The document discusses the importance of separating church and state to avoid establishing any national religion or interfering with religious freedom. It argues that churches should avoid taking political stances that could divide congregations or confuse children. The pastor concludes by encouraging the congregation to have faith-based positions but also respect that others can reach different conclusions.
The document discusses the importance of separating church and state to avoid establishing any national religion or interfering with religious freedom. It argues that churches should avoid taking political stances that could divide congregations or confuse children. The pastor concludes by encouraging the congregation to have faith-based positions but also respect that others can reach different conclusions.
The document discusses the importance of separating church and state to avoid establishing any national religion or interfering with religious freedom. It argues that churches should avoid taking political stances that could divide congregations or confuse children. The pastor concludes by encouraging the congregation to have faith-based positions but also respect that others can reach different conclusions.
The document discusses the importance of separating church and state to avoid establishing any national religion or interfering with religious freedom. It argues that churches should avoid taking political stances that could divide congregations or confuse children. The pastor concludes by encouraging the congregation to have faith-based positions but also respect that others can reach different conclusions.
1 Timothy 2:1–2, First of heal their land. (ESV) religion is a matter which all, then, I urge that suppli- lies solely between Man & cations, prayers, interces- Psalm 2:10–11, Now there- his God, that he owes ac- sions, and thanksgivings be fore, O kings, be wise; be count to none other for his • Pray always made for all people, for warned, O rulers of the faith or his worship, that kings and all who are in earth. Serve the LORD with the legitimate powers of • Pastor David and high positions, that we fear, and rejoice with government reach actions Colleen may lead a peaceful and trembling. (ESV) only, & not opinions, I con- quiet life, godly and digni- template with sovereign • Community Soup fied in every way. (ESV) Proverbs 11:14 - For lack of reverence that act of the guidance a nation falls, but whole American people • Our outreach and victory is won through which declared that their 1 Peter 2:17, Honor every- witness to our many advisers. (NIV) legislature should 'make no one. Love the brother- community law respecting an estab- hood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. (ESV) Proverbs 21:1 - The king’s lishment of religion, or • Busy Hands heart is a stream of water prohibiting the free exer- Romans 13:1, Let every in the hand of the LORD; cise thereof,' thus building • People struggling person be subject to the he turns it wherever he a wall of separation be- with illness governing authorities. For will. (ESV) tween Church and State.” • Young families and there is no authority ex- Jefferson was outlining single parent fami- cept from God, and those Job 12:23-25 - He makes what we call lies that exist have been insti- nations great, and he de- “Commonsense governing” tuted by God. (ESV) stroys them; he enlarges today. Jefferson’s letter to • Those struggling nations, and leads them Danbury Baptist Associa- with addiction Jeremiah 29:7, But seek away. (ESV) tion is clearly explaining the welfare of the city that there will never be a • Schools: students, The term, “Separation “National Church” as there where I have sent you into staff, administrators of Church and State” is an was in England and the exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its wel- offshoot of the phrase, “Wall of Separation” is still • Missionaries fare you will find your wel- "wall of separation be- a good thing. fare. (ESV) tween church and state", Think about the conse- • Homeless, helpless, as written in Thomas quences of not having a hopeless, hungry 2 Chronicles 7:14, if my Jefferson's letter to the Wall of Separation. For • Local, state, national people who are called by Danbury Baptist Associa- example, shall we insist and world leaders my name humble them- tion in 1802. In that letter, that prayer be returned to selves, and pray and seek referencing the First the classrooms? Without my face and turn from Amendment to the United investigation that sounds their wicked ways, then I States Constitution, Jeffer- like a winner. But a review will hear from heaven and son writes: of the religious beliefs of will forgive their sin and “Believing with you that the local teachers should Irondale Church News Page 2
“...see, deliverin
kindness ain’t the The Separation of Church and State
pastor’s job. That’s our send shivers down your pose I went before the it will always create more job. When Jesus sent spine. What if we required Church next Sunday and out- questions than answers and the disciples out two by the Atheist teacher to lead a lined our new political posi- more divisions than unity. two, He didn’t go with prayer? What would that tion. Suppose I said our This is why it is important to teach our children? What if Church will be stronger if we not share our political opin- ‘em. He stayed back and that teacher were Hindu, all agree on a few political ions during our teaching laid low, maybe had Muslim, Mormon, Jehovah points. For example, that a times at Church. All of our Hisself a cup a” coffee.” Witness, openly gay or any of wall should be built between news media sources are cor- a number of other things? us and Mexico; that drug rupted and cannot be taken “Listen, if the devil ain’t No matter what prayer they testing should be mandated as truth. Only the word of lead it would not satisfy most for all welfare recipients; that God stands as our road to messin with you, he’s people and would certainly any person of any age, living freedom. already got you. If you confuse the children. in the US illegally should be So I challenge all of you to is waitin’ to clean up Now imagine a church deported immediately, no have firm Bible based political your own life before you where the people gather exceptions. Oh and starting positions. But also always based on their political posi- next week there will be a remembering that others get out and help tions. This is common in oth- sermon series on loving as have come to other conclu- somebody else, you may er countries: The Shiites and God loves. What kind of a sions and talking them into as well take off your the Sunnis of Iraq and Iran; Church do you think we your beliefs will not make shoes and crawl back in the Catholics and Protestants would be then? I hope you them better servants of the bed ‘ cause it ain’t of Ireland. But here in Ameri- can see that the Wall of Sepa- Christ. The only way we can ca we pride ourselves in our ration works to protect both become better servants of never gon’ happen. Wall of Separation. How the church and the state. Christ is by learning to hear Jesus don’t need no help would it affect our church if Though the Bible is full of and follow the Holy Spirit and from no perfect saints. we decided that we would politics and politics is full of the only way we can accom- If he did, He wouldn’t a honor not only the tenets of the Bible, still it is necessary plish that is by prayer and salvation through the blood for both to have that Wall of faithful Bible study. gone up yonder and left of Jesus Christ, but a few oth- Separation. When political -Pastor David us down here in charge.” er standards as well. Sup- positions are taught in Church
“Don’t give yourself
credit for what you do.
Don’t let your right hand
Walk with the Lord, God Cares for Us All know what your left is Last night I took the dogs out- back out we went to find that this ever happens in Quilcene… side about 9:00pm. As I walked the there was a squirrel that long pause…I regrouped and doin’. If you lookin’ for down my driveway with them I had gotten tangled in a worn apologized for having dialed the pride and prestige and could hear some small animals out tarp’s shredded thread on wrong number, the voice on the in distress. The cries were excit- top of a trailer, a squirrel that other end said, “Well: I hope you glory, you lookin’ for edly distressful and sounded as had gotten down in the trailer, get the squirrels taken care of trouble. We got to put if they were in great danger and and I sure appreciated the call, another one stuck under the our pride aside and take fear. tarp on the roof. David and Riv- you have made an eventful er were able to get the one un- evening for me. Don’t worry this care a’ God’s business.” Following the sound, Grizz and tangled from the tarp but the was no problem he said, not an Honey Bear began adding in other two would have to wait. inconvenience at all”….Ugh…..! their two cents worth as we got closer to the commotion. I had I went in to call the neighbor God takes all calls too, even -Quotes from Denver hopes that if the little animals and when he answered I began apparently those from squirrels Moore, “What difference were being attacked by some to explain what the commotion in trouble…. do it make? Stories of larger animal the barking dogs was all about. I had tried earlier and my approach would chase it to call, but no answer. Telling Help and Healing.” away. Walk with the Lord, God him that there were actually three squirrels…that’s when the Cares for Us All That didn’t happen so I took the voice on the other end said: dogs in, got David and River, “Wow nothing as exciting as Irondale Church News Page 3
Walk with the Lord, God Cares for Us All
Walk with the Lord wherever demands we in Him truly will 13:6) “Never leave or forsake His. He cares more than we you are, walk with Him far- then rest…. you,” let him walk through can ever comprehend or ther, let Him set the bar. You When peace like a river this with you too. If one of know. After all He came to can trust Him even when His attendeth our way, when this type is part of your life, this war torn earth, His un- answer is “no”, when loved sorrows like sea billows roll, let Jesus’s love be your an- limited and boundless love ones pass on and leave you whatever my lot…it is well it chor in all that you do. “You to show. In the middle of here below, is well with my soul… . Sing are my hiding place; you al- deep trials, you can know He Take His hand in the night on. ways give me rest, with songs has borne all our troubles when the pain rages on, He of deliverance. Whenever I and experienced our pain. still hears your prayers and Years roll on one after anoth- am afraid, I will trust in We pierced Him too, as the waits for your song. er and He gives us the You!... . Sing on. nails held Him there on the Let Him lift your burdens and strength and courage to go cross of rough wood, and for trust that He knows, every on even with loss of sister or Be all we can be in the Lord, us He looked up to heaven care every sorrow on life’s brother. Life’s cares chip never give less than our best. and said, “Father forgive crooked road. His eye is on away at the faith that we Satan says we can’t, we’ll fail them they know not what the Sparrow…and you… . Sing hold, trying to take away the the test. In part he is right, they do.” He was talking on. safe true harbor we but only true if we walk in our about me, He was talking know. “Satan calls us to relin- strength instead of letting about you. We are all part of In His hands place your bur- quish our tried and true faith, God direct and give us clear this fallen human race, and dens, the cares of each day, demanding we call it awk- insight. God called us to live need His grace. Jesus loves each and every prayer He ward at best, and lacking sub- above the pain of life on me this I know, for the Bible hears and touches with His stance at its base.” “Trust in earth. Let Him be our tells me so… . Sing on. heart of great love, each tear- fear let it lead your life,” Sa- strength, give us our worth. drop He stores in a bottle tan states. Take back con- Our Identity is defined by His strength is made perfect above. When finally you let trol…Forget that fear brings Jesus’s birth. We rest not on in our weakness. Walk with go of “your worries and nothing but strife.” His lying our laurels, but His perfect the Lord, let Him be your fears,” He has room to work tongue rolls on trying to steal example of love mercy and song… . Sing on. in your heart as your heart’s peace and joy from my life. grace. Let our failures and not so crowded by things you But NO…! Tho Satan should successes point others to His Happy Valentine’s Day! can’t change. He will give you buffet…My life is in you Lord, loving face. Love Colleen the tools to, just trust in Him my strength is in you Lord, with your terrible pain. Again my hope is in you Lord! Give Him away whenever you What difference He has promised, His loss You it’s in You…I will trust can… a hug a smile the works would be your gain. Humble You with all of my heart!... . of your hands. Let others see do it make? Sto- yourself in the sight of the Sing on. the change in your heart you ries of Help and Lord…He will lift…you up. In moments of peril, when share with mankind comes not from you, but from the Healing Then do it again, “humble The quotes on the previous yourself in the sight of the falsehoods are told and hand of God released in your page come from the book, Lord, and He will lift you there’s not you can do, know life…. Name above all “What difference do it make: up… . Sing on. that the God of Heaven care- names…, worthy to be Stories of Help and Healing,” fully watched the plans that praised…, how great… how the sequel to “Same kind of Lay down your plan of life were laid against you. God great is our God. Name above different as me: The True free from false expectation; never looked away. His heart all names, worthy to be Story of an Unlikely Friend- trust Him to love you without saddened by such a sorry praised, How great…How ship” by Ron Hall and Denver demanding His clear explana- display of the love He’d great is our God!... . Sing on. Moore. I recommend both tions. Why me Lord? Do not poured in one on earth, who Words are never enough…but books as real life testimonies lament. His plan was the gave into their fears and praising Him is! When you of the Holy Spirit at work in cross and His Blessed Son He weakness, Satan would use place your situations in His the most unlikely seeming sent, with a heart like your them to “try” and discourage unfailing, love filled hands, situations. Although “Same Lord’s, how can we do any- one of strong faith. All the you place your eyes on eter- kind of different as me” has thing but repent of our selfish while they paraded as “one nity and He reminds you, you been made into a movie, I ways. We deserve nothing, filled with grace.” Don’t des- are adopted and now imagine reading the book but He gave us His best. pair do not fear, Jesus prom has the greater impact. -Kim When we have lain down our