in second - T: Ask Juan!
person singular: You were sleeping at - S: What were you doing, Juan,
midnight. at 7am?

Students jot down their own daily Continue with more questions from stu-
schedules, or what they did yesterday, dents. Encourage them to ask different
and then take turns first saying what types of questions in different singular
they were doing at certain time: I was and plural persons. If they are unsure
having breakfast at 7am. Then, they as to how to ask a question, model it
switch schedules with a classmate and for them first.

The Future May Bring…These Fu-
ture Tense Activities for Your Class
future tense, have each student write show they think will be most popular in
THOUGH WE ALL LIVE IN THE about his first day back in his native the future.
PRESENT, MANY OF US THINK ABOUT country once his English studies are
In fact, when we do think about the fu-

ture, we usually make plans and set
goals for ourselves. We have a sense
Over the past fifty years, technology
of where we are going in life. Challenge Television has been popular in has made some enormous leaps. Have
your students to think about their per- American culture for many years, but your students think back to what life
sonal futures and the future of the world there are some television shows that was like in the 1980’s. How has technol-
around them with these activities that are still popular after decades on the air. ogy changed since then? What modern
use the future tenses in English.
advances could your students not live
One of these programs is the Andy without? Have your students imagine
TRY THESE FUTURE Griffith Show. After its premier over fif- a future without that one technological
TENSE ACTIVITIES ty years ago, the program still has fans advancement, and then have each per-
WITH YOUR CLASS! today and runs in syndicate on a daily son write a paragraph using future tens-
basis. Challenge your students’ listen-

es that describes that daunting future.
YOUR PERSONAL FUTURE ing skills by showing them an episode
of the program available on One of the greatest advancements in
We all spend time thinking about Then ask your students what they think recent history is that of the Internet.
our personal futures. Whom will I made the show so popular.
meet? Where will I go? What will I Have your students make a list of how
do? Most students who travel to a for- the Internet affects their lives. Then
After a look at the past of television, have groups work together to imagine
eign country for language studies have
ask your students to take a look at what what the next great advancement in
a very clear picture of their futures. Pair
is popular on television today. What technology will be. Students should be
your students together to talk about qualities do these shows possess?
their future plans. Have each student creative and practical. How will their in-
Have your students share why they vention change the future? Have each
share any personal goals he or she think these programs are popular with
might have. Then ask each person to group share their ideas with the class
audiences today. Then using the Andy by using future tenses to describe a
explain how he or she will accomplish Griffith show as an example from the
these goals. world with their new advancement.
past and a popular program from today,

have your students make a list of what
If you students are not familiar with the CREATING A TIME CAPSULE
makes a television program successful.
concept, explain to them what a five- Do they think that any of today’s pro- One of the most popular ways
year plan and a ten-year plan are. grams will still be popular in fifty years? to touch the future is with a time cap-
Then give your class some time to think Why or why not? What characteristics sule. Group your students into teams of
about where they would like their lives do they possess that will determine that three or four to create a time capsule.
to be in five or ten years and how they success? How do these shows differ Each group should specify the items that
will go about getting to those places. from ones that will not last or continue will go into the time capsule, where it will
Once your students have finished their in popularity? be placed and when it will be opened.
plans, pair them together to share these
Then each group should imagine the fu-
plans. Each person should use future Now that your students have examined ture population’s reaction to their time
tenses to describe what his or her life the past and present of television, have capsule when it is finally opened. Have
will look like in five years and ten years. them predict what television in the each group write a description of their
Then each partner should share some future will be like. What characteris- time capsule being opened using future
thoughts about the plan, ask questions tics will popular programs have? Why tenses. They should include the reac-
or make suggestions. will they appeal to audiences? Then tion that the people who open the cap-
have your students work in groups to sule will have to the items inside.
Five and ten years are quite a while create a television show of the future.
away. If your students are having trou- Each group should write a description
ble seeing their lives so far in the future, of the program using future tenses. NO ONE CAN REALLY KNOW WHAT
bring the future tense a little closer to They should describe the premise of THE FUTURE WILL BRING, BUT THAT
the present by asking each person what the show, the characters and the gen- IS NO REASON TO AVOID THINKING
he or she will do when he returns to eral content of the programs. Once the ABOUT IT.
his home country. What are the first groups have written their descriptions, With a look at the past and present,
things you will do? Who are the first display them in your classroom and al- your students can make informed pre-
people you will see? Where are the dictions about the future and get a little
low the rest of the class to vote on which
first places you will go? Using the grammar practice while they are at it.

How to Teach
the Simple Future Tense
Who knows what the future will have decided not to do. Give exam-
bring? However, it does look promis- T: Will you help me with this? ples by alternating between negative
ing, particularly for our ESL students, S: Yes/Sure! and affirmative forms: I am not going
because once they master the major T: Will you go to tonight’s con- to give you homework for tonight. I’m
verb tenses, they’ll be better equipped cert? going to give you some exercises for
to communicate in English. And while S: Yes/No. the weekend. Ask students to do the
on the subject of the future - teaching same: Bon Jovi is not going to come
the Future Simple tense (“will-future”) Ask students to ask each other ques- to town next month. They are going to
is not as “simple” as it sounds. It actu- tions with will that are either requests be here in December.
ally involves teaching the future with for help or assistance, or about the fu-
“will” and the future with “going to”,
plus teaching students to understand
when they should use each. Let’s go
ture in general. Model all types of ques-
tions first, with what, where, when, etc. 7 INTRODUCE THE FUTURE
over the procedure of teaching the
Simple Future Tense step by step: 4 INTRODUCE THE FU-
Model questions with going to: Are
you going to buy tickets for the con-
HOW TO PROCEED Have students ask you questions
cert tonight? Is President Obama go-
ing to cancel his trip? Are you going to


about future events and reply with af-
firmative and negative short answers:
study for the test? Have students ask
questions in different persons.

S: Will you give us homework for
Ask a student, “Who is the President INTRODUCE THE FUTURE
the weekend? SIMPLE WITH GOING TO –
of the United States?”
T: Yes, I will/No, I won’t. SHORT ANSWERS
S: Barack Obama is the Presi-
dent. Ask students to ask each other Yes/ Have students ask you questions
T: That’s right. He will be Presi- No questions with will, and have them about future events with going to and
dent until the end of 2012. practice replying in short answers. reply with affirmative and negative
short answers:
Tell students we use will to talk about
the future in general. Make sure
they understand the conjugation is
SIMPLE WITH GOING TO S: Are you going to give us a dif-
ficult final test?
Unlike the future with will, where an
the same for all verbs. Go over oth- T: Yes, I am/No, I’m not.
instant decision is made, once you’ve
er uses of “will” and give examples.
made a decision, and it constitutes a
For instant decisions: You’re hun- Ask students to ask each other Yes/
plan, you use the future with going to
gry? I will make you a sandwich. No questions with going to, and have
to express it. Tell your students: I have
For promises or voluntary actions: them practice replying in short an-
special plans for the weekend. I’m go-
I will call you tomorrow. swers.
ing to visit my grandmother. Explain


to students that the conjugation for
the future with going to is the same
as for the present continuous. Provide
plenty of examples in different per- Make sure students understand that
Just as will is used to express vol- sons: You are going to have a special either form can be used for the future
untary actions, or things you are class next week. A student from Lon- in general, but in some cases only
willing to do, its negative form won’t don is going to speak to the class. We one is correct. When making a deci-
is used to express something you are going to listen to his experience sion at the moment of speaking, we
are not willing to do, or even re- studying in the UK. Ask students to use will: Where is John? He’s late. I’ll
fuse to do: I’m tired of trying to talk give examples of things they are go- give him a call. But once the decision
to Sarah. I won’t call her again. ing to do next weekend ( make sure has been made, we use going to:
they understand they must be things
S: Where are you going?
Ask students to give you examples of they have already planned to do).
T: I’m going to call John to see
things they refuse to do.

why he’s taking so long.
The future with going to in negative DENTS SHOULD ENJOY.
Model questions with will: form is used to express things we

How to Teach the Future
Continuous Tense
about future events and reply with af-
YOU DON’T NEED A FORTUNE S2: I will be studying all day to- firmative and negative short answers:
IT’S RIGHT THERE IN BLACK AND S3: I will be visiting my grand-
WHITE IN YOUR APPOINTMENT mother for her birthday tomorrow S: Will you be going somewhere
BOOK! evening. for the holidays?
The Future Continuous tense is used T: Yes, I will/No, I won’t.
when talking about fixed appointments
and/or events that we’ve scheduled in
the future, and also events that will be
Students now take turns asking each
other questions and replying with
in progress at a specific time in the short answers.
future. This may not be hard for ESL Use the information supplied by stu-
students to grasp, but some may ask:
why not use the present continuous
with future meaning? It’s a good idea
dents about things they will be do-
ing the next day, and make negative
statements, alternating between affir-
to tell your students that the future mative and negative.
continuous also sounds more polite, If you wish to give your students more
and it’s recommended especially in opportunities for practice, BusyTeach-
business contexts. T: Juan will be having dinner with offers several worksheets in
his family at 8pm. He won’t be
HOW TO PROCEED playing football.
our Future Continuous Section that
should do wonderfully. What will your
students be doing in 45 years? In the

Ask students to provide more sen-
tences in the negative form by using
their own examples or the illustrations
Teenagers of Tomorrow worksheet,
your students will explore just that.
Now’s also a great time to review
To introduce this tense use illustra- used in class. and contrast all of the future tenses
tions or pictures where there are lots learned so far, and there are also fab-
people carrying out different actions:
the best places are those where there
are fixed schedules, like an airport,
ulous worksheets for this, like Whose
Life Is It? and Tomorrow’s World.

train station, or movie theater. Another great activity you can do with
Ask students questions about what your class is a time capsule, although it
For example, show the illustration of they will be doing some time in the doesn’t necessarily have to be as fan-
a busy train station and ask: near future: cy as a capsule to be buried outside.
Simply ask students to write down all
of the things they imagine they will be
T: Is Mr. Thompson boarding his T: What will you be doing for the doing in ten years time. Some will be
train right now? Christmas holidays? finishing their studies, others will be
S: No, he’s waiting at the plat- S: I will be visiting my family in changing diapers and raising children.
form. Mexico. Some may even be enjoying their re-
T: That’s right! He will be boarding T: Ask a classmate! tirement. Once they’ve written down
his train at 7pm/in 10 minutes. S: Sarah, what will you be doing their predictions, they put them into an
for the Christmas holidays? envelope and seal it with this specific
Go on with more examples: He’ll be note across the front: DO NOT OPEN
taking the train to New York City. He’ll Ask students to ask more questions. UNTIL 2020! They should keep these
be leaving from Track 2. He’ll be ar- Encourage them to use what time, envelopes safely hidden at the bottom
riving at 9pm. Show students another when, where, who, etc. Make sure of a drawer or inside a book. Imagine
illustration and have them supply ex- they notice that questions in future their faces when they open them 10
amples with the future continuous. Fi- continuous sound more polite than years from now!
nally, ask students to give you exam- questions in simple future.
ples based on what they will be doing
the next day at a particular time, either
events they’ve scheduled or actions
that will be in progress.
S1: I will be having dinner with my Have students ask you questions
family at 8pm.

How to Teach the
Future Perfect Tense
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT S: I will learn to drive. I will get college by the time you’re 22?
WILL HAVE HAPPENED BY A SPE- my driver’s license. I will drive to S: No.
CIFIC MOMENT IN THE FUTURE? Disney World. T: Ask a classmate!
For example, by the year 2020, what T: When you drive to Disney S: Carlo, will you have graduated
kinds of technological devices will world, you will have known how to from college by the time you’re
have been invented? Will teachers drive for only a few weeks. 22?
have stopped giving face-to-face
classes entirely? The future perfect Ask students to provide more exam- Model a few more questions, then,
tense is rather hard for ESL stu- ples. It can be anything they foresee have students come up with ques-
dents. Usually upper-intermediate to happening in the near future: By the tions on their own.
advanced students are taught this time, we finish this course, I will have
tense, which is not even used by na-
tive speakers most of the time. How
can you teach this difficult tense in a
turned 18. When I graduate from high
school, I will have decided where to
go to college. You may also tell them
way that is painless for both you and they can make predictions for the fu-
your students? ture - they may get as bold as they Have students ask you questions and
HOW TO PROCEED introduce short answers:
By the time I’m 40, I will have


become CEO of an important
S: Will you have retired from
teaching in 2020?
T: Yes, I will/No, I won’t.
Several of the more complex tenses, Ask your students to make predictions
are best understood when we place about life in 2015. Students now take turns asking each
events within a timeline. And this is other questions and replying with
precisely the case with the future per-
fect. We use this tense to say an ac- 3 INTRODUCE THE FUTURE
short answers.

tion will be finished at a certain time in

the future. So, draw a timeline on the
board, one that starts with today and
Give examples of negative state-
extends towards the near future. Be- ments, based on the information your
low write several examples of things students have shared: If students are not given chances to
that will happen soon, but before the extensively practice the future perfect
Christmas holidays. tense, chances are they won’t feel
Juan, by the time you finish this confident enough to use it. Try some
- Juan will finish a project. course, you won’t have turned 20 of the exercises and activities found in
- He will take some exams. - you will have turned 18. our Future Perfect section. Here you’ll
- He will plan a ski trip to Aspen. Sarah, when you graduate from also find worksheets that contrast the
high school, you won’t have different future tenses to boost their
Mark these events in your timeline decided where to apply for a job confidence.
in the right order. Say, “By the end of - you will have decided where to
this year, John will have finished his go to college. If possible, try to find real examples
project. He will have taken some ex-
of how this tense is used. Some good
ams. He will have planned a ski trip Ask students to provide more sources are newspaper articles, blog
to Aspen.” Make sure students under- examples by predicting the fu- posts, and advertisements that deal
stand these actions will be finished by ture: By the time I finish col- with the future effects of our present
a specific time (the end of the year). lege, I won’t have gotten married. mistakes. For example, you may find
Illustrate how the future perfect tense
articles that discuss the effects of glob-

is formed: will + have + past participle INTRODUCE THE FUTURE al warming, and mention that by the
(for all persons)
PERFECT TENSE – INTER- year 2020, all of the snow on the peak

2 PRACTICE THE FUTURE ROGATIVE FORMS of Mount Kilimanjaro will have melted.
You will not only help them practice
PERFECT TENSE Ask students questions about what the future perfect, you will also teach
they expect in their future: them the importance of caring for the
Ask your students to give you more environment. Another valuable les-
examples of things they’ve planned son, indeed.
for the rest of the school year: T: Will you have graduated from

How to Teach Reported Speech
- Statements
T: Juan said he had gone shop-
ping for groceries.
S: I said I had gone shopping for
ANOTHER PERSON HAS SAID. Ask students what they are doing for
Whether we are relaying a message,
or simply repeating what someone
said, there are countless situations in
the holidays.

S1: I’m going to Mexico.

which we may use reported speech, S2: I’m spending the holidays at
so ESL students must be taught and my grandmother’s. In the same manner illustrated above
encouraged to master it. Still, we for the simple present, present
mustn’t forget that it must be learned in Show them how to report: Juan said continuous, and simple past, teach
context, so students understand both he was going to Mexico. Write the students how to report each of these
how and when to use it. For practical sentence in direct speech on the tenses:
purposes, this article will cover only the board, and the reporting sentence
cases in which the reporting verb is in right next to it. Make sure students un-
the past (said, told, etc.) which leads us derstand that the verb in present con- Past continuous – changes to
to take the verb in the reported clause tinuous was changed to past continu- past perfect continuous
one step back into the past. ous. Report on what several students Present perfect – changes to past
said about their plans for the holidays. perfect
HOW TO PROCEED Then, ask students to continue re- Past perfect – remains past per-
porting on what their classmates said. fect


Finally, report on what they said, but
make mistakes: ask students to cor-
rect you.
Past perfect continuous – remains
the same
Will – changes to would
Can – changes to could
Ask students what they usually do on T: Juan said he was staying in Have to – changes to had to
weekends. Ontario.
S: I said I was going to Mexico. It is recommended that you present a
context, or specific situation, for each
S1: I play football with friends.
S2: I visit my grandmother.
S3: I go to the movies.
tense before doing the reporting. For
example, for “can”, ask students to
give examples of things they can do.
For the present perfect, ask students
Show them how to “report”: Juan said Ask students what they did last to imagine they’re all working togeth-
he played football with friends. Sepa- weekend. er in an office, and ask them to say
rate the board into two sides: write what things they’ve already done and
the sentence in direct speech (use which they haven’t done yet.
quotation marks) on one side and S1: I saw “Harry Potter and the
sentence in reported speech on the
other side. Make sure students under-
stand that the verb in simple present
Deathly Hallows”.
S2: I went shopping for Christmas
was changed to simple past, and the Ask students questions, making sure
reason is that the reporting verb is Show them how to report: Juan you do so in different tenses. Once
in past. Report on what several stu- said he had gone Christmas shop- the student has answered you, ask
dents said about their usual weekend ping. Write the sentence in direct another to report on what he or she
activities. Then, ask students to con- speech on the board, and the report- said.
tinue reporting. Finally, report on what ing sentence right next to it. Make
they said, but make mistakes: ask stu- sure students understand that the
dents to correct you. verb in simple past was changed to T: Sarah, what do you want for
past perfect. Report on what your Christmas?
T: Juan said he played volleyball students said about their weekend. S1: I want an iPhone.
with friends. Then, ask students to continue re- T: Juan, what did she say?
S: I said I played football with porting on what their classmates said. S2: She said she wanted an
friends. Finally, report on what they said, but iPhone.
make mistakes: ask students to cor-
rect you.

How to Teach Reported Speech:
Alternative Approach
tions of these questions for the inter-
REPORTED SPEECH IS USED TO TALK Write the sentence: He said he was viewees.
ABOUT THINGS OTHER PEOPLE very tired. on the board next to Ben’s

HAVE SAID. INSTEAD OF INTRODUC- original sentence I am very tired. REVIEW
DIFFERENT TENSES, STICK WITH A Use a few more sentences from the What students present de-
VERY SIMPLE STRUCTURE FOR warm up as examples and encour- pends on the amount of time you
THIS FIRST LESSON. “HE SAID HE age students to make reported would like to spend on this activity.
LIKED SOCCER.” WHERE BOTH speech sentences. Now play a short Students could either use the report-
VERBS ARE PAST TENSE, WOULD game such as Crisscross with the re- ed speech structure to talk about the
BE IDEAL. A LESSON ON REPORTED maining examples to give students response to one interview question or
SPEECH IS THE PERFECT OPPOR- some practice. summarize their findings. This activity
TUNITY TO REVIEW DIFFERENT allows you to ensure that students are

STRUCTURES AND VOCABULARY. PRACTICE using the structure correctly. If stu-
dents have difficulty with something,
In their groups, students should you can review and practice that in
HOW TO PROCEED trade sentences with group mem- the warm up for the next lesson.
bers and rewrite the sentences us-

Use the warm up activity to
ing the reported speech structure.
Be sure to allow time for the ma-
jority of students to present their
Being able to talk about things they
have heard allows students to share
more information. It is one thing to say
get some simple sentences on the sentences to the class so that stu- what you think and totally different to
board. You can elicit certain sen- dents can have lots of examples and talk about what other people have
tence structures if students need some speaking practice. If students said.
more practice with something in par- have questions, this is an excellent
ticular. You can do this by asking stu- time to address them and review This will definitely be practiced further
dents to make groups and giving each anything they are struggling with. when you talk about giving advice be-
group a different question to answer. cause often someone will prompt ad-
Next use short video or audio clips vice giving by saying something like
This way you will get three to six sen- for an exercise where students listen “I want to/think ~ but my parents
tences for each structure and can to material and complete a worksheet said ~.”
cover a range of topics. After giving testing comprehension and practic-
students some time to discuss their ing reported speech. You could also
questions and write individual an- use a written dialogue for this type of
swers, have volunteers read sentenc- activity but it will be more challenging COVERING THIS TOPIC THOR-
es aloud. Write some sentences and if students have to listen to the ma- OUGHLY NOW WILL GIVE STUDENTS
the names of the student volunteers terial even if that means reading the THE CONFIDENCE TO CREATE THIS
on the board. Be sure to use at least dialogue aloud to the class. Check the SECTION OF DIALOGUE IN GIVING
one sentence from each group. answers as a class after several rep- ADVICE DIALOGUES AND ROLE
etitions. If there is time, you can also PLAYS LATER ON.

play the material once more after the
answers have been checked.

You may choose to have students

stay in their groups or return to their
desks for the introduction.
Reported speech is a great op-
portunity for students to do inter-
You can try to elicit the target structure views with classmates, teachers or
by asking a question such as “What family members so this activity may
did Ben say?” Try to use a sentence be best as a homework assignment.
that is written on the board. Most likely
students will search for the name Ben
and then read the sentence exactly as If students have never had the oppor-
you have written it but you can then tunity to conduct interviews before, it
say “You’re right! He said he was would be good to provide them with
very tired. Good job!” You have several questions to ask. It may
now introduced the target structure. also be helpful to provide the transla-

What Did She Say? Tips
on Teaching Reported Speech
says, “I am hungry.” It is reported school?”= Kiko asked if John had
REPORTED SPEECH IS A VERY as this: John says he is hungry. gone to school.
TO APPROACH FOR ADVANCED Provide a lot of examples and scenar- Dave asked, “Where did you put
LEVEL STUDENTS. IT IS SIMPLY ios throughout the grammar explana- the bag?” = Dave asked me where I
RELAYING OR REPEATING WHAT tion. had put the bag.
SIMPLE, RIGHT? Quoted Speech: John said, “I live in John asked, “What are you study-
Unfortunately, it is complicated to in- Memphis.” ing?” = John asked me what I was
troduce and can be somewhat cum- Reported Speech: John said that he studying.
bersome to devise natural ways to lived in Memphis.

practice it. Following these tips on
teaching reported speech will benefit Quoted Speech: Pat said, “I am talk-
your students and provide some clear ing on the phone.” After some seriously involved
guidelines on how best to approach a Reported Speech: Pat said she was explanation, discussion and com-
notoriously sticky grammar point. talking on the phone. prehension checks, it is time to
move into practicing this jagged
TRY THESE TIPS ON Quoted Speech: Mike said, “I ate little point.
SPEECH Reported Speech: Mike said that he Coming up with fun and engaging
had eaten dinner late. ways to practice reported speech

To use reported speech, we
Quoted Speech: Tina said, “I have
never been to Paris.”
will really help students remember
what they have learned. This is also
a grammar point that requires several
are in one instance having a con- Reported Speech: Tina said she had lessons of practice and explanation,
versation or overhearing some- never been to Paris. so don’t feel that you have to pack it
thing, and then repeating it or re- all into one day.
porting it to a third party. In order Quoted Speech: Mary said, “I had
to properly report what was said, we already done the dishes.” Start small and build upon a strong
have to alter the tenses that were Reported Speech: Mary said she had
foundation. The two best practice
used. Here is a basic explanation: already done the dishes.
activities for reported speech are
triangles and news reporting.
• If the reporting verb (like said) is Quoted Speech: Juan said, “I am
in the past, the reported speech going to go to the movies.”
will also be in past tense. The Reported Speech: Juan said he was TRIANGLES
form is generally one step back going to go to the movies.
into the past from the original. This is always an interesting one to
George said the food tasted
Another thing to point out
set-up and there are a lot of ways in
which you can vary it to your needs.
You have three students: Student A is
about reported speech is that form- talking to student B and Student C will
ing questions can be a little tricky. be the third party. Student B’s job will
• Quoted speech that is changed to When reporting questions, it is es- be to listen to student A and turn to
reported speech changes tense pecially important to pay attention to student C and report what student A
according to this rule: simple sentence order. When reporting yes said. You can come up with a number
past, present perfect, and past /no questions then you can create of scenarios if you want to increase
perfect all must change to past the reported question using if. When the practice and turn the triangles into
perfect for reported speech. Pres- reporting questions using question mini role plays.
ent tense sometimes stays as words (why, where, when) use the
present tense if it is immediately question word. Here are some ex- A good topic is planning a party or out-
reported, but often changes to amples: ing of some kind. Student A is the or-
past tense if it is reported later. ganizer and calls student B and C on
Marla asked, “Do you want to the phone and reports what the other
• Pronouns in quoted speech must drive?” = Marla asked me if I wanted two students have said. Another fun
also be changed in reported to drive. one is to do a lesson on gossip and
speech. If you are having a con- use reported speech to show how it is
versation with John, and John Kiko asked, “Did John go to that gossip can travel so quickly, and

also how the story will change when
the reporters report incorrect informa-

This is a good activity to do once the
students have gotten some amount of
exposure to reported speech. It takes
some creativity on the students’ part
and again, there are numerous ways
in which you could set it up.

One way is to have them read a

news story and report the news to
the class in a newscaster tone.

Another way could be to have a re-

porter doing an interview on a par-
ticular topic. For example student A’s
house was broken into and student B
is the newscaster there to get the sto-
ry. Student B will then report the story
back to the class.

Students can do this activity in small

or large groups and then report back
after practicing. They could also ro-
tate around the room and each pair
gets a chance to report and interview
on multiple topics while taking turns
with their roles.


Creating stimulating activities that
contain practice they won’t soon for-
get will soon have your students re-
porting on your every move!

The Man Was Robbed! Tips on
When Using Passive Voice is a
Good Thing
Similar to the above example,
when we need to sound objective
The preference most of the time is for about a topic and not provide an
Another instance where we are
active speaking with the focus being opinion, we can use passive voice.
not concerned with who is doing
on someone doing something. Pas- This can often be used when discuss-
something is when we are making
sive voice most often stresses an ac- ing research outcomes, or again in
general statements or announce-
tion and nothing about who is doing news reporting.
it. If these tips on using passive voice
are followed, your students will know Here are some examples:
Passive voice can be used in vari-
the right time to step away from active
ous tenses to communicate logistics,
voice and engage in the passive.
information, and changes in a gener-
John F. Kennedy was shot when
HOWTO: USING alized way. Putting these statements
he was very young.
PASSIVE VOICE into passive voice is generally more
polite than using active voice.
Mars is being examined for life

Some examples are:
Life forms have been discovered
on Mars.

One of the most common reasons The class was cancelled due to
passive voice is used is to put em- snow. PASSIVE VOICE IS BEING EXAMINED
phasis not on the who, but on the A mistake was made in the pro- AS ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT
A change is being made to tomor- TO USE.
In active speech we are very con- row’s schedule. Whether you are just introducing pas-
cerned with who is doing what. Some- sive voice or are reviewing it for ad-
times though for various reasons, the
focus is about the action that hap-
pened, not who did it. Sometimes it is
This use of passive voice is
vanced levels, there is always more
to learn on this ever-elusive grammar
point. A good way to incorporate how
because we don’t know who did the often utilized in business writing to different it is from active voice is to
action. Another reason might be that show results, conclusions, or em- show a lot of examples of the uses
we don’t really care who did the ac- phasize results. and compare them to active voice.
One reason for this is if we put these
Some examples are: sentences into active voice, we may
end up stressing the wrong thing. Be-
My car was stolen last night: don’t cause we are not providing credit for
care who did it. the results or discussing who could
The camera was manufactured in have done something better, passive
Korea: don’t know the company voice works very well.
who made it.
The Great Wall was built to pro- For example:
tect China: not focused on who
built it. The project was managed suc-
The building was erected under
News is often delivered this way deadline.
in both written and spoken forms. It The computer was repaired
also may be used in discussing prod- quickly.
uct information or reviews or in talk-
ing about landmarks and important

How to Teach
Passive Voice Constructions
vidually or ask for volunteers to do the
AT THE BEGINNING OF MOST same thing. This will give the class as The passive voice is used to em-
ENGLISH COURSES, STUDENTS a whole some practice and also test phasize the object or when the per-
FOCUS ON LEARNING ACTIVE VOICE comprehension individually. You can son or thing doing the action is un-
STRUCTURES. IT IS USUALLY THE ask for students to tell you the sub- known. Passive voice is often seen
EASIEST WAY FOR THEM TO PHRASE ject and verb of sentences and also in newspapers, for instance “Eight
SENTENCES BUT AS STUDENTS ask for translations as part of this ex- stores have been robbed in the past
PROGRESS IN THEIR STUDIES, THEY ercise. three weeks.” politics, and science.

Since this is an entirely new structure,
spend plenty of time on the introduc-
tion and conduct several comprehen-
Use a worksheet to give students fur-
Ask students to write three
ther practice. In one exercise have to five of their own passive voice
sion checks along the way. students circle the correct form of the sentences. Have volunteers read
sentences aloud and give trans-
HOW TO PROCEED verb to complete both passive and
active sentences. To do this they will lations for further speaking prac-
tice and comprehension checks.

have to understand the sentences
WARM UP well so use simple sentences and vo-
cabulary they are very familiar with. At the end of class, collect these
Asking questions such as “What sentences to correct any mistakes
sport do you play?” and writing both and return to students another day.
In another activity have students
the response and the student’s name This will give you a good idea of how
fill in the blank with the correct
on the board with give you some mate- well your students understand and
form of the verb. You can also in-
rial to work with during your introduc- use this structure as well as how to
clude Scrambled where students
tion of passive voice. It will also give proceed with your lessons.
have to rearrange words to form
your students some quality speaking
a grammatically correct sentence.

practice. REVIEW

Lastly, students can do a writing ex-
INTRODUCE ercise. The easiest way to do this Ask your students to summa-
is to write very short, simple, active rize what they learned in class. If they
Using the example above, show can explain passive voice to you,
voice sentences for students to re-
students the difference between then they are probably doing quite
write using passive voice. A sentence
“Andy plays basketball.” and “Bas- well understanding it themselves.
such as “He built the house in
ketball is played by Andy.” Explain
how in one sentence the subject is
1951.” should become “The house
was built in 1951 by him.” There If students struggle, lead them to say
Andy who is actively doing something. at least a few major points regard-
are many activities you can include
In the second sentence the focus is ing passive voice and make a note
to give students further practice.
shifted to basketball which is now the to review everything further in a later
subject but is not actively doing any- lesson.
Mixing active and passive voice sen-
thing. In passive voice, the verb is
tences into every section of the work-
done to the subject as opposed
sheet will challenge students and help
to the subject doing the verb.
to determine whether or not they un- MOST ENGLISH STUDENTS WILL
derstand the difference between the NOT HAVE MUCH NEED FOR THE
This whole concept will be complete-
ly different from what your students THIS TIME BUT IT WILL COME UP
have studied so far so it is important
to reinforce this concept as much as DISCUSS PASSIVE VOICE IT IS BEST TO COVER THE MATE-
possible during your introduction and
Now that your students have RIAL THOROUGHLY AND MAKE AN
practice stages.
had some practice using the pas- EFFORT TO INCLUDE IT IN OTHER

sive voice on sentences they will
PRACTICE PASSIVE VOICE most likely not encounter in their
English studies, talk about when pas-
As a class have students
sive voice would commonly be used.
change responses given in the warm
up from active to passive voice. If they
are doing well, call on students indi-

How to Teach the Passive Voice
– While Being Active!
should say it is. Make sure they un- Teacher drops some papers on
IT MAY SEEM LIKE A CONTRA- derstand that subject is active, the one the floor. S: Pens weren’t dropped
DICTION, BUT THERE’S NOTHING responsible for carrying out the action. on the floor. Papers were dropped.
“PASSIVE” ABOUT LEARNING THE Point to the second sentence and ask Teacher closes a door. S: A window
PASSIVE VOICE. if the subject is doing the action. They wasn’t closed. A door was closed.
Students need to be as “active” as should say it isn’t. Make sure they un-
ever and fully engaged in their learn- derstand that the subject is passive,
ing. But it is the teacher who must en-
gage them. How do you get students
actively engaged in learning some-
the one who is being acted upon.

Compare what happens to the verbs.

thing as tedious as the passive voice? Ask students what tense they see in Carry out actions and have students
With action, of course! By showing the first example. They should rec- ask questions:
them that there is plenty of action in- ognize the past simple. Show stu-
volved, but that the focus is not on the dents what happens in the second Teacher opens a window. S: Was
actor, the one who is carrying out the sentence: the auxiliary verb “to be” is the dictionary opened? What was
action, but rather whoever or what- used in the past tense (“was”) with the (just) opened?
ever is acted upon. Here is one of the past participle, in this case “dropped”.
best ways to teach the passive voice:


Stand in front of your class. Drop
This time drop several pens at the
same time. Ask students to tell you
what has just happened. Tell them
Ask students to brainstorm the types
of things that the government does
a pen on the floor. Ask your students for the population. The government
to start the sentence with “The pens”
to tell you what has just happened repairs streets, cleans monuments,
See if students figure out they should
and ask them to begin the sentence builds schools and hospitals, etc...
use “were” instead of “was” this time.
with your name. Someone should be Make sure students see that some-

able to say: “Ms. Rodriguez dropped a times when we talk about actions,
pen on the floor.” Write this sentence PRACTICE WITH MORE
we’re not interested in the actor, ei-
on the board. Ask students to identify PASSIVE VOICE EXAMPLES ther because we know who it is (in
the subject and the verb in this sen- this discussion we are clearly talking
tence: they should say the subject is Carry out more actions and encour-
age students to describe what has about the government), or because
“Ms. Rodriguez” and that the verb is we’d like to emphasize the results, in
“dropped”. happened in the passive voice:
other words what was accomplished.
Discuss what things were done in the

Teacher puts some books under a
REPEAT THE ACTION - chair. S: Books were put under a last year by the local government. En-
INTRODUCE chair. Teacher closes a book. S: A courage students to use the passive
THE PASSIVE VOICE book was closed. voice.
Teacher writes some words on the
Drop your pen on the floor one more board. S: Some words were writ- S: Streets were repaired. A new hos-
time. Tell your students that you’ll tell ten on the board. pital was opened. The park benches
them what has just happened, but this were painted. Trees were planted.
time your sentence will begin with, Give enough examples to make stu- Etc.
“The pen” Go to the board and write, dents comfortable with the use of the
“The pen was dropped on the floor.” past simple in the passive voice.
Ask your students to identify the sub-
ject: they should say it is the “pen”.
Ask them to identify the verb: they
should say it is “was dropped”.

Continue carrying out actions around
the classroom, but this time challenge
students to make negative statements
Introduce the passive voice in other
tenses: actions work very well with
the present perfect, too (“Some books
Point to the first sentence and ask if followed by affirmative statements:
the subject is doing the action. They have just been put away”) – and don’t
forget modals!

How to Teach the Real, Unreal,
and Past Conditionals
The unreal and real conditionals (some- so it is important for students to know and make up wish lists for their partners.
times referred to as First and Second this how to use conditionals to discuss
conditionals) are an important part of
academic language: the conditional is
possibilities and probabilities.
the way we speak about possibilities
or probabilities. The third conditional is
used to discuss the past.
3 Conditionals also have different
Students can practice making po-
lite requests of each other and role-play
them, using the conditional. For effect
pragmatic functions, such as to give ad- and practice, they may exaggerate the
EXAMPLES OF vice or warnings: “If I were you, I wouldn’t politeness: “Would you be so kind as to
CONDITIONALS do that.” (second conditional) lend me your pencil?”

1 First conditional or “real” is used

4 Conditionals can also be used as
Students can write letters of advice
for situations that seem real, at least in politeness markers: “Would you be so to each other or famous figures, such as
the writer or speakers’ mind: “If it rains, I kind as to shut the door?’ “I would ap- the president, using the conditional.
will stay home.” preciate it if you wouldn’t smoke.”

Students can write journal entrees
Second or “unreal” shows a less Finally, they are used to express about plans and dreams for the future,
real possibility: “If it ever snowed in Los regret: “If I had finished work earlier, I using both the real and unreal condition-
Angeles, I would ski.” The first discusses would have gone to the movie.” als.
a real possibility for Los Angeles, while
the second a highly improbable one. All of these uses of the conditional — to
discuss possibility/probability, give ad- 8 PROBABILITY DISCUSSIONS:

vice, express politeness, and show re- Guess the probability of certain
gret — are highly relevant to language events, using the conditional: whether or
Third or past conditional portrays learners. not it will rain on the weekend, if the war
an unreal situation related to the past: “If will end, for example.
I had known you were coming, I would HOW TO TEACH
have cleaned house.” CONDITIONALS
Play the song “If I Were a Rich
Start by raising consciousness of
Man” from the musical “Fiddler on the
Roof” or show a video clip. Discuss what
the character Tevye would do if he were
The conditionals are the language of conditionals. Notice the use of condi-
rich. Have students interview each other
possibility and probability. A lot of the tionals in an academic reading. Call stu-
and write about what they would do if
use is dependent on the speakers’ or dents’ attention to them and discuss why
they were rich.
writers’ own perspective. For example: the author used the conditional there.

1 Hilary Clinton might say, “If I be-

Match the first part of a condition-
For more advanced learners,
introduce the third conditional, the past
come president, I will end the war.” (Hill- al sentence with its logical mate: “If it
conditional. Have students discuss their
ary Clinton has a real possibility of being rains—“ and “I will take an umbrella.”
regrets to practice.
president of the United States, at least in
her mind at the time of speaking.)

2 A student in your class might say,

Students can survey each other
about what they will and would like to
do in the future, contrasting two kinds of
“If I became president, I would end the conditionals. NOT ONLY DEVELOP ACADEMIC
war.” (Your student doesn’t see becom- WRITING ABILITY BUT ALSO THEIR
ing president as a real possibility.)

A lot of what we discuss, especially in

Emphasizing the unreal condition-
academic language, is the hypothetical, als, students can interview each other

6 ESL Activities for Reviewing the
Conditional dents of English. In the brochure, your
THE CONDITIONAL FORM IN ENGLISH first clause in each sentence.

students should give advice to the read-
CAN BE A CONFUSING STRUCTURE A PRESENT SITUATION er in an imperative statement and follow
FOR ESL STUDENTS. Since it is used to THAT IS UNLIKELY it with the reason for the advice. They
discuss situations that may or may not
be true and can be situated in the past, OR IMPOSSIBLE should use the conditional to express
results that are always true when a stu-
present or future, your students will have What would your students do if they dent performs a certain action. For ex-
to remember many details before they were not studying English? Have each ample, your students might advise their
are able to master the conditional. person imagine what it would be like readers to speak with native speakers
Here are six activities you can use to if he or she was completely fluent in every day, and they would follow that
teach or review the conditional form with the English language right now. Then, advice with this explanation. “When a
your students. They cover the 6 general have your students write about what student speaks with native speak-
situations in which the conditional can their life would be like. “If I were fluent ers every day, he or she has better
be used, and will give your students a right now, I would write a bestselling pronunciation.” In a sentence with this
chance to practice speaking, reading, novel,” might be an example. Remind structure, both verbs are in the present
listening and writing if you complete all your students that when using be as the tense.
of the activities. verb in the if clause, any subject takes



Give your students a chance to get to
Worst case scenarios can range from know one another better while they
Wishes are great context for practic-
outrageous to probable, and in his book practice the conditional by sharing sto-
ing the conditional. Remind students
The Worst Case Scenario Survival ries of their past. In pairs, have one stu-
that when using wish, the past tense is
Handbook, Joshua Piven gives the dent share something that happened to
used to represent a present situation.
reader plenty to think about. If you are
With that in mind, have your students him at some time in the past, for exam-
able to get a copy of the book, use these
do a genie in the bottle role play to ple, that he got an A on an exam. Then
situations to practice using conditional
practice. Have one person play the ge- have the second student ask a question
statements for future unlikely events,
nie who starts by saying, “I will grant beginning with “what if” and using the
or come up with some worst case sce-
you three wishes.” The other person conditional form of the verb to pose an
narios of your own. Give each student
then makes a wish using the conditional alternative past. For example, the sec-
one of the scenarios to read about. In
form of the verb. For example, he might ond student might ask, “What if you
each segment, Piven compiles advice
say, “I wish I had a puppy.” The ge- had not studied?” The first student
on how to overcome the worst case
nie answers, “Your wish is my com- would then answer with a conditional
scenario. Your students will read his
mand.” Once the person has made all statement. “I would have failed.” For
advice and then determine how to write
three wishes, have your students re- a past situation that might have been
the same information in a conditional
verse roles and repeat the role play. true, the verb in the first clause should
statement. She will then share her ad-
use the past perfect and the verb in the

vice with the rest of the class. For ex-
A FUTURE SITUATION second clause should use would have
ample, if she reads about being trapped
plus the past participle form of the verb.
THAT IS POSSIBLE in quicksand, she might say, “If you are
trapped in quicksand, you should try
and float on your back.” In this case, IT IS EASY TO GET CONFUSED IN A
If clauses are another natural context the if clause should be in the present
for practicing the conditional tense in
tense and the main clause should use
English. For an if clause discussing a
should with the main verb.
future situation, the verb is in the pres- BUT THAT IS WHY IT IS IMPORTANT

ent tense. Ask your students to imag-
ine their lives five or ten years from SOMETHING YOUR STUDENTS.
now. What would they like their lives to THAT IS ALWAYS TRUE These activities are not for beginning
look like? Have your students write 10 IF SOMETHING HAPPENS level students, but by the time you are
sentences about their futures starting ready to teach and review the condition-
with an if clause. For example, some- As different as your students might be, al with your students, they will be well
one may write “If I work in the United they do have one thing in common: they suited to these activities which review
States in fifteen years, I will live in are learners of English. Have your stu- the conditional tense that they already
New York City.” Remind your stu- dents tap into that experience by writing know.
dents, too, to place a comma after the a brochure giving advice to future stu-

How to Teach Modal Verbs:
4 Simple Steps
no past tense form for modals. This modals to make suggestions and give
ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS may seem like a long and confusing advice, to talk about obligations and
ARE OFTEN CONFUSED BY MODAL introduction but it is best after the pro- prohibitions, and lastly cover using
VERBS BECAUSE THEY ARE USED nunciation practice to simply write the ought to and should to say what the
DIFFERENTLY THAN OTHER VERBS modals and their rules off to the side correct action would be for instance
AND IN A WIDE VARIETY OF SITUA- of the board for reference. “She ought to see a doctor.” or “We
TIONS SUCH AS ASKING FOR PER- should be quiet while the teacher


There are a couple methods you can POSSIBILITY / IMPOSSI- For some classes it is not necessary
use to teach students modal verbs. BILITY to cover all the different uses of modal
One is to introduce only a few words verbs so feel free to choose what is
at a time and complete several prac- Modals are often used to talk about
most important and then cover those
tice activities before attempting to in- abilities and possibilities or lack of
items thoroughly before moving on to
troduce additional vocabulary. Anoth- them. Some of the words you want
the next topic.
er way you can teach modal verbs is to focus on in this section are can,

to structure your lessons around their could, may, and might. Talk to your
students about things they can do and COMBINATION
uses. You could leave all the modal
verbs written on the board for the practice using can in the target struc-
If you cover many different uses
whole chapter but use only the ones ture because this will be the easiest
of modal verbs in your class, be sure
appropriate for giving advice in one word to start off with.
to have a lesson which combines
lesson and asking for permission in them again. It makes sense to start
another for instance. Next you should talk about might
with all the words you plan to cover in
because it is also commonly used
the first class and finish the same way.
Let’s look at the second method in when talking about present possibili-
Since students have been focusing
more detail. ties such as “We can’t play music
on just one use at a time, this lesson
in class because the other classes
will bring to their attention the range
HOW TO PROCEED might be taking tests.” which nicely
combines the two words in one sen-
of uses these words have and really
challenge them. Fill in the blank and

INTRODUCE ALL MODALS multiple choice worksheets may be
appropriate and of course you can
Start by introducing all the mod- Building upon that, talk about how
conduct role plays based on the dif-
al verbs you wish to talk about. This could and may are used to discuss
ferent uses of modal verbs too.
may include can, could, may, might, future abilities and possibilities and
must, will, would, shall, should, and also how could can be used to talk
about the past in a sentence such as
ought to but, depending on the level
“When I was a child, I could climb MODAL VERBS HAVE MANY USES.
of your class, you can narrow it down
to those you feel are most important. USES OF MODALS CAREFULLY
So as you can see just this one sec- BEFORE INTRODUCING THEM AND
Obviously there are no images that
tion on modals can take awhile. It is THINK ABOUT WHAT STUDENTS
can help students understand the
best to introduce structures gradually WOULD MOST BENEFIT FROM
meanings of these words so you can
and to plan lots of practice activities STUDYING SO THAT PLENTY OF
do pronunciation practice simply by
pointing to the words on the board. In ITEMS. LEAVING OUT SOME MODALS
your introduction you can cover some
rules that apply to all modal verbs. OTHER USES THE END OF THE WORLD AND
Unlike most verbs, no -s is needed to You can center another lesson MAY JUST GIVE YOUR STUDENTS A
form the third person singular. on asking for permission or making BETTER CHANCE OF UNDERSTAND-
an offer or request. Can, could, may, ING WHAT IS COVERED.
For example “He should ~.” is cor- shall, will, and would can all be used
rect, while “He work.” is incorrect. so you might want to break this up into
Adding not forms the negative struc- pairs by introducing can and could,
ture. Additionally they always require will and would, and finally may and
another verb because they cannot act shall.
as the main verb in a sentence and
they only have present tense forms In other lessons you can cover using
so unlike the word swim, there is

10 Teacher Tested Tricks
to Teach Modal Verbs
When speaking or writing, it is
Another exercise would be to
always important to point out mis- read an article or travel document
ENOUGH EXPERIENCE. takes. For small ones, this is easy to about a specific area. This will often
Before teaching them, however, be forget. Particularly for beginner teach- be filled with plenty of modals for stu-
sure to know what a modal verb is. ers, one might not want to do this for a dents to practice on.
It is a verb that cannot work without number of reasons. Perhaps they feel

another verb. These include can, will,
must, ought to, may, would, could,
bad about constantly interrupting the ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS
student when he or she is speaking. ROLE PLAY
should and shall. Regardless, it is important to make
sure that they are aware of where A directions role play often helps.
It can be tricky when attempting to get they went wrong in order for them to When the students are proficient
the message of these particular verbs improve. enough, get them to construct their
across to the student, so it is impor-
own using the modals. This will give

tant to plan the class carefully. Always
remember that it is important to keep PRACTICE AND REPEAT them a chance to show off their pro-
duction skills.
the students engaged. They need to When it comes to language

be able to keep focus (since grammar, learning, repetition is definitely the
for the most part, isn’t considered to CONCLUSIONS
key. Telling a story or reading an ar-
be fun for most students). Learning ticle will probably help in this regard. Putting a sentence on the
intricate rules can be boring and time Post questions as to why a specific board, such as, “Larry walked into
consuming for many, so a lot of teach- modal goes in one place, rather than the warehouse and found a dead
ers tend to disregard this method of another. This will get them thinking body.” Get the students to find a
teaching. about the logic that goes with it. conclusion e.g.: “There might have
been a killer on the loose.” “Some-

Of course, in some cases, it might one may have had an accident.”
be easier to explain how something
works grammatically and then give EXERCISE

an example. There is are many pos-
Often a very simple way of teaching SONGS
sible options available, and it is also
any form of grammar structure. The
important for the teachers themselves Song is of course another
students will then have to think about
to remember that with a little bit of great way of teaching language. Have
why a specific verb goes in certain
imagination, any activity can be made a look for some catchy tunes on the
places. Try and get them to construct
to serve a purpose. Net, as there are plenty that are rife
their own sentences as well.
with modal verbs. Teaching them to
students will add a little bit of fun to
HELP YOU TEACH ADVICE COLUMN the class and allow them to practice
MODAL VERBS This can be a very effective using the modals as well!
method. Try and print off articles from

the Internet which come from maga-
zine advice columns and agony aunt
pages. By reading this, one will be
Getting the students to use modal able to highlight the importance of A BIT MORE INTERESTED IN THE
verbs in speech shouldn’t be too diffi- modals and point out where they are SUBJECT AT HAND.
cult. Pose various questions such as, used most frequently. Turning something into a challenge or
“What will you do tonight?” The stu- a competition usually works well and

dent will then be likely to answer with, helps the students to flex their men-
TELL A STORY tal muscles. As always, remember to
“I will watch TV.” Retort with, “What
should you do tonight?” The ap- Another great method is in the tailor them towards the specific age
propriate answer should then be, “I art of storytelling. Allow the students group you are teaching.
should do my homework.” to make up their own story. Get them
to put the character in specific situa-
Simple questions like this will allow tions, whereby they will have a choice
the students to use them more and between, for example, what they
get them into their heads more easily. should do and what they can’t do.

I Should Have Known:
Teaching Modals of Regret
provide more examples. Regrets are You can provide the students with a
WE USE MODAL VERBS IN SO MANY often preceded by wishing things list of scenarios of people discuss-
DISTINCT WAYS IN ENGLISH, IT IS could be different. Also, be sure to il- ing regrets. Have them detail what
ESSENTIAL TO SPREAD OUT THE lustrate for them how to make a nega- the regret is and how they themselves
LESSONS OF VARIOUS USAGES tive statement, and stress that regrets would deal with it. You could also
AND REALIZE THAT STUDENTS MAY are often geared toward things you have them compose questions that
BECOME OVERWHELMED. didn’t do, but wish you had. they would ask the narrator. You can
Modals of regret aren’t particularly dif- also do this, but within the story leave
ficult to convey, but they are an ad- out what the actual regret is and have
vanced grammar point with several - I wish I hadn’t said those awful them deduct it from what is being dis-
nuances to be certain to include. You things. cussed.
can also have very meaningful con- - I should have known that my
versations that arise out of the activi- brother was in trouble. Another practice activity is to put stu-
ties for modals of regret. - I could have been a better dents in pairs and have them detail
daughter. and discuss some of their biggest
TEACHING MODALS Modal Verb + Have + Verb regrets. For example ‘What are
OF REGRET 3 (Past Participle) your regrets when you think back
on your life? Make a list of three

The best way to introduce
have regrets and tell the story to your
partner’. Have them take turns shar-
modals of regret is to first define Could have been
and discuss regrets and what they After any of these activities you could
are. The key element to stress with Would have said also debrief with the entire class and
regret is that you are looking back discusses the ramifications of having

upon a past event and reflecting COMMON USES regrets and how to cope with them.
upon it. Are there solutions to regrets, and
There are some modals of re- what are some things you could have
The feeling of regret is not positive, gret that are very common in spo- done differently?
and it comes from strongly wanting ken English. Often we use these con-
to change your actions, your behav- versationally and they can be heard
iors, your reactions, etc. In the pres- quite frequently. Some of those are:
ent you are thinking back to a past TEACHING MODALS OF REGRET
event, and expressing your regret - I should have known better. IS CHALLENGING BECAUSE IT IS A
which may make you feel apologetic, - I could have done better. VERY PERSONAL AND INVOLVED
sad, or shameful. These are big emo- - I wouldn’t have dreamed of... TOPIC.
tions so you will want to provide good - I should have been there. From the grammar description to the
examples. - I shouldn’t have said that. practice, there is a lot for the students
- I should have taken it more seri- to absorb and share. You might find
Tell your class about a personal ously. that advanced students really enjoy
regret and give them the story of a - I would have done it differently. these lessons because it provides an
past event. Have them analyze your opportunity for some self-reflection. It
story for issues like how you may can also be very meaningful as it can
have felt during the event compared These are great opportunities for lead to students sharing things they
to how you feel now. Have them ask more concrete examples and story- may not have ever verbalized.
questions like what did you do after telling. You could have students com-
the event? Do you still feel badly? plete each of these thoughts with an
What did you do to resolve your re- example from their lives or have them
gret? You’ll want to get personal if create hypothetical ways each could
you expect your students to share be used.
their personal stories as well.


You will have used the gram-
There are many great ways that
you can practice modals of regret.
mar in your example above, so all you Here are a few ideas.
need to do is lay it out for them and

How to Teach the Imperative
“no smoking” sign with the sentence
“Don’t smoke.” You can also have
students complete a fill in the blank
exercise where the missing words are
Directions lessons will give stu-
dents lots of practice using the imper-
STUDENTS SO THEY WILL BE FAMIL- listed for them to choose from. Check ative.
IAR WITH AT LEAST ONE OF ITS the answers as a class and review
USES. why certain choices were correct by At this time, instead of practicing giv-
asking questions about the images or ing directions, focus on cooking vo-
This lesson will make students more sentences. cabulary and recipes instead. Have
aware of the imperative form and give students write recipes for their favor-
them the opportunity to practice using

Students have already been
ite dishes using the imperative form.
They can practice reading the instruc-
tions as well but it may be necessary
given many examples and completed to make corrections before asking
a worksheet so they should have a students to read their recipes aloud. In

It has probably been a long time
good idea of when to use the impera-
order to challenge students, you may
have to specify how many sentences
are required to complete this activity.
since your students played Simon At this point, talk about being polite Giving students an example on the
Says so give them a review of body while still giving orders and lead by board, will help them immensely.
parts while practicing the imperative example using please when giving
form by playing this game. Rather instructions to your students. Discuss Encourage students to ask you ques-
than have only one person give in- situations where use of the imperative tions as you move around the class
structions, have students stand in a form would be appropriate. Shouting monitoring their progress.
circle and take turns being Simon. for someone to “Stop!” if he is about

This way when you give your intro- to cross the street when a car is com- REVIEW
duction, students will have already ing would be fine. On the other hand,
had some practice using the impera- if someone is simply making lots of Ask for volunteers to give you
tive structure. noise or distracting you, shouting imperative sentences. Once a stu-
“Stop!” would be considered impolite. dent has volunteered, he can sit down

Introduce the imperative form
Tell students that directions in the
form of a recipe or an instructional
while the rest of the class thinks of
sentences. Continue this activity un-
til all the students are seated or the
using both positive and negative ex- manual would also commonly use the bell rings and do not accept duplicate
amples. “Please, stand up.” would imperative form. sentences.
be a positive form that students should

be familiar with from class while the PRACTICE
negative “Don’t text in class” is THE IMPERATIVE FORM IS SOME-
hopefully not needed very often. Prepare passages which in- THING STUDENTS WILL HAVE A LOT
clude several imperative sentences OF PRACTICE WITH ESPECIALLY
Elicit other imperative sentences from and write the individual sentences on WHEN STUDYING DIRECTIONS.
your students and write down further strips of paper. These can be conver- ENSURING THAT STUDENTS UNDER-
examples of your own. Explain that sations, sets of instructions, or reci- STAND THIS STRUCTURE NOW WILL
this structure is used when giving pes. MAKE FUTURE CLASSES MUCH
directions and orders and give stu- EASIER FOR BOTH YOU AND THEM.
dents some speaking practice by hav- A conversation could start off like this
ing them read the sentences you have “Be quiet! I think I hear something.
written on the board aloud. Come here. I heard it again! Lis-
ten carefully.” Have students work in

Have students match images
groups. Each group should be given
the strips of paper to complete one
passage and work together to place
with sentences. The images should sentences in the correct order. Since
depict either scenarios or actions each group has a different passage,
where use of an imperative sentence it may be fun to have students share
would be appropriate. A good exam- them with the class when the activity
ple would be to match the universal has been completed.

Do This! Don’t Do That!
8 Interactive Classroom Activi-
ties for Using the Imperative
ipe to your students’ language level. an item that they know how to cook.
DO THIS! DON’T DO THAT! EAT THIS, Copies from cookbooks or printouts It might be a dish from their native
NOT THAT. STAND UP. SIT DOWN. online are great, but do not overlook culture or something local and more
FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! THE IMPER- simple instructions that come with a familiar to everyone in class. Even
ATIVE IS ALL AROUND US, AND AS food product, like cooking directions small children can do this activity
NATIVE SPEAKERS WE MAY NOT on how to make pasta or rice. Point though they may not actually know
EVEN REALIZE WE ARE HEARING out to your students that the instruc- how to cook. Their instructions will be
OR USING THE IMPERATIVE. tions in the recipe use the imperative charming and even funny and might
The imperative is probably best con- mood and that the verbs take the sec- be worth posting on a bulletin board
sidered a mood rather than a tense ond person present conjugation on a in class.
in English, since it does not signal sample recipe.
when any given action is performed.
But even though it is not a tense in the
traditional sense of the word for ESL
students, understanding the impera-
Then have your students find exam-
ples of imperative verbs in their own
recipes. You may want to make a list Besides written recipes, many
tive is important. They will encounter of all the verbs your students find and cooking demonstrations use the
the imperative in English when giving review their definitions, especially imperative to communicate with
or receiving instructions, commands cooking specific verbs, as a class. their viewers how to make a par-
or calls to action. When giving or re- ticular dish.
ceiving advice, your students will also
need to use and/or understand the
If you have the classroom
There are hundreds of cooking demos
available on YouTube, so choose one
resources, or your students have that your students may like and show
Here are some fun ways you can adequate resources at home, give it to the class. Point out that as the ac-
bring the imperative into your class- them a recipe to follow. If possible, tor/chef makes the recipe, he or she is
room that are creative, too. Have fun have the ingredients for a no-cook giving instructions with the imperative
with the mood and you will find that recipe on hand, and have your stu- mood to the viewer. Watch the video
your students and you will be in a dents follow the directions in class. again and challenge your students to
good one. make note of any imperative verbs has tons of great the chef uses. Follow by having your
TRY THESE 8 ideas for no-cook recipes from the students do their own cooking demo
INTERACTIVE very simple to the very complex! Ei- in front of the class. You can request
CLASSROOM ther individually or with a partner, have a serious tone and perhaps even ask
ACTIVITIES FOR USING your students follow the directions for your students to bring the food in and
THE IMPERATIVE the culinary delight. (Be aware of any make the dish in class.
allergies your students may have and

Recipes are a great example
plan accordingly.) If your students
follow their directions correctly, they
should end up with something that
Alternately, you may want your stu-
dents to take a lighthearted approach
and demonstrate how to make a fic-
of the imperative mood in authen- looks very similar to the finished prod- tional dish with real or fictional ingredi-
tic English text. The step-by-step uct shown in the recipe, and it should ents they might find in the classroom.
directions for creating a culinary taste good, too. Celebrate your stu- Either way, your students will be put-
masterpiece, or at least lunch, are dents’ accomplishments by having a ting the imperative to good use as
written in the imperative. In the case social time and sharing each group’s they speak in front of your class.
with recipes, the writer is giving a set creation!
of instructions to the reader with the For fun, end your lesson with one
hope that the reader will be able to re-
produce the same results in his or her
Now that your students have
or more videos of the famous Mup-
pet the Swedish Chef. His comical
kitchen exploits will elicit laughter no
followed directions given to them matter what native language your stu-
Start your imperative cooking lesson in the imperative, have them write dents speak!
by giving your students some recipes their own imperative instructions
to look over. You will want to match for making a favorite food. Ask
the complexity and content of the rec- your students to write instructions for

Your students have other op-
Advice giving can be creative,
tions when it comes to following di- too. Role play a call in radio show
rections and practicing the impera- where the host gives advice to the
tive. For beginning students or just caller.
for a change of pace, play a game of
Simon Says. Start by leading your- To set the scene, show your students
self, but once your students have a a small clip from the television show
feel for the game let them take turns Frasier. Then recreate the scene in
being Simon. They will get the chance your classroom. Instead of showing
to practice using the imperative and the whole clip, you could show part
the rest of the class will get to practice of the television clip where the caller
following the directions Simon gives. presents his problem, and then pause
the video. Ask your students to of-

Another great option for fol-
fer advice using the imperative. Take
several answers from your students
before playing the rest of the clip and
lowing directions is putting togeth- seeing what Frasier actually says.
er a model. Kits are great, contain-
ing complete sets of instructions and
materials, but they can be expensive.
As an alternative, try supplying your
class with a collection of building
blocks and give them a set of direc-
tions for building various items. You
Once you have found that, look online
can find thousands of directions on
for instructions or directions or make
Lets Build It Again. Have your stu-
some yourself for an activity related to
dents choose the item they would
that interest. Your students will have
like to build or just make a few sets
fun engaging in the activities and you
of directions available in class and let
will get the satisfaction of a lesson
them get to their constructions. Your
well taught.
students will have fun with their build-
ing block creations, and they will not
even realize they are practicing the
imperative in the process!

Your students will also need
to use and understand the impera-
tive mood when giving advice.

Give your class a chance to share

about something they are good at and
give advice to classmates who might
be trying that activity for the first time.
Give each person five minutes in
front of the class to explain how to do
something that they know how to do.
It may be something recreational like
skateboarding or something profes-
sional like examining a specimen un-
der a microscope or even something
silly like how to become a superhero.

Ask each person to give advice to a

person who may just be starting out
learning the activity. What should he
do? What should he not do? Allow
your students to ask questions after
each presentation.

Following and Giving Directions:
Using the Imperative
the posters simply use butcher paper or creativity (and attitude) of your students,
In any language, a person must give
bulletin board paper. Once your students this activity can be quite entertaining, and
and follow directions whether it is in
have finished their posters, display them the rest of the class will take inspiration
a cab, when explaining a process, or
around your classroom or in the hallway. from the previous groups making their
giving instructions.
own demonstrations even more enter-
The following activities will give your ESL
students an opportunity to practice using
the imperative form in English. 3 A LITTLE HELP PLEASE taining.

If you are looking for a fun way to
practice the imperative with your stu-
dents, take them outside for a little ex-
For imperatives that are universally
citement with this directional game. Be- true, have your students begin their im-

fore starting the game, spend a little time perative statements with always and
WHAT IS THE IMPERATIVE? reviewing directional words with your stu- never. “Never put your finger in an
dents. Make sure they understand right, electrical socket. Always bring your
In English, the imperative form is passport when you travel to another
the command form of a sentence. The left, turn, go straight, turn around and
any other directional words you can think country.”
imperative is most often used when giv-
ing directions or giving instructions. “Do of. Then divide your students into pairs,
and take them outside to an open play To practice this structure with your stu-
your homework. Study for the test. dents, cultural norms are the perfect con-
Pay attention in class.” Forming the area. Have one person in each pair put
on a blindfold. This person will be the text. As a class, start a discussion about
imperative is very simple. Verb conjuga- the culture shock they felt when they first
tions follow the normal pattern, but the mover. The other person in the pair will
be the direction giver. Once each pair has arrived in their host country. What did
subject of the sentence (you) is dropped. people do that your students did not ex-
“You do your homework” becomes “do one person blindfolded, place an object
at the other end of the playing area. The pect? What did people not do when your
your homework.” For negative sentenc- students expected them? After each of
es, do not is added to before the verb. direction giver must then shout direc-
tions to the mover who will proceed to your students has been able to share
“Do not sleep in class. Do not hit your
the object and retrieve it. All of the pairs from her experiences, have each person
brother.” Often, sentences in the imper-
give directions at the same time, so the make a list of universally true imperatives
ative can seem very forceful and often
mover must focus on his partner’s voice. for someone visiting their home countries
rude, so point out to your students that
The first mover who reaches the object and then explain why those imperatives
the use of “please” will soften the feeling
wins that round. Then have the pairs are true. In the U.S., these imperatives
of an imperative sentence. “Please pass
switch roles and place the object in an- might include “Never ask a woman her
out the papers” will sound more courte- age. Never tell someone she looks
ous than “Pass out the papers.” other area. Award points to the team who
reaches the object first in each round.
fat.” These statements are offensive.
They may write “Never give white flow-

2 RULES TO LIVE BY Play as many rounds as you like and

ers to your host. White flowers rep-
award a prize to the winning team.
resent death.” Or “Always bring a gift
If your classroom has rules, start when you go to a business meeting.
your lesson on the imperative by review-
ing those classroom rules. “Raise your
hand before you speak. Be courte-
It is considered polite.”

After all your students have written their

ous to other students.” Point out to English speakers also use the impera- lists, encourage discussion among your
your students that these rules have an tive when politely offering something to a class. Ask all of your students if the state-
implied subject (you) but that it is omit- guest. “Have a slice of pie. Have a cup ments would be true of their home cul-
ted in the sentence. Encourage your stu- of tea.” A little role playing is a fun way tures or what the appropriate behavior in
dents to think creatively about wishes or to practice this form of imperative. Put their home countries would be. In so do-
rules they would like to see people follow. your students into groups of four to act ing, you will raise the cultural awareness
They can be rules for school or rules for out a dinner party. Two of the students among your students and hopefully avoid
life. They may want to have rules such as will be the hosts and the other two will cultural conflicts in the future.
“Be kind to someone every day. Smile be the guests. In front of the class if pos-
when you pass people in the street.” sible, have the students act out a polite THE IMPERATIVE IS A SIMPLE STRUC-
Whatever they are, have your students dinner party where the hosts offer differ- TURE TO FORMULATE IN ENGLISH,
make a list of five rules they want people ent options to their guests. They can of- AND YOUR STUDENTS WILL HAVE FUN
to follow in life. Then encourage your stu- fer drinks, food and desserts. The guests GIVING DIRECTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
dents’ creativity by letting each student can accept or politely decline. Then re- TO THEIR CLASSMATES.
create a poster with his or her life rules. verse roles and have the guests be the Try these activities the next time you
If you assign this as homework, students hosts. Encourage your students to use want to stress with your students how to
can purchase their own poster board, but their imaginations and use the imperative follow directions.
if you want to spend time in class creating as much as possible. Depending on the

America is THE Free Country?
Teaching the Article System
Sometimes about mid-semester
I realize I’m really tired reading 2 TEACH HOW ARTICLES
sentences like “America is the
free country.” (Actually, they usu-
ally read “America is the freedom
they almost without except precede
a noun.
Generally speaking, any learn-
country,” but let’s focus on one is- ing occurs best in its authentic con-
sue at a time.) “Really?” I say to
the offending student writer. “The
only free country, huh?”
text, and this is especially true of lan-
guage learning. Language does not
occur is isolated individual words and
should not be taught that way.
He usually looks confused. “No. It’s the ”a” and “an” actually mean “one,”
free country. Not the only free country.” so they are never used with plural Articles occur with nouns, so when
“Oh, but the free country actually nouns. They are also nonspecific or teaching new vocabulary that in-
means the only free country,” I ex- general: cludes nouns, these nouns should be
plain. taught with the articles they are used
a) “A teacher walked in the with: e.g., in the living room are an
His continued look of puzzlement tells classroom,” for example, does not armchair, a coffee table, and the new
me it’s time for instruction in the ar- identify the specific teacher and also television.
ticle system in English. Mistakes like suggests that the teacher in question
“America is the free country” indicate
a confusion with articles, or words like
“a,” “an,” and “the.” This confusion is
may not be the specific teacher for
that room. 2 TEACH A LIST
I would usually discourage
common among ESL students, largely b) “The” indicates specificity or teaching language in lists, but some
because many languages have no ar- second mention of the topic of lists, like a shopping list or list of items
ticle system or one radically different discussion: “A teacher walked into to pack for a trip, are authentic uses of
from the one in English. the classroom. The teacher picked language and an opportunity to prac-
up a marker,” suggests that only one tice articles: “a carton of milk,” “light
It is often this confusion over the use teacher is under consideration: the bulbs for the downstairs lamp,” and so
of articles that clearly distinguishes a use of “the” highlights the second forth.
native from nonnative speaker - even mention of the same topic.
if the nonnative speaker is perfectly Give students a topic for their list:
intelligible. Native speakers almost c) “A teacher walked into the room. e.g., “You are shopping for a dinner
never make mistakes in article use. In A teacher picked up a marker,” for someone you want to impress, like
addition, articles are so hard for non- suggests two separate teachers are the president of your book club. What
native speakers to learn. Therefore, involved because “the” is not used for do you absolutely need to buy for the
the use of articles clearly distinguish- the second mention of a teacher. party? Discuss with your peers.”
es native from nonnative speakers
who are otherwise strong speakers, d) Finally, “The teacher walked into As students discuss and write their
so this is an area that should be fo- the room” suggests some specificity lists, they will be using articles.
cused on to build the competency of with the use of “the”: “the teacher”
our ESL students.

is a specific teacher, probably the
teacher for the room. 3 NOTICE ARTICLES
Read a paragraph from your
SOME IMPORTANT e) Finally, sometimes no article is textbook aloud to the class. Have
FEATURES OF THE used, for plural and generic topics: students follow along in their books.
ARTICLE SYSTEM Teachers work hard. Then together note the use of ar-
TO TEACH? SOME The speaker here means teachers ticles. Discuss why the author made
POINTERS FOLLOW: in general, not a specific teacher or the choices he or she did with articles.
group of teachers, so no article is How would the meaning change if an-

1 TEACH THE ARTICLES IN required. other article were substituted?

These are some good overall rules
about articles. Now how do you
“a,” “an,” “the,” and “0” (or no article). teach them?

Give out a paragraph with the arti-
However, incorrect article use does
tend to mark the speaker as a learner of
English, and more correct usage shows
someone who has nativelike speech, so
cles deleted. Have students work in pairs
to decide which articles should be filled article use is an important area to ad-
in. Reading aloud often helps because of- dress with students.
ten students who are at the intermediate
level and higher have developed a sense
of the “sound” of the language, of what
sounds right and what doesn’t.

Have students discuss in small
groups a topic that will demand multiple
uses of different articles: “An Ideal Vaca-
tion,” for example, will call upon both uses
of articles in both the general for abstract
discussion of vacations and the specific
article for more specific places.

Circulate as students talk, mentally not-

ing any common problems, and then at
the end pull the class together for a brief

Have students write a short essay
whose topic will call upon article use: the
topic “A Good Leader,” for example, is
likely to call upon multiple uses of articles
as students discuss both leaders in gen-
eral and specific leaders.

Have students edit their own or their
peers’ work. When handing back an es-
say, for example, have students look over
their own papers, or trade with peer, fo-
cusing just on the articles. Again, have
students read parts aloud, marking in
pencil areas of concern.

Circulate and answer questions as need-




I Dream Of… Three Strategies
for Teaching Wishes and Hopes
tice about the structural differences Another way to practice wishes and
TEACHING HOPES AND WISHES TO from the examples above. If you are hopes is to do some creative fill-in-
VARIED LEVELS OF ESL LEARNERS starting this lesson with a lower level, the-blanks exercises combined with
CAN BE ENJOYABLE AND ENLIGHT- you could opt to only focus on the sim- discussion.
ENING. THIS IS SOMETHING THAT pler tenses. Discuss it with them and
CAN BE INTRODUCED IN A HIGH provide the following points as you go: The students could complete any
BEGINNER CLASS AND THEN number of statements like:
GUAGE SKILLS INCREASE. • I wish I was more _________.
Subject + Wish
It’s a great way to get them talking + Subject + Past Tense • I hope I can _________ this year.
about aspirations, dreams and pos- Example: I wish I was better-looking.
sibly even hidden desires. Here are I wish I spoke Italian. I wish I had bet- • I wish that my family ________.
some strategies for teaching wishes ter news.
and hopes that you can revisit and re- These are great to do in pairs or even
vamp in many different ways for vari- WISH STRUCTURE 2: as a group to get students talking. Be
ous levels. sure to include all the variable struc-
Subject + Wish (that) tures shown above and give them op-
HOW TO: TEACHING + Subject + Past Perfect portunities to practice using them as
WISHES AND HOPES Example: I wish I had gone with John. naturally as possible!
I wish I had studied harder for the test.


First off, what is the difference
anyway? There is a difference in both Hope is commonly used with – KEEP THE CLASS FOCUSED ON THE
structure and meaning. ‘I wish’ refers ing + for + object POSITIVE.
to lofty or unrealistic dreams. Most Example: I’m hoping for some good
of the time when we use ‘I wish’, we weather today. SOMETIMES THIS KIND OF ACTIVITY
want something that is impossible, or CAN LEAD TO STUDENTS GETTING
that doesn’t seem likely. We may even HOPE STRUCTURE 2: EMOTIONAL OR OVER-ANALYZING
feel sorry that things are not different. THEIR SITUATIONS. BE SURE TO
Hope + an infinitive (a bit formal) PRESENT THESE ACTIVITIES WITH
Some ‘WISH‘ examples are: Example: I hope to study in Europe SENSITIVITY AND BE PREPARED TO
- I wish I had a million dollars. ING PIECES AS WELL AS THE MORE
- I wish I could fly to the moon.
Hope + that-clause. Example: I hope
- I wish my sister could be here now. that there is cake at the party.

Hopes are a bit different. When we use
‘I hope’, we want it to happen, but are
uncertain that it will. It is also often out There are a lot of different ways
of our control whether it happens or not. you could choose to practice both
wishes and hopes. You could do a
Some ‘HOPE‘ examples are: “Find Someone Who” activity in which
the students need to mingle and ask
- I hope Jane gets better. questions to each other.

- I hope it stops raining soon. Examples of the topics could be things

like: Find someone who ... wishes he/
- I hope my son comes back from the she was in Hawaii, hopes to learn how
war. to ski, wishes he/she was more beau-
tiful, wishes that they could win a gold

Ask the students what they no-
medal, etc.

Amazing Animals:
A Super-Engaging Elementary
Lesson on Adjectives
Close the book and ask your stu-
adjectives that describe the animal he

LUM HAS YOU MOVING ON TO ADJEC- dents which animals crowded into the DESCRIBE YOUR ANIMAL
TIVES WITH YOUR ESL STUDENTS. mitten. Write each animal on the board
as they say it. Then, taking one animal Now that your students have
Still, you want them to have fun and at a time, ask what words they can use thought about their animals and made a
make a personal connection with the to describe that animal. You should al- list of the adjectives to describe it, have
material you teach even when you are low your students to use their dictionar- your students write a paragraph describ-
teaching grammar. Here is an activity ies as they offer adjectives that can be ing the animal they chose. In their para-
you can do with your elementary level used to describe each animal. Make a graph, they should use several adjec-
ESL students that will get them thinking list of adjectives under each animal on tives to describe their animal.
creatively and using adjectives appropri- the board. You will want to include words

ately, and they will have fun, too! like fuzzy, soft, prickly, sharp, warm, lit- MAKE A CLASS BOOK
tle, big, lumpy and others on your list.
HOW TO TEACH A Once each student is finished with
5 AN ACTIVE ADJECTIVE GAME their paragraph, give them time with
ELEMENTARY LESSON your classroom computer or take them
ON ADJECTIVES You can review some of these to the computer lab to type out their
adjectives by playing a game with paragraphs. Using the paint program on

Start by asking your class to de-
your students. On her website, Jan
Brett has pictures of the animals in her
book, which are designed to be used
the computer, they can draw a picture of
their animal. Have students spell check
their paragraphs and print them out. You
scribe the weather in winter. What as masks: can then compile the paragraphs and
clothes do people typically wear in ten_masks_main.htm. Print enough of pictures into a classroom book.
the winter? Why do they wear these these so each student has a mask to
clothes? If your students are willing, al- use during the game. Allow students Make this book available to your stu-
low some of them to share a personal to cut out their masks and then attach dents during independent reading time.
story of when they were outside in win- a tongue depressor to the bottom. Now
ter weather and how it felt. If they do not ask your students questions using the
have a story to share, you might want to adjectives you listed on the board. “Who WHETHER YOUR STUDENTS ARE
share a story of your own, perhaps the is fuzzy?” If their animal is fuzzy, the stu- STUDYING ESL OVERSEAS AND ARE
first time you saw snow or an experience dent should stand. NEW TO THE IDEA OF WINTER OR YOU
sledding or skiing. ARE TEACHING ABROAD AND HAVE
Repeat with a different adjective. Your NEVER SEEN SNOW YOURSELF, YOUR


After your discussion, read your
students should notice that some adjec-
tives can be used to describe more than
one of the animals from the book.
class The Mitten by Jan Brett (http://

htm). This charming story tells the tale of CHOOSE AN ANIMAL
Not only that, they will learn how to use
how a mitten left behind became a cozy After playing the game, ask your adjectives to describe these winter ani-
place for several animals to hide from students to think about their favorite ani- mals and their own favorites, too. The
the winter cold.. mal. This can be an animal from the sto- end result will be a book that your class
ry one that was not in the book. Ask your will treasure for the entire year!


Ask your students to retell the sto-
students, “What words on the board can
be used to describe that animal?”
ry of the mitten as you show them the tPut your students into groups of three
pictures. As they retell the story, ask and ask them to describe their animal to
what it might have felt like when each the group. Encourage students to think
animal crowded into the mitten. As you of other adjectives that can describe
do, your students will naturally offer de- their animals and their friends’ animals.
scriptive words for each of the animals.
You should point out that words which Each student should make a list of these
describe things or people are adjectives.
The 3 Little Wolves and the Big
Bad Pig: Teaching Opposites
or opposites. Give them several ex- opposite pairs among them? Give
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF A BIG, BAD amples of antonym pairs. Take one groups of two to three students some
PIG TRIED TO BLOW DOWN YOUR pair, big and little for example, and time to work together to find opposites
LITTLE BRICK HOUSE? write them on opposite ends of the in and between the two stories. You
board. Now draw a symbol at each will want to have copies of each text
Run away as the bricks tumbled, end, one big and one little. Show your for each group of students. If students
just like the three little wolves did in students that antonyms are words at are unable to find a pair of opposites
Eugene Trivizas’ story The Three opposite ends of a spectrum. Draw for the descriptive words within the
Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig. several of the same symbol along the text, ask them to think of word that
As strange and as entertaining as it spectrum getting increasingly big or would be the opposite to the ones that
sounds, this book might be just what little. Point out to your students that were used.
you need to liven class up the next the antonyms are the words farthest

time you teach opposites! Here’s how from one another. As a class, brain- OPPOSITES PERFORM
you can use it in your ESL class. storm as many antonym pairs as you
can think of. When you are finished, Now that your students have
HOW TO TEACH you may want to have your students seen and worked with the opposite
OPPOSITES illustrate one or more of the other ant- version of the three little pigs, chal-
onym pairs you listed on their own lenge your students to write their own

1 THE THREE LITTLE PIGS spectrums. fractured fairytales! Supply groups

of three to five students with some

Do your students know the sto-
ry of the three little pigs (http://www. THE BIG, BAD PIG traditional children’s tales. Ask each
group to choose one traditional tale Now that your students know the and to plan a skit that tells an oppo-
18155gut/18155.txt)? As a class, al- traditional tale and are familiar with site story. They should write their skit
low students to share anything they antonyms, it is time for the fractured as they prepare. Reassure them that
already know about the story and re- version. Read Trivizas’ The Three Lit- not every element in their skits will be
tell it if they already know it. If no one tle Wolves and the Big Bad Pig to your opposite of the original, just as Trivi-
knows the story already, ask them class. Ask them to listen for two things zas’ version of the three little pigs was
what they think might happen based as you read. First, challenge them not a complete opposite. Each skit
on the title. Once your students have to note any differences between this should, however, have at least one
offered some ideas, read the story to story and the original version. Sec- major opposite from its original ver-
them. Ask your students to notice any ond, ask them to note any descriptive sion. After the groups have planned
words that describe the pigs and the words used for the wolves and the pig. their skits, have them perform for the
wolf as you read. rest of the class.
After you finish the story, work with
your class to make a list of these de-
scriptive words on the board..

Explain to your students that a

Venn diagram is a way to look at the YOUR CLASS AND CELEBRATE THE

To make sure your students
similarities and differences between
two things. Show your students how
to create a Venn diagram by drawing

have the story clearly in their minds, two overlapping circles on the board. Do your classes in reverse order! Face
ask your students to retell the story Label one circle “3 little pigs” and your desks to the opposite wall! Read
in their own words. If your students the other “3 little wolves”. Ask your a book from the last page forward or
would like, allow them to illustrate students to write the similarities do any of a number of opposite things!
their stories. You might want to let stu- between the two stories in the Your kids will have fun and they will
dents type up their retellings and illus- overlapping section. really understand the concept of op-
trate them on the computer. posites!
Then ask them to write the parts
You can print them out and display unique to each story in its circle.
them on a wall of your classroom.

Next, explain to your class that
Looking at the lists of descriptive
you are going to talk about antonyms words, can your students find any

How to Teach Degrees of
parative form of each vocabulary word down a card after the category is an-
TEACHING DEGREES OF COMPARI- in a trivia question and write it down nounced, the student with the highest
SON WILL TAKE SEVERAL LESSONS. next to the word as you go. At the end number in that category would make
YOUR STUDENTS SHOULD HAVE of the game, underline the –er ending a sentence and keep the cards, and
A GOOD GRASP OF COMPARISON of each comparative form and explain the winner would be the student with
RELATED VOCABULARY SUCH AS the comparative structure. Your stu- the most cards at the end of the game.
TALL, SHORT, BIG, SMALL, FAST, SLOW, dents already have most of it figured You could also change the game
ETC AND INITIALLY, YOUR LESSONS out at this point so after some pronun- entirely or use one card game in the
SHOULD REVOLVE AROUND ONLY ciation practice or drilling, let them give first superlative class and change it for
ABOUT TEN OR TWELVE OF THESE. it a try. the second class if students are really
enjoying them.
If students perform well using the set
of words you have chosen, you can
add more vocabulary later.
Worksheets can help your students After doing some short practice
practice but a more enjoyable way to activities of both comparative and su-
HOW TO PROCEED practice degrees of comparison is to perlative forms that have already been
play a card game. Students should play covered, introduce one or two vocabu-

It has probably been a while since
in groups of three to five. You can make
decks of between thirty and fifty cards
where each card has an animal, for
lary words that use more and most to
create their comparative and superla-
tive forms. Make sure all the vocabu-
lary words as well as their comparative
your students have thought about the instance, and statistics for that animal
vocabulary you plan to use for this les- such as height, speed, etc. There are and superlative forms are written on the
son so it is important to review their many games you can play with a deck board before conducting a combination
meaning and pronunciation. You can such as this one. Have students shuffle exercise. A board game of boxes lead-
do this by conducting a warm up activ- and deal all the cards. Explain that the ing from start to finish would be ideal
ity such as crisscross or by asking for student whose turn it is should choose for groups of three or four. A turn would
volunteers to give you the definitions of a category such as height, he and the consist of a student rolling a die, mov-
words, spell words on the board, or use student sitting to his left should each ing her piece, and creating a sentence
words in a sentence. At the end of this play a card, and the student whose ani- based on the image in the square she
activity there should be two columns of mal is taller should say “The ~ is taller landed on. This game should use both
words on the board. With the sample than the ~.” or more simply “My animal the comparative and superlative forms
vocabulary above, the columns would is taller than yours.” That student now of each vocabulary word. The first stu-
look like this. gets to keep both cards and the student dent to reach the last square wins.
with the most cards at the end of the
tall short game, is the winner.

big small The card game and board game
require your students to do a lot of
fast slow Usually the following class would speaking so they have practiced
focus on superlative forms. They can extensively by the time they have
The two columns should have enough be introduced in much the same way finished. A short quiz will check your
space between them for you to write you introduced the comparative struc- students’ understanding of the de-
their comparative and superlative ture. Emphasize the –est ending and grees of comparison and determine if
forms. conduct some choral repetition as pro- further review is necessary.
nunciation practice. Continue to use

the same set of vocabulary. DEGREES OF COMPARISON ARE

Introduce comparative structures to

your students without explaining them
Practice activities such as work-

Since students already understand the

meaning of the vocabulary they are us-
first. Play a short true or false trivia sheets or card games would be ap-
game saying sentences like “Russia is propriate for the superlative form too. ing in these lessons, it is much easier
bigger than England.” Use hand ges- Worksheets could include fill in the for them to grasp than other structures
tures to suggest the meaning of each blank, matching, and write your own where new vocabulary is introduced.
new word and try to have a student sentences sections. The card game Including comparative or superlative
translate the sentence before asking above could be adapted to practice forms in later activities will help keep
whether it is true or false. Use the com- superlative. Students could all put them fresh in your students’ minds.

How to Teach Comparatives and
are the nicest, or the widest.

THEY NEED TO KNOW ABOUT COM- the comparative:
PARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES. Show your Ss picture or photos of differ-
COMPARATIVES AND ent seasons and weather conditions. In- T: Berlin is a beautiful city, but Paris is
SUPERLATIVES ARE troduce the comparative: more beautiful than Berlin. Make sure
READY. ARE YOU? Ss understand that the comparative is
T: The weather in May can be hot, but

formed by using “more” plus the adjec-
INTRODUCE THE COMPARATIVE the weather in June is hotter than in May. tive. Ss compare cities and countries try-
AND SUPERLATIVE FORMS FOR October is a wet month, but November is ing to use long adjectives.
wetter than October. Make sure Ss un-
derstand that the comparative is formed Introduce the superlative:
Show your Ss an illustration of people of by making the last consonant double and
different heights, or ask three students to adding -er. Ss compare the weather in T: Paris is a very beautiful city, but in my
stand up. Introduce the comparative of different cities and countries with the aid opinion Rome is the most beautiful city in
one syllable adjectives: of a weather chart. Encourage them to the world. Make sure Ss understand that
use other one syllable adjectives. the superlative is formed by using “the
T: Juan is tall, but Mario is taller than most” plus the adjective. Ss say which
Juan. Juan is shorter than Mario. Point to the weather charts and introduce they believe are the most beautiful, the
the superlative: most expensive, and the most interesting
Make sure Ss understand that for these cities in the world.
adjectives the comparative is formed by T: November is the wettest month of the
adding -er. Ss compare their heights.
Point to the three Ss who are standing
and introduce the superlative:
year. July is the hottest. Make sure Ss
understand that the superlative is formed
by making the last consonant double and
adding -est. Ss say which months are
T: Mario is taller than Juan, but Sam is the hottest, the wettest, the coolest, the
Continue with the comparison of cities
taller than Mario. Sam is the tallest of warmest, etc. in your city and others.
and countries:

the three. Make sure Ss understand that
the superlative is formed by adding –est. INTRODUCE THE COMPARATIVE T: The traffic in London is bad, but the
Ss say who is the tallest and who is the AND SUPERLATIVE FORMS FOR traffic in Rome is worse. The traffic in
shortest in the class. TWO SYLLABLE ADJECTIVES ENDING IN London is better than the traffic in Rome.

Make sure Ss understand that “good” and
INTRODUCE THE COMPARATIVE “bad” are irregular adjectives and their
AND SUPERLATIVE FORMS FOR Discuss feelings to introduce the com- comparatives are “better” and “worse”.
ONE SYLLABLE ADJECTIVES ENDING IN parative: Ss make more comparisons.
T: I am happy when I visit a friend, but Introduce the superlative:
Show your Ss pictures of different types I’m happier when it’s her birthday. Make
of furniture. Introduce the comparative: sure Ss understand that the comparative T: They say the traffic in Rome is the
is formed by replacing the “y” with an “i” worst in the world. But it’s the best place
T: This brown sofa is nice. But the red and adding –er. Ss compare their feel- to visit in Italy. Make sure students un-
one is nicer than the brown one. It’s also ings in a variety of situations. Encourage derstand that “the best” and “the worst”
wider than the brown one. Make sure them to use everything they’ve learned are the superlative forms of “good” and
Ss understand that the comparative is so far about comparisons. “bad”. Students say which they believe
formed by adding an r. Students com- are the best sights to visit around the
pare the other pieces of furniture. Introduce the superlative: world, and which have the worst prob-
T: I am happy when I’m on vacation, but lems.
Point to three different sofas and intro-
duce the superlative: I’m the happiest when travel to a new
place. Make sure Ss understand that the Remember that if students are unsure
superlative is formed by replacing the “y” about the comparative or superlative
T: The red sofa is nicer than the brown form of some adjectives, the best way
one, but the blue one is the nicest of the with an “i” and adding –est. Ss say when
they are the happiest, the sorriest, the to help them overcome this doubt is by
three. Make sure Ss understand that the offering lots and lots of practice.
superlative is formed by adding -st. Ss saddest, etc.
say which pieces of furniture they think
4 Fascinating Ways for Teaching
-ED and -ING Adjectives
(amazing, boring, and exciting are of time how you are going to define
THE TOPIC OF -ED AND -ING ADJEC- good ones). the new words, and generally 10
TIVES CAN BE A REFRESHING ONE new words at a time should work
AS IT GIVES YOU THE CHANCE TO The point you are making is that really well.
OPEN UP A WHOLE NEW WORLD OF about a person’s feelings or opin- TO GIVE TO THEM IN CHUNKS

The strategies below can be used at -ING adjectives are used to de- -ED
varying levels of language acquisition scribe things, people, places, ac-
and can be adapted to many different tivities. (These are the sources of Amused
types and lengths of activities. the feelings) Exhausted
INTRODUCING Also point out that often -ED adjec- Pleased
–ED AND –ING tives are also usually followed by Surprised
ADJECTIVES small prepositions like in or by. Thrilled


Teaching these adjectives can be Define the difference again and do Horrified
challenging from the start because several comprehension checks with Shocked
students can easily get confused students. Other ways to do that are, Relaxed
about the differences between the – for example: I am interested vs. I am Fascinated
ED and –ING endings. This confusion interesting. The first one means I like Troubled
often results in humorous mistakes it, I want to hear about it. The second Puzzled
such as “I am exciting.” or “The movie one means that I am being described Irritated
was excited.” Before jumping into too as something people find interesting. Devastated
much vocabulary, the first thing you You can now do some questioning Overwhelmed
want to explain and show is the differ- about people/things in the class and Disappointed
ences in use. also have students create questions Intrigued
to one another. Discouraged
The best way to explain –ED and ING Soothed
adjectives is with a diagram on the Here are some examples: who is Moved
board or a handout. amazing, what is boring (usually gets Humiliated
a lot of laughs)? Who is challenging? Satisfied
DESCRIPTION: Something (noun) Why are you bored/tired/annoyed to- Touched
is/are interest-ING... [Politics, Barak day? You can add to this to exercise
Obama, Lord of the Rings] to have either partner activities or -ING
the whole class together doing it in
FEELING/OPINION: I am/I feel inter- rounds.. Amusing
est-ED in... [Politics, The President, Exhausting

The Lord of the Rings] Embarrassing
Question the students using exam- AND –ING ADJECTIVES Surprising
ples of adjectives they already know. Thrilling
Now that they have had some fun
For example: what is something that Annoying
figuring out the difference, it is time to
is interesting? Have the class make a Confusing
draw out a list of the –ED and –ING
list under interesting and use a simple Depressing
adjectives they know and then start
sentence structure like above. Then Disgusting
introducing the ones that they don’t.
follow that with what are you inter-
Be mindful of their skill level. Do
ested in? You can go through this a
not give them too much new vocabu-
few times with adjectives they know
lary too quickly. You can think ahead


Define the words using very concrete examples and examples from real life. After you have done an explanation of a
group of words you know they don’t know, then you can move on to doing the more interactive comprehension exer-
cises and focus also on grammatical structure. Often –ED and –ING adjectives relate to one another and may have
differing degrees of intensity. For example, how would you differentiate between terrified and frightened? Is there
much of a difference?

Create a stack of cards that have one –ED or –ING adjective per card. Have each student choose three cards and
make sentences in rounds. You can alter this by having them make questions with their cards, giving them a theme to
do with the cards (actors, movies, current events), or having them make a list of five to ten things that have to do with
the word on the card. The cards can be used for quick warm-ups or turned into longer, more drawn out class activities.

Create an opinion survey that the students can do in pairs or groups. The questions don’t need to be too forced, but
make sure you tell them the point of the activity is to practice –ED and –ING adjectives. For example: What is something
that really annoys you? What kinds of movies do you find interesting? Tell us about a time when you were embarrassed.

You could also make these statements or questions into cards and use for warm-ups.

Make a list of varying items: people, places, things, events, activities. Have students tell/write a story about the
topic using at least five/ten –ED or –ING adjectives. Examples could be: Madonna, soccer, the beach, a birthday party,
my boyfriend/girlfriend, or anything from pop culture, news, or local culture. Have them share their stories.


You can come up with innumerable ways for students to practice, and they will keep learning new words to add to their
ever-growing vocabulary. Don’t forget to correct their mistakes and always remember to include humor, patience and
encouragement in all of your activities!

3 Tremendous Techniques for
Teaching Gerunds and Infinitives
that are real, concrete and complet- negative—I don’t want to (go, do, see,
ING ONE AMONG STUDENTS OF ALL Infinitives are used to express ac- I enjoy skiing, swimming, reading not I
LEVELS. tions that are unreal, abstract or may enjoy to ski, to swim, to read.
be in the future.
To native speakers it comes naturally, This will take some time for student to
and we don’t really ever think about why You can provide some examples and absorb and may also take some extra
we use one instead of the other. For ESL then discuss which category they fall studying on the teacher’s part as distin-
students getting it right may take some into. For example: guishing between gerunds and infinitives
time and patience and hopefully these 3 does not come easily to any one of. You
techniques for teaching gerunds and in- • I forget locking the door. can practice the above simply by having
finitives will bridge the gap. them perform a fill in the blank exercise
• I forgot to lock the door. in rounds. You can also have them plan
HOW-TO: TEACHING some type of event and have the stu-
GERUNDS AND • I stopped smoking. dents incorporate the specific verb us-
INFINITIVES age into their discussion. For example,
• I stopped to smoke. plan a birthday party for John. What will


you need to remember to do? What will
you need to prepare? What does he like/
Because gerunds and infinitives
At the basic level you will need to start
out just by distinguishing the difference
and doing this while keeping your lan-
have this difference discussed above,
one way to help them remember is to
provide a list of verbs. The list of verbs
Combining gerunds and infinitives
guage pretty simple. Here’s an example followed by gerunds is more concrete practice with expressing opinions can
that has been quite successful. The while the verbs followed by infinitives are be a good start. Because this grammar
most confusing part in choosing either a more abstract. Here is a short list for point is so involved and students need
gerund or an infinitive is that they have each: to learn it in chunks, devising ways
similar jobs and perform many of the they can practice parts of it realistically
same functions. VERBS FOLLOWED BY GERUNDS will help to solidify the usage. Give the
students a list of topics that they can
THEY BOTH: Admit Deny Miss Discuss Dislike Mind discuss using the words from the verb
Enjoy Suggest Practice Quit Understand lists they are working on. Some of the
• Look like verbs, but are actually Consider topics could be current event-related
nouns. or more general issues. For example:
VERBS FOLLOWED BY INFINITIVES What do you think about: The presiden-
• Can be the subject of a sentence: tial election | The earthquake in Japan |
Jogging is good exercise. To jog is Agree Learn Wish Ask Manage Happen The World Cup.
good exercise. Forget Prepare Demand Need W a n t
Deserve Another way to do this is to give them
• Can be the object of a verb: I like prompts to complete regarding tastes, and
reading books. I like to read books. VERBS FOLLOWED BY EITHER have them agree or disagree with another.
I can’t stand... | I hate... | I prefer... | I
ONLY GERUNDS: Begin Hate Like Love Plan Prefer Intend enjoy... | I wish...
Remember Can’t stand
• Can be the object of a preposition,
for example: We are talking about With these lists obviously comes a lot TEACHING GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES
swimming in English class. We dis- of vocabulary explanation. Introduce IS QUITE INVOLVED AND STUDENTS
cussed quitting smoking for good. possibly 5-10 words in each category WILL HAVE A LOT OF QUESTIONS.
and take the time to provide definitions, Remember to start out simply and build
So when do we know when to use one do comprehension checks, and then upon what they know. Combine hands-
or the other? That can difficult to define. present examples with the difference. on discussion and activities with fill in the
In general, the rule to follow is: Here are some examples: blanks, quizzes and competitions.

Gerunds are used to express actions I want to go, do, see, play—same for

Gerund vs. Infinitive:
How to Explain the Difference
to listen. Both can be used as the what key points you want to cover or
STUDENTS OFTEN HAVE A DIFFI- subject or object of a sentence. The spread these lessons out over the
CULT TIME KNOWING WHEN TO USE negative version of both gerunds and course of the year so that students
GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES. infinitives is made simply by adding do not become bored studying just
not. With this information alone, you one aspect of the English language.
Even at the intermediate level, this can create lesson plans that focus
is typically not covered extensively on the various uses of gerunds and
and lesson plans instead focus on
very specific structures such as “I like
playing ~.” or “I like to play ~.”
infinitives and give students some
practice using them in sentences.
Certainly looking at how the two are
Once your students have had
similar is the easiest method of intro- some practice using both gerunds
For the majority of students this ducing the topic. and infinitives in separate lessons,
simple approach is enough and much combine them. You can give the
less confusing than trying to under-
stand when one is more appropri-
ate than the other because in many
situations, although there is a slight
Gerunds can also be used
class pairs of sentences where one
sentence uses a gerund and the
other uses the infinitive.
in prepositional phrases like in the
difference in meaning, gerunds and sentence “They talked about swim- Then as a class or in groups discuss
infinitives are used interchangeably. A ming yesterday but decided it was the slight to substantial differences in
lesson teaching gerunds might focus too cold.” Additionally there are meaning the sentences have. This is
on “I like playing/eating/reading ~.” certain words that should be followed a challenging activity and should only
and the question “What do you like by gerunds such as avoid, enjoy, be done with advanced students.
doing?” When students create sen- and dislike and there is no great way
tences that are incorrect, for instance to remember which words except
“I like playing ski.” you can address through considerable amounts of WITH ANY LUCK YOUR TEXTBOOK
the fact that ski does not follow the practice using them. WILL NOT ADDRESS GERUNDS
same rules as sports such as soccer, AND INFINITIVES DIRECTLY BUT
baseball, and basketball. A mistake learners often make is WILL STILL GIVE STUDENTS
saying a sentence similar to “I go to LOTS OF PRACTICE USING THEM.
An introductory infinitive lesson could swim everyday.” when the correct
use the same approach in order to sentence is “I go swimming every- This method generally works best it
give students some easy infinitive day.” or even “I go to the gym to is more similar to how native speak-
practice without overwhelming them swim everyday.” When certain words, ers learn English. It is hard to explain
with various structures and uses. such as swim, follow the verb go, why “I go to swim everyday.” is incor-
they must be gerunds. This applies rect while “I go to work everyday.” is
With more advanced students or if to many activities such as swimming, correct. Native speakers never ques-
the difference between gerunds and scuba diving, skiing etc. tion that because they are introduced
infinitives is covered in your textbook, to words, phrases, and sentence
you will have to address them in
more detail.
There are also some words
structures gradually by listening to
people around them.

HOW TO EXPLAIN such as demand, hope, and pretend, THE BEST WAY FOR STUDENTS TO
THE DIFFERENCE that must be followed by an infini- LEARN ENGLISH IS NOT TO MEM-
BETWEEN GERUNDS tive. As with gerunds, it takes a lot ORIZE RULES AND EXCEPTIONS TO
AND INFINITIVES of practice to recognize which words RULES BUT TO HEAR SENTENCES
this applies to and there is no rule to MODELED CORRECTLY AND PRAC-



Additionally, when the main verb of


Gerunds and infinitives are nouns the sentence is a form of be followed

formed from verbs. Gerunds are by an adjective, an infinitive often
formed by adding –ing to the end of follows. One example is “They were
a verb. Some examples are eating, anxious to leave.” There are other
playing, and listening. Infinitives use structures that use infinitives as well.
to before the verb so the examples Trying to address all of them in a sin-
above would be to eat, to play, and gle class period will simply confuse
students. It would be better to select

3 Top Strategies to Alleviate
Confusion About HOW MUCH
and HOW MANY sounds right to you, “How much shoes

Just keep giving great explanations and

providing opportunities to refresh and
I have taught this topic hundreds of times The best way to teach and to reinforce practice! Soon students will begin using
and each time I learn something about the How Much/How Many grammar point it without so much trouble!
how I could do it better. is to use food. Everyone loves food and
the food lessons bring with them lots of
Here are 3 strategies to alleviate confu- new vocabulary.
sion about using How Much and How
Many. You can do any range of activities from
shopping in the grocery store, to taking
MAKING IT CLEAR: HOW stock of what’s in the kitchen, to creating
MUCH OR HOW MANY recipes. Because the students will natu-
rally have to incorporate how much or

how many into questions and answers,
food is the way to go.

Another way to do this is with shopping

or restaurant role plays that introduces
Once you have introduced what count-
‘how much is it’ and ‘how many do we
able and uncountable nouns are, you
will need to constantly refer back to your
There are innumerable food and shop-
ping lesson ideas that can be dispersed
COUNTABLE nouns are things with
into your lessons to practice how much
quantities that you see with your eyes.
or how many.
They can be counted easily.

UNCOUNTABLE nouns are things that

are more general and cannot be count-
ed. Great examples for each are
One of the problems with practicing
How Much and How Many is that it of-
ten feels so forced or unnatural. Utilizing
Countable: markers, pens, apples,
classroom objects, pictures and every-
hats, or anything you can point to in the
day situations can help you get around
classroom, pick up and count—count-
that and expose students to naturally us-
able nouns usually have an “S” at the
ing much and many.
You don’t always have to force it with this
Uncountable: Water (my favorite ex-
point because we use much and many
ample). How can you count water? Rice
so often. We use it in telling stories,
- Can you count each piece of rice?
“There were many people at the mall.”
Time - another favorite - because you
We use it to talk about our time “I have
cannot clearly see it to measure it.
too much homework tonight. I can’t go
to the movies.” We use it to talk about
money, “How much is the bill?” Look for
ways that the students can draw their
When students come across the How
own conclusions and use error correc-
Much or How Many question and it
tion as a way to remind them why it one
baffles them, refer back to these exam-
way and not another.
ples. “Is it like water or bananas?” What

Turn Right, Go Left: Practicing
Prepositions of Place
PLACE: On the corner | at the light/ sion of this could be an assignment
PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE IS ONE stop sign/train tracks | Across from | to draw a map along with the written
OF THOSE TOPICS THAT CAN Next to | Behind/in front of. directions from school to home or

It is also a topic with lots of details

and possibilities for practice and
If you have a fairly spacious class- In this technological world, per-
implementation. Below are some room and you take care to make haps many of your students are using
strategies for practicing prepositions sure this activity stays safe, then by a GPS system to get around (and to
of place focusing on location.. all means go ahead and create an get lost). If they are not familiar with
obstacle course. First pinpoint a point a GPS and you have access to one
HOW TO PRACTICE A and a point B. Point A is where stu- on your phone or otherwise, introduc-
PREPOSITIONS OF dents will begin and point B is where ing the device to students could be
PLACE students want to end. Take a few very enlightening. Take out the city
chairs and spread them out so the maps you provided them with earlier

To introduce uses for preposi-
path from point A to B is obstructed.
Then put a blindfold on one student,
who will be turned around a few
and punch in an address close to
the classroom. Have students follow
where the GPS tells them to go on
tions of place, it is essential to show times. Have another student direct their map to find out if it is accurate.
students the many functions it has in the first student from point A to point You could come up with several ways
their daily lives. One way to do that B through the obstacle course. You to provide the class with examples,
is to present students with an over- can vary the obstacle course for each and have students experiment with
view of a map of their city or town. different student or you can make it the GPS.
You can introduce compass direc- a team event. This is an enjoyable You could also introduce Google
tions, prepositions for giving direc- activity that is safe provided students Maps or Map Quest. This is a handy
tions as well as prepositions of place take their time and listen to the direc- resource that students could use in
and movement. Maps are practical tions. It is also a worthwhile activity to their daily lives. It also gives them
resource to first discuss locations, debrief afterwards to discuss the im- the capability to look at a map while
distances and placements. Then later portance of understanding directions, simultaneously getting written direc-
students can put maps into action. navigating difficulties, and asking the tions. You can do activities with your
Another topic that can arise out of right questions. local city or have some fun choos-
using maps is landmarks. Students ing famous landmarks throughout

generally know the landmarks of their the world and locating them on a
city, and it can be great fun to utilize
map. You can also introduce them
those landmarks for direction-giving ORY to the other features of the maps
activities. There are so many pos- (like search nearby or street view)
Close your eyes and think about the
sibilities with maps. You can give stu- and open up a whole new world to
route that you follow to get from your
dents the map of one neighborhood them. The possibilities with these
home to your office. Could you tell
and have them practice going to and technological tools are endless, and
someone every step of that drive or
from one of the popular landmarks. they could generate entertaining and
walk? This activity is a lot of fun sim-
You can have them fill in maps with informative ways for students to ex-
ply because giving directions purely
local landmarks, street names, and plore their area and the world around
by memory really isn’t that easy. One
popular places like hotels, grocery them!.
way to make it even more engaging
stores, libraries, etc. Once they have
is if students who live close to each
the maps filled in, they can then When it comes to getting around
other can work together to try to get
begin asking for and giving direc- and functioning out in the world with
every step in movement absolutely
tions. This is a terrific review of all the limited language, giving and follow-
correct. You could also have the
terminology for prepositions of place ing directions can be a key piece for
students try to trip each other up,
and movement! Here is a list that you students to gain some independence
or find the gaps in the directions.
could include for students to refer- and confidence. Take these ideas
Another variation on this one could
ence: and make them as hands-on and
be, for example, from the classroom
to the bathroom or from the parking relevant as you can for students im-
MOVEMENT: Go straight/move mediate circumstances, and they’ll
lot to the classroom. You can dream
forward | Turn right or left | On the navigate themselves right into self-
up many ways to have students give
highway | Exit to the left | Go through reliance.
directions from memory. An exten-
the light.

How to Teach
Prepositions of Time
your students already know about
using these words. Briefly talk about
how at is used when talking about
precise times such as “3:00 PM’, in
You can easily play Fruit Basket
in this lesson to give students the
HAVE DIFFICULTY RECOGNIZING is used when talking about months, chance to make their own sentences.
WHEN TO USE CERTAIN WORDS. years, or other long periods of time Have students arrange their chairs
for example “in July”, and on is used in a circle and then remove one so
These little words are so important for sentences with days or dates like a student has to stand in the middle.
when speaking English because the “on Tuesday” or “on March 6th”. It is The standing student should make a
difference between “He’ll go to Italy in all well and good to discuss these sentence, for instance, “My birthday
March.” and “He’ll go to Italy at March.” points however in addition to thinking is in July.” and all the students that
is the difference between an interme- about these rules students will need have birthdays in July must change
diate and an advanced student. While practice using prepositions of time in seats leaving a different student in
English learners will not notice how in- sentences. the middle. If students have difficulty
correct their sentences sound, it is so coming up with sentences, you can

apparent to native speakers who most
PRACTICE PREPOSITIONS say one so that the game continues
likely do not even know the rules for and does not come to a complete
when to use these words. OF TIME
standstill for an extended period
Have students complete a worksheet of time. Sentences such as “I start
SO, HOW DO I TEACH to practice using prepositions of time. school at ~” should get everyone
PREPOSITIONS OF Perhaps in the first section students moving.
TIME? circle the correct word to complete

The warm up should focus on
the sentence and are given only
two choices. In the second section
have students fill in the blank. The
At the beginning of the next les-
third section could just have a list son, you can have students complete
time. Students should get some prac- a few sentences using prepositions
of phrases such as November, my
tice telling the time and also talking of time to briefly review the material.
birthday, and 7:15 PM that they have
about months and dates so that they If students understand everything
to choose the correct preposition for.
are reminded of all this vocabulary well, you can move on to the next
This type of worksheet will help stu-
before introducing the new topic. topic, incorporate prepositions of
dents by building up their confidence
You can bring out the clock you used time whenever possible, and have a
with an easy section at the beginning
when teaching your students time or solid review of this material before an
and then challenging them with a lot
just draw clock faces on the board to exam.
of phrases at the end.
give them some quick practice. You

can also get the month vocabulary
cards out and play a quick round or PRACTICE MORE SOMETIMES IT’S THE LITTLE WORDS
two of Go Fish. Whatever activities
Now that students have spent THAT REALLY TRIP STUDENTS UP.
you did when introducing these top-
some time focusing on prepositions BE SURE TO COMPLETE PLENTY OF
ics can be repeated as long as your
of time, remind them that these prep- PRACTICE ACTIVITIES TO ENSURE
students found them enjoyable the
ositions have other uses too. You THAT STUDENTS UNDERSTAND
first time around.
will need three very short passages THE APPROPRIATE USE OF EACH

for this section. In the first passage
INTRODUCE PREPOSI- delete at whenever it occurs without
TIONS OF PLACE creating blanks and then tell students
how many times at occurs in the text.
Next, introduce the words at, in, Students can then insert the word
and on which should be the focus wherever they think it has been de-
of this lesson. Your students have leted. Complete this activity for in and
probably already used these words on as well. Students can complete
when talking about prepositions of this activity individually, in groups,
place so there should not be any or as a class. Review the answers
need for pronunciation practice. as a class and then talk about when
Write three sentences on the board these words are used as prepositions
and ask students which word cor- of time and when they are used as
rectly completes each sentence. This something else.
should give you an idea of how much

Boring Grammar: 10 Who’s the Best? Five It Together: Four
Do’s and Don’ts for Hands-On Activities for Types of Connecting
Making Grammar Using Superlatives Language in English
Lessons Fun for Your
Students 17 SUPERLATIVES: 29-30 CLAUSES: It’s All
Who’s the Best? Five Relative: How to Teach
5 MUST READ: I’ve Got MORE Hands-On Relative Clauses and
the Book, but Now Activities for Using Why You Need To
What? How to Take Superlatives
Grammar from the 31-32 CLAUSES:Not All
Textbook Pages into 18 CAUSATIVES: Get It Clauses Are Created
the Classroom Done! How to Teach Equal: A Review of
Causatives English Clauses
6 MUST READ: Grammar
Like Vegetables: 5 19 MOOD: In the Mood: 33-34 GENDER: He...
Secrets to Sneak it Into How to Teach the She... It... 5 Activities
Your Students’ Diets Subjunctive for Practicing Gender
in English
You Got It? Three FUTURE: Getting 35-36 CERTAINTY &
Essential Pieces to Inventive: A UNCERTAINTY: Are
Every Grammar Lesson Conversational Review You Sure about That?
of Past, Present and Teaching Certainty and
8 MUST READ: How Future Language Uncertainty in English
Much is Too Much?
What Place Does 21 FUTURE: Back to the 37-38 PREPOSITIONS:
Grammar Have in Future: 7 Activities For, To, At, In....5
Speaking Class for Talking About the Big Fun Activities for
Future Reviewing Prepositions
to Create a Grammar 22 FUTURE: Back to 39-40 QUESTIONS: Don’t
Lesson Plan for a the Future Part Two: Get to the Point:
Beginning ESL Class 6 More Activities for Teaching Indirect
Reviewing Future Time Questions
10 ARTICLES: A Definite
Solution: Three 23 FUTURE: Look into the
Rules for Clearing Future: 5 Role Plays
Up Definite/Indefinite for Practicing Future
Article Confusion Tenses

11 MODALS: You Really 24 FUTURE: Look into the

Should: 5 Fantastic Future: 6 MORE Role
Activities for Practicing Plays for Practicing
English Modals Future Tenses


VOICE: It Can Be Games for Reviewing
Done! How to Teach English Numbers
Modals in the Passive
Voice 27 NUMERALS: One
Foot, Two Foot, Red
13-14 ADJECTIVES: Foot, Blue Foot: 5
10 Fun, Fabulous Creative ESL Games
Activities for Practicing for Practicing Numbers
10 Do’s and Don’ts for Fun Gram-
mar Lessons for Your Students
they know to get their meaning across, activity. Keep things interesting for you
GRAMMAR IS A KEYSTONE IN ESL even when the grammar isn’t perfect. and your students and plan for quick
PROGRAMS EVERYWHERE. In grammar class, include speaking changes in activities, partners and,
Learning the rules of language can activities and give your students a when possible, topics throughout your
be exciting and energizing and... well, chance to put their language use to grammar class.
boring. Grammar teachers around the practical applications whenever pos-

world struggle to make this technical sible. KEEP THEIR NOSES
side of language interesting to their

students. The good news is it’s pos-
sible. With a few simple strategies you Grammar books often have many
can banish boring grammar classes Using group activities, role plays, great exercises to help your students
and ensure your students are just as discussions and other such activities practice and then master grammar
excited about grammar as any other will both keep your students interested skills, but the classroom may not be
aspect of language learning. in classroom activities and keep them the best place for using those activi-
accountable to one another for class ties. When possible, assign written
DO participation and task accomplish- activities for homework and use class-
ments. Students sometimes will disap-

room time for more interactive, com-
INCLUDE GAMES. point their teacher and feel little regret. municative activities. Your students
Disappointing classmates and friends, will still get their practice in, but they
Just because you are having on the other hand, may be less desir- will be saving the less energetic as-
fun and including a little competition able to them. Take advantage of this signments for homework.
in the classroom does not mean your by assigning and rewarding group

students are not learning. There are tasks when possible.
countless games you can use in the BE AFRAID TO DRIFT FROM
ESL class to review vocabulary and
grammar and encourage conversa-
tion. CLASSES THAT IS. Lesson plans are essential in the lives
of a teacher, but good teachers know

If you are lucky enough to have native that there are times to veer from even
GET YOUR STUDENTS speakers at your disposal, try partner- the best of plans. When your students
MOVING. ing up with another class in your school ask questions that lead into practi-
for conversation sessions. Conversa- cal applications of grammar, use the
Getting your ESL students up and mov- tion sessions in grammar class? Yes! opportunity to teach those concepts.
ing around the classroom will serve Your students can practice the gram- Granted, every day cannot be an ad-
multiple purposes. Not only will physi- mar they are learning, and they can venture to an unplanned grammar
cal activity keep your students more use their conversation partner as a concept, but there are times when
awake and focus their attention on the resource for any questions they might teachable moments are more impor-
lesson at hand, it will also help them have about native speakers. tant than what is written in the lesson
remember and retain the language
they are learning. Making physical as-
sociations with language concepts is
the key to Total Physical Response, FAIL TO OFFER VARIETY.
a well know and well respected ESL
teaching method. Though having stu-
dents move around the classroom
Especially when your syllabus
follows the chapters of a book, you
may find you offer the same activities
may seem chaotic at times, the ad- Even students with the best attention for your students day after day, chap-
vantages far outweigh the drawbacks spans have a difficult time listening to ter after chapter. Make a point of doing
when it comes to actions in class. a 20 minute lecture in a second lan- different types of activities with every
guage. In addition, postmodern cul-

few grammatical concepts you teach,
MAKE CLASS ture has conditioned students of all and if you really want to engage your
COMMUNICATIVE. ages to expect quick changes from students, try to meet every learning
one activity to another. On a good day, style every day. When your students
Communicative classes focus on com- you can expect your elementary and are using discussion, research, pre-
munication and langue use by stu- secondary students to have an at- sentations and other means to learn
dents rather than theory and repetitive tention span equal to one minute per and practice grammar, they will stay
practice. Make a habit of encouraging year of age. That means a classroom more interested in what you and their
your students to use the language that full of ten year olds, at best, can hope fellow students have to say.
for ten minutes of attention on a given

After teaching the same class
semester after semester, it is easy to
overly rely on prior lesson plans. Even
when last year’s lesson plans are the
starting point, the best teachers are
always learning, trying new activities,
and tailoring their class periods to the
personalities and needs of their stu-
dents. So even if you have success-
fully taught this particular grammar
class before, be looking for new and
interesting ways to teach and prac-
tice the concepts you are introducing
to your students and then implement
them in class.


That does not have to be true in your
grammar classroom. When you make
a point of being creative and flexible
in your classroom, your students will
be engaged in class and will become
more successful learners of the English

How to Take Grammar from the
Textbook Pages into the Classroom
by looking at the chapter and the topics it When I plan my instruction, I look at what
“HERE’S THE BOOK YOU’LL USE FOR covers. Subheadings are my best friends I have done in the past, make sure I un-
CLASS. I NEED YOUR LESSON PLANS during this process, and I schedule each derstand the topic myself, and look for
BY TOMORROW.” of those topics on my weekly planer. creative ways to present the information
This was my introduction to teaching to my students.
ESL. My supervisor gave me a book and For example, if I have ten topics to cover

little else and expected me to create a for chapter one and seven days to do it, REFRESH YOUR MEMORY
syllabus and a semester’s worth of les- I look to see which topics I can teach to-
son plans that would challenge and en- gether. Then I write each topic in its day The advantage to planning so far in
gage my students and see their language on my calendar. I may teach two topics advance is I don’t get the night-before-
skills soar, all in just a day. Needless to the first day, one the second through class-panic of not being prepared. The
say, I felt like I was in over my head. fourth, and then two the fifth and sixth disadvantage is that I am more likely
days. I’ll leave the seventh day for the to forget what I planned to do, so every
I’ve come a long way since then, but it last topic and also plan some time for re- day before the next class I review my
wasn’t always easy. Here’s what I’ve view and questions. notes. I note any copies or supplies I will
learned about taking a text book and cre- need and gather these. I may also tweak

ating an effective learning environment
PLAN EACH DAY my plans if we are falling behind or are
since then. ahead of schedule. I have learned that
The last step in my lesson plan- flexibility is key for this type of planning,
4 IMPORTANT STEPS TO ning is deciding what we will actually and I am always ready to add activities,
TAKE WHILE PLANNING do in class each day, and I typically cut them or shift them to another day on
YOUR SEMESTER plan about two weeks at a time. Often, the calendar.
my text book has exercises I can use


The way I approach my syllabus
in class with my students. I particularly
like using partner work and oral activities
when the text supplies them. Most writ-
I don’t know if most teachers plan as
far in advance as I do, but after fif-
design now is a lot different than it was ten exercises I plan to assign for home- teen years teaching ESL, this is what
for my first teaching job. Then, I took work since I’d rather spend class time on works for me.
another teacher’s syllabus and copied it communicative activities. Then I look for I like being prepared each day and being
substituting my name for hers. Today, the ways to supplement the activities in the able to get the big picture of the school
first thing I do is look at the semester as book. This is when I think about learn- year up front. I find that with advance
a whole. I’ve taught in ESL programs that ing styles and doing different types of planning I don’t get that frantic feeling
ran on four week semesters and others activities throughout the chapter. I try to trying to cover half of the text book in the
that required nine months of planning. get my students moving, include physi- last week of class. I also find that my stu-
Most of the time, though, my semesters cal props when possible, think about how dents learn better when I feel prepared
last around 16 weeks. But whether my they can communicate with each other, and confident.
planning is for months or just days, I start and plan projects, presentations, etc. If
the same. I look at the material I need I have taught the material before, I look If you have a system that works for you
to cover and divide it amongst semester. back on what I did and read my own post it’s a good feeling, isn’t it? But if you have
This way I have a very general lesson class notes. If I find activities that were a text book and aren’t sure what to do
plan for the entire course. successful, I include them in my plans. If next, maybe you’ll be able to learn from
I find activities that were a bomb or were my experience. If you give it a try, good
For example, if I need to cover ten chap- particularly confusing, I make sure I don’t luck, and don’t be afraid to share what
ters in my text book (and it doesn’t mat- include them this time through. Once I works for you with the other teachers
ter if the school chooses that book or if plan each day, I know what activities my around you.
I do) I make a full semester plan. If my students will do in class, what they will do
semester is 16 weeks, I have 1.5 weeks for homework, and that they will have a
to cover each of those 10 chapters, plan- variety of learning experiences through-
ning ahead for one week of review and out the chapter. I also note any supplies
catch up before finals. or handouts I will need for class and
make a list to keep with my lesson plans.


Once I have my chapters penciled
Daily planning is also when I make my
instructional plan. I try to keep lecture to
in on the calendar, I look at each one. I a minimum, but as a teacher I still need
usually start with one or two. The other to present information to my students.
chapters I plan later. I make a rough plan

Grammar Like Vegetables: 5 Ways
to Sneak it Into Students’ Diets
students, whether they realize it or not, pairing a low performing student with
IT IS EASY FOR ESL STUDENTS will internalize the structure you are one excelling at her language learning.
TO BECOME INUNDATED WITH modeling. So before you teach the next Without intention by either speaker,
GRAMMAR LESSONS. great grammar topic to your students, the struggling student will modify his
After all, isn’t structure the greatest make a point of modeling it in your own speech to be more like the star student.
foundation of language? But the best speech as often as possible. That way Be careful, though, not to overuse this
teachers and the most engaged stu- when you move on to instruction, your strategy or your advanced students will
dents don’t let every English class students will already have some famil- find their language slipping to become
center around grammar. And great iarity with it and an understanding of more like their partner’s.
teachers know the tricks of sneak- how to use it in their speaking.

ing grammar “lessons” into classroom

activities without their students even
knowing they are doing it. Here are Giving your students an oppor-
some secrets from the pros on how to When I think back to high school tunity to read authentic English mate-
slip grammar lessons into everyday ac- science class, I remember a huge dia- rials without requiring follow up activi-
tivities without anyone knowing. gram of the periodic table. Natural el- ties or assessment is another way to
ements aren’t likely to come in handy sneak grammar instruction into their
SMALL TRICKS TO in an ESL class, but sneaky teachers language learning diets. When stu-
TEACH GRAMMAR can still take a page from my chemistry dents read, they see English grammar
UNOBTRUSIVELY teacher. Don’t leave your walls blank. used correctly. With enough exposure
The four canvases surrounding you to language in this form, and when it

As a teacher, you are regularly
and your students, otherwise known as
walls, can be a constant teaching tool.
Use posters, other displays, or create
is paired with ESL instruction, your
students will find themselves absorb-
ing the grammar they see on the page.
modeling correct grammatical struc- your own masterpieces to teach cor- The key here is to avoid putting pres-
tures for your students, but when they rect grammar use. Even great teach- sure on your students when it comes
speak they are not always following ers lose the attention of their students to this type of reading. Being patient is
your example. Some teachers fall into at times, but as long as your walls are essential, and eventually your students
the habit of stopping their students covered with lessons, that time will will begin to pick up what someone
when they misspeak and having them not be wasted for your students. Plus, else has put on the page.
repeat the sentence correctly. And seeing the same lessons every day in
while that may be the best approach at class will cement them into your stu-
times, those times are rare. Teachers dents’ minds. And if you feel the need, ESL TEACHERS ARE A VALUABLE
who know this sneaky grammar secret, cover them up during testing periods, RESOURCE FOR THEIR STUDENTS.
though, don’t make overt correction though that may not be necessary. THEY HOLD THE KNOWLEDGE OF
a regular habit. Because of the way THE TARGET LANGUAGE AND THE

the brain processes language, simply
restating what your student said but QUESTIONS. THE BEST TEACHERS DO
with correct grammar may be enough In natural speech, whether in a EVEN MORE. WHEN THEY USE THESE
to correct your students’ usage. So if first or second language, a speaker’s SNEAKY SECRETS FOR GETTING
a student says, “I goed to the store,” language use adjusts to approach GRAMMAR INTO THEIR STUDENTS’
the sneaky teacher will simply respond, that of a conversation partner. This DIETS, THEY ARE ABLE TO TEACH
“Oh, you went to the store. When did means that ESL students who speak WITHOUT EVEN SEEMING TO. AND
you go?” In so doing, the student has with native speakers will, unknowingly, THEIR STUDENTS ARE THE ONES
a correct model of the past tense verb use better grammar and overall skills WHO BENEFIT.
without having his speaking interrupted than those speaking with a nonnative
or discouraged. Then his conscious as speaker. Bringing these native speak-
well as his subconscious will work to- ers into your classroom, then, can be a
gether to correct and solidify the gram- great instructional tool without seeming
matical concept in his mind. so. Native speakers are often willing to
be conversation partners to ESL stu-


You are your students’ best ex-
dents, and your students will love their
time with native speakers. If you don’t
have native speakers at your dispos-
ample of correct English usage. And al, though, don’t write off this strategy
when you use a particular structure yet. When you pair your students for
frequently in your own speech, your speaking activities and role plays, try

Have You Got It? Three Essential
Pieces to Every Grammar Lesson
meaning, we have nothing. Method ture or what it means when they do,
YOU COME INTO GRAMMAR without meaning is like memorizing or they won’t understand what they
CLASS FULL OF EXCITEMENT AND a math equation without understand- mean even when they can follow
ENTHUSIASM. ing what it does. (How many people the correct grammatical formula. For
You present your students with the really know the meaning behind the most teachers, teaching the how or
day’s lesson, and clearly explain how equation e=mc2?) For the future pro- form of grammar is obvious. Teaching
to form the future progressive tense. gressive example, your students need the meaning and the function may not
They seem to understand, can do the to understand that the future progres- come through as clearly. That’s why
exercises and don’t ask any difficult sive is used for actions that will be in the best grammar teachers make a
questions. They must have it, right? progress at some future time. They point to spend time teaching all three
So why don’t they use the future need to know what an action in prog- pieces in every grammar lesson.
progressive correctly in the days to ress entails. They need to understand When you spend equal time teach-
come? It’s because a good grammar what a future time might be. When ing method, meaning and function,
lesson includes more than just how they understand the meaning of the your students will know not only what
to put words together. Without know- future progressive tense, they can to do, but why to do it and how. And
ing how to form a grammatical struc- create a mental image of an action when they know that, they will be bet-
ture, what it means and how to use it, happening in the future and being in- ter language learners and speakers
your student’s won’t be getting all the terrupted by another action. all around.
grammar they need.

Once your students are com-
fortable creating the form and know
what that form means, it is time to talk

The first piece you need for ev-
about function. In grammatical terms,
the function is what the target struc-
ture is for. Why do we use that partic-
ery grammar lesson is probably the ular grammatical structure? This third
most obvious. Your students need to piece of the grammar lesson would
know how to do something, how to show students that the future progres-
form a tense, what helping verb to sive tense is used to talk about an
use, what elements are necessary for event that will be in progress in the
a clause. This is method. This is the future. That that event may or may
rule of grammar. If you were teaching not have already started at the pres-
a lesson on the future progressive, for ent moment. That it may or may not
example, you would explain to your continue after that point in the future.
students how to create that grammati- Your students will understand that the
cal form. You would show them how to function of the future progressive is to
combine the subject of the sentence describe a scene and what is happen-
with the future form of the helping ing at a point of time in the future –
verb be and the progressive form or whether that point in time is an actual
second form of the verb. This combi- moment or another event is irrelevant.
nation Subject + be(fut) + V(2nd form)
= the future progressive tense. Your
students can now form this tense with WHEN YOUR STUDENTS UNDER-
any subject and any verb you give STAND WHAT TO DO FOR A SPECIFIC
them. But that is not enough. They STRUCTURE, WHAT THAT STRUC-
need to know what this tense means. TURE MEANS AND WHEN TO USE

Knowing how to create a par-
All three pieces of information are
ticular grammatical structure will only necessary if your students are to be
take you so far if you do not know successful language learners. If any
what it means. After all, language is of the three is missing, you will see
a way to express the ideas and men- that your students will not know why
tal images in our minds. Without the they should use a particular struc-

What Place Does Grammar Have
in Speaking Class
to get their points across and let the jections and their function in spoken
GRAMMAR IS A KEY PIECE OF ANY grammar be what it will be. language. Then, I encourage my stu-
LANGUAGE, AND STUDENTS OF dents to use interjections as we put

SECOND LANGUAGES SPEND MUCH WHEN PUSH ourselves at an imaginary profes-
OF THEIR TIME LEARNING GRAM- sional sporting event and they use the
language they are learning.
At times, though, a student can focus Even with creative language use,
on grammar too much. Throughout though, there are times when the
my years of teaching ESL, I have had correct grammar is essential to get- IF YOU FIND YOURSELF TEACHING
many students who spend the major- ting the message across. Think of the A SPEAKING CLASS AND ARE WON-
ity of their language learning energy conditional structure in English, for DERING WHERE GRAMMAR FITS
on grammar, writing and reading. example. The difference in verb tense INTO THE PICTURE, HERE IS WHAT
Sometimes these students overly pur- can mean the difference between I HAVE LEARNED BASED ON MY
sue written language and don’t spend something that happened and some- OWN EXPERIENCE. LET GRAMMAR
any time on the spoken language. thing that didn’t. “I would have called INTO THE PICTURE WHEN IT COMES
When this happens, the speaking you” and “I called you” have very dif- NATURALLY OR IS NECESSARY FOR
teacher may not know where the fine ferent meanings. For situations such CORRECT MEANING. BUT IF YOUR
line between grammar and speaking as these, it is important to explain the STUDENTS CAN GET THEIR MEANING
is, or if there even is a line dividing the correct grammar to your students and ACROSS THROUGH CREATIVE LAN-
two. The following are suggestions on require them to use it appropriately. GUAGE USE, LET THEM. EVENTUALLY
how to include grammar in the speak- Teaching grammar this way doesn’t THEY WILL LEARN THE CORRECT
ing classroom without letting it over- mean you aren’t maintaining a com- GRAMMAR FOR EVERY SITUATION
whelm your speaking class. municative classroom. On the con- (IF THEY CONTINUE THEIR STUDIES),
trary, without this stress on grammar BUT THEY MAY NOT DEVELOP THE
TRY BALANCING your students will not be able to com- COURAGE AND CREATIVITY TO COM-
GRAMMAR AND municate accurately. So take a few MUNICATE IF THEY ARE NOT GIVEN
SPEAKING IN THE minutes to give grammatical instruc- THE CHANCE IN SPEAKING CLASS.
FOLLOWING WAYS tion, and then move on to using what

your students have learned. Offer cor-
KEEP IT COMMUNICATIVE rections if students are miscommuni-
cating because of grammatical errors.
Communicative classrooms are

stressed more these day than they
were in the past. ESL teachers want EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE
to encourage their students to speak
Most conversation classes that
and communicate rather than memo-
I have taught have been topical in
rize or follow scripted conversations.
nature. Whether in a restaurant, at a
Grammar is necessary for good com-
sporting event, or the business world,
munication, but a communicative
instruction and activities are focused
classroom entails more than that.
on one subject area or one topic.
When you encourage your students to
These situational contexts can be the
communicate creatively with the lan-
perfect venue for introducing gram-
guage they know, there are sure to be
matical concepts to your class. When
grammar errors. On the other hand,
the grammar comes naturally as part
encouraging this creativity with lan-
of the topic at hand, it enhances the
guage more closely approaches how
lesson rather than retracting from it.
language is used in the real world. In
For example, I have found that units
first and second languages, creative
on sporting events are a great op-
communication means getting your
portunity to talk about interjections.
message across with whatever tools
Though not all that common in every
you have at your disposal. When the
day speech, expressions such as yay,
grammar isn’t right, as long as the
go, shoot, and score are peppered
message gets across the communi-
throughout the speech at any major
cation is a success. So in your next
sporting event. So before I role-play
speaking class, don’t force prescribed
such a scenario with my students, I
grammar into your students’ speak-
take a few minutes to discuss inter-
ing. Let them use what they know

How to Create a Grammar Lesson
Plan for a Beginning ESL Class
them the structure you are teaching, concepts. The more variety they have
WHETHER YOURS IS THEIR VERY and be sure to give them one or two in their practice session, the more eas-
FIRST CLASS OR THEY HAVE A LITTLE simple examples. You will also want ily your students will remember the con-
EXPERIENCE WITH ENGLISH UNDER to explain why they need to know this cept you are teaching. Don’t leave out
THEIR BELTS, YOUR BEGINNING topic since it will motivate your students good old written practice, but saving it
LEVEL ESL STUDENTS HAVE A LOT and help them put a tangible context to for homework is best.
TO LEARN. what they are learning. Of course, since

Teaching a beginning level class can they are beginners you may not be able ASSESS
be very exciting, watching students to get all the why’s across, but do what
learn, seeing the light bulbs come on, you can. The point is for your students Have your students learned the
but it can also be very challenging. If to see the grammatical concept as concept you are teaching? Probably,
you are teaching students with no Eng- practical and useful. if you have followed this plan step by
lish background, you may find yourself step, but it is still necessary to do some

starting with the ABC’s. If your students
GIVE EXAMPLES type of assessment with your class.
have had some past experience with Assessment doesn’t have to be taking
language learning, you may not need After you introduce the topic to a test, and you certainly don’t want to
to cover the most basic building blocks, your students, be sure to give plenty spring a quiz on your students the first
but you’ll still be tackling the founda- of correct examples of the grammatical day you teach a concept. An assess-
tions of the language. The good news structure. Simple examples are good, ment simply measures how well your
is that beginning students learn quickly. but don’t be afraid to show your stu- students are performing with the given
You have plenty of topics to choose dents something a little more complex. grammatical concept and whether or
from, and you may have more freedom You are not expecting them to produce not they are meeting the goals you set.
in the grammar topics you cover than the structure like a native speaker at Once you have reached the end of your
teachers of more advanced classes do. this point, but giving them realistic ex- lesson, go back to the goals you set in
So where do you start when it’s time to amples shows them what they may be step one. Check to see if each student
get ready for that beginner class? able to do once they have their founda- has accomplished each goal you out-
tion in place. Some teachers shy away lined. You can do this through simple
HOW TO CREATE from using realia in the beginning class- observation, or you can require more
A GRAMMAR room, but it’s never too early for your formal written evidence. Vary your as-
LESSON PLAN FOR A students to see how language is really sessment according to the goal you
BEGINNING ESL CLASS used. In your examples, include one or have set. If a majority of your students
more from authentic language sources. have not met your objective, you know

The first step of any good lesson
Try looking in a newspaper, a blog or an
advertisement for examples, or listen to
the people around you and note how
you will have to follow up tomorrow with
more activities to help them reach your
plan is determining the outcomes you these native speakers use language in
are looking for. What grammatical con- their everyday speech.
cept are you going to teach? Common PLANNING A GRAMMAR LESSON

in beginning classrooms are the simple
tenses, prepositions, adjective and ad- TAKE IT STEP BY STEP.
verb use, sentence structure, informa- Now that your students have seen Preparation, modeling and practice are
tion questions and yes/no questions. the target structure used correctly, it’s key. Also, checking to make sure your
Choose one, then think about what you time to give them some practice. Ex- students have learned what you were
want your students to accomplish. Do ercises in grammar books will do the teaching will ensure the success of
you want to introduce them to the topic? job, but your students will benefit from your grammar lesson. Give your stu-
Give them practice? See them master a a little extra effort and planning on your dents positive feedback when you see
skill? The rest of your lesson plan will part. Try to include a variety of activi- them succeeding, and move on to the
depend on the answers to these ques- ties that will appeal to several different next challenge once they do.
tions. In fact, they might all be goals for learning styles. Try using props (like in-
the same class but over multiple class dex cards or post its) to arrange words
periods. in a sentence. Have oral practice as a
group and with partners. Sing a song if


When you get to class, you should
you know one, or make one up. Direct
your students to a website where they
can work on interactive quizzes. Get
start your lesson by introducing the top- your students up and moving, linking
ic to your students. You should show physical movement with grammatical

Three Rules for Clearing Up Defi-
nite / Indefinite Article Confusion
the meaning of the sentence. The
speaker is no longer making a gener-
alized statement or preference but is
talking about the weather on a specific
The second rule to keep in mind when
ESL students often find that choosing day. I like the cold weather (today).
teaching definite and indefinite ar-
the correct article in a given sentence
ticles is this. Unique objects always
is difficult. Perhaps it’s because their
take a definite article. Most of the
first language doesn’t use equivalents WE MUST CONCLUDE OUR DISCUS-
time, these unique nouns will also be
of a, the and some. Perhaps it is be- SION OF INDEFINITE AND DEFINITE
proper nouns. Since they are names
cause English sometimes seems to be ARTICLES WITH BOTH GOOD AND
and usually start with capital letters,
more exceptions than it is rules. What- BAD NEWS.
your students may have less trouble
ever the reason, every ESL teacher The bad news is that English is full
determining what article to use for
will have to teach articles at some of exceptions and confusing choices.
unique nouns. However, not every
point or another. Here are some tips Your students will have to know and
unique noun is a proper noun. Take
for you and your students for keep- accept that at times they will make
the following example. I looked at the
ing things straight when you face the errors when it comes to choosing ar-
moon last night. Though moon is not
question of definite or indefinite. ticles. The good news is that those
a proper noun and does not start with
mistakes can be few and far between
THE DEFINITE/ a capital letter, it is still a unique noun.
when students understand and re-
INDEFINITE ARTICLE The earth only has one moon, and so
member these three rules for choosing
CONFUSION: 3 RULES any reference to the moon should use
a definite article. Other examples like
the correct article.

this include the first lady, the president
ARE YOU NEW and the government.
Don’t forget that any superlative nouns
So much of whether the correct choice are unique in that they are the one and
is the or a depends on context. Has a only best. (The best ice-cream, the
particular noun been introduced earlier worst movie, etc.) Also, a noun might
in a conversation? Is this the first time be unique because of its association
the object or person is coming up? with a previously mentioned noun in
For objects that are new to the con- the sentence. Take the following ex-
versational context, a or an is usually ample. I got a book on car repair.
the correct choice. These indefinite The cover was very interesting.
articles indicate that a general person, Though many books exist as do many
place or thing is being referenced. covers, this one cover is unique be-
Take the following sentence for exam- cause it belongs to the book that I had
ple. I saw a dog. Because I am using already mentioned in the conversa-
the indefinite article a, the reader can tion.
assume that I have not said anything

about this dog earlier in my conversa-
tion. From this point forward, however,
I will use a definite article for the same The final generalization when it
animal. The dog tried to chase me. comes to definite and indefinite article
If I am introducing a plural noun to the use comes into play with generalized
conversation, some is going to be the statements or accepted truths. When
correct choice the first go around. This a person is stating a general fact, the
plural indefinite article should be used noun does not take any article. The
with the first introduction of a plural noun usually appears in its plural form
noun. I saw some dogs. As with sin- in these factual statements. Rain
gular nouns, any further reference to (noncount) falls from the sky. Rain-
this plural noun should use the definite drops (count) fall from the sky. No
article the. The dogs tried to chase article is necessary. Similarly, gener-
me. (The is appropriate for both singu- alized statements use the plural form
lar and plural nouns.) without articles. I like cold weather
(anytime). If one were to use an ar-
ticle in this sentence, it would change

You Really Should: 5 Activities
for Practicing English Modals
ent activities than they used in the last ham). Using Green Eggs and Ham as a
CAN YOU? COULD YOU? WOULD YOU? one. This is a great activity for letting model, students should write their own
SHOULD YOU? IF YOU ARE ASKING students get to know each other at the silly book about that activity, complete
ABOUT MODALS IN THE ESL CLASS- beginning of the year. It’s also good for with illustrations. Once their books are
ROOM, THE ANSWER IS YES. students who have been together for complete, have students read them to
You should review these unique verb a while when the activities are a little the class. Collect the books and make
combinations with your students, and more out of the ordinary. them available in your classroom read-
you can have fun while you do it. These ing center for students to reread during

out of the ordinary modal activities give
WOULD YOU DO THAT? free reading time. In addition to talking
you and your students a chance to prac- about modals, this is also a good activ-
tice can, would, could, and might and This tournament style activity gets ity for reviewing syllables and rhyme in
have fun at the same time. With them, students thinking about things they English.
students will feel good about what they would and would not do. Have each

are learning, and you can feel confident person make a list of ten things they ON LOCATION
that these activities will make a lasting have never done – five they would do
impact on their English learning jour- and five they would not do. (For ex- Vacations are full of exciting ac-
neys. ample, Marie might eat sushi but would tivities and fun things to see. In this ac-
not jump out of a plane.) Each person tivity, students will describe a vacation
TRY THESE 5 should make sure these activities are location using the modal could. Stu-
FANTASTIC ACTIVITIES listed in random order. Then, have stu- dents work in pairs or individually. Each
FOR PRACTICING dents partner up and exchange lists. pair chooses a location where some-
ENGLISH MODALS The pairs get no more than five minutes one might go for vacation – the beach,
to read each other’s lists and try and an amusement park, the grocery store,


Talking about the abilities that your
guess what five things their partner is
willing to do. Once he thinks he knows
the five activities, he shares his choices
camping, etc. Students work with their
partners to write five sentences de-
scribing what a person could do at that
class members have is a great way to with his partner. He gets five guesses location. Pairs then take turns reading
review use of the modal can. The re- and should phrase his guesses like their sentences to the rest of the class,
view is even better when you can turn “(I think) You would _________.” The and the class must then guess what lo-
it into a fun and engaging game – like other person either confirms that he cation they are describing.
Bingo. To start, have a class discussion would do the activity or states that he

about the things a person might be able would not do it. The guesser scores DO YOU HEAR
to do. Include things that some people one point for every guess he gets right.
can do and others cannot do, and make WHAT I HEAR?
Then partners reverse roles. The per-
a big list on your board. Once your list son who guessed more activities cor- This activity takes some preparation on
has 30-50 abilities, it’s time to prepare rectly wins the round. Losers are out your part, but it’s sure to get your stu-
for the game. Give your students each of the competition. The winners then dents talking with modal verbs. To pre-
a blank bingo board (you can find many partner up with someone else and play pare, collect several items from home
templates online), and have them fill the second round the same as the first. that make a sound. They could be any-
in the spaces with one of the abilities Continue until you have only one pair thing from a bicycle bell to pouring ce-
you listed on the board. Then, when left and one winner. Award the winner a real out of a box. Divide the class into
you say go, students mingle around the prize for how well he or she knows his two teams. Keep the objects hidden un-
classroom asking each other, “Can you classmates. der a box or behind a curtain and make
_________?” asking about one of the
a noise with the object. Teams take

activities listed on their bingo board. If
WOULD YOU, COULD YOU turns trying to guess what the object is.
the person he asks can do that activity,
On their turn, the team gets 60 seconds
he marks off the square with their name. Bring a little levity to your ESL to discuss what the item is. As they dis-
If they cannot do it, he moves on and classroom with one of children’s litera- cuss the sound, they should use sen-
asks another person about that ability ture’s most well-known and well-loved tences like, “It might be a ... It could be
or another one on his board. Students books. Read Dr. Seuss’ famous book a ... It must be a ...” After the minute is
can only ask each person about one Green Eggs and Ham to your class. Af- up the team must make a final guess
ability before moving on to ask another ter reading, give them the printed text as to what the object is. If they are cor-
classmate, but they can come back to of the book, and ask them to work with rect, they score ten points. If they guess
the same people as often as they like. a partner to locate all the modal verbs incorrectly, they lose five points. Once
When someone gets five spaces in a Seuss uses. Then, have those same each team has had several turns, the
row, he calls bingo. If you want to play pairs think of an activity they might team with the most points wins the
another round, have students fill in an- not like to do (like eat green eggs and game.
other blank bingo board using differ-
It Can Be Done! How to Teach
Modals in the Passive Voice
is what we expect (often at a specific T: What happens if someone parks in a
GRAMMAR WAS TAUGHT. day or hour), and we use “must” when “no parking” zone?
Mistakes were made and corrected. we reach a conclusion based on certain S: A fine must be paid.
Students were assigned homework, and information given (You didn’t sleep at all

it was handed in the following day. The last night? You must be very tired?) or PERFORMANCE –
students were congratulated on their when talking about obligations, respon-
efforts: do we actually speak like this? COMPANY MEMO
sibilities or necessities (You must pass
Well, certainly not all of the time, but the test to pass the course). Tell students they must write a com-
still, the passive voice must be taught, pany memo in which they must remind

which brings me to the point of this ar-
PRESENTATION: INTRO- employees of certain aspects of com-
ticle: how can you teach modals in the
passive voice in a way that is painless DUCE MODALS IN PASSIVE pany policy, like dress code or basic of-
fice rules. They must try to use modals
and hassle-free? I can’t guarantee it will Now is the time to combine both, the in the passive.
be completely painless (it is the passive passive voice and modals. Ask stu-
voice, after all) but here’s how you can dents questions about the future (future RE: Changes in company policy
structure your lesson so that your class passive): Will Candidate X be elected
doesn’t get lost in a whirlwind of mays, This is a friendly reminder regarding
President? (Cue the shrugging and oth-
mights and coulds. certain office rules. The dress code for
er displays of uncertainty). Students will
most days is “business casual”: jeans
say yes, no or maybe. And this is when
DISCOVER HOW TO you say: Candidate X may be elected
may be worn only on “casual Fridays”.
And please help keep the office kitchen
THE PASSIVE VOICE T: Who else may be elected?
clean and tidy. Cups must be washed
and put away. Food must not be left

S: Candidate Y may be elected.
REVIEW THE PASSIVE VOICE on the counter: it may be kept in the
T: And Candidate Z could be elected,
fridge, but please be mindful of expira-
but that’s not very likely.
Review the forms of the Passive tion dates. Finally, I’d like to remind you

Voice that were previously taught in- that all food items that are not meant
cluding progressive forms. The main POINT OUT THE STRUCTURE to be shared should be clearly labeled
goal here is not only to review how the with your name and kept in the kitchen.
Show students the structure for
structure is formed, but also when stu- Food must not be stored in desk draw-
using modals in the passive voice:
dents need to use the passive. You can ers.
play a game to get them into a “passive
voice” state of mind, a game in which Students write up their memos and then
Person/ could past
they can review the passive in different switch with a partner, who must under-
object + may + be + participle
tenses. But what I really recommend is line all of the modals used in passive
might of verb
introducing a “topic” your students can voice. They may point out any mistakes
relate to. For example, with a group of or suggestions for correction/improve-
adult students, talk about what’s been ment.

happening in the city: Are streets be-
ing repaired? Was a historical site PRACTICE – POSSIBILITY, MODALS IN THE PASSIVE VOICE
restored? Were new traffic lights in- PROBABILITY & CERTAINTY CAN’T BE AVOIDED AND SHOULD BE
stalled? Will elections be held soon? In TAUGHT.
this case, we use the passive because Ask questions surrounding a particular
Now, whether they are taught in an en-
the “subject” responsible for the action context, for example, what’s happening
gaging, painless way is entirely up to
is the government, and the important in your city. Ask some questions with
you. In my experience, setting a useful
thing is not the subject of every action, “will” (future passive): students have to
context is always more helpful than ran-
but rather the things that are being ac- answer with the appropriate modal in
dom, disconnected sentences. Explain
complished. passive:
not only the grammar but also how,
T: Some streets are in bad shape. Will
when and where to use it, and you can’t

they be repaired?
REVIEW MODALS S1: The streets should be repaired.
go wrong.

Very briefly review how we ex- T: Will new street lights be installed?
press the different degrees of prob- S2: New lights may be installed.
ability with modals: anything “could”
happen (it’s possible), but something Also, ask some questions of the “what
that “may” or “might” happen is prob- happens if” type: again encourage stu-
able. Something that “should” happen dents to use modals:

10 Fun, Fabulous Activities
for Practicing Adjectives
Divide your class into two (or
Can a match made in heaven
more) teams to play this adjective happen in an ESL class? Your stu-
ADJECTIVES? elicitation game. One at a time, stu- dents will be able to answer that ques-
Here are some easy ideas to keep on dents come to the front of the room. (If tion at the end of this activity. Each per-
hand for practice or a quick review. possible, you may want to put some son in class will play matchmaker for
type of divider between the students an unattached friend or family mem-
TRY THESE SIMPLE or use an easel so neither person can ber. Each person starts by making a
IDEAS TO MAKE see what the other writes.) To play list of adjectives which describe her
WORK WITH one round, show the two students single friend. The adjectives should
ADJECTIVES (and your class) a picture. For the describe appearance and personal-
THRILLING next sixty seconds, each person must ity (both good and bad), and students
write down as many adjectives to de- should also list likes and dislikes for


Have your students create their
scribe the picture as he or she can
think of. At the end of the minute, have
students compare their lists. Any word
their friend. Then, students go around
the room asking questions about
their classmates’ single friends. The
own Bingo boards for an adjective both students listed gets crossed off. matchmaker’s goal is to find someone
review game. Give students a blank Each student gets one point for every who is similar to his friend and who he
bingo board and some old maga- remaining adjective and minus one thinks would be a good match. When
zines. Students should cut pictures of point for every word which is not an students think they have found one,
people out of the magazine, one for adjective for his team. Continue until they should show you the two profiles
each blank on the bingo board, and everyone has had a turn up front. The and see if you agree.
glue them in place however they see team with the most points wins the

fit. Students should use a variety of
different pictures and different peo-
game. PEN PALS

ple. Once the glue dries, it’s time to
play human adjective bingo. To play, ADJECTIVE MATCH IT In this creative activity from, students will work to-
call out different adjectives that can To play this adjective review gether to create a letter from a pen
describe people. If a picture on their game, you or your students will need pal. Divide your class into groups of
board matches that description, they to create a deck of adjective cards. eight, and make a copy of this blank
can cover the square. When someone You can use index cards or upcycle pen pal form for each student. Stu-
calls bingo tell your class to keep their an old deck that may be missing a dents start by filling in the blanks of
markers in place. The class will have card or two. To prep the game, sim- the first sentence, which gives a name
to agree that the people and adjec- ply write a different adjective on each and age for the pen pal. Then they
tives match to win the game. card. To play, each person starts with should fold over the top of the paper
a picture. You might want to choose so no one can see what they wrote.

Depending on the personality
pictures for your students or have
them choose their own. You can use
magazine pictures, travel brochures,
Everyone passes their papers to the
person on their right and then fills in
the next sentence which describes
of your class, you can play bingo us- pictures printed off the internet, or what the person looks like. Again, stu-
ing the pictures of your students on a have students bring in pictures they dents fold down the top of the paper
blank bingo board in place of pictures have taken themselves. Each person to hide what they have written before
from a magazine. Start by giving each lays the picture in front of him so he passing it to the right again. Continue
person a blank bingo board, and ask and the other players can easily see in this manner, filling in the blanks,
them to fill in the spaces with adjec- it. Then, the dealer gives each person folding the top of the paper down, and
tives that might describe a person. four cards and turns the first card over passing the paper to the right until all
Then, instead of pulling adjectives to make a discard pile. The goal is to of the sentences on each sheet are
randomly, show random pictures of get four cards, and therefore four ad- complete. Pass the paper one more
your students (one person per photo) jectives, that describe the picture in time and have students unfold it to re-
as well as other teachers and stu- front of you. On each turn, pick up one veal the letter from their pen pal. Be
dents they might know going about card either from the draw pile or the prepared for some entertaining com-
their usual (or unusual) activities. If discard pile. Then discard one. (Play binations of descriptive adjectives.
you take pictures of special events or is similar to Gin Rummy.) The one
classroom activities, this game is a who gets four cards that describe his
great way to make them work double picture wins.

This activity will help your stu-
on the board, one at a time, to make
a more interesting sentence. As they
add adjectives, point out the correct
order in which to place them. (For a
dents understand how similar adjec-
tives can have different degrees of in- simple summary of how to order ad-
tensity. To prepare, take a trip to your jectives, see this adjective lesson plan
local hardware store or anyplace else on Once students
where they sell wall paint. Gather sev- are familiar with the process, put them
eral paint sample cards which have in pairs and give them some addition-
two or more shades from the same al simple sentences. Give students
family. In class, give your students a a few minutes to expand their sen-
pair of adjectives which have similar tences as creatively as possible and
meanings but are of different inten- then come back together as a class
sity. For example, you might use any to share what students have written.
of the following pairs: hungry/starving,
angry/furious, tired/exhausted, small/
tiny, big/gigantic, sad/miserable,
smart/brilliant, or bad/horrible. Write
In this adjective activ-
the general adjective on the lighter ity, your students will have a chance
end of the paint sample card and the to be creative and imaginative. Give
more intense adjective on the darker each student two sticky notes. On one
end of the card. Then divide your stu- note they should write a noun and on
dents into groups of two or three to the other an adjective. Encourage stu-
make their own set of cards with more dents to be creative. Then, have stu-
pairs of adjectives. You may want to dents mingle around the classroom.
give them the general adjectives as During this time, they should look at
a starting place and encourage them what every other student has written
to use a thesaurus to find a match. on his sticky notes. The challenge is to
Encourage students to come up with use either another student’s adjective
their own pairs as well. If you like, with her noun or the other student’s
post these adjective pairs on a bulletin noun with her adjective and put the
board decorated with a painter’s pal- two together in a creative sentence.
let. Encourage students to use more Partners can work together to write
specific, intense adjectives in their one sentence when they are matched,
speech and writing for more vivid and and both should write it on their paper
accurate descriptions. next to their partner’s name. Contin-
ue the mix up until every student has

If you don’t make a display with
worked with every other student to
write a sentence using these creative
words. If you like, have individuals
share their favorite sentences with the
the cards from the previous activity,
use them to create a set of adjective rest of the class before collecting and
dominoes. Have students cut each checking what students came up with.
paint sample into two equal pieces
so each adjective is on its own piece.
Then, have students tape two pieces
from different cards together domino
style. Play a game of dominoes fol-
lowing the standard rules, but instead
of matching numbers match each ad-
jective to its more or less intense part-

This simple activity not only re-
views adjectives with your students
but gives them practice putting them
in the right order. Start by writing a
simple sentence on the board. (The
boy is holding a book.) Tell your stu-
dents that adjectives make a sen-
tence more interesting by giving de-
tails. Challenge your students to add
adjectives to the sentence you have

Who’s the Best? Five Hands-On
Activities for Using Superlatives
Who is the best of the best among your be able to answer that question when feedback about the two drinks. Which
students? Who’s the brightest? These you hold your own classroom Olym- tastes best? What qualities does the
answers may be tough to find, but that pics. You will probably want to hold winner have that make it excel? What
doesn’t mean your students can’t brag these events outside, so plan your qualities does the loser have that make
about themselves a little. These hands Olympics for a day that is warm and it fail? Encourage your students to use
on activities for practicing superlative sunny. You might also want to ask for superlative adjectives when they give
adjectives will give them a chance to one or more parent volunteers for the feedback. (E.g. A is the most bubbly.
share their feelings about the best field day to run different events. Bring B is the sweetest.) Once everyone
and the brightest as well as the tallest, some sidewalk chalk, a stopwatch (or has had a chance to taste test, reveal
most graceful, fastest and more. get the free app on your phone) and which drink is which. If your students
bottled water if you have it. Here are enjoy the activity, you might want to do
some events you can use. (Feel free blind tastings of salsa, ice cream, or
TRY THESE 5 to add, modify, or substitute as needed spaghetti sauce.
HANDS-ON for your resources, class needs, and

Who can jump the longest? 4 WHO AM I?

All you need is a printer and

If you are teaching internation-
Who can jump the highest?
Who can sprint the fastest?
Who can hold a squat the longest?
some plastic sleeves to make this
mystery person game that also gives
your students practice using superla-
als in the U.S., you probably hear a lot Who can do fifty jumping jacks the tive adjectives. Using scissors and
of measurements in meters and kilos. quickest? tape, a publishing program, or a table
(I know I always do.) This superlative Who can hold their breath the in a word processing program, arrange
activity will serve double duty as your longest? several pictures in a grid on a sheet
students measure in inches to deter- Who can bounce a soccer ball of paper. These pictures can be your
mine who in class is the most of the from one knee to the other the students, celebrities, or a random as-
most. Tell your students that they will most times? sortment of people. Print off a copy of
be taking measurements of each other Who can hula-hoop the longest? the page for each student and slide it
to determine answers to superlative Who can throw a bean bag the in a plastic sleeve. Then give each per-
questions. Choose ten categories for farthest? son a dry erase marker and a partner
measurement. (You can either do this Hold events one at a time or have vol- and your class is ready to play. Secret-
with your class or before class on your unteers man each station and record ly, each player chooses one person
own.) You might want to list the follow- students’ results. At the end of the day, on the paper as the mystery person.
ing qualities: the tallest person, the give awards to the winners of each Player 1 asks her partner one question
longest hair, the widest arm span, the event. After the classroom Olympics, about the mystery person. If possible,
biggest smile, the thinnest waist, the have students write a newspaper re- the question should use a superlative
smallest feet, etc. Whichever catego- view of the day including a complete adjective. (E.g. Is the mystery person
ries you use, try and keep them positive sentence about each winner (and us- the most musical?) Player 1 then elimi-
to avoid insulting your students. Write ing a superlative adjective in each sen- nates anyone on his paper that can-
the categories on the board, and give tence). not be the mystery person by crossing
each student a measuring tape. (You them out with the dry erase marker.
can often find free disposable measur-
ing tapes at furniture stores.) Then,
have students mingle taking measure-
ments and making notes. After ten to
Does the Coke/Pepsi debate run
Player 2 then takes a turn. Players
go back and forth, both asking ques-
tions until one person thinks he has
deep in your classroom? How do your determined the mystery person. The
twenty minutes, students should write students feel about other brand name first person to guess correctly wins the
a complete sentence using a superla- products? To find out, and use superla- game.
tive adjective for each category. (E.g. tive adjectives at the same time, hold

Manuel has the widest arm span.) Col- a blind taste test in your classroom. To
lect the papers and the numbers to set up the taste test, label two identical
see who got their measurements and paper cups A and B, and pour a little bit Who in your class likes to move
their superlatives correct. of Coke in one and Pepsi in the other. and groove? Who is the best dancer?
Do not let your students know which Find out in this lively classroom dance

Who among your students is the
product is A and which is B but make
sure you know the difference. Then
have your students taste each one. Af-
competition. Start by dividing your
class into teams of three. Have each
team brainstorm five positive adjec-
most athletic? Everyone in class will ter they do, ask students to give you tives that might describe how a per-

son dances. (For example, graceful,
beautiful, fast, entertaining, etc. Avoid
adjectives like clumsy and awkward.)
Have each group show you their list
for approval. Then tell your students
you will have an in class dance party
tomorrow and to bring their favor-
ite tunes. On the day of the dance
off, one team at a time will choose a
song and dance their hearts out. The
rest of the class will be their judges.
They have only until the end of the
song to choose the best for each of
their dance descriptives. Each judge
should write one sentence using the
superlative form of each adjective.
(For example, Su-Jan is the most
graceful dancer.) Each team takes
a turn dancing, and the other teams
make their judgments. Once every-
one has had their chance to dance,
have each group tabulate their results
awarding one point for each superla-
tive. Which dancer in the class got
the most superlatives? Compile the
results from each team to determine
who among your students is the best
overall dancer. If you can, award that
student a trophy to commemorate the



Who’s the Best? Five MORE Hands-
On Activities for Using Superlatives
Practicing superlative adjectives gets superlative adjectives but without us- rhythm should last four beats. Slap, clap,
your students thinking about the best of ing the person’s name. One sentence snap, rest. Repeat these motions and
the best. These activities will give them will be positive. (E.g. This person is the keep the rhythm going. Then, have one
the chance to share their opinions about most entertaining singer.) The other will person say a superlative about some-
themselves, their classmates and celeb- be negative. (E.g. This person is not the one in the class. On the first beat they
rities all over the world when they name most talented chef.) The groups should should say the person’s name. On the
the best and the brightest. write each pair of sentences on an index second beat they say “is”. On the last
card and, if possible, glue the celebrity’s two beats, they give the superlative. For
TRY THESE 5 picture to a separate index card. Once example, Juan (slap) is (clap) smartest
MORE HANDS-ON they have finished the sentences, have (snap and rest). On the next round, they
ACTIVITIES FOR USING each group shuffle and exchange their ask someone else in the circle about an-
SUPERLATIVES pictures and sentences with another other member of the class. The first beat
group. The second group will try and is the person who is being asked, the

1 MY FAMOUS FUTURE match the sentences to the right celeb- second beat “what’s” and the third beat
rity. the person in class being asked about.
True not many of us will be world For example, Lin (slap) what’s (clap)
famous, but that doesn’t mean we can’t
dream that we are. You can let your
students imagine a future in which they
People say that a dog is man’s best
Marie? (snap) Lin would then have to
make a superlative about Marie on the
next count. (Marie is sweetest. Jorge,
are award worthy and get practice us- friend, but who among your students what’s Min?) If a student cannot think
ing superlative adjectives at the same has the best pet? This activity gets your of a superlative or cannot complete it in
time. Brainstorm with your class vari- ESL students talking about why their pet the correct beat, he is eliminated from
ous international awards. They might be is best. Your elementary students will the circle. The game continues until only
anything from the Nobel Prize to getting love running a campaign for their dogs, one person is left.
a star on the Hollywood walk of fame. cats, etc. for best pet in the classroom.
Have each person imagine that they are
going to receive one of these awards in
their famous future. When they receive
Is their dog the smartest? Can it run the
fastest? Is it the cuddliest? Ask each
of your students to choose one of their
One of the best parts for students
the award, the M.C. of the ceremony pets (or make one up if they do not have getting their yearbooks at the end of a
will give a short speech saying what an a pet) and write five superlative state- school year is seeing the superlatives.
amazing person your students are and ments about it. They will display these These awards (best dressed, most likely
what they have accomplished in their statements on a campaign poster along to succeed, etc.) are given based on
lifetimes. Have your students write this with a picture of their pet, but the post- student votes. Hold your own superla-
introductory speech for themselves ers should not say who owns each pet. tive votes for the members of your class.
imagining what they will be well known Arrange the completed posters around Have students decide on the categories
for in their future. When they do, they your room, and give the class some time or decide on them yourself. Then make
should use as many superlative adjec- to read about their classmates’ pets. Af- up ballots where students will vote for
tives as possible to show they are wor- ter everyone has had a chance to look their classmates. On the ballot, list the
thy of their award. If you like, have each at the posters, everyone secretly writes category and then give space for stu-
person introduce themselves or their down their vote for best pet. Tally the dents to write a sentence. To nominate
partner during a class award ceremony. votes and determine the winner. As a someone, students write a complete
prize that person can either bring their sentence using the superlative. (For ex-

2 THE ARES AND ARE NOTS pet in for a visit or have the privilege of ample best dressed: Michel is the best
leaving their poster up for the rest of the dressed.) Collect the ballots and tally the
What do a pop singer and an week. votes. If someone makes a grammatical
Olympic athlete have in common? Do mistake, their vote does not count. If
they have anything in common at all?
Get your students thinking about what
their favorite celebrities are and aren’t
Rhythm games are fun for getting
you have the time and resources, create
your own superlative pages with pictures
of your students and their awards and
when they assign each one a positive students moving and thinking quickly. In make copies for everyone in your class.
and a negative superlative. Start by this rhythm game, students will have to WHETHER IT’S THE BEST OF THE
having groups of three students gather offer a superlative for members of your BEST OR THE WORST OF THE WORST,
several pictures of celebrities. They may class. Start by arranging your class in a ENGLISH SPEAKERS ENCOUNTER
be sports stars, television personalities, circle sitting on the floor, legs crossed. SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES EVERY DAY.
national leaders, or anyone “famous”. Then get the rhythm started. Together, Giving your students a chance to prac-
Each group should have between ten the class will clap their hands on their tice them and have fun at the same time
and fifteen pictures. For each celebrity, thighs, clap their hands together, snap will cement the language rule into their
the group will write two sentences using their fingers and then rest. The entire minds and put smiles on their faces.
Get It Done!
How to Teach Causatives
+ verb in base form: I + have (had/will T: At the dry cleaner’s
YOU FEEL YOU NEED A LITTLE PICK ME have) + the mechanic + fix S: I have my suits cleaned at the dry
UP AND HEAD ON OVER TO THE HAIR (my car). cleaner’s.

4 PRACTICE – SENTENCE T: At the beauty salon.

The following day, you walk into your S: I have my hair washed/cut/dried/
classroom – what will your students TRANSFORMATION styled.
say? Nine times out of ten they’ll say,
“Teacher, you cut your hair!” And you Flashcards, illustrations or images with Give students the opportunity to ask
know that’s not true because you never jobs and occupations are very useful for each other questions: Where do you
touched the scissors. You did not cut practice. Show a magazine cutout or pic- usually have your hair cut? How often do
your own hai -- you had it done at the hair ture of someone repairing a computer. you have your eyes checked? How often
salon. Ah... there comes a time when we Say: The technician repaired my com- do you have the oil changed?
all must teach this distinction, and the puter. Students should reply by using the
use of causatives. And here’s how:

causative: You had the technician repair
your computer. Go through as many ex-
amples as needed and make sure to use
CAUSATIVES: different tenses. Tell students that in the passive form
You may also want to have students ask they can replace “have” with “get” and


First, make sure students under-
each other questions: Do you have the
mechanic check the oil or cut your hair?
Do you have the dentist check your teeth
also say they “get something done”. For
extended practice, have students sum-
marize the things they get done once
stand when we use causatives. Ask or your eyes? Etc... a year vs. once a month or more often:
them questions like: I get my teeth and eyes checked once

T: Do you fix your own car? INTRODUCE THE PASSIVE a year. I get my clothes washed once
S: No, I don’t. a week. I get my hair cut every three
T: Who does that for you? FORM OF CAUSATIVES months.
S: The mechanic does. Similar to the previous is the passive
T: Do you cut your own hair?
S: No, I don’t.
T: Who does that for you?/Who cuts your
form of causatives: have/get something
done. If you’re teaching this separately
or on another occasion, don’t forget
hair? Step 1 and set the context. Then say: Tell students they must plan a party. Or
S: The hairdresser does. You have the mechanic repair your car. road trip. Anything that requires a great
Or you have your car repaired (by the deal of preparation and errands. They

2 INTRODUCE THE mechanic). must compile a list of things they must

get done and who will do it for them. It
CAUSATIVES WITH HAVE Make sure that students see that as in
should look like this:
any passive form, you focus less on the
Tell students: You don’t fix your own car.
You have the mechanic fix your car. You
person doing the action (in this case, the
mechanic, and more on the action itself).
don’t cut your own hair. You have the The important thing is that if you say that I will take the car to the mechanic’s and
hairdresser cut your hair. you “have your car repaired”, you are have the oil and the tires checked. I might
Make sure they understand the main emphasizing the fact that you are paying have the oil changed. I will also have the
idea: You cause the action by having an- for this service because you can’t/don’t engine and the brakes checked. Then, I
other person do it. You either can’t, don’t want to do it yourself. will have my travel agent book my hotel
know how or don’t want to do it yourself. room. One day before my trip, I will have

the car washed. Etc...
They should also understand the distinc- POINT OUT THE STRUCTURE
tion between having someone do some- Another option would be to have them
thing as a “service” vs. as a “favor”. For The passive form of the causative write a story of how someone prepared
example, I wouldn’t say I had my sister is formed like this: for an event, like a party: First, Emma
cut my hair, but rather that I asked her Subject + have (in any tense) + object/ had the baker make a special cake.
if she could do me the favor and trim it thing + past participle of verb: I + have Then, she had her secretary email the
for me – she’s under no obligation to say (had/will have) + my car + repaired invitations. Etc...
yes, and she doesn’t have to take orders

You can look for pictures in magazines
from me. PRACTICE – LOCATIONS and cut them out, or you can have your
class do that. You can make a comic

Name a location and have students
POINT OUT THE STRUCTURE say what they have done there: strip or have your class draw one. You
T: At the dentist’s office can read a timeless classic or have your
This first type of causative is class write one up. Isn’t it great when
formed like this: S: I have my teeth checked at the den-
tist’s office. you can get so many things done?
Subject + have (in any tense) + person
In the Mood:
How to Teach the Subjunctive
Have students look closely at the previ- gest and recommend. Give them a list
NOT IN THE MOOD TO TEACH THE SUB- ous list of recommendations and com- of verbs: insist, request, urge, demand,
JUNCTIVE MOOD? pare them to this new form. Students advise, ask, just to name the most com-
The subjunctive is used when express- should point out the use of that. They mon. Ask your class some questions to
ing a command, a suggestion or a wish. should also notice the form of the verb practice these: Does your boss insist
Although this is not exclusively so, the take. It has no s: it’s not in third person that you work on weekends? Next, try
subjunctive is most often used with sub- singular form. Explain to the class that some questions from students.
ordinate clauses that begin with that: I because you are using a that clause af-

suggest that you buy a new car, I recom- ter the verb suggest, the verb has to be TEACH THE SUBJUNCTIVE
mend that you see a doctor, etc... There in the subjunctive. This is the same for
is more than one way to teach the sub- AFTER SOME ADJECTIVES
any person or pronoun, singular or plu-
junctive, but there is one way that could ral – you are basically using the verb in Write these adjectives on the board:
potentially be less confusing – and more its base form – point out a sentence with important, best, imperative, essential,
fun for your class. So, here’s what I sug- be, for example: I suggest you be early. necessary and crucial. Tell them that
gest you do: these adjectives may also be followed
Now, have students re-phrase
by the subjunctive when you are giving
recommendations, indications or even
commands. Provide some examples: It
their previous suggestions by using a is essential that you pack sunblock for
CLAUSES) that clause: tell them it also works for the your trip.
verb recommend.

FOR RECOMMENDATIONS I suggest that you book a room a
few weeks in advance. 7 PRACTICE TIME!
Make this first real practice exer-
Tell your class that you need to plan I recommend that you stay near the cise more controlled: you may choose
a weekend trip to a nearby town. Ask beach. to either continue with the question and
them for suggestions/recommenda- I suggest that you pack some sun- answer mode or give them a worksheet
tions on different aspects of the plan- block. to complete. Correct mistakes as need-
ning such as transportation, hotel res- I recommend that you be careful in ed, and make sure they are using the
ervations, what to pack, etc... Review, the ocean. subjunctive correctly with both the verbs
if needed, that suggest and recommend Etc. and the adjectives.
are verbs that are followed by a gerund.
Write their ideas down on the board. So,
some of their suggestions might sound
like these:
After coming up the previous sen- 8 PUT IT ALL TOGETHER!
Now is the time to put everything
tences students should understand that they’ve learned about the subjunctive to
I suggest booking a room a few the subjunctive is just like the present good use. Prepare some simple cards
weeks in advance. simple form, except: with situations in which someone might
I recommend staying near the • In the verb to be need a suggestion: new in town, an ill-
beach. • In the third person singular (I sug- ness, trying to improve their pronuncia-
I suggest packing some sunblock. gest he take, not takes) tion, etc...Divide your class into pairs.
I recommend being careful in the Each student takes a card. Student A
ocean. Also, point out that the subjunctive presents his/her situation: I want to im-
Etc... sounds more formal than other ways of prove my English, What do you suggest
suggesting/recommending. Brainstorm I do? Student B provides suggestions,

situations in which they might want to
use the subjunctive: in formal business
meetings, when talking to clients or in
then they switch. After all the pairs are
done, students share the recommenda-
tions they obtained: Sarah suggested I
Ask one of your students to ask you for any professional role. watch more movies in English.
a recommendation now. Let’s suppose
he/she asks you which form of trans- Finally, point out the fact that the use of
portation to take to a particular location. that is optional: I suggest you buy your AND PRESTO! WITH ENOUGH PRAC-
Look at your class and say: Juan wants ticket in advance. TICE, YOUR STUDENTS SHOULD HAVE
to know which form of transportation to THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD DOWN PAT.
take. Write on the board and say: I sug-
gest that he take the train. 5 GIVE THEM MORE VERBS
Students will find it especially useful in
job situations – and they’ll speak like
real pros, too!
The subjunctive not only works with sug-
A Conversational Review of Past,
Present and Future Language
Some have changed the world so much
What do Alexander Graham Bell,
Henry Ford, the Wright brothers, Thomas
imagine what the future may be like. In
groups of around three students, have
your class discuss the following three
that many of us could not live without
Edison and Eli Whitney have in com- 1. How do you think the world will
them. This exercise gives your students
mon? They were all famous inventers. change in the next 100 years?
a chance to talk about the inventions
Write these names on the board and 2. What new things will people in the fu-
they think are most interesting and chal-
have pairs of students share any infor- ture be able to do? Consider each of
lenges them to think up another that the
mation they know about these people. the following areas: medicine, trans-
world has never seen.
As they share, they should use the past portation, communication and enter-
USE THE FOLLOWING tense to talk about the inventors and their tainment.
PRACTICAL STEPS FOR inventions. After five to ten minutes, di- 3. What new inventions will people
THE REVIEW OF TENSES vide your class into five groups and as-
sign one inventor to each group. Then,
need in order to do these things? List
at least five possible inventions for

Inventions are not the same thing
as discoveries, though some people tend
take your class to the computer lab or
have them use their tech savvy devices
to research their inventor. Each group
each category.
Throughout their discussions, students
should use the future tense to express
should gather as much information they their ideas. Then, once they have some
to confuse the two. Have students work can about the inventor and their inven-
with a partner and look up the English def- ideas on paper, have your students
tion. What did the person need to create choose one invention, either from their
initions of these two words. Ideally they his invention? Why did the world need it?
will determine the following. Inventions list or another they think up on their own.
How has it changed people’s lives? Each
are items or tools that a person created. group should take notes using the past As homework or in free study time, have
Discoveries, on the other hand, are items tense. Once students have completed your students come up with the details
already present in nature which people their research, have each group share of their invention. What will it do? How
found. With their partner, students should what they learned with the class. will it be built? Will it be sold? How much
discuss the difference between the two will it cost? Why will people need it? How
items based on their definitions and try
come up with at least three examples of
each. (Discoveries might include electric-
For homework, have students
make a list of all the inventions they see
will it help people in the future in their
everyday lives? As students think up the
details about their invention, they should
ity, gold, fire, etc. Inventions can be found use future tenses to describe the inven-
and use in their homes. Warn them that
all around us. They might include cars, tion and the conditional tense to explain
this list will be extensive but that they
clocks, computers, telephones, etc.) what this invention would do for people of
should try to make it as complete as pos-

the future. Then, have each person pres-
PRESENT TENSE sible. They should sort their inventions
ent their invention to the class. The pre-
AND PASSIVE VOICE into categories by room. Inventions in the
sentation should be three to five minutes
bathroom might include toothbrushes,
Review the present tense with your stu- and should focus on two things. First,
toilet paper, running water, etc. In the
dents by asking them to list as many in- it should describe the invention (future
kitchen, inventions will include knives,
ventions they can find in your classroom. tenses). Second, it should explain how
dish washers, ice cube trays and similar
(One invention is... I see another. It is...) this invention would benefit people in the
items. Along with their lists, ask each per-
Make a master list on the board. When a future (conditional tense).
son to write a sentence describing what
student names an invention, ask him or each one is used for. These sentences As a follow up activity, have students
her what we use that invention for. If your will be in the present tense. draw their invention and write a brief de-
students are less proficient language us- scription of it, including its price. Then
ers, have them use the simple present The next day in class, divide students
compile all of the inventions together to
for their explanation. (People use pencils into groups – one group for each room
create a catalogue. Make a copy for each
to write.) More advanced students can in the house. Give each group several
person in your class and have them vote
phrase their statements in the passive index cards which they will use to create
on which invention they would most like
voice. (Pencils are used to write.) Once invention flash cards. On one side, they
to have. If you like, have each student
your class has compiled a large list, have should draw or paste a picture of the in-
share which one he chose and why. Be
each person choose one invention and vention. On the reverse side, they should
sure to require that students use the con-
write three to five sentences which de- list the invention, who invented it, when,
ditional tense when they describe what
scribe that invention. Each person should and how it helps people today. As stu-
they would do with it.
take turns reading their description to the dents complete their cards, they should
write in complete sentences and use the DOING A TENSE REVIEW WITH YOUR
class, and the class should try to guess
correct form of past and present verbs. STUDENTS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE
which invention they are describing.
BORING. By researching inventions and

Again, students can use the simple pres- FUTURE AND CONDITIONAL imagining their own, your students will
ent or the passive voice to describe their
Now that your students have have fun and still get practice with past,
thought about the inventions that affect present and future language. Who knows,
their everyday life, challenge them to you might even find a future inventor
20 among your students.
Back to the Future: 7 Activities
for Talking About the Future
if possible. Give each student one card. lenge your students to match each of
ARE YOU GOING TO REVIEW FUTURE On your word, students mingle around your sentences with the correct reason.
TENSES WITH YOUR STUDENTS? the classroom asking their classmates Answer any questions your students
Will you find some fun and creative ways about vacation plans. Students start by might have. Then put students in pairs
to do it? Here are some activities you asking their partners if they are going to to write their own set of eight sentences.
can use the next time you want to talk the location for vacation. For example, When everyone has finished, have pairs
about the things that are yet to come. “Are you going to Paris for vacation?” swap lists and determine which sen-
The second student answers positively. tence goes with which reason.
TRY THESE 7 ACTIVITIES Then the first student asks their partner
if they plan to do the activities on the
back of the card. “Will you go to the Eifel
tower?...Will you eat escargot?...” Part-
This silly role play will get your
students talking about one another’s fu-

ners should answer each question ap-
WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS propriately and then switch roles. When tures. If you can, bring in a prop that sup-
two students have finished their conver- posedly has magical powers to predict
We live in a world that is constant- the future: a crystal ball, a magic mirror,
ly changing, and every day it seems to sation, they find new partners and re-
peat the process. tea leaves, or magical cards. Bring two
change more quickly. In small groups, students to the front of the classroom for

have your students talk about what they a creative role play. Have one student
think the future will be like. Start with BROWN BAGGING IT
play the fortune teller and look into the
talking about one year from now. What This fun game gives your students magical object or at their partner’s palm.
will be different? What will be the same? a chance to think creatively while using They must then make predictions about
Then move on to five years, ten years the future tense. Arrange students in a the person’s future based on what they
and fifty years. Finish the activity by hav- circle, and give one person an empty “see”. The customer should ask ques-
ing each student write about her own life bag. That person must look into the bag tions about their future as well. Encour-
in the future. Review with your students and think of an object that would fit in- age students to be creative and have
how to write a personal letter, and then side it. He then asks the person to his fun. Once the role play is over, bring an-
have each person write you a letter de- right, “Why do you have a ________ in other pair to the front for a new role play
scribing her life in fifty years. your bag?” That person then answers or have players switch roles. If you like,

using be going to and his plan for the extend the activity by having each per-
GRAMMATICAL CHAIRS object. For example, an exchange might son write about what the fortune teller
Review the subtle differences be- go like this. “Why do you have a kitten in said using reported speech.
your bag?”

tween three grammatical structures for
talking about the future: present continu- PENCIL ME IN
“I am going to give it to a lonely class-
ous, be going to, and will. Arrange three If you are teaching an international
mate.” If a person cannot answer a
chairs in the front of your classroom, and class, bring culture into the classroom
question appropriately or cannot think
label each one either present continu- by having each student plan a vacation
of a use for the object, he is out of the
ous, be going to or will. Students should for the class in her home country. Ask
game and must leave the circle. Contin-
then take turns choosing one chair. They students to plan a weeklong visit for the
ue going around the circle until only one
should sit in the chair and then use that entire class to their home country. Each
person, the winner, remains.
construction to make up a sentence student should think of accommoda-

about the future. Direct students to the MORE THAN WORDS tions, meals and activities. Each student
correct chairs as needed when they then gives a presentation in which they
make mistakes. Continue until each per- On the surface, using will in a sen- talk about the vacation that they planned.
son has had at least one turn in each tence seems straightforward. One is You should designate the length of the
chair. talking about the future. But the mean- presentation based on their overall Eng-
ing of future sentences using will goes

lish level. Each person should also write
OH THE PLACES YOU’LL GO deeper than that. English speakers use up a plan which you should post in the
‘will’ for four different reasons: to predict classroom for all to see. After all your
Though your class is certainly their
a future event (It will snow in January), to students have presented and the vaca-
favorite place to be (har har), give your
express a spontaneous decision (I’ll do tion itineraries have been posted, have
students a chance to talk about their va-
it. I’ll ask him out right now), to show a students secretly vote on the one they
cation plans and practice talking about
willingness to do something (We’ll deco- would choose. (No fair voting for your
the future. Before the activity, take sev-
rate for the dance), and to make a prom- own.)
eral index cards (at least one per stu-
ise (I will call at seven). Before class,
dent) and write a vacation destination
make a list of sentences using will, at THESE ARE JUST A FEW WAYS YOU
on one side. On the other side, write two
least two for each reason. After review- CAN REVIEW FUTURE TENSES WITH
things a person might do at that vacation
ing the four reasons for using will, chal- YOUR STUDENTS.
location, one positive and one negative
Back to the Future 2: 6 More Activ-
ities for Reviewing Future Time
should then talk about the item on his his classmates’ questions.
DON’T GIVE UP ON THE FUTURE JUST square for thirty seconds. (Each square
Here are six more fun and fresh activi-
ties you can use to review future tenses
asks about something that would hap-
pen in the future.) He must talk for the
full thirty seconds: if he cannot he must
What will the world be like in fifty
years? We all have our own ideas,
with your students. return to his previous space. Play until but those ideas are as different as the
someone in each group reaches the final people who hold them. As a result, your
CHECK OUT THESE space and declares himself the winner. students will get lots of conversation
practice as they try to predict a com-
mon vision for the future. Start by hav-

1 GET CARDED Once your students are comfort- ing students make predictions in writing
able using basic future grammar, it’s about different areas of life. Set the time
When it’s time to review the dif- time to talk about certainty. What will for fifty years in the future, and have stu-
ferent forms of future verbs, this simple they do? What might they do? What dents write a paragraph about home life,
card game will fit the bill. Break your will they definitely not do? Use a blank school life, work, communication and
students into groups of about three and die to determine what point in the fu- technology. It is best to have them do this
have them start a chart on a piece of pa- ture your students will talk about. (White for homework, using the future tense as
per. The chart’s three columns should be board dice are great for this activity, but they write. The next day in class, put stu-
the following: Predictions (will + verb), you can also make your own blank dice dents into groups of about five and ask
Arrangements (present continuous), Fu- from paper or card stock with a simple them to share their predictions. Once ev-
ture intentions and decisions (be going pattern.) You can label the sides today, eryone has shared, students must work
to + verb). Then give each group a set of tomorrow, next week, next month, next with their groups to come up with a com-
12 cards with events that may happen in year, and in five years. Then have stu- mon vision of the future. Each person
the future. Each set should contain four dents come up with some events they should give reasons and support as they
events that would use each of the three may or may not do in the future – some discuss what the future will be like until
grammatical structures for the future. likely some very unlikely. Each person the entire group can agree on what is yet
(That is, four predictions, four arrange- should write three possible future events to come. Then, have each group pres-
ments, four intentions or decisions for on a separate slip of paper and then put ent their ideas to the class, either on one
the future.) You might have cards with them into a bag. After you review differ- area of life or on all of them. Give the
the following: study for the test tonight, ent certainty modals (will, won’t, should, class a chance to ask questions of the
get married soon, go shopping tomor- shouldn’t, could, may, and might), each groups after each presentation.
row, return to my home country after student then takes a turn rolling the time
the school year, go on the school’s ski
trip, or call my mother tonight. Students
should shuffle the cards and then place
die and choosing a slip of paper from the
bag. She must then compose a sentence
indicating the surety of doing that activity
Write the name of each of your stu-
dents on a slip of paper and put them in
them face down on the table. Each per- at the future time she rolled. For exam- a bag. Each person in the class draws
son takes a turn choosing one card and ple, if she rolls “tomorrow” and chooses a name from the bag (if they pull their
then deciding which column it should go “get married” she would say “I definitely own they must exchange it for another
under. If a student is unsure, he can get won’t get married tomorrow.” Play until name). Students should not share the
help from his group. Then, when all the everyone in class has at least one turn name that they drew from the bag. Each
cards have been positioned, students or until you run out of slips of paper. person should then write ten sentences
write three more events on blank cards –

4 20 QUESTIONS predicting that person’s future. Once ev-

one for each column. Working together,
eryone has written their sentences, have
the group then writes out sentences for
This simple game is great for prac- each person take turns reading them to
each card.
ticing questions with the future tenses. the class. Number the presentations,

2 NEVER BORED GAME Rather than choosing an object, one per- and have the listeners write a numbered
son thinks of an event he or she will do list of who they think each prediction is
This activity will give your students in the future. Once he has decided, the for. Once everyone has read their pre-
a chance to practice speaking using fu- rest of the class works together to fig- dictions and the class has made their
ture constructions. All you need is this ure out what that event is. They can ask guesses, reveal the correct answers and
printable game board and a die for each yes, no questions using the future tense. see who got the most correct.
group of three or four students. Students The person then answers with a yes or WHO KNOWS WHAT THE FUTURE
take turns rolling the die and then mov- no. The class has only 20 questions to WILL HOLD. ONE THING IS CERTAIN,
ing a place marker to the appropriate ask. If they are able to determine what THOUGH. YOUR STUDENTS WILL GAIN
space. (You can use coins, paper clips, that person will do before their questions VALUABLE PRACTICE AND HAVE FUN
plastic figures or any other small items are used up, they win. If after 20 ques- IN THE PROCESS AS THEY PERFECT
for place markers.) Once everyone has tions they still do not know, the individual SPEAKING AND WRITING IN THE
rolled and moved, set a timer for thirty wins. If possible, play until everyone has FUTURE TENSE.
seconds. The player in each group a turn choosing an event and answering
Look into the Future: 5 Role Plays
for Practicing Future Tenses
ROLE PLAYS ARE ONE OF THE MOST this role play, which allows them to imag- of all the things you want to do before
COMMON ACTIVITIES IN ESL CLASSES, ine and invent their classmates’ futures. you die (or kick the bucket). Give your
AND RIGHTLY SO. Gypsies are famous for fortunetell- students some time to think about what
They get students thinking quickly, ap- ing. Some use crystal balls, others use they want to do before they die, and have
plying grammar and vocabulary, and cards or read palms. Choose one or all them write their own bucket lists. Chal-
putting their language knowledge to of these as part of a role-play set up to lenge each person to dream big and list
practical use. Role plays are flexible, practice future tenses. One person acts at least ten things they want to do before
too. You can cover just about any sub- as the fortuneteller while one or more they die. These bucket lists will be the
ject area in a role play. The following students act as his/her customers. The foundation for this future tense role play.
role plays cover a variety of subjects, customers ask questions about their fu- Pairs of students will play the parts of a
but they have one thing in common. tures, and the gypsy answers them after retiree and a teenager. In the scenario,
Each focuses on using the future tens- referring to his or her magical objects. the teenager is sharing the things he
es, and they are sure to get your stu- If you like, give your students advance or she will do (the items on the bucket
dents talking. So whether you are teach- warning of the role play and encourage list). The retiree, though, has more life
ing the simple future or doing a review them to dress creatively for the fortune experience and a more realistic expec-
of all the future tenses, try one of these telling role! tation to what a person can accomplish.
role-plays with your students and watch Your students should role-play a conver-
their imaginations go wild!


Though politics may not be your
sation between these two people. The
teenager is bragging about all the things
he will do in his life, and the retiree is
PLAYS FOR PRACTICING students’ fields, this mock election cam- correcting him with more realistic ex-
FUTURE TENSES paign will challenge them to pretend it pectations. For example, the teenager
is. All candidates make promises when might say he will climb Mt. Kilimanjaro,

Setting up a restaurant role-play
they are running for office. These prom-
ises point toward a better future. De-
pending on what office a person runs
for, these promises might be anything
but the retiree knows he won’t climb the
mountain. He will only climb the stairs
to his fourth floor apartment. After the
discussion, have students switch roles.
is easy. All you need are one or more
students sitting, playing the role of the from putting vending machines in the
restaurant patrons, and another student
playing the role of server. Servers asks
guests, “What will you have?” and pa-
cafeteria to changing national laws.
Playing the role of an aspiring politician
will give your students the opportunity to
Life certainly changes when a per-
trons answer using the simple future talk about what they will do once they son has a baby. Many of these changes
and their meal choice. But with a little are in office. First challenge your class are wonderful – love and cuddles and
more work, a restaurant role play can to think of an office which they could snuggly smiles from your little one. Oth-
be far more in depth. Have students pursue someday, and then give them a er changes are more of a challenge –
write their own menus and use them chance to talk about the better futures lack of sleep, dirty diapers and regular
to place an order. You can also host a they imagine. One at a time, have stu- crying fits. Your students will argue both
“restaurant” for your fellow teachers and dents come to the front of the room and sides of life with a baby in this role-play.
students. Have three or four dishes that act as a candidate running for office. Put your students in pairs. One person
your guests can order, and have your The rest of the class plays the role of plays the soon to be mother or father.
students play the role of server. (Half the press, asking the candidate ques- The other person is the longtime parent.
the class works as servers while the tions. “What will you do about x, y and The soon to be parent shares about how
other half run the kitchen. The groups z?” Encourage an open and honest dia- his or her life will change for the better
switch places half way through your logue between press and candidate and once the baby comes. The voice of ex-
time block.) Patrons order food and your watch as both use future tenses to talk perience will balance the discussion with
students fulfill the duties of a server. If about what they future will hold. challenges the parent will encounter: he
you are in an English speaking country, or she will remind his partner of all the
it’s as simple as that. If you are teaching
ESL is a non-English speaking country,
have servers work in pairs. One person
English is a complicated language,
struggles of being a new parent. Have
students discuss what is to come after
baby comes until both parties can agree
speaks to the guests in English and and little is more complicated than idi- on a realistic but hopeful middle ground.
the second acts as interpreter between oms. Perhaps that is why ESL students
server and guests. can run into new idioms every day. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE ROLE
The expression “kick the bucket” is an PLAYS YOU CAN USE WITH YOUR


Your students will have fun with
idiomatic reference to dying. From that
expression we get the relatively new
phrase bucket list. A bucket list is the list

Look into the Future: 6 More Role
Plays for Practicing Future Tenses
not work. He or she then explains what ling child. The student who travelled back
ARE YOU STUDYING THE FUTURE will happen if the SIL or DIL tries do make in time must convince the two others to
TENSE WITH YOUR ESL CLASS? these changes using the simple future get together by telling them about their
Are you looking for some unusual role tense. The first student then changes his future. The parents ask questions about
plays to get them speaking up? In this plans and shares his new idea using the the future and say what they think will
article you may just find what you are simple future, and the second student happen – ether agreeing or disagreeing
looking for (and what your students will again shows why it is impossible. The with their child. Discussion continues un-
be talking about). These activities will conversation continues until one person til the time traveler can get his parents
get them thinking about their futures, the cannot think of anything else to say. The back together.
environment and how they can help and last person who talks in the dialogue is
hinder other people in their plans all while
practicing speaking about the future.
the winner. Then, have students switch
roles and repeat the exercise. 5 GAME SHOW WINNINGS
Stage a game show in your class-
3 IT’S NOT EASY BEING GREEN room to review class material while
THE IDEAS FOR practicing the future tenses. Have three
REINFORCING FUTURE This role play not only gets your
students using the simple future: it will
contestants in your game show answer
questions and win money. You should

This role play works best in groups
of about four students and gives them lots
also have them thinking about protecting
the environment. One or two students
play the role of an activist trying to tackle
provide the questions to a third student
who plays the host of the show. When a
person answers a question correctly, the
an environmental issue: water pollution, game show host tells them how much
of room for independent thinking and cre- the greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, money they will receive for answer-
ativity. Choose one person in the group renewable resources, or any other top- ing that question correctly. That person
to share their plans for a future activity. ics that your students feel strongly about. should then tell the host what he or she
They will tell the members of their group (Hint: this is a great opportunity to bring will do with that money. This role play
something that they plan to do, and they science into the ESL classroom.) This serves double duty as your students
will use the simple future to share their student approaches one or two other review content information and use the
plans. For example, someone might say, students in the class who are playing the simple future to ask and answer ques-
“I am going to run a marathon.” The other role of big company executives. Their tions.
members of the group then jump in with business practices are damaging the
the things they will do to help that person
accomplish his or her task. One at a time,
the students say what they will do. “I’ll
environment in the specific way the ac-
tivists are trying to prevent. To persuade
the corporate tycoon, the activist tells her
Do you have creative and fash-
ionable students in your classroom? If
help you buy the right shoes, I’ll run with what will happen if she does not change you do, they might enjoy this makeover
you when you train, I’ll bring water for her business practices. The tycoon, on themed role play. One person plays the
you to drink during the race.” Students the other hand, tells the activist how part of a celebrity stylist – someone with
continue to offer a helping hand until no changing business practices will nega- knowledge of fashion and beauty. The
one can think of any more ways to help. tively impact the company. Each side other person plays the part of a person
The student with the original plan should tries to convince the other that they are in need of a minor makeover (either a ce-
feel free to comment on each offer, and right. As they do, they should use future lebrity, themselves, or a fictional person).
once all the offers have been made the tenses. The conversation continues until The two have a conversation about the
group makes a timeline or plan of when one person agrees with the other or the makeover they are about to give/receive.
and how they will accomplish the tasks. If two give up and must agree to disagree. They stylist wants the makeover to be
you like and have the time, have another

4 BACK TO THE FUTURE extreme, including plastic surgery. The

person in the group share his plans and
person getting the makeover does not
repeat the process.
If you have the resources, start this feel such extreme measures are neces-

In this role play, one student will
try to convince another student why his
role play with a segment from the clas-
sic Michael J. Fox movie Back to the Fu-
ture. In this movie a teenage boy travels
sary. What will the stylist do? How will
the person feel when he or she does it?
Have the two discuss the possible make-
back in time to when his parents were over until they come to an agreement
plans are bad ones. One person plays in high school. His mother falls in love somewhere in the middle.
the future son-in-law or daughter-in-law with him instead of his father, and come- ROLE PLAYS IN THE ESL CLASSROOM
while the other person plays the mother- dic results ensue. Your students will role ARE NOT JUST PRACTICAL, THEY ARE
in-law or father-in-law to be. The SIL or play this scenario. One person travels FUN. Your students can imagine them-
DIL shares plans for after the wedding back in time to when his or her parents selves in strange or comical situations
with the other person. These plans can be were in high school (the time that they while speaking boldly and thinking cre-
about moving, having children, changing fell in love). Two other students play the atively. These role plays will do just that
jobs or anything that your students can parents who are no longer in love with and at the same time will give your stu-
come up with. The in-law then tells the each other because of their time travel- dents practice with future tenses.
person that what they have planned will
10 Fun Games for Reviewing
English Numbers
they play. four cards in front of them. The first
I remember one of my college card represents the thousands place,

professors, an ESL instructor and HAVE A WAR the second the hundreds place, the
bilingual herself, telling our class third the tens place and the fourth the
that bilinguals always revert to With a deck of cards, that is. Us- ones place. On his turn, each person
their first language when counting. ing a standard deck of playing cards must read their number aloud before
Numbers, she said, are so abstract might not be the greatest benefit to the pair decides whose number is
that it’s hard to produce them flu- your students since they can play larger. This is harder than it may seem
ently in any language other than without using English numbers in their in a second language, so make sure
one’s first. Whether she was right or mind. Therefore, take a few minutes you give your students enough time
she was wrong doesn’t really matter. to create your own set of 52 cards with to go through their stack of cards at
I have found in my own experience number words written on them. I find least once.
that practicing numbers in English is index cards most useful for this. Now

a beneficial use of time for students your students will have to determine NUMBER CROSS WORDS
at any level. Plus, these activities for which written number is larger. I may
reviewing numbers in English are also be the worst artist in the continental This is an easy worksheet to
good time fillers when you have just U.S., but I also include stick figure have ready for a few minutes of free
a few minutes left at the end of class. jacks, queens and kings in my deck. It time. Create a crossword puzzle with
gives me a chance to teach the words numerals as the clues and written
TRY THESE 10 and gives my students something to numbers as the answers. You can
FUN GAMES FOR laugh at (my artistic talent), and I don’t create a crossword puzzle for free at
REVIEWING ENGLISH blame them! Puzzle Maker or other online sites.
NUMBERS Then copy enough for your class and

Go fish is such an easy game,
This game takes a little longer
pull it out for practice or to fill a few
unplanned minutes in class when you
need it!
but has an element of review along

and a fun one too. All you need are with the game factor. Have pairs of NUMBER WORD SEARCH
a deck of cards and someone to play students write on post-it’s the numbers
with. In groups of four, one person (written out) for two through twelve as You can also keep a word search
deals seven cards to each player. a review, or have three students write handy for number review. Generate
Players then take turns asking spe- out numbers three through eighteen a word search at Busy Teacher with
cific players for a match to one of the lay them out on a desk or table. Then number words one through twenty
cards in their hand. If they get one, give each group two or three standard spelled out in the puzzle, but don’t
they go again. If they don’t, they draw dice, respectively. Students take turns give your students the list of number
a card from the remaining stack. The rolling the dice. They count the num- words. Challenge them to remember
player with the most matches once all ber on the dice and then take the post- those words on their own! You can
the cards are gone wins. it which spells out the number that use the puzzle for review or as a time
they rolled. The game is over when all filler as needed.

Playing this simple number
of the post-its have been taken. The
winner, of course, is the one who col-
lected the most post-its. If you want to 8 DOUBLE DUTY SCRABBLE
matching game with a standard set extend the activity, have students put I have always found Scrabble
of dominoes will be great practice for their post-its in numerical order at the to be one of the most useful games
your students. Just require them to end of the game. Each student can to have on hand for my ESL classes
read the numbers on each side of the also play with their own collection of (and you can usually pick up enough
piece they are playing before putting post-its. The first person to collect all sets for your class inexpensively
it down. But you can make the game of his own cards wins. around the holidays). This game can
a little more challenging by creating serve double duty in your classroom

your own set of dominoes from some
THOUSAND CARD WAR when you challenge students to keep
index cards. Rather than putting dots score using written numbers rather
on each side of the domino, write a You don’t need a thousand than numerals. Have each student
numeral on one side and a number cards to play this game which prac- keep his own score, adding the points
(in word form – i.e. one, two, etc.) on tices reading numbers. Students play he gains each turn. For example,
the other side. Your students will then in pairs, and each pair needs four one turn might read ‘seven plus five
have to make connections between decks of cards (tens and face cards equals twelve’. The next turn – ‘twelve
the numeral and the English word as removed). On each turn, students lay plus eight equals twenty’. If you like

have each person turn in his paper at
the end of the game. Your students
will get practice writing out numbers
as they also learn new vocabulary
from the words their classmates play
on the board.


This game takes some space
but will get your students up and mov-
ing as they practice numbers. Write
the numerals one through twenty on
brown paper bags (brown bag lunch
size), and keep several bags and a
marker on hand to replace damaged
bags as needed. Open each bag and
twist the top so you have a paper bag
balloon of sorts. Then arrange these
in a circle in an open playing area.
(You may need to go outside to have
enough room.) Have two students
stand in the center of the circle with a
rolled up magazine for a bat. Then, say
one number aloud. The two students
must race to smash the bag that bears
that number. The one who smashes it
first scores a point. Give everyone in
class at least two or three turns. To
extend the activity, have each person
take a bag at the end of class and find
an item that they can place in the bag
the correct number of times. For ex-
ample, someone with the number five
might put five pinecones in the bag.
Someone with number eleven might
find eleven leaves to put in theirs.


This game will really chal-
lenge your students’ abilities to read
very large numbers. Students play
in groups of three or four, and each
group gets one die. A ten sided die is
ideal (ten being zero), but a standard
six sided die will work just as well.
Students take turns rolling the die.
On his turn, a student rolls and writes
his number on the piece of paper to
the left of any existing numbers. He
then reads the number on the page.
Players take turns rolling and adding
numbers to one already on the paper,
watching the number “snake” grow
with each turn. With each turn the
number becomes longer and students
must read the entire number. Make
sure each person gets at least three
turns. By the end of the game, your
students will be reading a number at
least as long as 111,111,111.

5 Creative ESL Games
for Practicing Numbers
example, a student whose card says etc.). Give each student one paper, and
“six” might race to find six pinecones, every group of three students two or
acorns, or leaves. Once he finds them, three standard six sided dice (depend-
he runs back to you and has you check ing on which numbers you listed on
This is especially true when the lan-
his count. If he is right, he gets another the paper). Students take turns rolling
guage barrier keeps them from un-
card and races to complete his new the dice. Whatever sum they roll, they
derstanding what you are saying. And
task. Play until you run out of cards (you cover that number on their paper using
even the simplest language can be
should have enough so each student dot markers, highlighters, etc. Students
overwhelming when a student doesn’t
could get two or three cards), and the take turns rolling and marking their pa-
understand. Numbers often fall into this
student with the most cards at the end pers. If a number is already marked,
simple yet impossible category, but they
of the game wins. If you like, bring the play simply passes to the next person.
don’t have to. These games for practic-
found items into your classroom to cre- The person to cover all of her numbers
ing numbers will engage your students
ate a nature collage or review natural first wins the game.
and bring smiles to their faces while
practicing using numbers in English.


This exciting game gets students
excited about counting in English. Set

This game is perfect for a learning up a pong board by labeling the top in-
NUMBER MEMORY side of several plastic cups with written
center or a busy bag when November
One of my favorite games for rolls around. Give your students small numbers one through twenty. Velcro the
the ESL classroom is memory. In this paper plates and some brown paint, a bottoms of the cups to a board or sturdy
simple game, students arrange a set of turkey head, and some google eyes. poster board (so you can disassemble
cards in a grid face down on a desk or Students first paint their plates and then and store the game more easily) so
table. Each card in the deck has one use the other pieces to transform their they are touching on the edges. Place
match, and students take turns flipping plates into a turkey – everything but the the cup board on a table, and give the
over two cards in hopes of making a feathers, that is. Collect the turkeys and first student a ping pong ball. He should
match. If they make a match with their write a number on the front of each one. bounce the ball on the near side of the
two cards, they keep it and take anoth- These should be larger numbers: your table and let it land in one of the cups
er turn. If they do not make a match, students will be adding other numbers which is resting on the far side of the
they turn the cards back over and the to reach that sum. If you like, staple the table. Whatever cup the ball lands in,
next person takes a turn. The key is re- turkeys to a bulletin board, but make he counts out that many markers. You
membering which cards are which once sure you only staple the bottom and the can use dried beans, small pieces of
they are turned back over. This game is sides of the turkey. Then, label many candy, or any other item you have in
great for practicing numbers in the ESL dyed clothes pins with written numbers. large quantities as counters. He should
classroom, too. Make a set of cards These numbers should be smaller ones count out his winnings aloud in English.
for your own memory game: half of the since they will be added together to Then the next person takes a turn. Play
cards should have numerals on them. reach the numbers on the turkeys. Ei- for a certain number of rounds, and the
Their matches should have the number ther taking turns or independently, stu- game win goes to the person with the
word spelled out. Students play memo- dents draw a clothes pin from a bag and most counters. You could also have
ry matching the number to the number place it on a turkey. As they add clothes students play until they reach a certain
word. It’s a chance to have fun and re- pins to each turkey, the goal is to reach number of counters or until they can fill
view number words at the same time. the number written on the turkey. If a small cup. Vary the game by letting
necessary, students can rearrange the each student bounce three balls each

clothes pins on their turns. Your stu- turn and then adding the numbers be-
NUMBER SCAVENGER HUNT fore counting out their winnings.
dents will have fun building the perfect
This time of year is great for tak- birds and reviewing number words and
ing your students outside and enjoy- simple addition at the same time. A FUN GAME CAN BRING LIFE TO
ing the beautiful fall weather. You can EVEN THE MOST BASIC OF LESSONS,
get some number practice in the next
time you are on the playground with a
number scavenger hunt. Make a set
In this game, students race to
of index cards with written numbers cover every number written on their NUMBERS IN ENGLISH. Whether they
1-20 or whatever numbers you want to papers. To create the game boards, are bouncing balls, flipping cards, or
review with your students. Shuffle the list the numbers two through twelve or running around the playground, your
cards and give one to each student. On three through eighteen. You can deco- students will end up with smiles on their
your go, students race to find one item rate these papers with seasonal clipart faces when you use these fun English
in the quantity listed on their card. For (leaves in fall, snowflakes in winter, games in class.

Get It Together: Four Types of
Connecting Language in English
tween subjects and objects in a sen- stay healthy.
MAKING CONNECTIONS. tence. They include both ... and, not
It’s a good idea in the work place, but • Condition: She practices even if
only ... but also, either ... or, and nei-
it’s absolutely essential when you are it is raining.
ther ... nor. Like coordinate conjunc-
in the classroom. In math class, a tions, correlative conjunctions con- • Substantive: Who can know
simple plus sign is all that’s needed, nect ideas that are of equal value. whether she is right?
but in the language classroom, things
are a little more complicated. Connec-
tions in English can happen between
independent sentences. Words such
as also, in addition and plus will link
• Both ... and shows a similarity or
connection between ideas. Both
Jake and Mary play tennis for
Relative pronouns also connect
a dependent clause to an indepen-
an idea in one sentence to an idea in dent clause, resulting in a complex
• Not only ... but also shows that a
another sentence. But connections sentence. When relative pronouns
subject has two distinct qualities.
can happen within a sentence as well. are used, the dependent clause gives
Not only does Jake play ten-
For these types of connections, Eng- nis, but he also studies phys- more information about something or
lish speakers generally use one of ics. someone in the independent clause.
four types of connecting language. Relative pronouns include who,
• Either ... or communicates a whose, where, when, which and that.
HOW WE CONNECT choice between two elements.
IDEAS IN ENGLISH Either Mary can play tennis
or she can study physics. She
• Who relates information about a
person. Jake is someone who

doesn’t have time for both. likes to exercise.
CONJUNCTIONS • Neither ... nor shows a negative • Whose shows a possessive re-
similarity or connection between lationships. Jake is an athlete
The first type of connecting language ideas. Neither Mary nor Jake whose body shows his efforts.
in English are coordinate conjunc- plays tennis on Sundays. • Where indicates a place. The

tions. These familiar words include park is where the tennis courts
and, but, or and nor. These little words are.
connect words, groups of words, sen- CONJUNCTIONS
• When indicates a time. After
tences or groups of sentences. For
Subordinating conjunctions connect work is when he likes to play.
coordinating conjunctions, the words
two ideas that are not of equal foot-
or sentences are on the same level, • Which is used for things. That is
ing. One idea is subordinate to the
that is, they are of equal value. used for both people and things.
other. When a dependent clause is Tennis is a sport which (that)
• And is an inclusive connector – connected to an independent clause will keep you healthy.
it creates a positive connection with a subordinating conjunction, the
between two ideas, people or result is a complex sentence. English
things. I play tennis, and I study has over thirty common subordinate
physics. conjunctions. Some of the most famil-
iar are if, because, since, so that, and
• But, on the other hand, shows CONFUSING FOR ESL STUDENTS.
when. Subordinating conjunctions can
contrast between ideas, people IF YOUR STUDENTS CAN MASTER
be divided into eight basic categories.
or things. I play tennis, but I do THESE FOUR TYPES OF CONNECTING
not study physics. • Place: She plays tennis wherever LANGUAGE, HOWEVER, THEY WILL
• Or communicates a choice be- she travels. BE SUCCESSFUL COMMUNICATORS.
tween two elements. Do you • Time: She feels tired after she
play tennis, or do you study plays tennis.
• Manner: She dresses however
• Nor shows negative inclusion, she wants.
that is, neither is true. I don’t play
tennis, nor do I study physics. • Cause/Reason: She does this
because she doesn’t care about

CONJUNCTIONS • Purpose: She practices so she
can get better.
Correlative conjunctions are pairs
of words that show relationships be- • Result: She plays so that she will

It’s All Relative: How to Teach Rela-
tive Clauses and Why You Need To
a relative clause to combine these two We then place the relative clause after
RELATIVE CLAUSES ARE DEPENDENT simple sentences into one complex sen- the noun in the simple sentence to form
CLAUSES WHICH DEFINE OR EXPLAIN tences. First, help your students form the the complex sentence.
A NOUN. dependent clause. Start by replacing the
They are not the most simple English noun in one of the sentences with the ap- I saw the book that the boy had.

grammatical construction, and most stu- propriate relative pronoun. In this case,
dents don’t tackle them until they are ad- EXTRA, EXTRA
the boy is the subject of the sentence
vanced in their English studies. Relative and is a person, so we will replace it with In the two examples we have looked
clauses, however, shouldn’t be left to the “who” to form the relative clause. at so far, the relative clauses were used
very end of a student’s grammar curricu-
to identify the nouns in the sentence. In
lum. They are useful and helpful for stu- The boy is tired. other words, we could have been talking
dents who still have a lot to learn when it who is carrying a heavy backpack about any boy or any book. The informa-
comes to English, and these dependent We now have a simple sentence and a
tion in the relative clause helps identify
clauses doesn’t have to be that compli- relative clause. All that remains is to posi-
exactly which boy or which book we are
cated. tion the relative clause after the noun it
talking about. Because of this, these
describes in the main sentence (indepen-
clauses are called restrictive relative
HOW TO TEACH dent clause).
clauses. But not all relative clauses are
RELATIVE CLAUSES AND The boy who is carrying a heavy used to identify a generic noun. Some-
WHY YOU NEED TO backpack is tired. times, the information in the main clause
We have the same information in this one

alone is enough to identify it, and the
WHAT IS A RELATIVE sentence as we had in the two original
relative clause simply gives additional
CLAUSE? simple sentences. The complex sen-
information about that noun. Take the fol-
tence, however, is more natural sounding
lowing examples.
Relative clauses are sometimes called and more interesting.
adjective clauses and follow the noun John Milton wrote the book Paradise
which they describe. They are dependent
clauses which give additional informa-
tion about a noun in the main clause, and
He is my favorite author.
Because we have his name in the first
the follow that noun in the complex sen- Relative clauses don’t have to describe sentence, we know who John Milton is.
tence they create. Dependent clauses the subject of a main clause. We can for- The fact that he is the speaker’s favor-
start with a relative pronoun: that, which, mulate effective descriptive clauses for ite author is additional information. We
where, when, who, and whom (though nouns which act in different positions of do not need it to identify John Milton. We
whom has fallen out of everyday use and a sentence. In the following sentence, can still rewrite the second sentence as
often sounds overly formal when used). the book is in the object position in both a relative clause. We follow the same
Whose is also used as a relative pronoun simple sentences. process as in the examples above, but in
but must be followed by a noun in the de- this case we have one more thing to talk
pendent clause. The correct relative pro- I saw the book. about: punctuation.
noun depends on what noun the relative The boy had the book. John Milton, who is my favorite au-
clause describes. In these sentences, “the book” is the thor, wrote the book Paradise Lost.
noun which appears in both sentences, This time, the relative clause is offset by


The easiest way to teach relative
and since it is a thing we will use the rela-
tive pronoun “that” in the relative clause.
I saw the book.
the boy had that
commas because it is extra information:
it is not necessary to identify the noun in
question. Students often get confused
when to use commas and when not to
clauses to your ESL students is to start
with two simple sentences, two indepen- If we were to combine these clauses as when it comes to relative clauses. Sim-
dent clauses, which contain the same is, we would find that the resulting sen- ply put, if the relative clause identifies a
noun. For example, tence is ungrammatical and makes little generic noun, do not use commas. When
The boy is tired. sense. (I saw the book the boy had that.) the relative clause gives extra informa-
The boy is carrying a heavy back- Because the noun in the relative clause is tion about the noun, offset it with com-
pack. in the object position, we must take one mas. These are known as non-restrictive
These are grammatically correct sen- more step before combining the clauses relative clauses.
tences, but they aren’t very interesting into a correct complex sentence. We
or very realistic for fluent speech. The
best strategy, then, is to combine them to
make one more interesting and complex
must first move the relative pronoun to
the beginning of the clause, and then we
can combine the clauses to make a com-
sentence. “The boy” is a noun which ap- plex sentence. What is that word that is like a television
pears in both sentences, so we can use that the boy had but just sound? A radio. What is an ency-

clopedia? It is a book that gives infor-
mation on many different topics. Why
does any of this matter? Because
these exchanges use relative clauses
to overcome communication barriers.

Relative clauses are an extremely

useful structure for ESL students
to learn early in their English stud-
ies. They may not make for the most
simple grammar lesson, but they are
infinitely practical for students who
are still learning. ESL students will
find two situations in which relative
clauses help them communicate.
First, your ESL students may find that
they do not know a particular piece of
vocabulary for a word they are trying
to say. In this case, the relative clause
can provide the definition even when
students don’t know the word and
thus help the listener to understand
the speaker’s meaning.
I lost that thing that you use to
control the television.
Most listeners would have little prob-
lem understanding that the remote
was lost. Using this structure, ESL
students can reference any object
even if they do not know the specific
vocabulary word for it.
What is that thing where you cook
meat over an open fire? A grill.
In addition, relative clauses can help
your students understand the mean-
ing of unfamiliar words they come
across. When a nonnative speaker
asks what a particular word is/means,
she will very likely receive a definition
using a relative clause.
What is an astronaut?
He is a person who travels into
outer space.
What is sorbet?
It is a type of icecream that is
made with fruit and no milk.
Though the language learner may not
have known the meaning of astronaut
or sorbet, they can understand the
explanation if they know how to use
relative clauses.


They will be able to successfully com-
municate even when they lack the
vocabulary to communicate straight-
forwardly. Though they may be a
somewhat complex grammatical
structure, relative clauses are key to
being understood and understanding
others for ESL students.

Not All Clauses Are Created Equal:
A Review of English Clauses
at the following example. beginning of a dependent clause. They
THE DEFINITION OF A CLAUSE IS include where, when and why. Rather
DECEPTIVELY SIMPLE: A GROUP OF Clean your room! than replacing a noun in the clause to
WORDS CONTAINING A SUBJECT AND This independent clause contains a create a dependent clause, they re-
A VERB (OR PREDICATE). verb and its object, but it has no articu- place other parts of the sentence.
With that said, English contains a myri- lated subject. English speakers know
ad of clauses, and sorting them out and that the implied subject is “you” in the The park where the magician per-
keeping them straight can be difficult for command. forms is on the other side of town.
ESL students. Once your students have Saturdays when the weather is nice
some foundation in English clauses,
you both might find a review of English
clauses helpful. Here is a list of what
we go for picnics there.
The reason why we do this is to get
away from our busy city lives.

they will need to know and you should Some dependent clauses start with a
cover in your review. subordinating conjunction. A conjunc-
tion combines two clauses, and sub- Zero relatives are another pos-
YOUR STUDENTS ordinating conjunctions are used with sible start to a dependent clause. In
NEED TO KNOW THE subordinating or dependent clauses. the underlying grammar, they are rela-
FOLLOWING ABOUT Some common subordinating conjunc- tive pronouns (that, which, who). These
CLAUSES tions include the following: if, when, be- pronouns can be omitted, though, in the
cause, although, since, unless, where,

surface grammar and are then labeled
INDEPENDENT after, before and whenever. If a clause as zero relatives.
VS. DEPENDENT begins with a subordinating conjunc-
tion, is a dependent clause in a complex The dog (that) I saw in the park
Simply put, an independent clause is sentence. Do not confuse these with looked hungry.
a sentence. It is a group of words con- coordinating conjunctions (and, but, so) The book (which) you are looking
taining a subject and a verb which can which join two clauses to make a com- for is in the library.
stand alone. Dependent clauses, also pound sentence. The boy (who) you love is lying to
called subordinate clauses, still contain you.

a subject and a verb, but they do not I bought the movie which you
express a complete thought. That is, recommended. (subordinating clause NOUN CLAUSES
they need the association with another and complex sentence)
Noun clauses function as a noun
clause to be grammatical and logical. You recommended the move, and in a sentence and are sometimes re-
Here’s an example. Remember when I bought it. (coordinating clause and ferred to as nominal clauses. They can
your elementary school teacher said compound sentence)
fill the role of either subject or object in a

never start a sentence with because?
That’s because this type of clause com-
RELATIVE PRONOUNS sentence. They can begin with any rela-
tive pronoun, relative adjective or zero
pletes is dependent and must be com- Other dependent clauses start relative.
bined with an independent clause to be with a relative pronoun. These familiar
grammatical. words (who, whose, that, which, whom)
That you are going to be late to-
replace a noun in a clause to create a
morrow I am certain.

dependent clause. Relative pronouns
always appear at the beginning of the
I believe that it is impossible for you
to be on time.

It wouldn’t be an English grammar rule

if there wasn’t an exception, would
it? In this case, imperative sentences
dependent clause.
The man who you are dating
sounds handsome.
are the exception to the subject/verb The girl whose books you carried
likes you. An adjective clause is a clause that acts
rule for clauses. Though the underly-
I bought the car that is red. as an adjective in a sentence. This type
ing grammar follows the subject/verb
I found the book which you were of clause is also known as an adjectival
clause pattern, the surface grammar
talking about. clause or a relative clause. An adjective
does not. The reason is that the subject
They are the ones whom I saw. clause can start with a relative pronoun,
in an imperative sentence is implied –
a relative adverb or a zero relative. The

the speaker does not actually articulate
RELATIVE ADVERBS following examples use a relative pro-
the subject when he says the sentence.
noun, a relative adverb and a zero rela-
Still, the speaker and the listener know Relative adverbs are similar to tive respectively.
who the subject of the sentence is. Look relative pronouns. They are used at the
The person who stole my identity

with the following relative ad-
will be caught.
verbs: so that and in order that.
Spring is the time when a young He shops on line so that he
man’s fancy turns to love. can avoid crowds.
I know the person you’re talking
about. • Adverb clauses of result indicate
A restrictive noun clause identifies the an outcome and can start with the
noun in the sentence. A nonrestric- following relative adverbs: so ...
tive noun clause is not necessary to that and such ... that. He is such
identify a noun in a sentence but in- a bad driver that he often gets
stead offers extra information about pulled over.
the noun. Nonrestrictive noun clauses
are offset with commas. • Adverb clauses of condition indi-
Is the city that you are from big? cate a requiremen and can start
New York City, which is the big- with the following relative ad-
gest city in the country, is my verbs: if and unless. Unless you
home. study, you will not do well on
Though not considered a clause, an the test.
appositive is a reduction of a relative
clause. In an appositive, the relative • Adverb clauses of concession
clause is reduced to just the noun indicate a contrast and can start
phrase in the dependent clause. Ap- with the following relative ad-
positives can also be restrictive or verbs: although and even though.
nonrestrictive Even though she was a good
My brother, a mechanic, always student, she did poorly on the
does my car repairs. (nonrestric- test.
tive- speaker has only one brother)
My brother the mechanic always CLAUSES CAN BE A CONFUSING
does my car repairs. (restrictive – ELEMENT OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR.
speaker has more than one brother) HOWEVER, STUDENTS WHOSE

Adverb clauses, also known
as adverbial clauses, function as an ALL THAT CONFUSING AFTER ALL.
adverb in a sentence. They may de-
scribe a verb, an adjective, another
adverb, or they may modify the entire
sentence. They are often classified
into seven different categories de-
pending on what type of information
they convey.

• An adverb clause of time indi-

cates when something happened
and can start with the following
relative adverbs: when, before,
after, until, since and as soon as.
She will wait by the phone until
he calls.

• Adverb clauses of place indicate

a location and can start with the
following relative adverbs: where
and wherever. He sleeps wher-
ever he pleases.

• Adverb clauses of cause indi-

cate a reason and can start with
the following relative adverbs:
because, as, since. Since he is
coming over later, I will not call
him now.

• Adverb clauses of purpose also

indicate a reason and can start

He…She…It… 5 Activities
for Practicing Gender in English
students a chance to practice many differences exist?
WHEN I STUDIED FRENCH IN HIGH of these words by creating their family • Do gender expectations reach
SCHOOL AND COLLEGE, ONE OF THE tree. Have students start by diagram- across cultures or are they culture
MOST DIFFICULT ASPECTS WAS ming themselves and their parents, specific?
REMEMBERING NOUN GENDERS. and then work backward through their

I remember thinking, “Is book femi- ancestry as far as they can. They GENDER AND CULTURE
nine or masculine? Does a book even should also include aunts, uncles and
have a gender? Why does this have cousins when possible. You can find a Cultural values and expecta-
to be so complicated?” It was frus- blank family tree template here (busy- tions are often tied to gender differ-
trating at the time, but now I have ences. Give your students a chance
a greater appreciation of language esl-students.html) or have your stu- to talk about the expectations and ac-
structure and a deeper understanding dents design their own. Then have ceptable behavior of men and women
of why nouns have gender to begin students share about their family with in their own countries and compare
with. English, unlike French, Spanish two or three classmates. After each it to those of their classmates’ home
and many other languages, does not person has shared general informa- countries. In groups of four or five,
assign gender to inanimate objects tion about the members of their fam- have students discuss the following
(for the most part, anyway). Our stu- ily, challenge your students to take questions.
dents, then, should have an easy time their explanations a step further. Have • Are there some activities in your
with gender words in English, right? group members choose two members culture that are appropriate for
Wrong. Gender differences still apply, of the speaker’s family. The speaker women but not for men? Are there
and you might be surprised to see how must then explain the relationship be- other activities that are appropri-
many gender differences are present tween those two people. For exam- ate for men but not for women?
in English. ESL students need activi- ple, a person might explain, “That is What are they?
ties in which they can practice gender my grandfather and that is my cousin. • What behavior would give a wom-
these words. Here are some of my fa- My grandfather is my cousin’s great an a bad reputation in your home
vorites that you can use with your ESL uncle.” As each person is speaking, culture?
class, too. encourage his group members to lis- • Would a man gain a bad reputa-
ten for the correct gender words from tion from the same behavior?
HE…SHE…IT… TRY their classmates. • Is a man expected to work out-
THESE 5 ACTIVITIES side the home in your culture?
Are women?
• What are a woman’s responsibili-
ties around the home? What are


Many words in English are male
In English, some adjectives are
used primarily for males, others for
females. Using this list of positive
a man’s?
After discussing these questions,
have your students write an opinion
or female specific. Words like hus- paper arguing whether these gender
personality adjectives and this list of
band, father, nephew and groom all stereotypes are acceptable or unac-
negative personality adjectives, have
refer to men. Other words like wife, ceptable. Encourage students to use
students note any adjectives which
mother, niece and bride only refer personal examples when possible to
are used primarily for women and oth-
to women. Still other words can re- support their opinions.
ers used primarily for men. Working in
fer to either men or women: cousin,
the same groups, challenge students

spouse, sibling, etc. As a class, work
to add any other adjectives they can TO BE PC
together to brainstorm all the different
think of that are gender specific (e.g.
words for referring to a person that In recent years, male specific
beautiful, handsome, etc.) After talk-
are gender specific. It may help to language has fallen out of use. Words
ing about the traits on the list, give
think in terms of roles a person plays like mankind, fireman, mailman, stew-
small groups some discussion time.
in a family or relationship. Working ard and waiter have been replaced
Display the following questions for
together, make three lists of gender with gender neutral words (human-
them to discuss.
specific words: one for men, another kind, firefighter, mail carrier, flight
• Are there some characteristics
for women and the third for words that attendant, and server). In groups
that are positive for men and neg-
can refer to either men or women. of three or four, have your students
ative for women?
brainstorm as many male specific or

• Are there others that are positive
ALL IN THE FAMILY for women and negative for men? female specific words as they can.
What are they? (Think along the lines of job titles.)
Once you have expanded your Have groups share their lists with the
• Why do you think these gender
list as much as possible, give your class. Then have groups work togeth-

er to list the gender neutral forms that
speakers use today. Finish out the
class with a small group discussion
with the following questions.
• In your opinion, are there some
jobs that are more appropriate for
men than women and vice versa?
• How have men’s and women’s
roles changed in society over
the last fifty years? How are they
likely to change in the next fifty
• What is your opinion on using
gender neutral words rather than
male or female specific ones?
What effect do you think that has
had on how society views men
and women?


AND WOMEN. Language, behavior
and responsibilities are all affected by
a person’s gender – some for good
and some for ill. Because gender dif-
ferences can be a controversial topic
among your students, these activities
will challenge your students to think for
themselves and express their opinions,
things that are good for getting ESL
students talking.

Are You Sure about That? Teach-
ing Certainty and Uncertainty
Hopefully Theoretically your students a chance to practice
LANGUAGE CAN BE VERY SUBTLE. Hypothetically Undeniably this structure with this fun lying game.
English is peppered with nuances Invariably Undoubtedly Each student should write three state-
that communicate respect, disbelief, Obviously Unmistakably ments about herself – two that are true
sincerity and certainty (among other Perhaps Unquestionably and one that is a lie. Either in groups
things). For students of English, it is or with the whole class, have each
easy for these subtleties to get lost in If your students can add to the lists person read her statements. The other
translation, but understanding those once these words are sorted, encour- students should then determine which
words and phrases is sometimes key age them to do so. statement they think is a lie. To check
to understanding what a person is try- if they are correct in their choice, they

ing to communicate. The subtleties
ADVERB OF CERTAINTY should give a “surely” statement ex-
surrounding certainty, for example, can pressing disbelief at what they think is
determine how a speaker should re- PLACEMENT
the lie. For example, a student might
spond or what actions she should take. Adverbs of certainty appear before the say the following.
In fact, a whole category of adverbs main verb in a sentence but after the
in English is dedicated to expressing auxiliary verb. I swam with sharks.
certainty. That’s why ESL teachers I climbed Mt. Everest.
should make a point of teaching the art He is absolutely coming tomorrow. I shot a bear.
of certainty to their students. Though She allegedly stole the diamond Her classmates would then reply with
beginning students may not be ready necklace. one of the following statements.
to talk about adverbs of certainty, your They can also appear at the beginning Surely you didn’t swim with
intermediate and advanced students of a sentence: sharks.
should be comfortable recognizing Obviously Anna is in love with the Surely you didn’t climb Mt. Ever-
and using these adverbs. Here are king. est.
some activities you can use with your Hypothetically, students start at Surely you didn’t shoot a bear.
ESL students when the time is surely level one and progress through If the speaker is wrong in his guess,
right. level six. the first person should give a state-
After reviewing placement of adjec- ment of certainty in reply.
CONSIDER USING tives of certainty with your class, have I absolutely swam with sharks.
THESE ACTIVITIES TO pairs of students work together to write If the class guess is correct, the speak-
PRACTICE CERTAINTY five statements that they are sure of. er should admit the lie and chose the
AND UNCERTAINTY Each statement should use one of the next person to read his statements.
adverbs of certainty. Then, have each Make sure each person has a chance

Give your students a list of ad-
pair write five statements they are not
sure of, also using an adverb of cer-
tainty in each sentence. Tell students
to share her statements and try to fool
her classmates before ending the ac-
verbs of certainty. Include some that to make sure some sentences place
express uncertainty and some that
express certainty. Then have students
work in pairs to divide the list into two
categories - words that express cer-
the adverb of certainty before the main
verb and others place it at the begin-
ning of the sentence.
To give your students some more prac-
tainty and those that express uncer-
tainty. Students should use their pre-
vious knowledge and a dictionary, if
necessary, to determine which group
Surely is an adverb of certainty
tice using adverbs of certainty, brain-
storm a list of silly statements (either
with your students or before class).
that serves a specific purpose when it You might include statements such as
each word fits into. You may want to comes at the beginning of a sentence. the following.
include the following words in your list. A speaker who uses surely in this way
believes that his statement is true but The sky is purple.
Absolutely Positively is looking for confirmation. Consider Hippos make great pets.
Actually Possibly the following sentences. Spaghetti is the best topping on a
Allegedly Presumably Surely you know we have a test pizza.
Apparently Probably tomorrow. Winter is a great time to visit the
Certainly Purportedly Surely you have told your family beach.
Clearly Reportedly about your fiancé. Learning English is quick and
Definitely Seemingly Though phrased as a statement, each easy.
Doubtfully Supposedly sentence is in fact a request for infor- Have students work with a partner and
Evidently Surely mation from the listener. You can give the list of statements. On his turn, the

student should choose a statement
and use an adverb of certainty to in-
dicate he is certain his statement is
Spaghetti is definitely the best
topping for pizza.
His partner then asks, “Are you sure
about that?” The first student should
then rephrase his statement in the
negative form also using an adverb of
Spaghetti is apparently not the
best toping for pizza.
Then students switch roles and
choose another statement following
the same pattern as above.

In writing, have students make pre-
dictions about their futures. Students
should write two paragraphs about
what their future will be or might be
like. The first paragraph should be
about his near future – the next se-
mester or the next year. Your students
will probably be somewhat certain of
the events in this time period. The
second paragraph should be about
his life far in the future. He might want
to think about his life five or ten years
in the future. These are events he will
probably be less certain about. When
writing, each person should include
some things he is sure about and
some things he is unsure about in
each paragraph about his future. En-
courage students to use as many ad-
verbs of certainty as possible in their
paragraphs. If you teach children, you
may also want to have students draw
pictures to illustrate their futures and
post them on a bulletin board in your


and in the process your students will
definitely advance in their knowledge
of the English language.

For, To, At, In....5 Big Fun Activi-
ties for Reviewing Prepositions
her room. She might write something
ENGLISH IS FULL OF PREPOSI- The treasure is in SuJan’s desk. similar to the following.
TIONS, AND THEY ESL STUDENTS Once every pair has written their
NEARLY ALWAYS BENEFIT FROM A clues, give each pair of students a My bed is against the wall and
QUICK, CREATIVE REVIEW OF THESE small star sticker to identify their trea- under a window. I have a poster
IMPORTANT LITTLE WORDS. sure, collect clue #1 from each pair, on the wall next to the window.
Here are some activities you can use have students place their subsequent I have three large pillows on my
with almost any class from beginning clues in the appropriate spot, and bed. The door is across from my
to advanced that will be big fun and shuffle and redistribute clues #1 to the desk, and my desk is next to my
worthwhile review of English preposi- pairs. Students then work together closet.
tions. to follow the trail of clues left by their When she is finished with her para-
classmates to locate the treasure. graph, read her paragraph and check
TRY THESE 5 FRESH to make sure she has no errors with
In this 20 Question style game,
prepositions, then have her print out
the paragraph. Then using the same
file, have your student replace every


This game gives your students
students ask questions to determine
what is wrong in a hypothetical class-
room. Ask one student to volunteer to
preposition in the paragraph with a
blank and print it again. Now she has
a cloze exercise with an answer key.
a chance to practice prepositions of answer questions. They should think She should staple the first page (the
location while reviewing classroom of an unusual situation that could hap- answer key) under the second one
vocabulary. Have your students work pen in a classroom, or you can assign and put the diagram on top. None of
with a partner to choose one item in an unusual situation to them. For ex- the pages should have the student’s
the classroom as their “treasure”. ample, you might use the following or name on it. Then collect the para-
Each pair will write a series of clues similar situations. graphs and redistribute them among
using prepositions of location that will The students are under the your students. Now each student
direct another team to their treasure. teacher’s desk. must complete the cloze exercise us-
Give each pair a distinct color of sticky The teacher is in the garbage ing any prepositions that are logical.
notes which they will use to write their can. He should refer to the diagram as
clues. Everything should be written The books are under the televi- needed to complete the paragraph.
on the sticky side of the notes. Before sion. Once he is finished, he can check his
students start writing clues, write the The white board is on the floor. answers with the page underneath.
following prepositions on the board: The rest of the class then takes turns After he checks his answers, ask the
under, between, on, above, next to, asking questions that use a preposi- person to guess who wrote the para-
behind, in front of, and near. Students tion of location to determine what is graph describing this room.
will then write a chain of clues using wrong in the classroom. If after 20
each of these prepositions one time,
and each clue will lead to the next and
ultimately to the treasure. On their
first sticky note, a pair writes a clue
questions, the class is able to guess
the strange situation, they win. If they
cannot guess within that number of
questions, the student answering This game gives your students a
that will lead to the second clue. They questions wins. You can also play this chance to practice using the preposi-
might write something like the follow- game any time you have a few free tions of time in, at and on. Give each
ing. minutes at the end of class. It’s a great person twelve index cards which they
Clue #2 is under the teacher’s filler and takes no prep on your part! will make into dominoes. On the left
desk. side of each card, have students write
Under the desk, that same pair would
place clue #2 which also leads to clue
#3. (Remind students to write on the
The next time you have some
a time. They can choose any time they
like for each card, but they should
have at least one of each of the fol-
sticky side of the notes so their clues time in the computer lab, try this activ- lowing: a holiday, a specific day of the
will be face down when they hide ity with your students. Start by giving year, a time on the clock, a day of the
them.) For example, clue #2 might each person a sheet of blank paper week, a season, a year, and a time of
say, and asking them to draw a simple dia- the day. On the right side of the cards,
Clue #3 is above the clock. gram of their bedroom. Ask each per- he should write a preposition of time.
Students should write a total of eight son to write a paragraph describing He should have three cards that each
clues using each preposition of loca- his or her bedroom. In the paragraph, say at, on and in. Then have students
tion one time. Clue number 8 will lead she should use at least six different play this unique version of dominoes
to the treasure. prepositions to describe what is in in groups of three. The person whose

birthday is closest to today lays down
the first domino. The person to her left
should then place one of his dominos
on the chain that would complete the
prepositional time phrase. For ex-
ample, if the first card read July/on,
a matching card might read Friday/in.
The key is that the preposition of the
first card matches the time on the sec-
ond card (On Friday) or that the prep-
osition player two lays down matches
the time on the first card (In July)
Play continues around the circle. If a
student cannot play a domino, play
moves to the next person. The person
to use all his dominos first wins. If you
like, have students keep their prepo-
sition of time dominos to play during
a free period or collect them and use
them to set up a learning center.

All you need for this game is a
blindfold and a spirit of adventure.
Before the activity, review with your
students prepositions of movement
(across, around, away from, down,
into, off, onto, out, over, past, through,
toward, under, up) and how to give
directions (turn left, turn right, go
straight.) Put students in groups of
three, and ask each group to choose
one person to walk the maze. Each
of these players must wait in the hall-
way until it is his turn to walk. Once
all the players are in the hallway (and
you have blocked any windows into
the class – no peeking!) the remain-
ing students rearrange the desks in
the classroom into a maze. The maze
should have only one way in and one
way out, but it can have as many
tricks and traps in the middle as you
like. Go into the hallway and blindfold
the first player. Bring them into your
classroom and position them at the
entrance to the maze. His two team-
mates should then call out commands
using prepositions of movement and
directional commands. The goal is to
get the player through the maze in the
least possible time. If a player bumps
into a desk, add five seconds to his
time. If a caller says something in his
native language, add five seconds to
the time. If you like, once each group
has had one turn, have your students
choose another player to wait in the
hallway. Rearrange the desks into a
new maze and time the second play-
ers. Do the same thing for the third
person in each team. Then, add to-
gether the scores for all three rounds
to determine which team had the best
time and wins bragging rights.

Don’t Get to the Point: Teaching
Indirect Questions
Even beginning level students are fa-
Often in reported questions,
tense of the quoted question as well
as when the reported question takes
place. For a brief explanation of how
to backshift in reported questions, see
the pronouns need to be changed.
miliar with how to ask yes/no and in- Note in the previous example “you’ this summary ( on
formational question in English. Direct is changed to “me” because Mark’s My English Pages.
questions, those that stand on their conversation partner is reporting his

own, should be nothing new to the question. This rule is not universal, CHANGE WORD ORDER
ESL teacher and student, but not all however. See the following example.
question in English are direct. Indirect “Will you be there?” Mark asked Sally. In direct questions, subject and
questions, or embedded questions, Mark asked Sally if she would be verb are inverted. For reported ques-
are more complicated ways of asking there. tions, the subject and verb are not in-
for the same information, and once In this case, “you” must be changed to verted.
your students are at the advanced “she” because Sally is not the person “Are you speaking English?”
level they should be able to recognize reporting the question. To correctly He asked if we were speaking Eng-
and use indirect questions. Here is change pronouns in reported ques- lish.
what you and your students need to tions, your students will have to de-

know about these complex question termine who is reporting the question USE AN IF CLAUSE WHEN
structures. and who the question is about. NECESSARY
English has two different types of in-
The question words (who, what,
where, when, why, how) stay the
same in reported questions, but yes/
Similar to change in pronouns, re- no questions are changed to an if
direct questions. The first type occur clause.
ported questions may need changes
in reported speech – when someone “Where are you going?”
in context expressions. These expres-
is relaying something that was said He asked where I was going.
sions communicate when and where
at an earlier time. The second type “Are you going?”
an activity takes place. Note the con-
of indirect questions are embedded He asked if I was going.
text expressions in the following ques-
questions. These questions appear

in dependent clauses within a larger
statement or question. Though the
“Will you be here tomorrow?” CHANGE PUNCTUATION
When reporting the question, the time
two types of indirect questions are While direct questions use a
and location at the moment are im-
similar, they are not exactly the same. question mark at the end of the sen-
portant. For example, if the reporting
happens in the same context as the tence, reported questions end with a
REPORTED original question, the reported ques- period.
QUESTIONS tion is as follows. “Did you hear?”
He asked if you would be here tomor- He asked if I heard.
Reported speech occurs when a per- To practice reported question with
son tells what someone else said your class, try this simple exercise.
However, if the reporting happens at a
without using a direct quotation. In the Arrange your class in a circle, and
different location and a different time,
example below, the first statement is have one person ask a question of the
the reported question may read as fol-
a direct quotation. The second is re- second person on his left. That per-
ported speech. son acts as though she didn’t hear the
He asked if she would be there yes-
“I will be there,” Mark said. question clearly and responds with,
Mark said that he would be there. “What?” The person between them
To make these changes correctly, stu-
Questions can also be changed from then repeats the question as a report-
dents must determine the context of
a direct quotations to reported speech. ed question. For example, one round
the original question as well as the
When they are, they are considered might look like the following.
context of the reported question.
reported questions. Student A: What are you doing to-

“Will you be there?” Mark asked. night?
Mark asked me if I would be there. CHANGE TENSE
Student C: What?
To change a direct question to a re- WHEN NECESSARY. Student B: He asked what you were
ported question, your students should doing tonight.
make these six changes. Tenses often change in reported ques-
tions, and this change is called back- Student C: I’m studying for a test.
shifting. Backshifting depends on the Continue around the circle until every-

one has played each part in the dia- specific member of the class. Student
logue. examples might look like the follow-
EMBEDDED I wonder why the sky is blue. Do you
QUESTIONS know why the sky is blue?
I wonder who invented cheese. Do
you know who invented cheese?
Embedded questions, though simi-
I wonder what movie I would like best.
lar to reported questions are not the
Do you know what movie I would like
same. Embedded questions are
questions in dependent clauses asso-
Though they may seem complicated
ciated with a main clause statement
at first, indirect questions can be-
or question. The following are embed-
come a natural part of your students’
ded questions.
I don’t know if he will come.
Do you think he will come?
Beginners may not be ready for this
I wonder where she lives.
complicated structure, but intermedi-
Have you seen where she lives?
ate and advanced students should
Like reported questions, embedded
be able to use them in their everyday
questions follow the same grammati-
cal patterns.

1 Embedded questions follow the

same word order as reported ques-
Do you think he will come?
Not: Do you think will he come?

2 Embedded questions do use

backshifting when necessary.
I wonder where Jamie has gone.
Not: I wonder where Jamie did go.

3 Embedded questions use an if

clause to introduce embedded yes/no
Do you know if we have a test tomor-
Not: Do you know do we have a test

4 Embedded questions end in a

period and not a question mark when
they are part of an overall statement.
It is also possible, however, for em-
bedded questions to end with a ques-
tion mark if they are part of an overall
I wonder where he went.
Do you know where he went?

To practice embedded questions, try

this simple exercise in which students
ask some of life’s big questions. Have
students take turns sharing what they
wonder with the class. Each student
should start with a general statement.
She should then ask her question to a


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