Drug Study Delivery Room

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!c Hep-Lock, Heparin may be Heparin is used to Oc chest pain, Oc redness, Heparin sodium - assess for completion
Liquaemin given by prevent blood pressure, or pain, should not be of baseline labs ( CBC w
c intermittent or clots from forming squeezing bruising, used in patients: Plt. Ct.,
c continuous i.v. in people who discomfort or sores PT/aPTT,urinalysis)
Patients with a
c infusion or by deep have certain Oc discomfort in at the
c generalized
(intrafat) s.c. medical conditions the arms, spot Obtain and document
c hemostatic
injection, depending or who are shoulder, jaw, where baseline V/S͛s patient
c abnormality such
upon the situation undergoing certain neck, or back heparin weight and height by
c as hemophilia,
and the prescriber's medical Oc coughing up was inquiry or measuremen
choice. Avoid i.m. procedures that blood injected
injection of heparin. increase the Oc excessive Oc hair loss Initiate Heparin Dosing
Continuous infusion chance that clots sweating vomiting Nomogram by inclusion
is the preferred will form. Heparin Oc sudden severe in patients chart
c purpura and
method for is also used to stop headache
patients with
administration of the growth of clots Oc lightheadedne Laboratory monitoring/
active bleeding
full-dose heparin that have already ss or fainting dosing adjustments
from a local
therapy, but formed in the - Repeat aPTT 6 hours
lesion such as an
requires the use of a blood vessels, but Oc sudden after the start of the
acute ulcer or
constant rate it cannot be used heparin infusion, and
infusion pump. to decrease the Oc unusual 6 hours after each dose
Intermittent size of clots that bruising or adjustment until in goal
patients who
infusions are not have already bleeding range, then aPTT daily
have had recent
recommended, formed. Heparin is Oc vomit that is neurosurgery or
having been also used in small bloody or - After TWO
spinal surgery;
associated with a amounts to looks like CONSECUTIVE
higher incidence of prevent blood coffee grounds therapeutic aPTT,
to heparin,
bleeding, likely due clots from forming Oc stool that order daily aPTT
to higher total in catheters (small contains bright - The nurse must
dosages required. plastic tubes red blood or is document date, time,
a; severe liver
Undesirable through which black and tarry value of aPTT and
damage; shock
fluctuations of over- medication can be Oc blood in urine dosage changes in the
and under- administered or Oc excessive patient͛s chart per
coagulation also blood drawn) that tiredness Hospital Policies ʹ
occur with are left in veins Oc nausea Monitor ordered lab
intermittent over a period of Oc loss of values (e.g., CBC,
infusions due to the time. Heparin is in balance or coagulation studies);
short half-life of a class of coordination report abnormal values
heparin. The s.c. medications called Oc sudden To MD/LIP.
route is usually anticoagulants trouble
reserved for ('blood thinners'). walking
prophylactic It works by Oc sudden
administration of decreasing the numbness or
heparin; however, it clotting ability of weakness of
can also be given in the blood. the face, arm
dosages sufficient to or leg,
treat especially on
thromboembolism. one side of the
Ideally, the dose of body
heparin should be Oc sudden
adjusted to prolong confusion, or
the APTT to a difficulty
targeted speaking or
therapeutic range understanding
based on a "gold speech
standard" heparin Oc difficulty
assay (0.2 to 0.4 seeing in one
units/mL by or both eyes
protamine sulfate Oc purple or black
titration). skin
Oc pain and blue
or dark
in the arms or
Oc itching and
especially on
the bottoms of
the feet
Oc chills
Oc fever
Oc hives
Oc rash
Oc wheezing
Oc shortness of
Oc difficulty
breathing or
Oc hoarseness
Oc painful
erection that
lasts for hours

ÿ  c £itocin, Oc an allergic Oc redness or Ac have or have -It should be

Syntocin i ult Dosage: Binds to oxytocin reaction irritation had cervical administered in a
£ostpartum receptor sites on (shortness of at the cancer; clinical setting where a
hemorrhage: 10-20 surface of uterine breath; closing injection Ac have an allergy healthcare provider can
USP units added to smooth muscles: of the throat; site; to oxytocin, monitor uterine
1000 cc NS or LR increases force hives; swelling Oc loss of other contractions and other
and run at a rate and frequency of of the lips, face, appetite; medications, vital signs (blood
necessary to control uterine or tongue; rash; or dyes, foods, or pressure, heart rates)
uterine atony or 10 contractions or fainting); Oc Nausea or preservatives; and where an
USP units may be Oc difficulty vomiting. Ac have eclampsia; emergency situation can
given IM after urinating; Ac have herpes; be handled properly.
delivery of placenta. Oc chest pain or Ac have had more
irregular heart than 7
Usual i ult Dose beat; pregnancies;
for iortion: Oc difficulty Ac are
breathing; experiencing
After suction or Oc confusion; premature
sharp curettage for Oc sudden weight labor;
an incomplete, gain or Ac have had a
inevitable or excessive caesarean
elective abortion: swelling; section (C-
Oc severe section);
10 units in 500 mL headache; Ac have had any
IV infusion. Adjust Oc rash; surgery on the
rate to assist uterus Oc excessive cervix or
in contraction. vaginal uterus;
bleeding; or Ac have a
After intra-amniotic Oc seizures. prolapsed
injection for uterus; or
midtrimester Ac have a breech,
elective abortion: placenta previa
or any other
10 to 20 milliunits issues with the
per minute IV fetus or
infusion. The total umbilical cord.
dose should not
exceed 30 units in a
12 hour period due
to the risk of water

Usual i ult Dose

for Laor In uction:

Initial dose: 0.5 to 1

milliunits IV infusion
per hour. At 30 to
60 minute intervals
the dose should be
gradually increased
in increments of 1
to 2 milliunits until
the desired
contraction pattern
has been

  Lasixc The usual starting Furosemide (Lasix) Severe allergic Abnormal skin Furosemide is Patients receiving
 c oral dose for is a drug (diuretic) reactions (rash; hives; sensations; contraindicated furosemide should be
treatment of edema prescribed for the itching; difficulty bladder spasm; in patients with advised that they may
in adults is 20-80 mg treatment of breathing; tightness in blurred vision; anuria and in experience symptoms
as a single dose. The edema (excess the chest; swelling of constipation; patients with a from excessive fluid
same dose or an accumulation of the mouth, face, lips, cramping; history of and/or electrolyte
increased dose may fluid or swelling of or tongue); confusion; dizziness; hypersensitivity losses. The postural
be administered 6-8 the body) caused diarrhea; drowsiness; dizziness when to furosemide. hypotension that
hours later. Doses by cirrhosis, dry mouth; excessive rising from a sometimes occurs can
may be increased chronic kidney urination; hearing loss; seated or lying usually be managed by
20-40 mg every 6-8 failure, heart loss of appetite; position; feeling getting up slowly.
hours until the failure, and muscle of whirling Potassium supplements
desired effect nephrotic pain/cramps/weaknes motion; fever; and/or dietary
occurs. The effective syndrome. It can s; rapid or irregular headache; measures may be
dose may be also be prescribed heartbeat; lightheadedness; needed to control or
administered once in conjunction with restlessness; sudden mouth and avoid hypokalemia.
or twice daily. Some other high blood joint pain; unusual stomach
patients may pressure pills for bleeding or bruising; irritation; muscle Patients with diabetes
require 600 mg the treatment of unusual thirst; unusual spasm; nausea; mellitus should be told
daily. The starting high blood tiredness or weakness; redness; that furosemide may
oral dose for pressure. vomiting; yellowing of restlessness; increase blood glucose
children is 2 mg/kg. the skin or eyes. ringing in the levels and thereby
The starting dose ears; seeing a affect urine glucose
may be increased by yellow color; tests. The skin of some
1-2 mg/kg every 6 sensitivity to patients may be more
hours until the sunlight; vein sensitive to the effects
desired effect is inflammation. of sunlight while taking
achieved. Doses furosemide.
greater than 6
mg/kg are not Hypertensive patients
recommended. The should avoid
recommended dose medications that may
for treating increase blood pressure,
hypertension is 40 including over-the-
mg twice daily. counter products for
appetite suppression
and cold symptoms.

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