Ansi C84 1-1970
Ansi C84 1-1970
Ansi C84 1-1970
- 7
•• ~~ __ l:A.IDlertoneAiónEléctr'ClsAES,P
Edison Electric Institute
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
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An American National Standard implies a consensus of those sub·
stantialIy concerned with its scope and provisions. An American National
Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer,
and the general publicoThe existence of an American National Standard
does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the
standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using
preducts, processes, er procedures not conforming to the standard.
American National Standards are subject to periodic review and users
are cautioned to obtain the latest editions.
CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be
revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American
National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaffirm,
revise. or withdraw this standard no later than five years froro the
date of publication. Purchasers of American National Standard s may
receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the
American National Standarrls Institute.
Name of Representative
K. M. Gerteis
C. A. Dubherley (Alt)
W. E. Macbeth (Alt)
E. W. Scott (Alt)
F. J. Reed (Alt)
Ame-rican National Standards Cornmittee on National Electrical Code, el (Liaison) J. H. Watt
Anwrican National StH.nclardsCornmittee on Powf>rSwitchgear. C37 (Liaison) V. L. Cox
Amprican National Standards Comrnittee on Electric Lamps, C78 (Liai.~on) R. F. Townsend
E. M. Kooker (Alt)
American National Standards Cornmittee on Insulation Coordination, C92 (Liaison) L. O. Barthold
Canadian Slandards Association (Liaison) R L. Hicks
Certified Ballast Manufacturcrs Association LM. Miller
Th •. eít}' of Los Angeles Department of \Vater and Power R. K. Mort('n
Organization Represented Name o{ Representatil'e
Electrie Light and Power Group J. W. Anderson
C. E. Bathe
T. A. Bettersworth
K. S. Garrett
F. G. Josberger
H. L. Lowe
J. F. Hennessy (Alt)
R. E. Kunzmann (Alt)
H. R. McNutt (Alt)
C. K. Poarch (Alt)
H. F. Pomeroy (Alt)
J. K. Bradley
D. S. Brereton
D. T. Michael
L. F. Fikar (Alt)
J. W. Batchelor (Alt)
N. V. Poer (Alt)
R. B. Bridges
J. E. Lenz
E. J. Merrell
M. L. Schmidt
N. R. Schultz
J. W. Turner
H. E. Campbell (Alt)
P. B. Clark (All)
R. F. Lawrence (Alt)
1. M. Levy (Alt)
A. R. Morelli (Alt)
D. L. Watkins (Alt)
K. R. l\Ierner
A. A. Lee
L. B. Crann (Alt)
J. V. Cundelan
C. L. Eletson (..110
W. J. Morrison
D. W. BocHe (A1t)
C. D. Hansell (Alt)
F. Chambers
O.S.C. Hammer (Alt)
1. Scope and Purpose . 7
1.1 Seope 7
1.2 Purpose 7
1.3 Development. 7
2. Voltage Ratings for 60 Hz Eleetrie Power Systems . 8
2.1 Definitions .. 8
2.2 Selection of Nominal System Voltages . 8
2.3 Explanation of Voltage Ranges .. 8
2.4 Applieation 01 Voltage Ranges ... 8
3. Voltage Ratings for 60 Hz Eleetrie Equipment ..... . 10
3.1 General ........ 10
3.2 Recommendation .... 10
Figure 1 Distribution Characteristics of System Voltages . .... 10
Table 1 Standard System Voltages 9
Appendix A Principal Transformer Connections To Supply the System Voltages oí Table 1. 11
Appendix B Illustration 01 Voltage Ranges 01 Table 1 12
Appendix C Vollage Ratings for 60 Hz Electric Utilization Equipment. . 13
Table Cl Lamps, Ballasts, and Miscellaneous Appliances . . . 13
Table C2 Heatillg, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Equipment . .. . 14
Table C3 Motor and Motor Control Equipment . . 15
Appendix D Applicable Standards . 16
American National Standard
Voltage Ratings for Electric Power Systems
and Equipment (60 Hz)
240/120 220/110
374~~6~OI,(~;m;I:~;'~~:::¡;'hed:J7'::?'520 2080
.y.tem. are .ystems in whieh o grounded neutral 1 and Note (e) '0 .•"i,'ing 208_voll sy,'em •• up
conductor ;s alsa corr;ed out Irom the .0urCe plying .ueh moto"
lor eonnee!ion 01 lood •. four·wire sy.lems ín
(e) For 120-480 V<llt nominoi .y.lem., voltoge.
Toble 1 are designatecl bythe pha.e-ta-pha.e
in .his eoJumn ore moxímum .ervice vollage'.
yahage, lollawed by the le!ter Y (e"eept far
Mo"imum utiliza,ion voltoge. would no' be e"
the 2-40/120·Yolt delta .y.tem), a .ron! line,
pected lo e.e ••••d 125 volt. lo, the nominal
46 4S.3 ond the pho.e-Io·neutral yaltoge. Single.pha.e
.y.tem volloge 01120, nOr approprio'e mul'iple'
.erviee. and lood. may be 'upp)íed from e;lher
69 72.5 single·pha •.•• Or three_pha.e .y.tem •. The prin.
there<ll for other nominal .y,lem vohog •••
Ihrough 480 yolh
115 121 cipol transformer eanneetian. that ore used to
supply single·pho.e ond .hree-phase .ystem' are (1) Utilizolion equipmenl does nol gener<l!ly op
138 145 illu.trated in Áppendí" Á. era'" dire(l!y al Ihe.e voltoge._ For equipmenl
161 169 .u~plied through transforme" .. refer to limi" for
(b) Theyaltoge ronge<inthi.tob)e are'lIu •.
230 242 traled in Áppend¡. 8.
nominal .y.lem vol'oge 01 tronslormer ou'put
Fo' 11,,,,,, 'y,l"ms Ro"g" A ond Rong" B
limih are no! ,haw" beca u•••• wh ••re Ihey ic) M,nimum u'ilizotion vallages lor 120-480
* Informotion from
are u •••d o •••• 'vic •• voItOg •••,lh •• "peroling volt eireui" no' .upplyíng lighting laod. ore o.
Amerieon N<l';onal Standard C92.2·1967.
ve hose level On the u'e" 'y,lem ¡, nor follow.·
mcUy odj"sled by m ••ano 01 vahoS" reg" Nominol Sy •• em Voltoge ~':...g~~~
Ronge Á Extra High Voltoge
10lion lo su;1 hi. ,,,,quitem,,,,,, ----"0---- -'OB ,O< Three-Phase Systems in kV
208 187 lBO {Note d)
240 216 '08
480 -432
(o) Th, •••.·pho ••• Ihr •.••-wire . !Y""""
in whieh cnly 11,•• three ph"",
ore sy>!"""
conductor. ore ¡d) Mony 220-Y<llt mato'> were
opplíed on ex
345 362
carried oul ¡rom ,1,•• ,oure" lar <onneoríon o/ isring 208·vol •• y.tem. on the a •• umpti<ln thot
load., Th •• >oUt,e moy be de,iv ••d Iram ony the utilizotian vallog" wauld nol be le •• Ih<ln 500 550
Iype 01 Ihree·pha,,, tron.lorme' connec/ion, 187 v<llts. C<lution .hould be "xerci.ed in op· 700 765
g'ounded or ung,ound"d. Three-pha ••• fou,.w;, •• plying the Range 8 mínimum vollages of Toble
Fil(. 1 for eleetric equiprnent other than utilizatian
Di~tribution Characteristics of equipment. It is expeeted that those requiring
System Voltages informatian on voltage ratings of these other
types of equipment wiII consult the appropriate
~~N_GJ_ª_ standards or the manufacturers for necessary de-
____ ~G~~ tailed information to ensure proper application.
Review of the narneplate voltage ratings in
Appendix e and in current equiprnent standards
listed in Appendix D mdicates rnany inconsis-
tencies in the relationships among equipment
nameplate ratings and between these ratings
and the nominal system vol tages to which the
equipment is applicable. For 120-volt base sys-
tems, equipment voltage ratings are variously
based upon 115 volt8, 118 vo1ts,-120 volt8, and
125 volts. The same one of these bases i8 not
always used consisten tI Y far aU equipment of
the same general class.
Also, these standards include infarmation re-
3. Voltage Ratings for garding the voltage ranges for which equipment
(;0 Hz Electric Equipment should be designen ta opera te that is not in all
cases in agreement with the voltage ranges of
3.1 (;t.'neral. \"oltage ratings and other charac-
Section 2.
teri~t ¡es oí the various classes oí 60 Hz electril'
equipment are established in other standards. 3.2 Recornmendation. Jnsofar as practicable,
A parti<11 liE't oí these standards is given in the inconsistencies among namepla te vol tage
Appendix D. ratings and between these ratings and nominal
For the principal types of electric utilization system vo1tages should be eliminated, and the
equipment. naml'piate voltage ratings and the voltage ranges for which equipment is designed
corre:;ponding nominal systern voltages to which should be changed to agree with the ranges in
they [lre applicable are listed in the tables in Section 2, whenever electric equipment stan-
ApPl'ndix C. Detailed tables are not included darcls are revised.
AI)pendix A
PrinCil)al Transformer ('"nnections To Suppl~ (he System YoltaKes 01' Tahle 1
1- __ o,
cE 121
~~ ...~
INo., ':~ (51
t::= (6)
tt= ,r:;==
7 (9)
lee Delta
(a) The abave diagrams sho\\' conneetíollS of trunsforrne[ sl'condarv windings t,) sll]lplv UH' nominal svslPm
voltages of Tablp l. S~'stt'ms (lf mon"' Ihan fioO volls arp norma]]v thrf'P·phasl' and supplú'd hy connC'ctions (:1). ¡,S)
ungrounduL ae (7). Sysh:ms of J~O·()OO volts ma.v he •..itlH'f singll'-phasf' (l[ thr('('-phas(' and al] of tlw ('lIllllf'djol1s
ShOWll lHP USf'r1 to sornp exknt [[lT sonw s.\'sÍl'-'ms in Ihis vnllagp rangp
(b) Thrpp-phasp, thn'p-wirl' syslprns ma\' Iw soJidly groundc·d, irnlJ(>r!anCf' ground"d, (l[ ungroum!t>(L huI art> I\oj
intended to suppl,\' loads ('onnC'ded phasl'-to-nf'utral (as IfH' four-wirt' SVS!PInS arp)
(e) In connedions (5) and (6) tI\(' ground ma.v he eonnf'ctf'd lo th!' midpoint of on.' winding- as shown (if
available), to one phase condllctor ("comer" grollndcd) or amittet! f'ntirely (ungrollnrlt'd).
(d) Single-phase scrvicl's alle! sin¡.de-phast' [oacls ma.v Iw supplipr! from singlf'"phasp systf'ms or from thr;·p-phas{·
systems. They are cOllm'cted phasp-to-phase when supplicd from thn'c-phasf', three-wirf' systt'ms and t'ither Jlhww·
to-phase or phasc-to-neutral from tl1ree-phasp four-wire s.vstpms.
Appendix B
I1Iustration oí Voltage Ranges oí Table 1
This cl1art shows the basis oí the Range A and Range B limits of Table 1. The limits in Table 1
were detl'nninl'd by multiplying the limits shown in this chart by the ratio oí each nominal system
voltage to the l~O-vo¡t base. [Far exceptions see Note (d).]
."E Nominal S slem
( ,
~(o) :
~(ol ::
(a) '1'111"';(' sharlt'd Jlorlimls of ¡he rangE'S do not apply to circuits supplying lighting loads. See Note (e) to
Tablp 1.
(o) Tl1i,; shadl'cl portillll of Ih" range <loes not apply lo 120-48ÜVsystems. See Note (e) to Table 1.
(e) 1'1](' c!i!Tl'n'lIc<' h~,t\\'('t'n minimum s('~vice and mínimum utilizatian voltages is in tended to al10w far voltag"c
drop in tl1l' ('\1,;101111'['" WlTlll¡'; s~·,;IL'm. This rhITerence ¡s greater for service at more than GOOVto allow for additional
vo!tagp drop in trall,..;formations Il('twl'en serviC'e voltage and utilization eqUlpment.
(d) TIH' lLlllp' 13 utilization voltage limits in Table 1 for 6900V and 13800V systems are 90 percent and 110
l)€rcent of tllt' volt;¡¡.:l'r¡-¡tillg:-;of t1H'standan! motors used in these systems and deviate slightly from this Chart.
Appendix e
Voltage Ratings fOl" 60 Hz Electric Utilization Equipment
(Refer to Appendix D for a partiallist of applicable standards.)
In Tables el and C2, only representative categories oí equipment are listed because the sheer
number oí present and prospective equipments makes it impracticable to cover all of them.
Dryers - clothes 120/240,240/120. 208Y1120 11.')/2:10
Food mixers 1l[}
Fans )
Food waste disposers lIS
Pumps 11;')
Refrigeralo" & free'"" llS
Stokers ll:')
Timers 120
Vacuum sweepers 115
Clothes 115
Dishcs 115
Communication Appliances
Projectors, silent & sound
Small 120 120
Large 120/240,240/120 120/240
{ 208Y /120 120/208
Phonographs }
Tape recorders
120 }
{ 240
(a) Lighting s:-:stC'ms incorporating two ungrounded wires for service may requiTe special ballasts amI auxiliaries.
(h) S"IlH' hal1asts are rated ror use on more than one system voitage by use of taps OT multiple primary windings.
(e) .-\!tt'lllioll is callt'd to tbe fad that unrlpr ernergency conditions on electric supply systcms, voltages below
Ibllg"c B <lf Tabll' 1 may he f'ncoLlntered. This particulariy should be taken into account in thc design of motor-oper-
att'd appli:lllct's for autornatic starting amI in the applieation of motors and contra!.
120 115
{ 240 230
120 115
208 208, (200) *
{ 240 230 •
208,240 208/230,t (200/230) *t
l'niLlrv ¡¡ir cOll(litioners )
.tlld lwal pumps
C(lIHl('lbin:-; units 1&3 208 208, (200) *
W""',,chillin" I'aCkHge, 1&3 240 230
IJi¡"~ral hp fan eoil 1&3 208,240 208/230t
llllit..;, ('te { 3 480 460
Dlll't ¡\lid auxiliary 3 600 575
dt'dric j¡('aters I'or
air-colltiitioning units
alld !W;lt pumps
E!edric furl1ac('s 240 230
208 208, (200) '"
120 118
208 205
{ 240 236
277 272
For the purposes of this Appendix, the term facturers and power suppliers to indica te to the
"motor control equipment" is used in a general purchaser that equipments are intended to be
sense and includes some typcs of equipment used on the system whose nominal voltage is
c1assified as "switchgear." For applicable stan- associated with, but may not be numerically
dards, see Appendix D. equal to, the equipment nameplate voltage rat-
The single-phase and three-phase motor and ing; for example, a motor and its control rated
control voltage ratings shown in Table C3 are 230 volts on a nominal 240-volt system.
\vell-suitcd to the nominal system voltages indi· It should be noted that successful operation
cated. It should be generally understood that oí a motor under given running conditions does
motors with these ratings are to be considered
not necessarily mean that it will be able to
as suitable fOIorclinary use on their correspond-
start and accelerate allloads to which it mav be
ing system; ior eyample, a 230-volt motor on a
applied under these same operating conditi~ons.
nominal 240-volf system. Operation of 230-volt
lnotors on 208-volt systems is not recommended It should be recognized that synchronous
because the utilization voltage encounterecl will motors, especial1y those rated 0.8 power factor,
commonly be belo\v the minus 10 percent toler- are reactive power sources and consequently
ance on the voltage rating for which the motor may increase the voltage at their terminals to
is designed. higher values than those experienced for induc-
Suitable rneasures should be taken by manu- tion motors under similar conditions.
Applicable to All
Nominal Svstem
VoltagE"s COl~taining
This Voltage
Appendix D (
Applicable Standards
The follO\ving i5 a partiallist of standards (by general numbcr) far cquipment fram which voltage
ratings and other charaeteristics can be obtained.
ANS01/0099 18