Edci 302 - Newsletter 1

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Gooding High School

Home of the Senators

1050 7 t h Avenue West
Gooding, ID 83330
(208) 934-4831

Principal: Leigh Patterson Counselor: Chelsea Wilson -Lee Admin Assistant: Millicent Zarate


Meet Mr. Steven T. Lopes!
I want to welcome all students and to GHS to teacher is to ensure
parents/guidance to class to my very student has the same or more
classroom. This is my first-year opportunities that I did. I want to
teaching here at Gooding High see every student succeed. In my
School. I also graduated from GHS class, the students will leave with
in 2018. Then, attended the knowledge of U.S History and
University of Idaho in Moscow, Government as well as real-life
Idaho. That is where I got my skills. I want to leave a lasting
Bachelor of Science in Secondary impression on all of my students
Education with a Social Sciences as my former GHS Government
Emphasis and Political Science and History
Minor. I have always loved Social
Studies from a very long age. I CONTACT INFO:
also knew many of the U.S. MR. STEVEN LOPES
President's names before knowing ROOM 10 @ GHS
all of the alphabets. One of the 208-934-4831 Ext. #205
main reasons for me coming back Email:
[email protected]

How can you get involved in my class?

I encourage parents/ guardians to participate to promote the best education outcomes. Please expect a phone call
or email from me within the first few weeks. I would like to get to know your family. I encourage each student
to tell stories about their family or friends' history. I want all of my students to be able to relate topics and
common themes to their shared stories. I encourage you as a parent/ guardian to discussing these things with
them at the dinner table or in the car ride home. I also want to encourage access to using guest lectures in my
class. If you know someone or you have something that relates to our topics in class. I want to utilize your
knowledge in the classroom. Every Wednesday, I will stay after school until 5:00 P.M to help students and
answer questions. Parents are always welcome to drop in to discuss matters with me.

How I will contact parents/guardians?

In my class, there will be a few ways that I will be
contacting parents/guidance. I will email directly, call
home, and then send written letters home in that order to
discuss matters with your child. If there is any other
preferred way of communication fill free to let me know.
Some of my
Students will have access to all of
my PowerPoint slides. Guided
notes will be available for all who
want's them. I highly encourage
all my students to use the Cornell
Notetaking. I will teach everyone
how to do this in the first weeks
of class. The lectures will contain
What will group work look like?
a lot of images and charts. Groups will be picked based on the achievement base. I want to pair
Students will be encouraged to groups up with students who need extra help with students who are
participate in group discussions. proficient with a topic. Groups will be changed periodically and have
My class will have many assigned role tasks. This is to ensure the best academic outcome. I
opportunities for students to want to utilize Think, Pair, Share techniques. Students will be paired
collaborate on classwork. If your up at the end of every chapter lecture. They will be required to
student ever needs any extra help,complete the Guided Questions at the end of the chapter in the
I will pair them up with another textbook. The most important one will be the critical thinking
student to work together. We willquestions. These questions will be focused on in our big group
watch movies from time to time discussion. This is where the rotating group announcer will explain
that will be followed by a short what their group came up with. The class is equipped with a set of
paper. I will also provide the Chromebooks were they and complete the necessary tasks on a shared
opportunity for alternative google doc.
assignments if necessary. All
reading assignments have text to
What will daily class look like?
speech capabilities. If there is a The student will enter the class and be seated to complete the bell
need for any other service, I am work. After bell work, students will be prepared to take notes for the
willing to help your child succeedlecture. After the lecture if time permits. Students will start their
in my class. group work before the end of that class period. The next day after
bell work students will continue work until it's time to present to the
Students can opt into one of the class. Towards the end of class, students will be encouraged to
three options in my class for participate in a large group discussion. Remember lectures can last 1
assessments. Option 1) Take the to 2 class periods so the following process can shift from week to
test 2) Do a project or 3) Write a week.
paper on the unit. It is a district
requirement for all students to How will I help with stress in class?
complete a Pre-Exam and Final
I have officially banned the word TEST in my classroom. This is to
Exam. Students can opt into
relieve testing anxiety associated with the word. The replacement
having it count towards their
word will be referred to as Opportunity To Show Your Intelligence
(OTYSI.) My classroom will also have cool down periods to relieve
stress from students if need. I encourage every student to be aware
of their mental health.

Other services offered

If there is a need for Wi-Fi connection or Computer access for
assignments, I will be available on Wednesdays after school or by
appointment to provide these services in my classroom. Students can
also check out the required films from me if needed.

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