Research Paper on MPTT Controller

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Using MPPT Controller to Implement Ultracapacitor Energy

Storage For PV(Solar) Systems

Asst Prof. Suneel Baboo, Asst. Prof. Shivam Tripathi
Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
[email protected] , [email protected]
A.N.A College of Engineering & Management, Bareilly, UP, India

Abstract- Due to the physical properties of the network components, energy and power losses occur when electrical energy is transported

from generating facilities to customers via transmission and distribution networks. These losses are unavoidable in the transmission of

electrical energy through physical channels. Existing networks and planned additions provide a great opportunity to increase energy

efficiency. Improving efficiency entails putting in place measures beyond the activity's current best practices in terms of efficacy. To

decrease network losses, various practical procedures and technologies may be employed. Slap Swarm Algorithm and Particle Swarm

Optimization (PSO) (SSA) The performance study of hybrid energy storage systems (HESSs) reveals various benefits, including a low

component count, ease of management and complete control of source energies. An energy management plan must properly estimate the

power levels of sources in these systems (EMS). This work provides an energy management system (EMS) for a battery/ultra-capacitor

(UC). By using an MPPT controller, the UC state-of-charge is not only smoothed but the battery power profile is also smoothed. As a

result, it produces a HESS that is more durable and has longer battery life.

I. INTRODUCTION or convert it into electrical power,

Power Electronics is the application of solid- photovoltaic systems that convert electricity
state electronics to control and convert from direct present to alternating current, or
electric power. It also refers to research in installation, wiring or other electrical
electronic and electrical engineering which accessories to build a functioning
deals with the design, control, computation classification. It can also use solar cell
and integration of nonlinear, time- varying tracking systems to recover largely
energy-processing electronic systems with performance of classification and include
fast dynamics. The available devices integrated battery solutions as the price of
determine the capabilities and economy of storage devices is predicted to fall. Strictly
the power electronics system. Their speaking, a photovoltaic system includes only
characteristics and limitations are key a synergy of photovoltaic systems, that is, the
elements in the design of power electronics visible part of the photovoltaic system,
systems. Solar cell systems or solar cell excluding all other hardware, and is usually
systems are power systems designed to summarized as the balance of the system. In
deliver functional solar power through solar addition, the photovoltaic organization
cells. It consists of many apparatuses, directly convert light into electrical energy or
counting photovoltaic systems that absorb should not be mystified with other
sunlight technologies, such as concentrated solar
energy or solar heating for heating and
Ultra-capacitors: Conventional capacitors charges attract negative electrolyte ions on the
store energy by physically separating unlike other electrode, and current flows via the
charges on two separate electrodes with a external load on the other electrode. The
dielectric in between. This charge separation separator prevents current from flowing directly
causes a potential between two electrodes. between the two electrodes and creates the
Ultra-capacitors, on the other hand, do not appearance of two charge layers, which is why
make use of the electrolyte in the same way. ultracapacitors are also referred to as electric
A significant charge separation is achieved by double-layer capacitors when they have two
the use of electric double layer technology, charge layers.
resulting in extremely large capacitance. In
Figure 1.8, you can see that they are made by Since the electrodes are made of a porous
two metal electrode foils that have been material, the charge can be stored in the micro-
coated with activated carbon, which are pores at the electrode and the electrolyte
immersed in an electrolyte and separated by interface. Moreover, the electrode surface is
a paper separator. significantly larger than a normal capacitor
reaching 2000 m2/gr [16]. This combination of
Electrons collect in the electrode that is large surface and small separation between
connected to the negative terminal and electrodes enables capacitances to reach
attract positive ions from the electrolyte as a thousands of farads. This structure has major
result of the electrostatic attraction. Positive implications on the properties such as cycle life,
efficiency, energy and power density, and 4Quadrant (4Q) switch capacitors
voltage as a function of SOC. became (SC) Luo DC/DC bidirectional
II.RELATED WORK converter. The FC strategy is also one of
EVs' most popular and favorite energy
In the past decade, low and medium energy
storage has been linked to new active systems,
storage systems (ESS) due to its high
such as wind turbines, power generators, efficiency and ability to use hydrogen as
biomass, and geothermal manufacturers, fuel. FC and UC modules can be
photovoltaic systems, fuel cells, storage, and combined to produce a high-speed
quality improvement tools of electricity. The dynamic response and high output,
main objective of this work is the definition of a
making them ideal for automotive
general methodology for the analytical solution.
applications. FC also contains a high
Zahra Amjadi et al. (2020) A control strategy energy density, and its weight is 8-14
for fuel cells (FC), batteries and Ultracapacitors times that of a lithium-ion battery (Li-
(UC) modules in electric vehicles (EV) and ion), and the FC stack can extend the
hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) is being proposed battery life of EVs and HEVs. This white
and studied in
paper describes a novel topology and
intelligent balancing strategy proposed
TY - BOOK for EV and HEV energy storage system
(ESS) applications. [26]
AU - Tariq, Muhammad M. Zeeshan Tariq et al. (2021) In response to
the global contribution of renewable energy
AU - Syed, Rahman storage systems (RES), we have noticed an
undeniable surge in marine electrical systems. On
the other hand, to address the intermittent RES.
AU - Khan, Irfan A battery energy storage system is built into the
system. However, the problem is that the energy
AU - Khan, Faisal density is low and the lifespan is short, which
increases the space required and increases the
cost. To solve this problem, it is recommended to
PY - 2021/05/20 equip an ultra-capacitor battery energy storage
device. Therefore, the integrated system provides
greater dynamic performance using relatively
SP - 1
less space and higher energy.

EP - 6 In order to take advantage of these advantages

in this integrated system, it is necessary to
realize the optimal management of power
T1 - PV Fed Battery and Ultra-Capacitor generation and consumption. This requires the
development of accurate and robust control
Based Hybrid Energy Storage for Powering algorithms. This paper proposes an effective
control technique in which a PV-powered hybrid
energy storage system (HESS) integrates with a
Marine Loads conventional diesel generator to supply power to
marine loads, primarily lighting and heating. In
DO - 10.1109/ICoDT252288.2021.9441479 addition, various possible operating modes for
realizing optimal performance given the
inconsistency of PV generation are described and
verified using simulation results. Meanwhile,
some of the major contributions of the proposed
control scheme are maximum power extraction
from PV panels, power factor single operation of
the utility grid and improved reliability of
connected loads. [36]


This proposed EMS regulates the state-of-charge

of UC and smooths the battery power profile by
using an MPPT Controller. Therefore, it results in
sustainable HESS with longer battery life.
maintain the power balance in the proposed
Through a simulation study and an
system. The results interpret the superior
experimental setup including a real EMS, the
performances of SSA over PSO. The study
performance of the proposed system is
reported system stability within accepted
evaluated comprehensively. Then, based on
system frequency limits during both the
experimental results, battery cycle life
source and load variations.
improvement due to the battery/UC
hybridization is explored as stated above.
Simulink Model :
Utilizing both a battery
and a UC as a hybrid storage solution has Each block from Figure was modelled
many 4.2 in
benefit MATLAB/Simulink. The schematic of the boost
s. converter. The input to the boost converter is
the PV output voltage, and the output is the
DC link voltage. The control input is a PWM
signal generated based on the P&O controller.
Voltage and current sensors are utilized to
measure the change in power, which is
the control feedback term. Optimising
autonomous photovoltaic
system an with
storage is
crucial as t h e p h o t o v o l t a i c panels are
the only
generation source. The optimisation
system performed on an is to minimise
annual basis the
system lifetime cost under several
constraints. The constraints employed in the
optimization include the
battery SOC limit, restrictions on
dimensions, and an LPSP limit. The input data
required for the optimisation include the
annual solar radiation and the load profile.

The storage system is utilized as an energy

buffer to supply power to the load at night
time and during

Figure 1 Proposed Block periods of low solar The extent of

Diagram. radiation. the
storage elements required supply the load
to throughout the year depending on
fluctuates the
This Hybrid (Battery / UC) storage solution number of photovoltaic panels installed in the
can be system. The quantity of photovoltaic panels is
classified according to system configuration. varied from the best to the worst case. The
Thus, the UC has a certain upper voltage limit storage system
since the battery voltage determines the
is optimized based on the power available to
capacitor array size. In addition, the power
charge the storage elements and the load
enhancement is limited due to
power required
the current sharing between the battery from the storage system. In the HESS, the
and UC, ultracapacitors are employed supply the
according to the internal resistances of each to power requirements of peak with the
component. the load average

The s t o r a g e system terminal power supplied by the battery bank.

voltage follows
battery discharge curve, varying between minimizes the system complexity. The system
fully charged and fully depleted. In UC-battery responses are studied
HESS, the two ESS devices can be coupled to
either a common DC or AC bus. For
standalone renewable Microgrid, a common
DC bus is the preferred choice because most
renewable energy sources operate in DC, and
no synchronization is needed, which
The optimization of the reactive energy adaptive compensation. Of course, these
compensation is to be understood as the choices must be made so that there is the
choice of the powers of the capacitor banks, least power loss in line and an improvement
their locations and even the time during in the voltage
which they will remain in line if it is an profile while having a positive economic return.
using the MATLAB Simulink platform. Finally, choices of the objective function are dictated
PSO and SSA techniques are applied to tune by the concern to take into account both the
the FOPID controller to control the system electrical and economic aspects of the
frequency and problem. The objective
function, over which all authors are involved
in the issue of advancing responsive vitality
remuneration, is the purported monetary
bring capacity back (saving function).
However, since the installation of capacitor
banks reduces active losses and reactive
power losses, unlike all the authors who dealt
with a problem of concern, this article will
introduce the objective function of reducing
reactive power losses. Therefore, the goal is
to determine the battery capacities and their
location in order to minimize power losses,
improve the voltage profile and thereby
increase the throughput of these lines.

Figure 4 Solar Subsystem 1.

This block model a solar cell as a parallel

combination of a current source, two
exponential diodes and a parallel resistor, Rp,
that are connected in series with a resistance
Rs. The output current I is given by:
I = Iph - Is*(e^((V+I*Rs)/(N*Vt))-1)
Is2*(e^((V+I*Rs)/(N2*Vt))-1) -
(V+I*Rs)/Rp….4.1 Where Is and Is2 are the
diode saturation currents, Vt is the thermal
voltage, N and N2 are the quality factors
(diode emission coefficients), and Iph is the
Figure 2: Simulink solar-generated current. Models of
Model. reduced complexity can be
specified in the mask. The quality factor
varies for amorphous cells and typically has
a value in the range of 1 to 2. The PS input Ir
is the irradiance (light intensity) in W/m^2
falling on the cell. The solar-generated
current Iph is given by Ir*(Iph0/Ir0), where
Iph0 is the measured solar- generated
current for irradiance Ir0.

Figure.3: Battery

Figure.5: Solar Subsystem 2

Implements a generic supercapacitor model
which allows the simulation of Electric Double
Layer Capacitors (EDLCs)

Figure 6: Solar Cell Structure

Figure 10: Ultra Capacitor Simulink

Figure 7: Solar Cel Internal Structure

Figure11: PSO and SSA.

Salp swarm algorithm (SSA): SSA is one of the

random population-based algorithms
suggested SSA simulates the swarm-ing
Figure 8: Battery Control mechanism of salps when foraging in oceans.
Salps usually shape a swarm known as the
salp chain in heavy oceans. In the SSA
algorithm, the leader is the salp at the front of
the chain and whatever remains of the Salps
are called followers. Like other swarm-based
techniques, the position of salps is defined in
an n-dimensional search space, where s is the
number of variables of a given problem.
Therefore, the position of all salps is stored in
a two-dimensional matrix called z. It is also
assumed that the swarm's target is a food
Figure9: Battery Charging and source called P in the search space.

Figure 15: Solar Voltage and Solar Current.

Figure 12: Battery Output

Figure 16: Load Power, Battery Power, Solar


Figure 13: Capacitor Output

Figure 17: Battery Charging and


Figure 14: PV Power

while loads requiring large capacitors to be
charged at the start-up can result in a power
surge up to three times their rated wattage.
THIS THESIS ANALYSED a DC system, but the
same principles apply to AC systems. In an AC
system, the inverter must be sized to consider
the starting power requirement of the load,
with the battery bank being sized to handle
the voltage drop due to the high current
surge. Otherwise, the voltage drop could
cause the inverter to shut down. Depending
Figure 18: Efficiency of The System
on the discharge rate. Peak power loads
requiring high power reduce the battery
capacity, resulting in a voltage drop.

This thesis may assist microgrid operators in

making judgments, investing heavily in rural
electrification, developing a competitive
hybrid microgrid, and optimising energy
dispatches. Furthermore, for microgrid system
engineers, this study enables preliminary
design and project cost projection.


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