ANNEX 9 - Facilitation

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International Standards and

Recommended Practices

Annex 9
to the Convention on
International Civil Aviation


This edition incorporates all amendments

adopted by the Council prior to 8 March 2005
and supersedes, on 24 November 2005, all
previous editions of Annex 9.

For information regarding the applicability

of the Standards and Recommended Practices,
see Foreword.

Twelfth Edition
July 2005

International Civil Aviation Organization

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International Standards and
Recommended Practices

Annex 9
to the Convention on
International Civil Aviation


This edition incorporates all amendments

adopted by the Council prior to 8 March 2005
and supersedes, on 24 November 2005, all
previous editions of Annex 9.

For information regarding the applicability

of the Standards and Recommended Practices,
see Foreword.

Twelfth Edition
July 2005

International Civil Aviation Organization


The issue of amendments is announced regularly in the ICAO Journal and in the
monthly Supplement to the Catalogue of ICAO Publications and Audio-visual
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Page Page

FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (v) CHAPTER 4. Entry and departure of cargo and

other articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

A. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
CHAPTER 1. Definitions and general principles . . . . 1-1 B. Information required by the public
authorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
A. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 C. Release and clearance of export cargo . . . . . . . 4-2
B. General principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 D. Release and clearance of import cargo . . . . . . . 4-2
E. Spare parts, equipment, stores and
other material imported or exported by
CHAPTER 2. Entry and departure of aircraft . . . . . . 2-1 aircraft operators in connection with
international services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
A. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 F. Containers and pallets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
B. Documents — requirements and use . . . . . . . . 2-1 G. Mail documents and procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
C. Correction of documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
D. Disinsection of aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 CHAPTER 5. Inadmissible persons and deportees . . . 5-1
E. Disinfection of aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
F. Arrangements concerning international A. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
general aviation and other non-scheduled B. Inadmissable persons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
flights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 C. Deportees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
I. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 D. Procurement of a replacement travel
II. Prior authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
III. Advance notification of arrival . . . . . . . . . 2-3
IV. Clearance and sojourn of aircraft . . . . . . . 2-4
CHAPTER 6 International airports — facilities
and services for traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

CHAPTER 3. Entry and departure of persons and A. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

their baggage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 B. Airport traffic flow arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
I. Common provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
A. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 II. Parking and servicing arrangements . . . . . . 6-2
B. Documents required for travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 III. Outbound passengers, crew
C. Security of travel documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 and baggage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
D. Travel documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 IV. Inbound passengers, crew
E. Exit visas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 and baggage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
F. Entry/re-entry visas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 V. Transit and transfer of passengers
G. Embarkation/Disembarkation Cards . . . . . . . . . 3-2 and crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
H. Certificates of vaccination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 VI. Miscellaneous facilities and services
I. Inspection of travel documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 in passenger terminal buildings . . . . . . . . . 6-4
J. Departure procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 VII. Cargo and mail handling and
K. Entry procedures and responsibilities . . . . . . . . 3-3 clearance facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
L. Transit procedures and requirements . . . . . . . . 3-4 C. Facilities required for implementation of
M. Disposition of baggage separated from public health, emergency medical relief,
its owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 and animal and plant quarantine measures . . . . 6-5
N. Identification and entry of crew and other D. Facilities required for clearance controls
aircraft operators’ personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 and operation of control services . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
O. Flight operations and cabin safety E. Monetary exchange facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
inspectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 F. Unruly passengers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7

ANNEX 9 (iii) 24/11/05

Annex 9 — Facilitation Table of Contents

Page Page

CHAPTER 7. Landing elsewhere than at APPENDIX 2. Passenger Manifest . . . . . . . . . . . APP 2-1

international airports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
APPENDIX 3. Cargo Manifest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 3-1
A. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
B. Short stopover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 APPENDIX 4. Certificate of residual
C. No resumption of flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 disinsection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 4-1

CHAPTER 8. Other facilitation provisions . . . . . . . . 8-1 APPENDIX 5. Embarkation/Disembarkation

Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 5-1
A. Bonds and exemption from requisition or
seizure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 APPENDIX 6. Recommendation of the
B. Facilitation of search, rescue, accident Customs Co-operation Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 6-1
investigation and salvage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
C. Relief flights following natural and man-made
APPENDIX 7. Crew Member Certificate
disasters which seriously endanger human
(CMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 7-1
health or the environment, and similar
emergency situations where United Nations
APPENDIX 8. Civil Aviation Safety
(UN) assistance is required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
Inspector Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 8-1
D. Marine pollution and safety emergency
operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
E. Implementation of international health APPENDIX 9. Suggested formats for
regulations and related provisions . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 documents relating to the return of
F. Communicable disease outbreak inadmissible persons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 9-1
national aviation plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
G. Establishment of national facilitation APPENDIX 10. United Nations layout key
programmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 for trade documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 10-1
H. Facilitation of the transport of passengers
requiring special assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 APPENDIX 11. Model airport facilitation
I. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 (FAL) programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 11-1
II. Access to airports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
III. Access to air services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4 APPENDIX 12. Model national FAL
I. Assistance to aircraft accident victims programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 12-1
and their families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
APPENDIX 13. Public health passenger
APPENDIX 1. General Declaration . . . . . . . . . . APP 1-1 locator card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APP 13-1

24/11/05 (iv)
No. 20

Historical background provides, inter alia, that the “International Civil Aviation
Organization shall adopt and amend from time to time, as may
Standards and Recommended Practices on Facilitation were be necessary, international standards and recommended
first adopted by the Council on 25 March 1949, pursuant to the practices and procedures dealing with . . . customs and immi-
provisions of Article 37 of the Convention on International gration procedures . . . and such other matters concerned with
Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944), and designated as Annex 9 to the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation as may
the Convention with the title “Standards and Recommended from time to time appear appropriate”. The policy with respect
Practices — Facilitation”. They became effective on to the implementation by States of the Standards and Rec-
1 September 1949. The Standards and Recommended Prac- ommended Practices on Facilitation is strengthened by
tices were based on recommendations of the First and Second Article 22 of the Convention, which expresses the obligation
Sessions of the Facilitation Division, held at Montreal in Feb- accepted by each Contracting State “to adopt all practicable
ruary 1946 and at Geneva in June 1948. They were expanded measures, through the issuance of special regulations or other-
and amended comprehensively as a result of subsequent wise, to facilitate and expedite navigation by aircraft between
Sessions of the Division, i.e., the Third Session, held at the territories of Contracting States, and to prevent unnecess-
Buenos Aires in December 1951, the Fourth Session, held at ary delays to aircraft, crews, passengers, and cargo, especially
Manila in October 1955, the Fifth Session, held at Rome in in the administration of the laws relating to immigration,
December 1959, the Sixth Session, held at Mexico City in quarantine, customs and clearance”, and by Article 23 of the
March-April 1963, the Seventh Session, held at Montreal in Convention, which expresses the undertaking of each Con-
May 1968, the Eighth Session, held at Dubrovnik in March tracting State “so far as it may find practicable, to establish
1973, the Ninth Session held at Montreal in April-May 1979, customs and immigration procedures affecting international air
the Tenth Session held at Montreal in September 1988 and the navigation in accordance with the practices which may be
Eleventh Session held in Montreal in April 1995, and the established or recommended from time to time pursuant to this
Third Meeting of the Facilitation (FAL) Panel held in Montreal Convention”.*
in February 2001. As a result of the Division’s and FAL
Panel’s Recommendations for amendment of Annex 9 and In addition to the Standards and Recommended Practices of
Council’s action thereon, the Second Edition of Annex 9 Annex 9, the Organization’s FAL Programme is based on the
became effective on 1 March 1953, the Third Edition on FAL Resolutions of the Assembly and B-type recommendations
1 November 1956, the Fourth Edition on 1 November 1960, of FAL Division Sessions which are those recommendations
the Fifth Edition on 1 April 1964, the Sixth Edition on 1 April which do not suggest amendments to the Annex provisions.
1969, the Seventh Edition on 15 April 1974, the Eighth
Edition on 15 July 1980, the Ninth Edition on 15 November
1990, the Tenth Edition on 30 April 1997 and the Eleventh
Edition on 15 July 2002. Applicability

Twelfth Edition.— The present edition incorporates, inter As indicated in Chapter 1, Section B, the Standards and
alia, provisions arising from the A-type recommendations of the Recommended Practices in this document apply to all
Twelfth Session of the Facilitation Division (FAL/12) (Cairo,
Egypt, 22 March to 1 April 2004) on issues including Machine
Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs), the deployment of
* A number of other articles of the Convention have special
biometric technologies in travel documents, aviation security,
pertinence to the provisions of the FAL Annex and have been
travel document fraud and illegal immigration, advance taken into account in its preparation. In particular, persons
passenger information, international health issues and regu- responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this Annex
lations, and assistance to aircraft accident victims and their should be familiar with the following articles in addition to
families. This again resulted in a comprehensive amendment of Articles 22 and 23:
Annex 9. This Twelfth Edition of Annex 9 became effective on Article 10, Landing at customs airport;
11 July 2005 and is to become applicable on 24 November Article 11, Applicability of air regulations;
Article 13, Entry and clearance regulations;
2005. Article 14, Prevention of spread of disease;
Article 24, Customs duty;
The Standards and Recommended Practices on Facilitation Article 29, Documents carried in aircraft;
are the outcome of Article 37 of the Convention, which Article 35, Cargo restrictions.

ANNEX 9 (v) 24/11/05

Annex 9 — Facilitation Foreword

categories of aircraft operation except where a particular Use of the text of the Annex in national regulations. The
provision specifically refers to one type of operation without Council, on 13 April 1948, adopted a resolution inviting the
mentioning other types of operations. attention of Contracting States to the desirability of using in
their own national regulations, as far as practicable, the precise
The Standards and Recommended Practices on Facilitation language of those ICAO Standards that are of a regulatory
inevitably take two forms: first a “negative” form, e.g. that character and also indicating departures from the Standards,
States shall not impose more than certain maximum require- including any additional national regulations that were
ments in the way of paperwork, restrictions of freedom of important for the safety or regularity of air navigation.
movement, etc., and second a “positive” form, e.g. that States Wherever possible, the provisions of this Annex have been
shall provide certain minimum facilities for passenger con- written in such a way as would facilitate incorporation,
venience, for traffic which is merely passing through, etc. without major textual changes, into national legislation.
Whenever a question arises under a “negative” provision, it is
assumed that States will, wherever possible, relax their
requirements below the maximum set forth in the Standards
and Recommended Practices. Wherever there is a “positive” General information
provision, it is assumed that States will, wherever possible,
furnish more than the minimum set forth in the Standards and An Annex is made up of the following component parts, not
Recommended Practices. all of which, however, are necessarily found in every Annex;
they have the status indicated:

Action by Contracting States 1.— Material comprising the Annex proper

Notification of differences. The attention of Contracting States a) Standards and Recommended Practices adopted by
is drawn to the obligation imposed by Article 38 of the the Council under the provisions of the Convention.
Convention by which Contracting States are required to notify They are defined, in the case of this Annex, as
the Organization of any differences between their national follows:
regulations and practices and the International Standards con-
tained in this Annex and any amendments thereto. Contracting Standard: Any specification, the uniform observance
States are invited to extend such notification to any differences of which has been recognized as practicable and as
from the Recommended Practices contained in this Annex, and necessary to facilitate and improve some aspect of
any amendments thereto. Further, Contracting States are international air navigation, which has been adopted
invited to keep the Organization currently informed of any dif- by the Council pursuant to Article 54 (l) of the Con-
ferences which may subsequently occur, or of the withdrawal vention, and in respect of which non-compliance
of any differences previously notified. A specific request for must be notified by Contracting States to the Council
notification of differences will be sent to Contracting States in accordance with Article 38.
immediately after the adoption of each Amendment to this
Recommended Practice: Any specification, the
observance of which has been recognized as
Attention of States is also drawn to the provision of
generally practicable and as highly desirable to
Annex 15 related to the publication of significant differences
facilitate and improve some aspect of international
between their national regulations and practices and the related
air navigation, which has been adopted by the
ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices through the
Council pursuant to Article 54 (l) of the Convention,
Aeronautical Information Service, in addition to the obligation
and to which Contracting States will endeavour to
of States under Article 38 of the Convention.
conform in accordance with the Convention.
Promulgation of information. The establishment and with-
drawal of and changes to facilities, services and procedures b) Appendices comprising material grouped separately
affecting aircraft operations provided in accordance with the for convenience but forming part of the Standards
Standards and Recommended Practices specified in this Annex and Recommended Practices adopted by the Council.
should be notified and take effect in accordance with the
provisions of Annex 15. c) Definitions of terms used in the Standards and Rec-
ommended Practices which are not self-explanatory
Contracting States should make every effort to publish the in that they do not have accepted dictionary mean-
FAL information required by Annex 15 (as amplified by the ings. A definition does not have an independent
Aeronautical Information Services Manual — Doc 8126) and, status but it is an essential part of each Standard and
in particular, ensure that they conform with the new require- Recommended Practice in which the term is used,
ments as to presentation and contents of such information since a change in the meaning of the term would
prescribed by the Twelfth Edition of Annex 15. affect the specification.

24/11/05 (vi)
Foreword Annex 9 — Facilitation

2.— Material approved by the Council for publication in This Annex has been adopted in six languages — English,
association with the Standards and Recommended Practices Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish. Each Con-
tracting State is requested to select one of those texts for the
a) Forewords comprising historical and explanatory purpose of national implementation and for other effects
material based on the action of the Council and provided for in the Convention, either through direct use or
including an explanation of the obligations of States through translation into its own national language, and to
with regard to the application of the Standards and notify the Organization accordingly.
Recommended Practices ensuing from the Convention
and the Resolution of Adoption.
The following practice has been adhered to in order to
b) Introductions comprising explanatory material intro- indicate at a glance the status of each statement: Standards
duced at the beginning of parts, chapters or sections have been printed in light face roman; Recommended
of the Annex to assist in the understanding of the Practices have been printed in light face italics, the status
application of the text. being indicated by the words Recommended Practice; Notes
have been printed in light face italics, the status being
c) Notes included in the text, where appropriate, to give indicated by the prefix Note.
factual information or references bearing on the
Standards or Recommended Practices in question,
Any reference to a portion of this document which is
but not constituting part of the Standards or Rec-
identified by a number includes all subdivisions of the
ommended Practices.
d) Attachments comprising material supplementary to
the Standards and Recommended Practices, or Throughout this Annex, the use of the male gender should
included as a guide to their application. be understood to include male and female persons.

(vii) 24/11/05


A. Definitions Cargo. Any property carried on an aircraft other than mail,

stores and accompanied or mishandled baggage.
When the following terms are used in the Standards and
Recommended Practices on Facilitation, they have the follow- Clearance of goods. The accomplishment of the customs
ing meanings: formalities necessary to allow goods to enter home use, to be
exported or to be placed under another customs procedure.
Admission. The permission granted to a person to enter a State
by the public authorities of that State in accordance with its Commencement of journey. The point at which the person
national laws. began his journey, without taking into account any airport
at which he stopped in direct transit, either on a through-
Aircraft equipment. Articles, including first-aid and survival flight or a connecting flight, if he did not leave the direct
equipment and commissary supplies, but not spare parts or transit area of the airport in question.
stores, for use on board an aircraft during flight.
Commissary supplies. Items, either disposable or intended for
Aircraft operator. A person, organization or enterprise multiple use, that are used by the aircraft operator for pro-
engaged in or offering to engage in an aircraft operation. vision of services during flights, in particular for catering,
and for the comfort of passengers.
Aircraft operators’ documents. Air waybills/consignment
notes, passenger tickets and boarding passes, bank and Crew member. A person assigned by an operator to duty on an
agent settlement plan documents, excess baggage tickets, aircraft during a flight duty period.
miscellaneous charges orders (M.C.O.), damage and irregu-
larity reports, baggage and cargo labels, timetables, and Declarant. Any person who makes a goods declaration or in
weight and balance documents, for use by aircraft opera- whose name such a declaration is made.
Deportation order. A written order, issued by the competent
Airline. As provided in Article 96 of the Convention, any air authorities of a State and served upon a deportee, directing
transport enterprise offering or operating a scheduled inter- him to leave that State.
national air service.
Deportee. A person who had legally been admitted to a State
Authorized agent. A person who represents an aircraft by its authorities or who had entered a State illegally, and
operator and who is authorized by or on behalf of such who at some later time is formally ordered by the com-
operator to act on formalities connected with the entry and petent authorities to leave that State.
clearance of the operator’s aircraft, crew, passengers, cargo,
mail, baggage or stores and includes, where national law Direct transit area. A special area established in an inter-
permits, a third party authorized to handle cargo on the national airport, approved by the public authorities
aircraft. concerned and under their direct supervision or control,
where passengers can stay during transit or transfer without
Baggage. Personal property of passengers or crew carried on applying for entry to the State.
an aircraft by agreement with the operator.
Direct transit arrangements. Special arrangements approved
Border integrity. The enforcement, by a State, of its laws by the public authorities concerned by which traffic which
and/or regulations concerning the movement of goods is pausing briefly in its passage through the Contracting
and/or persons across its borders. State may remain under their direct control.

ANNEX 9 1-1 24/11/05

Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 1

Disembarkation. The leaving of an aircraft after a landing, Note.— A list of infected areas notified by health admin-
except by crew or passengers continuing on the next stage istrations is published in the World Health Organization’s
of the same through-flight. Weekly Epidemiological Record.

Disinsection. The operation in which measures are taken to International airport. Any airport designated by the Con-
control or kill insects present in aircraft and in containers. tracting State in whose territory it is situated as an airport
of entry and departure for international air traffic, where the
formalities incident to customs, immigration, public health,
Embarkation. The boarding of an aircraft for the purpose of animal and plant quarantine and similar procedures are
commencing a flight, except by such crew or passengers as carried out.
have embarked on a previous stage of the same through-
flight. Lading. The placing of cargo, mail, baggage or stores on board
an aircraft to be carried on a flight.
Flight crew member. A licensed crew member charged with
duties essential to the operation of an aircraft during a flight Mail. Dispatches of correspondence and other items tendered
duty period. by and intended for delivery to postal services in accord-
ance with the rules of the Universal Postal Union (UPU).
Free zone. A part of the territory of a Contracting State where
Mishandled baggage. Baggage involuntarily, or inadvertently,
any goods introduced are generally regarded, insofar as
separated from passengers or crew.
import duties and taxes are concerned, as being outside the
customs territory.
Narcotics control. Measures to control the illicit movement of
narcotics and psychotropic substances by air.
General aviation operation. An aircraft operation other than a
commercial air transport operation or an aerial work Person with disabilities. Any person whose mobility is reduced
operation. due to a physical incapacity (sensory or locomotor), an
intellectual deficiency, age, illness or any other cause of
Ground equipment. Articles of a specialized nature for use disability when using transport and whose situation needs
in the maintenance, repair and servicing of an aircraft on special attention and the adaptation to the person’s needs of
the ground, including testing equipment and cargo- and the services made available to all passengers.
passenger-handling equipment.
Pilot-in-command. The pilot responsible for the operation and
safety of the aircraft during flight time.
Immigration control. Measures adopted by States to control
the entry into, transit through and departure from their Public authorities. The agencies or officials of a Contracting
territories of persons travelling by air. State responsible for the application and enforcement of the
particular laws and regulations of that State which relate to
Import duties and taxes. Customs duties and all other duties, any aspect of these Standards and Recommended Practices.
taxes or charges, which are collected on or in connection
with the importation of goods. Not included are any charges Public health emergency of international concern. An
which are limited in amount to the approximate cost of extraordinary event which is determined, as provided in the
services rendered or collected by the customs on behalf of International Health Regulations (2005) of the World
another national authority. Health Organization: (i) to constitute a public health risk to
other States through the international spread of disease and
Improperly documented person. A person who travels, or (ii) to potentially require a coordinated international
attempts to travel: (a) with an expired travel document or response.
an invalid visa; (b) with a counterfeit, forged or altered
travel document or visa; (c) with someone else’s travel Public health risk. A likelihood of an event that may affect
document or visa; (d) without a travel document; or (e) adversely the health of human populations, with an empha-
without a visa, if required. sis on one which may spread internationally or may present
a serious and direct danger.
Inadmissible person. A person who is or will be refused Release of goods. The action by the customs authorities to
admission to a State by its authorities. permit goods undergoing clearance to be placed at the
disposal of the persons concerned.
Infected area. (for human health purposes) Defined as geo-
graphical areas where human and/or animal vector-borne Relief flights. Flights operated for humanitarian purposes
diseases are actively transmitted, as reported by local or which carry relief personnel and relief supplies such as
national public health authorities or by the World Health food, clothing, shelter, medical and other items during or
Organization. after an emergency and/or disaster and/or are used to

24/11/05 1-2
No. 20
Chapter 1 Annex 9 — Facilitation

evacuate persons from a place where their life or health is Through-flight. A particular operation of aircraft, identified
threatened by such emergency and/or disaster to a safe by the operator by the use throughout of the same symbol,
haven in the same State or another State willing to receive from point of origin via any intermediate points to point of
such persons. destination.

Removal of a person. Action by the public authorities of a Travel document. A passport or other official document of
State, in accordance with its laws, to direct a person to identity issued by a State or organization, which may be
leave that State. used by the rightful holder for international travel.

Removal order. A written order served by a State on the oper- Unaccompanied baggage. Baggage that is transported as cargo
ator on whose flight an inadmissible person travelled into and may or may not be carried on the same aircraft with the
that State, directing the operator to remove that person from person to whom it belongs.
its territory. Unclaimed baggage. Baggage that arrives at an airport and is
not picked up or claimed by a passenger.
Risk assessment. An assessment by a deporting State of a
deportee’s suitability for escorted or unescorted removal Unidentified baggage. Baggage at an airport, with or without
via commercial air services. The assessment should take a baggage tag, which is not picked up by or identified with
into account all pertinent factors, including medical, mental a passenger.
and physical fitness for carriage on a commercial flight,
willingness or unwillingness to travel, behavioural patterns Unlading. The removal of cargo, mail, baggage or stores from
and any history of violence. an aircraft after a landing.

Risk management. The systematic application of management Visitor. Any person who disembarks and enters the territory of
procedures and practices which provide border inspection a Contracting State other than that in which that person
agencies with the necessary information to address move- normally resides; remains there lawfully as prescribed by
ments or consignments which represent a risk. that Contracting State for legitimate non-immigrant pur-
poses, such as touring, recreation, sports, health, family
Security equipment. Devices of a specialized nature for use, reasons, religious pilgrimages, or business; and does not take
individually or as part of a system, in the prevention or up any gainful occupation during his stay in the territory
detection of acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation visited.
and its facilities.

Spare parts. Articles, including engines and propellers, of a B. General Principles

repair or replacement nature for incorporation in an aircraft.
1.1 The Standards and Recommended Practices in this
State of Registry. The State on whose register the aircraft is Annex shall apply to all categories of aircraft operation except
entered. where a particular provision refers specifically to only one
type of operation.
Stores (Supplies). a) Stores (supplies) for consumption; and b)
Stores (supplies) to be taken away. 1.2 Contracting States shall take necessary measures to
ensure that:
Stores (Supplies) for consumption. Goods, whether or not
sold, intended for consumption by the passengers and a) the time required for the accomplishment of border
the crew on board aircraft, and goods necessary for the controls in respect of persons and aircraft and for the
operation and maintenance of aircraft, including fuel and release/clearance of goods is kept to the minimum;
b) minimum inconvenience is caused by the application of
Stores (Supplies) to be taken away. Goods for sale to the administrative and control requirements;
passengers and the crew of aircraft with a view to being
landed. c) exchange of relevant information between Contracting
States, operators and airports is fostered and promoted
Temporary admission. The customs procedure under which to the greatest extent possible; and
certain goods can be brought into a customs territory
conditionally relieved totally or partially from payment of d) optimal levels of security, and compliance with the law,
import duties and taxes; such goods must be imported for a are attained.
specific purpose and must be intended for re-exportation
within a specified period and without having undergone any 1.3 Contracting States shall use risk management in the
change except normal depreciation due to the use made of application of border control procedures for the release/clearance
them. of goods.

1-3 15/7/07
No. 20
Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 1

1.4 Contracting States shall develop effective information

technology to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their
procedures at airports.

1.5 Contracting States shall develop procedures for the

pre-arrival lodgement of data so as to enable expeditious

1.6 The provisions of this Annex shall not preclude the

application of national legislation with regard to aviation
security measures or other necessary controls.

24/11/05 1-4
No. 20

A. General 2.8 Subject to the technological capabilities of the Con-

tracting State, documents for the entry and departure of aircraft
2.1 Contracting States shall adopt appropriate measures shall be accepted when presented:
for the clearance of aircraft arriving from or departing to
another Contracting State and shall implement them in such a a) in electronic form, transmitted to an information system
manner as to prevent unnecessary delays. of the public authorities;
2.2 In developing procedures aimed at the efficient
clearance of entering or departing aircraft, Contracting States b) in paper form, produced or transmitted electronically; or
shall take into account the application of aviation security and
narcotics control measures, where appropriate. c) in paper form, completed manually following the
formats depicted in this Annex.
2.3 Recommended Practice.— The appropriate public
authorities of Contracting States should enter into Memoranda
of Understanding with the airlines providing international 2.9 When a particular document is transmitted by or on
services to that State and with the operators of its international behalf of the aircraft operator and received by the public
airports, setting out guidelines for their mutual cooperation in authorities in electronic form, the Contracting State shall not
countering the threat posed by international trafficking in require the presentation of the same document in paper form.
narcotics and psychotropic substances. Such Memoranda of
Understanding should be patterned after the applicable models 2.10 A Contracting State requiring a General Declaration
developed by the World Customs Organization for this purpose. shall limit its information requirements to the elements
In addition, Contracting States are encouraged to conclude indicated in Appendix 1. The information shall be accepted in
Memoranda of Understanding amongst themselves. either electronic or paper form.

2.4 Recommended Practice.— In accordance with the

International Health Regulations of the World Health Organiz- 2.11 When a Contracting State requires the General
ation, Contracting States should not interrupt air transport Declaration only for the purposes of attestation, it shall adopt
services for health reasons. In cases where, in exceptional measures by which that attestation requirement may be satis-
circumstances, such service suspensions are under consider- fied by a statement added, either manually or by use of a
ation, Contracting States should first consult with the World rubber stamp containing the required text, to one page of the
Health Organization and the health authorities of the State of Cargo Manifest. Such attestation shall be signed by the
occurrence of the disease before taking any decision as to the authorized agent or the pilot-in-command.
suspension of air transport services.
2.12 Contracting States shall not normally require the
presentation of a Passenger Manifest. On those occasions
B. Documents — requirements and use when a Passenger Manifest is required, the information
requirements shall be limited to the elements indicated in
2.5 Contracting States shall not require any documents, Appendix 2. The information shall be accepted in either
other than those provided for in this Chapter, for the entry and electronic or paper form.
departure of aircraft.
2.13 When a Contracting State requires the presentation
2.6 Contracting States shall not require a visa nor shall of the Cargo Manifest in paper form, it shall accept either:
any visa or other fee be collected in connection with the use
of any documentation required for the entry or departure of
a) the form shown in Appendix 3, completed according to
the instructions; or
2.7 Recommended Practice.— Documents for entry and
departure of aircraft should be accepted if furnished in Arabic, b) the form shown in Appendix 3, partially completed, with
English, French, Russian or Spanish. Any Contracting State may a copy of each air waybill representing the cargo on
require an oral or written translation into its own language. board the aircraft.

ANNEX 9 2-1 15/7/07

No. 20
Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 2

2.14 Contracting States shall not require the presentation same-aircraft operations originating in, or operating via, terri-
of a written declaration of stores remaining on board the tories that they consider to pose a threat to their public health,
aircraft. agriculture or environment.

2.15 In respect of stores laden on or unladen from the 2.23 Contracting States that require disinsection of aircraft
aircraft, the information required in the Stores List shall not shall periodically review their requirements and modify them,
exceed: as appropriate, in the light of all available evidence relating to
the transmission of insects to their respective territories via
a) the information indicated in the heading of the format of aircraft.
the Cargo Manifest;
2.24 When disinsection is required a Contracting State
b) the number of units of each commodity; and shall authorize or accept only those methods, whether
chemical or non-chemical, and/or insecticides, which are
c) the nature of each commodity. recommended by the World Health Organization and are
considered efficacious by the Contracting State.
2.16 Contracting States shall not require the presentation
Note.— This provision does not preclude the trial and
of a list of accompanied baggage or mishandled baggage laden
testing of other methods for ultimate approval by the World
on or unladen from the aircraft.
Health Organization.
2.17 Contracting States shall not require the presentation
2.25 Contracting States shall ensure that their procedures
of a written declaration of the mail other than the form(s)
for disinsection are not injurious to the health of passengers
prescribed in the Acts in force of the Universal Postal Union.
and crew and cause the minimum of discomfort to them.
2.18 Contracting States shall not require the aircraft 2.26 Contracting States shall, upon request, provide to
operator to deliver to the public authorities more than three aircraft operators appropriate information, in plain language,
copies of any of the above-mentioned documents at the time of for air crew and passengers, explaining the pertinent national
entry or departure of the aircraft. regulation, the reasons for the requirement, and the safety of
properly performed aircraft disinsection.
2.19 If the aircraft is not embarking/disembarking pass-
engers or lading/unlading cargo, stores or mail, the relevant 2.27 When disinsection has been performed in accordance
document(s) shall not be required, provided an appropriate with procedures recommended by the World Health Organiz-
notation is included in the General Declaration. ation, the Contracting State concerned shall accept a pertinent
certification on the General Declaration as provided for in
Appendix 1 or, in the case of residual disinsection, the Certifi-
cate of Residual Disinsection set forth in Appendix 4.
C. Correction of documents
2.28 When disinsection has been properly performed pur-
2.20 In the event that errors are found in any of the suant to 2.24 and a certificate as indicated in 2.27 is presented
above-mentioned documents, the public authorities concerned or made available to the public authorities in the country of
shall accord the aircraft operator or authorized agent an oppor- arrival, the authorities shall normally accept that certificate
tunity to correct such errors or shall alternatively perform such and permit passengers and crew to disembark immediately
corrections themselves. from the aircraft.

2.21 The aircraft operator or his authorized agent shall not 2.29 Contracting States shall ensure that any insecticide
be subjected to penalties if he satisfies the public authorities or any other substance used for disinsection does not have a
concerned that any error which was found in such documents deleterious effect on the structure of the aircraft or its oper-
was inadvertent and made without fraudulent intent or gross ating equipment. Flammable chemical compounds or solutions
negligence. When considered necessary to discourage a rep- likely to damage aircraft structure, such as by corrosion, shall
etition of such errors, a penalty shall be no greater than is not be employed.
necessary for this purpose.

E. Disinfection of aircraft

D. Disinsection of aircraft 2.30 Contracting States shall define the types of animals
and products of animal origin which, when carried by air,
2.22 Contracting States shall limit any routine require- require that the aircraft be disinfected and shall exempt aircraft
ment for the disinsection of aircraft cabins and flight decks from disinfection when such animals or animal products
with an aerosol while passengers and crews are on board, to are carried in approved containers accompanied by formal

24/11/05 2-2
Chapter 2 Annex 9 — Facilitation

certificates from health authorities. When aircraft disinfection a) establish procedures whereby such application will be
is required, the following provisions shall apply: dealt with promptly;

a) the application shall be limited solely to the container or b) make such permission effective for a specific length of
to the compartment of the aircraft in which the traffic time or number of flights wherever possible; and
was carried;
c) impose no fees, dues or charges for the issue of such
b) the disinfection shall be carried out expeditiously; and permission.

c) flammable chemical compounds or solutions likely to 2.37 Recommended Practice.— In the case of aircraft
damage aircraft structure, such as by corrosion, or engaged in the carriage of passengers, cargo or mail for
chemicals likely to damage the health of passengers, remuneration or hire, Contracting States should not require
shall not be employed. more than the following details in applications for prior
Note.— When aircraft disinfection is required for animal
health reasons, only those methods and disinfectants rec- a) name of operator;
ommended by the International Office of Epizootics should be
used. b) type of aircraft and registration marks;

c) date and time of arrival at, and departure from, the

airport concerned;
F. Arrangements concerning international
general aviation and other non-scheduled flights d) place or places of embarkation or disembarkation
abroad, as the case may be, of passengers and/or freight;

I. General e) purpose of flight and number of passengers and/or

nature and amount of freight; and
2.31 Contracting States shall publish in their respective
Aeronautical Information Publications (AIPs) their require- f) name, address and business of charterer, if any.
ments concerning advance notices and applications for prior
authorization of general aviation and other non-scheduled 2.37.1 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
flights. should publish in their respective AIPs the minimum amount of
time required in advance of the flight for processing the appli-
2.32 Contracting States requiring advance notice of the cations for prior authorizations referred to in 2.37.
intended landing of aircraft in their territory, or applications
for prior authorization, shall designate a single agency to 2.38 In the case of aircraft either in transit non-stop or
receive and coordinate the government’s response to such stopping for non-traffic purposes, any Contracting State that,
notices or applications. for reasons of safety of flight, requires prior authorization shall
not require any other information than that contained in a
2.33 Contracting States shall indicate in their respective flight plan when application for prior authorization is made.
AIPs the mail address and, where available, the AFTN
address, the telex number or cable address, fax number, elec- Note.— Specifications for flight plans are set forth in
tronic mail address, web page and telephone number of the Annex 2 — Rules of the Air.
agency designated as in 2.32.
2.39 Contracting States that require prior authorization for
2.34 In Contracting States notification to the interested flights referred to in 2.38 shall not require applications to be
border inspection agencies, e.g. customs, immigration or quar- filed more than three working days in advance.
antine, of intended arrivals, departures or transit operations
shall be the responsibility of the agency designated as in 2.32.
III. Advance notification of arrival

II. Prior authorization 2.40 In the case of aircraft either in transit non-stop or
stopping for non-traffic purposes, the Contracting State con-
2.35 Contracting States shall not require that prior cerned shall not require more advance notice of such oper-
authorization or notification be applied for through diplomatic ations than is required by the air traffic control services and by
channels unless the flight is diplomatic in nature. interested border inspection agencies.

2.36 Contracting States that require aircraft operators to Note.— This provision is not intended to prevent the appli-
apply for prior authorization shall: cation of appropriate narcotics control measures.

2-3 24/11/05
Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 2

2.41 Contracting States shall accept the information con- Note.— “Required departure/arrival formalities” to be
tained in a flight plan as adequate advance notification of completed during the 60 minutes should include aviation
arrival, provided that such information is received at least two security measures and, where applicable, the collection
hours in advance of arrival and that the landing occurs at a pre- of airport charges and other levies, and border control
viously designated international airport. measures.

IV. Clearance and sojourn of aircraft 2.43 Recommended Practice.— At international airports
where international general aviation operations are infrequent,
2.42 Recommended Practice.— At international Contracting States should authorize one governmental agency
airports where there are international general aviation oper- to undertake, on behalf of all border inspection agencies, clear-
ations, Contracting States should arrange for an adequate ance of aircraft and their loads.
level of border inspection and clearance services for those
operations. Contracting States, in cooperation with aircraft
operators and airport operators, should establish as a goal a 2.44 An aircraft that is not engaged in scheduled interna-
total time period of 60 minutes in aggregate for the completion tional air services and which is making a flight to or through
of all required departure/arrival formalities inclusive of any designated international airport of a Contracting State and
aviation security measures for an aircraft requiring not more is admitted temporarily free of duty in accordance with
than normal processing, calculated from the time of the crew Article 24 of the Convention shall be allowed to remain within
member’s presenting the aircraft at the first processing point at that State, for a period to be established by that State, without
the airport. security for customs duty on the aircraft being required.

24/11/05 2-4

A. General identity cards, seafarers’ identity documents, alien resident

cards and provisional alternative travel identity documents.
3.1 In order to facilitate and expedite the clearance of
persons entering or departing by air, Contracting States shall
adopt border control regulations appropriate to the air transport
environment and shall apply them in such a manner as to C. Security of travel documents
prevent unnecessary delays.
3.7 Contracting States shall regularly update security fea-
3.2 In developing procedures aimed at the efficient appli- tures in new versions of their travel documents, to guard
cation of border controls on passengers and crew, Contracting against their misuse and to facilitate detection of cases where
States shall take into account the application of aviation secur- such documents have been unlawfully altered, replicated or
ity, border integrity, narcotics control and immigration control issued.
measures, where appropriate.
3.8 Contracting States shall establish controls on the
3.3 Contracting States that use Integrated Circuit (IC) creation and issuance of travel documents in order to safe-
chips or other optional machine readable technologies for the guard against the theft of their stocks and the misappropriation
representation of personal data, including biometric data, in of newly issued travel documents.
their travel documents shall make provision whereby the
encoded data may be revealed to the holder of the document 3.9 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
upon request. should incorporate biometric data in their machine readable
passports, visas and other official travel documents, using one
or more optional data storage technologies to supplement the
3.4 Contracting States shall not extend the validity of
machine readable zone, as specified in Doc 9303, Machine
their machine readable travel documents.
Readable Travel Documents. The required data stored on the
integrated circuit chip is the same as that printed on the data
Note 1.— Specifications for machine readable travel docu- page, that is, the data contained in the machine-readable zone
ments (Doc 9303, Series) do not permit alteration of the plus the digitized photographic image. Fingerprint image(s)
expiration date and other data in the machine readable zone. and/or iris image(s) are optional biometrics for Contracting
States wishing to supplement the facial image with another
Note 2. — States whose national legislation or regulations biometric in the passport. Contracting States incorporating
currently allow for the extension of the period of validity biometric data in their Machine Readable Passports are to
should undertake to amend the appropriate text in a reason- store the data in a contactless integrated circuit chip comply-
able period. ing with ISO/IEC 14443 and programmed according to the
Logical Data Structure as specified by ICAO.

B. Documents required for travel

D. Travel documents
3.5 No documents other than those provided for in this
Chapter shall be required by Contracting States for the entry 3.10 Contracting States shall begin issuing only Machine
into and departure from their territories of visitors. Readable Passports in accordance with the specifications of
Doc 9303, Part 1, no later than 1 April 2010.
3.6 Contracting States shall not require visitors travelling
by air, rightfully holding valid passports recognized by the Note.—This provision does not intend to preclude the issu-
receiving State and holding valid visas, where appropriate, to ance of non-machine readable passports or temporary travel
present any other document of identity. documents of limited validity in cases of emergency.

Note.— It is not the intent of the above provision to 3.10.1 For. passports issued after 24 November 2005 and
discourage Contracting States from accepting other official which are not machine readable, Contracting States shall
documents of identity for travel purposes, such as national ensure the expiration date falls before 24 November 2015.

ANNEX 9 3-1 24/11/05

Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 3

3.11 Recommended Practice.— When issuing identity F. Entry/re-entry visas

documents or visas accepted for travel purposes, Contracting
States should issue these in machine readable form, as speci- 3.19 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
fied in Doc 9303 (series), Machine Readable Travel Docu- should waive or abolish, for a maximum number of States, the
ments. requirement for an entry visa for nationals seeking entry as
3.12 When issuing passports that are not machine reada-
ble, Contracting States shall ensure that the personal identifi- 3.20 Contracting States shall not require visas for re-entry
cation and document issuance data and the format of the data from their own nationals.
page conform to the specifications for the “visual zone” set
forth in Doc 9303, Part 1, Machine Readable Passports. The 3.21 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
“machine readable zone” area shall be filled with words such should not require visas for re-entry from their resident aliens
as “this passport is not machine readable” or other data to pre- who hold lawful permanent residence permits.
clude fraudulent insertion of machine readable characters.
3.22 Contracting States shall establish simple and trans-
parent application procedures for the issuance of entry visas
3.13 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
for prospective visitors and shall ensure that applications for
should establish publicly accessible facilities for the receipt of
such visas are acted upon as quickly as possible after receipt.
passport applications and/or for the issuance of passports.
3.23 Recommended Practice.— Visa issuance procedures
3.14 Contracting States shall establish transparent appli- should not normally require the applicant to make a personal
cation procedures for the issuance, renewal or replacement of appearance at the issuing office.
passports and shall make information describing their require-
ments available to prospective applicants upon request. 3.24 When issuing entry visas to prospective visitors,
Contracting States shall normally provide that such visas be
3.14.1 Recommended Practice.— If any fee is charged valid for use within a period of at least six months from the
for the issue or renewal of a passport, the amount of such fee date of issue regardless of the number of entries and with the
should not exceed the cost of the operation. understanding that the duration of each stay may be limited.

3.15 Contracting States shall issue a separate passport to 3.25 Recommended Practice.— When issuing visas that
each person, regardless of age. are not machine readable, Contracting States should ensure
that the personal and issuance data in such documents con-
form to the specifications for the visual zone of the machine
3.16 Recommended Practice.— When issuing passports readable visa, as set forth in Doc 9303, Part 2 — Machine
for tourism or business travel, Contracting States should Readable Visas.
normally provide that such passports be valid for a period of
at least five years, for an unlimited number of journeys and for
travel to all States and territories.
G. Embarkation/Disembarkation Cards
Note 1. — In consideration of the limited durability of
documents and the changing appearance of the passport 3.26 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
holder over time, a validity period of not more than ten years should not require either from visitors travelling by air, or
is recommended. from aircraft operators on their behalf, identification informa-
tion in writing supplementary to that presented in their identity
Note 2.— Emergency, diplomatic, official and other special documents. Where the collection of identity information is
purpose passports could have a shorter validity period. required, Contracting States should develop systems for the
electronic capture of this information from machine readable
travel documents or other sources.

E. Exit visas 3.27 A Contracting State that requires a written record of

personal data from visitors arriving or departing by air shall
3.17 Contracting States shall not require exit visas from limit its information requirements to those set forth in
their own nationals wishing to tour abroad nor from visitors at Appendix 5 — Embarkation/Disembarkation Card.
the end of their stay.
3.28 Contracting States, when requiring Embarkation/Dis-
3.18 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States should embarkation Cards, shall accept their completion by visitors
not require exit visas from their resident aliens wishing to tour and shall not require them to be completed or checked by the
abroad. aircraft operator.

24/11/05 3-2
Chapter 3 Annex 9 — Facilitation

3.29 Contracting States that require the presentation of the collection of airport charges and other levies, and out-
Embarkation/Disembarkation Cards shall provide them to bound border control measures, e.g. passport, quarantine or
airline operators or their travel agents, without charge, for customs controls.
distribution to departing passengers prior to embarkation or to
arriving passengers during the flight. 3.37 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States that
require inspection by the public authorities of the travel
documents of departing passengers should, in cooperation
with airport management, use applicable technology and
H. Certificates of vaccination adopt a multi-channel inspection system, or other means of
streaming passengers, in order to expedite such inspections.
3.30 In cases where evidence of protection against a
quarantinable disease is required, Contracting States shall 3.38 Contracting States shall not normally require the
accept the International Certificate of Vaccination or Revacci- presentation, for border control inspection, of baggage of
nation form prescribed by the World Health Organization in passengers departing from their territory.
the International Health Regulations.

K. Entry procedures and responsibilities

I. Inspection of travel documents
3.39 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States, with
3.31 Contracting States shall assist aircraft operators in the cooperation of aircraft operators and airport operators,
the evaluation of travel documents presented by passengers, in should establish as a goal the clearance within 45 minutes of
order to deter fraud and abuse. disembarkation from the aircraft of all passengers requiring
not more than the normal inspection, regardless of aircraft size
3.32 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States and scheduled arrival time.
should consider making arrangements with other Contracting
States to permit the positioning of liaison officers at airports 3.40 In order to expedite inspections, Contracting States,
in order to assist aircraft operators to establish the validity with the cooperation of airport operators, shall use applicable
and authenticity of the travel documents of embarking persons. technology and adopt a multi-channel immigration inspection
system, or other means of streaming passengers, at inter-
3.33 Aircraft operators shall take necessary precautions at national airports where the volume of passenger traffic
the point of embarkation to ensure that passengers are in justifies such measures.
possession of the documents prescribed by the States of transit
and destination for control purposes as described in this chapter. 3.41 Except in special circumstances, Contracting States
shall not require that travel documents or other identity docu-
ments be collected from passengers or crew before they arrive
at the passport control points.
J. Departure procedures
3.42 The public authorities concerned shall expeditiously
3.34 Contracting States shall not require income-tax accept passengers and crew for examination as to their
clearance certificates from visitors. admissibility into the State.

3.35 Contracting States shall not hold the aircraft operator Note.—A passenger or crew member is “accepted for
liable in the event of the non-payment of income taxes by any examination” when he makes his first appearance at the
passenger. arrivals control point after disembarkation, to seek entry into
the country concerned, at which time the control officer makes
3.36 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States, in a determination whether he should be admitted or not. This
cooperation with aircraft operators and airport management, does not include the sighting of travel documents, which may
should establish as a goal a total time period of 60 minutes in be carried out immediately upon disembarkation.
aggregate for the completion of required departure formalities
for all passengers requiring not more than normal processing, 3.43 The aircraft operator shall be responsible for the
calculated from the time of the passenger’s presenting himself custody and care of disembarking passengers and crew mem-
at the first processing point at the airport (i.e. airline check-in, bers from the time they leave the aircraft until they are
security control point or other required control point depending accepted for examination as provided in 3.42.
on arrangements at the individual airport).
3.44 Recommended Practice.— After such acceptance,
Note.— “Required departure formalities” to be completed the public authorities concerned should be responsible for the
during the recommended 60 minutes would include airline custody and care of passengers and crew members until they
check-in, aviation security measures and, where applicable, are admitted or found inadmissible.

3-3 24/11/05
Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 3

3.45 The responsibility of an aircraft operator for custody 3.51 Contracting States shall adopt the dual-channel sys-
and care of passengers and crew members shall terminate from tem or other selective process for customs and quarantine
the moment such persons have been admitted into that State. inspection based on risk management, as appropriate to the
conditions and traffic volumes at the airport concerned.
3.46 The public authorities of each Contracting State
shall seize fraudulent, falsified or counterfeit travel docu- Note.— See Appendix 6, Recommendation of the Customs
ments. The public authorities shall also seize the travel docu- Co-operation Council (now the World Customs Organization)
ments of a person impersonating the rightful holder of the for a simplified customs control based on the dual-channel
travel document. Such documents shall be removed from system.
circulation immediately and returned to the appropriate auth-
orities of the State named as issuer or to the resident 3.52 Recommended Practice.— In exceptional circum-
Diplomatic Mission of that State. stances, when a visitor, for reasons of force majeure, does not
possess the required entry visa prior to arrival, Contracting
3.47 Recommended Practice.— Where appropriate, States should authorize temporary entry.
Contracting States should introduce a system of advance
passenger information which involves the capture of certain 3.53 Recommended Practice.— In cases in which the
passport or visa details prior to departure, the transmission of passport of a visitor has expired prior to the end of the validity
the details by electronic means to their public authorities, and period of a visa, the State that has issued the visa should con-
the analysis of such data for risk management purposes prior tinue to accept the visa until its expiration date when it is pre-
to arrival in order to expedite clearance. To minimize handling sented with the visitor’s new passport.
time during check-in, document reading devices should be
used to capture the information in machine readable travel 3.54 Contracting States that issue visas for a limited
documents. number of entries shall indicate in an appropriate, clear and
non-derogatory way, every instance the visa is used, in order
3.47.1 When specifying the identifying information on that its holder, any aircraft operator or the public authorities of
passengers to be transmitted, Contracting States shall require a State may determine its validity quickly and without the use
only data elements that are available in machine readable form of any special means.
in travel documents conforming to the specifications contained
in Doc 9303 (series), Machine Readable Travel Documents. 3.55 After individual presentation by passengers and crew
All information required shall conform to specifications for of their passports or other official travel documents, the public
UN/EDIFACT PAXLST messages. officials concerned shall, except in special individual cases,
hand back such documents immediately after examination.
3.47.2 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
should refrain from imposing fines and penalties on aircraft 3.56 Recommended Practice.— Medical examination of
operators for any errors caused by a systems failure which persons arriving by air should normally be limited to those
may have resulted in the transmission of no, or corrupted, data disembarking and coming within the incubation period of the
to the public authorities in accordance with API systems. disease concerned, as stated in the International Health Reg-
ulations, from an infected area.

3.47.3 Contracting States requiring that passenger data be 3.57 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States should
transmitted electronically through an Advance Passenger make arrangements whereby a passenger and his baggage,
Information system shall not also require a passenger manifest arriving on an international flight making two or more stops at
in paper form. international airports within the territory of the same State, are
not required to be cleared through border control formalities at
3.48 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States more than one airport of the State concerned.
requiring Passenger Name Record (PNR) access should
conform their data requirements and their handling of such
data to guidelines developed by ICAO.
L. Transit procedures and requirements
3.49 Except in special circumstances, Contracting States
3.58 Where airport facilities permit, Contracting States
shall make arrangements whereby the identity documents of
shall make provision by means of direct transit areas or other
visitors need to be inspected only once at times of entry and
arrangements, whereby crew, passengers and their baggage,
arriving from another State and continuing their journey to a
third State on the same flight or another flight from the same
3.50 Contracting States shall not require a written dec- airport on the same day may remain temporarily within the
laration of baggage from passengers and crew, when no airport of arrival without undergoing border control formalities
dutiable or restricted goods are being carried. to enter the State of transit.

24/11/05 3-4
Chapter 3 Annex 9 — Facilitation

3.59 Contracting States shall keep to a minimum the 3.67 Contracting States shall facilitate and expedite the
number of States whose nationals are required to have direct process under which aircraft operators based in their territories
transit visas when arriving on an international flight and can apply for Crew Member Certificates (CMCs) for their
continuing their journey to a third State on the same flight or crew members.
another flight from the same airport on the same day.
Note.— The CMC was developed as a card for use for
3.60 Contracting States shall establish measures whereby identification purposes by crew members, leaving the crew
in-transit passengers who are unexpectedly delayed overnight licences to serve their primary purpose of attesting to the
due to a flight cancellation or delay may be allowed to leave professional qualifications of the flight crew members.
the airport for the purpose of taking accommodations.
3.68 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
should issue the certificates referred to in 3.67, in the form of
machine readable cards in accordance with the specifications
M. Disposition of baggage separated in Doc 9303, Part 3 — Size 1 and Size 2 Machine Readable
from its owner Official Travel Documents.
3.61 Contracting States shall permit aircraft operators to
forward mishandled baggage to the location of its owner and 3.68.1 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
shall not hold aircraft operators liable for penalties, fines, import should put in place procedures which will enable any crew
duties and taxes, on the basis that the baggage was mishandled. member issued with a Crew Member Certificate to examine
and review the validity of the data held, and to provide for
correction if necessary, at no cost to the crew member.
3.62 Contracting States shall permit the direct transfer of
mishandled baggage between international flights at the same
airport, without examination, except for reasons of aviation 3.69 Recommended Practice.— To the extent that
security or other necessary controls. In cases when direct aircraft operators issue crew identity cards, Contracting States
transfer cannot be effected, Contracting States shall ensure that should require the production of such identity documents in the
arrangements are made for the temporary custody of such format shown in Appendix 7, i.e. in the same layout as the
baggage under secure supervision at an appropriate location. visual zone of the machine readable crew member certificate
and having the capability to support machine assisted identity
confirmation and document security verification.
3.63 Contracting States shall permit aircraft operators to
present unidentified, unclaimed or mishandled baggage for
clearance at an appropriate destination on behalf of its owners, 3.69.1 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
and to deliver such baggage to its owners. should ensure that a record of each crew member’s certificates
and other official identity document issued, suspended or
withdrawn, is stored in an electronic database, secure from
3.64 Contracting States shall expedite the clearance of interference and unauthorized access. All information stored
unidentified, unclaimed or mishandled baggage, and its return in the electronic database and crew member certificate should
to the aircraft operator for appropriate disposition. Under the be restricted to details which are essential for the purpose of
conditions laid down by the public authorities, aircraft verifying a crew member’s identity.
operators may be permitted to open such baggage if necessary
to ascertain its owner.
3.70 Adequate controls shall be placed on the issuance of
CMCs and other official crew identity documents to prevent
3.65 The aircraft operator shall be freed from the fraud, for example, a background check and certification of
obligation to safeguard baggage not yet cleared by the public employment status of an applicant prior to issuance, controls
authorities, and from liability for import duties and taxes on blank card stock, and accountability requirements for issu-
chargeable on such baggage, when it is taken into charge by ing personnel.
customs and is under their sole control.
3.71 Contracting States shall waive the visa requirement
for arriving crew members presenting CMCs, when arriving in
a duty status on an international flight and seeking temporary
N. Identification and entry of crew and
entry for the period allowed by the receiving State in order to
other aircraft operators’ personnel
join their next assigned flight in a duty status.
3.66 Contracting States shall establish measures, with the
cooperation of aircraft operators and airport operators, to 3.71.1 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
expedite the inspection of crew members and their baggage, as should waive the visa requirement for arriving crew members
required at departure and upon arrival. presenting CMCs, when arriving on another aircraft operator

3-5 24/11/05
Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 3

or another mode of transport and seeking temporary entry for inspections duties, be treated in the same manner as crew
the period allowed by the receiving State in order to join their members when proceeding through departure or arrival
assigned flight in a duty status. formalities.

3.72 Contracting States shall establish measures to 3.74 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
provide for the temporary entry without delay into their terri- should provide their flight operations and cabin safety inspec-
tories, of technical personnel of foreign aircraft operators oper- tors with an identity document in the format set forth in
ating to or through such territories who are urgently required Appendix 8.
for the purpose of converting to an airworthy condition any
aircraft which is, for technical reasons, unable to continue its 3.75 Recommended Practice.— Flight operations
journey. Should a State require a guarantee of such persons’ inspectors and cabin safety inspectors should carry the
subsistence in, and/or return from, such State, this shall be identity document specified in 3.74, a copy of the inspector’s
negotiated without delaying their admission. itinerary issued by the State that employs the inspector, and a
valid passport.

3.76 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States

O. Flight operations and should extend the privileges of temporary admission, as
cabin safety inspectors described in 3.72 for crew members, to flight operations and
cabin safety inspectors of another Contracting State, provided
3.73 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States that they carry the documents listed in 3.75 (e.g. identity
should provide that flight operations and cabin safety document, itinerary and valid passport, and depart after a
inspectors of another Contracting State, when engaged on normal period of rest.

24/11/05 3-6

A. General general vicinity, Contracting States shall make arrangements

so that air transport can utilize these facilities on the same
4.1 In order to facilitate and expedite the release and basis as other means of transport.
clearance of goods carried by air, Contracting States shall
adopt regulations and procedures appropriate to air cargo oper-
ations and shall apply them in such a manner as to prevent B. Information required by the public authorities
unnecessary delays.
4.9 Contracting States shall limit their data requirements
4.2 Recommended Practice.— With respect to cargo to only those particulars which are deemed necessary by the
moving by both air and surface transport under an air waybill, public authorities to release or clear imported goods or goods
Contracting States should apply the same regulations and intended for exportation.
procedures and in the same manner as they are applied to
cargo moving solely by air. 4.10 Contracting States shall provide for the collection of
statistical data at such times and under such arrangements so
4.3 When introducing or amending regulations and that the release of imported goods or those intended for
procedures for the release and clearance of goods carried by exportation is not delayed thereby.
air, Contracting States shall consult with aircraft operators and
other parties concerned, with the aim of accomplishing the 4.11 Subject to the technological capabilities of the Con-
actions set forth in 4.1. tracting State, documents for the importation or exportation of
goods, including the Cargo Manifest and/or air waybills, shall
be accepted when presented in electronic form transmitted to
4.4 Where the nature of a consignment could attract the
an information system of the public authorities.
attention of different public authorities, e.g. the customs,
veterinary or sanitary controllers, Contracting States shall
4.12 The production and presentation of the Cargo
endeavour to delegate authority for release/clearance to
Manifest and the air waybill(s) shall be the responsibility of the
customs or one of the other agencies or, where that is not
aircraft operator or his authorized agent. The production and
feasible, take all necessary steps to ensure that clearance is
presentation of the other documents required for the clearance
coordinated and, if possible, carried out simultaneously and
of the goods shall be the responsibility of the declarant.
with a minimum of delay.
4.13 Where a Contracting State has requirements for
4.5 Contracting States shall not normally require the documents such as commercial invoices, declaration forms,
physical examination of cargo to be imported or exported and import licences and the like, it shall not make it the obligation
shall use risk management to determine which goods shall be of the aircraft operator to ensure that these documentary
examined and the extent of that examination. requirements are met nor shall the operator be held responsi-
ble, fined or penalized for inaccuracies or omissions of facts
4.6 Where practicable, in order to improve efficiency, shown on such documents unless he is the declarant himself or
modern screening or examination techniques shall be used to is acting on his behalf.
facilitate the physical examination of goods to be imported or
exported. 4.14 When documents for the importation or exportation
of goods are presented in paper form, the format shall be based
4.7 Recommended Practice.— In connection with inter- on the UN layout key, as regards the goods declaration, and on
national airports, Contracting States should establish and the format of Appendix 3, as regards the Cargo Manifest.
either develop and operate themselves, or permit other parties When such documents are submitted in electronic form, the
to develop and operate, free zones and/or customs warehouses format shall be based on international standards for the
and should publish detailed regulations as to the types of exchange of electronic information.
operations which may or may not be performed therein.
4.15 To facilitate electronic data interchange, Contracting
4.8 In all cases where free-zone facilities and/or customs States shall encourage all parties concerned, whether public or
warehouses are not provided in connection with an inter- private, to implement compatible systems and to use the
national airport but have been provided elsewhere in the same appropriate internationally accepted standards and protocols.

ANNEX 9 4-1 24/11/05

Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 4

4.16 Recommended Practice.— Electronic information 4.26 Consignments declared as personal effects and
systems for the release and clearance of goods should cover transported as unaccompanied baggage shall be cleared under
their transfer between air and other modes of transport. simplified arrangements.

4.17 Contracting States that require supporting documents, 4.27 Contracting States shall provide for the release or
such as licenses and certificates, for the importation or expor- clearance of goods under simplified customs procedures
tation of certain goods shall publish their requirements and provided that:
establish convenient procedures for requesting the issue or
renewal of such documents. a) the goods are valued at less than a maximum value
below which no import duties and taxes will be
4.18 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States collected; or
should, to the greatest extent possible, remove any requirement
to manually produce supporting documents and should estab- b) the goods attract import duties and taxes that fall below
lish procedures whereby they can be produced by electronic the amount that the State has established as the
means. minimum for collection; or

4.19 Contracting States shall not require consular for- c) the goods are valued at less than specified value limits
malities or consular charges or fees in connection with below which goods may be released or cleared immedi-
documents required for the release or clearance of goods. ately on the basis of a simple declaration and payment
of, or the giving of security to the customs for, any
applicable import duties and taxes; or

C. Release and clearance of export cargo d) the goods are imported by an authorized person and are
goods of a specified type.
4.20 Contracting States that require documents for export
clearance shall normally limit their requirement to a simplified 4.28 Recommended Practice.— For authorized
export declaration. importers who meet specified criteria, including an appropriate
record of compliance with official requirements and a satisfac-
tory system for managing their commercial records, Con-
4.21 Contracting States shall provide for export cargo to
tracting States should establish special procedures, based on
be released up to the time of departure of an aircraft.
the advance supply of information, which provide for the
immediate release of goods on arrival.
4.22 Contracting States shall allow goods to be exported,
to be presented for clearance at any customs office designated 4.29 Recommended Practice.— Goods not afforded the
for that purpose. Transfer from that office to the airport from simplified or special procedures referred to in provisions 4.25
which the goods are to be exported shall be carried out under to 4.28 should be released or cleared promptly on arrival,
the procedures laid down in the laws and regulations of the subject to compliance with customs and other requirements.
Contracting State concerned. Such procedures shall be as Contracting States should establish as a goal the release of all
simple as possible. goods that do not need any examination, within three hours of
their arrival and the submission of the correct documentation.
4.23 Contracting States shall not require evidence of the Public authorities, and aircraft operators and importers or
arrival of exported goods as a matter of course. their authorized agents, should coordinate their respective
functions to ensure that this goal is met.
4.24 Recommended Practice.— When the public
authorities of a Contracting State require goods to be 4.30 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
examined, but those goods have already been loaded on a should process requests for the release of part consignments
departing aircraft, the aircraft operator or, where appropriate, when all information has been submitted and other require-
the operator’s authorized agent, should normally be permitted ments for such part consignments have been met.
to provide security to the customs for the return of the goods
rather than delay the departure of the aircraft. 4.31 Contracting States shall allow goods that have been
unladen from an aircraft at an international airport to be
transferred to any designated customs office in the State
concerned for clearance. The customs procedures covering
D. Release and clearance of import cargo such transfer shall be as simple as possible.

4.25 When scheduling examinations, priority shall be 4.32 When, because of error, emergency or inaccessibility
given to the examination of live animals and perishable goods upon arrival, goods are not unladen at their intended desti-
and to other goods which the public authorities accept are nation, Contracting States shall not impose penalties, fines or
urgently required. other similar charges provided:

24/11/05 4-2
Chapter 4 Annex 9 — Facilitation

a) the aircraft operator or his authorized agent notifies the certificates of origin or consular or specialized invoices) in
customs of this fact, within any time limit laid down; connection with the importation of stores and commissary
b) a valid reason, acceptable to the customs authorities, is
given for the failure to unload the goods; and 4.38 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
should permit, on board aircraft, the sale or use of commissary
c) the Cargo Manifest is duly amended. supplies and stores for consumption without payment of import
duties and other taxes in the case where aircraft, engaged in
international flights:
4.33 When, because of error or handling problems, goods
are unladen at an international airport without being listed
a) stop at two or more international airports within the
on the Cargo Manifest, Contracting States shall not impose
territory of a Contracting State without intermediate
penalties, fines or other similar charges provided:
landing in the territory of another State; and
a) the aircraft operator or his authorized agent notifies the b) do not embark any domestic passengers.
customs of this fact, within any time limit laid down;
4.39 Recommended Practice.— Subject to compliance
b) a valid reason, acceptable to the customs, is given for with its regulations and requirements, a Contracting State
the non-reporting of the goods; should allow relief from import duties and taxes in respect of
ground and security equipment and their component parts,
c) the manifest is duly amended; and instructional material and training aids imported into its
territory, by or on behalf of an aircraft operator of another
d) the goods are placed under the appropriate customs Contracting State for use by the operator or his authorized
arrangements. agent, within the boundaries of an international airport or at
an approved off-airport facility.
Where applicable, the Contracting State shall, subject to com-
pliance with its requirements, facilitate the forwarding of the 4.40 Contracting States shall grant prompt release or
goods to their correct destination. clearance, upon completion of simplified documentary pro-
cedures by the aircraft operator or his authorized agent, of
aircraft equipment and spare parts that are granted relief from
4.34 If goods are consigned to a destination in a Con-
import duties, taxes and other charges under Article 24 of the
tracting State, but have not been released for home use in that
Chicago Convention.
State and subsequently are required to be returned to the point
of origin or to be redirected to another destination, the
4.41 Contracting States shall grant prompt release or
Contracting State shall allow the goods to be re-forwarded
clearance, upon completion of simplified documentary pro-
without requiring import, export or transit licences if no
cedures by the aircraft operator or his authorized agent, of
contravention of the laws and regulations in force is involved.
ground and security equipment and their replacement parts,
instructional material and training aids imported or exported
4.35 A Contracting State shall absolve the aircraft oper- by an aircraft operator of another Contracting State.
ator or, where appropriate, his authorized agent, from liability
for import duties and taxes when the goods are placed in the 4.42 Contracting States shall allow the loan, between
custody of the public authorities or, with the latter’s agree- aircraft operators of other Contracting States or their authorized
ment, transferred into the possession of a third party who has agents, of aircraft equipment, spare parts and ground and secu-
furnished adequate security to the customs. rity equipment and their replacement parts, which have been
imported with conditional relief from import duties and taxes.

4.43 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States

E. Spare parts, equipment, stores and should provide for the importation, free of import duties and
other material imported or exported by aircraft taxes, of aircraft operators’ documents as defined in Chapter 1
operators in connection with international services of this Annex, to be used in connection with international air
4.36 Stores and commissary supplies imported into the
territory of a Contracting State for use on board aircraft in
international service shall be relieved from import duties and
taxes, subject to compliance with the customs regulations of F. Containers and pallets
the State.
4.44 Subject to compliance with their regulations and
4.37 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States requirements, Contracting States shall grant the aircraft oper-
should not require supporting documentation (such as ators of other Contracting States temporary admission of

4-3 24/11/05
Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 4

containers and pallets — whether or not owned by the aircraft 4.49 Where circumstances so require, Contracting States
operator of the aircraft on which they arrive — provided they shall allow the storage of temporarily admitted containers and
are to be used on an outbound international service or otherwise pallets at off-airport locations.
4.50 Contracting States shall allow the loan between
4.45 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States aircraft operators of containers and pallets admitted under the
should require a temporary admission document for containers provisions of 4.44 without payment of import duties and taxes,
and pallets only when they consider it essential for the provided they are to be used only on an outbound international
purposes of customs control. service or otherwise re-exported.

4.46 Recommended Practice.— Where proof of the 4.51 Contracting States shall allow temporarily admitted
re-exportation of containers and pallets is required, the containers and pallets to be re-exported through any designated
Contracting State should accept the appropriate usage customs office.
records of the aircraft operator or his authorized agent as evi-
dence thereof. 4.52 Contracting States shall allow the temporary
admission of replacement parts when they are needed for the
4.47 Contracting States shall make arrangements to allow repair of containers and pallets imported under the provisions
aircraft operators, under supervision of the public authorities of 4.44.
concerned, to unload transit cargo arriving in containers and pal-
lets, so that they may sort and reassemble shipments for onward
carriage without having to undergo clearance for home use.
G. Mail documents and procedures
4.48 Containers and pallets imported into a Contracting
State under the provisions of 4.44 shall be allowed to leave the 4.53 Contracting States shall carry out the handling,
boundaries of the international airport for the release or forwarding and clearance of mail and shall comply with the
clearance of imported loads, or for export lading, under sim- documentary procedures as prescribed by the Acts in force of
plified documentation and control arrangements. the Universal Postal Union.

24/11/05 4-4

A. General 5.6 Contracting States ordering the removal of an inad-

missible person who has lost or destroyed his travel documents
5.1 In order to minimize disruptions to the orderly oper- shall deliver a covering letter in the format set forth in
ations of international civil aviation, Contracting States shall Appendix 9 (1) in order to give information to the authorities
cooperate with one another to promptly resolve any differ- of the State(s) of transit and/or the commencement of journey.
ences arising in the course of implementing the provisions of The covering letter, the removal order and any relevant
this Chapter. information shall be handed over to the aircraft operator or, in
the case of escorted persons, the escort, who shall be respon-
5.2 Contracting States shall facilitate the transit of persons sible for delivering them to the public authorities at the State
being removed from another State pursuant to the provisions of of destination.
this Chapter, and extend necessary cooperation to the aircraft
operator(s) and escort(s) carrying out such removal.
5.7 Contracting States ordering the removal of an inad-
5.2.1 During the period when an inadmissible passenger missible person whose travel documents have been seized
or a person to be deported is under their custody, the state pursuant to 3.46 shall deliver a covering letter in the format set
Officers concerned shall preserve the dignity of such persons forth in Appendix 9 (2) in order to give information to the
and take no action likely to infringe such dignity. authorities of the State(s) of transit and/or the commencement
of journey. The covering letter together with a photocopy of
Note.— These persons should be treated in accordance with the seized travel documents and the removal order shall be
the relevant international provisions, including the UN handed over to the aircraft operator or, in the case of escorted
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. persons, the escort, who shall be responsible for delivering
them to the public authorities at the State of destination.

B. Inadmissible persons
5.8 Contracting States that have reason to believe that an
5.3 Contracting States shall without delay notify the inadmissible person might offer resistance to his removal shall
aircraft operator, confirming this as soon as possible in inform the aircraft operator concerned as far in advance as
writing, when a person is found inadmissible, pursuant to 3.44. possible of scheduled departure so that the aircraft operator
can take precautions to ensure the security of the flight.
Note.— Written notification can be either in paper form or
in electronic form, such as e-mail. 5.9 The aircraft operator shall be responsible for the cost
of custody and care of an improperly documented person from
5.4 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States, the moment that person is found inadmissible and returned to
through their public authorities should consult the aircraft oper- the aircraft operator for removal from the State.
ator on the time-frame for removal of the person found inadmis-
sible, in order to allow the aircraft operator a reasonable
amount of time during which to effect the person’s removal via 5.9.1 The State shall be responsible for the cost of
its own services or to make alternative removal arrangements. custody and care of all other categories of inadmissible
persons, including persons not admitted due to document
Note.— Nothing in this provision is to be construed so as problems beyond the expertise of the aircraft operator or for
to allow the return of a person seeking asylum in the territory reasons other than improper documents, from the moment
of a Contracting State, to a country where his life or freedom these persons are found inadmissible until they are returned to
would be threatened on account of his race, religion, national- the aircraft operator for removal from the State.
ity, membership in a particular social group or political
5.10 When a person is found inadmissible and is returned
5.5 Contracting States shall ensure that a removal order is to the aircraft operator for transport away from the territory of
issued to the aircraft operator in respect of a person found the State, the aircraft operator shall not be precluded from
inadmissible. The removal order shall include, if known, the recovering from such person any transportation costs involved
name, age, gender and citizenship of the person in question. in his removal.

ANNEX 9 5-1 24/11/05

Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 5

5.11 The aircraft operator shall remove the inadmissible a) a copy of the deportation order, if legislation of the Con-
person to: tracting State allows for it;

a) the point where he commenced his journey; or b) a risk assessment by the State and/or any other pertinent
information that would help the aircraft operator assess
b) to any place where he is admissible. the risk to the security of the flight; and
5.12 A Contracting State shall accept for examination a
c) the names and nationalities of any escorts.
person removed from a State where he was found inadmiss-
ible, if this person commenced his journey from its territory. A
Note.— In order to ensure coordination of facilitation and
Contracting State shall not return such a person to the country
security standards, attention is drawn to the applicable pro-
where he was earlier found inadmissible.
visions of Annex 17, Chapter 4.
5.13 Contracting States shall accept the covering letter
and other papers delivered pursuant to 5.6 or 5.7 as sufficient 5.20 Contracting States, in making arrangements for the
documentation to carry out the examination of the person removal of a deportee to a destination State, shall use direct
referred to in the letter. non-stop flights whenever practicable.

5.14 Contracting States shall not fine aircraft operators in 5.21 A Contracting State, when presenting a deportee for
the event that arriving and in-transit persons are found to be removal, shall ensure that all official travel documentation
improperly documented where aircraft operators can demon- required by any transit and/or destination State is provided to
strate that they have taken adequate precautions to ensure that the aircraft operator.
these persons had complied with the documentary require-
ments for entry into the receiving State. 5.22 A Contracting State shall admit into its territory its
nationals who have been deported from another State.
5.15 Recommended Practice.— When aircraft operators
have cooperated with the public authorities to the satisfaction 5.23 A Contracting State shall give special consideration
of those authorities, for example pursuant to memoranda of to the admission of a person, deported from another State, who
understanding reached between the parties concerned, in holds evidence of valid and authorized residence within its
measures designed to prevent the transportation of inadmissi- territory.
ble persons, Contracting States should mitigate the fines and
penalties that might otherwise be applicable should such 5.24 Contracting States, when determining that a deportee
persons be carried to their territory. must be escorted and the itinerary involves a transit stop in an
intermediate State, shall ensure that the escort(s) remain(s)
5.16 Contracting States shall not prevent the departure of with the deportee to his final destination, unless suitable
an operator’s aircraft pending a determination of admissibility alternative arrangements are agreed, in advance of arrival, by
of any of its arriving passengers. the authorities and the aircraft operator involved at the transit
Note.— An exception to this provision could be made in the
case of infrequent flights or if the Contracting State had reason
to believe that there might be an irregularly high number of
inadmissible persons on a specific flight.
D. Procurement of a replacement
travel document

C. Deportees 5.25 When a replacement travel document must be

obtained in order to facilitate removal and acceptance of an
5.17 A Contracting State deporting a person from its inadmissible person at his destination, the State ordering the
territory shall serve him a deportation order. Contracting States removal shall provide as much assistance as practicable in
shall indicate to the deportee the name of the destination State. obtaining that document.

5.18 Contracting States removing deportees from their Note.— In order to clarify application of this Standard,
territories shall assume all obligations, responsibilities and attention is drawn to Standard 5.13.
costs associated with the removal.
5.26 A Contracting State shall, when requested to provide
5.19 Contracting States, when making arrangements with travel documents to facilitate the return of one of its nationals,
an aircraft operator for the removal of a deportee, shall make respond within a reasonable period of time and not more than
available the following information as soon as possible, but in 30 days after such a request was made either by issuing a
any case not later than 24 hours before the scheduled time of travel document or by satisfying the requesting State that the
departure of the flight: person concerned is not one of its nationals.

24/11/05 5-2
Chapter 5 Annex 9 — Facilitation

5.27 A Contracting State shall not make the signing by the request, the State shall issue an emergency travel document
the person concerned of an application for a travel document that attests to the nationality of the person concerned and that
a prerequisite for the issuance of that document. is valid for readmission to that State.

5.28 When a Contracting State has determined that a 5.29 A Contracting State shall not refuse to issue a travel
person for whom a travel document has been requested is one document to or otherwise thwart the return of one of its
of its nationals but cannot issue a passport within 30 days of nationals by rendering that person stateless.

5-3 24/11/05

A. General 6.4 Recommended Practice.— Where a passenger service

charge is levied at an international airport and its collection
6.1 Contracting States shall ensure that the provisions of from passengers gives rise to facilitation problems, this charge
Annex 9 continue to be implemented in the event an airport should be levied, where practicable, following consultation and
becomes privatized. advance notice, on the aircraft operators which should in turn
recover the charge from passengers in such a way that the
6.1.1 Contracting States shall take all necessary steps to necessity for additional queuing at the airport is avoided.
secure the cooperation of aircraft operators and airport
operators in ensuring that satisfactory facilities and services 6.5 Recommended Practice.— Whenever possible, the
are provided for rapid handling and clearance of passengers, use of credit cards should be acceptable as a means of pay-
crew, baggage, cargo and mail at their international airports. ment for services rendered, including duties and taxes, at
Such facilities and services shall be flexible and capable of international airports.
expansion to meet anticipated growth in traffic volume, or
increased security measures during higher threat situations, 6.6 Recommended Practice.— It is recommended that
while permitting appropriate narcotics control measures. aircraft operators, in agreement with, and subject to
reasonable limitations which may be imposed by, the airport
Note.— With respect to the application of aviation security operators, be offered the choice of providing their own
measures, attention is drawn to the relevant specification in services for ground handling operations, or the option of
Annex 17, Chapter 2.* having such operations performed entirely, or in part, by an
organization controlled by another aircraft operator
6.2 Contracting States shall take all necessary steps to
authorized by the airport operator, or by the airport operator,
encourage consultations between the airport operator on the
or by a servicing agent approved by the airport operator.
one hand and aircraft operators, control authorities and appro-
priate bodies representing other airport users on the other at
the earliest stage when planning new or substantially modified
terminal buildings or when new procedures require changes in B. Airport traffic flow arrangements
facilities, including changes of layout within existing facilities,
at their international airports.

6.3 Contracting States shall take all necessary steps to I. Common provisions
secure the cooperation of aircraft operators and airport
operators in ensuring that the facilities and services at their 6.7 Contracting States shall ensure that particular attention
international airports are designed in such a way as to provide is given to the need for adequate facilities to be available at all
the best possible airport traffic flow arrangements. times at international airports and that appropriate measures are
adopted to permit embarkation and disembarkation of passen-
6.3.1 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States gers without delay.
whose international airports experience traffic peaking prob-
lems should, in accordance with appropriate procedures for 6.7.1 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
coordination of schedules at airports, indicate to the appro- should encourage airport operators and aircraft operators to
priate airlines operating scheduled and non-scheduled flights, exchange all relevant flight information. Electronic Data
well in advance of the recognized traffic seasons, any restric- Interchange with airlines should be facilitated at busy
tions that may apply in order to match the traffic and the airports. In such cases, technical solutions complying with
airport capacity. industry standards (e.g. UN/EDIFACT) should be encouraged.

6.8 Recommended Practice.— The arrangements in 6.3

* The specification reads as follows: should be by the most direct route with no crossing between
passenger and baggage lines nor between different circuits. To
Recommendation.— Each Contracting State should whenever the extent that the route is not self-evident, appropriate sign-
possible arrange for the security controls and procedures to cause posting should be used.
a minimum of interference with, or delay to the activities of, civil
aviation provided the effectiveness of these controls and 6.9 Recommended Practice.— International signs to
procedures is not compromised. facilitate passengers using airports, reproduced in the document

ANNEX 9 6-1 24/11/05

Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 6

developed for that purpose entitled International Signs to 6.14 Recommended Practice.— International airports
Provide Guidance to Persons at Airports and Marine Terminals should have available appropriate automobile parking facili-
(Doc 9636) published jointly by ICAO and the International ties for short- and long-term parking.
Maritime Organization, should be introduced at the earliest
practicable opportunity.
II. Parking and servicing
6.9.1 Recommended Practice.— Notices and leaflets arrangements
should be prominently displayed at international airports,
warning travellers of the serious consequences of illegal nar- 6.15 Recommended Practice.— Adequate measures
cotics trafficking and of the penal measures to which persons should be taken to ensure convenient parking and servicing of
convicted of narcotics law offences may be liable. aircraft of all types and categories — regular, non-scheduled
and general aviation aircraft — in order to expedite clearance
6.10 Recommended Practice.— Arrangements should and operations on the apron and to reduce aircraft ground
be made so that, when necessary, passengers and crew can stop time. It is desirable in particular:
proceed under shelter between the air terminal buildings and
the aircraft, and vice versa. a) to make arrangements for optimum allocation of aircraft
parking spaces as close as possible to the terminal
building for rapid loading and unloading;
6.11 Recommended Practice.— Particular attention
should be given to passenger routes involving long distances
b) to provide adequate parking spaces, away from the
to be covered on foot and the possibility should be studied of
terminal building, for aircraft when either loading or
facilitating travel over these routes by mechanical systems.
unloading, so as to avoid obstruction to the flow of traf-
fic on the apron, and make adequate arrangements for
6.12 Recommended Practice.— Flight information their optimum use;
boards, or displays, supplemented, where necessary, by a
clearly audible public address system should be provided so c) to equip the parking spaces with the necessary means
that passengers and the public can be fully informed of for rapid, convenient and safe performance of all air-
arrivals, departures and cancellations of flights, and particu- craft servicing operations, including equipment for
larly of any last-minute changes in arrival or departure times secure tie-downs;
or changes in gate numbers.
d) to give particular importance to measures for assistance
6.12.1 Recommended Practice.— In giving effect to aircraft during embarkation and disembarkation
to 6.12, flight information boards or displays should, as far operations;
as possible, be in the standard layout recommended in
Doc 9249 — Dynamic Flight-related Public Information Dis- e) to provide facilities for fuelling of aircraft during hours
plays. Contracting States should ensure that the parties established by the public authorities;
concerned in the operation of flights provide on a timely and
rapidly updated basis all relevant information on flights, f) to provide transportation between remote parking
including last-minute changes, to the authorities responsible positions and the terminal building when distance and
for the operation of Flight Information Display Systems. safety so require as a result of optimum use of the
Those authorities should be responsible for establishing the parking area available; and
list of data elements they need for this operation and the
means of communicating them, recognizing existing industry g) to provide, when necessary, parking space for inter-
standards. national flights where inspection of aircraft, passengers,
crew and baggage can be performed.
6.13 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
should ensure that rapid and reliable city/airport ground
transportation is available. III. Outbound passengers,
crew and baggage
6.13.1 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
should promote full consultation at the earliest possible stage 6.16 Recommended Practice.— Easy and speedy access
between airport operators and all agencies and operators to the terminal should be provided for passengers, crew and
involved in surface access to the airport to encourage both their baggage arriving at the airport by surface transport.
increased coordination in the planning of surface access to
airports and the provision of relevant information to pass- 6.17 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
engers. Contracting States should also promote both the pro- should ensure that, where traffic justifies, aircraft operators,
vision of information to passengers on services available and airports and airport handling operators consider the provision
on the price for such services, and the facilitation of ticketing of child care rooms of suitable dimensions and with necessary
for ground transportation, including payment methods. child care facilities, in the departure and transit lounges of

24/11/05 6-2
Chapter 6 Annex 9 — Facilitation

passenger terminals, to provide special areas for infants/small reconciliation, sorting and tracing. The “Licence Plate
children accompanied by parent(s) or guardian(s). These rooms Concept” developed by ACI/IATA is defined in the IATA
should be clearly marked with appropriate signs. Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual
(Resolution 740) and in the appropriate Recommended
6.18 Recommended Practice.— Easy and frequent Practices of the same document. The concept includes a
transportation should be available between airport terminal coded baggage tag with a unique number that can be
buildings as well as between designated remote parking facili- read automatically and transmitted electronically be-
ties and airport terminal buildings. tween aircraft operators, airports and handling agents.
It enables these parties to provide higher-quality
6.19 Recommended Practice.— Consideration should baggage sorting and handling. Baggage reconciliation
be given to the provision of baggage check-in facilities as applications (reference Annex 17, 4.4.3) can also use
close as possible to arrival points of surface transport. the same data elements;

6.20 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States c) an area where it would be possible to hold baggage
should study the possibility of allowing the provision of off- containers and to rearrange their contents; and
airport check-in facilities, with due regard to the necessary
security precautions and control requirements. d) mechanical means of handling and sorting empty
baggage containers, consistent with the volume of
6.21 Recommended Practice.— In order to facilitate traffic.
aircraft departure, Contracting States, in examining passen-
gers as a security measure, or for purposes of narcotics 6.25 Recommended Practice.— The premises that crew
control as appropriate, should, to the extent feasible, utilize members have to visit for operational purposes should be
specialized equipment in conducting such examinations so as readily accessible and, if possible, next to one another.
to reduce materially the number of persons to be searched by
other means.
IV. Inbound passengers,
Note 1.— The use of radiological techniques for screening crew and baggage
passengers should be avoided.
6.26 Contracting States shall make arrangements for a
Note 2.— Privacy should be assured when a thorough sufficient number of control channels so that clearance of
physical search is to be carried out. If special rooms are not inbound passengers and crew may be obtained with the least
available, portable screens may be used for this purpose. possible delay. Additional channel(s) shall be available if
possible to which complicated cases may be directed without
6.22 Recommended Practice.— In order to facilitate delaying the main flow of passengers.
aircraft departure, Contracting States, in examining baggage
of passengers departing from their territory as a security 6.27 Recommended Practice.— Particular attention
measure, or for narcotics control purposes as appropriate, should be given to points where passenger delays are
should, to the extent feasible, utilize specialized equipment in frequently found to occur.
conducting such examinations so as to reduce materially the
amount of baggage to be searched by other means. 6.28 To obviate any delay to passengers, the necessary
steps shall be taken to ensure that baggage arrives on time in
6.23 Recommended Practice.— An individual and the baggage claim area.
continuous “trickle” method of processing and loading of
passengers, crew and baggage should be adopted — in lieu of 6.28.1 Recommended Practice.— Arrangements should
the group (“package”) system — whenever this will speed up be made for rapid unloading of baggage, including container-
their clearance. ized baggage, from the aircraft and its swift movement to the
baggage claim area. To this end, mechanical unloading and
6.24 Recommended Practice.— Particular attention conveyance systems should be used where the volume of traffic
should be paid to the use of sorting, conveyance, reconcili- warrants and a sufficient number of handling staff should be
ation and loading devices for baggage. Provisions should be available at all times.
made as far as possible for:
6.29 Recommended Practice.— Adequate space should
a) mechanized systems capable of sorting, transferring and be provided in the baggage claim area permitting ready
loading large quantities of baggage within a minimum identification and speedy withdrawal by each passenger of his
amount of time, consistent with the volume of traffic; checked baggage.

b) the use of the unique baggage identification system, 6.30 Recommended Practice.— Where the volume of
known as the “Licence Plate Concept”, for baggage baggage so warrants, mechanized baggage dispensing systems

6-3 24/11/05
Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 6

should be provided in baggage-claim areas so as to move the 6.35.1 Recommended Practice.— Storage facilities
baggage towards passengers, thus facilitating pick-up of should be provided for baggage left by their owners at inter-
baggage. national airports for later pick-up.

6.30.1 The operators responsible for international air- 6.35.2 International airports shall be equipped with
ports shall ensure that passengers can obtain assistance in the functional secure storage facilities where unclaimed, unidenti-
carriage of baggage to enable them to transfer baggage from fied and mishandled baggage will be kept available for clear-
baggage claim areas to points as close as possible to areas ance until forwarded, claimed or disposed of in accordance
where surface transportation from the airport or between with the governmental regulations and procedures applicable
airport terminals is provided. in the territory of the State concerned. Airline personnel shall
have access to the baggage at least throughout the hours of
airport operation.

V. Transit and transfer of 6.36 Recommended Practice.— To the extent that the
passengers and crew non-travelling public are admitted to terminal buildings,
appropriate arrangements should be made so that they do not
6.31 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States interfere with the flow of inbound and outbound traffic.
should, whenever possible, permit passengers to remain on
board the aircraft and authorize embarkation and disembar- 6.36.1 Recommended Practice.— Provisions should be
kation during refuelling, subject to the necessary safety made to locate facilities for group/tour operators in public or
measures. uncontrolled areas in the arrival and/or departure areas in
order to minimize congestion in the terminal buildings.
6.31.1 Recommended Practice.— It is recommended in
particular that technical and regulatory provisions should be
6.37 Recommended Practice.— When duty-free or other
adopted to ensure that telescopic passageways to and from
goods are offered for sale in terminal buildings, whether to
aircraft can be kept in use during refuelling of aircraft.
outbound passengers only or to both outbound and inbound
passengers, provisions should be made for convenient locations
6.32 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
of the stores which would ensure easy access by a large
should ensure that physical facilities at airports are provided,
number of passengers, efficient service and adequate customer
where the volume and nature of the traffic so require, whereby
space so as to avoid congestion and interference with the main
crew and passengers in direct transit on the same aircraft, or
streams of outbound and inbound passenger traffic.
transferring to other flights, may remain temporarily without
being subject to inspection formalities, except for aviation
security measures, or in special circumstances.
VII. Cargo and mail handling and
Note.— This provision is not intended to prevent the appli-
clearance facilities
cation of appropriate narcotics control measures.
6.38 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
6.33 Recommended Practice.— Provisions should be
should make arrangements whereby all-cargo aircraft and
made for airline handling counters in the transit area for the
their loads can be entered and cleared at the cargo terminal
purpose of processing passengers transferring from one air-
craft to another and not going through clearance controls.
6.39 Recommended Practice.— Easy and speedy access
6.34 Recommended Practice.— Arrangements should be
should be provided to airport cargo terminals, taking into
made whereby crew members in brief transit can communicate
account the space requirements of extra-large trucks on access
from a point near the aircraft’s loading position, located either
roads and in front of terminals for manoeuvring into position.
on the apron or in a locale near the apron, via television or
telephone with the various governmental agencies (e.g. air
traffic control, MET Office) without the need to report to them 6.40 Recommended Practice.— Each cargo terminal
in person. should be provided with delivery/receiving positions adaptable
to truck-bed heights.

6.41 Recommended Practice.— Use should be made,

VI. Miscellaneous facilities and services where justified, of mechanized and automated facilities for
in passenger terminal buildings loading and unloading, conveyance and storage of cargo.

6.35 Recommended Practice.— Facilities provided for 6.42 Recommended Practice.— Adequate space should
the use of transit passengers should contain all necessary be available in cargo terminals for storage and handling of air
arrangements for their convenience. cargo, including building up and breaking down of pallet and

24/11/05 6-4
Chapter 6 Annex 9 — Facilitation

container loads, located next to the customs area and easily transmission of the mail, in the opinion of the postal
accessible to authorized persons and vehicles from both the authorities, adequate space and facilities should be provided
apron and the landside road. Such arrangements should take at international airports for the reworking, sorting and
into account aviation security and appropriate narcotics onward transmission of airmail. Such arrangements should
control measures. take into account aviation security and appropriate narcotics
control measures.
6.43 Recommended Practice.— Adequate space and
facilities should be provided at international airports, or at
convenient off-airport locations, for the temporary storage of
empty containers. C. Facilities required for
implementation of public health,
6.44 Recommended Practice.— Cargo terminals should emergency medical relief, and
be equipped with storage facilities as appropriate for special animal and plant quarantine measures
cargo (e.g. valuable goods, perishable shipments, human
remains, radioactive and other dangerous goods, as well as 6.51 Contracting States, in cooperation with airport
live animals). Those areas of cargo terminals in which general operators, shall ensure the maintenance of public health,
and special cargo and mail are stored prior to shipment by air including human, animal and plant quarantine at international
should be protected against access by unauthorized persons at airports.
all times.
6.52 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
6.45 Recommended Practice.— Parking spaces should should provide, at or near all their major international air-
be available at cargo terminals for handling equipment when ports, facilities and services for vaccination or revaccination,
not in use, located so as to avoid interference with the flow of and for the delivery of the corresponding certificates.
inbound and outbound cargo.
6.53 Recommended Practice.— International airports
6.46 Recommended Practice.— Where high-capacity should have available adequate facilities for administration of
aircraft with mixed passenger and cargo loads are positioned public health and animal and plant quarantine measures
next to the passenger terminal, all necessary facilities should applicable to aircraft, crew, passengers, baggage, cargo, mail
be provided for swift loading/unloading and conveyance and stores.
between the aircraft and the cargo terminal(s) of large vol-
umes of air cargo. To this end, flow routes should be designed 6.54 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
so as to avoid interference with those for passengers and should provide arrangements whereby passengers and crew in
baggage. transit can remain in premises free from any danger of infec-
tion and insect vectors of diseases and, when necessary,
6.47 Recommended Practice.— Facilities should be facilities should be provided for the transfer of passengers and
provided, where necessary, for the direct removal of bulky or crew to another terminal or airport nearby without exposure to
heavy consignments by approved transport, from the airport to any health hazard. Similar arrangements and facilities should
the premises of the importer, agent or freight forwarder, such also be made available in respect of animals.
removal being subject to customs approval and any conditions
attached to that approval. 6.55 Contracting States, in cooperation with airport
operators and aircraft operators, shall take all steps to ensure
6.48 Recommended Practice.— Sufficiently large and that the procurement, preparation, handling, storage and
convenient areas should be provided at international airports, service of food and water supplies intended for consumption
where, under customs supervision, trans-shipment cargo can both at airports and on board aircraft are hygienically carried
be broken down, sorted and reassembled for immediate or out in accordance with the pertinent regulations, recommenda-
later onward transmission. Such arrangements should take tions and standards of the World Health Organization and the
into account aviation security and appropriate narcotics per-tinent recommendations of the Food and Agriculture
control measures. Organization of the United Nations.

6.49 Recommended Practice.— At airports whose 6.56 Contracting States, in cooperation with airport
cargo handling capacity is insufficient and whose expansion is operators and aircraft operators, shall ensure that an effective
limited or unfeasible, off-airport bonded warehouses should be system is instituted for the safe removal and safe disposal of
allowed, and the procedures for moving cargo between them excrement, refuse, waste water, waste, unused and condemned
and the airport should be minimal in order to accelerate food and other matter dangerous to the health of persons,
clearance and reduce congestion in airport warehouses. animals or plants in accordance with the pertinent regulations
and recommendations of the World Health Organization and
6.50 Recommended Practice.— Where the volume of the recommendations of the Food and Agriculture Organ-
airmail so warrants and where it will expedite the onward ization of the United Nations.

6-5 24/11/05
Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 6

6.57 There shall be maintained at international airports services of such authorities on terms not less favourable to
facilities for first aid attendance on site, and appropriate operators of aircraft than those which apply to operators of
arrangements shall be available for expeditious referral of the other means of transportation entering the State.
occasional more serious case to pre-arranged competent
medical attention. 6.62 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
should make arrangements whereby one State will permit
another State to station representatives of the public
authorities concerned in its territory to examine aircraft,
D. Facilities required for passengers, crew, baggage, cargo and documentation for
clearance controls and customs, immigration, public health and animal and plant
operation of control services quarantine purposes, prior to departure for the other State
concerned, when such action will facilitate clearance upon
6.58 Recommended Practice.— Space and facilities for arrival in that State. Alternatively, Contracting States may by
the authorities in charge of clearance controls should, as far agreement enter into electronic forms of pre-clearance for any
as possible, be provided at public expense. of the functions listed above to facilitate clearance upon
arrival in the other State.
6.59 If the space and facilities referred to in 6.58 are not
provided at public expense, Contracting States shall ensure
that such space and facilities are provided on terms not less
favourable than those which apply to the operators of other E. Monetary exchange facilities
means of transportation entering the State and requiring space
and facilities on a comparable scale. 6.63 Contracting States shall make arrangements to
display at their international airports their regulations govern-
6.60 Contracting States shall provide sufficient services ing the exchange of funds of other States against national
of the public authorities concerned, without charge, to funds.
operators during working hours established by those author-
ities. 6.64 Contracting States that maintain exchange controls
with respect to funds of other States shall make arrangements:
Note.— Where traffic, volume and available space and
facilities warrant, Contracting States may wish to provide a) to publish the current legal rates of exchange for such
clearance controls for passengers and their baggage at more funds;
than one location.
b) to display or otherwise make available at their inter-
6.60.1 Contracting States shall provide sufficient services national airports such rates as may be of principal
of the public authorities concerned in such a way as to respond interest at the respective airports.
to real needs and thus to the flow of traffic during working
hours established by those authorities.
6.65 Contracting States that do not maintain exchange
controls with respect to some or all funds of other States shall
Note 1.— Paragraphs 6.60 and 6.60.1 should be applied in
make arrangements to display information to that effect at
accordance with Article 82 of the International Health Regu-
their international airports.
lations (1969), Third Annotated Edition (1983) which provides
that no charge shall be made by a health authority for any
medical examination provided for in the International Health 6.66 Recommended Practice.— With respect to those
Regulations (IHR) or for any vaccination of a person on funds of other States for which no controlled exchange rates
arrival and any certificate thereof. The IHR specify that it is have been established by the Contracting State concerned, it
not permissible to exact or receive payment for medical exam- should make such arrangements as may be feasible to make
ination carried out at any time of the day or night. Article 24 information available at its international airports as to the
provides that health measures shall be initiated forthwith and prevailing open market rates.
completed without delay.
6.67 Contracting States shall provide, at such times as to
Note 2.— Under Annex 15 — Aeronautical Information meet the needs of the travelling public, adequate facilities at
Services, States are obligated to publish the types and hours international airports for the legal exchange of funds of other
of clearance services (customs, immigration, health) at their States through governmental agencies or shall authorize
international airports. private agencies to do so. These facilities shall be available to
arriving and departing passengers.
6.61 Outside of the working hours established to cover
any periods of substantial workload at international airports Note.— In giving effect to this provision, the use of vending
referred to in 6.60 and 6.60.1 Contracting States shall provide machines at international airports, enabling a departing

24/11/05 6-6
No. 20
Chapter 6 Annex 9 — Facilitation

passenger to obtain foreign currency, at any time of the day or such amount at the international airport of entry and, upon
night, has proved to be of valuable assistance and should be departure, to reclaim it at the same point or at any other point
considered as a possibility by Contracting States. designated by the public authorities concerned.

6.68 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States

restricting the import or export of funds of other States should F. Unruly passengers
provide for the issuance to travellers of certificates showing
the amounts of such funds in their possession upon entering 6.70 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
the State and should permit such travellers, upon surrender of should take the necessary steps to increase passenger awareness
such certificates prior to leaving the State, to take such funds of the unacceptability and consequences of unruly or disruptive
with them. Inscription on the passport or other official behaviour in aviation facilities and on board aircraft.
document for travel may serve the same purpose.
6.71 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
6.69 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States that should require that training in noting, anticipating, and
prohibit or limit the amount of importation of their own handling of irate or unruly passenger behaviour, recognition
currency should provide reasonable facilities for travellers of potentially escalating situations, crisis containment and
from abroad, who declare an amount of such currency in related issues should be provided to the relevant staff and crew
excess of that permitted by the current regulations, to deposit members who are in contact with passengers.

6-7 24/11/05

A. General 7.3.3 The pilot-in-command shall not be required to apply

to more than one government agency for take-off permission
7.1 Each Contracting State shall take steps to ensure that (other than for any necessary air traffic control clearance).
all possible assistance is rendered by its public authorities to
an aircraft which, for reasons beyond the control of the pilot-
in-command, has landed elsewhere than at one of its inter-
national airports and, to this end, shall keep control formalities C. No resumption of flight
and procedures, in such cases, to a minimum.
7.4 If it is apparent that the aircraft will be substantially
7.2 The pilot-in-command or the next senior crew
delayed or is unable to continue its flight, the following pro-
member available shall cause the landing to be reported as
visions shall apply:
soon as practicable to the public authorities concerned.
7.4.1 The pilot-in-command, while awaiting the instruc-
tions of the public authorities concerned or if he or his crew is
B. Short stopover unable to get in touch with them, shall be entitled to take such
emergency measures as he deems necessary for the health and
7.3 If it is apparent that the aircraft can resume its flight safety of passengers and crew and for avoiding or minimizing
within a relatively short time of arrival, the following loss or destruction to the aircraft itself and its load.
procedure shall apply:
7.4.2 Passengers and crew shall be permitted to secure
7.3.1 Control measures shall be limited to those that
suitable accommodation pending completion of the necessary
ensure that the aircraft departs with the same load that was on
formalities if such formalities cannot be promptly carried out.
board at the time of arrival. In case the load or part thereof
cannot, for operational or other reasons, continue on that
flight, the public authorities shall expedite clearance for- 7.4.3 Cargo, stores and unaccompanied baggage, if
malities and cooperate in speedy onward transportation for that required to be removed from the aircraft for safety reasons,
load to its destination. shall be deposited in a nearby area and remain there pending
completion of the necessary formalities.
7.3.2 The public authorities shall designate, if necessary,
an adequate area under their general supervision where passen- 7.4.4 Mail shall be disposed of as is required pursuant to
gers and crew can move about during their stopover. the Acts in force of the Universal Postal Union.

ANNEX 9 7-1 24/11/05


A. Bonds and exemption from to be able to arrange transport to the site of the accident or
requisition or seizure incident without delay and, if necessary, help them to this end.

8.1 Recommended Practice.— If a Contracting State 8.4 Each Contracting State shall facilitate the temporary
requires bonds of an aircraft operator to cover his liabilities entry into its territory of all aircraft, tools, spare parts and
under the customs, immigration, public health, animal and equipment required in the search, rescue, accident investi-
plant quarantine, or similar laws of the State, it should permit gation, repair or salvage of the damaged aircraft of another
the use of a single comprehensive bond whenever possible. State. These items shall be temporarily admitted free from
customs duties and other taxes or charges and the application
8.2 Recommended Practice.— The aircraft, ground of regulations of any nature restricting the importation of
equipment, security equipment, spare parts and technical goods.
supplies of an aircraft operator located in a Contracting State
(other than the Contracting State in which such airline is Note.— It is understood that this provision does not
established) for use in the operation of an international air preclude the application of public health and animal and plant
service serving such Contracting State, should be exempt from quarantine measures, if required.
the laws of such Contracting State authorizing the requisition
or seizure of aircraft, equipment, parts or supplies for public 8.5 Each Contracting State shall facilitate the removal
use, without prejudice to the right of seizure for breaches of from its territory of both the damaged and any assisting
the laws of the Contracting State concerned. aircraft, together with tools, spare parts and equipment that
may have been brought in for search, rescue, accident investi-
gation, repair or salvage purposes.
B. Facilitation of search, rescue,
8.6 Damaged aircraft or parts thereof, and any stores or
accident investigation and salvage
cargo contained therein, together with any aircraft, tools, spare
parts or equipment brought in for temporary use in search,
8.3 Subject to any conditions imposed by Annex 12 —
rescue, accident investigation, repair or salvage, which are not
Search and Rescue and Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and
removed from the territory of the Contracting State within a
Incident Investigation, Contracting States shall make arrange-
length of time to be specified by that State, shall be subject to
ments to ensure entry without delay into their territories on a
the requirements of the applicable laws of the State concerned.
temporary basis of qualified personnel required for search,
rescue, accident investigation, repair or salvage in connection
8.7 If, in connection with an aircraft accident investi-
with a lost or damaged aircraft.
gation, it becomes necessary to send a part, or parts, of a
8.3.1 In arranging for the entry without delay of the damaged aircraft to another Contracting State for technical
personnel referred to in 8.3, when such a document is necess- examination or testing, each Contracting State concerned shall
ary, States shall not require any other travel document than a ensure that the movement of such part, or parts, is effected
passport (cf. 3.4). without delay. The Contracting States concerned shall likewise
facilitate the return of such part, or parts, to the State insti-
8.3.2 Recommended Practice.— In cases where a tuting the accident investigation should the latter State require
Contracting State continues to require entrance visas for the them in order to complete the investigation.
personnel referred to in 8.3, it should, when necessary and on
an exceptional basis, issue such visas on arrival or otherwise
facilitate their admission when such personnel carry an order
of mission from the competent authority in their State (cf. C. Relief flights following natural and
3.38). man-made disasters which seriously endanger
human health or the environment, and
8.3.3 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States similar emergency situations where
should ensure that their authorities are adequately informed of United Nations (UN) assistance is required
the provisions of Annexes 13 and 9 relating to the facilitation of
aircraft accident and incident investigations. In this regard, 8.8 Contracting States shall facilitate the entry into,
States should recognize the need for the investigators concerned departure from and transit through their territories of aircraft

ANNEX 9 8-1 24/11/05

Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 8

engaged in relief flights performed by or on behalf of inter- Annex 6 of the International Health Regulations (2005), in
national organizations recognized by the UN or by or on behalf order to assure uniform acceptance.
of States themselves and shall take all possible measures to
ensure their safe operation. Such relief flights are those under- 8.14 Each Contracting State shall make arrangements to
taken in response to natural and man-made disasters which enable all aircraft operators and agencies concerned to make
seriously endanger human health or the environment, as well available to passengers, sufficiently in advance of departure,
as similar emergency situations where UN assistance is information concerning the vaccination requirements of the
required. Such flights shall be commenced as quickly as countries of destination, as well as the Model International
possible after obtaining agreement with the recipient State. Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis conforming to Arti-
cle 36 and Annex 6 of the International Health Regulations
Note 1.— According to its Internationally Agreed Glossary (2005).
of Basic Terms, the United Nations Department of Humani-
tarian Affairs considers an emergency to be “a sudden and 8.15 The pilot-in-command of an aircraft shall ensure that
usually unforeseen event that calls for immediate measures to a suspected communicable disease is reported promptly to air
minimize its adverse consequences”, and a disaster to be “a traffic control, in order to facilitate provision for the presence
serious disruption of the functioning of society, causing of any special medical personnel and equipment necessary for
widespread human, material or environmental losses which the management of public health risks on arrival.
exceed the ability of the affected society to cope using only its
own resources”. Note 1.— A communicable disease could be suspected and
require further evaluation if a person has a fever (temperature
Note 2.— With respect to the application of measures to 38°C/100°F or greater) that is associated with certain signs or
ensure the safe operation of relief flights, attention is drawn to symptoms: e.g. appearing obviously unwell; persistent
Annex 11 — Air Traffic Services, the Manual Concerning coughing; impaired breathing; persistent diarrhoea; persistent
Safety Measures Relating to Military Activities Potentially vomiting; skin rash; bruising or bleeding without previous
Hazardous to Civil Aircraft Operations (Doc 9554) and the injury; or, confusion of recent onset.
Manual concerning Interception of Civil Aircraft (Doc 9433).
Note 2.— In the event of a case of suspected communicable
8.9 Contracting States shall ensure that personnel and disease on board an aircraft, the pilot-in-command may need
articles arriving on relief flights referred to in 8.8 are cleared to follow his operator’s protocols and procedures, in addition
without delay. to health-related legal requirements of the countries of
departure and/or destination. The latter would normally be
found in the Aeronautical Information Publications (AIPs) of
D. Marine pollution and safety the States concerned.
emergency operations
8.15.1 Recommended Practice.— When a public health
8.10 In cases of emergency, Contracting States shall threat has been identified, and when the public health author-
facilitate the entry, transit and departure of aircraft engaged in ities of a Contracting State require information concerning
the combatting or prevention of marine pollution, or other passengers’ and/or crews’ travel itineraries or contact infor-
operations necessary to ensure maritime safety, safety of the mation for the purposes of tracing persons who may have been
population or protection of the marine environment. exposed to a communicable disease, that Contracting State
should accept the “Public Health Passenger Locator Card”
8.11 In cases of emergency, Contracting States shall, to reproduced in Appendix 13 as the sole document for this
the greatest extent possible, facilitate the entry, transit and purpose.
departure of persons, cargo, material and equipment required to
deal with the marine pollution and safety operations described Note.— It is suggested that States make available adequate
in 8.10. stocks of the Passenger Locator Card, for use at their inter-
national airports and for distribution to aircraft operators, for
completion by passengers and crew.
E. Implementation of international health
regulations and related provisions

8.12 Contracting States shall comply with the pertinent F. Communicable disease outbreak
provisions of the International Health Regulations (2005) of national aviation plan
the World Health Organization.
8.16 A Contracting State shall establish a national avia-
8.13 Contracting States shall take all possible measures to tion plan in preparation for an outbreak of a communicable
have vaccinators use the Model International Certificate of disease posing a public health risk or public health emergency
Vaccination or Prophylaxis, in accordance with Article 36 and of international concern.

24/11/05 8-2
No. 20
Chapter 8 Annex 9 — Facilitation

Note.— Guidance in developing a national aviation plan to make accessible to persons with disabilities all the elements
may be found on the ICAO website on the Aviation Medicine of the chain of the person’s journey, from beginning to end.
8.24 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
should take the necessary steps with aircraft operators,
airports and ground handling operators to establish minimum
G. Establishment of national uniform standards of accessibility with respect to transpor-
facilitation programmes tation services for persons with disabilities, from arrival at the
airport of departure to leaving the airport of destination.
8.17 Each Contracting State shall establish a national air
transport facilitation programme based on the facilitation 8.25 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
requirements of the Convention and of Annex 9 thereto. should take the necessary steps with aircraft operators,
airports, ground handling operators and travel agencies to
8.18 Each Contracting State shall ensure that the objective ensure that persons with disabilities are given the information
of its national air transport facilitation programme shall be to they need, and should take the necessary steps to ensure that
adopt all practicable measures to facilitate the movement of airlines, airports, ground handling operators and travel
aircraft, crews, passengers, cargo, mail and stores, by removing agencies are in a position to give those passengers the assist-
unnecessary obstacles and delays. ance necessary for them, depending on their needs, to help
them in their travel.
8.18.1 Recommended Practice.— In establishing a
national air transport facilitation programme, States should
8.26 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
use the guidance material outlined in Appendix 12.
should take all necessary steps to secure the cooperation of
aircraft operators, airports and ground handling operators in
8.19 Each Contracting State shall establish a National Air
order to establish and coordinate training programmes to
Transport Facilitation Committee, and Airport Facilitation
ensure that trained personnel are available to assist persons
Committees as required, or similar coordinating bodies, for the
with disabilities.
purpose of coordinating facilitation activities between depart-
ments, agencies, and other organizations of the State con-
cerned with, or responsible for, various aspects of international
civil aviation as well as with airport and aircraft operators. II. Access to airports

8.20 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States 8.27 Contracting States shall take the necessary steps to
should endeavour to establish close coordination, adapted to ensure that airport facilities and services are adapted to the
circumstances, between civil aviation security and facilitation needs of persons with disabilities.
programmes. To this end, certain members of Facilitation
Committees should also be members of Security Committees.
8.28 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States
should ensure that lifting systems or any other appropriate
8.21 Recommended Practice.— In establishing and
devices are made available in order to facilitate the movement
operating National Air Transport and Airport Facilitation
of elderly and disabled passengers between the aircraft and
Committees, States should use the guidance material outlined
the terminal on both arrival and departure as required where
in Appendices 11 and 12.
telescopic passageways are not used.

8.29 Recommended Practice.— Measures should be

H. Facilitation of the transport of taken to ensure that the hearing- and vision-impaired are able
passengers requiring special assistance to obtain flight information.

8.30 Recommended Practice.— For elderly and disabled

I. General persons being set down or picked up at a terminal building,
reserved points should be located as close as possible to main
8.22 Recommended Practice.— When travelling, persons entrances. To facilitate movement to the various areas of the
with disabilities should be provided with special assistance in airport, access routes should be free of obstacles.
order to ensure that they receive services customarily available
to the general public. Such assistance includes the offering of 8.31 Recommended Practice.— Where access to public
information and directions in media that can be understood by services is limited, every effort should be made to provide
travellers with cognitive or sensory disabilities. accessible and reasonably priced ground transportation
services by adapting current and planned public transit sys-
8.23 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States tems or by providing special transport services for people with
should cooperate with a view to taking the necessary measures mobility needs.

8-3 15/7/07
No. 20
Annex 9 — Facilitation Chapter 8

8.32 Recommended Practice.— Adequate parking 8.38 Recommended Practice.— If the presence of an
facilities should be provided for people with mobility needs escort is required, Contracting States should encourage
and appropriate measures taken to facilitate their movement aircraft operators to offer discounts for the carriage of that
between parking areas and the terminal buildings. accompanying person.

8.33 Recommended Practice.— Direct transfer from

one aircraft to another of passengers, particularly elderly and
disabled passengers, should be authorized, where necessary I. Assistance to aircraft accident victims
and possible, whenever this is warranted by deadlines in and their families
making connecting flights or by other circumstances.
8.39 The State of Occurrence of an aircraft accident and
adjacent States shall make arrangements to facilitate the entry
III. Access to air services into their territory on a temporary basis of family members of
victims of an aircraft accident.
8.34 Contracting States shall take the necessary steps to
ensure that persons with disabilities have adequate access to 8.40 The State of Occurrence and adjacent States shall
air services. also make arrangements to facilitate the entry into their
territory, on a temporary basis, of authorized representatives of
8.35 Recommended Practice.— Contracting States the operator whose aircraft has met with the accident, or of the
should introduce provisions by which aircraft coming newly operator’s alliance partner, in order to enable them to provide
into service or after major refurbishment should conform to assistance to survivors and their family members, the family
minimum uniform standards of accessibility with respect to members of the deceased victims of the accident and the
equipment on board aircraft which would include movable relevant authorities in these States.
armrests, on-board wheelchairs, lavatories and suitable light-
ing and signs. Note.— Code-sharing and similar alliance agreements
sometimes require alliance partners to act as “first responder”
8.36 Recommended Practice.— Wheelchairs, special on behalf of an affected operator in case the alliance partner
apparatus and equipment required by persons with disabilities can get to the location of the accident quicker than the affected
should be carried free of charge in the cabin where, in the operator.
view of the aircraft operator, space and safety requirements
permit or should be designated as priority baggage. Service 8.41 Recommended Practice.— In arranging for the
animals accompanying passengers with disabilities should entry of the persons referred to in 8.39, the State of Occur-
also be carried free of charge in the cabin, subject to the rence and adjacent States should not require any other travel
application of any relevant national or aircraft operator document than a passport, or an emergency travel document
regulations. issued specifically to such persons, to enable them to travel to
these States. In cases where the State of Occurrence of the
8.37 Recommended Practice.— In principle, persons accident or an adjacent State requires entrance visas for per-
with disabilities should be permitted to determine whether or sons referred to in 8.39 and 8.40 above, it should expedite the
not they need an escort and to travel without the requirement issuance of such visas.
for a medical clearance. However, advance notice should be
mandatory where assistance or lifting is required. Aircraft 8.42 Contracting States shall make arrangements to issue
operators should only be permitted to require passengers with emergency travel documents, if required, to their nationals
disabilities to obtain a medical clearance in cases of medical who have survived the accident.
condition where it is clear that their safety or well-being or
that of other passengers cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, 8.43 Contracting States shall extend all necessary assist-
aircraft operators should only be permitted to require an ance, such as arranging transport and clearing customs, in the
escort when it is clear that a person with disabilities is not repatriation of human remains to their countries of origin, on
self-reliant and, as such, the safety or well-being of that request by family members of the deceased or the operator
person or that of another passenger cannot be guaranteed. whose aircraft met with the accident.

24/11/05 8-4
No. 20


Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Marks of Nationality and Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flight No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Departure from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arrival at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Place) (Place)

(“Place” Column always to list origin, every en-route stop and destination)


Departure Place:
Embarking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Through on same flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
297 mm (or 11 3/4 inches)

Arrival Place:
Disembarking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Through on same flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Declaration of Health For official use only

Name and seat number or function of persons on board with illnesses other than
airsickness or the effects of accidents, who may be suffering from a communicable
disease (a fever — temperature 38°C/100°F or greater — associated with one or more
of the following signs or symptoms, e.g. appearing obviously unwell; persistent
coughing; impaired breathing; persistent diarrhoea; persistent vomiting; skin rash;
bruising or bleeding without previous injury; or confusion of recent onset, increases the
likelihood that the person is suffering a communicable disease) as well as such cases of
illness disembarked during a previous stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Details of each disinsecting or sanitary treatment (place, date, time, method)
during the flight. If no disinsecting has been carried out during the flight, give details
of most recent disinsecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Signed, if required, with time and date ______________________________________

Crew member concerned

I declare that all statements and particulars contained in this General Declaration, and in any supplementary forms required to be
presented with this General Declaration, are complete, exact and true to the best of my knowledge and that all through passengers will
continue/have continued on the flight.

SIGNATURE __________________________________________
Authorized Agent or Pilot-in-command

Size of document to be 210 mm × 297 mm (or 8 1/4 × 11 3/4 inches).

** To be completed when required by the State.
** Not to be completed when passenger manifests are presented and to be completed only when required by the State.

210 mm (or 8 1/4 inches)

ANNEX 9 APP 1-1 15/7/07

No. 20


Operator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Marks of Nationality and Registration*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flight No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Point of embarkation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Point of disembarkation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Place) (Place)

Surname and initials For use by operator only For official use only

297 mm (or 11 3/4 inches)


Size of document to be 210 mm × 297 mm (or 8 1/4 × 11 3/4 inches).

** To be completed only when required by the State.

210 mm (or 8 1/4 inches)

ANNEX 9 APP 2-1 24/11/05



Operator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Marks of Nationality and Registration* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flight No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Point of lading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Point of unlading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Place) (Place)

Air Waybill Number of

Number packages Nature of goods* For use by operator only For official use only

297 mm (or 11 3/4 inches)


Size of document to be 210 mm × 297 mm (or 8 1/4 × 11 3/4 inches).

* To be completed only when required by the State.
210 mm (or 8 1/4 inches)

ANNEX 9 APP 3-1 24/11/05


GOVERNMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Interior surfaces, including cargo space, of this aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . were treated with permethrin on . . . . . . . .
(aircraft registration) (date)
in accordance with the World Health Organization recommendations (WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record No. 7, 1985,
p. 47; No. 12, 1985, p. 90; No. 45, 1985, pp. 345-346; and No. 44, 1987, pp. 335-336) and any amendments thereto.

The treatment must be renewed if cleaning or other operations remove a significant amount of the permethrin residue, and
in any case within 8 weeks of the above date.

Expiry date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Signed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Designation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ANNEX 9 APP 4-1 24/11/05



(Please print in block letters*)

1. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................
Primary name Secondary name(s)

2. Date of birth: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. ...............

Year Month Day

3. Nationality: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. Travel document: . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. .............

Issuing State Document type Number

5. Arriving passengers:
port of embarkation
or ............................................
Departing passengers:
port of disembarkation

6. (Other data, requested at the option of the State)

a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* Applies to languages using the Latin alphabet.

ANNEX 9 APP 5-1 24/11/05

For a Simplified Customs Control, Based on the Dual-Channel
System, of Passengers Arriving by Air (8 June 1971)

“THE CUSTOMS CO-OPERATION COUNCIL, of import duties and taxes and which are not subject
to import prohibitions or restrictions; and
Having Regard to Recommendation No. B-3 of the Seventh
Session of the Facilitation Division of the International Civil b) the other (red channel) for other passengers.
Aviation Organization, as adopted by the Council of that
Organization in December 1968, relating to the establishment 2) Each channel shall be clearly and distinctively marked
at international airports of dual-channel systems for speedy so that the choice between them can easily be under-
clearance of inbound baggage; stood by passengers. The basic distinctive marking shall
Having Regard to Recommendation No. 11 adopted by the
Second Intermediate Session of the European Civil Aviation a) for the channel referred to under 1) a), green, in the
Conference in July 1969 on the dual-channel or red/green shape of a regular octagon, and the words “NOTHING

Desiring to contribute to the efforts to improve the flow of b) for the channel referred to under 1) b), red, in
passenger traffic at international airports; the shape of a square, and the words “GOODS TO
Considering that this aim can be achieved by introducing a
simplified procedure, based on the dual-channel system, for In addition, the channels should be identified by an
the Customs control of passengers and their baggage; inscription including the words “CUSTOMS”
Considering that such a system can be adopted without
reducing the effectiveness of the control and that it enables 3) The texts referred to in paragraph 2) shall be in English
Customs authorities to deal efficiently with an increasing and/or French and in any other language or languages
number of passengers without a corresponding increase in the deemed useful for the airport concerned.
number of Customs staff;
4) Passengers must be sufficiently well informed to choose
Considering that harmonization of the features of this between the channels. For this purpose it is important:
system, as between the various countries, is essential to its
smooth operation; a) that passengers be informed about the functioning of
the system and about the descriptions and quantities
Recommends that Members introduce, at their major inter- of goods they may have with them when using the
national airports, in close co-operation with the airport green channel. This may be done by means of posters
operators and other agencies concerned, the dual-channel or panels at the airport or by means of leaflets
system outlined below for the clearance inwards of passengers available to the public at the airport or distributed
and their baggage: through tourist agencies, airlines and other interested
1) The system shall allow the passengers to choose
between two types of channels: b) that the route to the channels be clearly signposted.

a) one (green channel) for passengers having with them 5) The channels shall be located beyond the baggage
no goods or only goods which can be admitted free delivery area so that passengers have all their baggage
with them when choosing their channel. Moreover, the
channels shall be so arranged that the passenger flow
from that area to the exits from the airport is as direct as
* Now known as the World Customs Organization (WCO). possible.

ANNEX 9 APP 6-1 24/11/05

Annex 9 — Facilitation Appendix 6

6) The distance between the baggage delivery area and the Requests Members who accept this Recommendation to
entrances to the channels shall be sufficient to allow notify to the Secretary General:
passengers to decide which channel to choose and to
move into that channel without causing congestion. a) their acceptance and the date from which they will apply
the Recommendation;
7) In the green channel passengers shall not be subject to
any Customs formalities but the Customs may make b) the names of the airports where the dual-channel system
spot checks; in the red channel passengers shall is applied.
accomplish the formalities required by the Customs;
The Secretary General will transmit this information to the
Points out that the dual-channel system is not necessarily Customs Administrations of Members, to the Secretary
incompatible with the application of other controls, for General of the International Civil Aviation Organization
example, exchange control, unless the relevant regulations (ICAO) and to the Director General of the International Air
require full control of the passengers and their baggage; Transport Association (IATA).”

24/11/05 APP 6-2


Issuing State CREW MEMBER

Competent issuing authority CERTIFICATE
Surname/Nom Given name/
Sex/ Nationality/ Date of Birth/
Sexe Nationalité Date de Naissance
Photograph Employed by/ Occupation/
of holder of Employeur Profession
Certificate Doc No/No du Doc Date of Expiry/
Date d’expiration

(Signature of holder)

Front of CMC

Issuing State
The holder may, at all times, re-enter upon
production of this certificate, within the
period of validity.
Issued at/Émis à Issuing Authority/
(Place of issue) Autorité d’émission

Machine Readable Zone

(To be left blank when non-machine readable
certificate issued)

Back of CMC

Note.— Detailed specifications for a machine readable crew member certificate can be found in Doc 9303,
Part 3 — Size 1 and Size 2 Machine Readable Official Travel Documents.

ANNEX 9 APP 7-1 24/11/05



Competent issuing authority SAFETY INSPECTOR
Surname/Nom Given name/Prénom

Sex/ Nationality/ Date of Birth/

Sexe Nationalité Date de Naissance
Photograph Employed by/ Occupation/
Employeur Profession
of holder of
Doc No/No du Doc Date of Expiry/
Date d’expiration

(Signature of holder)

Front of Certificate

Issuing State

The holder may, at all times, re-enter upon

production of this certificate, within the
period of validity.

Issued at/Émis à
Issuing Authority/
(Place of issue) Autorité d’émission

Machine Readable Zone

(To be left blank when non-machine readable
certificate issued)

Back of Certificate

Note.— Detailed specifications for a machine readable certificate can be found in Doc 9303, Part 3 — Size 1
and Size 2 Machine Readable Official Travel Documents.

ANNEX 9 APP 8-1 24/11/05




From: Immigration or other appropriate authority: (Name) To: Immigration or other appropriate authority: (Name)
Airport: (Name) Airport: (Name)
State: (Name) State: (Name)

The person for whom this document is issued arrived on (date) at (name of) Airport on flight (flight number) from (City and

This person, who was found to be inadmissible, has lost or destroyed his travel documents and claims to be/is understood to
be (strike out whichever is not applicable and add any appropriate supporting information).


Given name(s):

Date of birth: Photograph

Place of birth: if available



The incoming carrier was instructed to remove the passenger from the territory of this State on flight (flight number) departing
on (date) at (time) from (name of) airport.

Pursuant to Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the last State in which a passenger previously stayed
and most recently travelled from is invited to accept him for re-examination when he has been refused admission to another

Date: Name of Official:

Name of immigration or other appropriate authority:

(Warning: This is NOT an Identification Document)

ANNEX 9 APP 9-1 24/11/05

Annex 9 —Facilitation Appendix 9



From: Immigration or appropriate authority: (Name) To: Immigration or appropriate authority: (Name)
Airport: (Name) Airport: (Name)
State: (Name) State: (Name)

Enclosed herewith is a photocopy of a fraudulent/falsified/counterfeit passport/identity card/genuine document presented by an

Document number:
State in whose name this document was issued:

The above-mentioned document was used by a person claiming to be:


Given name(s):

Date of birth: Photograph

Place of birth: if available



This person arrived on (date) at (name of) Airport on flight (flight number) from (City and State).

The holder was refused entry to (name of State) and the incoming carrier has been instructed to remove the passenger from the
territory of this State on flight (flight number) departing at (time) and (date) from (name of airport).

The above-mentioned document will be required as evidence in the holder’s prosecution and has been impounded. As this
document is the property of the State in whose name it was issued, it will be returned, following prosecution, to the appropriate

According to Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the last State in which a passenger previously stayed
and most recently travelled from is invited to accept him for re-examination when he has been refused admission to another

Date: Name and signature of Official:

Name of immigration or appropriate authority:

(Warning: This is NOT an Identification Document)

24/11/05 APP 9-2

Shipper (Exporter) Date: Reference No. etc.

Consignee Other address (e.g. buyer, if other than consignee)

Notify or delivery address Statements as to countries

Statements as to transportation Terms of delivery and payment

Marks and numbers; number and kind of package; description of goods Statistical No. Net quantity Value
297 mm (or 11 3/4 inches)

Gross weight Measurement

Free disposal

Place and date of issue; signature

210 mm (or 8 1/4 inches)

ANNEX 9 APP 10-1 24/11/05



3.1 The recommended vehicle to conduct the facilitation
The purpose of an airport FAL programme is to pursue the programme at the operational level is the Airport Facilitation
objectives of Annex 9 at the operational level, to facilitate the Committee. Although such committees should be encouraged
completion of border clearance formalities at the airport with by the National FAL Committee and keep it informed of their
respect to aircraft, crews, passengers and cargo. problems and progress, they are not necessarily supervised by
the national body. Their principal concern is day-to-day
problem-solving and implementation of Annex 9.
FAL PROGRAMME 3.2 It is recommended that the airport manager take charge
of the committee and convene regular meetings. Membership
The airport FAL programme encompasses all of the provisions should consist of the senior officers in charge of their respective
of Annex 9 concerning border clearance processes at the inspection agencies at the airport, e.g. customs, immigration,
airport, as well as the planning for and management of those health, quarantine, etc., as well as the station managers of the
processes. A representative list of tasks to be performed and aircraft operators with international operations at the airport
the Standard(s) or Recommended Practice(s) (SARPs) appli- concerned. The participation of all parties is necessary to make
cable to each one are provided in the table below. the airport FAL programme a success.

Annex 9
Airport FAL programme task (12th Edition) SARPs

Establish, review and amend, as necessary, procedures for entry and clearance of flights at the airport Standards 6.1.1, 8.16

Review regularly all parties’ performance with respect to meeting the 45-minute goal for processing Recommended Practices 3.36
inbound passengers and the 60-minute goal for processing outbound passengers. Use time studies and and 3.39
queue analysis to determine where adjustments should be made.

Establish modern systems for immigration and customs inspection, using applicable technology. Standards 3.40, 3.51 and 6.26
Collaborate in setting up automated passenger clearance systems.

Make necessary changes in traffic flows and checkpoints in the airport to cope with rising traffic Standard 6.3

Improve the quality and quantity of signage in the inspection facilities in order to reduce customer Recommended Practices 6.9
confusion. and 6.12.1

Review staffing of inspection stations – work shifts, overtime, etc. – and seek adjustments to meet traffic Recommended Practice 6.3.1

Provide input on behalf of resident aircraft operators and inspection agencies to the design of new Standards 6.2, 6.7 and 6.57
airports or new inspection facilities.

Monitor and improve delivery of baggage to the customs inspection area. Standard 6.28

Bring to the attention of appropriate authorities any service problems related to currency exchange. Standards 6.63, 6.64 and 6.65
Recommend installation of ATMs in the arrivals area.

Coordinate facilitation, narcotics control, aviation security and dangerous goods handling procedures so Standard 8.19
that the objectives of all four programmes are met.

Do not forget cargo! Coordinate the activities and requirements of the various inspection agencies in Standard 4.25; Recommended
order to assure prompt clearance and delivery of air cargo shipments. Provide adequate facilities for Practices 4.28 and 4.29 and 6.38
loading/unloading and for secure storage of cargo while awaiting customs clearance. to 6.50 incl.

Set up and maintain electronic systems for cargo manifesting, customs clearance, and delivery. Standards 4.15 and 4.4

ANNEX 9 APP 11-1 15/7/07

No. 20
Annex 9 — Facilitation Appendix 11

Annex 9
Airport FAL programme task (12th Edition) SARPs

Customer service: Review regularly all parties’ performance with respect to meeting the 3-hour goal for Recommended Practices 4.28
completion of inspection formalities and make adjustments where necessary and feasible. and 4.29

Review inspection agency staffing of cargo clearance area – work shifts, overtime, etc. – and seek Standard 6.60.1
adjustments to meet customer needs.

24/11/05 APP 11-2


1. PURPOSE OF A NATIONAL 3.3 Other entities which may play an advisory role
FAL PROGRAMME include the governmental agencies or non-governmental
organizations which promote international tourism and trade.
The purpose of a National FAL Programme is to implement
the Chicago Convention mandate that Contracting States 3.4 The recommended vehicle for carrying out the
provide for and facilitate the border-crossing formalities that National FAL Programme is the National FAL Committee,
must be accomplished with respect to aircraft engaged in inter- which is composed of the heads of the government agencies
national operations and their passengers, crews and cargo. involved and the chief executive officers of the national organ-
izations representing the aircraft operators and airport
operators. The chairman should be a top-management official
in the CAA or an appropriate authority. In order to sustain a
2. SCOPE OF A NATIONAL close link between the national FAL committee and the
FAL PROGRAMME national aviation security committee, appropriate members
from the national aviation security committee may also be
The applicable articles of the Chicago Convention and the members of the national FAL committee and vice-versa.
tasks involved in implementing each one are presented in the
table below. Activities aimed at accomplishing these and 3.5 For the purpose of carrying out the work of the
related tasks in a State constitute the National FAL committee, the members may designate one or more middle-
Programme.1 management persons in their respective organizations to
represent them in meetings at the staff level (working groups).
These officials should be given sufficient authority to speak on
behalf of their respective organizations and to initiate
3. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT necessary action in support of the committee’s work. The
chairman should designate a middle-management official in
3.1 The primary responsibility for the National FAL his department or agency to chair and convene the staff-level
Programme rests with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) meetings.
and/or the Ministry of Transport. However, success of the
programme requires the active participation of other ministries 3.6 The decision to convene meetings of the National
or agencies, such as: FAL Committee or the members’ designated representatives,
and the frequency and venue of such meetings, are matters of
Customs Passport/visa issuing the chairman’s discretion. Working arrangements for
Foreign Affairs authorities accomplishment of the various implementing tasks would
Agriculture/environment Public Health depend on the nature of the task and the issue at hand.
Security and narcotics control Identification card
Tourism issuing authorities
Immigration Quarantine
3.2 In addition, the active participation of airport FAL PROGRAMME
operators (public or private) and resident international aircraft
operators or their representative organizations is essential. It is advisable that the authority for a National FAL Pro-
gramme and the membership of the National FAL Committee
be established through legislation, regulation, or executive
action from an authorized person, in order to ensure the par-
ticipation of the various agencies and industry groups involved
and to make provision for continuity. The Director General of
1. A group of smaller States with similar needs and goals may Civil Aviation (DGCA) or appropriate authority should initiate
decide to establish a sub-regional FAL programme in the inter- the process to obtain such a mandate through the national
est of achieving economies of scale. political system.

ANNEX 9 APP 12-1 24/11/05

Annex 9 — Facilitation Appendix 12

Chicago Convention mandate Implementing tasks

Article 10 – Landing at customs airport — Establish customs airports and open new ones as appropriate.
... every aircraft which enters the territory of a contracting State shall,
if the regulations of that State so require, land at an airport designated — Develop procedures by which operators of scheduled and
by that State for the purpose of customs and other examination. On non-scheduled services may request permission to land or depart
departure from the territory of a contracting State, such aircraft shall from customs airports.
depart from a similarly designated customs airport. ...
— Arrange for border inspection services at customs airports.

Article 13 – Entry and clearance regulations — Support the interested border control agencies in the
The laws and regulations of a contracting State as to the admission to establishment and maintenance of effective inspection systems
or departure from its territory of passengers, crew or cargo of aircraft, at airports, and in their efforts to rationalize their respective
such as regulations relating to entry, clearance, immigration, passports, procedures.
customs, and quarantine shall be complied with by or on behalf of
such passengers, crew or cargo upon entrance into or departure from, — Develop programmes for control of security problems such as
or while within the territory of that State. document fraud, illegal migration and smuggling.

— Coordinate preparations for clearing large numbers of

international visitors for special events, e.g. international athletics

Article 14 – Prevention of spread of disease — Establish, review and amend as necessary the national policies
Each contracting State agrees to take effective measures to prevent the regarding prevention of the spread of contagious diseases by air,
spread by means of air navigation of cholera, typhus (epidemic), for example, aircraft disinsection, disinfection, public
smallpox, yellow fever, plague, and such other communicable diseases health-related quarantine programmes, and screening measures
as the contracting States shall from time to time decide to designate, ... to be applied in a health emergency.

Article 22 – Facilitation of formalities — Establish, review and amend as necessary the national regulations
Each contracting State agrees to adopt all practicable measures, which implement the State’s customs, immigration and quarantine
through the issuance of special regulations or otherwise, to facilitate laws pertaining to international movements by air.
and expedite navigation by aircraft between the territories of
contracting States, and to prevent unnecessary delays to aircraft,
crews, passengers and cargo, especially in the administration of the
laws relating to immigration, quarantine, customs and clearance.

Article 23 – Customs and immigration procedures — Establish and amend as appropriate, customs and immigration
Each contracting States undertakes, so far as it may find practicable, procedures carried out at airports, to harmonize them with the
to establish customs and immigration procedures affecting standards and recommended practices set forth in Annex 9.
international air navigation in accordance with the practices which
may be established or recommended from time to time, pursuant to — Support and advocate the national issuance of passports and
this Convention. ... other travel documents in accordance with ICAO specifications
in Doc 9303 – Machine Readable Travel Documents.

Article 37 – Adoption of international standards and procedures — Participate in ICAO development of Annex 9.
Each contracting State undertakes to collaborate in securing the
highest practicable degree of uniformity in regulations, standards, — Review national procedures periodically in order to ensure
procedures, and organization in relation to aircraft, personnel, airways harmonization with the provisions of Annex 9.
and auxiliary services in all matters in which such uniformity will
facilitate and improve air navigation.
(j) Customs and immigration procedures

Article 38 – Departures from international standards and procedures — Periodically review conformity by all relevant agencies with the
Any State which finds it impracticable to comply in all respects with provisions of Annex 9 and notify ICAO of differences between
any such international standard or procedure, or to bring its own national practices and the relevant standards.
regulations or practices into full accord with any international standard
or procedure after amendment of the latter, or which deems it
necessary to adopt regulations or practices differing in any particular
respect from those established by an international standard, shall give
immediate notification to the International Civil Aviation Organization
of the differences between its own practice and that established in the
international standard. ...

24/11/05 APP 12-2
No. 20


Public Health Passenger Locator Card to be completed when public health authorities suspect the presence of a communicable disease. The
information you provide will assist the public health authorities to manage the public health event by enabling them to trace passengers who
may have been exposed to communicable disease. The information is intended to be held by the public health authorities in accordance with
applicable law and to be used only for public health purposes.
Flight Information
1. Airline and Flight Number 2. Date of arrival 3. Seat Number where you actually sat on the aircraft

Airline Flight Number DD MM YYYY

Personal Information
4. Name

Family Name Given Name(s)

Your Current Home Address (including country)

Street Name and Number City State/Province

Country ZIP/Postal Code

Your Contact Phone Number (Residential or Business or Mobile)

Country code Area code Phone Number E-mail address

Pasport or Travel Document Number Issuing Country/Organization

Contact Information
5. Address and phone number where you can be contacted during your stay or, if visiting many places, your cell phone and initial address

Street Name and Number City State/Province

Country ZIP/Postal Code Telephone Number (including country code) or mobile phone number
6. Contact information for the person who will best know where you are for the next 31 days, in case of emergency or to provide critical health information to you.
Please provide the name of a close personal contact or a work contact. This must NOT be you.
a. Name

Family Name Given Name(s)

b. Telephone Number

Country Code Area Code Phone Number E-mail address

c. Address

Street Name and Number City State/Province

Country ZIP/Postal Code

7. Are you traveling with anyone else? YES/NO Circle appropriate response. If so, who? (name of Individual(s) or Group)

— END —

ANNEX 9 APP 13-1 15/7/07

No. 20
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© ICAO 2005
8/05, E/P1/2050

Order No. AN 9
Printed in ICAO

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