Sample - Flexible Classroom Assessment Activity Map (Fcaam) : Why Teach? How To Assess? How To Teach? What To Teach?

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What to
Why teach? How to assess? How to teach?

Learning Material

Reviewing the FIDP of General Based on the

Mathematics Standards &
Criteria for
Success in
As implied by the completing
With the skills centered What
Minimum the PT, what Feedback
that shall be By using the Feedback flexible Formative
Standards, the Enabling Mechanism What Topic(s)
Based on the championed by GRASPS Mechanism teaching Questions
teaching of every Formative (Assessment ensure the
Culminating General Improved PT of the characteristics of a
core subject (Assessment modality will shall lead to development of
General Mathematics PT, identify the Assessment FOR
shall lead to the Performance Mathematics AS Learning) lead towards the the desired
standards & Criteria Activities will Learning)
development of Standard of the and together the completion of skills?
for Success enable the
the learners’... General with the other completion of EFAA?
student to
Mathematics skills implied by the EFAA?
the Minimum
complete the

Communication Which of the 6 What in the Since the start of the Completeness of EFAA4: 4. Guide the 4. Enhance Online/Offlin 4.1 What * Introduction
skills skills must it long run after spread of the covid-19 content Case students to teamwork e Task are the to Logic
champion in completing the in the Philippines, Analysis: successfully productivity Completion different
developing many have lost their Based on analyze and statements * Arguments
subject can
Thinking skills learners do on job due to the Accuracy of the scenarios. effectivenes that you
(Critical & their own with lockdown order in the computation information s. may
Problem what they different regions. with the consider as
Solving) learned? Thus, many Filipinos necessary propositions
(Transfer Goal) have experienced Presentation computation ?
(Critical &
financial difficulties. s gathered
Technology As a team of financial from banks, 4.2 How to
Solving) In the long run,
skills provide
analysts, you are to Application of private make
the students conduct a webinar mathematical institutions, compound
solutions to
will be able to (online) or produce a concepts or propositions
Communication issues in the solve real life brochure (offline) government ?
and Technology community problems in presenting bank financial
skills (Creative the community products or loan Practicality of agencies, 4.3 What
& Innovation) by modelling schemes of recommendations. decide which information
Communicati and government agencies financial will you
on and interpreting (SSS, GSIS, Pag Ibig) institution/ag consider to
data using
Problem technology functions, and other private ency can create an
Solving skills skills recognizing financial institutions to provide the argument?
conducting a and applying educate the better, if not
webinar or appropriate community (teachers, the best, 4.4 How are
Collaboration making a financial tools, classmates, family option to aid you going to
skills brochure in order to members and their justify your
arrive at a barangay financial claims in
Problem logically sound constituents) needs. deciding
Solving decision. regarding their and making
Skills financial status (MET 7) recommend
solve What real life through available (MET 8) ations to
prevailing situation can digital sources or their
issues in the learners put hypothetical data and financial
community themselves in present sound needs?
where they can financial decisions
perform the based on the
transfer goal? gathered data from
(Performance the different financial
Scenario) institutions. The
webinar or brochure
The students will be evaluated
according to the
will act as following criteria:
financial completeness of
analysts who content, accuracy of
will provide computation,
sound financial presentation,
recommendati application of
ons to
concepts, and
community practicality of
members who recommendations.
have been
affected by the
Rubric for Brochure (offline)

Criteria Outstanding(4) Satisfactory (3) Developing(2) Beginning (1)

Completeness of [ ] Sources for the completion of the [ ] At least 50% of sources for the [ ] At most 50% of sources for the [ ] Sources for the completion of the
content output are factual and reliable. completion of the output are factual completion of the output are factual output are not factual and reliable.
and reliable. and reliable.
[ ] The presentation involves all of the [ ] The presentation lacks at least 3 of
following: [ ] The presentation lacks one (1) of [ ] The presentation lacks two (2) of the following:
[ ] function models the following: the following: [ ] function models
[ ] analysis and interpretation of [ ] function models [ ] function models [ ] analysis and interpretation of
models [ ] analysis and interpretation of [ ] analysis and interpretation of models
[ ] computations of necessary models models [ ]computations of necessary
values for loans [ ]computations of necessary [ ]computations of necessary values for loans
[ ] recommendations generated values for loans values for loans [ ] recommendations generated
from valid arguments [ ] recommendations generated [ ] recommendations generated from valid arguments
from valid arguments from valid arguments

Accuracy of [ ] Solutions or computation to the [ ] At least 50% of the solutions or [ ] At most 50% of the solutions or [ ] Solutions or computation to the
computations following are all detailed and computation to the following are computation to the following are following are not detailed nor
supported with correct and clear detailed and supported with correct detailed and supported with correct supported with correct and clear
interpretations. and clear interpretations. and clear interpretations. interpretations.
[ ] generating function model [ ] generating function model [ ] generating function model [ ] generating function model
[ ] analysis and interpretations of [ ] analysis and interpretations of [ ] analysis and interpretations of [ ] analysis and interpretations of
function models function models function models function models
[ ] values necessary to present [ ] values necessary to present [ ] values necessary to present [ ] values necessary to present
bank products or loan schemes bank products or loan schemes bank products or loan schemes bank products or loan schemes

Presentation [ ] The presentation is chronologically [ ] At least 50% of the presentation is [ ] At most 50% of the presentation is [ ] The presentation is not
arranged according to the following: chronologically arranged according to chronologically arranged according to chronologically arranged according to
[ ] discussion of the identified the following: the following: the following:
prevailing issue in the community [ ] discussion of the identified [ ] discussion of the identified [ ] discussion of the identified
[ ] discussion of the possible prevailing issue in the community prevailing issue in the community prevailing issue in the community
function model [ ] discussion of the possible [ ] discussion of the possible [ ] discussion of the possible
[ ] analysis and interpretation of function model function model function model
the model/s [ ] analysis and interpretation of [ ] analysis and interpretation of [ ] analysis and interpretation of
[ ] possible conclusion in relation the model/s the model/s the model/s
to the financial needs of the [ ] possible conclusion in relation [ ] possible conclusion in relation [ ] possible conclusion in relation
people in the community to the financial needs of the to the financial needs of the to the financial needs of the
[ ] presentation of different people in the community people in the community people in the community
products or loan offerings from [ ] presentation of different [ ] presentation of different [ ] presentation of different
banks, lending companies, and products or loan offerings from products or loan offerings from products or loan offerings from
private/government financial banks, lending companies, and banks, lending companies, and banks, lending companies, and
institutions private/government financial private/government financial private/government financial
[ ] computation and graph institutions institutions institutions
illustrating the different products or [ ] computation and graph [ ] computation and graph [ ] computation and graph
loan offerings illustrating the different products or illustrating the different products or illustrating the different products or
[ ] providing sound and valid loan offerings loan offerings loan offerings
recommendation [ ] providing sound and valid [ ] providing sound and valid [ ] providing sound and valid
recommendation recommendation recommendation

Application of [ ] Shows in-depth understanding of the [ ] Shows understanding of required [ ] Shows some understanding of the [ ] Shows no understanding of the
Mathematical required mathematical knowledge. mathematical knowledge. required mathematical knowledge but problem, perhaps only re-copying the
Concepts with errors in some parts. given data.
[ ] All equations/ functions listed (or [ ] At least 50% of the equations/
used) are correct. functions listed (or used) are incorrect. [ ] At most 50% of the equations/ [ ] The equations/ functions listed (or
functions listed (or used) are incorrect. used) are all incorrect.
[ ] The mathematical concept [ ] At least 50% of the mathematical
considered (i.e., models, kind of loan, concept considered (i.e., models, kind [ ] At most 50% of the mathematical [ ] The mathematical concept
rule of inference) are appropriately of loan, rule of inference) are concept considered (i.e., models, kind considered (i.e., models, kind of loan,
used in the output. appropriately used in the output. of loan, rule of inference) are rule of inference) are not appropriately
appropriately used in the output. used in the output.

Practicality of The recommendations provided The recommendations provided do The recommendations provided do The recommendations provided do
Recommendations satisfy the following: not satisfy 1-2 of the following: not satisfy 3-4 of the following: not satisfy any of the following:
[ ] Specific [ ] Specific [ ] Specific [ ] Specific
[ ] Measurable [ ] Measurable [ ] Measurable [ ] Measurable
[ ] Attainable [ ] Attainable [ ] Attainable [ ] Attainable
[ ] Realistic [ ] Realistic [ ] Realistic [ ] Realistic
[ ] Timely [ ] Timely [ ] Timely [ ] Timely
[ ] Responsive to the needs of the [ ] Responsive to the needs of the [ ] Responsive to the needs of the [ ] Responsive to the needs of the
various communities various communities various communities various communities

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