Reviewer Salesman

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Business to come to them; they go after it.

Intro to Professional Salesmanship have a sense of urgency and a need to accomplish
“Best way to sell something: DON’T SELL ANYTHING. the task at hand. They doesn’t get side-tracked and
Earn the awareness, respect and trust of those who knows the final destination.
might buy.” – Rand Fishkin CEO and Founder, 2. They are Outgoing & Enthusiastic
SEOmoz • Successful sales people are enthusiastic.
WHAT IS SALESMANSHIP? They are always in a positive mood - even
• It is also an art of persuading one to spent during difficult times - and their enthusiasm
money is contagious. They seldom talk poorly of the
• Art of persuading someone to buy good or company or the business. When faced with
products that will give him a lasting unpleasant or negative situations, they
satisfaction sales•man•ship noun \-ˌship\: choose to focus on the positive elements
the skill of persuading people to buy things instead of allowing themselves to be
or to accept or agree to something dragged down. Projects a great first
Full Definition of SALESMANSHIP impression and is energized by social
1: the skill or art of selling interactions.
2: ability or effectiveness in selling or in presenting 3. They are Relational
persuasively <political salesmanship> • Successful sales people keep in touch with
SALESMANSHIP their clients. They know that constant
contact helps keep clients so they use a
✓ Art of helping your prospects or customer
variety of approaches to accomplish this.
achieve their goal.
They are constantly on the lookout for new
✓ Art of solving CUSTOMER’s Problem and creative ways to keep their name with
✓ Art of converting human wants into needs their clients. Cares about the person, not
by persuading and not compulsion just the sale; effectively identifies customer
I BE AN EFFECTIVE SALESMAN? 4. They Listen and Ask quality
S Support the client’s need. questions.
A Adjust to their need. • Great sales people ask quality questions.
L Love their objection. They know that the most effective way to
E Excite them with your answer. present their product or service is to
S Serve them your solution (PRODUCT/Service) uncover their customer's goals, objectives,
M Make a Strong Rapport/Relationship concerns and hesitations. Successful sales
A Aim for the best solution/answer to their needs people listen. Most sales people will ask a
N NEVER! See them as “MONEY” question then give their customer the
answer, or continue to talk afterwards
We usually think of SELLING PRODUCTS, instead of waiting for their response. They
SERVICES OR BOTH ask questions and listen carefully to the
responses, often taking notes and
Why are some salespeople so successful? summarizing their understanding of the
• They sell the product people want. customers' comments.
• They convince people they want the product 5. They are ambitious
they have to sell. • They have a strong desire to gain a particular
• 80% of Sales success is psychological. objective; specifically, the drive to succeed
• Top salespeople are OPTIMISTS. or to gain fame, power wealth, etc.
• They have a positive mental attitude. Successful sales people are avid goal setters.
Qualities of Top Salespeople They know what they want to accomplish,
1. They are Focused & Driven and they plan their approach. They make
• Successful sales people work hard. Most sure their goals are specific, motivational,
people want to be successful, but they aren’t achievable yet challenging, relevant to their
prepared to work hard to achieve it. Sales personal situation, and time-framed. They
superstars don’t wait for visualize their target, determine how they
will achieve their goal, and take action on a • In business, persuasion is a process aimed at
daily basis. changing a person's (or a group's) attitude or
behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other
person(s). Good sales skills include anticipating and
dealing with any reasons the customer may choose
6. They are courageous. not to buy, known in sales terms as 'objections'.
• Everyone is afraid. The best salespeople do it Assertiveness
anyway! Ask for the sale… The top people • The quality of being self-assured and
confront their fears. confident without being aggressive.
7. They are committed Anticipate objections. Pay close attention to
• Caring is the key element in successful selling. your customers’ reactions. Facial expressions
They take responsibility for their results. They and body language can be a big "tell" in the
do not blame internal problems, the economy, customer's attitude.
tough competitors, or anything else if they fail Planning & Organization
to meet their sales quotas. They know that their • Planning and organizing your workday keeps
actions alone will determine their results and you on task and reduces idle time at the
they do what is necessary. office. Your planning and organizational
8. They engage in continuous learning tools provide direction for your work efforts,
• Companies are investing more than ever into allowing you to complete the most pressing
their sales team training. We see the value in a tasks first. Learning to prioritize your work
new way of training sales teams – and doing it responsibilities and use efficient time-
more effectively with less of a cost burden on management skills enhances your planning
businesses. Easy access to and integration of a and organizational efforts.
wide range of media resources and it is fast and Presentation
cost-effective course development. • Presentation skills can make or break a deal.
9. They are prepared If you’re in front of a group of people, not
• A professional sales person prepares ahead only do you have to sell your product or
of time. They prepare their sales plan, sales service, you have to sell yourself. The great
goals, and even themselves for their thing about this is that, it not only for sales
presentation. They usually do but virtually every type of situation where
research about their you have to persuade people to invest in
clients/market and plan their approach. your product, position, or belief. Make it
10. They Are Confident count.
• First and foremost, the very first thing you Observation
need in sales and negotiations is your self • When you first meet someone (especially
confidence. Creating confidence in sales at someone who’s important to your success),
the top level is going to be done over a note how they behave. Are they loud or
couple of years. This is not merely a fly by soft? Fast-paced or slower? Immediately
night kind of thing that you must be doing to friendly or more reserved? Learn how to
fill in time. Success is something that needs deal with different king of clients.
to be created.
So get into a market that you have a passion for. Being a salesman involves facing so many
challenges. You get to meet a lot of people of
Master the SKILLS of a sales person diverse characters. Some prospects may be
• Persuasion friendly, but others would shop you away.
• Negotiation Furthermore, being a salesperson means you have
• Influence to work long hours. There is also a high turnover in
• Assertiveness the sales industry.
• Planning and Organization Nevertheless, if you are hardworking and truly
• Presentation dedicated, being in sales would make you earn
• Observation more.
Persuasion, Negotiation and Influence Tips on becoming an EFFECTIVE SALESMAN
1. Believe in your product - Both your prospect and your time are
- For you to be able to sell in confidence, you must important. Be direct to the point. If the buyer
first have faith that the product you are selling will mentioned being interested, seal the deal with a
really benefit your buyer. You also ought to have contract.
good product knowledge, so you could answer all
your prospects’ questions.
12. Ask for referrals.
2. Prepare your sales plan. - Write your sales - Your existing customers may suggest to you
objectives for the week; include number of new contacts. If your buyer has a good relationship
phone calls or emails you have to send daily. with you, or has a good buying experience with your
Make a sales journal. Forecast how much sales company, chances are, you will get referrals from
you would want to close weekly, then monthly. him. You may also ask your client if you can mention
3. Target the right buyer. his company in your website or include him in your
- You must do your research, to find out who portfolio of existing clients.
makes the purchasing decisions in the company. 13. Have a positive attitude.
Your effort would prove futile if you fail to pinpoint - You may not be successful this time, but there is
who the real buyers are in the company. always a next time. A good salesperson never gives
4. Know your competitor. up. The next sale may be yours and may just be
- Study your competitors’ products and look waiting around the corner.
for advantages you may offer over it. 14. Know when to let go.
5. Go where the buyers are. - Do your best in order to close the sale. However, if
- If your prospects are doctors, then go to the every measure was already exhausted to no avail,
hospitals; if you wish to sell to teachers, then go to then this customer might not be worth your time
different schools. Some even join expensive golf and effort. Look for other prospects and focus your
clubs which their potential clients patronize. Go energy where you have better chances.
where your target customers are likely to be
• Conduct follow ups every after sales.
6. Pay attention to your prospect. - Probe your • Assess yourself.
potential client. He might be able to verbalize • Always ask for CLIENT’S feedback.
some concerns you may be able to address. • Make sure you maintain stable communication
Listen carefully, and pay close attention to with your clients
7. Present some humor. SALES MANAGEMENT
- Some of your prospects may be tired of the Sales Management - is the process of hiring,
customary sales pitch. If you make him laugh, he is training and motivating sales staff, coordinating
more likely to look forward to your next meeting. operations across the sales department and
Make sure you do not bore your customers. Prepare implementing a cohesive sales strategy that drives
funny stories, but be wary of delivering them at the business revenues.
right time. Sales - are the lifeblood of any organization and
8. Be polite. managing the sales process is one of the most
- Show you are well mannered and always important functions of any business.
respectful, no matter how bad the situation is. Salesmanship - Is the art of convincing and
9. Make your presentation short and simple. - persuading people to buy the product.
Avoid using terminologies and jargons that the Selling - Is just transferring the title in goods,
buyer might not understand. The simpler the service or idea with a valuable consideration.
presentation, the better. FORMS OF SELLING:
10. Watch for buying signals. - If the prospect nods, Personal Selling or Direct selling - Is a direct face
smiles, or agrees to use your free samples, consider to face interaction between the buyer and the
these as indications of interest to purchase your seller.
products. Always be ready to close the sale by Non-Personal Selling - This is selling through the
having your sales contract on hand. aid of some forms of media like advertising,
11. Ask for the sale.
window displays, samplings, and other form of - Wear that smile always. Smile always win
promotion. friendly and develop confidence. Smile when
Ethics in Sales Management - refers to a set of you greet your customer.
behaviors that ensure that every lead, prospect The term “grooming” often refers to the care of the
and customer is treated with respect, fairness, face, hair and hands. It actually involves more than
honesty and integrity. It means that, as a merely keeping them clean.
salesperson or marketer, you put the people you 2. Wear simple clothes
sell to first. You respect their choices and opinions a. Wearing clothes that are in good repair. This
instead of forcing your agenda on them. means that there must be no missing buttons, no
How important is ethics to sales and sales ripped seams, no frayed collars or cuffs, and no run-
management? down heels.
- Clearly defining and communicating a code of b. Wearing clothes that are clean and well
ethics and code of conduct for selling will help pressed. There must be no grease spots, no soiled
your business meet its ethical selling collars or cuffs, no baggy knees in trousers, no
obligations. baggy elbows in coats, no dirty shoes and no soiled
- - Demonstrating ethical sales practices is good handkerchiefs.
business. c. Wearing clothes that are conservative and
- it helps earn the trust and loyalty of your appropriate. The salesman should use extreme care
customers and strengthens your reputation. in the selection of clothing. As a rule, man must
What are ethical sales issues? refrain wearing bold stripes and extreme cuts.
- This brings us to some of the common ethical Expensive clothes are not necessary.
issues that salespeople face in their 3. Good voice and diction - It is of paramount
professional lives, which can include: importance that the salesman cultivates good
- Misuse of company credit cards or expense diction. An effective voice commands attention.
accounts. Reporting inaccurate work hours.
Inflating sales data, number of contact calls According to J.W. Wingate, Fundamentals of Selling,
made, or sales history. a salesman must observe the following principles:
What are the three biggest ethical challenges in 1. The voice should be clear and crisp. The lips
sales? should move freely in order to make each
“Top eight” list of ethical concerns, below: syllable clear. Unnecessary sound and noises
Gifts, gratuities, bribes (marketing and sales) Price must be avoided. On the other hand,
discrimination and unfair pricing (marketing and syllables should not be omitted or words run
sales) together. Speak with moderate speed. If
Dishonest advertising (marketing and sales) words are spoken too rapidly, the customer
Miscellaneous unfair competitive practices What is will not able to grasp what is said. If words
unethical selling? are spoken too, slowly, other ideas may
- Pushy, unethical sales practices. Perhaps one creep, and he may “lose the drift” of what
of the most commonly cited unethical the salesman is saying.
practices is being pushy. Trying to. Close a sale 2. Speak reasonable loud. The voice must be
at all costs is not only unethical, it puts heard. A great deal of selling has to be done
unnecessary pressure on the customer, forcing in noisy places where a soft voice will not
them to make a quick decision that could hurt carry the message. On the other hand, an
their business. excessively loud voice takes the attention of
What is an ethical behavior? the customer from the sales message.
- is characterized by honesty, fairness and 3. Emphasize key words and phrases. The
equity in interpersonal, professional and salesman emphasizes key words and phrases
academic relationships and in research and by raising his voice, or by occasionally
scholarly activities. Ethical behavior respects speaking very softly, or by pausing before or
the dignity, diversity and rights of individuals after important words and phrases.
and groups of people. Vary the pitch. A voice that is all in the same pitch
Manners that a salesman ought to Observe: 1. Look is monotonous. It gives an impression of lack of
pleasant and neat interest on the part of the seller and may result in
loss of interest on the customer. If the voice is
continually high pitched, it may irritate the customer promptly. Call them and tell them
customer and may result in his trying to get away frankly and sincerely that you made a
from it. mistake. Tell him why you cannot make it on
Speak in a conversational tone. To create the date specified. Tell him when shipment
confidence, the voice must be easy and friendly. will be made.
The sales talk must not sound like an oration or a 12. Smile. It takes 72 muscles to frown, only 14
“canned” speech. to smile. A good warm, flashing and
Speak sincerely. Finally, the voice should give the contagious smile is a must in selling. A good
impression that the salesman really means what salesman must always wear a smile, one that
he says. is not artificial or unnatural. It should not be
4. Have a firm handshake. It should not be to much or too little of it. Only trough
bone-crushing or the “wet rag’ kind. constant practice can salesman develop a
5. Avoid tapping the desk with the fingers or a pleasant facial expression that captivates the
pencil. prospect’s buying behaviour
6. Buttoning and unbuttoning one’s coat, and 13. Keep physically fit. Selling requires that you
annoying physical movements such as keep yourself in good physical condition.
crossing and uncrossing one’s legs or Your job will be visiting in and out of stores
nervous tapping on the floor with one’s and offices. You will be driving through all
foot. kinds of weather.
7. Avoid repetitions of such phrases as “see
what I mean” and “you know,” or starting
every sentence with “Now or “And.”
8. Remember the names and surnames of
individuals you deal with. If you are careless
in this matter then people now will suspect
that they aren’t important to you, except for
what you get out of them.
9. Do not argue with customer. You will never
win an argument with a customer.
They are considers the “king.” Whatever
will be the outcome, customers are always
10. Avoid stepping sentences. This is an
immature behavior that a salesman ought to
take note. It is considered a communication
killer. This happens when a salesman finishes
Ten Commandments of Selling
his line. He interrupts the prospect and
1. Speak to people. There is nothing as nice as
dominates the whole conversation.
a cheerful word of greeting.
Prospects are surely irritated and chances
2. Smile at people. It takes 72 muscles to
are it may cause the prospect to withdraw
frown, only 14 to smile.
the welcome mat, both physically and
3. Call people by name. The sweetest music to
anyone’s ear is the sound of his or her name.
Make the prospect the hero of the play,
4. Be friendly and helpful. If you would have
make him feel that he is up on the pedestal.
friends, be friendly.
Encourage him to talk about himself, his
5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if everything
business, his problems, his aims, his desires.
you do is genuine pleasure.
Keep yourself in the background as much as
6. Be genuinely interested in people. You can
possible. While he is talking- you listen.
like almost anyone if you try.
11. Keep your promises. Your promise is a
7. Be generous with praise. Be cautious with
deciding factor of your future. If you can’t
keep your promise, then don’t make them. If
8. Be considerate of the feelings of others.
for some reason or another you find that a
promise made be sure to notify your
9. Be thoughtful of the opinions of others. operations and implementing sales techniques that
10.Be alert to give service. What count most in allow a business to consistently hit, and even
life is what we do for others. surpass, its sales target.
Strategic Role of Sales Management
1. Prospecting
2. Researching
3. Approaching the prospect
4. Presentation
5. Handling Objections
6. Closing the deal
I. Approach (Prospecting and getting the right
start) - One of the important tasks of a
salesman is to look for prospects. Success
stories of salesmen is always begin with right
start of being prospect-minded as well as
sales-minded. A salesman has already
Selling as a Career - As the saying goes “Every man identified the ability of the person to buy the
is the architect of his fortune.” We acknowledge product.
the fact that the choices in one’s entre life, both 3 stages wherein a person is classified into a
during and outside of working hours. So let’s customer:
examine what kind of lives various sales lead. 1. everybody is a suspect, in the sense that
1. Relatively high income. - According to some everybody may have the need for the
studies, selling is considered to be one of the more product
remunerative vocation. 2. a person becomes a prospect after the
2. Travelling - You can see the world by selling salesman as assessed the ability of the
as a salesmen. person to buy the product offered.
3. Satisfaction of rendering service. - In selling 3. a person is considered a customer when he
you get a feeling of satisfaction in knowing that you actually accepts and buys the product.
are contributing to the financial independence, REASONS FOR BUYING - All individuals crave
comfort, and happiness of others. for something. This something is an
4. Chance for advancement - There is no assortment of many things. Oftentimes,
career that promises a sure path for promotion to people have more desires than what they
higher levels of management other than selling. can afford. So they try to evaluate
consciously or unconsciously the degree of
5. Calls for job security - People in selling
satisfaction they derive from their
appear to be well rewarded financially.
6. Managing to oneself - Salesmen are not
subject to direct supervision by someone else – the
It has been proved that before buying anything,
people must make five decisions:
7. Meet challenges - People get bored with
1. The need for the product or service
routine jobs, if there is no challenges in their work,
2. The thing to fill the need.
they soon tire of it.
3. The source from which to buy.
8. No need for academic laurels - A degree is
4. The price they are willing to pay.
not needed in selling. A mere “product knowledge”
5. The time to buy.
can make a salesmen survive the business field.
Top management positions To understand why people buy, the salesman must
know the motives behind every purchase made by
Sales Supervisor
the customer. A buying motive is an urge or
Branch Manager
influence which prompts an individual to spend his
Zone Manager
money for a particular product or service.
Division or Regional Manager
Universally, people are motivated by one or more
of the following reasons: 1. Profit and gain
Strategic Role of Sales Management - Is the process
2. Saving and convenience
of developing a sales force, coordinating sales
3. Comfort and convenience
4. Safety 11. Personal Observation - A salesman can
5. Happiness make his own personal observation as to the
6. Pride needs of a particular community or individual.
7. Fear II. Researching - Once you have drawn up a list of
8. Imitation prospects, the next step is to gather as much
How and where to obtain prospects: information about them as possible before
1. The cold-canvas method - In this method attempting your approach. Research is an integral
of prospecting, the salesman may call on every part of the selling process. It serves a number of
individual or company belonging to a certain useful purposes, foremost of which is to save you
group of people. The salesman has no advance and your prospects a lot of time and energy sitting
information to the needs or financial status of through unnecessary presentations. In other
each of these prospects. words, researching your prospects helps you
2. The use of lists - Some individual salesmen determine whether they truly have the
may develop prospects lists of their own by motivation, money and authority to buy.
referring to such sources, as public records, - Aside from market research, big companies also
chamber of commerce directories, trade devote a lot of their time and resources to building
association membership, and religious a powerful database of customer profiles. This
membership lists. The most valuable prospects list should in fact be one of your main goals if you
usually is the one that each salesman develops for seriously want to succeed in sales.
his own particular product or service. RESEARCH ALSO HELPS YOU:
3. Leads from sales managers - There are 1. Discover the best way to approach your
some fields of selling where the salesman makes prospects by providing you with relevant
regular calls on customers. Usually, the sales information about their tastes, habits, and
manager provides the new salesmen with lists of personal preferences.
their predecessor’s active and inactive customers. 2. Obtain vital information that can help you better
4. Leads from company advertising - Most plan and execute your sales presentation setting
companies receive a steady supply of sales leads it up in a way that you will best suit your
from their advertising. prospect’s tastes and preferences.
5. Friends and acquaintances - In many fields 3. Anticipate your prospect’s needs and wants and
of selling both consumer and industrial goods, the prepare for these ahead of time.
salesman’s friend and acquaintances serve as the 4. Identify and anticipate possible objections the
nucleus of his source of prospects. client may makes.
6. The endless-chain method - When a 5. Boost your confidence knowing that you are
salesman uses this method of obtaining prospects, well-prepared for your encounter with the
he attempts to obtain at least one additional prospect.
prospect, from each person whom he interviews. 6. Impress the prospect be demonstrating your
7. The center of influence method - In this professionalism and expertise.
method, the salesman cultivates a number of CHECKLIST OF THINGS TO RESEARCH
people in the territories who are either his friends, - In order to develop your very own storehouse
acquaintances, or customers and who are willing of customers, profiles start by gathering
to supply him with prospecting information. pertinent data on all your prospects and
8. Group prospecting - Many companies clients. Use the following checklist to ensure
which sell products such as aluminum ware, Tefal, that you get all the information you will
pyrex, etc. rely so much on group prospecting as a need when you finally decide to approach
means of stimulating sales. your future buyers.
9. Use of junior salesman or spotters - There 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION - This should include
are companies which employ a junior salesman your prospective customer’s full name.
who makes canvass or surveys to determine the 2. FINANCIAL RESOURCES - It would be better if
needs of prospects. you could get hold of financial documents such as
10. Public exhibit and demonstration - This income tax returns for the last two to three years,
method of prospecting is a very effective one statements of assets and liabilities, cash flow
especially when the product is new in the market. positions, and articles of incorporation which may
be obtained from the Securities and Exchange III. Approaching Prospects
3. BUYING PATTERNS - You should also try to find PROSPECTS
out what kind of things your prospect buys or 1. By Phone or E-mail - The main goal of getting
what services he avails of. prospects on the phone is to get an appointment
4. PERSONALITY TYPE - You may know all the facts with them. There are two ways you can do this.
about your prospect but you will not be able to A. INCOMING CALLS OR E-MAILS - If you have
deal with him properly unless you know what kind placed ads as part of your prospecting you can
of person he is. More importantly, you should just wait for people to call or e-mail you.
determine what kind of buyer he is.
HERE ARE SOME OF THE MOST COMMON TYPES: Follow the guidelines below:
1) The discount-and-freebie grabber - This is the Be cheerful
type who would always demand something extra, Get the name of the caller or the e-mail sender
like discounts, rebates and free gifts. 2) THE Ask about his or her purpose in calling Try to get
EVASIVE BUYER - This one is difficult to get hold an appointment.
of. He does not reply to text messages or calls and Make sure to get his name, office address, and
keeps rescheduling appointments. You might have contact number
to enlist the aid of his secretary in order to get him Be courteous and assure the prospect that you
to meet you. will do everything possible to make your meeting
3) THE COMPLAINING BUYER - This buyer always worthwhile
something to say about your company and B. OUTGOING CALLS - Remember your list of
merchandise, and even about you. Treat this prospects and their contact number. Now is
one with understanding, empathy and the time to put into use. Call or e-mail each of
patience. the people you have listed as a possible
4) THE DOMINANT BUYER - This one is strong- buyers. Follow the guidelines below:
willed and powerful and difficult to get along Be courteous and professional at all times Use
with, but can be a positive friend and ally once the name of the client introduce yourself and
you gain his trust. your company.
5) THE ANALYTICAL-SUSPICIOUS BUYER - Briefly state your purpose/offer emphasizing its
This type wants everything in writing and hates strong points, and clearly indicating why you think
foul-ups and inefficiencies. Be careful when they need/ want what you are offering, but not
dealing with this sort. giving to many details.
Impress him by dropping names of trusted people If you notice that the prospect is interested,
and companies. waste no time making an appointment.
5. SCHEDULE - Try to get hold of your 2. By sending a Formal Sale Proposal - If you are
prospect’s complete name schedule so you know selling your product to accompany and must submit
the best time to approach him-whether before your offer to an executive panel, it is best to use a
work in the morning, during his lunch break or formal sales proposal.
after office hours, for instance.
6. COMPANY PROFILE - Gather as much Keep your words simple; avoid high- sounding
information as you can in the past and the kind of terminologies. Be as brief and concise as possible.
relationship it has with them. Use the following format when drafting your
7. PRODUCT LINES - Make sure your do your proposal.
research on all the various products and/ or ELEMENTS OF A FORMAL SALES PROPOSAL
services the company is offering. a. Title page - Present an attractive,
8. DECISION MAKERS - Familiarize yourself professional- looking title page that clearly specifies
with the key personnel and department heads, the name of the sender and the date.
particularly those who have anything to do with b. Cover letter - Grab the reader’s attention by
sales. Get hold of their work schedules, if possible. briefly summarizing the sales offer. The cover the
9. BUYING PATTERNS - Find out the types of letter should be long enough to cover the essential
products the company needs for its operations. parts and short enough to keep it exciting and
C. Table of contents - List all the tables and 10. Using Statistics - You can spout off survey
illustrations in addition to all sections and results that prove your product’s superiority in an
subsections. attempt to impress the prospect.
d. Body - Present an outline of the prospect’s
current situation prior to using the proposal 12 ESSENTIALS OF AN EFFECTIVE
system. Highlight the features and benefits of the APPROACH
sales offering. Show the cost-benefit ratio and the 1. Make sure you pick the proper place and time
amount of investment needed. Show proof that for your approach.
the offer will result in tremendous savings and 2. Try to grab the attention of your prospect by
multiple benefits. choosing an interesting opening statement or
e. Summary - State your position in a single question, or by using an interesting visual
brief and concise statement that can be easily and grabber.
quickly read and understood by those who will 3. Promptly hand over your business card.
review your offer. 4. Be brave and confident but courteous.
F. Contract - Provide the prospect with a firm legal 5. Gauge the mood of your prospect.
document to sign or discuss. 6. Strike up a conversation.
3. By Meeting Prospects Personally - This maybe 7. Ask questions
be done by putting up a showroom and waiting for 8. Make the prospect feel at ease.
people to drop by or waiting for a chance to 9. Make sure you have the complete attention of
introduce yourself to the prospect face to face. your prospect.
10 EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES IN APPROACHING 10. State your offer clearly and succinctly.
PROSPECTS 11Make an appointment
1. Introducing Yourself - The most basic 12. Keep your appointment and arrive on time.
method of approach is simply stepping up to the
prospect, making a standard greeting, and then IV. The Presentation - Keep in mind that the main
politely introducing yourself. goal of the presentation is really to close a deal with
2. Introducing Your Product - You can take the client, to convince the client to buy, and to lead
another straightforward approach by directly the client towards the close. Always remember this
offering your product or service without when preparing your presentation.
preambles. To do all these, the salesperson must take the AIDA
3. Emphasizing Consumer Benefit - After approach. He must capture the attention and
introducing your product you can immediately interest of the client so that he will desire the
state what it can offer the prospect. 4. Picking the product/service enough to prompt him to take
Prospect Curiosity - You can try to capture the action - that is buy the product.
prospect’s interest by delivering a line that will A – Attention
arouse his/her curiosity. 5. Offering Premiums or I - interest
Rewards - People love getting freebies, discounts, D – Desire
and prizes. 6. Starting with a Demo - You can also A – Action
wow your prospect with an impressive visual PLANNING YOUR SALES PRESENTATION
presentation before introducing yourself and your 1. Product - State the product/service you are
merchandise. offering and give a brief description of it.
7. Posing a Question - You may try asking a 2. Target Client - What type of person or
suggestive or provocative question leading to the company are you planning to sell the
introduction of your product and the prospect’s product to? How many are you planning to
need for it. reach?
8. Obtaining a Referral - If you have 3. Call objective - What result/s do you want to
previously acquired a referral from someone the achieve after your client call?
prospect trust and knows, then you would have no 4. Product Story - What is the main copy claim
problem approaching him. or unique selling proposition of the
9. Paying a Complement - Sometimes the old product/service?
tactic of saying something nice about a person can 5. Product tag lines - What is the slogan/punch
work to capture his or her attention. line/ main talking point use to sell the
6. Opening Statement - An introduction to 8. Try to keep the client interested and focus
your main presentation on your presentation. - To do this you
7. Main presentation - A more detailed should be focused on the client, constantly
description of your product, including its trying to gauge his moods and keeping him
benefits and value-added features. centered in the presentation whenever you
8. Possible objections and counter objections - feel his attention wandering away.
try to anticipate possible objections so you 9. Give the client a chance to speak out and
can prepare your counterarguments ahead listen to everything he has to say. -
of time Although you are giving a presentation, do
9. Source - Cite reprints, testimonials, allow the client to voice his queries,
publications and other sources that the opinions, comments and objections. Listen
customer can check to validate what you attentively to what he has to say.
said or to know more about the product. 10. Provide the client with a printout of your
10. Closing - Summarize your sales offer, then presentation - Provide the client with hard
ask the client if he would like to place an copies of your presentation, highlighting
order. the essential features and benefits of what
you are offering, so that he can study the
THE ESSENTIALS OF AN EFFECTIVE important points later.
PRESENTATION 11. Rehearse and critique your presentation -
To deliver a clear and convincing presentation or Practice makes perfect, and can help
demonstration, following these guidelines: increase both your confidence and chances
1. Establish your legitimacy and demonstrate of effectively convincing your client to buy.
your expertise - Prove to the client that V. HANDLING OBJECTIONS - Objections are a
you and your company are reputable and natural part of the selling process. When they come
trustworthy. If necessary, cite your up during your presentation, it may mean the client
credentials, but be discreet about it. Don’t is really interested, interested enough to have
brag. seriously thought of the offer and to want to know
2. Establish rapport - Whenever you can, more about your product/service.
strike up an informal conversation with the OVERCOMING OBJECTIONS - There are many
client. Use what you have researched different types of objections, some of which are
about him to build trust and friendship by quite valid, and some just petty or insignificant. But
focusing on things you have in common: all these have to be addressed and addressed
interests, characteristics, beliefs or even promptly.
3. Mention all the benefits your product or Clients often resist or reject your offer because:
service offers - make sure you mention all 1. They do not trust you and/or your
the outstanding features of your product, company.
with special focus on those that you think 2. They have doubts about the quality of the
will appeal to this one particular client. product/service you are offering.
4. Have conviction - You yourself should have 3. They are not convinced that they need the
complete confidence in your product product/service.
5. Be clear, accurate and precise - Stick with 4. The product is not attractive to them or it
the facts and make the presentation as does not have what they are looking for.
concise as possible 5. They cannot afford the product/service or
6. Be creative and give life to your they are not satisfied with the price
presentation. - Standard presentations package.
that are canned or scripted are easy to 6. They are not satisfied with the terms and
give, but they can be boring. conditions of the sale.
7. Customize your presentation according to 7. They are not satisfied with your delivery
the personality, interests and needs of the services.
client. - To keep the client interested, try to 8. The product is new and unknown; no
speak his language demand yet.
7. Reassure the client - Whatever kind of
10 EASY STEPS TO HANDLING OBJECTIONS OR objection the buyer has, it is based on
ADDRESSING CONCERNS doubts and fears.
1. PREPARE READY ANSWERS TO POSSIBLE 8. Allow small concessions - If the buyer is
OBJECTIONS- Before meeting the client for requesting something that will not cost the
your presentation, use the material you have company to much, give in.
researched to try to anticipate the queries 9. Don’t hesitate to make a referral - If the
and objections that might be raised during client has questions or requests that you
the presentation and prepare answers and do not have the authority or capacity to
explanations for these. answer or provide, immediately set him up
2. LISTEN TO ALL THE CLIENT’S COMMENTS, for an appointment with the proper
OBJECTIONS - Practice the art of active 10. Don’t lose contact with the client. -
listening. Listen attentively to everything the Don’t give up easily.
clients say during and after your HANDLING DIFFICULT SALES SITUATION Following
presentation. Let her speak her mind. are some helpful guidelines that should help you
3. RESPOND PROMPTLY - Address the client’s in dealing with difficult sales situations.
comments, queries and objections, if 1. Your first call
possible, as soon as they are voiced. Identify 2. Facing the competition
the source of the objection and try to 3. The demanding customer
overcome it. 4. Customer tantrums (The hot-headed/difficult
There are several ways to do this: customer) 5. Personal Favors
a. The direct approach - You can disagree 6. The elusive customer
outright with the client’s allegations or objections. 7. Fear of rejection
This should be done politely but firmly. VI. Closing the Deal - There are a number of tried
b. The indirect approach - This method and tested methods of bringing a transaction to a
involves initially agreeing with the client, happy close for both parties. Each one is suited to a
acknowledging that her observation is valid, then different situation or to a different type of client.
qualifying your statement with a “but” or a 1. A firm commitment – a signed order, a
“however. verbal acceptance that the client will buy your
c. The boomerang approach - This method products/ services; or
requires a bit of skill. 2. A positive agreement – a promise that he or
d. The probing/questioning approach - she will buy in the immediate future.
Respond to the client’s comments or objections by CLOSING TECHNIQUES - When, during the course of
asking your own questions that will uncover the your presentation, you notice enough “buying
roots of her doubts, especially if the objection is signals” and get the right number of “yes
rather vague or out of context. responses” from your client, stop.
e. The compensation/offsetting approach - 1. The Direct Close
offset valid objections with valid benefits. 2. The Positive Choice Close
f. The ignore approach - When the client 3. The Boomerang Close
raises concerns that seem insignificant or petty, 4. The Summary Close
tactfully ignore these. 5. Reference/Verbal Proof close
4. Keep a cool head - While responding to the 6. Concession Close
client’s queries, be courteous and calm. 7. The Caution Close/Score Method
Never raise your voice to the client or show 8. Isolation Close
any sign of anger or irritation. 9. The Ben Franklin Close
5. Be friendly and pleasant - At all times you 10. The Sharp Close
should keep a positive attitude. 11. The Example Close
6. Always keep to the point - Try not to 12. The Negative Close
complicate matters by magnifying a simple 13. The Puppy Dog Close
issue or dragging in other topics not
relevant to the discussion. GUIDELINES FOR CLOSING A DEAL
1. If your client still seems unconvinced by your
presentation or he cannot seem to make up
his mind, even after you have tried to
neutralize his objections and after you have
attempted to close, try to offer a sample of
the product/service so that he will be
2. After you have started to close, the clients
are likely to negotiate for a better deal.
Make sure he perfectly understands all the
terms of the sale.
3. As much as possible, don’t ask questions
that will give the client an opportunity to
answer with an implicit no.
4. When closing a sale, don’t exaggerate or
mislead a client about what a product can
do. Deceit violates a client’s trust and
5. When closing a deal, bear in mind the best
interest of your prospects.
FOLLOW-UP - Even after agreements have
been made. Money has been exchanged and
contracts have been signed, but your job as
a salesperson is not yet done.

“Business opportunities are like buses. There’s

always another one coming.”
- Richard Branson

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