Efaa Application of Mechanics To Everyday Life 1. What Are The Different Laws of
Efaa Application of Mechanics To Everyday Life 1. What Are The Different Laws of
Efaa Application of Mechanics To Everyday Life 1. What Are The Different Laws of
Core Subject Description: Evolution of our understanding of matter, motion, electricity, magnetism, light, and the universe from ancient times to the present; applications of physics and chemistry concepts in
contexts such as atmospheric phenomena, cosmology, astronomy, vision, medical instrumentation, space technology, drugs, sources of energy, pollution and recycling, fitness and health, and cosmetics.
Culminating Performance Standard: Create an infomercial showcasing day-to-day applications of the principles of chemistry and physics encompassing the social, political, economic, cultural,
health and environmental implications that these principles may represent
Reviewing the FIDP of Based on the
Physical Science Standards and
Criteria for
With the skills Success in
What student-
As implied by the that shall be completing the
centered What
Minimum championed By using the PT, what
flexible Formative What Topic (s)
Standards, the by Physical GRASPS Enabling Feedback Feedback
Based on the teaching Questions ensure the
teaching of every Science and Improved PT of the Physical characteristics of a Assessment Mechanism Mechanism
Culminating modality will shall lead development
core subject together with Science PT, identify the Activities will (Assessment (Assessment
Standard of the lead towards to the of the desired
shall lead to the the other skills Standards & Criteria enable the FOR Learning) AS Learning)
Physical Science the completion skills?
development of implied by the for Success student to
(from column1) completion of of EAA?
learners’… Minimum successfully
the EAA?
Standards, complete the
Transfer Performance
Goals Task?
1. Communicatio Thinking Skills Approach GOAL You are to show the Conceptual Reflection Online EFAA Chemistry
n Skills (Critical and physical application of chemistry and 1. Accuracy of 1. Accuracy of understandin The (Synchronous Application
2. Thinking Skills Problem science as a physics in everyday life Content Content g students & of 1. Polarity
(Critical and Solving) reliable and through a collage of 2. Organization (40%) Applications will be Asynchronous Mechanics 2. Intermolecula
Problem tentative way clippings (modular) or an of learned asked to ) to r Forces
3. Creativity 2. Organization
Solving) Communicatio of knowing short video (online) relevant lessons reflect on Everyday 3. Biomolecules
3. Technology n and and explaining to your strand. 4. Audience Appeal (30%) Modular Life 4. Rates of
Reflection their
Skills Technology the natural 3. Creativity experienc 1. What are Reaction
4. Communicatio Skills (creative world and ROLE You are a contributor (20%) e upon the 5. Enthalpy
n and and recognizing who is tasked to create a 4. Audience performin different 6. Stoichiometry
Technology Innovation) that visual presentation about Laws of 7. Energy
Skills (creative application of chemistry and physics Appeal g the Motion? 8. Household &
and scientific everyday life relevant to (10%) activity. 2. What are Personal
Innovation) knowledge your strand. the Care
5. Problem and The application Products &
Solving Skills technology AUDIENCE SHS & JHS teacher s of these Precautionar
6. Collaboration can have students of Colegio de Los will gather Laws of y Measure
Skills beneficial, Banos and other nearby feedback Motion to
detrimental, or schools in the community. and everyday Physics
unintended provide life?
consequences SITUATION The school will his own 3. Which of 1.Astronomy
. have its annual Science feedback these a.Models of
Week. This year’s theme is for both application the Universe
focused on appreciating and the online s is the b.Kepler’s
acknowledging the and most Laws of
significant applications of modular relevant to Planetary
chemistry and physics and learners. your Motion
their impact on the strand?
improvement of man’s life. 4. What are 2.Mechanics
significant a.Newton’s
E Clippings or video should this b.Free Fall
show the application of the identified
chemistry and physics application 3.Optics
through pictures, news clips ? a.Dispersion
and advertisements relevant 1. b.Light
to your strand. Phenomena
STANDARD Your product Theory
must manifest the following
characteristics (varies 4.Relativity
according to class decisions a.Special
for rating): Relativity
1. Accuracy of b.General
Content Relativity
2. Organization
3. Creativity
4. Audience Appeal
Creativity Project shows an Project shows an Project shows an Project shows little ¿¿ ( 4)
advanced level of appropriate level of inadequate level of creativity and/or
creativity and/or creativity and/or creativity and/or originality. Project shows
originality that makes the originality. Project looks originality. Project is little care for appearance.
project unique. Project well-planned and thought neat but has a “last
exemplifies out minute” appearance.
Audience Appeal 5 4 3 2 ¿¿