54-00 CL DG Helicopters
54-00 CL DG Helicopters
54-00 CL DG Helicopters
Process No 58-30
Document Reference COO.2207.111.4.3782848
Registration No 311.122-HEL/00004/00014
Prepared by R. Cataldo / SBOC and Nicola Garovi / SBHE
Released by SB AFS / 12 June 2018
Distribution Internal / External
FOCA GM/INFO DG Helicopter
FOCA GM/INFO DG Helicopter
List of Abbreviations
LoA ISS 1 / REV 4 / 26.10.2017
FOCA GM/INFO DG Helicopter
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
0.1 Legal References ...................................................................................................................1
0.2 Purpose of this GM/INFO .......................................................................................................2
0.3 Scope .....................................................................................................................................2
0.4 Terms and Conditions ............................................................................................................3
0.5 Format of the GM/INFO ..........................................................................................................4
Exceptions ..........................................................................................................................10
3.1 General exceptions ..............................................................................................................10
3.2 Exceptions for DG of the Operator .......................................................................................12
3.3 Spares (COMAT) Classified as DG ......................................................................................13
3.4 DG that may be carried by passengers and crew .................................................................14
Forbidden DG .....................................................................................................................15
4.1 General ................................................................................................................................15
4.2 Description of Forbidden DG - DG Carriers ..........................................................................16
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Reporting ............................................................................................................................36
10.1 General ................................................................................................................................36
10.2 Reportable Occurrences ......................................................................................................36
10.3 Reporting Procedure ............................................................................................................37
10.4 Content of the Reports .........................................................................................................38
Training ...............................................................................................................................49
15.1 Qualification Requirements ..................................................................................................50
15.2 DG Modules .........................................................................................................................51
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Ch. 0 ISS 1 / REV 4 / 26.10.2017
This Certification Leaflets (CL) is intended to assist all operators in the implementation of relevant
matters into the activities and document system of the operator, as well as to ensure compliance with
legal requirements. It is to be considered a tool for the operator in order to ease processes of obtaining
required and defined acceptances, approvals and authorisations issued by the Federal Office of Civil
Aviation (FOCA). Using the CL will facilitate establishing compliance with defined requirements and
will lead through the respective certification or variation process. This is achieved by the presentation
of key questions to be used by the operator to question completeness and compliance of the
information contained in the respective document system by performing a self- assessment prior to
submitting the documentation to FOCA.
It is important to understand, that FOCA will use the identical CL when evaluating regulatory
compliance to a specific requirement. The CL is also used as a checklist when performing the
authorities’ technical finding during the certification or variation process. The questions used by the
operator during the self-assessment are identical to those used by the responsible inspector during
the evaluation process.
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The purpose of this GM/INFO is to describe the specific requirements of the dangerous goods
regulations and to provide the helicopter operators and FOCA inspectors with guidance material on
how to implement relevant operations matters into the operations manuals A (SPO OM-A), and D.
Note: The structure of the OM-A (SPO OM-A) Chapter 9 Dangerous goods and weapons is
designed in such a way that it can be used as part of the required training content. Only the
general philosophy aspect of training and a few additional aspects for DG Carriers (see CL 15
Training) will have to be added.
0.3 Scope
Ch. 0.3 ISS 1 / REV 4 / 26.10.2017
Unless otherwise specified, this CL is for all helicopter operators, whether the operator is intending to
transport dangerous goods other than those described in CL 6 (these operators are hereafter called
DG Carriers) or not intending to transport dangerous goods other than those described in CL 6 (these
operators are hereafter called Non DG Carriers).
Where the requirements for DG Carriers and Non DG Carriers differ they are specifically highlighted.
When the description of a topic in the operations manual is mandatory only for DG Carriers or for Non
DG Carriers, the carriers for which the description is not mandatory are advised to leave this part blank
in the operations manual.
Operators are reminded that implementing relevant operations matters into the Operations Manual
System alone does not authorise the transport of dangerous goods by air. In fact, a specific Operations
Specification Approval has to be obtained from FOCA.
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When used throughout the GM/INFO the following terms shall have the meaning as defined below:
The use of the male gender should be understood to include male and female persons.
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements apply to both DG Carriers and Non DG Carriers.
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This GM/INFO has the format of a Certification Leaflet (CL). The CL consists of a standardised
modular reference box system. The following presentation provides details of the defined format:
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General Information
Ch. 1 ISS 1 / REV 4 / 26.10.2017
In order to achieve compatibility with the regulations covering the transport of DG by other modes of
transport, the provisions of Annex 18 are based on
the Recommendations of the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of DG
and on;
the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials by the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA).
The basic provisions of Annex 18 are amplified by the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of
DG by Air (ICAO DOC 9284).
By virtue of Standard 2.2.1 of Annex 18, these instructions assume the character of Standards.
New versions of these instructions are issued every uneven year.
Any addenda to the latest edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions issued by ICAO constitute part of
these Instructions.
Due to the differences in the type of operations carried out by helicopters compared to aeroplanes
operations a dangerous goods category 6 training may not be appropriate for staff involved in this type
of operation. Therefore an alleviation is granted to Swiss helicopter operators transporting DG within
the Swiss territory. This alleviation implies that all aspects of the “acceptance procedures”, which are
normaly part of category 6 training, must be integrated for category 10/11 (flight crew, loadmasters
and load planners) training and has to be included into the respective documentation. If training is
provided by an external company/instructor, the operator is responsible to ensure that the “acceptance
procedure” is included into the category 10/11 training.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) produces annually a guideline called the IATA DG
Regulations (IATA DGR). This guideline reproduces the requirements of the ICAO TIs and may in
some cases be more restrictive than the ICAO TIs.
Should a decision be made to use this guideline instead of the ICAO TIs, references to the regulations
must be completed accordingly in the operations manuals.
Operators are reminded that a new version of the IATA DGR is issued annually.
For user friendliness of this CL, the reference to the IATA DGR is mentioned between ( ) in part of
the reference boxes (see also CL 0.4 Format).
The safety regulations provide requirements for the safe transport of DG (protection against the danger
deriving from the product itself).
The security regulations (contained in Annex 17) provide (among others) requirements to minimize
theft or misuse of DG.
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1 Explosives
* **
1 1
2 Gases
2 2 2
3 Flammable liquids
5.1 5.2 5
6 6
7 Radioactive material
7 7
8 Corrosive substances
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The classes and their numbers give an indication of the hazard. Their numerical order does not denote
the degree of danger. The latter is specified by the packing group.
For packing purposes, substances of some classes are assigned to three packing groups in
accordance with the degree of danger they present:
Packing Group I: Substances posing high danger;
Packing Group II: Substances posing medium danger,
Packing Group III: Substances posing low danger.
1.5 DG by Air
Ch. 1.5 ISS 1 / REV 2 / 04.12.2014
These requirements are intended to facilitate transport while giving a level of safety such that DG can
be carried without placing an aircraft or its occupants at risk.
Due to the differences in the type of operations carried out by helicopters compared with aeroplanes,
there may be circumstances when the full provisions of the ICAO technical instructions are not
appropriate or necessary due to the operations involving unmanned sites, remote locations,
mountainous areas or construction sites, etc. In such circumstances and when appropriate, the state
of the operator may grant an approval in order to permit the carriage of dangerous goods without all
of the normal requirements of these instructions being fulfilled.
The operator’s responsibilities are described in CAT.GEN.MPA.200 and ICAO Annex 6 Part III and
Annex 18/TIs Part 7 and 8.
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2-A9-001 OM-A, Chapter 9.1. Information, instructions and general guidance on the transport of dangerous goods
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM-A, Chapter 9.1.1 Policy on the transport of dangerous goods
Is there a policy defining whether an approval for the transport of DG is held or not?
In case an approval for the transport of DG is held, has an operational point of contact for DG
been foreseen and stated?
If there is the intention to transport radioactive materials, if applicable, has a general
authorisation for the transport of radioactive materials been obtained from the Federal Office of
Public Health and is this authorisation stated?
If no approval for the transport of DG is held, are the DG allowed on board the aircraft stated
(See CL 3).
Transport of DG
Due to the differences in the type of operations carried out by helicopters compared with aeroplanes,
there may be circumstances when the full provisions of the ICAO technical instructions are not
appropriate or necessary due to the operations involving unmanned sites, remote locations,
mountainous areas or construction sites, etc. In such circumstances and when appropriate, the state
of the operator may grant an approval in order to permit the carriage of dangerous goods without all
of the normal requirements of these Instructions being fulfilled.
Should it be decided to transport DG other than the excepted DG, an approval for the transport of DG
has to be applied for. In this case, evidence must be shown to FOCA that:
adequate training as stated in ICAO TIs Part 1 Chapter 4 has been given;
the operations manuals OM-A and OM-D contain all information and procedures to be used to
ensure the safe handling of DG at all stages of air transport. These information and
procedures will have to be updated in accordance with the amendments of the ICAO TIs (see
Chapter 0.1 Legal References).
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Ch. 3 ISS 1 / REV 4 / 26.10.2017
Note: The previous examples that do not suit to the operator's operations should be deleted.
The DG must be under the control of trained personnel during the time when they are in use on the
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COMAT is an industry term developed and used by certificate holders to describe a wide array of
company materials including aircraft spares and replacement items for installed equipment and
consumable materials. Some of these COMAT are classified as DG.
According to ICAO TIs Part 1 Chapter 2.2.1, the provisions of the ICAO TIs do not apply to the
company materials unless these articles and substances are intended as replacements (spares).
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Is there an attachment to the OM-A Chapter 9 describing the DG that may be carried by
passengers and crew?
Is there a description of the procedure ensuring that the personnel involved always have the
most recent list of DG items which may be carried by passengers and crew at their disposal?
Is there a description of the procedure to follow when the DG allowed have to fulfill some test
Is there a description of the procedure to follow when the approval of the operator is required?
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Forbidden DG
Ch. 4 ISS 1 / REV 4 / 26.10.2017
4.1 General
Ch. 4.1 ISS 1 / REV 2 / 4.12.2014 EVALUATION METHOD
Non DG Carriers: is there a statement that DG others than those mentioned in OM-A 9.
Exceptions are forbidden for transport?
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APP: Where specifically stated in the ICAO TIs, the state of origin and the state of the operator may grant
an approval:
m) To transport dangerous goods forbidden on passenger and/or cargo aircraft where these
Instructions state that such goods may be carried under an approval;
n) For other purposes as specified in these Instructions; provided that in such instances an overall
level of safety in transport which is at least equivalent to the level of safety provided for in these
Instructions is achieved.
The state of origin of the transport and the state of the operator may grant an approval
- to transport DG forbidden on passenger and/or cargo aircraft where the ICAO TIs state that
such goods may be carried under an approval;
- for other purposes as specified in the ICAO TIs
provided that in such instances an overall level of safety in transport which is at least equivalent
to the level of safety provided for in the ICAO TIs is achieved.
In Switzerland, requests for approvals have to be sent to [email protected].
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For further reference and an example of a hidden DG shipment indicators list, refer to ICAO TIs Part
7 Chapter 6 or IATA DGR 2.2.4.
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The item must be clearly identifiable as DG if it is not marked and labelled as required in the TI’s
Non DG Carriers: is it stated, that shipments bearing DG markings and labelling will not be
loaded onboard the aircraft?
Unless otherwise stated in the ICAO TIs, packages and overpacks containing DG offered for transport
by air must be
labelled with danger class labels for the primary and subsidiary hazard shown in column 3 and
4 of Table 3-1 ICAO TIs. These labels must bear the class or division number and be able to
withstand open weather exposure without a substantial reduction in effectiveness;
labelled with applicable handling labels according to ICAO TIs Part 5 Chapter 3.5.2.
If the circumstances do not allow to fulfill the above mentioned requirements, the packages
can be accepted when it is clearly identifiable as DG.
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Are the requirements regarding transport documentation described? If the circumstances do not
allow to fulfill the above mentioned requirements another form of transport documentation is
acceptable and has to be described.
Non DG Carriers: is it stated, that shipments, where the DG is clearly identified and
accompanied by such documentation or similar will not be loaded onboard the aircraft?
Approval for international operations:
For international DG operations the person who offers DG for transport by air must provide the
operator with the information required in ICAO TIs Part 5 Chapter 4. This information includes all
needed documents.
Approval within national territory:
Operations involving short, repetitive flights or a series of flights from different locations are undertaken
by a helicopter to unmanned sites, remote locations, mountainous areas, construction sites or were
cargo is picked up without the helicopter landing, the required DG documents stated in the ICAO
Technical Instructions are optional.
If a paper document is used, two copies, completed and signed, must be provided.
See an example below:
Where the DG transport information is provided by EDP or EDI techniques,
the data must be able to be produced as a paper document without delay,
with the data in the sequence required.
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8.1 General
Ch. 8.1 ISS 1 / REV 4 / 26.10.2017 EVALUATION METHOD
SPA.DG.105 and
CAT.GEN.MPA.200 SPA.DG.100 SPA.DG.110 ORO.MLR.100 ICAO TIs Part 7 (IATA DGR 9)
OM-A, Chapter 9.1. Information, instructions and general guidance on the transport of dangerous goods
8-A9-001 OM-A, Chapter 9.1.2 Guidance on the requirements for acceptance, labeling, handling, stowage and
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. segregation of dangerous goods
OM-A, Chapter General
This part details the responsibilities of operators with regard to the acceptance, handling and loading
of DG.
For international operations (compliance according ICAO TIs):
For international DG operations the person who offers DG for transport by air must provide the
operator with the information required in ICAO TIs Part 5 Chapter 4. This information includes all
needed paper documents. For the operation the usage of the acceptance checklist is
mandatory.Approval within national territory:
Approval within national territory:
Operations involving short, repetitive flights or a series of flights from different locations are
undertaken by a helicopter to unmanned sites, remote locations, mountainous areas, construction
sites or were cargo is picked up without the helicopter landing, acceptance of DG is permitted without
transport documents and the usage of the acceptance checklist is optional
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Are the requirements regarding inspections for damage, leakage or contamination described?
A procedure must ensure that immediately prior to loading cargo containing DG, following
requirements are complied with. This process must be described in the Operational Manual:
Packages are undamaged and leak-proofed
All closures (barrels, canisters, gas cylinders, etc.) secured
Cargo and packages are appropriate and resist wind and weather
Load-handling device corresponds to the load
Load-handling equipment (external carriage) is functional and undamaged
Prevention of electrostatic charge when landing or releasing the cargo
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FOCA GM/INFO DG Helicopter
- Packages of DG bearing the “Cargo aircraft only” label may be carried in the cabin of a
helicopter operating as a cargo aircraft. The packages must be loaded in accordance with
the following provisions (description must made of the types and quantity of dangerous
goods involved):
The types of packaging used
The duration of the flight(s)
the types of operations and
the ability to land quickly in the event of an emergency.
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Have the documents which need to be stored and their storage periods been described?
The following DG documents must be stored for the required period in an acceptable form and
accessible to the employee or national authority:
Notification of special loads including written information 3 months after completion of the flight.
to the commander about DG, DG transport documents, Until the goods have reached their final
acceptance checklist or similar information destination, these documents must be
accessible within a reasonable period
of time.
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Provision of Information
Ch. 9 ISS 1 / REV 4 / 26.10.2017
Information must be provided to all employees to enable them to carry out their responsibilities with
regard to the transport of DG.
Where applicable, this information must also be provided to ground handling agents.
Example of information (not exclusive):
With the aim of preventing undeclared DG from being loaded on an aircraft, and preventing
passengers from taking on board those DG which they are not permitted to have in their
o) General descriptions that are often used for items in cargo or in passengers’ baggage which
may contain DG;
p) Other indications that DG may be present (e.g. labels, markings); and
q) Those DG which may be carried by passengers in accordance with 8;1.1.2.
This information must be provided to all personnel involved in the transport of dangerous goods.
See CL 3.4 and 6.
Instructions about the action to be taken in the event of emergencies involving DG (See CL
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Passengers have to be warned about the types of goods which they are forbidden to transport aboard
an aircraft:
Information to be provided at the time of ticket purchase, at check-in and in boarding areas:
An operator must ensure that notices (including visual examples) warning passengers of the
types of DG and the one which are forbidden to transport aboard an aircraft are prominently
Information provided via the internet may be in text or pictorial form.
In both cases (internet to automated check-in facility), ticket purchase and check in process must
not be completed until the passenger, or a person acting on their behalf, has indicated that they
have understood the restrictions on DG in baggage.
Check-in procedures
Check-in staff and any organisation or enterprise accepting excess baggage consigned as
cargo, should seek confirmation from passengers that they are not carrying DG, which are not
permitted (See CL 3).
ENTRY in the manual
The following has to be described:
The means of promulgating such information to passengers (ticket, notices, internet, etc);
The procedure ensuring that confirmation from passengers is sought.
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Are the requirements about the provision of information at acceptance points for cargo
The following cursive text constitutes an example of the description for this topic:
Notices giving information about the transport of DG must be
sufficient in number,
prominently displayed and
provided at a visible location(s) at the cargo acceptance points
to alert shippers/agents about any DG that may be contained in their cargo consignment(s).
These notices must include visual examples of DG, including batteries.
Are the requirements about the provision of information to the commander (or similar) ,
Is the accessibility of the information contained in the NOTOC (or other form of information) until
after the arrival of the flight described?
FOCA GM/INFO DG Helicopter
the information that can be used on board to plan the response to an in-flight emergency
involving DG.
The information must be accurate, legible written or printed and readily available to the pilot in
command during flight.
Where circumstances make it impractical to produce written or printed information or to use a
dedicated form, the notification to the pilot in command may be abbreviated or be by other means (e.g.
radio communication, as part of the working flight documentation such as a journey log or operational
flight plan etc.). The information should provide at least the classification and if possible the quantity
of dangerous goods.
When the helicopter does not land in order to pick up the DG such that it is not possible to
provide written information at the location.
Where the helicopter is in-flight and the planned load is changed prior to being picked up
without the helicopter landing.
When short, repetitive flights or a series of flights from different locations are undertaken by a
helicopter where it is impractical to provide separate written information for each flight.
Where dangerous goods are picked up from an un-manned site.
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Ch. 10 ISS 1 / REV 2 / 04.12.2014
10.1 General
ISS 1 / REV 2 / 04.12.2014 EVALUATION METHOD
There are two possible ways of describing this topic in the OM-A:
1. Description in OM-A, Chapter 9.XX Reporting
with a reference to this chapter in OM-A Chapter 11 Handling, notifying and reporting accidents,
incidents and occurrences or
2. Description in OM-A, Chapter 11 Handling, notifying and reporting accidents, incidents and
occurrences with a reference to this chapter in Chapter 9.XX Reporting
The reporting of the following events must be ensured:
Any type of DG incident or accident, irrespective of whether the DG are contained in cargo,
passengers’ baggage or crew baggage.
This includes incidents involving DG that are not subject to all or part of the ICAO TIs through
the application of an exception or of a special provision;
The finding of undeclared or misdeclared DG in cargo;
The finding in passengers' or crew baggage of DG not permitted under ICAO TIs Part 8;
Chapter 1.1. (See 3.4 of this CL).
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Report must be sent to the appropriate authority of
The State of the The State The state of
Operator: where the event origin
DG incidents and accidents
Undeclared or misdeclared DG
discovered in cargo or in
passenger’s baggage after check-in
DG occurrences
Step Who (responsible) How (form) Goes to (address) Time limit (after occurrence)
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The first report and any subsequent report shall be as precise as possible and contain the following
data if relevant:
a) Date of the incident or accident or the finding of undeclared or misdeclared DG;
b) Location, the flight number and flight date;
c) Description of the goods and the reference number of the air waybill, pouch, baggage tag, ticket,
d) Proper shipping name (including the technical name, if appropriate) and UN/ID number, when
e) Class or division and any subsidiary risk;
f) Type of packaging, and the packaging specification marking on it;
g) Quantity;
h) Name and address of the shipper, passenger, etc.;
i) Any other relevant details;
j) Suspected cause of the incident or accident;
k) Action taken;
l) Any other reporting action taken; and
m) Name, title, address and telephone number of the person making the report.
Copies of relevant documents and any photographs taken should be attached to a report.
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Emergency Response
Ch. 11 ISS 1 / REV 4 / 26.10.2017
11-A9-004 OM-A, Chapter 9.1. Information, instructions and general guidance on the transport of dangerous goods
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM-A, Chapter 9.1.4 Procedures for responding to emergency situations involving dangerous goods
OM-A, Chapter Emergency response information to flight crew
It must to be ensured, that for consignments for which a DG transport document (or similar information)
is required by the ICAO TIs, appropriate information is immediately available at all times for use in
emergency response to accidents and incidents involving DG in air transport or (if no DG is involved)
when DG are being carried.
Note: This requirement is only mandatory for DG Carriers, but highly recommended by FOCA to
Non DG Carriers.
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Are the requirements regarding the information to provide to emergency services and FOCA in
case of accidents or serious incidents described?
Are the manuals and/or emergency plans containing the description of the required procedure
In the event of an aircraft accident or a serious incident where DG carried as cargo may be involved,
information about the DG on board, as shown on the copy of the NOTOC (or similar information), must
be provided
without delay, to emergency services responding to the accident or serious incident;
as soon as possible, to FOCA and to the appropriate authority of the State in which the
accident or serious incident occurred;
If requested, the same requirement applies in the event of a non serious incident.
Note: The terms “accident”, “serious incident” and “incident” are defined in Annex 13.
Procedures shall be included in appropriate manuals and accident contingency plans (emergency
response plan) to enable this information to be provided.
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Are the requirements regarding the information to be provided by the pilot-in-command in the
event of an in-flight emergency described?
In the event of an in-flight emergency, the pilot-in-command must, as soon as the situation permits,
inform the appropriate air traffic services unit, for the information of aerodrome authorities, of any DG
carried as cargo on board an aircraft.
Wherever possible, this information should include
the proper shipping name and/or
the UN number,
the class/division,
for Class 1, the compatibility group,
any identified subsidiary risk(s),
the quantity and
the location on board the aircraft or a telephone number where a copy of the information
provided to the pilot-in-command can be obtained.
When it is not considered possible to include all the information,
the most relevant information in the circumstances or
a summary of the quantities and class (or division) of DG in each cargo compartment should
be given.
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12-A9-005 OM-A, Chapter 9.1. Information, instructions and general guidance on the transport of dangerous goods
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM-A, Chapter 9.1.5 Duties of all personnel involved
The key responsibilities and duties associated with the transport of DG:
are always to be fulfilled in accordance with the operator's policy and the current regulations;
need to be assigned and described in the operations manual.
If applicable, the functions, which have been delegated to a ground handling agent, need to be
Example of the assignment and description of key responsibilities and duties associated with the
transport of DG:
Personnel involved Key responsibilities and duties
Person nominated as • Oversight and control of the processing of DG;
operational point of contact • Ensuring all necessary permissions, approvals and exemptions are held;
(operational management)
• Generating (or acceptance) of relevant procedures;
• Responding to queries regarding the carriage of DG.
Nominated person crew training Shall ensure that
• Personnel identified in the categories specified in Table 1-4 or 1-5 Part 1
ICAO TIs are trained;
• Training is verified prior to the person performing any duty specified in
Table 1-4 or 1-5 Part 1 ICAO TIs;
• Training programmes are approved by the authority;
• DG instructors are qualified according to their responsibilities.
Compliance Monitoring • Establishment and operation of the compliance monitoring system with
Manager procedures for DG, provision of DG training, etc.;
• Gathering and assessment of details about DG incidents, accidents,
occurrences and the discovery of undeclared DG within the accident
prevention and flight safety programme.
Reservations staff • Ensuring that information is provided to the passenger with the ticket or
(passenger booking) in another manner, such that the passenger receives the information
(see also Passenger-handling prior to or during the check-in process;
Staff) • Considering passenger requests for approval of the operator for items of
DG requiring such approval. (see 3.4 of this CL "DG that may be carried
by passenger and crew").
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Flight Crew • Taking note of NOTOC (or other form of information) and confirming its
• Responding to a DG incident or accident;
• If an in-flight emergency occurs, as soon as the situation permits,
providing of details of DG on board to the appropriate Air Traffic Services
See also CAT.GEN.MPA.100 and Art. 3 and 13 Ordinance SR 748.225.1
(Verordnung vom 22.01.1960 über die Rechte und Pflichten des
Kommandanten eines Luftfahrzeuges).
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12-A9-005 OM-A, Chapter 9.1. Information, instructions and general guidance on the transport of dangerous goods
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM-A, Chapter 9.1.5 Duties of all personnel involved
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Example of the assignment and description of key responsibilities and duties associated with the
carriage of DG:
Personnel involved Key responsibilities and duties
Nominated person crew training Ensuring that:
• Personnel identified in the categories specified in Table 1-4 or 1-5
ICAO TIs are trained;
• Training is verified prior to the person performing any duty specified in
Table 1-4 or 1-5
• Training programmes are approved by the authority;
• DG instructors are qualified according to their responsibilities.
Compliance Monitoring • Establishment and operation of the compliance monitoring system with
Manager procedures for DG, provision of DG training, etc.;
• Gathering and assessment of details about DG incidents,
accident, occurrences and the discovery of undeclared DG within
the accident prevention and flight safety programme.
Reservations staff • Ensuring that information is provided to the passenger with the ticket or
(passenger booking) in another manner such that prior to or during the check-in process the
(see also Passenger-handling passenger receives the information;
staff) • Considering passenger requests for approval of the operator for items
of DG requiring such approval. (see 3.4 of this CL "DG that may be
carried by passenger and crew").
Staff accepting cargo, other • Recognition of undeclared DG and, when necessary, the seeking of
than DG confirmation from a shipper about the content of any item where there
are suspicions that it may contain DG.
Staff involved in the handling, • Recognition of undeclared DG;
storage and loading of cargo • Reporting of DG incidents and accidents (incl. undeclared DG) to
and baggage the appropriate authorities.
Passenger-handling staff • Ensuring that notices are displayed in sufficient number and prominence
at each of the places at an airport where tickets are issued, passengers
checked in and in aircraft boarding areas, as well as at any other location
where passengers are checked in;
• Ensuring that the provisions concerning passengers and DG are
complied with;
• Recognition of undeclared DG and the seeking of confirmation from the
passenger about the content of any item/baggage when DG is
• Ensuring that the discovery of prohibited DG after check-in is reported
to the appropriate authority.
Flight Crew • Responding to a DG incident or accident;
See also CAT.GEN.MPA.100 and Art. 3 and 13 Ordinance SR
748.225.1 (Verordnung vom 22.01.1960 über die Rechte und
Pflichten des Kommandanten eines Luftfahrzeuges).
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The instructions on the carriage of the operator's personnel on an all cargo flight described?
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14-A9-002 OM-A, Chapter 9.2 Weapons, munitions of war and sporting weapons
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM-A, Chapter 9.2.1 Weapons and munitions of war
Is the legal basis for the transport of weapons and munitions of war described?
Are the requirements for the transport of weapons and munitions of war described?
14-A9-002 OM-A, Chapter 9.2 Weapons, munitions of war and sporting weapons
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM-A, Chapter 9.2.2 Sporting Weapons and ammunition
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EC Regulation No.
300/2008 for all
other helicopters
14-A9-002 OM-A Chapter 9.2 Weapons, munitions of war and sporting weapons
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM-A Chapter 9.2.3 Sporting Weapons and Ammunition other than in an inaccessible location (for helicopters
with a maximum certified take-off mass (MCTOM) not exceeding 3,175 kg
Are the requirements for the transport of sporting weapons and ammunition other than in an
inaccessible location described?
Procedures for the carriage of sporting weapons may need to be considered if the helicopter does not
have a separate compartement in which the weapons can be stowed. These procedures should take
into account the nature of the flight, its origin and destination, and the possibility of unlawful
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Ch. 15 ISS 1 / REV 2 / 04.12.2014
The training issue consists of training programmes, courses, modules, syllabi and lesson plans:
A training programme specifies which training and checking modules are integrated within
which course for personnel education, in order to achieve and maintain required competence
and standard of performance.
A (key-)course (e.g. conversion course, recurrent training, initial safety training, etc.) is defined
through the combination of training and checking modules, and among them the DG module.
The DG module contains the training items (syllabi) including test (and pass mark). The
training items of the DG module vary according to the category of personnel (qualification
requirements) specified in Table 1-4 or 1-5 ICAO TIs Part 1 Chapter 4, therefore, each
category of personnel has its specific DG module. The description of the DG modules in the
manuals shall also state the required training intervals and the reference to subcontractor, if
A syllabus consists of the list of training items (aspects of transport of DG) required for each
category of personnel in Table 1-4 (for DG Carrier) or 1-5 (for Non DG Carrier) ICAO TIs Part 1
Chapter 4.
A lesson plan is an instructor's detailed description and guidance of an individual lesson and
one of the main instruments to ensure well organised, effective and standardised training.
They typically list the following information:
- What to do – definition of single units/events to achieve defined training modules;
- Objectives, goals and standards of performance defined for a single event;
- The sequence/flow of units/events and activities;
- Time required for the lesson delivered;
- Method and means used to teach/facilitate the material of a lesson.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM-A Chapter 5. (see table below) "Qualification requirements"
Have the qualification requirements for all personnel involved in the transport of DG been
Have the qualification requirements for the personnel involved in the transport of DG been
taken into consideration in the preparation of the training programme?
It must be ensured that involved personnel, including the personnel of agencies employed to act on
the operator’s behalf (e.g. handling agents), have successfully completed a DG training in the
applicable category prior to perform any duty.
Recurrent training must be provided within 24 months of previous training to ensure knowledge is
current. If recurrent training is completed within the final three months of validity of previous training,
the period of validity extends from the month on which the recurrent training was completed until 24
months from the expiry month of that previous training.
Training according to
Function category of personnel OM-A
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ORO.MLR.100 and
LTrV Art. 16a par. ICAO TIs Part 7 Ch. 4.10 + Part
DG ORO.GEN.110 (j) CAT.GEN.MPA.200 SPA.DG.105 1+3+6 1 Ch. 4 (IATA DGR 1.5)
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
OM-D 2.4.1 “DG – Modules” (see Table below)
APP: Approval for establishing and maintaining staff training programme in accordance with the ICAO TIs
Qualification requirements Training Entry in the manual
Function: Requirements: Training syllabi Syllabi (training items) Syllabi (training items)
and checking
Category of programs according to ICAO TIs according to ICAO TIs
personnel described in OM- DG Carrier Non DG Carrier
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FOCA GM/INFO DG Helicopter
DG and Ground Training OM-D xxx xxxx Xxxxx or Appendix xxx Written test
weapons OM-Dxxxx
Swiss alleviation
Acceptance procedures
DG Transport document and other relevant documentation*
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM-D 2.4.1 ”Training records”
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM-D 2.4.1 “Retention of training documents”
Have the documents which need to be stored and their storage periods been described?
The following DG documents must be stored for the required period in an acceptable form and
accessible to the employee or national authority: