PV Inverter Topoligies
PV Inverter Topoligies
PV Inverter Topoligies
Abstract - The increase in power demand and rapid
depletion of fossil fuels photovoltaic (PV) becoming more
prominent source of energy. Inverter is fundamental
component in grid connected PV system. The paper focus on
advantages and limitations of various inverter topologies for
the connection of PV panels with one or three phase grid
system. In this paper different converter topologies used for
inverter. The inverters are compared and evaluated base on
their reliability, cost, rating, shading effect, efficiency and
power harvesting on the basis of these parameters most
effective topologies suggested. Fig- 1: Block diagram of a basic grid-connected PV system
Key Words: Photovoltaic (PV), centralized inverter, Inverter constitutes the most significant component of
string inverter, multi-string inverter, micro-inverter the grid connected photo-voltaic system. The power
electronics based device, inverter inverts DC quantity from
1. INTRODUCTION array in AC quantity as suitable to grid. The three important
topologies based on architecture are introduced in the paper,
The sun energy is considered as the most renewable and which are centralized inverter, string/multi-string inverter
freely available source of energy [1]. Photovoltaic (PV) and AC module integrated micro-inverter. For large power
power is clean and unlimited energy source, it is probably generation central inverters are preferred which have
the best technology amongst all non-conventional energy common MPPT and centralized inverter for any number of
sources and therefore a considerable amount of research has PV modules and their combinations. A multiple PV modules
been conducted recently in this field. The PV power fed to connected in a series is called a string inverter. For each
the utility grid is gaining more and more visibility, while the string there is separate inverter and MPPT control, forming a
world’s power demand is increasing [2-16]. To better utilize string inverter. Multi-string inverter configuration consists
the PV power, interconnection of grid with PV system is of DC-DC converter connected in every string with own
needed [3]. Connection of PV system, eliminating battery separate MPPT, which further connected to inverter via
usage, to the grid has become cost effective with less common DC bus. Integrated inverter technology is used in
maintenance [4]. micro-inverter, in which every module has separate inverter
and MPPT, so that power can directly supply to the grid
Fig 1 shows the block diagram of a basic grid-connected through micro-inverter [8, 9].
PV system that involves PV array, converter-inverter
combination, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) 2. STANDARDS OF GRID-CONNECTED PV INVERTER
control and the entire control unit. The PV array generates
the DC power which is converted to suitable or desirable The safe, good quality and reliable electric power is the
form by using DC-DC converter. Further DC voltage is primary responsibility of power engineers [10]. In
converted to AC using DC-AC inverter to fed one or three consideration of renewable energy sources inverter
phase utility. In order to satisfy the grid requirements the connecting grid and PV panel satisfying PV system
control unit is used. The efficient power harvesting is standards, may improve the reliability of system, as the main
monitored by using MPPT control which continuously track aim of the inverter is to supply pure alternating current to
down the energy variations and extract maximum available grid [4].
power from the PV module [2].
Several standards are introduced in market, which are
dealing with the interconnection of PV system with the grid,
like Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
International Electro technical Commission (IEC) and National
Electrical Code (NEC). Out of though the most preferred
standards are IEEE 1547 and IEC 61727 [3] are discussed in
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
49 to 51Hz 59.3 to 60.5Hz
Fig-2: Inverter topology classification tree
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
power generation and overall system efficiency decreases. coupled with inverter. Presence of MPPT in every string
These disadvantages encourage evolution of further inverter results in more efficient MPPT operation as compare to
topologies [8, 9]. centralized inverter. Therefore the clouding or partial
shading effect is reduces by some amount.
3.1.1. Three Phase and Three-Level Boost
Converter Based Centralized Inverter In this system the power harvesting to the utility grid is
more, minimized the losses take place in string diode and
In this centralized inverter topology grid connected 3 reduction in capacitor size hence the life period of this
phase PV system contains PV array, 3 level boost dc-dc inverter is increases and the efficiency is better than the
converter and 3 phase inverter. Boost converter supports central inverter. But still there are some issues such as
the MPPT performance and step up DC output voltage of PV shading effect or effect of clouding. In this topology if the
array, further the 3 phase inverter regulates the voltage and effect of shading arises on any of the PV modules from string,
inverts it in AC to supply the grid. 3 level boost converter then the allover performance of that string get decrease so
have some superiority like it decreases switching losses, the power harvesting is minimal in grid connected string
reverse recovery losses of diode and also reduction in rating topology. For larger power rating further evolution in string
of switches. All these factor result in reduction of cost and inverter is carried out which is known as multi-string
increase in the speed of operation as compare to traditional inverter [2,3].
boost converter [10].
The multi-string inverter topology has improve the
3.2. Grid Connected String and Multi-String power level because of which high rating power can be
Inverter generated and also harvested in utility grid. As the fig. 3(c)
shows this system comprises of lower power DC-DC
In order to get over the drawback of centralized converters with their individual MPPT in every string which
inverter, string inverters are introduced. String is known as a are connected by common DC bus to supply the grid. This
group of series connected PV modules. The string inverter inverter has higher energy harvesting level than central
include number of series connected PV panels, forming a inverter. The merits and drawbacks of this inverter are
string and AC power get fed to the utility grid via inverter similar to string although it is high scale system [3, 9].
which is coupled to that string as the fig. 4(b) represent. Its
power rating is less than 10kW due to single string is
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2977
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
3.2.1. Multi-String Five Level Inverter Topology maximum energy, low maintenance and also probability of
expansion of PV system in future made this micro-inverter
Multi-string 5 level inverter consisting of 3 strings of PV technology more trusted [2, 9].
panels in that every string has its personal DC-DC boost
converter and these converters are connected to common DC 3.3.1. Boost Half Bridge Converter Based Micro-
bus. These three strings are alliance with full bridge inverter Inverter
via converter and bus. Due to this converter each string
extracts maximal power separately and step- up the output The boost half bridge micro-inverter topology contains
voltage of inverter so that it can adjust with utility grid two power conversion stages. At front stage the output
voltage to assure the power flow from panel to utility grid. In capacitor is break into two individual capacitors C1 and C2 in
this inverter topology Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) DC-DC converter, also Cin and Lin are input capacitor and
control technique is used because of which the THD of this boost inductor respectively. The turns ratio of boost
inverter is very much lesser as compare to conventional transformer which are having 2 output capacitor and 2
converter [11]. power MOSFET switches is 1: n and leakage inductance of
primary winding is LS. In DC– AC conversion stage, two
3.2.2. Cascaded Multi-level Inverter for String capacitors C3 and C4 with voltage doubler circuit formed by 2
Topology diodes (D1, D2) which are connected secondary winding of
transformer and give DC voltage to this conversion stage.
In comparison with any other multi-level inverter,
cascaded multi-level inverter is more reliable. It consists of Operation of both conventional and half bridge
series combination of multiple numbers (n) of H-bridge converter is same but the high step up ratio and galvanic
inverters. String of photovoltaic panels delivers DC voltage isolation are an added attributes of the boost half bridge,
to DC link and DC to AC inverter produces output voltage which gives high voltage boosting capacity and fault
along with n number of levels. This topology generates the protection. This topology has simpler circuitry consist of
voltage waveform of high quality and the harmonics lesser number of semiconductor devices which contributes
contained in output current get reduced, resulting in cutting in reduction of cost, making the system reliable [13].
down the need of filter. The main benefit of this inverter is
that the semiconductor devices used in it having low rating 3.3.2. Interleaved Flyback Based Micro-Inverter
as compare to conventional multilevel inverter and hence it
come to be cost efficient and effective [12]. In front stage of interleaved flyback based microinverter
carries MPPT, voltage boost, output voltage and shaping of
3.3. Grid Connected Micro-Inverters converter. Interleaved flyback inverter is basically design to
get maximum from the PV module. The two flyback
The AC-module technology is the advancement in the converters interleaving each other to form a DC-DC
inverter technologies to solve the drawbacks and losses of converter which is used to prevent high frequency noise get
the central and string inverter system [16]. Module back to the source. In this topology S1 and S2 are primary
integrated inverter is used for small application with power switches having PWM function and diodes D1 and D2 are
range less than 300W [5]. Fig. 3(d) represent the micro- used for reducing the reverse recovery losses. So output of
inverter topology involve the module integrated inverter interleaved flyback inverter is unfolded to AC by using full
means every module has its small size, low rated inverter bridge inverter which has four power MOSFET known as SH1,
with individual MPPT for every module, due to this micro- SH2, SLl, SL2.This topology has simple circuitry, closed loop
inverter the power is directly supplied to utility grid. The system, reduced conduction losses, low cost making it
main advantage of this inverter system is that it can diminish reliable for the application of micro-inverter and system life
or terminate the clouding and shading effect in PV system. If is improved [14].
partial shading takes place on any one module, then it affects
the performance of only that module and the other modules 3.3.3. Push-Pull Converter Based Micro-Inverter
are unaffected. This micro-inverter topology also provides
more accuracy in maximum power point tracking operation The push-pull converter based single stage micro-
(MPPT) because every PV module has separate MPPT and no inverter topology is constructed with the help of back to
mismatch losses between PV modules. Therefore power back connected IGBTs by replacing the output rectifier of
harvesting to utility grid increases as compare to other conventional push-pull converter, due to which the set of
inverter system due to its increasing efficiency and it also bidirectional switches connected to push-pull transformer.
increases the life-span of the micro-inverter. It is compact The output of the transformer is high frequency square
and flexile in design and it is plug and play device that can be wave, which further can be unfolded by using these switches
used easily by a person without any knowledge of PV and converted AC is supplied to grid.
installation [3]. There are few drawbacks like cost of
installation is high, complex circuit model still there are This topology fulfill the requirements of micro-inverter
some merits like reliability, compact design, supply like single stage power conversion, discard of high rating
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2978
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
electrolyte capacitor and used of reactive components is less. less than 5% and also the anti-islanding protection
This push-pull converter also reduces the electromagnetic standards. In grid connected PV system different inverter
noise and has low semiconductor stress [15]. and their converter topologies are discussed. The small scale
string topologies are developed to overcome the limitations
4. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE PV INVERTER of conventional topology in which multiple PV module are
TOPOLOGIES connected to grid via centralized inverter.
Comparison between different grid connected inverter The further development is carried in string inverter
topology are described in Table 2 on the basis of reliability, topology which results in multistring inverter topology. The
cost, shading effect, rating, efficiency, power harvesting and new AC module integrated micro-inverter topology is more
some other aspects. suitable for grid connected PV system because of its
advantages such as reducing partial shading effect, reduce
Table- 2: Comparison between Different Inverter mismatch between the PV modules, compact design with
Topologies [1, 3] plug and play operation, long life-span, more power
harvesting and low maintenance which makes the inverter
Parameters Central String / Micro- more efficient and reliable.
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Design Non - Flexible in Flexible & [8] Nicole Foureaux, Alysson Machado, Érico Silva, Igor
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© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2979
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2980