The Art of Selling!: - By: Shawket Ahmed Head of Marketing-RG
The Art of Selling!: - By: Shawket Ahmed Head of Marketing-RG
The Art of Selling!: - By: Shawket Ahmed Head of Marketing-RG
Plan how you can attract customers for business. ...
Use different channels to attract them. ...
Give attention to get attention. ...
You don't need secrets, inform your potential customers about
everything vital to them. ...
Be unique, do not copy. ...
Be realistic. ...
Stop talking and start listening.
L= Leadership
Keep yourself positive, cheerful and goal
oriented. Sales success is 80 percent attitude
and only 20 percent aptitude.
Different leadership styles in sales management
Managing conflicts or disagreements
How to deliver feedback
How to be an active listener
Building a positive team energy
E= Post Exercise
Summary letters are a game changer
1. Clarifies your thoughts from the meeting and reassures the
client that you understood their issues.
2. Helps you and your client confirm who is doing what, and
when, before the next meeting.
3. Makes it much easier to prepare the agenda for your next
meeting with that client.
S= Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement that determines how happy
customers are with a company’s products, services, and capabilities. Customer
satisfaction information, including surveys and ratings, can help a company
determine how to best improve or changes its products and services.
1. It helps you make smarter marketing decisions.
2. It makes you stand out among the competition.
3. It prevents your customers from churning.
4. It prompts word-of-mouth referrals.
5. It protects your online image.