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John 2:2-5, Judges 4:1-9, Prov. 31:10-31, Luke 1:5-6, John 2:2-5.

Many submitted to Jesus way of doing things. She recognized that Jesus was more than
human son – He was the son of God when we bring our problem to Christ, like many, we
should submit and allow Him to deal with the problem as he sees best. I Peter 5:7.
“Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you. Judges 4:1-9, portraited Deborah’s
life to us as a person of real faith step out at God’s command even if she must do so alone.
A woman that is a mother in Israel and wife at home must always step out at God’s
command. The women are unique in God’s creation. Their uniqueness comes out strikingly
when we considered the dual ministry divinely fostered on them. These two ministries are:
First, The family and the second, her church. The woman’s ministry may be likened to a
builder who has to build and ensure that both the eternal and the interior finishing are in
perfect condition for durability (Building for eternal reward). Unfortunately, most Christian
women, although very zealous and committed are unable to maintain the required delegate
balance between their ministry in the church and in the home. There is therefore, a need
for spiritual understanding of God’s requirement to avoid extremes on both ends.

The marriage/seminars is in three parts


Titus 2:3-5, 2 Timothy 1-5, Act 18-26, Judges 4:1-9, Ex. 2:4-8, 15:20, 21, Numbers 12-
10. Titus 2:3-5, Women who were new Christians (New Converts) were to learn how to
have harmony in the home by watching old women who had been Christians for some time
and living Christianly. Young wives and mothers should learn to live in a Christian manner
(Loving their husband and caring for their children) through observing exemplary women of
God. If you are of age or in position where people look up to you, can you be confident that
your example is motivating younger believer to live in a way that honour God?
In Judges 4:1-9, We have had about Deborah remember, she was a married woman, yet her
marital life didn’t hinder her from being a front leader champion in God’s arm. If she was
not balanced in her home, God would not use her and support for God in having interest
and searching through your home.

Thank God for Eunice, the daughter of Lois for having such a Christian mother and herself
also a Christian but having unbelieving husband, if you are like that, God will help you in
your home and in the church. Timothy was trained by his grandmother, Lois and his
mother Eunice and became the first Bishop of Ephesus. Whatever the challenge may be,
there is no excuse for lack in your home ministry of your church/the kingdoms
expectation. 2 Timothy 1-5.

Aquilla and Priscilla, were couple with the challenge, they were serving God and teaching the
whole truth of God’s word, impacting it to others like Apollo we had not get full message of
the Gospel. Your challenge excuses for not doing God’s service will not be acceptable before
God. Act 18:26. Christian Women face a lot of challenge from ministry and the home front.
These demands involve or require as spiritual, physical, mental and emotional capabilities.
She is required to be an effective Christian woman in the church as well as an effective
home-maker. These task/require her energies as she cares for husband, children and
relatives while endeavouring to give her best for career engagement or any other vocation.

She is also expected to invest in meaningful Christian service, such as, praying, bible
studying counseling, visitation, soul-winning, fellowship and other roles she ought to play.
This is doubtless enormous and complex. Indeed, the more work she does, the more is still
to be done. The average woman, especially the city dwellers, face with these complexity,
needs to beware less. She would be ensnared in the class of duties as you rise up to duty,
God will help you.


I Samuel 8:1-5, 2:27-31, Hosea 8:3, Prov. 29:15, 17

The spiritual above shows clearly the great dangers. The Christian woman who fail to
balance her responsibilities toward the home and the church faces among such dangers
include wayward children, dis-satisfied husband, bringing the name of the Lord and the
church into dis-repute and eventual loss of ministry. Loss of secular job await the unwise
and unbalance Christian Women. On the other hand, the Christian women should not
abandon the service of the Lord on the pretext of the needs of the house. A lot of sisters
who were fervent and zealous before marriage suddenly disappear after marriage. They now
give excuses for the needs to care for the children and other like issues. We must not turn
God’s blessings into a cause/reason to His work. When a believer abandons the service of
God, she stand the risk of becoming canal, cold and lukewarm. This in turn affect the
spiritual tone of the home, as the world and devil seek to take up the time and affection
which were once given to the Lord.


Ecclesiastes 9:10; 11:4, John 15:5, Prov. 3:5,6, Philippians 4:13, Psalm 60:12a,
Ephesians 3:20,21, Proverbs 31:10-31.
It is absolutely impossible for any Christian women to shoulder her domestic and spiritual
as well as secular responsibilities successfully without total dependence on God both for
grace, enablement and all it takes for successful Christian service. The foundation is
genuine salvation, holiness of life, total surrenderedness to the Lord and readiness to do
God’s will all time.
Cleave to Jesus for fruit bearing and continue to learn at His feet like Mary of old.
Others are:-
1. Faithfulness Exodus 18:21
2. Separation from the world John 17:4-17, 2 Cor. 6:14-18
3. Diligence Eccl. 9:10; 11:4
4. Cleave to Jesus John 15:5
5. Personal and family welfare always in stakes Prov. 31:10-31
6. Working with perfect obedience and with clear conscience Prov. 20:27,
Act 23:1, Rom. 13:5
7. Total Consecration Luke 2:36-37
8. rayerful life Acts 12:1-2
9. Working with the fear of God Deuteronomy 6:13, 24; 8:6; 10:12
10. Full of fruit of spirit Galatian 5:22-23
11. Diligence in studying the bible and other helpful materials
12. Maintain regular family altar
John 17:13, Ephesians 3:20
“Now, unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or
think, according to the power that worketh in us …….”

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