String Number Calculator

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Vmp: 42.

00 V
THigh: 45° C
Trise 32° C
TStc 20° C
Coef: -0.36° C
Vmin = (Vmp + ((THigh + TRise - TStc) x (VmpCoef x Vmp/100)))

Vmin= 33.38 V

Next we should factor in system loses (de-rate factor).  We forgo this calculation for the purp

de rate factor: 0.88

Vmin= 29.38

We can now take our result from the above calculations to determine the bare minimum number of
by our Vmin.

from Inverter Datasheet:- 120

The minimum number of modules in series can be a low as 4
Now we can calculate the maximum number of modules that we can have in our system by d

Vmax = Voc + ((TLow - TStc) x (VocCoef x Voc/100))

Voc 50.8
Tlow 12° C
TStc 20° C
VocCoef 0.26

Vmax= 55.03

Now, divide our result by the maximum DC system voltage of the chosen inverter and round

Max. DC (From inverter datasheet):- 600


The maximum number of modules in series can be as much as

rgo this calculation for the purpose of simplifying this exercise and assume our derate factor to be 12% or 0.88

ne the bare minimum number of modules we can expect to have in our system by dividing our DC start (strike) voltage

we can have in our system by doing a very similar type of calculation.

the chosen inverter and round down to the nearest whole number.

2% or 0.88

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