Biblical Genres and Form Cricitism
Biblical Genres and Form Cricitism
Biblical Genres and Form Cricitism
"GENRE" = a category or type of literature (or of art, music, etc.) characterized by a particular form, style, or content.
There are many possible ways to classify or categorize human communications:
• One could start by distinguishing between verbal and non-verbal communications:
o verbal communications (using words) could be oral (spoken & heard) or written (reading & writing)
o non-verbal communications could include signs & symbols, body-language, etc.
• The largest division of literary works is between poetry & prose;
o but one could also consider rhetoric, film, drama, comedy, laws, etc. as separate divisions.
• One might also distinguish how or where the material is published:
o such as books, journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, flyers, posters, letters, etc.
• There are many different large literary genres (whole books):
o biographies, histories, technical manuals, textbooks, poetic anthologies, legal codes, etc.
• There are also many smaller genres or subgroups within each of these larger categories:
o for example, newspapers contain news articles, editorials, sports results, financial reports, obituaries,
comics, classified ads, movie reviews, etc.
"FORM CRITICISM" = the branch of biblical studies that classifies the various literary genres, studies their features, and
considers how and where such forms were actually used in the "life setting" of the religious communities.
• Modern biologists classify plants and animals into different classes, orders, families, genus, and species:
o they describe each category in detail, and study how one genus or species differs from another
o they also consider how each genus or species interacts with and is affected by its environment
• Biblical scholars do similar things in classifying each biblical text as part of a certain genre or sub-genre
o they describe each genre or form, and study the characteristics that distinguish one form from another
o they also consider when and where ancient Jews and/or Christians first used such materials