November 1-December 5, 2021: Study Articles For
November 1-December 5, 2021: Study Articles For
November 1-December 5, 2021: Study Articles For
also treasures their endurance. (Mal. 3: you very much for being loyal. He prom-
16) Their lives have not been trouble ises that “he will not abandon his loyal
free; yet, their faith in Jehovah has ones”! (Ps. 37:28) He gives you this as-
never wavered. Their hope for the fu- surance: “Until your hair is gray I will
ture is brighter than it was when they keep bearing you.” (Isa. 46:4) So do not
first learned the truth. And Jehovah conclude that in view of your advancing
loves them because they continue to de- years, you no longer have an important
clare his name “even in old age.”—Read role in Jehovah’s organization. You most
Psalm 92:12-15. certainly do!
4 If you are getting well along in years,
be assured that Jehovah remembers FOR OLDER ONES
the work you have done in the past. 5 Older ones have much to offer. Al-
(Heb. 6:10) You have zealously support- though they may not have the strength
ed the preaching work, and that pleases they once had, they do have a wealth of
our heavenly Father. You have endured experience that they have acquired over
trials—even heartbreaking ones—up- the years. Jehovah can continue to use
held the Bible’s righteous standards, car- them in various ways, as the following
ried heavy loads of responsibility, and examples from the past and the present
trained others. You have done your best show.
to keep pace with Jehovah’s fast-moving 6 We can find good examples in the Bi-
organization. You have supported and ble of faithful ones who actively served
encouraged others as they pursued the Jehovah into their old age. Moses, for
full-time ministry. Jehovah God loves
5. What should older ones keep in mind?
4. What thoughts should comfort our older broth- 6-7. Give examples from the Bible of older ones
ers and sisters? who received blessings for their loyal service.
tual treasures. For example, a brother A sister named Harriette served Jeho-
named Tony now lives in such a facility. vah faithfully for decades in her home
He got baptized in Pennsylvania, U.S.A., congregation in New Jersey, U.S.A.
in August 1942 at the age of 20. He soon Then she moved away to live with her
faced the neutrality issue and as a result daughter. Brothers in her new congrega-
spent two and a half years in prison. He tion took the time to get to know her,
and his wife, Hilda, raised two children and they discovered a treasure. She en-
in the truth. Over the years, Tony served couraged them with accounts of field
in three congregations as the presiding service when she first learned the truth
overseer (now known as the coordinator in the 1920’s. Back then, she always car-
of the body of elders) and as a circuit ried a toothbrush with her when she
assembly overseer. He conducted meet- went preaching—in case she got arrest-
ings and Bible studies at a state prison. ed. In fact, twice in 1933 she spent a
At 98, Tony is not ready to take it easy. week in jail. During such times, her non-
He keeps doing his very best to serve Je- Witness, supportive husband cared for
hovah and to work closely with the local their three young children. Certainly,
congregation! faithful older ones like Harriette deserve
11 How can we show honor to older to be treasured!
13 Our older brothers and sisters have
ones who live in adult care facilities? El-
ders can include them in congregation an important role in Jehovah’s arrange-
activities to the extent possible. We can ment. They have seen how Jehovah has
show personal attention by visiting them in many different ways blessed his orga-
or inviting them to a video chat. We want nization and them personally. They have
to give special attention to older ones learned important lessons from mis-
who may be living in a facility far from takes they have made. View them as a
their home congregation. If we are not “fountain of wisdom,” and draw on their
attentive, we could overlook these old- experience. (Prov. 18:4) If you take the
er ones. Some of them may not find it time to get to know them, your faith
easy or think it appropriate to talk about can be strengthened and you will learn a
themselves. But we will benefit greatly thing or two!
when we take the time to draw them BENEFIT FULLY FROM
out and listen as they tell about the joys THE EXAMPLE OF OLDER ONES
they have experienced in Jehovah’s or- 14 Take the initiative to talk with older
ganization. ones. (Read Deuteronomy 32:7.) True,
12 We may be surprised to find that
their eyesight may have dimmed, their
there are outstanding examples of faith- pace may have slowed, and their speech
ful older ones in our own congregation.
13. What have we learned about the place that
11. How can we show that we treasure those who older ones occupy in Jehovah’s arrangement?
live in adult care facilities? 14. What does Deuteronomy 32:7 encourage
12. What can we find in our own congregation? younger ones to do?
Just as Elisha benefited
from being with Elijah,
brothers and sisters can
benefit from experiences
recounted by ones who
have long served Jehovah
(See paragraphs 14-15)
may have softened, but they are young rich your appreciation for the way Jeho-
at heart, and they have made “a good vah cares for his faithful servants, and
name” with Jehovah. (Eccl. 7:1) Remem- the older one will feel dignified. He will
ber why Jehovah treasures them. Con- enjoy recounting to you how he has re-
tinue to show them honor. Be like Elisha. ceived Jehovah’s blessings.
He insisted on staying close to Elijah 17 Physical beauty usually fades with
on their last day together. Three times age, but those who are loyal to Jeho-
Elisha declared: “I will not leave you.” vah become more beautiful to him with
—2 Ki. 2:2, 4, 6. each passing year. (1 Thess. 1:2, 3) Why
15 Show genuine interest in older ones is that true? Because over the years,
by kindly drawing them out. (Prov. 1:5; they have allowed God’s spirit to mold
20:5; 1 Tim. 5:1, 2) Ask such ques- them and refine them. The more we
tions as these: “When you were youn- get to know our precious older brothers
ger, what convinced you that you had and sisters, honor them, and learn from
found the truth?” “How have your expe- them, the more we will view them as
riences drawn you closer to Jehovah?” priceless treasures!
“What have you found to be the secret to 18 The congregation grows stronger
remaining happy in Jehovah’s service?” not only when younger ones treasure
(1 Tim. 6:6-8) Then listen as they tell older ones but also when older ones val-
their story. ue younger ones. In our next article, we
16 When an older one and a younger will discuss how older ones can show
one talk with each other, both benefit. that they treasure younger ones in the
(Rom. 1:12) You younger ones will en- congregation.
15. What questions might we ask older ones? 17. Why can we say that faithful older ones be-
16. How can talking with each other benefit both come more beautiful with the passing of years?
an older one and a younger one? 18. What will we consider in the next article?
˛ Why does Jehovah view ˛ What role do older ones ˛ How can younger ones
faithful older ones as have in the congregation? benefit from getting to
precious treasures? know older ones?
SONG 144
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!
Older ones generously
share their experience
with others
(See paragraphs 4-5)
able experience to share with the youn- is still burning brightly in their heart.
ger generation, they realize that “the But they understand that younger hands
scene of this world is changing” and that are needed to care for the work. They
it may be necessary for them to adapt to thus show an attitude similar to that
new circumstances.—1 Cor. 7:31. of the Levites in ancient Israel who,
4 Humble older ones recognize that at the age of 50, were required to dis-
as they age, they cannot do as much continue their service at the tabernacle.
as they once did. Consider, for exam- The joy of those older Levites was not
ple, our circuit overseers. When they tied to a particular privilege. They took
reach 70 years of age, they are invit- full advantage of the privileges that were
ed to take up a different assignment. available to them, doing all they could
That may be a challenge. They cher- to assist the younger ones. (Num. 8:25,
ished the privilege of serving their broth- 26) Today, former circuit overseers, al-
ers. It was an assignment they loved, though no longer serving a number of
and the desire to be used in that way congregations, are proving to be a real
4. How do circuit overseers show an attitude sim-
blessing to the congregation to which
ilar to that of the Levites? they are assigned.
5 Consider the example of Dan, who court. Modest Barzillai declined the
served as a circuit overseer for 23 years. king’s offer. Recognizing his personal
When Dan reached the age of 70, he limitations because of his age, Barzil-
and his wife, Katie, were assigned to lai recommended that a younger man,
be special pioneers. How have they ad- Chimham, go in his place. (2 Sam. 19:35-
justed to their new circumstances? Dan 37) Like Barzillai, older men are happy
says that now he is busier than ever! He to give younger men the opportunity to
cares for his congregation responsibili- serve.
ties, helps brothers to qualify as ministe- 8 King David also set an excellent ex-
rial servants, and trains others to share ample of modesty. With all his heart, he
in witnessing in metropolitan areas and wanted to build a house for Jehovah.
in prisons. Older ones, whether you But when Jehovah informed him that
are in full-time service or not, you can this privilege would be given to young
do much to help others. How? Adapt Solomon, David accepted Jehovah’s de-
to your changed circumstances, set new cision and gave his wholehearted sup-
goals, and focus on what you can do port to the project. (1 Chron. 17:4; 22:5)
rather than on what you cannot do. David did not feel that he was the bet-
ter one for the assignment because Sol-
omon was “young and inexperienced.”
6 A modest person acknowledges his (1 Chron. 29:1) David knew that the suc-
limitations. (Prov. 11:2) Modesty moves cess of the construction project depend-
him to adjust his expectations of how ed on Jehovah’s blessing, not on the age
much he can do. As a result, he will re- or the experience of those taking the
main happy and productive. We could lead. In imitation of David, older ones
compare a modest person with someone today remain active even when their role
driving a vehicle uphill. The driver needs changes. And they know that Jehovah
to change to a lower gear in order to will bless the young ones who are doing
continue driving up the slope. True, he the work they once did.
will probably travel more slowly, but he 9 A modern-day example of modes-
will keep moving forward. Similarly, a ty is a brother named Shigeo. In 1976,
modest person knows when it is time to at 30 years of age, he was appoint-
“change to a lower gear” so that he can ed to serve on a Branch Committee. In
continue to be active and productive in 2004 he became the Branch Commit-
Jehovah’s service.—Phil. 4:5. tee coordinator. Later he realized that
7 Note the example of Barzillai, who
he had reached the limit of his physical
was 80 years old when King David in- strength and could no longer handle the
vited him to become part of the royal work promptly. He prayerfully consid-
5. What do you learn from the example set by Dan 8. How did King David show modesty regarding
and Katie? the construction of the temple?
6. Why is it wise to be modest? Illustrate. 9. How did a Branch Committee member show
7. How did Barzillai show modesty? modesty?
King David accepted God’s decision that his son would construct the temple
(See paragraph 8)
ered the benefits of having a younger able to fill the need and serve the con-
brother take over the responsibilities. gregation.
Although no longer the coordinator, 11 The Bible character Naomi is an ex-
thanked the Christians in Philippi for stantial donations from his personal
material gifts they had sent to him. (Phil. wealth to support the construction of
4:16) He expressed gratitude for the help the temple. (1 Chron. 22:11-16; 29:3, 4)
that Timothy had given him. (Phil. 2:19- He did this even though primary credit
22) And Paul thanked God for those who for the project would go to his son Solo-
came to encourage him as he was be- mon. When we no longer have the physi-
ing transported to Rome as a prisoner. cal strength to participate in theocratic
(Acts 28:15) Paul was a dynamic indi- construction projects, we can continue
vidual who traveled thousands of miles to support these projects by means of
to preach and to strengthen the congre- our contributions, to the extent that our
gations. Yet, he was not too proud to circumstances allow. And we can help
accept support from his brothers and younger ones to benefit from the experi-
sisters. ence we have acquired over the years.
13 Older ones, you can show your grat- 15 In regard to generosity, consider the
itude for the younger ones in your example set by the apostle Paul. He in-
congregation in a number of ways. If vited Timothy to join him in the mission-
they want to help you with transporta- ary work, and Paul generously shared his
tion, shopping, or other physical needs, preaching and teaching methods with
gratefully accept their assistance. View this younger man. (Acts 16:1-3) Paul’s
such help as an expression of Jehovah’s training helped Timothy to be effective
love. You may be surprised at the bonds in spreading the good news. (1 Cor. 4:17)
of friendship that might develop. Always Timothy, in turn, used Paul’s methods to
show interest in the spiritual growth of train others.
your young companions, and tell them 16 Older ones today are not afraid that
how happy you are to see young ones
they will no longer be useful if they train
reaching out to be of greater service
younger ones to do the work they used
in the congregation. And be willing to
to do in the congregation. For example,
spend time sharing your life’s experienc-
over the years, Shigeo, mentioned ear-
es with them. When you do, you will
lier, gave practical training to younger
“show yourselves thankful” to Jehovah
members of the Branch Committee. He
for the younger ones whom he has drawn
did this in order to serve the interests of
to the congregation.—Col. 3:15; John 6:
the Kingdom work in the country where
44; 1 Thess. 5:18.
he is located. As a result, when the time
BE GENEROUS came, a well-trained brother was avail-
14We find in the example of King Da- able to replace him as coordinator. Shi-
vid another vital quality that older ones geo continues to share his more than 45
need to show—generosity. He made sub- years of Branch Committee experience
13. How can older ones show their gratitude for 15. What valuable gifts did the apostle Paul share
younger ones? with Timothy?
14. How did King David show his generosity? 16. Why did Shigeo train others?
with younger brothers. What a blessing As you dear older ones draw clos-
such ones are to God’s people! er to younger ones, you will be able to
17 You older brothers and sisters are support one another. (Rom. 1:12) Each
living proof that serving Jehovah with has something of value that the other
faith and integrity is the best way of life. does not possess. Older ones have the
By your example, you show that it is wisdom and experience that they gained
worth the effort to learn Bible princi- with the passing of time. Younger ones
ples and apply them in your life. You have energy and strength. When young
know from experience how things were and old work together as friends, they
done in the past, but you also see the bring praise to our loving heavenly Fa-
need to adapt to changing circumstanc- ther and are a blessing to all in the con-
es. You older ones who recently got bap- gregation.
tized also have much to give; you can
18. What mutual benefit can older and younger
share the joys of getting to know Jeho- ones enjoy?
vah later in life. Younger ones will ap-
preciate hearing about your experiences
and the lessons you have learned. If you
“practice giving” from your storehouse ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
of experience, Jehovah will bless you PICTURE DESCRIPTION Page 9: When a circuit
richly.—Read Luke 6:38. overseer reached 70 years of age, he and his wife
received a new assignment. Their years of expe-
17. In harmony with Luke 6:38, what can older rience allow them to train others in the congrega-
ones give to others? tion where they now serve.
Encourage One Another
“I Will Shake
All the Nations”
Come to “I will shake all the nations, and the precious things
Jehovah’s Mountain of all the nations will come in.”—HAG. 2:7.
AN ENCOURAGING MESSAGE shaking of all the nations. This revela-
IN HAGGAI’S DAY tion reassured those disheartened tem-
4 The prophet Haggai received an im- ple builders that Jehovah was going to
portant commission from Jehovah. shake up Persia, the world power that
Consider the background. Haggai had encompassed many nations of that day.
likely been among those who in And what would result from that shak-
537 B.C.E. returned to Jerusalem from ing? First, God’s people would finish the
exile in Babylon. Soon after they arrived construction of the temple. Then, even
at their destination, those faithful wor- non-Jews would join them in worship-
shippers laid the foundation of Jeho- ping Jehovah at that restored temple.
vah’s house, or temple. (Ezra 3:8, 10) What an encouraging message that must
But before long, a sad situation devel- have been for God’s people!—Zech. 8:9.
oped. They got discouraged and stopped
working on the project because of op-
position. (Ezra 4:4; Hag. 1:1, 2) So in
7 What does Haggai’s prophecy mean
520 B.C.E., Jehovah commissioned Hag- for us today? Once again Jehovah is
gai to rekindle their zeal and motivate shaking all the nations, and this time
them to complete the temple.1—Ezra 6: we are involved. Consider this fact: In
14, 15. 1914, Jehovah installed Jesus Christ as
5 Haggai’s message was designed to King of His heavenly Kingdom. (Ps. 2:6)
build faith in Jehovah. The prophet The establishment of that Kingdom was
boldly conveyed these words to the bad news for world leaders. It meant
downhearted Jews: “ ‘Be strong, all you that “the appointed times of the na-
people of the land,’ declares Jehovah, tions”—the period during which there
‘and work. For I am with you,’ declares was no ruler directly representing Jeho-
Jehovah of armies.” (Hag. 2:4) The ex- vah—had been fulfilled, or had come to
pression “Jehovah of armies” must have an end. (Luke 21:24) In recognition of
been reassuring. Jehovah has a vast that fact, particularly since 1919, Jeho-
army of angelic warriors under his com- vah’s people have been pointing to God’s
mand, so the Jews needed to rely on him Kingdom as the only hope for mankind.
to succeed. This preaching of the “good news of the
6 Jehovah inspired Haggai to deliver Kingdom” has shaken the whole world.
a message that described a symbolic —Matt. 24:14.
8 How have people reacted to this mes-
1 We know that Haggai’s mission was successful be-
cause the temple was completed by 515 B.C.E.
sage? Most have reacted negatively.
(Read Psalm 2:1-3.) The nations have
4. Why did Jehovah send the prophet Haggai to become agitated. They refuse to accept
His people?
5. Why must Haggai’s message have been re- 7. What shaking work are we involved in today? Ex-
assuring to God’s people? plain.
6. What would result from the shaking that Haggai 8. According to Psalm 2:1-3, how have the major-
foretold? ity of the nations reacted to this message?
Jehovah’s appointed Ruler. They do not minds and accept Jehovah’s Kingdom.
view the Kingdom message we preach as However, time is running out. We are liv-
“good news.” In fact, some governments ing in “the last days” of this system of
have even banned the preaching work! things. (2 Tim. 3:1; Isa. 61:2) It has never
Even though many of the rulers of these been more urgent for people to get the
nations claim to serve God, they do not facts and make the right choice.
want to give up their own power and au-
thority. So just as the rulers did in Je-
sus’ day, rulers today oppose Jehovah’s
Anointed One by attacking his loyal fol-
10 The figurative shaking that Haggai
lowers.—Acts 4:25-28. foretold has a positive effect on some
9 How does Jehovah respond to the people. He tells us that as a result of
the shaking, “the precious things [hon-
negative reaction of the nations? Psalm
2:10-12 answers: “So now, you kings, esthearted people] of all the nations will
show insight; accept correction, you come” to worship Jehovah.1 (Read Hag-
judges of the earth. Serve Jehovah with gai 2:7-9.) Isaiah as well as Micah fore-
fear, and rejoice with trembling. Honor told similar developments that would oc-
the son, or God will become indignant cur “in the last days.”—Isa. 2:2-4, ftn.;
and you will perish from the way, for Mic. 4:1, 2, ftn.
His anger flares up quickly. Happy are 1 This is an adjustment in understanding. At times we
all those taking refuge in Him.” Jehovah said that the drawing of honesthearted ones to Jehovah
was not caused by the shaking of all the nations. See
kindly grants these opposers a window of “Questions From Readers” in the May 15, 2006, issue of
opportunity. They can still change their The Watchtower.
9. How does Jehovah respond to the negative 10. What positive reaction to the shaking work is
reaction of the nations? described at Haggai 2:7-9?
Are you having a full share
in the earthshaking work
that is being done today?
(See paragraphs 7-8)
HAGGAI 2:20-22
11 Consider the effect that the earth- there are over eight million actively wor-
shaking message had on a brother shipping God, and millions more join us
named Ken, who serves at world head- each year to commemorate the Memori-
quarters. He still vividly remem- al. In this way, the earthly courtyards
bers when he first heard the Kingdom of Jehovah’s spiritual temple—his ar-
message some 40 years ago. Ken says: rangement for pure worship—have been
“When I first heard the truth from God’s filled with “the precious things of all
Word, I was grateful to learn that we are the nations.” Jehovah’s name has also
living in the last days of this system of been glorified by the changes these ones
things. I saw that in order to win God’s make as they put on the new personality.
approval and gain everlasting life, I had —Eph. 4:22-24.
to escape from this unstable world and 13 These exciting developments have
stand firmly on Jehovah’s side. I prayer- fulfilled other prophecies, such as the
fully did so immediately. I left the world one found in Isaiah chapter 60. Verse 22
behind and fled to the security of God’s of that chapter says: “The little one will
Kingdom, which cannot be shaken.” become a thousand and the small one a
12 Jehovah has obviously been blessing mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, will
his people. During these last days, we speed it up in its own time.” Because
have seen a huge increase in the number of the influx of true worshippers, some-
of those worshipping him. In 1914 there thing wonderful happens. These “pre-
were just a few thousand of us. Now cious things” bring with them various
skills and abilities, along with a will-
11. How did one brother react to the Kingdom ing spirit to join in the preaching of the
message when he first heard it?
12. How has Jehovah’s spiritual temple been filled 13. What other prophecies have been fulfilled by
with glory during these last days? these exciting developments? (See cover picture.)
“good news of the Kingdom.” Conse- them. Similarly, all in our day will be ex-
quently, as Isaiah expressed it, “the milk pected to have a symbolic mark on their
of nations” is being made available to hand or forehead. Their thoughts and
Jehovah’s people. (Isa. 60:5, 16) With actions will show that they belong to and
the help of these precious men and wom- support the political systems.
en, the preaching work is being carried 16 Will we accept this symbolic mark
out in 240 countries and literature is and give our allegiance to political gov-
being produced in over 1,000 languages. ernments? Those who refuse to receive
A TIME OF DECISION the mark will face difficulties and danger.
The book of Revelation goes on to say:
14 In this time of the end, the shaking
“Nobody can buy or sell except a person
of the nations is forcing people to make
having the mark.” (Rev. 13:17) But God’s
a decision. Will they support God’s King-
people know what God will do to those
dom, or will they place their confidence
who have the mark mentioned at Revela-
in the governments of this world? This is
tion 14:9, 10. Rather than bear that mark,
the choice that all will face. Although
they will, in effect, write on their hand,
Jehovah’s people obey the laws of the
“Belonging to Jehovah.” (Isa. 44:5) Now
government of the land in which they
is the time to make sure that our loyalty
live, they remain completely neutral with
to Jehovah is strong. If it is, Jehovah will
regard to the politics of this world. (Rom.
gladly claim us as his own!
13:1-7) They know that the Kingdom is
the only true solution to mankind’s prob- A FINAL SHAKING
lems. That Kingdom is no part of this 17 Jehovah has shown great patience
world.—John 18:36, 37. during these last days. He does not want
15 The book of Revelation describes a
anyone to be destroyed. (2 Pet. 3:9)
testing of the loyalty of God’s people He has given all an opportunity to re-
in the last days. That testing will con- pent and to make the right decision. But
tinue to bring intense pressure on us. his patience has limits. Those who reject
The political systems of this world will this opportunity will find themselves in a
demand our worship and will persecute situation similar to that of Pharaoh in
those who refuse to support them. (Rev. Moses’ day. Jehovah said to Pharaoh:
13:12, 15) They will put “under compul- “By now I could have thrust my hand out
sion all people—the small and the great, to strike you and your people with a
the rich and the poor, the free and the devastating plague, and you would have
slaves—that these should be marked on been wiped out from the earth. But for
their right hand or on their forehead.” this very reason I have kept you in exis-
(Rev. 13:16) Slaves in ancient times were tence: to show you my power and to
branded with a mark to show who owned
16. Why is it urgent to strengthen our loyalty to Je-
14. What decision do people have to make now? hovah now?
15. What great test of loyalty is described in the 17. What do we need to remember with regard to
book of Revelation? Jehovah’s patience?
have my name declared in all the earth.” with godly fear and awe.” (Heb. 12:28)
(Ex. 9:15, 16) All the nations will eventu- Yes, when the dust settles after this final
ally have to know that Jehovah is the great shaking, only God’s Kingdom will
only true God. (Ezek. 38:23) How will remain unshaken. It will still be firmly in
this happen? place!—Ps. 110:5, 6; Dan. 2:44.
18 Centuries after Haggai’s day, the 20 There is no time to waste! People
apostle Paul was inspired to show that must choose: Will they continue to sup-
the words found at Haggai 2:6, 20-22 port the way of life promoted by this
would have a future fulfillment. (Read.) world, leading to destruction, or will
Paul wrote: “Now he has promised: ‘Yet they work to bring their life into harmo-
once more I will shake not only the ny with God’s will, leading to everlast-
earth but also the heaven.’ Now the ex- ing life? (Heb. 12:25) By our preaching
pression ‘yet once more’ indicates the work, we can help people decide what
removal of the things that are shaken, position they will take on this impor-
things that have been made, in order tant issue. May we help many more pre-
that the things not shaken may remain.” cious ones take their stand for God’s
(Heb. 12:26, 27) Unlike the shaking men- Kingdom. And may we keep in mind the
tioned at Haggai 2:7, this shaking will words of our Lord Jesus: “This good
mean everlasting destruction for those news of the Kingdom will be preached in
who, like Pharaoh, refuse to acknowl- all the inhabited earth for a witness to
edge Jehovah’s right to rule. all the nations, and then the end will
19 What will not be shaken, or re- come.”—Matt. 24:14.
moved? Paul continued: “Seeing that we
20. What choice must people make, and how can
are to receive a Kingdom that cannot we help them?
be shaken, let us continue to receive
undeserved kindness, through which we ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
may acceptably offer God sacred service PICTURE DESCRIPTIONS Page 16: Haggai urged
God’s people to have zeal in the temple rebuilding;
18. (a) What other type of shaking is described at God’s people in modern times have zealously de-
Haggai 2:6, 20-22? (b) How do we know that Hag- clared God’s message. Page 17: A couple share in
gai’s words will have a future fulfillment? an earthshaking proclamation work about a final
19. What will not be shaken, and how do we know? shaking to come.
To Whom Do We Belong?
49:25; Isa. 40:28; 1 Tim. 1:17) However, to respect and obey our Father, how to
Jesus used the intimate term “Father.” avoid displeasing Him, and how to gain
4 Do you find it difficult to view Jeho- His approval. But Jesus’ life course on
vah as a loving Father? Some of us do. earth especially reveals how kind and
We may find the idea of a loving par- loving Jehovah is. (Read Luke 10:22.)
ent hard to grasp because our upbring- Let us consider some examples.
ing was painful. How comforting it is to 6 Jehovah listens to his children. Con-
know that Jehovah completely under- sider the way that Jehovah listened
stands our feelings! He wants to be close to his firstborn Son. Jehovah certain-
to us. That is why his Word urges us: ly heard many prayers offered by his
“Draw close to God, and he will draw Son when he was on earth. (Luke 5:16)
close to you.” (Jas. 4:8) Jehovah loves He heard Jesus pray about weighty deci-
us, and he offers to be the best Father we
sions, such as when he selected his 12
could ever have.
apostles. (Luke 6:12, 13) Jehovah also
5 Jesus can help us to draw closer to
heard Jesus pray when he was in dis-
Jehovah. Jesus knows Jehovah so well
tress. Just before his betrayal, Jesus fer-
and reflects His qualities so perfectly
vently prayed to his Father concerning
that he said: “Whoever has seen me has
the difficult test he was about to face.
seen the Father also.” (John 14:9) Like
Jehovah not only heard Jesus’ prayer
an older brother, Jesus teaches us how
but also sent an angel to strengthen His
4. How do we know that Jehovah wants us to draw dear Son.—Luke 22:41-44.
close to him?
5. According to Luke 10:22, how can Jesus help us 6. Give examples of how Jehovah listened to Je-
to draw closer to Jehovah? sus.
As a loving Father,
Jehovah strengthened
his Son by means
of an angel
(See paragraph 6)
7 Today, Jehovah continues to listen to TREAT YOUR SPIRITUAL FAMILY
the prayers of his servants, and he an- THE WAY JEHOVAH DOES
swers them at the right time and in the 10 Jehovah loves our brothers and sis-
best possible way. (Ps. 116:1, 2) Con- ters. But we may not always find it
sider how a sister in India personally easy to feel and express love for mem-
experienced this. She had been deal- bers of our spiritual family. After all, we
ing with severe emotional problems, and come from many different cultures and
she earnestly prayed to Jehovah about backgrounds. And we all make mistakes
the matter. She writes: “The May 2019 that can frustrate and disappoint others.
JW Broadcasting˙ program about how Still, we can contribute to the love of
to deal with worry and anxiety was just our spiritual family. How? By imitating
the right thing for me. It was an answer our Father in showing love to our broth-
to my prayers.” ers and sisters. (Eph. 5:1, 2; 1 John 4:19)
8 Jehovah loves us and cares for us, Let us see what we can learn from Jeho-
just as he loved Jesus and cared for him vah’s example.
during his challenging earthly assign- 11 Jehovah shows “tender compassion.”
ment. (John 5:20) He provided for all of (Luke 1:78) A compassionate person is
Jesus’ spiritual, emotional, and physical concerned when he notices that people
needs. And Jehovah did not hold back are suffering; he looks for ways to pro-
from expressing love for and approval vide help and comfort. By the way he
of his Son. (Matt. 3:16, 17) Because he treated people, Jesus reflected Jehovah’s
could always count on his loving heaven- concern for them. (John 5:19) When see-
ly Father, Jesus never felt alone.—John ing a crowd on one occasion, Jesus “felt
8:16. pity for them, because they were skinned
9 Like Jesus, all of us have experienced and thrown about like sheep without
many expressions of Jehovah’s love. a shepherd.” (Matt. 9:36) Jesus’ com-
Just think: Jehovah drew us to him and passion went beyond warm feelings. He
has given us a loving and united spiritual cured the sick and offered refreshment
family to make us happy and to help fill to those who were “toiling and loaded
our emotional needs. (John 6:44) Jeho- down.”—Matt. 11:28-30; 14:14.
vah also provides us with a steady sup- 12 Before we can show compassionate
ply of upbuilding spiritual food. And he concern for our brothers and sisters, we
even helps us to care for our daily ma- need to consider what challenges they
terial needs. (Matt. 6:31, 32) As we re- are facing. For example, a sister may
flect on Jehovah’s love for us, our love have a serious health problem. She never
for him grows.
10. What can we learn from the way Jehovah
7. How should we feel knowing that Jehovah lis- treats our brothers and sisters?
tens to our prayers? 11. How did Jesus reflect Jehovah’s “tender com-
8. In what ways did Jehovah show love for Jesus? passion”?
9. What evidence do we have that Jehovah 12. Give an example of how we can show compas-
loves us? sion.
Imitate Jehovah by
being compassionate
and generous with your
brothers and sisters
(See paragraphs 12-14)
complains about it, but she would likely take the initiative in showing generosi-
appreciate some practical help. How is ty. For example, in 2013, Super Typhoon
she caring for the physical needs of her Haiyan caused tremendous destruction
family? Would she welcome a little assis- in the Philippines. A number of broth-
tance with preparing meals or cleaning ers and sisters lost their homes and pos-
the house? A brother may have lost his sessions. But their spiritual family from
job. Would a modest monetary gift, per- around the world rallied to support them.
haps given anonymously, help tide him Many contributed funds or participated
over until he finds another job? in a massive construction effort, which
13 Jehovah is generous. (Matt. 5:45)
resulted in repairing or rebuilding almost
We should not wait until our brothers 750 homes in less than a year! During
and sisters ask for our help before we the COVID-19 pandemic, the Witnesses
show compassion. Like Jehovah, we can worked hard to support their brothers
take the initiative. He makes the sun rise and sisters. When we are quick to support
on us daily without our even asking for our spiritual family, we show them that
it! And the warmth of the sun sustains we love them.
everyone, not just those who are thank- 15 Jehovah is merciful and forgiving.
ful. Would you not agree that by provid-
(Read Luke 6:36.) We daily experi-
ing for our needs, Jehovah is expressing
ence our heavenly Father’s mercy. (Ps.
his love for us? How we love Jehovah for
103:10-14) Jesus’ followers were im-
being so kind and generous!
14 In imitation of their heavenly Fa-
perfect; yet, he showed them mercy and
ther, many of our brothers and sisters 15-16. According to Luke 6:36, what is an impor-
tant way in which we can imitate our heavenly Fa-
13-14. How can we be generous like Jehovah? ther?
forgiveness. He was even willing to sacri- that we love them and that we imitate
fice his life so that our sins can be forgiv- our Father, Jehovah.
en. (1 John 2:1, 2) Do you not feel drawn
to Jehovah and Jesus because they are
merciful and forgiving?
17 It is a great privilege to belong to
16 We strengthen the bond of love in a loving international family. We want
our spiritual family when we are “free- as many as possible to join us in wor-
ly forgiving.” (Eph. 4:32) Of course, shipping our God. With this in mind, we
forgiving others can be very hard at should be careful never to do anything
times, so we need to work at it. One sis- that would reflect badly on Jehovah’s
ter felt that the Watchtower article “For- people or on our heavenly Father. We try
give One Another Freely” helped her to conduct ourselves in a way that will
to do just that.1 She writes: “Study- attract people to the good news.—Read
ing this article has given me a differ- Matthew 5:16.
ent, more positive perspective on the 18 At times, some may belittle us or
matter. It explained that being willing even persecute us because we obey our
to forgive others does not mean that heavenly Father. What if we feel intim-
you approve of their wrong behavior idated when speaking to others about
or minimize the damage it causes. But our beliefs? We can count on Jehovah
forgiving does mean letting go of resent- and his Son to come to our aid. Jesus re-
ment for such wrongs and maintaining assured his disciples that they did not
your own peace.” When we freely for-
give our brothers and sisters, we show 17. According to Matthew 5:16, how can we honor
our heavenly Father?
1 See The Watchtower, November 15, 2012, pp. 26-30. 18. What can help us to give a fearless witness?
have to worry about how to speak or Robert! And Jehovah is also proud of us
what to say. Why not? “What you are to when we rely on him to give a coura-
speak will be given you in that hour,” ex- geous witness in challenging situations.
plained Jesus, “for the ones speaking 20 May we continue to treasure the
are not just you, but it is the spirit of blessing we have of belonging to a lov-
your Father that speaks by you.”—Matt. ing spiritual family. We have the best
10:19, 20. possible Father as well as many devoted
19 Consider the example of Robert. brothers and sisters. We must never take
Some time ago when he was a new Bible these things for granted. Satan and his
student with limited Bible knowledge, hateful followers try to make us doubt
he appeared before a military court in our heavenly Father’s love and try to dis-
South Africa. He boldly explained to the rupt the unity we enjoy. Jesus, however,
court that he wanted to remain neu- prayed in our behalf, asking our Father
tral because of his love for his Christian to watch over us so that our family re-
brothers. He cherished his place in our mains united. (Read John 17:11, 15.)
spiritual family! “Who are your broth- Jehovah is answering that prayer. Like
ers?” the judge asked suddenly. Robert Jesus, may we never doubt the love and
had not anticipated that question, but support of our heavenly Father. Let us
immediately the text for that day came be determined to continue drawing ever
to mind. It was Matthew 12:50: “Who- closer to our spiritual family.
ever does the will of my Father who is in 20. What should we be determined to do? (John
heaven, that one is my brother and sis- 17:11, 15)
ter and mother.” Even though Robert
was a new Bible student, Jehovah’s spir-
PICTURE DESCRIPTIONS Page 21: Jehovah sent
it helped him to answer that question an angel to strengthen Jesus in the garden of
and a number of other unexpected ques- Gethsemane. Page 23: During the COVID-19 pan-
tions. Jehovah must have been proud of demic, many worked to prepare and distribute
provisions of food. Page 24: A mother supports
19. Give an example of someone who gave a bold her daughter, who is sending a letter of encour-
witness. agement to a brother in prison.
˛ What proves to you that ˛ What are some ways we can ˛ How do we show that we
Jehovah is a loving Father? express love for our brothers cherish our spiritual family?
and sisters?
Myriads of Brothers
have done to help their young one stay in
the truth. After his son was dis-
fellowshipped, a brother named Luke ad-
mitted: “I blamed myself. I had night-
mares about it. Sometimes I would cry
and my heart ached.” Elizabeth, a sister
who faced a similar situation, agonized: Jehovah understands how devastating
“What did I do wrong as a mother? I felt the spiritual loss of a loved one can be
(See paragraphs 2-3)
that I must have failed to inculcate the
truth in my son.”
5 We need to remember that Jehovah
has given each of us the gift of free will. 7 Young ones, if one of your parents
This means that we can choose wheth- has been disfellowshipped, our heart
er we will obey him or not. Some young aches for you! Please be assured that Je-
ones whose upbringing was far from ideal hovah is also keenly aware of your pain.
choose to serve Jehovah, and they make He loves you and appreciates your loyal-
a success of their service. Others whose ty, and so do we—your brothers and sis-
parents did their very best to bring them ters. Remember, too, that you are not
up in harmony with Scriptural principles responsible for your parent’s decisions.
turn their back on the truth once they get As mentioned earlier, Jehovah has put a
older. In the final analysis, we must per- choice before every human. And each
sonally decide whether we will serve Je- dedicated and baptized individual must
hovah. (Josh. 24:15) So, grieving parents, “carry his own load of responsibility.”
fight the tendency to think that this trag- —Gal. 6:5, ftn.
edy must be your fault! 8 When someone you love leaves Je-
6 At times, a parent abandons the truth hovah, you understandably hold on to
and even the family. (Ps. 27:10) This the hope that one day he will return
can be devastating for children who had to Him. What can you do in the mean-
looked up to the parent as a role mod- time? You can look after your own spir-
el. Esther, whose father was disfellow- itual health. By doing so, you will set
shipped, says: “I cried often because I re- a good example for other family mem-
alized that he was not just drifting away bers and perhaps even for the disfellow-
from the truth. He was making a deliber- shipped one. You will also gain the need-
ate choice to leave Jehovah altogether. I ed strength to cope with your painful
love my father, so when he was disfellow- emotions. Let us discuss some practical
shipped, I constantly worried about his steps you can take.
well-being. I even had panic attacks.”
7. What are Jehovah’s feelings toward a young
5. Who is responsible when a person leaves Jeho- person whose parent is disfellowshipped?
vah? 8. What can faithful family members do while wait-
6. How might a young person be affected when a ing for their loved one to return to Jehovah? (See
parent leaves God? also the box “Return to Jehovah.”)
9 Stick to a good spiritual routine. It
is vital that you continue strengthening
yourself and other family members. How
can you do so? Draw strength from Jeho-
vah by maintaining a routine of read-
Return to ing God’s Word and meditating on it as
Jehovah well as attending Christian meetings. Jo-
anna, whose father and sister left the
One mother says: “My hope for my disfellow- truth, says: “I feel a calm come over me
shipped son is summed up in the words of when I read about such Bible characters
Isaiah 55:7: ‘Let him return to Jehovah, who as Abigail, Esther, Job, Joseph, and Je-
will have mercy on him, to our God, for he will sus. Their examples feed my heart and
forgive in a large way.’ ” If you have left mind with positive thoughts that soothe
Jehovah, the sooner you return, the happier the pain. I have also found our original
you will be. As you look at world events, it be- songs to be very encouraging.”
comes evident that Armageddon is swiftly 10 Pour out your concerns to Jehovah.
approaching and can come at any time. Also, When you experience distressing feel-
life in this system is short and uncertain. None ings, do not stop praying to him. Beg our
of us can know if we will be alive tomorrow. loving God to help you view the situation
—Jas. 4:13, 14.
from his perspective and to “give you in-
The brochure Return to Jehovah says: “Be sight and instruct you in the way you
assured that Jehovah will be there for you as should go.” (Read Psalm 32:6-8.) Of
you return to him. He will help you to deal with course, it may be very painful to tell Je-
anxiety, to resolve hurt feelings, and to find the
hovah how you really feel. But Jehovah
peace of mind and heart that comes from hav-
fully understands your pain of heart. He
ing a clean conscience. Then you may once
loves you very much and urges you to
again feel moved to serve Jehovah along with
pour out your heart to him.—Ex. 34:6;
fellow worshippers.”—1 Pet. 2:25.
Ps. 62:7, 8.
Published by Jehovah’s Witnesses and available in many 11 Support the decision. Disfellowship-
languages on
ping is part of Jehovah’s arrangement.
His loving correction is in the best inter-
9. In what ways can you draw strength from Jeho-
vah? (See also the box “Comforting Scriptures if
Your Loved One Has Left Jehovah.”)
10. What does Psalm 32:6-8 reveal about how to
cope with distressing feelings?
11. According to Hebrews 12:11, why should we
trust in Jehovah’s loving discipline? (See also the
box “Disfellowshipping—Jehovah’s Loving Disci-
pline at Work.”)
ests of everyone, including the wrongdo- Comforting Scriptures if Your
er. (Read Hebrews 12:11.) Any negative Loved One Has Left Jehovah
comments about the way a disciplinary
matter was handled by the elders have ˘ Psalm 30:10
likely been initiated by someone who did ˘ Psalm 34:4, 6, 18, 19
not mention details that would put the ˘ Psalm 39:12
wrongdoer in a bad light. We simply do ˘ Psalm 61:1, 2
not have all the facts. It is wise, then, to ˘ Psalm 94:17-19
trust that the elders who took judicial ac-
˘ Ephesians 3:20
tion made every effort to follow Scriptur-
al principles and to judge “for Jehovah.” ˘ Philippians 4:6, 7
—2 Chron. 19:6.
12 By supporting the elders’ decision to
Disfellowshipping—Jehovah’s disfellowshipped, dear friends came to
Loving Discipline at Work comfort us. Some admitted that they did
not know what to say. They shed a tear
How does the disfellowshipping arrangement with me or wrote me a note. What they
reflect God’s love? did helped me tremendously!”
16 Continue to support faithful family
1. Love motivates elders to make every effort
members. They need your love and en-
to help wrongdoers. A Christian is dis-
couragement now more than ever. (Heb.
fellowshipped only if two factors coincide:
10:24, 25) At times, family members of
He has committed a serious sin, and he is
not repentant.—Heb. 12:7, 9-11.
disfellowshipped ones have felt that they
too have been excluded from association
2. Disfellowshipping protects the congrega- with the congregation. Do not let that
tion. An unrepentant sinner is like a person happen! Young people whose parents
who has a highly contagious viral infection have left the truth especially need com-
and needs to be quarantined in order mendation and encouragement. Maria,
to protect others from getting sick.—1 Cor. whose husband was disfellowshipped and
5:6, 7, 11-13. left the family, says: “Some of my friends
came to my house and cooked food and
3. Disfellowshipping may move a sinner to
helped us with the family study. They
repent. Many who got disfellowshipped
felt my pain and cried with me. They de-
were jolted to their senses and in time
fended me when false rumors circulated.
returned to Jehovah.—Luke 15:11-24.
They really lifted my spirits!”—Rom. 12:
4. When a repentant wrongdoer returns, 13, 15.
the heavens rejoice and the congregation 17 Elders, use opportunities available
who left the truth returned later to their
loving heavenly Father. And the congre-
gation welcomed them with open arms.
Elizabeth, quoted earlier, experienced the
joy of seeing her son reinstated. Thinking
back, she says, “I really appreciated those
who encouraged us not to give up hope.”
19 We can always trust in Jehovah. He
The congregation can give loving never gives us direction that will cause us
support to faithful family members harm. He is a generous and compassion-
(See paragraph 17) ate Father who has deep love for all who
love and worship him. Be assured that
Jehovah will not abandon you in your
REMAIN HOPEFUL AND time of anguish. (Heb. 13:5, 6) “Jehovah
CONTINUE TO TRUST IN JEHOVAH never abandoned us,” says Mark, men-
18 Jehovah “does not desire anyone to tioned earlier. “He is never far from us
be destroyed but desires all to attain to re- when we go through difficulties.” Jeho-
pentance.” (Read 2 Peter 3:9.) Although vah will continue to give you “the power
a person may commit a serious sin, his beyond what is normal.” (2 Cor. 4:7) Yes,
life is still precious to God. Think of the you can remain faithful and hopeful even
high price Jehovah has paid—the ransom when a loved one leaves Jehovah.
sacrifice of his own beloved Son—for the
19. Why can we continue to trust in Jehovah?
lives of sinners. Jehovah compassionate-
ly reaches out to help such ones return
to him. He hopes they will choose to do ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
so, as we can see from Jesus’ illustra- PICTURE DESCRIPTIONS Page 27: When a broth-
tion of the lost son. (Luke 15:11-32) Many er abandons his family and Jehovah, his wife and
their children suffer. Page 31: Two elders come to
18. According to 2 Peter 3:9, what does God de- provide spiritual encouragement to a family in the
sire for wrongdoers? congregation.
A Prayer of the Lowly One
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September 2021 Vol. 142, No. 12 ENGLISH JW LIBRARY AND ON JW.ORG
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The Watchtower (ISSN 0043-1087) September 2021 is published by Watch-
tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.; Harold L. Corkern, Pres-
ident; Mark L. Questell, Secretary-Treasurer; 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill,
NY 12589-3299, and by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada,
PO Box 4100, Georgetown, ON L7G 4Y4. ˘ 2021 Watch Tower Bible and Tract
Society of Pennsylvania. Printed in Canada.