NECF 40days Fast and Pray Booklet 2019

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40-Day Fast &Prayer

- 7 Aug - 15 Sept 2019

Daniel 1:8
40-DayFast & Prayer
7 Aug - 15 Sept 2019

But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food, or with
the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow
him not to defile himself.

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

A Daniel in Our Babylon 06
The Call to Press On 08
OrangAsli and Bahasa Malaysia Ministries in the Rural Areas 10
Setting Apart for a Lifestyle of Holiness 14
Information On: Perlis & Kedah 16-17
Day 1-5 Devotion & Prayer Points 18 - 22
Information On: Penang & Perak 23 - 24
Day 6-10 Devotion & Prayer Points 25 - 29
Information On: Kelantan & Terengganu 30 - 31
Day 11-15 Devotion & Prayer Points 32 - 36
Information On: Pahang & Johor 37 - 38
Day 16-20 Devotion & Prayer Points 39 - 43
Information On: Negeri Sembilan & Melaka 44-45
Day 21-25 Devotion & Prayer Points 46 - 50
Information On: Selangor & Federal Territories 51-54
Day 26-30 Devotion & Prayer Points 55 - 59
Information On: Sabah & Sarawak 60 - 61
Day 31-35 Devotion & Prayer Points 62 - 66
Day 36-40 Devotion & Prayer Points 67 - 71
Acknowledgement 72

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

4 Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng (Chairman of NECF)

oday we are in the midst of a 1 Peter 1:16 tells us, “You shall be holy, for |
Tomo culture. As Christians, we are not am holy."
to conform to this culture, but to live holy,
As we look at Daniel and his friends, we learn
separated lives, standing up for God and
that to have lifestyle of holiness we need
for the Bible just as the four Hebrew men -
to be:
Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah - did so
in their lifetimes. 1. Bible-Reading, Bible-Believing People.
Daniel 9 says Daniel read the Scripture and
Daniel and his friends were fifteen years of
discovered from Jeremiah’s prophecy that
age when they were taken by the conquering
the time had comefor the people of God to
king Nebuchadnezzar from Judah to Babylon
return from exile. These word-centred
in 605 B.C., and Daniel was about eighty-
people studied, memorized, understood and
five years old when the captivity ended. He
believed the Bible and livedbyit.
and his friends lived at a time of extreme
apostasy in Judah. Surrounded by paganism, 2. Filled With the Holy Spirit.
they stood against the corrupt culture of People testified that Daniel was the man
Babylon. They became successful, not in whom is the Spirit of the Holy God
through conformity and compromise, but (Dan 5:11,14). It would be impossible for us to
through holiness and living God-centred live for God without being filled with the
lives. Holy Spirit.

In the midst of idolatry, apostasy and moral 3. Having Fellowship with God's People.
darkness, God desires that His people shine In Daniel 2 when the demand cametotell and
as lights. In fact, God commands holiness. interpret Nebuchadnezzar's dream, the four

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


godly youths came together to pray and cry God, and you shall be my people. | am
out to God. Theirs was a dynamic, thriving the LORD your God, who brought you out of
Christian fellowship. the land of Egypt, that you should not be their
slaves. And | have broken the bars of your
4, Praying Earnestly.
yoke and made you walk erect.”
These young men knew God and cried out
to him. And God heard and answered their May the Churchin Malaysia heed the Lord's call
prayers. Today's Church needsto learn again to, “go out from their midst, and be separate
that "He hears the prayer of the righteous” from them”(2 Cor 6:17) and dare to be a Daniel
(Prov 15:29b.]) in our Babylon.

5. Excelling In Our Work.

God gave these youths wisdom, understanding,
Capacity, and competence to serve in the
government of Babylon. God has gifted His
people but we must have an excellent spirit
like Daniel to stand out in our culture.

May we be challenged as wefast and pray,to

have a lifestyle of holiness. Even as the Lord
has said to His people in Leviticus 26:11-13,
He says to us today,“I will make my dwelling
among you, and my soul shall not abhor you.
And | will walk among you and will be your

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

4 Rev AndyChi (Secretary General of NECF)

n Genesis 1:1-2, the Bible records that have the Spirit working in our lives and in the
God created the heavens and the earth. midst of our nation, we need to recognize the
However, the earth He created wasoriginally person and workof the Holy Spirit, to seek
without form and void. It would have been His presence and make room for Him to
exactly like the moon. Then in the succeeding move and work.
six days, the formless and void earth was
Secondly, we note the power of God's spoken
completely transformed into a living, vibrant
Word [vs 3, 6, 9, 14, 20, 24, 26). Every act of
and colorful world as we have it today. We
transformation recorded was preceded
call this change - transformation. Here, at the
and activated by the voice of God declaring
very beginning, God is revealed as the Creator
His Will and Desire over the earth. We also
and Great Transformer.
read similar actions by prophets in the Old
How did God carry out the miracle of Testament, Jesus in the Gospels and the
transformation of the earth? He did it in early Church in the Book of Acts resulting
three ways: in the miraculous and transformation of
lives and destinies. As sons and daughters
Firstly, we note the presenceofthe Spirit (vs
of God made in His image, we too can and
2). The task of transformation is more than
should exercise this transformative ability.
just a human endeavor. Rather it is actually
Besides engaging in the many other needful
the work and activity of the Holy Spirit. It is
activities, it would be to our gain to actively
futile to seek transformation without the
seek and apply this transformative power
Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who brings the
of the spoken Wordin our lives and over the
desired change that we seek and workfor. To

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


nation as we pursue being God's agents of The call for Transforming the Nation through
transformation on earth. | believe it is more the Local Church’ is not merely a human
needed and powerful than werealize. aspiration but a vision from above. Therefore,
| would like to encourage all of us to continue
Finally, we note that the act of transforming
in this divine work of transformation
the earth occurred over the span ofsix days
particularly through your participation in
with six different acts. If God had stopped
the 40-Day Fast and Prayer 2019.
at Day 1, the earth would still be formless
and void. Likewise, the pursuit of national
transformation should not stop at one
amazing general election. We have only
just begun the process and journey of
transformation. It would require many more
divine interventions before this nation is
transformed. So, the work is far from over.
What the Bible has recorded in the very
first chapter of Genesis is an example and
sample of God's transforming ability and
work. As in creation, Godis still in the work
of transforming lives, people, families,
workplaces and even the nation.

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

‘By Rev Miun Amat

e7 ¥* we

he Orang Asli (OA) ministry, as a whole, facilities, good job opportunities and
Ti carried out in the rural areas. The OA effective ways of development management
villages are situated deep in the interior,in oil will become increasingly difficult. Hence,
palm and rubber plantation areas and along bringing awareness on the importance of
the roads leading to nearby towns. However, education is still a matter that should be
the Bahasa Malaysia (BM) ministry is carried given priority in the OA ministry.
outin big cities, outskirts of towns and in the
Secondly, the issue of poverty. The main
rural areas.
problem related to poverty is not merely the
Tne BM speaking churches are usually set issue of lands that are not gazetted. Even
up in places where there are community though the land issue still exists, it all boils
colleges, colleges/universities and factories, down to the lack of knowledge on howto
government departments, army and police manage the available assets to generate
camps. For example,in the East Coast states income. For example, durians are cultivated
of Pahang and Terengganu several BM in the villages and if there is knowledge or
ministries are being carried out on a small innovations that can process the durians to
scale in areas far from big cities. They are forms that can last longer, the villagers
established there because the people whom can be taught to venture in the processing
they minister to are studying or working in of durians. Thus, their incomes can be
such facilities as well as in the private increased. Similarly, for other crops such as
sector. banana, lemongrass and so forth, they need
to gain access to knowledge that is more
Since the 90s, the OA and BM ministries
modern so as to upgrade the economiclevel
respectively have their own challenges. For
of their families and the village communities.
the OA ministry, the needs and challenges
are closely related. Firstly, the great need Thirdly, the issue of basic amenities such as
is education. Due to the problem of minimal clean water, electricity and roads which are
education,it has thus affected the management still far from satisfactory. This matter is also
of the socio-economic, political, spiritual and closely related to the problem of children
physical developmentin the villages. Just as who are lazy to attend schools that are far
the saying “knowledge is power’,it is evident away; crops from their orchards or any
that due to the weaknesses in the formal produce from the villages that are difficult
academic education, access to obtaining to be marketed and the high transportation

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


cost due to the long distance. Family health the church members, including church
care will also be affected because waterfor leaders. Spiritual growth is a life-long
drinking and bathing purposes is unclean, journeyand commitment to walking daily
cleanliness is not well maintained and they with Jesus. Ministry constitutes just one
live too far from clinics and hospitals. duty that is extended to fellow church
membersto grow.
The above-mentioned challenges from the
spiritual point of view will directly and One suggestion that we can consider
indirectly affect the growth of the villagers’ together to mutually help each other among
faith. The ability to deepen the teachings of the English, BM and OA churchesis that the
the Bible, the true wayofliving, management strong need to help the weak and the weak
of village churches and matters pertaining need to learn and be ready to be helped
to the development of God-fearing families by the strong. Specifically, we can focus on
requires not just the diligence to study, but spiritual and physical training. This includes
also determination and patience. If we have helping in education, leadership, land
the knowledge or at least the training and development ventures to generate incomes,
delivery of “knowledge”related tospirituality, healthcare and welfare of children from the
things will be made easier. The general OA and BM speaking churches who cannot
public will understand why the church is afford to further their studies at colleges
weak in leadership, finances, evangelism, and universities. Besides this, in the spiritual
prayers, character and faith. This is because aspect, we can introduce the “proclaimers’
they are all closely related to education, (audio Bible) and training on prayeraltars.
poverty and weaknessin the availability of
To sum up, the OA and BM ministries in
basic amenities.
general still greatly need support from all
For the BM ministry at the outskirts of towns quarters as mentioned above. For now at
and in the rural areas, the main challenge least, this means that churches that are
is weak leadership, narrow vision and strong, especially in cities, need to look at
ineffective strategies, weak finances, churches that are weak and small with a
churches that can’t afford to pay their view to help them. The way to help them
pastors and churches with a majority of is to be done in love and not follow the
membersthat are aged. Most of the church context of urban churches but to teach
members comprise the B40 category. The important principles in order to guide them
challenge is not simply having no education to grow. Both the spiritual and physical
but more of the lack of commitment of aspects need to be dealt with together so

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

that they willbe able to apply tus values In ‘saved through your4-Day Fast & Prayer for
thair daly lives according tn the teachings ‘the nation, alther Individually or corporately
of the Ward of Bad. as. church to to NECFS (National Evangatcal
‘Ourcharty collection for 2019 is designated Chvtatan Folowship) bank accourt In Pubic
{or initiatives retating to tha Crang Auli (QA) Bank (no: 3078872807). Plsase wend us your
work, Prayer Altar traning and the supply bank-in alps by email [[email protected]]
of Audio Bibles In Bahasa Malaysia (8M) to tr fax (05 77e8T38], ndvating that ft 13 for
faciitata tha growth of the OA 2 BH 0-Day Fast & Prayer chart collactan,
ministries, You can bank In any amount


‘ By Rev Looi Kok Kim

he days ahead are going to be challeng- Comfort is a state of complacency. It expresses

Tine and opposition to godliness is going a deep sense of holding your own rights,
to increase. We will not be able to handle it security, and entitlements. To set apartis to
if we remained where weare today, unless consecrate yourself to God and to take up
we moveto a level of setting apart byliving a our crossesto follow Jesus. If we want to see
lifestyle of godliness, which God is calling us breakthroughs, we haveto offer our lives as
to pursue today. living sacrifices, to set ourselves apart for
God in the reading of His Word objectively.
God's mercy and grace evoke hope for us
Hence, do set a goal of reading ten chapters
to move forward. However we ignore the
of the Bible daily.
warnings for us to move from one point to
another and we claim His grace to hold us. 2. God-Focused Driven to Replace
This, in fact, has caused us to miss the grace Distractions
of God. God's grace is available only for When you are not willing to deal with your
those who yield to Him. We will not be able lifestyle of busyness or when you have
to stand against the coming pressures and planned to seek Him but something came up
difficulties unless we make changes that and changed your plans, you changed your
God is asking us to makeright now. focus. Such interruptions are distractions.
On the other hand, being driven by a God-
What are the essential changes we may
focused perspective portrays a firm and
want to makefor the 40-Day Fast and Prayer
clear decision of commitment to grow in
godliness. It places God as your first priority
1. Set Apart Lifestyle to Replace Comfort and fulfills that commitment daily. It is a
Lifestyle Spiritual submission of dying to self daily
40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

(Joshua 1:8-9). Prepare yourself to be set to plough into our spiritual foundation -
apart and and ask God for grace through unveiling sins that have been besetting over
the 40-Day of Fast and Prayer anchoring on the years, and then cleaning and rebuildingit.
a total God-Focused passion.
How can you benefit most from this booklet?
3. Being with God to Replace Doing in an Age
- Determine the form of fasting.
of Stress
C0 Full Fast
How do you live for Him daily? We keep
C Daniel Fast
ourselves busy to accomplish our daily
CZ Partial Fast (Skip 1 meal or moredaily)
tasks, not discounting our fasting journey.
ZC Abstain from
A constant sense of rush is a sign of a life
that is too busy. It breeds a lifestyle of quick - Determine to set up your Personal Prayer
fixes and shallow thinking. To have a rested Altar or Family Prayer Altar. Read & Saturate
(and refreshed) spirit, we have to elude the in God's Word daily
rushed-soul syndrome. Over-involvement CZ 10 chapters/day;
has to be replaced with intimacy with God. [1_____ chapters/day. Set a consistent time
The goal of godliness is to focus on knowing O
God (Daniel 11:32). Taking time to wait upon - Keep a personal journal. Whatis the Lord
the Lord is refreshing to your soul. saying to you?

4. The Word of God to Replace Idols in our - Share the testimonies of your encounter
Hearts with God
We are fast becoming a Bible illiterate DC Cell
community. This is worrisome! The Word, C1 Church
not the world, should set the agenda for our LC Family Members
pilgrimage. If the Word does not feed our LC Marketplace
soul daily, we allow idols or sins to reign in CX School/College/University
our lives. We haveto identify idols hidden or OL
sins embedded in our system. The sins that
- There will be a sermon outline on Sundays
beset us dwell in our lives for a long time
for pastors to preach in your church.
and have become part of our personalities
or nature. By abiding or saturating ourselves When you set yourself apart with discipline,
daily in God’s Word, our hearts will honor and you will experience delight. The quest for
love God more. godliness will set the pace for our lives to
What changes would you like to experience impact transformation of local churches
as you devote yourselves to journey the and communities. Therefore, let us get into
40-Day Fast and Prayer sessions? The the Word and master it. 1 Timothy 6.6 says
emphasis is to pursue a lifestyle of holiness. that, “But godliness with contentment is
The format of this booklet is arranged great gain.”
intentionally to encourage local churches

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

Capital: Kangar
Royal Capital: Arau
Raja: Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin ibni Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail
Ruling Party: Barisan National (UMNO)
Menteri Besar: YAB DatukSeri Azlan Man
Population: 250,000 (Estimation in 2018)
Race: 86% Bumiputera,7.8% Chinese, 1.5% Indians, 1.9% others and
3% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 246,000)
Religion: 87.9% Islam, 10.0% Buddhism, 0.8% Hinduism,0.6% Christianity,
0.7% others (Y2010)
Economy: Agriculture, fishing and forest industry


40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

Honorific: Darul Aman (means“Abodeof Peace")
Capital: Alor Setar
Royal Capital: Anak Bukit
Sultan: Tuanku Sallehuddin Ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah
Ruling Party: Pakatan Harapan (PPBM)
Menteri Besar: YAB Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir
Population: 2,160,000 (estimation in 2018)
Race: 76.0% Bumiputera, 12.7% Chinese,6.9% Indian, 0.9% others and
3.4% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 2,071,900)
Religion: 71.2% \slam, 14.2% Buddhism,6.7% Hinduism, 0.8% Christianity,
11% others (Y2010)
Economy: Rice, tourism, automotive & aerospace industries





40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

Bible Reading: O Ephesians 1-6 (O Malachi 1-4

Day 1 (7 Aug 2019, Wed)


ames 4: 15-16 warns us of the danger of presuming wewill be alive today or the next to carry
on our businessesand plans.
Our lives are in God's hands. We can make plans but we need God's gift oflife and the means to
carry them out. Unless the Lord builds our house, we labour in vain. “God-willing” must not be
merely an utteranceof our lips but a humble attitude of our hearts, acknowledging Him to be
in control of our lives. We need to surrender our plansinto His divine hands.

If God is not in control, guess who will be?

Yet letting go and letting Godis not easy. It involves trusting in an invisible God. We need the gift
of faith as stated in Hebrews11:1 to trust in an unseen God over and against the visible threats
we encounter.
Is there really a God? Can He help usin dire straits? Will He? Satan sows doubts in our minds
and makesusbelieve thatall the answersare in the negative. The default answer for us then
will be: don’t hope for divine help, but rather turn to man for a wayout.
Psalm 20:7-8 tells us not to trust in man but God. Will we declare like Daniel's three friendsin
Daniel 3:17-18:

‘If this be so, our God whom weserveis able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and
he will deliver us out ofyour hand, 0 king. But if not, be it known to you, 0 king, that we will not
serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have setup.”

Pray for the State of Perlis

- Pray for the Raja (Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin ibni Almarhum TuankuSyed Putra Jamalullail) and
the Menteri Besar (YAB Datuk Seri Azlan Man) of Perlis, that all may go well with them and
that they may be in good health, as it goes well with their soul. (3 John 2).
- Perlis has the vision to become a city state by year 2030, yet thereislittle developmentin
Perlis right now. Pray that there will be more mega developmentprojects to provide jobs
and business opportunities for the locals, so as to lower the unemploymentrate of 3.5%.
Bible Reading: 1 Colossians 1-4 0 Zechariah 1-6

Day 2 (8 Aug 2019, Thu)

God Is Able

ometimes, we who face severetrials are tempted to doubt God's ability or availability to
help us. We question God's love and power because we have experienced helpless
situations where we could not help ourselves or even our loved ones due to our ownlimitations
as mere mortals. But God is not limited like us as He is infinite (Psalm 146:5-7). With God,
nothing is impossible (Matthew 19:26). The problem comes when weinsist that God should
solve our problems our way instead of His way.
Unless we learn to trust in Him and seek His will, we will certainly set ourselves up for
disappointment when we pray and God seems not to answer us the way we want Him to
answer. Romans8:28is the key promise for us to overcomethis problem oflack offaith. It
says that in everything God works for the good of those who love Him and those who are
called according to His purpose. His answerto our prayers can be either a yes or no or wait.
He might use ways like closed doors or delays or he might lead and guide those who are
willing to put their trust in Him as signals of His solution to solve the problemsinlife.
Can we then trust Him to be the better Person at helping us to live our lives than we do

Pray for the State of Perlis

- Agriculture is the main economyactivity in terms of land use, manpower and Growth
Domestic Product of the state of Perlis. Pray that agriculturewill yield good harvest, that
the grain shall abound throughoutthe land and the cropsshall flourish and thrivelike the
grass ofthe field. [Psalm 72:16)
« An average of 200 government school students in Perlis play truant daily and only 5%
of students completed their tertiary studies whereas 95% of students quit studies after
secondary school. Pray that parentswill play a proactive role with the school authorities
in addressing the high school truancy rate and that the mindset of students towards
education will change.

Bible Reading: O Philemon Ol jude Oi Zechariah 7-14

Day 3 (9 Aug 2019,Fri)

God KnowsMe,Personally

pen 139 describes how intimate is God's knowledge of me. He knows me inside out, when |
am awake or asleep. He knows my thoughts, words and actions. He is with me everywhere.
He knows meeven before | was formed and knitted together in my mother’s womb. He knows
every momentof mylife. The Psalmist exclaims that such knowledgeis too wonderful for him
to grasp. This intimate knowledge of usis reiterated by Jesus in Matthew 10:30 where He says
even the very hairs of our head are all numbered.
The difficulty we sometimesface in letting go and letting God is because we do notfeelthis
closeness to Him. He seems so far away and unreal because werely on our feelings as dictated
by our circumstances. Does He know? Does He care? Psalm 139 and Matthew 10:29 answerwith
a resounding YES even when our world seemsto befalling apart. That is when we need to cling
on to His promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us and say with confidence,that, “The
Lord is myhelper; | will not fear; what can man do to me?" (Hebrews 13:5 -6)

Pray for the State of Kedah

- Pray for the Sultan (Tuanku Sallehuddin Ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah) and the
Menteri Besar (YAB Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir) of Kedah, that through their
administration, righteousness shall increase and the people shall rejoice (Proverbs 29:2),
and with justice, they shall build up the land (Proverbs 29:4).
- Kedah is the largest supplier of a drug known as“ketum”(Kratom), with huge hectares of
farms in the state, and the issue of drug addiction is a growing concern there. Statistics
show that Kedah hasthe nation’s highest numberof drug addicts among school students.
The state governmenthasindicated their intention to wipe out the farms. Pray that there
will be a good co-ordination work among different authorities in Kedah, and some
restoration plans will be in place to help the existing drug addicts.

Bible Reading: 0 7 Thessalonians 1-5 OO Ezekiel 1-5

Day 4 (10 Aug 2019, Sat)

God Calls Us to Go Deeper

ae 47:\-12 gives us a beautiful picture of the river that flows from the temple of God. It
went from ankle deep to knee deep to waist deep and too deep to touch the bottom. This
can represent our deepeningfaith in God after we have heardHiscall.

As the Holy Spirit leads us progressively deeper in the Lord, we gradually learn to trust Him
more and more until we are swept off our feet to be carried along by the river of God to
wherever He wantsto bring usto.

God hascalled each of us who believes in Him to a new abundantlife in Jesus. We do not know
wherethat calling will lead usin life. It takes us out of our comfort zone as wefollow and obey
our new Master, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Following Jesus will be full of challengesas it brings needful changesto our lives in order to
help us grow in faith. How fast we grow towardsspiritual maturity will be determined by how
willing we are to let go and let God. We must remain or abide in Him to grow and bear much
fruit John 15:4-5).
Stay connected with Jesus.

Pray for the State of Kedah

« Kedah has the most number of Thai Theravada temples and the Chinese communities
there are active adherents of Thai Theravada Buddhism. Pray that their spiritual blindness
shall be removed, and that light shall shine out of darknessinto their hearts to give the
Light of knowledge ofthe glory of God in the face of Christ.(2 Corinthians 4:6)
«The Kedah governmentis striving to diversify its economy, turning particularly to
manufacturing and tourism in order to avoid overdependence on the agricultural sector.
Pray that the problem of poverty of manyrural households can be eradicated through all
the economicinitiatives.

Bible Reading: O) 2 Thessalonians 1-3 0 Ezekiel 6-12

Day 5 (11 Aug 2019, Sun)

Let Go & Let God

Sermon Outline: Matthew 6:25-34

Do we wantto be freed from worries? Jesus gives us the key in Matthew 6:25-34.
Deception: Many think they would lose outin life if they put God first. The devil's lie is that to
give to God is to lose what we could have gained.
Truth: Giving to Godfirst sets us free from the slavery of whatever we should have given to
Him, be it our possessions, talents or time. We can never out-give God. Learn to let go andlet
God becauseclinging on tightly with clenchedfist to what we have stops us from opening our
hands to receive what He wantsto put into our hands.
What doesit mean to let go and let God?
a) Enthrone God: Hand the control of our lives to God by dethroning ourselves or the gods of
our lives. The obstacle in taking this step offaith is our difficulty in believing in an unseen God.
b) Believe in God: Believe that He cares for us andis able to help us. This faith comes from
knowing God intimately. We can never let go and let God unless weareclose to Him.It is
difficult to trust a stranger but easy to trust a loved one.
c) Deny yourself: Take up the cross and follow Jesus daily regardless of where He leads us.
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness over and above our desires and wants. Pray that
His will be done. We shall discover what it meansto live and experience the abundantlife in
Christ. All things that dominate us shall be given to us minus their ungodly hold over us when
we surrender to Him. Put Him first in everything. You shall receive from Him all the blessings
He wants to bestow on you.

Pray for the Churchesin the States of Perlis and Kedah

« Pray for churchesin Perlis and Kedah that theywill learn to let go and let God, and to
acknowledge and enthrone God in every circumstance, so thatin all things, God may be
glorified. For He is beforeall things, and in Him all things hold together.(Colossians1:17)
« Pray that churcheswill be willing to deny themselvesto follow Christ as His disciples,
that theywill hold on to the teaching of Jesus, and as they knowthe truth, the truth will
set them free (John 8:31-32).

Nickname: Pearl of the Orient
Capital: George Town
Governor: Tun Dato’ Seri Utama (Dr.) Haji Abdul Rahman bin Haji Abbas
Ruling Party: Pakatan Harapan (DAP)
Chief Minister: YAB Chow Kon Yeow
Population: 1,766,800 (estimation in 2018)
Race: 42% Bumiputera, 41.5% Chinese, 10% Indian, 0.3% others and
6.2% non-Malaysian) (Y2015, based on population of 1,663,000)
Religion: 44.6% Islam, 35.6% Buddhism,8.7% Hinduism, 51% Christianity,
4.6% Chinese folk religion, 14% others (Y2010)
Economy: Manufacturing, services, commerce and tourism


George Town e




40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Honorific: Darul Ridzuan (means “Abodeof Grace”)
Capital: Ipoh
Royal Capital: Kuala Kangsar
Sultan: Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin
Shah Al-Maghfurlah
Ruling Party: Pakatan Harapan (PPBM)
Menteri Besar: YAB Dato’ Seri Ahmad Faizal Dato’ Haji Azumu
Population: 2,500,000 (estimation in 2018)
Race: 56% Bumiputera, 28.8% Chinese, 11.8% Indian, 0.4% others and
3% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 2,477,700)
Religion: 55.3% Islam, 25.4% Buddhism,10.9% Hinduism, 4.3% Christianity,
1.7% Chinesefolk religion, 2.4% others (Y2010)
Economy: Manufacturing, Agriculture and tourism



40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: O 7 Timothy 1-6 Ezekiel 13-16

Day 6 (12 Aug 2019, Mon)

Messing Up with Lust

John 1:12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave
the right to becomechildren of God,

was a Child of God at the age of 13 but | blewit.

| discovered porn while exploring my dad's drawer and soon | wasindulging in it. It changed
my idea of what sexis.

My porn addiction lasted more than 10 years. When | was 6, a momentof childhood play time
changed everything | knew aboutsex. | thought sex was equal to being touched.
Growing up in a typical Chinese family, hugs were so unfamiliar and that was what| longedfor.
| wished mom would hug me and tell me how special | was to her. Yet all | was to her was a
“surrogate husband’. My father’s failure in playing his role as her husband had caused herto
look to me as that substitute.

When | started working,| began to look for sex partnersto fulfill my lust and got into same-sex
relationships too. | was so ashamedof the messthat | had gotten myself into that | started to
hide from God. Shame,rejection and brokennessleft me devastated.
That day when | was about to end mylife, He came for me. He remembered meas Hischild
even though | gave up that identity. Do you know who you are?

Pray for the State of Penang

- Pray for the Head of State (Yang di-Pertua Negeri) of Penang (Tun Dato’ Seri Utama Dr.
Haji Abdul Rahman bin Haji Abbas) and the Chief Minister [YAB Chow Kon Yeow) of Penang,
that they will continue to be open to public opinions, and that there will always be some
wise and godly people who will surround them and give them constructive advice, for in
an abundance ofcounsellors there is safety. (Proverbs11:14)
- Penang has amongthenation's highest population densities and is one of the country's
most urbanised states. Yet rapid developmentof the island has resulted in environmental
problems,i.e. floods, landslides, evictions of villagers, etc. Pray that there will be proper
solutions to tackle the issue so that the rights and welfare of the local communities can
be upheld.

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: 0) 2 Timothy 7-4 1 Ezekiel 17-22

Day 7 (13 Aug 2019, Tue)

Melted by His Amazing Love

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever
believes in him should not perish but have eternallife.

il| know He rescued mysoul, His blood has covered mysins, | believe...” We sing this song in
church but what does that mean when you have walked through the valley of the shadow of
death; and He did rescue you?If we believe, then why are wenot following His holiness?

| was like a sheep that had gone astray. Not only had | hurt the Lord by living as a homosexual,
| becamea sex addict for more than 10 years.| allowed myselfish and lustful desires to be my
lord. Therefore | found it hard to believe that God would love a wretched person like me.

By God's miraculous grace, He intercepted my suicidal plan and | returned to Him like a prodigal
son. | remembered that day as | sat before this missionary couple confessing and revealing my
darkness to them. Not only did they not despise me, they looked into my eyes just as Jesus
would and told me this, “Jesus loves you.” | cried like a baby and my heart was melted by His
amazing non-judgmental love.

His love can overwhelm us to return to Him because He truly loves us and that love is
UNCONDITIONAL! That love embracesour past andleads us to holiness.

Pray for the State of Penang

« Penang has a scarce amount of natural resources, the greatest asset being its people
andtheir talents. Pray that the children and youthwill be well-equipped with the bestskills
with which to avail themselves as workforce ready for Industry 4.0, that their sons will be
reproductive like plants full grown, and their daughters will be of noble use like corner
pillars cut for the structure of a palace. (Psalm 144:12]
- Property prices in Penang tripled comparedto prices 20 years ago and public housing as
well as affordable housing are major issues to be tackled by the state government. Pray
that the housing plan of the state governmentwill be effective to meet the needs of the

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: 0 Titus 1-3 D1 Ezekiel 23-29

Day 8 (14 Aug 2019, Wed)

Mind Being Renewed

Romans12:2 Do not be conformedto this world, but be transformed by the

renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern whatis the will of
God, whatis good and acceptable andperfect.

Hi\t's not about stopping the behavior. It's about renewing of the mind.” This is important in
a person's journeytill they see Jesus face to face. The sexual struggles that | journeyed
with always caused me to cry out frantically to the Lord, “Why do fall again? | thought |
had surrendered all to You! | failed You again, Lord.” My focus was just to stop all the sinful
behavior but never about renewing of my mind. The only way to have our mind renewedis
Whenour mindisfilled with His truth, it would be ironic if we werestill in captivity. His truth
does set us free. Each time when | listen to strugglers, | discover they are so far away from
His truth and that their minds are so full of themselves. However, when they started bringing
all their thoughts into the captivity of Christ and were renewedby Him,their paths began to
change. They began walking towards holiness in Christ. What wasso significant for each of
them was the change in their behavior. Their changedlives began to impact others because
they discovered their own identities in Christ.

Your life can impact others too, do you believe it?

Pray for the State of Perak

- Pray for the Sultan (Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhib-
buddin Shah Al-Maghfurlah) and the Menteri Besar (YAB Dato’ Seri Anmad Faizal Dato’ Haji
Azumu) of Perak, that their hearts will be like streams of water in the hand of the Lord
(Proverbs 21:1] and that every decision they makefor the state will be to seek the peace
and welfare of their people.
- Lumut Port was established as a state port and a catalyst for economic growth,
developmentand industrialization of the state. The country's main naval base is locatedin
Lumut too. Pray for improvement work to be continually done on LumutPortin order to
enhanceits viability and for God's presence to be upon the naval forces that are stationed
in Lumut.

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: O 7 John 1-5 OO Fzekiel 30-34

Day 9 (15 Aug 2019, Thu)

Move towards Changeis POSSIBLE

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyoneis in Christ, he is a new creation. The

old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

am sure many of you have experienced moving houseor relocation before. | just moved to
another house. This move caused meto be physically and emotionally tired. Why is that so?
| had to go through stuff and make decisions what to keep, what to give away and what
to throw. There are things that have so many sweetaswell as bitter memories.

| looked at those things that reminded me of the sweet memories and | smiled to myself. On
the other hand, as | looked at things that reminded me of bitter memories,| realized there
was a definite need for a change. | had to chooseto die to self and allow Christ to live and be
in control of mylife. It means to no longer dwell in the past but to make a decision to move
out or even relocate. | was willing to go through all the hassles in order to see this change in

That day | told the Lord,| really wanted to follow Him. | made the decision to relocate and move.
| deliberately had to move from “Bitter-lane”to “Joyful-lane”, from “Resentful-lane” to “Forgiving-
lane” and from “Rebellious-lane” to “Obedient-lane”.

Was it easy? No. However, | was reminded that Christ died for me and He made me a new
creation and indeed this change is possible!

Pray for the State of Perak

- Pray for the people of Perak, that their spiritual eyes and heartswill be opened, and that
they will cometo realize that salvation is in no one else,for there is no other name under
heaven given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12] and humbly theywill
come to encounter Jesus who promises them abundantlife.
- Pray that the current governmentwill create more job opportunities for the people by
maximising the resourcesin the state and by providing loans to those who wantto start

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: O 2John =O 3John OO Ezekiel 35-42

Day 10 (16 Aug 2019,Fri)

Made in Christ

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he
created him; male and female he created them.

he recent Miss Universe Pageant 2018 drew 94 contestants competing to be crowned

Miss Universe 2018. It was an historical event because for the very first time in this
competition, a transgender woman contested together with other women. This contestant
from Spain named, Angela Poncesaid, “If they give me the crown,it would show trans women
are just as much womenas cis women.” Truly as a woman myself, | choose to differ as|
know that many womendo not need a crownto prove that they are women. They are women
because God made them one.

The world changed after the fall in Genesis 3. All mankind desires to be “God” themselves and
are no longer “made in Christ.” The original creation of mankind in His image has been
distorted. As a church, we have no right to discriminate against those who choose to walk
their own wayslike Angela Ponce, the Miss Spain contestant. Instead, we should look at how
we can attract them so that the “Made in Christ" brand is eternal and worth everything.

My past as a female homosexual has gone against God's original creation design. Nevertheless,
when| discovered that | am “made in Christ’, | had such a freedom in being the woman that
brings delight to Him. What an honorto inherit God's image!

Pray for the Churchesin the States of Penang & Perak

« Pray that churches in Penang and Perak will remain strong in the midstof all the pagan
worship and that they will know who they are in Christ, not conforming themselves to
this world, but be transformed by the renewal of their minds, that by testing they may
discern whatis the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans12:2]
« Pray that churches in Penang and Perak will love God passionately and keep His
commandsand that they will keep holding on to the principles of God's Word andlive a
holy life testifying to the power of God.

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Honorific: Darul Naim (means“The Blissful Abode”)
Capital: Kota Bharu
Royal Capital: Kota Bharu
Sultan: Sultan Muhammad V
Ruling Party: PAS
Menteri Besar: YAB Dato’ Ahmad bin Yakob
Population: 1,860,000 (estimation in 2018)
Race: 93.6% Bumiputera, 3.2% Chinese, 0.3% Indian, 0.7% others and
2.2% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 1,718,200)
Religion: 95.2% Islam, 3.8% Buddhism,0.3% Christianity; 0.2% Hinduism,
0.5% others (¥2010)
Economy: Agriculture, fishery, logging and tourism





40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Honorific: Darul Iman (means “Abodeof Faith”)
Capital: Kuala Terengganu
Royal Capital: Kuala Terengganu
Sultan: Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin ibni Almarhum Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi
Billah Shah
Ruling Party: PAS
Menteri Besar: YAB Prof Dr Ahmad Samsuri bin Mokhtar
Population: 1,230,000 (estimation in 2018)
Race: 95%Bumiputera, 2.4%Chinese, 0.25%Indian, 0.22% others and
213% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of1,153,500)
Religion: 96.9% Islam, 2.5% Buddhism, 0.2 % Christianity; 0.2% Hinduism,
0.2% others (Y2010)
Economy: Petroleum and gas,tourism,fishery and agriculture


40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: 1 Revelation 1-4 OU Ezekiel 43-48

Day 11 (17 Aug 2019, Sat)

Rules Keep Us RightAll the Way!

Psalm 119:1-3 Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the
law of the LORD! Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him
with their whole heart, who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!

any see rules as rigidness, restriction, control..etc.,and we equate them to‘lossof freedom.”
God gives us Rules ofLife. His rules are meantto protect us. They give us freedom to move
within a given or known boundary, guiding and helping us to align ourselves constantly to the
holy standards that are set forth for our own safety and blessings.
Imagine there were no rulesin our traffic system. Everyone could drive in whatever directions
they prefer. There would definitely be accidents and confusion everywhere.Thetraffic system
just would not work! It would be a total chaos! Either people dare not travel, or they would
simply squeeze through the crowd at their own pace and direction!

Whenthe Israelites had no kings, and they denied God astheir King, they basically had no rules.
Hence, everyone did what seemed right in their own eyes, and the whole community was
heading towardsgrave spiritual decline, as well as physical defeat!

The psalmist said that the law (the Word, the Rules) of God made him wiser than all his enemies
and gave more understanding than his teachers and the aged. Rules laid downin the Word of
God are indeed a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
The rulesof life shine forth the wisdom of God and keep us blameless all the way!

Pray for the State of Kelantan

- Pray for the Sultan (Sultan Muhammad V) and the Menteri Besar (YAB Dato’ Ahmad bin
Yakob) of Kelantan to be a blessing and covering to the Kelantanese,that they will be like
a hiding place from the wind, a shelter from the storm, streams of water in a dry place,
the shade of a great rock in a weary land.(Isaiah 32:2)
- Pray for the Muslim families as their divorce rates grow at an average of 6.2% annually.
Pray that proper family values will be instilled in the hearts and minds of the younger
generation in order to prevent the problem of family breakdowns from further
deteriorating in the future.

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: 0 Revelation 5-10 0 Haggai 1-2 U1 Micah 1-2

Day 12 (18 Aug 2019, Sun)


Sermon Outline: 7 Peter 1:15-16 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;forit is
written: “Be holy, because | am holy.”

1. Our Call: Be The Holy Priests of God

Holiness is a word we rarely emphasize today, if we were to compareit to many ‘spiritual’
words we use. Yet we are first and foremost called to be a holy nation unto the Lord. When
the Israelites went through their exodus experience, they werefirst called to be the royal
priesthood of God. If we were to use a word to describe the primary characteristic of a
priest, we would find no other word which better fit the description than the word “holiness”.
2. Our Responsibility: Be Holy In All Our Doings
God demandsus to be holyin all we do. Holinessis not limited to “spiritual activities’ in Church;
it involves our whole living. Holiness is a lifestyle we live out daily and people should be able
to see “holiness” in every part of our speech, attitudes, transactions, work, etc. Like wisdom
who Calls out in the city square, holiness is something everybody can hear,see or feel.
3. Our Goal: Be Holy Like God
Our life goal on earth is to be holy like God, the Maker. We bear the image of Christ, andif
we truly obey Him, wewill be able to live a holy life. The imperative verb tells us that it is a
command from Godfor us to be holylike Him.
And if God commandsso, He will enable us to do so.

Pray for the State of Kelantan

« Pray againstall the social ills that plague the youth in Kelantan, e.g.listless economy,
pleasure-seeking, jobless and loitering youths in motorcycle racing, prostitution,
baby dumping, etc. and that the youth will be taught to number their days so that they
may gain hearts of wisdom.(Psalm 90:12)
« The Kelantan Government has agreed that under age marriages are consistent with
the Syariah Law andis a necessity in the state. Pray that the rights of children as well as
womenwill be upheld in the state with a renewal of minds among the government and
the general public.
Bible Reading: O Revelation 11-16 0 Micah 3-7

Day 13 (19 Aug 2019, Mon)

The Wayto Prosperity & Success

Joshua 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall
meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to
all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then
you will have good success.

he Old Testamentis full of rules and regulations. Laws, commandments,decrees, precepts,

and so on were given by God and served as covenanted sub clauses to turn His people to
His ways, so that as the people of God obeyed, they could enjoy to the fullness of the liberty and
blessings which were to be bestowed upon them.

Joshua wastold to read and meditate on the Bookof the Law and to do according to what was
written in it. God promised that he would be prosperous and successful if he ever did so.

Prosperity and success means more than the wealth and status that the world recognises and
offers.It is also about fruitfulness, strength and the health of our spirituality which are brought
forth from our intimate relationship with God.It is about the holistic growth bothin the physical
and spiritual realms of our beings when wetake heedof His instructions.
God created us to be dependenton Him.If we were to function holistically, we must follow the
rules set forth by our Maker. Any deviation from Hisrules will definitely lead us to dysfunctional

Thus, read and meditate upon the Wordlike Joshua, and conquerall the obstacles caused by
sin in our lives that hinders us from fulfilling God's purpose for our individual lives - our
promisedland in life!

Pray for the State of Terengganu

- Pray for the Sultan (Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin ibni Almarhum Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi
Billah Shah) and the Menteri Besar (YAB Prof Dr Anmad Samsuri bin Mokhtar) of Terengganu
to have good discernment and common sense so that they can be effective and
productive leaders and they will be leaders who look not only to their own interests but
also the interests of others.(Philippians 2:4]
- Pray for God to do away with the “bantuan” mindset which is deeply entrenched in the
minds and the hearts of the people who seekto rely on the government's subsidies and

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: 1 Revelation 17-22 0 Deuteronomy1-4

Day 14 (20 Aug 2019, Tue)

The Wayto Holiness

Deuteronomy 6:6-7And these words that | commandyoutoday shall be on your

heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them
whenyousit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when youlie
down, and whenyourise.

he Bible, the Word of God, is the only Operation Manual thatis all-inclusive with regards to
the issue oflife and holiness. Only a holy God can reveal to us whattrue holiness means. And
unless we are holy, we cannot see God.

Whenthe Lord revealed His law to the Israelites, He wanted them to passit on to their children.
Parents were responsible to teach their children diligently not just at home, but in every sphere
of their lives. Family members were expected to talk about the Word of God wherever they
were, whetherthey weresitting or walking or lying or rising.

The code of holiness, in a sense, is not an individual's choice or practice, but a family lifestyle.
Christian parents are God's agents to impart the truth of God to their children. The main spir-
itual mentorin children’slives is not some Sunday school/youth group teachers or pastors, but
their own parents!

It is because family, with an atmosphereof love andtrust, is the very place wherethe truth of
God could be made knownand practisedholistically on a daily basis. Thus, families who build
prayer altars will somehowhelp instil a sense of awesomenessand holiness in the hearts of
their members!

Pray for the State of Terengganu

- There is a sharp disparity between the wealthier south and the poorer north. It is
the Lord who makes poor and rich and it is He who brings low and exalts (1 Samuel
2:7). Hence, pray for God's grace and mercy to be upon rural communities, especially
some in the northern areas around Setiu who are the poorest among Malaysians.
- There has been a rise in the reported HIV cases in Terengganu. The State's Health
Department has created programmes to promote awareness about the virus and
disease and it aims to work with different agencies to counsel those who practise
same-sex relations. Pray for wisdom and strength of God as they tackle the problem.

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: 1 Matthew 7-5 1 Deuteronomy 5-9

Day 15 (21 Aug 2019, Wed)

We Makethe Choice

Deuteronomy 30:15 See, | set before you todaylife and prosperity, death
and destruction.

he Lord gave two clear-cut choices after declaringall His instructions to the people ofIsrael
in Deuteronomy 28-29.

The Israelites had two ways to choose from: the wayoflife and prosperity, or the way of death
and destruction.
To most Bible readers today, it is such an easy gameto play. Nobodyin his right mind would
ever choose the latter. Yet to our sad discovery, the Israelites made the decision that would
eventually lead to death and destruction in the land they could have possessed withlife and

Life is full of incidences where foolish, tough, wrong, perverted and crooked paths were
chosen instead of wise, easy, right, straight and righteous ways. As sinful men and women,
we often end up making wrong choices and, hence, miss out on God's wonderful provision of

Becoming a Christian does not guarantee that wewill obtain His blessings,just as the Israelites
were not assured oftheir triumph over their enemies.Biblical history informs us that blessings
and victories came when people chose God's wayas thatis the only path that leadstolife and

It is indeed the very choice that we make whichwill determine our real end. Gad will not choose
for us. He just laid down the pros and consfor our awareness. Since we are the determinants
based on the choices we make,it is important that we come to knowall the rulesoflife and
make a wise choice in our ownValley of Decision!

Pray for the Churchesin the States of Kelantan & Terengganu

- The number of churchesin both the states of Kelantan and Terengganu are small but the
challenges are big. Pray that theywill be strong and courageous andwill not be ashamed
of the gospel, knowing that it is the power of God for salvation to everyone whobelieves
- The Lord promises to set us high above all nations of the earth if we carefully obey all His
commandments. Pray that churches in Kelantan and Terengganu will faithfully obey the
voice of the Lord their God so that they will receive abundant blessings in their cities and
fields. (Deuteronomy 28:1-3)

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Honorific: Darul Makmur (means“the Abode of Tranquillity’)
Capital: Kuantan
Royal Capital: Pekan
Ruler: Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri‘ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah
Regent: Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah
Ruling Party: Barisan National (UMNO)
Menteri Besar: YAB Dato’ Sri Wan Rosdy bin WanIsmail
Population: 1,670,000 (estimation in 2018)
Race: 75.8% Bumiputera, 14.9% Chinese, 4.1% Indian, 0.5% others and
4.7% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 1,623,200)
Religion: 74.9 %lslam, 14.4% Buddhism, 4% Hinduism,1.9% Christianity,
and 4.8% others (Y2010)
Economy: Service industry, agriculture and manufacturing industry







40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Honorific: Darul Ta'zim (means “Abode of Dignity’)
Capital: Johor Bahru
Royal Capital: Muar
Ruler: Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan IskandarAl-Haj
Ruling Party: Pakatan Harapan (PPBM)
Menteri Besar: Dato’ Dr. Sahruddin bin Jamal
Population: 3,740,000 (Estimation in Y2018)
Race: 55% Bumiputera, 30.2% Chinese, 6.5% Indian, 0.5% others and
7.8% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 3,553,600)
Religion: 58.2% Islam, 29.6% Buddhism, 6.6% Hinduism, 3.3% Christianity,
2.3% others (¥2010)
Economy: Services, manufacturing, agriculture and construction







40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: O) Matthew 6-70 OO Deuteronomy 10-14

Day 16 (22 Aug 2019, Thu)

God's Kingdom Call for a Nation

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a
people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him
whocalled you out of darknessinto his marvellouslight.

od created the world with His wisdom, plan and purposethat is beyond our human compre-
hension.It is the Lord's will to see His Kingdom comeandHis Will be done on earth asit is
in heaven.

Wearecalled to be a nation which is ruled based upon God's truth and righteousness. Under
His Kingdom'sjurisdiction, we are thereby underHis love and righteousness. Everything will be
ruled according to His Kingdom values. A nation has king. In the Kingdom of God, Godis the
King of Kings and the Lordof Lords.
God's Kingdom is about a special people who call upon His name, acknowledge His sovereignty,
His leadership and His divine provision. Wisdom, understanding, anointing, love, grace and
righteousnesswill be upon those who trust and dependtotally on Him.
The nation is to be void of darkness, corruption, injustice and vice ofall forms. The nation is to
be in God's marvellouslight, a light that shines and causes the darknessto flee, so that people
will no longer dwell in their sinful acts and come under demonic oppression.

Weareto proclaim God's sovereignty over the nation. Human efforts will not endure forever but
God's sovereign moveis alwaysin control of His will for the nation.

Pray for the State of Pahang

- Pray for the Sultan (Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah], the Regent
(Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah) and the Menteri Besar (YAB Dato’ Sri Wan Rosdybin
Wan Ismail) of Pahang. Pahang is one of the 3 states left under Barisan Nasional's control
now. Pray that the state will work harmoniously with the Federal Government, forge a
mutual understanding,and that theywill not be wisein their own sight. (Romans12:16)
- Pahang has the highest debt of RM3.2 billion among Malaysian states at the end of 2018.
Pray that the state governmentwill devise plans to increase state revenues so thatit can
Clear the huge debt.

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

Bible Reading: O Matthew 11-15 C1 Deuteronomy 15-19

DAY 17 (23 Aug 2019,Fri)

God's Church
as the Salt and Light in the Nation

Matthew5:13, 14 “You are the salt of the earth, butif salt has lost its taste, how
shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be
thrown out and trampled under people's feet. “You are the light of the world.
A city set on hill cannot be hidden.

Se signifies that we are the channel of blessings to all people. We need salt to build a warm
and harmonioussociety.
Light signifies the Holiness of God. Those who are in darknesslive in sin. When God's
righteousnessarises, darkness cannot stand.

A nation needs God's Light. It is His truth that brings forth transformation. The truth sets people
free as transformation begins in their minds. People need to have the right perception and the
truth thatfills their minds. The mind that thinks according to the truth of God shall produceright
Salt must always remainsalty forit to function properly. We must maintain our characteristics as
God's people who walk accordingly to His instruction of love and righteousnessor else, we cannot
bring any edification to others. In order to remain salty, we need to seek the presenceofGod,call
upon Him, and connect with Him and obey His Word.

Light and salt represent thelife of Christ that flows through our lives and makes us become a
blessing to the nation,as it impacts in the spheres ofpolitics, economy, education, media, family,
marriage and culture, etc. The nation has many needs that cover many aspectsoflife. It takes
a life to transform anotherlife. When many becomelight and salt, there is hope for the nation.

Pray for the State of Pahang

+ Lake Chini is in danger of becoming a “dead lake” due to rampant logging, iron ore mining
and agricultural activities. The Jakun aboriginal people (about 800) and othervillagers who
depend on the lake for their livelihood and water supply are greatly affected. Pray for
necessary measuresto be taken toalleviate the damage done.
- The mining activities (both legal and illegal) has caused catastrophic problems to the
environment, especially river pollution. Pray that the issue of radioactive wastes that poses
a threat to the safety of the Kuantan people will be resolved as soon as possible.

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: 1 Matthew 16-20 C1 Deuteronomy 20-24

Day 18 (24 Aug 2019,Sat)

Fulfilling God’s Destiny

for a Nation through Prayer
2 Chronicles 7:14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray
and seek myface andturn from their wicked ways, then | will hear from heaven andwill
forgive their sin and healtheir land.

od has a destiny for the nation. However, corrupted worldly systems try to prevent the
fulfillment of God's will. Spiritual darkness and hindrances can be removed when wepray
so that God's purposefor the nation can be achieved. There aresix criteria to fulfil God's plan
through prayer asfollows:
1} Be Humble: God hascalled His people to humble themselves. Without humility, we cannot
establish fellowship with God. God hates the sin of pride and arrogance.
2) Pray: Prayer is communicating with God. Those who are self-dependantwill not pray. Prayer
meansour reliance andtrustis in God.
3) Seek God's Face: When a personsets his heart to seek God, he will not want his own will but
rather God's will to be done.
4) Turn from Their Wicked Ways: God is Holy. It is hypocrisy to try to worship God without leaving
one's wicked ways. Those whopraise God withtheir lips and yet have hearts that are far away
from Him are abominable to Him.
5) Receive Forgiveness from God:It is only when the nation has been forgiven of her sins that
the purpose of God can be fulfilled. Sin becomes a hindranceto thefulfillment of God's destiny.
When people humble themselves and call upon the name of God, He (being a just God) will
forgive all their unrighteousness.
6) Heal the Land: A nation that is healed will experience the blessings of God; and whatever was
lost will be restored to its glory and abundance.

Pray for the State of Johor

- Pray for the Sultan (Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj) and the Menteri
Besar (Dato’ Dr. Sahruddin bin Jamal) of Johor, that God will give them heartsof integrity and
handsofskill (Psalm 78:72) as they lead Johoreans into greater growth.
- The strained relationship between Singapore and Malaysia caused by recentissues(e.g.
maritime and airspaceterritorial disputes, Johor Bahru-Singapore Rapid Transit System,
KL-Singapore High-SpeedRail project, etc.) has caused damage to the economyof Johor to
a certain extent. Pray that mutual agreementwill be reached with a win-winsituation for
both parties.

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

Bible Reading: L Matthew 27-25 C1 Deuteronomy 25-29

DAY 19 (25 Aug 2019, Sun)

God's Destiny for a Nation

Sermon Outline: Jeremiah 29:11 For | know the plans | have for you, declares the LORD,plans for
welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
God has His purposes and destinies for the nations.
1) He always has good plansfor a nation
2} Plans not to harm a nation
3) Plans to give a nation hope
4) Plans to give a nation a future
His plans are to see His Kingdom come, His Will be done on earth asit is in heaven. The heavenly
kingdom is so wonderful, beautiful and bountiful. It is God's desire to see His Kingdom andWill to
comeon earth.
The Kingdom values of God are shownin His Word. By obeying and fulfilling God's Wordin our lives
and our nation, we will live according to His standard, whichis always pleasing to Him and brings
glory to His Name.This is holy and acceptablein God's sight.
WhenGod's Church practises the Kingdom principles, values and Word in our daily living,it will
bring forth transformation to the nation. The nation will be a God-fearing one that honours the
Nameof God and upholdsthe Truthof God. Thereis love and justice, and the glory of God will shine
on earth. God is knownas the King of kings, the Lord of lords, Creator of the whole universe, the
Sovereign Lord.All knees will bow; and all tongues will confess that ‘HE IS LORD!’

Pray for the State of Johor

- The state government welcomesthe airing of public and professional opinionsin order to
assistin their efforts to bring about growthin the state. Pray for the mouths of the righteous
that they may utter wisdom and that their tongueswill speak justice (Psalm 37:30).
- The crime rate in Johor Bahru has been increasing for the past three years and mostof
the crime cases occur in the housing estates. Pray that the police enforcement team will
tackle the problem well so that Johoreanswill be able to enjoy peacein their coming in and
going out.
Bible Reading: | Matthew 26-28 1 Deuteronomy 30-34 Daniel 1-2

Day 20 (26 Aug 2019, Mon)

Fulfilling God’s Destiny

for a Nation through the Powerof God's Word

Hebrew11:3 By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word ofGod,
so that whatis seen was not madeoutof things that arevisible.

A. The Powerof God's Word:

1) Brings About Creation: There is creative power in the Word of God. The creative power of
God's Word can transform a nation from a hopeless, desperate and disordered state into one
of hope,faith and order.
2) Brings About Fulfilment: God's Word has the power offulfilment. Any word that comes from
the mouth of God will be fulfilled in due time. A nation who has the promisesof God will see the
proclaimed words come to pass.
3) Brings About Execution: God's Word, once declared,will carry an executive power. Like in a
court, the person remains unconvicted for his sin before a judge passes a sentence on him.
After the judge has announcedhis verdict, the execution of judgmentwill then be carried out.
B. A nation needs to befilled with God's Word to bring about transformation. The church
1) Proclaim God's Word over the nation, so that the power of God's Word can operate in the
creation,fulfilment and execution of God's destiny for a nation.
2) Live out God's Word
The Church needs to fully depend on God's power tolive out God's Word. Only through the work
of the Holy Spirit, can welive out such life of holiness.
3) The Church needs to pray according to God's Word for the nation whichisin line with Hiswill.
Only then shall we see God's will be done on Earthasit is in Heaven.

Pray for the Churchesin the States of Pahang & Johor

- Pray that, like Jeremiah who was known by God before he was formed in the womb and
who wasset apart by God and appointed as a prophet to the nations Jleremiah1:5), churches
in Pahang and Johorwill realise that they are known personally by God, been set apart as
holy people of God and have been called to be prophetic voices to their states and even the
- Pray that churches in Pahang and Johor will be agents of love, who respondtothecall
of God to not just love in word ortalk but in deed and in truth (1 John 3:18), that their love
towards one anotherwill be so obvious to the extent that non-believing communitieswill
be attracted to the love of God.

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

Honorific: Darul Khusus (means “The Special Abode")
Capital: Seremban
Royal Capital: Seri Menanti
Yang di-Pertuan Besar: Tuanku Muhriz ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir
Ruling Party: Pakatan Harapan (PKR)
Menteri Besar: YAB Dato’ Sri Aminuddin bin Harun
Population: 1,130,000 (estimation in 2018)
Race: 58.5% Bumiputera, 21.3% Chinese, 14% Indian, 0.4% others and
5.8% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 1,098,400)
Religion: 60.3%Islam,21.2 % Buddhism,13.4 % Hinduism, 2.4% Christianity
and 2.7% others (Y2010)
Economy: Manufacturing, services & tourism and agriculture



40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Nickname: The Venice of the East
Capital: Melaka City
Yang di-Pertua Negeri: Tun Datuk Seri Utama Dr. Mohd Khalil bin Yaakob
Ruling Party: Pakatan Harapan (Amanah)
Chief Minister: YAB Adlybin Zahari
Population: 920,000 (estimation in 2018)
Race: 64.6% Bumiputera, 24.6% Chinese, 6% Indian, 0.5 % others and
4.3% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 872,900)
Religion: 661%lslam, 24.2% Buddhism, 5.7Hinduism, 3% Christianity and
1% others (¥2010)
Economy: Service, manufacturing, agriculture and construction




40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: O Mark 1-5 O Daniel 3-7

Day 21 (27 Aug 2019, Tue)

Point of Struggle

Read Genesis 32
NE of the great struggles in the life of a believer is undoubtedly responding to the call to
Oem: out of them and be separate”. Just how and when this happensis a mystery, but one
tell-tale sign on the part of the person being called is an increasing burden to be singled out
for a certain purpose, and it, almost always, does not come without struggles.

When Jacob needed to cross over the river Jabbok (Hebrew means “emptying out’) to meet
his brother Esau, he was already a man who had reached the end of his own devices. Human
strength and wisdom could no longer help him navigate this precarious situation.All that was
dear to him - the safety of his entire family and everything that he owned - hung on the
delicate balance of Esau’s whim, the brother whom he had cheated. As if that was not
stressful enough, an angel met him and started a wrestling match that lasted all night. God
was weaving a Critical lesson into Jacob's life. Before attempting to set things right, Jacob first
had to confront a very deadly yet intimate enemy in hislife, i.e. his flesh. And it is the same
with us.

When Godinitiates a holy struggle, rest assured it is to bring us to a better place. This may
not be welcomed with glee, but God is more concerned about holiness in His children than
accommodating our quirks. What areasof our lives need this treatment today?
Ponder: Am | willing to go through this?

Pray for the State of Negeri Sembilan

- May the Lord bless and keep the Yang di-Pertuan Besar (Tuanku Muhriz Ibni Almarhum
Tunku Munawir) and the Menteri Besar (YAB Dato’ Sri Aminuddin bin Harun) of Negeri
Sembilan and may the Lord make His face shine on them and be gracious to them; may
the Lord turn His face toward them and give them peace. (Numbers6:24-26)
- Pray for the Malaysian Vision Valley project (MVV2.0) that it would create more job
opportunities for the youths in the state and that youths will be involved extensively in
contributing ideas and views towards the developmentproject.

Bible Reading: C1 Mark 6-10 0 Daniel 8-12

Day 22 (28 Aug 2019, Wed)

Point of Surrender

Read Philippians 2

OST believers do not have an issue in serving others, but problems would arise if they
felt that they were being treated like servants. Ever so often, we find ourselves happily
Serving those whose responsesleave us with a sense of dignity and, in some cases, respect.
Weargue thatthis is a natural outflow of our service to them. Honestly,if the people we served
had responded otherwise, a majority of us would likely be offended and drop out from serving,
with the reason thatit is just not worthit.

Have you ever wondered what would have happenedif Judas Iscariot had kicked away the
bucket and towel that Jesus used to washhis (Judas’) feet? It probably would have created
an uproar since one simply does not go against one’s teacher in this manner. It would have
been unthinkable - the utmost expression of disrespect. Even if that had happened,it is my
firm belief that Jesus would havestill gone to the cross for Judas’ redemption, had the latter
repented. Jesus looked beyond His own dignity and countedit less valuable than the worth of
the eternal destiny of the human soul.
It is common to think of surrendering asgiving up dignity. Our culture shapesusto believe that
it is the option for the weak and useless, a situation to be avoided and abhorredatall costs.
Butlet's not overlook the important part we gain - the peace,love, joy and humility that mark
the surrendered soul.

Ponder: Can we serve God from a position of strength?

Pray for the State of Negeri Sembilan

- Pray for the state government and the 2019-2045 Negeri Sembilan Economic
DevelopmentPlan, that projects undertaken to develop Jempol as a food valley and
Gemas as a capitalist and agropolis centre will be favoured by God and serveto
generate greater revenue as well as bring about developmentin the state.
« Pray that the people of Negeri Sembilan will come to experience the perfect love of
God, that they will realize the truth that they are indeed wonderfully and fearfully made
by the Creator, and that they are indeed created to have fellowship with Him.

Bible Reading: O Mark 71-16 (1 Jonah 1-4

Day 23 (29 Aug 2019, Thu)

Point of Waiting

Reading: Psalm 130

he Bible is a rich tapestry of “characters”, some of whom waited and some of whom didn't
iE varying results. Anna waited in the temple until she was in her 80s and saw the baby
essiah with her own eyes. King Saul, who could not wait for Samuel to offer the sacrifice, lost
his kingship. Sarah could not wait for the promised heir, and hence got Abraham to produce
a son, Ishmael, with her Egyptian maid Hagar. The repercussions of her decision reverberate
throughouthistory in a profound manner,long after it had been made.
In our lifelong journey of sanctification, there will be overlapping cycles of struggles, surrender,
submission and the joy of surfing the waves of the Holy Spirit as we grow in greater
understanding and holiness required by God. Should all these have been the ingredients in
making an excellent batch of Korean kimchi, then the waiting factor is the hidden and
unnoticed part. And also it is the mostcritical. At this point, everything humanly possible has
been done, and the result would be at the mercy of forces beyond our control. Waiting has
its way of humbling us, and teachingustotrust.

In our world with its high premium on speed, there are unceasing attempts to reduce waiting
time to its minimum. Underthe rallying cry of ‘technology’ and‘efficiency’, we hurtle towards a
future of less and less waiting. May we nevertrade the priceless experience of waiting on God
for seductive ‘quick-fixes’ that knock on our doors.

Ponder: In what area is God making me wait?

Pray for the State of Melaka

- Pray for the Yang di-Pertua Negeri (Tun Datuk Seri Utama Dr Mohd Khalil bin Yaakob)
and the Chief Minister (YAB Adly bin Zahari) of Melaka, that they will possess wisdom
which is sweet to their souls and that as they rule and administer with such wisdom,
the people will have a future hope that will not be cut off. (Proverbs 24:14]
« Pray against drug addiction and bullying in the secondary schools in Melaka that
both the local government, the schools and the parents will take precautionary
action to avoid unnecessary harm to youths.

Bible Reading: 1 Luke 7-5 0 Exodus 1-5

Day 24 (30 Aug 2019,Fri)

Point of Submission

Reading: 1 Peter 5

|: is one thing to say, “God, let Your will be done,” and quite another to allow His ways to
supersede ours, and trump our decisions. We can say the former without doing the latter. This
appens when weare not familiar with His ways, or confuse our wayswith His. It may not mean
we do not know whoGodis, but just that we prefer our waysoverHis.
The Israelites wandered 40 years in the desert because they did not know God's ways (Hebrews
3:10). That's one generation of wasted years in God's ledger. In His parable, Jesus spoke of
ministers who prophesied, cast out demonsand did miracles in His name - even though they
werelawless ones who were never knownby the Master (Matthew 7:21-23) - gasp! On the other
hand, Daniel wrote that those who knowtheir God shall be strong and do great exploits (Daniel
11:32b]. Knowing God's ways does not depend on our status, pedigree or even position in the
ministry. It hinges upon our obedience and submission to Him based on His revealed word. The
attitude and posture of a submitted heartis fertile soil in which God's discernment and wisdom
can germinate.
Perhapsit is time for God's people to saturate themselves in the Word and get to know the
God of the Bible for themselves. The natural by-product would then bea life of obedience,
submission and humility before the Lord. That's His way.

Ponder: Am | hungry for God's ways?

Pray for the State of Melaka

- Pray for the Temuan people [the only aboriginal tribe in Melaka) that they, though
constantly under economic and social pressures, would encounter God and pursue
righteousness and kindness so that they will find life, righteousness and honour.
(Proverbs 21:21]
- The branch office of Jehovah's Witnessesis located in Melaka and all their religious
groups in Malaysia are directed and supported from there. Pray for the leaders,
managers, and missionaries who passbythis office that they will encounter the
Triune God and come to realize that Christ is not the created but the Creator.

Bible Reading: 0 Luke 6-10 0 Exodus 6-10

Day 25 (31 Aug 2019,Sat)

Point of Surfing (the Wavesof the Spirit)

Read John 3: 1- 10

NYONE who has surfed the ocean waves is most likely to recount it as the most
exhilarating time of his life. Though the adrenaline rush does not happen unexpectedly,
It requires a lot of attentive mental preparation beforehand. The surfer struggles with the
fear of drowning, surrendering that fear, waiting for the right moment and submitting all
control to the ebb andflow of the ocean. Onething for sure - once you have ridden the wave,
you will never forget nor be able to resist the call of the sea.

Suchis the strange and yet unpredictable waysof the Spirit. It gives us the exceptional ride of
our lives, owes us no explanations, blows our traditions out of the way, and glorifies Jesus in a
mannerthat challenges our manmade conventions - andyet, rings with the familiar voice that
witnessesto our spirit, and is founded upon His word. Once we have takena ride on that wave,
we will never turn back. And when the Spirit calls again, there will be the same surge of peace,
purpose, expectation and delight all over again.

Have you taken this ride? Do you want to? It is the portion of every child of God who desires to
be set apart and used by our Heavenly Father to give newbirth to His plan of salvation for our
lifetime. May the wind of the Holy Spirit blow upon our weariness, and the water of God refresh
our souls, so that we mayarise to surf the wave of heavenfor our generation.
Suggestedactivity: Go surfing. Or engage a surfer in conversation.

Pray for the Churchesin the States of Negeri Sembilan and Melaka
« Pray that as a people holy to the Lord our God and as a people chosen to be
His treasured possession (Deuteronomy14:2), that churches in Negeri Sembilan and
Melaka will seek to be set apart to be holy vessels unto the Lord and to be ferventin
carrying out His Great Commission.
- Pray for churches in Negeri Sembilan and Melaka that they would overcome the
obstacles that prevent them from drawing closer to God, through surrendering
themselves and submitting themselves to the will of the Father so that they will
soar like eagles.

Honorific: Darul Ehsan (means “AbodeofSincerity’)
Capital: Shah Alam
Royal Capital: Klang
Sultan: Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Al-Haj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin
Abdul Aziz Shah Al-Haj
Ruling Party: Pakatan Harapan (PKR)
Menteri Besar: YAB Amirudin bin Shari
Population: 6,470,000 (Estimation in Y2018)
Race: 53.6% Bumiputera, 25.5% Chinese, 12% Indian, 0.8% others and
81% non-Malaysian (¥2015, based on population of 5,874,100)
Religion: 57.9% Islam, 24.4% Buddhism,11.6% Hinduism, 3.8% Christianity and
2.3% others (¥2010)
Economy: Commerce,industry, services, agriculture and tourism





40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

Nickname: KL, GardenCity of Lights
Mayor: Datuk Nor Hisham Ahmad Dahlan
Population: 1,800,000 (Estimation in ¥2018)
Race: 42.5% Bumiputera, 38.7% Chinese, 9.2% Indian, 0.9% others and
8.7% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of1,768,100)
Religion: 46.4% Islam, 35.7% Buddhism, 8.5% Hinduism, 5.8% Christianity and
3.6% others (Y2010)
Economy: Services, commerce, education, tourism andretail




40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Nickname: GardenCity, Intelligent City
Administrator: Putrajaya Corporation
President: Datuk Dr. Aminuddin Bin Hassim
Population: 90,000 (Estimation in ¥2018)
Race: 95.9% Bumiputera, 1.0% Indian, 0.6% Chinese, 0.1% others and
24% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 1,768,100)
Religion: 974% Islam, 1% Hinduism,0.9% Christianity, 0.4% Buddhism and
0.3% others (Y2010)
Economy: Services and Commerce



(7 oe

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Administrator: Labuan Corporation
Chief Executive Officer: Datuk Azhar bin Ahmad
Population: 100,000 (Estimation in ¥2018)
Race: 71.3% Bumiputera, 11% Chinese, 0.8% Indian,1.8% others and
91% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 1,768,100)
Religion: 76.0% Islam, 12.4% Christianity, 9.0% Buddhism, 0.4% Hinduism
and 2.2% others (Y2010)
Economy: Oil and gas, international investment & banking services


C oS

40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019

Bible Reading: O) Luke 11-15 OO Exodus 11-15

Day 26 (1 Sept 2019, Sun)

Called to be the Nazirite

Sermon Outline: Number 6:7-27

Numbers 6:1-21 describes the law of the Nazirite, under which a man must consecrate an
offering to take a vow,set himself apart and be holy to the Lord.
A. Worldly Mindset - Selfish Gain
- Judges 13:1-25: Samson, a Nazirite to deliver Israel.
- Worldly mindset for selfish gain set in and the power of Godleft him.
Contrary to Nazirite vows, he:
1. Was involved in a wine-drinking feast;
2. Ate honey taken out of the carcassof a lion;
3. Was enticed by Delilah and caused his hair to be shaved;
4. Asked his parents to get a Philistine wife for him.
B. Nazirite Mindset - Destiny Achiever
- Genesis 37-39: Joseph had dreamsof greatness.
- He was sold as a slave in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh.
- The Lord was with Joseph. He was successful and was madean overseer.
- Joseph achieved the destiny that God had set for him. He said to his brothers, “Do not fear,
for am | in the place of God? As for you, you meantevil against me, but God meantit for good,
to bring it about that many people should bekeptalive, as they are today.” (Genesis 50:19-20)
To walk Worthy of His Call (Colossians 3:1-17)
- We are raised with Christ. Seek things which are above, not on earth.
- Put to death our members on earth whichare idolatry.
- Put off the old man and put on the new man,which is being renewedin knowledge in God's
- Put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, bear with each other and
forgive one another.
- Whatever wedo, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father
through Him.

Pray for the State of Selangor

- Pray for the Sultan (Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Al-Haj Ibni Almarhum Sultan
Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Al-Haj) and the Menteri Besar (YAB Amirudin bin Shari)
of Selangor, that they will be leaders of insight who select capable men from all the
people, men who fear God, and are trustworthy and hate bribes. [Exodus 18:21]
- Pray for the people of Selangor, that though they have different beliefs and
pursuits, they will experience God's grace and mercyin their lifetime.

Bible Reading: O) Luke 16-20 O) Exodus 16-20

Day 27 (2 Sept 2019, Mon)

Called to be Holy

G2" called Abraham toa life of faith (Genesis 12], so that, in him,all the families of the earth
shall be blessed. God's calling of Israel as a priestly nation will never be revoked,for the gifts
and calling of God are irrevocable (Romans11:28b-29).
| appeal to you therefore, brothers [and sisters] by the mercies of God, to present your
bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, whichis yourspiritual worship (Romans
WhenIsaiah wascalled to be a prophetto Israel, he saw the Lord. The seraphim cried to one
another and said, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!"
He knew that he was doomed becausehe sawthe holiness of God and his ownsinfulness.
However, one of the seraphim flew to him, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken
with the tongs from the altar. And he touched Isaiah's mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this
has touchedyourlips; your guilt is taken away, and yoursin atonedfor’.

Only after his iniquity had been taken away, did he hear the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Wham
shall | send, and who will go for Us?" Then Isaiah said, “Here am I! Send me.”

Before wearecalled to be a vessel for God, we have to be aware that we are serving a great
and mighty God. We have to be set apart wholly for the Lord and not to be too casual about
our ministry.

Pray for the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur

- Pray for the Mayor (Datuk Nor Hisham Ahmad Dahlan) and the local government known
as the Kuala Lumpur City Hall, that they will manage the city well, and that the city will
continueto flourish as the cultural, financial and economic centre of Malaysia.
« Kuala Lumpur is the main entry point for many new religions. Some cult groups use the
city as their starting point before they move on to the other parts of Malaysia. Pray that
those whoareinfluenced by thesecults will come out from their deception and encounter
Christ as they seek the truth.

Bible Reading: O Luke 27-24 Exodus 21-26

Day 28 (3 Sept 2019,Tue)

Called to Belong to Jesus

Remens 1:1-6: Paul a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle set apart for the
gospel of God, which he promised beforehand through his prophetsin the holy Scriptures,
concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared
to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the
dead, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring
aboutthe obedience offaith for the sake of his name amongall the nations, including you who
are called to belong to Jesus Christ.

Weare called to belong to Jesus Christ. ‘And we know that for those wholove Gadall things
work together for good, for those who arecalled according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28]. As
Christians,it is important to start to examine the call to follow Jesus. The call to belong to Christ
is everything.
‘But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession,
that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his
marvellous light. Once you were not a people but now you are God's people; once you had
not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." (1 Peter 2:9-10]

How do welive our lives before the world? Peter goes on to say, “Beloved, / urge you as
sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your
soul. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you
as evildoers, they may see your good deeds andglorify God on the dayofvisitation.” (1 Peter

Pray for the Federal Territory of Putrajaya

- Pray for Putrajaya Corporation and its President (Datuk Dr. Aminuddin Bin Hassim), that
as they administer Putrajaya, peace will be within its walls and security will be within its
towers (Psalm 122:7).
- The crime rate in Putrajaya has increased drastically over the years. Substance abuse
and sexual immorality among teenagers are common too. Pray for the safety of this
garden city with protection from God.

Bible Reading: O John 7-5 O1 Exodus 27-31

Day 29 (4 Sept 2019, Wed)

Called to a Restored Relationship

John 10:27-28: My sheep hear myvoice, and | know them, andthey follow me. | give them eternal
life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who
has given them to me, is greater than all, and no oneis able to snatch them out ofthe Father's

od has called us, we are justified, and if we are justified, we will be glorified. We realize
how dependent weare on the call of God in our lives and His unchanging purposein the
lives of His people.

WhenweareCalled to follow Jesus, we are also called to a restored relationship with God and
with other people and with the world around us.It includesall of a person's being and doing.
It is not about how much wecan do for God but how welive our lives to serve God. David the
Psalmist asked in Psalm 24:3: Who shall ascendthehill of the LORD? And whoshall standin his
holy place?

The answer is: He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who doesnotlift up his soul to whatis
false and does not sweardeceitfully. He will receive blessing from the LORD and righteousness
from the Godof his salvation. Suchis the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face
of the GodofJacob. (Psalm 24:4-6]
Godis calling us to change the world for His glory!

Pray for the Federal Territory of Labuan

- Pray for Labuan Corporation andits Chief Executive Officer (Datuk Azhar bin Ahmad}, that
they will manage Labuan well in areas like public health and sanitation, waste removal
and management, town planning, environmental protection and building control, social
and economic development, etc., so that it will advance continually as an International
Offshore Financial centre.
- Pray for the corporation that it will be able to prevent, detect and curbillegal and
vice activities going on the island like smuggling, human and drug trafficking,
money-laundering, etc.

Bible Reading: LJ John 6-70 OO Fxodus 32-36

Day 30 (5 Sept 2019, Thu)

Called to Life & Hope

od has called us tolife and hope that also bring us into eternal life, light, freedom and glory.
It begins with repentance knowing that our God is a Holy God and that our sins must be
forgiven in order to start an intimate relationship with Him. We will begin to see the sovereignty
of God and will be pleased to be used in whatever mannerHe seesfit for His greatest glory.
WhenGodcalls, He will provide. God's call to life comes with the power to do whatit demands.
Christians are called to participate in His redemptive work in the world. When it comes to
calling, what matters mostis not one's title or workplace, but obedience to God. Are you ready
to answerGod's call?

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know thatyour body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you,
whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were boughtwith a price. So glorify
God in your body.

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of
sinners, norsits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law
he meditates day and night (Psalm 1:1-2]
Weare to delight in the law of the Lord whichwill deliver us. We will also be madefruitful and
‘But as he who called youis holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, You
shall be holy, for | am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16)

Pray for the Churchesin the State of Selangor and

the Federal Territories
- Pray that churches in Selangor, the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and
Labuan, who are holy and beloved, will put on their compassionate hearts, kindness,
humility, meekness and patience, and that they will bear with and forgive one another.
(Colossians 3:12-13]
- Pray for churchesin the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan to
take up the call of the Nazirite to separate themselves unto the Lord, to be holy and touch
no unclean things and to seek not things of this world but things of heaven.

Nickname: Land below the wind
Capital: Kota Kinabalu
Yang di-Pertua Negeri: Tun Datuk Seri Panglima Juhar bin Mahiruddin
Ruling Party: Warisan
Chief Minister: Datuk Seri Panglima Hj Mohd Shafie bin Hj Apdal
Population: 3,900,000(Estimation in 2018)
Race: 63.1% Bumiputera, 8.8% Chinese, 0.3% Indian, 3.2% others and
24.6% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 3,543,500)
Religion: 65.4% Islam, 26.6% Christianity, 6.1% Buddhism, 01% Hinduism
and 1.8% others (Y2010)
Economy: agriculture, forestry and petroleum









40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Nickname: Land of the Hornbills
Capital: Kuching
Yang di-Pertua Negeri: Tun Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud
Ruling Party: Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS)-Parti Pesaka Bumiputera
Bersatu (PBB)
Chief Minister: YAB DatukPatinggi (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul RahmanZohariBin
Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg
Population: 2,790,000 (Estimation in ¥2018)
Race: 71.8% Bumiputera, 22.9% Chinese, 0.3% Indian, 0.5% others
and 4.7% non-Malaysian (Y2015, based on population of 2,636,000)
Religion: 42.6% Christianity, 32.2% Islam, 13.5% Buddhism, 0.2% Hinduism
and 11.5% others (¥2010)
Economy: Services, manufacturing, agriculture and mining





40-DAY FAST & PRAY | 7 AUG - 15 SEPT 2019


Bible Reading: O John 11-16 O Exodus 37-40

Day 31 (6 Sept 2019,Fri)

Be Strongin the Lord

WE were never meant to fight alone. Paul makes it very clear where our source of power
and strength comes from.In Ephesians 6:10, he commandsusto “be strong IN the LORD
and in the strength of HIS might.” It is GOD HIMSELF who holds the powerto fight and win our
To be strong:
This means we no longerlive in our own belief systems, but in God's through saving faith in
Jesus Christ. Only from that position of being His, can we truly understand what being strong
in the Lord means.


A strong Christian is one who has come to recognize his own weaknessesand inclination
towards sin. That awareness drives him to dependall the more on the Lord's strength. To be
strong in the Lord, you must know your own weaknesses.


The Bible reminds us through countless occasions the manifest presence and power of
God. He spoke the heavens and earth into existence out of nothing. He delivered His people
from the clutches of their enemies. He parted the sea and sustained them through difficult
situations. He fed the masses, healed the sick and set the captives free. He defeated death and
resurrected, proving Himself to be the Lord over death and He is the Lordoflife. There is
none like HIM. We are weak and we need God's strength. God has given us His armour and
weapons, but the power comes from Him,alone.

Pray for Sabah

- Pray for the Yang di-Pertua Negeri (Tun Datuk Seri Panglima Juhar bin Mahiruddin) and
the Chief Minister (Datuk Seri Panglima Hj Mohd Shafie bin Hj Apdal) of Sabah, that under
their administration and leadership, justice in Sabah will roll on like a river and
righteousnesslike an ever-flowing stream.(Amos 5:24)
- Pray for safety along the maritime borders between Sabah and the Philippines and
Indonesia that all attempts by terror groupsto infiltrate Sabah will be crippled and
the livelihood of the local fishing communities will not be threatened.

Bible Reading: 0 John 17-21 OO Leviticus 1-5

Day 32 (7 Sept 2019,Sat)

Putting on the Full Armour of God |

Read Ephesians 6:10-18

his world is a battlefield. We face a spiritual war and an enemy who is real. However, we are
not defenceless! God has provided us the whole armour and He hascalled us to putit on.
The Greek word is an imperative - “Put on” Believers are responsible for putting on God'sfull
armour. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God, prayer - every one of
these has a role in defeating our adversary.
The Belt of Truth - Our Integrity
Integrity holds everything together. If you do not have integrity in the big and small things of
life, you are going to lose the battle. Be truthful with the Word of God andyour life. Christians
are to “wear” and practice truth. We need to know the truth,live the truth, contend for the
truth and proclaim the truth about Jesus. John 8:32 says, ‘And you will know the truth, and the
truth will set you free.” Make a conscious choice to live God's truth andbetruthful.
The Breastplate of Righteousness- Our Purity
We are declared righteous by God in the gospel and wearetolive out this righteous
declaration with righteous actions. Know that it is His righteousness. Putting on this piece
of armour guards our heart from pride and other arrows of sin. Satan wants to get into our
hearts and minds. He's looking for a crack in our armour. Is your heart pure before God? Are
you rightly-related to HIM? If not, you cannot win the battle. When weput on the breastplate of
righteousness,welive with our eyes on God and weare obedient to Him.

Pray for Sabah

« Declare God's wonderful blessings to be upon Sabah, and pray that Sabahans will
experience God as Savior and realise that He is able to make all grace abound to
them, so that havingall sufficiency in all things at all times, they may aboundin every
good work.(2 Corinthians 9:7-8)
« Sabah has the highest numberofillegal immigrants from the Philippines and Indonesia
amongall the Malaysian states. In Sandakan, Tawau and Lahad Datu,illegal immigrants
even outnumberthe locals. Children produced by these immigrants who married the
locals become stateless people who cannot have access to education and employment.
Pray for God's mercy to be upon them, especially that the younger generation will
receive equal opportunities with the locals.

Bible Reading: 0 Acts 1-5 O Leviticus 6-10

Day 33 (8 Sept 2019, Sun)

Stand Firm in the Lord

Sermon Outline: 2 Samuel 23:11-12

he apostle Paul emphasizes the word “stand” four times in Ephesians 6:10-18. In the face of
Satan's onslaught, we need to simply hold our ground and standfirm in order to overcome
Read the story of Shammah in 2 Samuel 23:11-12. Snammah seemed to overcome the Philistines
againstall odds when he took his stand in the middle of the field and defendedit. Here are my
Verse ‘la reads, “The Philistines gathered together at Lehi, where there was a plot of ground
full oflentils...”
Verse 11b reads, ”...and the men fled from the Philistines.”
They had decidedto flee rather than stand and fight.
Verse 12a reads, “But he took his stand in the midst of the plot and defendedit and struck down
the Philistines...”
Verse 12b reads,*..and the LORD worked a greatvictory.”
God wants you to be strong in Him because you arein a spiritual battle against the powerful
forces of darkness. The next time you find yourself in a battle with Satan,utilize the arsenal of
weaponsat your disposal and after having done all, stand firm, submit to God, resist the devil
and he will flee from you.

Pray for Sarawak

- Pray for Yang di-Pertua Negeri (Tun Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud) and the Chief
Minister (YAB Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Bin Tun Datuk Abang
Haji Openg ) of Sarawak,that they will be men who fear God and who chooseto walk right
with Him, for treasures gained by wickedness do notprofit, but righteousness delivers
from death.(Proverbs 10:2)
- Pray for the ruling party GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak], that they will keep their promise
to look after the welfare andrights of Sarawakians and that they will become a righteous
voice to the Federal Government.

Bible Reading: C1 Acts 6-10 OO Leviticus 11-15

Day 34 (9 Sept 2019, Mon)

Putting on the Full Armour of God- II

Shoes of Peace
Roman soldiers wore shoes with spikes that helped them stand firm as their shoes gripped
the ground. God's peace helps us stand firm in the stormsoflife. Wnen we accept Jesus as our
Saviour through His gospel, we receive peace with God. Hence, we should be prepared to share
the gospel with others. As we receive peace with God, we are to be peacemakerstoo.

Shield of Faith
Weput on the belt, the breastplate and the shoes which essentially hold themselves up. But the
shield is something we musttakeup or raise. Just strapping it to our arms won't do any good at
all if we don't makethe effort to raise and useit. For Christians, faith forms such a shield. The
devil attacks us with doubts,fears, insults, etc. With a firm and unwavering faith in God and a
continual dependence upon Him, we are safe against those evil arrows.
Helmet of Salvation and Sword of the Spirit
Ahelmetprotects a soldier's head and mind. It helps him to focus ahead and not be distracted.
Salvation does the samespiritually by protecting our thoughts and keeping us focused on the
eternal. We need to have the mind of Christ.
The sword ofthe Spirit, which is the Word of God, is our most powerful weapon! Weare to read
it, meditate on it, memorizeit, live it and share it. When we are tempted, the most effective
weapon ofbelieversis the sword of the Spirit.
Don't let another day go by without putting on “the full armour of God."

Pray for Sarawak

« Pray for many Sarawakians who have yet to know God personally, that they will
encounter Him in wonderful and amazing ways and that they will come to realize that
the blessing of the Lord makesrich and He adds no sorrow withit. (Proverbs 10:22)
« The construction of the Pan Borneo Highway which is expected to complete by 2021
has caused many bumiputeras to lose their ancestral lands and longhouses. Many who
were forced to relocate out from their villages failed to receive proper compensations
because they did not hold legal land titles. Pray for God’s mercy for those who have
suffered injustice that they will receive what they are entitled to as rightful compensations.

Bible Reading: 0 Acts 17-15 O Leviticus 16-20

Day 35 (10 Sept 2019,Tue)

Praying in the Spirit

pos should be a dynamic and active part of the lifestyle of a growing believer.

We pray to access the throne of grace, where we speak to the One who sustainsus.
Ephesians6:18 tell us ‘praying at all times in the Spirit with all prayer and supplication. To that
end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints’.

C. S. Lewis wrote in his book Mere Christianity that this world is enemy-occupiedterritory and
Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed andcalls usall to take part in a
great campaign of sabotage. Prayer is how wespiritually fight back against the enemy. “Prayer
is fundamentally a warfare activity’ (Greg Boyd). It is given by God to help usin the spiritual
battles wefight.

There is a strong relationship between putting on the armour of God and praying. It is not
enough to just put on the armour of God; we must also pray. Putting on the armour is es-
sentially something that is done in the realm of our thoughtlife. It is realigning our person to
the Word of God and appropriating it. Every smart soldier knows they must keep theline of
communication open to their Commander. God has orders for us, through His Word and the
promptings of His Spirit.

John Wesley boldly stated that God does nothing but in answerto prayer. This verse reminds us
to keepat it at all times and to keep praying for others.

Pray for the Churches in Sabah & Sarawak

« Both Sabah and Sarawak have big groupsof Christians. Declare that they will continue
to be faithful in sharing the gospel of Christ, so as to remove the darkness that covers
these two states. Ask God for them to arise and shine as the glory of the Lord has risen
upon them.{Isaiah 60:1-2)
« Pray that churches in Sabah and Sarawak will learn to put on the whole armour of
God in order to stand against the schemesof the devil (Ephesians 6:11), and that they
will be strong in the Word and prayer and to lead a holylifestyle. May the issues of
denominational barrier, syncretism and nominalism be resolved among churches and

Bible Reading: 0) Acts 16-20 ( Leviticus 21-25

Day 36 (11 Sept 2019, Wed)

Holiness is Godliness

‘But as he who called youis holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, sinceit is written, “You
shall be holy, for | am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16]
he Bible calls us to be holy. Holiness is not just a series of do's and don'ts. Holinessis
conforming to the character of God and being obedient to Hiswill.
We need the powerof the Holy Spirit in order to lead life of holiness.A life of holiness is
godliness and it is what makes His church the salt of the earth. We, the children of the Lord,
are Called to be His disciples to go out to the world to spread the Gospel, and to speak about
His faithfulness and goodness. We are the agents of the Good News. No newsis good until it is
being shared and spread out to the world.
The Gospel carries much weight when our lives conform to holiness, godliness and
righteousness. There should be differencesin our lives after salvation. Our lives can't stay the
same as before. A holy life, totally given over to God, is radical to many. What holinessreally
meansis that we are changed and set apart from the world for God.A holy life pleases a holy
God.A lifestyle of holiness reflects Christ to the world.

Are weliving a holy life? Are we set apart from the world to God? We are not our own. We belong
to Christ. He has chosen usto be Hisholy nation! Are we that Church?

Pray for the Federal Government

- Declare God's protection and covering over the new governmentagainst the fiery darts
of the enemies and pray that they will govern with God-given authority with the Spirit
of wisdom and understanding, of counsel and might and of knowledge and the fear of
God. [Isaiah 11:2-3)
+ Pray for all the new ministers, that their knowledge will be widened and that their
skills will be sharpened, so that they can play their roles effectively and manage their
ministries as proven,faithful and wise public servants.

Bible Reading: O Acts 27-28 (2 Leviticus 26-27

Day 37 (12 Sept 2019, Thu)

The Fear of the Lord

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom andinstruction.
(Proverbs 1:7)
hat does it mean to fear the Lord? It is to have a deep reverence, awe, and great respect
for the Lord. We are to be awed and humbledby His presence. When wetruly fear the
Lord, we will recognize that He is the Creator and weare His creatures. He is the Father and
weare His children. The true fear of God is leading life in obedience to the Word of God and
wanting to please Him at all costs.
Evil and crime have been increasing in our nation. We have high rates of crime, depression and
suicide among the young people. The younger generation today does not have a single clue
about the fear of the Lord and this could impact greatly the future of our nation. Malaysia is
full of people who live for the flesh; lust, greed, pride, sorrow, resentment, guilt, hatred, anger
and this list goes on and on. Whereis our nation heading today? A nation without the fear of
God is a nation of moral bankruptcy.
It must be the cry of churchesin prayer for God to intervene and for the fear of the Lord to
come upon our families, communities and country. This must be the heartbeat of every church
today. The fear of God in the hearts of people will raise a holy nation, and will be the beginning
of our knowledge.

Pray for the Federal Government

- How good and pleasantit is when brothers dwell in unity.{[Psalm 133:1) Pray that there
will be unity among all membersof the Federal Government, and that they will work with
one heart and one mind to serve the interest of the nation.
- Pray that the National Economic Action Council [NEAC] which was set up by the
Federal Government will give wise counsel and strategies to the government and
function effectively to accelerate decision-making on economic matters.

Bible Reading: O Romans 7-5 (1 Hosea 1-5

Day 38 (13 Sept 2019,Fri)

Salt Shaker

‘You are the salt of the earth, butif salt has lostits taste how shall its saltiness be restored?
It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.
[Matthew 5:13)
alt is the ultimate seasoning that gives taste to food and is one of the most important
siren in the kitchen of any household. Salt is rubbed deep inside the meat to preserve
itTrom decaying. It has the quality of preserving. Jesus did not say, “You should or could be the
salt of the earth’, instead He said, “You arethe salt of the earth.” He wantsHis disciples to make
a difference in their communities. No wonder most of them became the salt shakers for the
Gospel and some of them died as martyrs for the Lord.

We are the salt of the earth and we have the same qualities that can preserve our families,
communities and nation from decaying. Just as the salt that has no useif it is not shaken
out of the bottle, the same goes to the Churchof Christ. We are called to carry out the Great
Commission to the world with the love of Christ. What impact would the churches haveif we
do not go out to share the Gospel? The Holy Bible has four Gospels and wethe children of
God are the fifth gospel. The world out there must see Christ in us. The fifth gospel is not
shared or spoken but is seen by the outpouring life of holiness!

Pray for the Federal Government

- Pray that governmentservantswill be able to test everything and hold fast to whatis
good (1 Thessalonians5:21), that none of them will be overcome by the greed of money
and become enslaved by corruption.
- Pray for the different branches of the Federal Governmentto exercise their authority
in a discerning manner,that they will adopt the principle of separation of powers under
Article 127 of the Federal Constitution and function independently with regards to
legislative, executive and judicial matters.

Bible Reading: O Romans 6-10 1 Hosea 6-10

Day 39 (14 Sept 2019, Sat)

The Awesomeness of Holiness

John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the
forgivenessofsins. And all the country ofJudea andall Jerusalem were going out to him and
were being baptized by him in the riverJordan, confessing their sins. (Mark 1:4-5]
Look at that statement! ‘Andal! the country of Judea andall Jerusalem..." How can such a
response be explained? It certainly wasn't his charisma or clothing. Nor was it his money
or position, for he had neither. What did he have?


John the Baptist set himself apart for one task - to be a voiceof Christ. Everything about John
centred on this purpose. His dress. His diet. His actions. His demands. There is awesomeness
in a holy lifestyle. You don't have to belike the world to have an impacton it. You don't have to
be like the crowd to change them. You don't have to lower yourself to their level to lift them
up. Nor do you have to be weird. You don't need to wear camel's hair as clothing or eat insects.
Holiness doesn't seek to be odd. Holiness seeks to belike God.
You want to make a difference in your world? Live a holy life. Our life is the message to
people out there. They don't read the Bible but they are reading and watching us. Note the last
sentence of Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:12. Our daily life may win their respect. Our holy lifestyle
will become more and moresignificant for churches. When the Church ofChristlives a life of
holiness,it will be able to do what John the Baptist did.

Pray for the Evangelism & Mission Work of Churchesin Malaysia

« Pray that churcheswill obey the Word of God, to go into all the world and proclaim
the gospel to the whole creation (Mark 16:15) and that there will be good partnership
between churches and para-churchesto be salt and light in reaching out to lost souls
in the nation.
- Pray for churches to be actively involved in missions within or without Malaysia, that
new churcheswill be constantly planted in different towns and villages all over Malaysia
and that missionaries will be prepared for cross-cultural work.

Bible Reading: O Romans 71-16 © Hosea 71-14

Day 40 (15 Sept 2019, Sun)

Pursue Holiness

Sermon Outline: /saiah 6:3

Isaiah 6:3 And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole
earth is full of his glory!”
In the Blble, Isaiah and John shared their visions of the throne in heaven, and they reported
hearing the same sound day and nightin heaven. ‘Holy, holy, holy is the LORD ofhosts"[Isaiah
6:3, Revelation 4:8).
Our final goal in our walk with the Lordis eternal life. Our last breath on this earth should be
our first breath in the Kingdom of God. The Bible has stated clearly that without holiness we
cannot see the holy God. That shows that God demandsholiness.
1. Pursue Holiness in Love
When we love someone, we tend to do things they love. The love for God encourages and
motivates us to pursue holiness. Pursuing holiness will become our core value when welove
God. Everything becomes easy whenthereis a strong element of love.
2. Pursue Holiness in Faith
Depend on the Holy Spirit as our Helper as He will bless our efforts. We should avoid depending
solely on our ownstrength,but, instead, put our faith in God and let Him guide usin our daily
walk. All things are possible with God.
3. Pursue Holiness in Obedience
Not eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil did not make sense to Adam
and Eve, but God required their obedience. Offering up Isaac as a sacrifice to God made no
sense to Abraham but he obeyed God.In Christianity, obedience is the most important criteria
and we must pursue holiness in obedience to God's Word.

Pray for the Partnership and Discipleship of Churches in Malaysia

« Pray that churches will enjoy good partnership with one another with the love of
Christ, that they will speak the truth in love, and grow up in every wayinto Christ who is
the Head, from whom the whole Bodyis joined and held together and each part works
properly to make the body growso thatit builds itself up in love. (Ephesians4-15-16)
« Pray that there will be effective disciple-making programmesin all churches in
Malaysia so that all believers will be built strongly in their faith with the Word of God
and that they will be equipped to do good worksin their respective fields and spheres
of influence.

A Daniel in Our Babylon Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng

The Call to Press On Rev Andy Chi
Orang Asli and Bahasa Malaysia Ministries in the Rural Areas Rev Miun Amat
Setting Apart for A Lifestyle of Holiness Rev Looi Kok Kim

Writers for
Day 1-5 Devotion - Let Go and Let God Dr Living Lee
Day 6-10 Devotion - Who Am in Christ? Rev Tryphena Law
Day 11-15 Devotion - Rulesof Life Tan Poh Kian
Day 16-20 Devotion - God's Destiny for A Nation Rev Chua Soon Kiat
Day 21-25 Devotion - Set Apart for God Michelle Chan
Day 26-30 Devotion - The Call of God Rev Janey Hii
Day 31-35 Devotion - The Armour of God Rev Alvin Tan
Day 36-40 Devotion - Be A Salt Shaker Rev Subashini Achari

Advisors Rev Andy Chi

Rev Looi Kok Kim

Editors Tan Poh Kian

Jack Cheah
Lee Choong San
Flora Fung
Eunice R. Chin

Cover Designer Rebekah Chong

Layout Designer Rebekah Chong

(All Bible verses are excerpts from English Standard Version)

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National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) Malaysia

32, Jalan $S2/103, 47300 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

Tel: +603-7727 8227 | Fax: +603-7729 1139

Email: [email protected]

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