OACI Doc 9859 (SMM) Manual de Gestion de Seg Operacional
OACI Doc 9859 (SMM) Manual de Gestion de Seg Operacional
OACI Doc 9859 (SMM) Manual de Gestion de Seg Operacional
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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Team work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Job design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reward systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selection and staffing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aircraft maintenance is an essential component of the aviation system which supports the
global aviation industry. As air traffic grows and the stringent requirements of commercial schedules impose
increased demands upon aircraft utilization, the pressures on maintenance operations for on-time performance
will also continue to escalate. This will open further windows of opportunity for human error and subsequent
breakdowns in the systems safety net. There is no question that human error in aircraft maintenance has been
a causal factor in several air carrier accidents. It is also beyond question that unless the aviation industry learns
from these occurrences, maintenance-related safety breakdowns will continue to occur. From a Human Factors
perspective, important truths have been uncovered during the investigation of these occurrences.
The objectives of this digest are to provide practical Human Factors guidance based on
those truths to those concerned with aircraft maintenance and inspection and to introduce the non-specialist
to Human Factors issues in aircraft maintenance and inspection. It is intended to show how human capabilities
and limitations can influence task performance and safety within the maintenance and inspection environments.
This digest also identifies sources of Human Factors knowledge and information. The target audience includes
aircraft maintenance technicians/engineers/mechanics, aircraft airworthiness inspectors, maintenance
designers and planners, civil aviation and airline management personnel, operational personnel as well as
those responsible for maintenance organizations.
Throughout the digest and consistent with the series of ICAO Human Factors digests, both the
SHEL model and the Reason model are presented and repeatedly referred to in order to demonstrate the
relevance of Human Factors to aviation safety and effectiveness. Information on aircraft accidents in which
maintenance error has been identified is included to illustrate the issues discussed. The digest advocates the
importance of information exchange, the sharing of experience in maintenance operations among operators
and the safety benefits to be gained therefrom. The need to adhere to established maintenance procedures
by all concerned is emphasized and the negative aspects of non-adherence are explained using real-life
examples. New and improved training methods for aircraft maintenance personnel are briefly reviewed and
possible advantages addressed.
This digest also discusses the safety and efficiency gains from the provision of proper facilities
and work environment. Job design, reward systems and selection and training of staff are also examined,
emphasizing these gains. Obviously, a job design that works for one organization does not necessarily work
for another. This digest, therefore, stresses that each organizations culture must be considered separately if
and when assigning work teams. It also introduces the reader to existing advanced job aids and to those
expected to be available in the near future. The need to introduce new advanced technology vis--vis the gains
to be had from their introduction not only financially but, most importantly, in the enhancement of safety
standards is discussed. Although acknowledging advantages from advanced job aids, it nevertheless
cautions that introduction of automation or new technology should take into consideration the capabilities and
limitations of the operators who will use it. Automation should be designed to assist humans in performing their
normal duties in a more efficient and safe manner.
Chapter 6 addresses the challenges for the future through error prevention considerations
and strategies.
This digest was produced with the assistance of the ICAO Flight Safety and Human Factors
Study Group, developed from an initial draft prepared by Study Group Member Dr. William T. Shepherd. Other
sources of reference include Human Error in Aircraft Maintenance by David A. Marx and R. Curtis Graeber,
Human Error by Professor James Reason and ICAO Human Factors Digests No. 7 Investigation of Human
Factors in Accidents and Incidents and No. 10 Human Factors, Management and Organization. Other
digests in this series include:
Digest No. 2 Flight Crew Training: Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and LineOriented Flight Training (LOFT) (Circular 217);
Digest No. 4 Proceedings of the ICAO Human Factors Seminar (Circular 229);
Digest No. 7 Investigation of Human Factors in Accidents and Incidents (Circular 240);
Digest No. 9 Proceedings of the Second ICAO Flight Safety and Human Factors Global
Symposium (Circular 243);
Digest No. 10 Human Factors, Management and Organization (Circular 247); and
Chapter 1
Contemporary Maintenance Problems
There is no question that human error in aircraft maintenance and inspection has been a
causal factor in several recent air carrier accidents. Whenever humans are involved in an activity, human error
is a certain sequel. According to one source,1 the number of maintenance concern accidents and incidents to
public transport aircraft has increased significantly. This source defines maintenance concern as one which
is not necessarily a maintenance error (it may be a design error) but one which is of concern to the
maintenance personnel as frontline managers of technical problems in daily operations. The same source
states that in the first half of the 1980s, there were 17 maintenance concern-related accidents and incidents,
involving aircraft belonging only to Western operators and excluding all routine technical failures (engine,
landing gear, systems, structure, component separations, ramp accidents, etc). All these accidents and
incidents had serious consequences (fatal, serious damage, significant previous occurrences, significant
airworthiness implications, etc). In the second half of the 1980s, the same source enumerates 28 accidents
of maintenance concern, an increase of 65% over the first half of the decade. In the same period, traffic
movements (flight departures, scheduled and non-scheduled) increased by 22%. In the first three years of the
1990s there were 25 accidents involving maintenance concerns. This compares with seven in the first three
years of the 1980s.
Whether maintenance concern-related occurrences are a new phenomenon in aviation or
whether they have always existed but have only recently been validated by statistics may be a matter of
debate. Indeed, the awareness of the importance of maintenance to aviation safety may be the logical
consequence of the gradual acceptance of broader, systemic approaches to aviation safety. Whatever the case
may be, the increase in the rate of accidents and incidents involving maintenance concerns appears to be at
least statistically significant. In the last ten years, the annual average has increased by more than 100% while
the number of flights has increased by less than 55%.
Traditionally, Human Factors endeavours have been directed towards flight crew performance
and, to a lesser extent, towards the performance of air traffic controllers. Until recently, available literature
showed little consideration of the Human Factors issues which could affect aircraft maintenance personnel who
inspect and repair aircraft. This has been a serious oversight, since it is quite clear that human error in aircraft
maintenance has indeed had as dramatic an effect upon the safety of flight operation as the errors of pilots and
air traffic controllers.
Aircraft maintenance and inspection duty can be very complex and varied in an environment
where opportunities for error abound. Maintenance personnel at least in the most developed aviation
systems frequently work under considerable time pressures. Personnel at the maintenance base and at the
flight line stations realize the importance of meeting scheduled departure times. Operators have increased
aircraft utilization in order to counteract the economic problems that plague the industry. Aircraft maintenance
technicians are also maintaining a fleet that is increasing in age. It is not uncommon to find 20 to 25 year old
aircraft in many airline fleets, including those of major operators. In addition, many operators intend to keep
some of these aircraft in service in the foreseeable future, perhaps beyond the turn of the century. Engine hush
kits will make some older narrow-body aircraft economically and environmentally viable. However, these
aircraft are maintenance-intensive. The old airframes require careful inspection for signs of fatigue, corrosion
and general deterioration. This places an increased burden on the maintenance workforce. It creates stressful
work situations, particularly for those engaged in inspection tasks, because additional maintenance is required
and because the consequences may be serious if the signs of aging, which are frequently subtle, remain
While maintenance of these aging aircraft is ongoing, new technology aircraft are entering the
fleets of many of the worlds airlines, thus increasing the demands on aircraft maintenance. These new aircraft
embody advanced technology such as composite material structures, glass cockpits, highly automated
systems and built-in diagnostic and test equipment. The need to simultaneously maintain new and old fleets
requires aircraft maintenance technicians to be more knowledgeable and adept in their work than they may
have been previously. The task of simultaneously maintaining these diverse air carrier fleets will require a
highly skilled workforce with proper educational background.
There is at present a growing awareness of the importance of Human Factors issues in aircraft
maintenance and inspection. The safety and effectiveness of airline operations are also becoming more directly
related to the performance of the people who inspect and service the aircraft fleets. One of the objectives of
this digest is to bring to light Human Factors issues which are of significant importance to aviation safety. To
facilitate a better understanding of the issue, two models,2 widely used by ICAO to allow an organized, systemic
approach to the comprehension of the Human Factors issues involved, will be discussed before progressing
to the specific Human Factors issues involved in aircraft maintenance and inspection.
A model is an abstract representation of a system, and it may be physical, mathematical, verbal, or a combination of these. A scale
aircraft model in a wind tunnel is a physical model. Models perform three functions: they allow predictions to be made in cases where
relevant data are not available; they guide research by suggesting experiments; and they provide a framework that helps to organize
data. Most models attempt to describe and predict the behaviour of systems under normal operating conditions.
S = Software (procedures,
symbology, etc.)
H = Hardware (machine)
E = Environment
L = Liveware (human)
Figure 1-1.
In this model the match or
mismatch of the blocks (interface)
is just as important as the
characteristics of the blocks
themselves. A mismatch can be
a source of human error.
Physical size and shape. In the design of workplace and equipment, a vital consideration
involves body measurements and movements, which may vary according to factors such
as age, ethnicity and gender. Human Factors inputs must be provided at an early stage
in the design process, and data for these inputs are available from anthropometry,
biomechanics and kinesiology.
Physical needs. Peoples requirements such as for food, water and oxygen are indicated
in human physiology and biology.
Input characteristics. Humans possess various sensory systems for collecting information
from the world external as well as internal to them, enabling them to respond to events
and to carry out the required task. All senses may, however, be subjected to degradation
for one reason or another, and the sources of knowledge include psychology and
Information processing. Again, these human functions have limitations. Poor instrument
and alerting system design has frequently resulted from a failure to take into account the
capabilities and limitations of human information processing. Factors such as stress,
motivation and short- and long-term memory are involved. Psychology and cognitive
sciences are the sources of background knowledge here.
Output characteristics. Once information is sensed and processed, decisions are made
and/or messages are sent to muscles to initiate the desired response. Responses may
involve a physical control movement or the initiation of some form of communication.
Acceptable control forces and direction of movement have to be known, and
biomechanics, physiology and psychology provide the background knowledge.
Liveware is the hub of the SHEL model of Human Factors. The remaining components must
be adapted to and matched with this central component.3
Liveware-Hardware. This interface is the most commonly considered when speaking of
human-machine systems: the design of seats to fit the sitting characteristics of the human
body; of displays to match the sensory and information-processing characteristics of the
user; of controls with proper movement, coding and location. The user may not be aware
of an L-H deficiency, even when it finally leads to disaster, because the great virtue of
human adaptability may mask the effects of such a deficiency. However, the deficiency
continues to exist and may constitute a potential hazard. Ergonomics deals mostly,
although not exclusively, with issues arising from this interface.
Liveware-Software. This encompasses the interface between humans and the nonphysical aspects of the system such as procedures, manual and checklist layout,
symbology and computer programmes. The problems may be less tangible than those
involving the L-H interface and consequently more difficult to detect and resolve (e.g.
misinterpretation of checklists or symbology).
Liveware-Environment. The human-environment interface was one of the earliest
recognized in aviation. Initially, measures taken were aimed at adapting the human to the
environment (e.g. by using helmets, flying suits, oxygen masks and G suits). Later,
attempts were made to alter the environment to match human requirements (e.g. by
applying pressurization, air-conditioning and soundproofing). Today, new challenges have
risen, notably ozone concentrations and radiation hazards at high flight levels, and the
problems associated with disturbed biological rhythms and sleep because of high-speed
transmeridian travel. Since illusions and disorientation are involved in many aviation
occurrences, the L-E interface must also consider perceptual errors induced by
environmental conditions (e.g. illusions occurring during approach and landing). The
aviation system operates within the context of broad managerial, political and economic
constraints. These aspects of the environment will interact with the human via this
interface. Although the modifications to these factors are generally beyond the function of
Human Factors practitioners, they should be considered and addressed by those in
management with the ability to do so.
Liveware-Liveware. This is the interface between people. Flight crew training and
proficiency testing have traditionally been conducted on an individual basis. If each
individual crew member was proficient, then it was assumed that the team comprising
those individuals would also be proficient and effective. This is not always the case,
however, and for many years attention has been increasingly turned to the breakdown of
teamwork. Flight crews function as groups and group interactions play a role in
Some of the descriptions of the model tend to be flight crew-oriented. This is because the model was initially developed to address
interface problems in the cockpit environment.
Latent failures, which originate from questionable decisions or incorrect actions, although not
harmful if they occur individually, can interact to create a window of opportunity for a pilot, air traffic controller
or mechanic to commit an active failure which breaches all the defences of the system and results in an
accident. In such cases, the front-line operators become the inheritors of a systems defects because they are
the ones dealing with a situation in which their actions, technical problems or adverse conditions will reveal the
latent failures long embedded in a system. In a well-guarded system, latent and active failures will interact, but
they will not often breach the defences. When the defences work, the result is an incident; when they do not,
it is an accident.
with local
Unsafe acts
Limited window of
accident opportunity
precursors of
unsafe acts
Line Management
Figure 1-2.
Human error
Human error rather than technical failures has the greatest potential to adversely affect
contemporary aviation safety. The Boeing Commercial Airplane Company recently analysed 220 documented
accidents and found the top three causal factors to be:5
Because civil aircraft are designed to fly safely for unlimited time provided
defects are detected and repaired, safety becomes a matter of detection and
repair rather than one of aircraft structure failure. In an ideal system, all
defects which could affect flight safety will have been predicted in advance,
located positively before they become dangerous, and eliminated by effective
repair. In one sense, then, we have changed the safety system from one of
physical defects in aircraft into one of errors in complex human-centred
The increasing significance of human error is not unique to aircraft engineering. Hollnagel7
conducted a survey of the Human Factors literature to identify the extent of the human error problem. In the
1960s, when the problem first began to attract serious attention, the estimated contribution of human error to
accidents was around 20%. In the 1990s, this figure has increased fourfold to 80%. There are many possible
reasons for this dramatic increase, but there are three which relate to aircraft engineering.
The reliability of mechanical and electronic components has increased markedly over the
past thirty years. People have stayed the same.
Aircraft have become more automated and more complex. The current generation of
Boeing 747-400s and Airbus A340s has duplicated or triplicated flight management
systems. This may have reduced the burden on the flight crew but it has placed a greater
demand on aircraft maintenance technicians, many of whom acquired their basic training
in mechanical rather than computerized control systems. This suggests a mismatch of the
Liveware- Hardware (L-H) and Liveware-Software (L-S) components of the SHEL model.
Increased aviation system complexity creates the potential for organizational accidents in
which latent procedural and technical failures combine with operational personnel errors
and violations to penetrate or circumvent defences as the Reason model suggests. In
short, complexity acts to shift the errors to other people.
Chapter 2
(an organizational perspective)
Human error in maintenance usually manifests itself as an unintended aircraft discrepancy
(physical degradation or failure) attributable to the actions or non-actions of the aircraft maintenance technician
(AMT). The word attributable is used because human error in maintenance can take two basic forms. In the
first case, the error results in a specific aircraft discrepancy that was not there before the maintenance task was
initiated. Any maintenance task performed on an aircraft is an opportunity for human error which may result
in an unwanted aircraft discrepancy. Examples include incorrect installation of line-replaceable units or failure
to remove a protective cap from a hydraulic line before reassembly or damaging an air duct used as a foothold
while gaining access to perform a task (among other failures, these examples also illustrate mismatches in the
L-H interface of the SHEL model). The second type of error results in an unwanted or unsafe condition being
undetected while performing a scheduled or unscheduled maintenance task designed to detect aircraft
degradation. Examples include a structural crack unnoticed during a visual inspection task or a faulty avionics
box that remains on the aircraft because incorrect diagnosis of the problem led to removal of the wrong box.1
These errors may have been caused by latent failures, such as deficient training, poor allocation of resources
and maintenance tools, time-pressures, etc. They may also have been caused by poor ergonomic design of
tools (L-H flawed interface), incomplete documentation or manuals (L-S interface flaw), etc.
Several widely publicized accidents have had human errors in maintenance as a contributing
factor. The American Airlines DC-10 accident in Chicago in 19792 resulted from an engine change procedure
where the pylon and engine were removed and installed as a unit rather than separately. This unapproved
procedure (a latent failure, probably with L-H and L-S mismatch involved) resulted in failure of the pylon
structure which became evident when one of the wing-mounted engines and its pylon separated from the
aircraft at take-off. The resulting damage to hydraulic systems caused the retraction of the left wing outboard
leading edge slats and subsequent loss of control. In 1985, a Japan Airlines Boeing 7473 suffered a rapid
decompression in flight when an improperly repaired rear pressure bulkhead failed (a latent failure, probably
with L-H and L-S mismatch involved). The subsequent overpressurization of the empennage and expansion
of shockwave due to the explosive breakage of the spherical pressure bulkhead caused control system failure
and the destruction of the aircraft with great loss of life. In April 1988, an Aloha Airlines Boeing 7374 suffered
a structural failure of the upper fuselage. Eventually the aircraft was landed with the loss of only one life. This
accident was attributed to improper maintenance practices (latent failures) that allowed structural deterioration
to go undetected.
Marx, D.A. and R.C. Graeber. Human Error in Aircraft Maintenance. Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Seattle, Washington, 1993.
National Transportation Safety Board. Aviation Accident Report, American Airlines DC-10, Chicago, 1979 (NTSB/AAR-79/17).
Washington, D.C., 1979.
Boeing 747 SR-100, JA8119, Accident at Gunma Prefecture, Japan, on 12 August 1985. Report released by the Aircraft Accident
Investigation Commission, Japan.
National Transportation Safety Board. Aircraft Accident Report, Aloha Airlines Flight 243. Boeing 737-200, N73711, Near Maui,
Hawaii, 28 April 1988 (NTSB/AAR-89/03). Washington, D.C., 1989.
In a detailed analysis of 93 major world-wide accidents which occurred between 1959 and
1983, it was revealed that maintenance and inspection were factors in 12% of the accidents.5 The analysis
proposes the following significant causes of accidents and their presence in percentages:
Cause of Accident
Presence (%)
In some accidents, where the error was attributed to maintenance and inspection, the error
itself was a primary causal factor of the accident whereas, in other cases, the maintenance discrepancy was
just one link in a chain of events that led to the accident.
The United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority (UK CAA)6 has published a listing of frequently
recurring maintenance discrepancies. According to this listing, the leading maintenance problems in order of
occurrence are:
incorrect installation of components
fitting of wrong parts
electrical wiring discrepancies (including cross-connections)
loose objects (tools, etc.) left in aircraft
inadequate lubrication
cowlings, access panels and fairings not secured
landing gear ground lock pins not removed before departure.
An analysis of 122 documented occurrences involving Human Factors errors with likely
engineering relevance, occurring in the 1989-1991 time period in one airline, revealed that the main categories
of maintenance error were:7
Maintenance error categories
incorrect installations
wrong parts
Sears, R.L. 1986. A new look at accident contributions and the implications of operational training programs (unpublished report).
Quoted in Graeber, R.C. and D.A. Marx. Reducing Human Error in Aviation Maintenance Operations. (Presented at the Flight
Safety Foundation 46th Annual International Air Safety Seminar. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1993.)
United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority (UK CAA). Maintenance Error. Asia Pacific Air Safety. September 1992.
Graeber, R.C. and D.A. Marx. Reduced Human Error in Aircraft Maintenance Operations. 1993.
The majority of items often omitted are fastenings left undone or incomplete. The following
example illustrates this point:
An aircraft experienced vibration problems with the right engine for two
weeks. The engineers had looked at the problem and, believing that it was
the pneumatics, had swapped the pressure-regulating valves. However, just
to be on the safe side, they sent an aircraft maintenance technician along to
monitor the engine readings on a flight from Amsterdam to Kos carrying a full
load of tourists. Departure was uneventful except for a brief rise on the
vibration indicator of the right engine at about 130 knots. On cruise, the
vibration indicator was bouncing up and down between 1.2 and 1.3, still within
the normal range. However, there was a feeling of unfamiliar and strange
vibrations. Ninety minutes into the flight, the vibration indicator registered 1.5,
just below the amber range. Fifteen minutes later, the indicator was bouncing
up into the amber range. The crew reverted to manual throttle control and
descended to FL 290, slowly closing the throttle. The right engine vibration
indicator suddenly shot up to 5.2 and a dull tremor shook the aircraft. Then
the readings returned to the normal range and the vibration disappeared. The
Captain, however, decided to declare an emergency and land in Athens
where he felt he could get technical support that would not be available at
Kos. With the engine now at idle thrust, the engine readings went back to the
normal range and, as a result, the Captain decided to leave it well alone and
not shut it down. On landing, the crew noticed some metal particles around
the engine and discolouration on the blades that looked like oil.
When the report concerning the engine came out a few days later, it read:
... that the cause of the loose disc was the nuts being fitted only finger tight
to the LP1 (low pressure) and LP2 disc bolts and not being torqued up
allowing axial movement in and out of the curvature, causing heavy rubs and
out of balance. The nuts became successively loose allowing the bolts to
come free until only the residual four remained.
The engine had been in for overhaul before the operator took delivery of the aircraft. There are
36 nuts and bolts that hold the LP1 and LP2 discs together. Apparently the technician working on them had
finger tightened them and then decided to go to lunch. On his return he forgot to torque them as he had
intended to do before he left for lunch. All but four of the bolts had fallen out and the remaining bolts only had
1/4 of an inch of thread left. Only the residual thrust held the engine together. Had the crew elected to shut the
engine down, the consequences would probably have been catastrophic.8
Incorrect installation of components and lack of proper inspection and quality control represent
the most frequently recurring maintenance errors. Examples abound. Consider the following occurrences:
On 5 May 1983, Eastern Airlines Flight 855, a Lockheed L-1011 aircraft, departed Miami
International Airport en route to Nassau, the Bahamas. A short time after take-off, the low
oil pressure light for No. 2 engine illuminated. The crew shut down the engine as a
precautionary measure and the pilot decided to return to Miami. Shortly thereafter the
Summarized from Finger-Tight at 290 (a tale of the unexpected). Robin Rackham, Log, BALPA, August/September 1993.
remaining two engines failed following a zero oil pressure indication on both engines.
Attempts were made to restart all three engines. Twenty-two miles from Miami,
descending through 4 000 ft, the crew was able to restart the No. 2 engine and made a
one-engine landing with the No. 2 engine producing considerable smoke. It was found that
all three master chip detector assemblies had been installed without O-ring seals.9
On 10 June 1990, a BAC 1-11 aircraft (British Airways Flight 5390) departed Birmingham
International Airport for Malaga, Spain, with 81 passengers, four cabin and two flight crew.
The co-pilot was the pilot flying during the take-off and, once established in the climb, the
pilot-in-command handled the aircraft in accordance with the operators normal operating
procedures. At this stage both pilots released their shoulder harnesses and the pilot-incommand loosened his lap-strap. As the aircraft was climbing through 17 300 feet
pressure altitude, there was a loud bang and the fuselage filled with condensation mist
indicating that a rapid decompression had occurred. A cockpit windscreen had blown out
and the pilot-in-command was partially sucked out of his windscreen aperture. The flight
deck door blew onto the flight deck where it lay across the radio and navigation console.
The co-pilot immediately regained control of the aircraft and initiated a rapid descent to
FL 110. The cabin crew tried to pull the pilot-in-command back into the aircraft but the
effect of the slipstream prevented them from succeeding. They held him by the ankles until
the aircraft landed. The investigation revealed that the accident occurred because a
replacement windscreen had been fitted with the wrong bolts.10
In following the organizational perspective, several questions, raised as a result of these
occurrences, need to be diligently answered. To address problems exposed as a result of accident
investigation findings, contributing Human Factors issues, individual as well as organizational, must be
In the case of the Eastern Airlines L-1011 aircraft, the National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB) concluded:
the master chip detectors were installed without O-ring seals because the
mechanics failed to follow the required work card procedures, and because
they failed to perform their duties with professional care expected of an A&P
(airframe and powerplant) mechanic.12
National Transportation Safety Board. Aircraft Accident Report, Eastern Airlines Inc., L-1011. Miami, Florida, 5 May 1983 (NTSB/AAR84/04). Washington, D.C.
10. AAIB Aircraft Accident Report 1/92. Report on the Accident to BAC One-Eleven, G-BJRT over Didcot, Oxfordshire on 10 June 1990.
London: HMSO.
11. National Transportation Safety Board. Aircraft Accident Report, Continental Express Flight 2574. In-Flight Breakup, EMB-120RT,
N33701. September 1991 (NTSB/AAR-92/04). Washington, D.C., 1992.
12. National Transportation Safety Board. Aircraft Accident Report, Eastern Airlines Inc., L-1011. Miami, Florida, 5 May 1983 (NTSB/AAR84/04). Washington, D.C.
Notwithstanding the conclusions of the NTSB, the findings and conclusions seem to have been
limited to the notion of cause-effect relationships. Emphasis on factors such as multiple causation, mutual
dependency and interaction of systems which are relevant to high-technology systems safety was not as
strong as it ought to have been to address both latent and active failures at their roots. It is the interaction of
multiple failures, which are not expected to occur at the same time, rather than isolated individual actions, that
explain why a particular accident or incident has occurred.
Chip detector installation was not a new task for the aircraft maintenance technicians at
Eastern Airlines. The airline estimated that each technician involved had successfully performed over 100 chip
detector changes. They were also in possession of a work card that specifically required the installation of the
O-ring seals on the chip detector. They nevertheless failed to install the seals and thus the safety of the flight
was seriously endangered. The investigation revealed that there were informal procedures not written on the
work card but known to and adopted by most technicians in the maintenance and inspection departments. The
records suggest that there were previous master chip detector installation problems and that the technicians
were not routinely replacing O-ring seals on master chip detectors. This fact was known, at least, to one
General Foreman who failed to take positive action to ensure compliance with the procedure as prescribed.
One finding of the NTSB was that the aircraft maintenance technicians had the responsibility to install O-ring
seals; however, a subsequent finding in the NTSB report states that the mechanics had always received
master chip detectors with installed O-ring seals and had never actually performed that portion of the
requirements of work-card 7204.13 Latent organizational failure and L-S mismatches are obvious in this case.
Evidence available from organizational psychology confirms that organizations can prevent
accidents as well as cause them. When viewed from an organizational perspective, the limitations of
technology, training or regulations to counteract organizational deficiencies become obvious. Too often, safety
promotion and accident prevention practices in the aviation industry have not taken into consideration the fact
that human error takes place within the context of organizations that either foster or resist it.14
The immediate cause of the BAC 1-11 aircraft accident identified by the investigation was that
the replacement windscreen had been fitted with the wrong bolts. Causal factors listed were:
(i) A safety critical task, not identified as a Vital Point (latent failure), was undertaken by one
individual who also carried total responsibility for the quality achieved, and the installation
was not tested until the aircraft was airborne on a passenger-carrying flight (latent failure).
(ii) The potential of the Shift Maintenance Manager (SMM) to achieve quality in the
windscreen fitting process was eroded by his inadequate care, poor trade practices, failure
to adhere to company standards and failure to use suitable equipment (L-H mismatch),
which were judged symptomatic of a longer-term failure by him to observe the
promulgated procedures.
(iii) The British Airways local management, Product Samples and Quality Audits had not
detected the existence of the inadequate standards used by the Shift Maintenance
Manager because they did not directly monitor the working practices of Shift Maintenance
Managers (latent failure).15
13. Ibid. For detailed analysis of Human Factors issues in this particular incident, see Marx, D.A. and R.C. Graeber. Human Error in Aircraft
Maintenance. Boeing Airplane Commercial Group, Seattle, Washington, 1993.
14. For a more detailed discussion on this subject, see ICAO Human Factors Digest No. 10 Human Factors, Management and
Organization. 1993.
15. AAIB Aircraft Accident Report 1/92. Report on the Accident to BAC One-Eleven, G-BJRT over Didcot, Oxfordshire on 10 June 1990.
London: HMSO causal factors (emphasis added), pp. 54.
The windscreen change was carried out some 27 hours before the accident. Statistics
maintained by the operator show that 12 No. 1 windscreens, left or right, had been changed on their BAC 1-11s
over the last year, and a similar number the year before. The Shift Maintenance Manager, who was responsible
for the windscreen replacement on the accident aircraft, had carried out about six windscreen changes on BAC
1-11s while employed by the operator.
Though the local management of the airline was cited for not detecting the existence of the
inadequate standards used by the Shift Maintenance Manager, the findings and conclusions still followed the
obvious notion of cause-effect relationships. In considering those accidents caused by human error, it is evident
that we tend to think in individual, rather than in collective, terms. As a result, solutions are directed towards
the individual, the front-end operator, thus shielding latent organizational errors, which are, for the most part,
the root causes of such accidents. More often than not, latent failures are left untouched, intact, waiting to
combine with an unsuspecting front-line operators active failure or error the last in a chain of errors and
cause an accident involving the loss of human life and the destruction of property. The fact that errors do not
take place in a vacuum and that human error takes place within the context of organizations which either foster
or resist it has long been put aside in order to identify an individual fully responsible for what has transpired.
Therefore, it is imperative that systemic and/or organizational failures are scrutinized in order to uncover
system-wide, error-inducing conditions.16
The investigation of the Continental Express Flight 2574 accident revealed that the attaching
screws on the top of the left side leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer had been removed and had not been
reattached, leaving the leading edge/de-ice boot assembly secured to the horizontal stabilizer by only the
bottom attachment screws. The probable cause statement read:
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable
cause of this accident was the failure of Continental Express maintenance
and inspection personnel to adhere to proper maintenance and quality
assurance procedures for the airplanes horizontal stabilizer deice boots that
led to the sudden in-flight loss of the partially secured left horizontal stabilizer
leading edge and the immediate severe nose-down pitch-over and breakup
of the airplane. Contributing to the cause of the accident was the failure of the
Continental Express management to ensure compliance with the approved
maintenance procedures, and the failure of the FAA surveillance to detect and
verify compliance with approved procedures.17
Although the report addresses latent failures as contributing factors to the occurrence, the
emphasis in this statement is focused on the active failure of the maintenance personnel, making them the
probable cause of the occurrence. In this and the previous cases, it is not difficult to see that mechanic error
is replacing pilot error as the probable cause; this shifting of blame still brands a specific professional body
as the sole entity responsible for the safety of the system and still fails to properly address systemic and/or
organizational errors as the breeding grounds for human error in their real dimension. Over the last fifty years,
ascribing pilot error as a probable cause of an occurrence failed to prevent accidents of similar causal factors.
The reason is simple: human error takes place within the context of organizations. No accident, however
obvious its causal factors seem to be, ever happens as a result of a single occurrence. A chain of latent failures
is almost always present, depriving the last single error of the defence which could prevent it from becoming
16. From Individuals to Organizations. ICAO position paper delivered at the Algonquin College validation course on aviation Human
Factors. February 1993.
17. National Transportation Safety Board. Aircraft Accident Report, Continental Express Flight 2574. In-Flight Breakup, EMB-120RT,
N33701, September 1991 (NTSB/AAR-92/04). Washington, D.C., 1992.
an accident. It is therefore imperative that causal factors in accidents are addressed in the organizational
context in order to prevent them from occurring again and again. Aviation safety began to make optimal use
of accident investigations lessons only after it had begun to address the organizational context of operations.
These lessons are as applicable to errors committed in the maintenance base as they are to those committed
in the cockpit or the ATC room. As is the case in the cockpit and ATC environment, accidents resulting from
faulty maintenance or inspection reflect more on the organization than on the individual who is at the end of
the line (Reasons model simplifies this notion).
In keeping with this line of thinking, a dissenting statement in this particular report suggests
that the probable cause cited should have read as follows:18
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable
causes of this accident were (1) the failure of Continental Express
management to establish a corporate culture which encouraged and enforced
adherence to approved maintenance and quality assurance procedures, and
(2) the consequent string of failures by Continental Express maintenance and
inspection personnel to follow approved procedures for the replacement of
the horizontal stabilizer deice boots. Contributing to the accident was the
inadequate surveillance by the FAA of the Continental Express maintenance
and quality assurance programmes.
The justification for this dissenting statement lies in the fact that the accident investigation
report identified substandard practices and procedures and oversights by numerous individuals, each of
whom could have prevented the accident. This includes aircraft maintenance technicians, quality assurance
inspectors, and supervisors, all of whom demonstrated a general lack of compliance with the approved
procedures. Departures from approved procedures included failures to solicit and give proper shift-change
turnover reports, failures to use maintenance work cards as approved, failures to complete required
maintenance/inspection shift turnover forms and a breach in the integrity of the quality control function by virtue
of an inspector serving as a mechanics assistant during the early stages of the repair work performed on the
accident aircraft.
The investigation also discovered two previous maintenance actions on the accident aircraft,
each of which departed from the approved procedures and involved employees different from those engaged
in the de-icing boot replacement. The first event was the replacement of an elevator without the use of the
required manufacturer-specified balancing tools. The second was the failure to follow specified procedures and
logging requirements in response to an engine overtorque. Although these events were in no way related to
the accident, the report indicates that they suggest a lack of attention to established requirements for
performing maintenance and quality control in accordance with the General Maintenance Manual (GMM).
A detailed examination of the organizational aspects of the maintenance activities the night
before the accident reveals a mlange of crossed lines of supervision, communications and control. The
multitude of lapses and failures committed by numerous airline employees, discovered during the investigation,
is not consistent with the notion that the accident resulted from isolated, as opposed to systemic, factors. Based
on the record, the series of failures which led directly to the accident cannot be considered the result of an
aberration by individuals but rather reflects on the customary, accepted way of doing business prior to the
accident. Line management of an airline has the regulatory responsibility not only for providing an adequate
maintenance plan (and we conclude that the GMM was, in most respects, an adequate plan) but for
18. Ibid. pp. 54. John K. Lauber, Member NTSB. Dissenting Statement.
implementing the provisions of that plan as well. By permitting, whether implicitly or explicitly, such deviations
to occur on a continuing basis, senior management created a work environment in which a string of failures,
such as occurred the night before the accident, became probable.19
The maintenance- and inspection-error-related accidents of the BAC 1-11 and Embraer 120
aircraft are exceptions in that the accidents occurred soon after the active errors had been committed. This
enabled the accident investigators to concentrate their efforts on site and to look closely into the activities of
the individuals concerned as well as those of the organizations. The classic case of displaced in time and
space was not a factor slowing, if not hindering, timely investigation of the occurrences. The opportunity to
identify organizational errors, individual human error or error-inducing organizational practices was present,
providing the chance to address accident-enabling practices at their source.
Statistics indicate that organizational or systemic errors within aircraft maintenance
organizations are not limited to one organization or one region. In the three accidents analysed here, the
behaviour of the organizations and the individuals within the organizations before the occurrences was similar.
For example:
those responsible for ensuring adherence to established procedures and methods failed
to supervise not in one-offs but in what were symptomatic of longer-term failures (active
and latent failures);
maintenance work was performed by personnel who were not assigned to do the job but
who, with good intentions, started the work on their own initiative (active failure fostered
by the two previous latent failures); and
lack of proper and/or positive communication was evident, extending the chain of error
which led to the accidents (latent failure).
As indicated in 1.11, one of the basic elements of the aviation system is the decision maker
(high-level management, companies corporate or regulatory bodies) who is responsible for setting goals and
for managing available resources to achieve and balance aviations two distinct goals: safety and on-time and
cost-effective transportation of passengers and cargo. When viewed through both the Reason and the SHEL
models, it is not difficult to see why and where errors were committed.
Chapter 3
Information Exchange
and Communication
Communication is possibly the most important Human Factors issue in aircraft maintenance.
Without communication among maintenance managers, manufacturers, dispatchers, pilots, the public, the
government and others, safety standards would be difficult to maintain. In the maintenance realm there is an
enormous volume of information that must be created, conveyed, assimilated, used and recorded in keeping
the fleet airworthy. A frequently quoted example is the paper stack, supposedly exceeding the height of Mt.
Everest, that the Boeing Aircraft Company produces annually in order to support its aircraft operators. Airlines
literally have warehouses full of paper that contain the historical records of maintenance of their aircraft.
It is most important that maintenance information be understandable to the target audience.
The primary members of this audience are the inspectors and technicians who undertake scheduled aircraft
maintenance and diagnose and repair aircraft malfunctions. New manuals, service bulletins, job cards and
other information to be used by this audience should be tested before distribution to make sure that they will
not be misunderstood or misinterpreted. Sometimes maintenance information is conveyed through a less-thanoptimum selection of words. Anecdotal evidence suggests a case where a certain maintenance procedure was
proscribed (i.e. prohibited) in a service bulletin. The technician reading this concluded that the procedure was
prescribed ( i.e. defined, laid down) and proceeded to perform the forbidden action. These types of problems
are becoming more prevalent now that air carrier aircraft are being manufactured all over the world. Sometimes
the technical language of the manufacturer does not translate easily into the technical language of the
customer and the result can be maintenance documentation that is difficult to understand. Since so much
maintenance information is written in English, there is a strong case to be made for use of simplified English.
Words that mean one thing to a certain reader should mean the same thing to every other reader. For example,
a door should always be a door. It should not be referred to as a hatch or a panel.
Communication with the aircraft manufacturer, as well as between airlines, can be crucial. If
an operator discovers a problem in maintaining its aircraft that could degrade safety, then that problem should
be communicated to the manufacturer and to other operators of the same aircraft type. This is not always easy
to do. Industry cost control measures and competitive pressures may not place a premium on communication
among airlines. However, civil aviation authorities can play an important role by encouraging operators under
their jurisdiction to interact frequently with one another and the manufacturer of the aircraft they operate. A
maintenance-related incident in one airline, if made known to other operators, could easily prevent an accident
from happening. The accident record has no shortage of accidents that could have been prevented if incident
information from airlines had been made known to the industry. The investigation of the American Airline DC-10
accident at Chicago in 1979 revealed that another airline, using the same unapproved engine change
procedures, had discovered that the procedure caused cracks in the pylon attachment area and, as a
consequence, had reverted to using the approved procedures. It is believed that if the airline had shared its
experience with the other operators of similar aircraft, the accident at Chicago could have been prevented.
However, for such co-operation to succeed and flourish, information disseminated under such co-operation
must be strictly used for accident prevention purposes only. The use or misuse of such information to gain a
marketing advantage over the reporting airline can only result in stifling all safety-related interactions among
Lack of communication within an airlines maintenance organization can also have a very
serious negative impact on the airlines operation. The accidents discussed in Chapter 2 illustrate this problem.
In all of those occurrences, lack of proper communication of action taken or action which needed to be taken
was rampant, adding to the series of errors and, thus, the accident occurrences. Each investigation has
revealed that a number of latent failures were evident and that there was a serious flaw in the L-L and L-S
In the EMB-120 accident, the second shift supervisor who was responsible for the aircraft failed
to solicit an end-of-shift verbal report (shift turnover) from the two technicians he assigned to remove both
horizontal stabilizer de-ice boots. Moreover, he failed to give a turnover to the oncoming third shift supervisor
and to complete the maintenance/inspection shift turnover form. He also neglected to give the maintenance
work cards to the technicians so that they could record the work that had been started, but not completed, by
the end of their shift. It is probable that the accident could have been avoided if this supervisor had solicited
a verbal shift turnover from the two technicians assigned to remove the de-ice boots, had passed that
information to the third shift supervisor, had completed the maintenance shift turnover form and had ensured
that the technicians who had worked on the de-ice boots had filled out the maintenance work cards so that the
third shift supervisor could have reviewed them (latent failure and L-L mismatch).
The two technicians were assigned to the second shift supervisor by another supervisor, who
was in charge of a C check on another aircraft. This supervisor was given a verbal shift turnover from one of
the technicians after he had already given a verbal shift turnover to the oncoming third shift supervisor,
informing him that no work had been done on the left stabilizer. He failed to fill out a maintenance shift turnover
form and also failed to inform the oncoming third shift supervisor. He failed to instruct the technician to report
to the supervisor who was actually responsible for the assigned task or to the oncoming third shift supervisor.
Instead, he instructed the technician to report to a third shift technician, indicating what work had been
accomplished. If this supervisor had instructed the technician to give his verbal shift turnover information to the
second shift supervisor (responsible for the aircraft) or to the oncoming third shift supervisor and had instructed
the technician to complete the maintenance work cards, the accident would most likely not have occurred (a
series of latent failures and L-L flaw at all levels).
A second shift Quality Control Inspector assisted the two technicians in removing the upper
screws on both horizontal stabilizers, signed out on the inspectors turnover sheet and went home. An
oncoming third shift Quality Control Inspector arrived at work early, reviewed the second shift Inspectors
turnover sheet and recalled no entry. Unfortunately, the oncoming Inspector reviewed the shift turnover sheet
before the second shift Inspector wrote on it helped mechanic pull boots. In addition, the second shift
Inspector failed to give a verbal shift turnover to the oncoming third shift Inspector. It is believed that if the
second shift Quality Control Inspector had given a verbal shift turnover to the oncoming third shift Inspector
and had reported any work initiated regarding removal of the upper leading edge screws on both stabilizers,
the accident would most likely not have occurred. In addition, as an Inspector, he was a second set of eyes
overseeing the work of the technicians. By helping remove the upper screws, he effectively removed himself
from functioning as an inspector.
One of the technicians, who assumed responsibility for the work accomplished on the aircraft
during the second shift, failed to give a verbal shift turnover, per the airlines maintenance manual, to the
second shift supervisor (responsible for the aircraft), who had assigned him the task of removing the de-ice
boots. In addition, he failed to solicit and fill out the maintenance work cards from the second shift supervisor
before leaving at the end of his shift (again a series of latent failures and L-L mismatch). It is further believed
that, if the technician had given a verbal shift turnover either to the second shift supervisor responsible for the
aircraft or to the oncoming third shift supervisor, who was working the hangar directly, and if he had solicited
the maintenance work cards from the second shift supervisor, the accident would most likely not have occurred.
The accident investigation1 revealed that there was a serious organizational flaw within the
maintenance system of the organization. The paragraphs above each emphasize a failure of an individual but
not the same individual; it is a group of individuals, i.e. an organization. The investigation further revealed that
the action of these individuals or of a group of individuals was not a one-time slip. Two previous maintenance
actions taken on the accident aircraft departed from approved procedure and involved employees different from
those engaged in the de-icing boot replacement. Although the actions were in no way related to the accident,
the investigation indicated that they suggest a lack of attention to established requirements for performing
maintenance and quality control in accordance with the General Maintenance Manual. The behaviour of the
maintenance technicians, as revealed by the investigation, can only be explained as a manifestation of the
existence of a corporate culture which condoned unapproved practices and which lacked norms that
condemned such behaviour within the organization.2 An attitude of disregard of maintenance procedures,
organizational policies or regulatory standards involves more than individual human performance issues, since
such behaviour does not develop overnight.
Communication was also an issue in the blown-out windscreen accident.3 A Stores Supervisor,
who had been on the job for about 16 years, informed the shift maintenance manager of the correct
specification of the bolts used to fit that windscreen but failed to press the point (L-L mismatch). Communication
which is weakly or unconvincingly conveyed is as good as no communication at all. This accident also
illustrates a problem faced regularly by maintenance technicians, i.e. the pressure to make a gate time. Due
to the high costs of aircraft, operators cannot afford the luxury of having back-up aircraft when maintenance
cannot be completed on time. Scheduling of aircraft for service reflects a delicate balance between obtaining
the maximum number of revenue flight hours and performing needed maintenance. Significant maintenance
tasks must be accomplished quickly so that the aircraft can make its scheduled gate time. Passengers do not
like maintenance delays and if they happen too often on an airline, business may be lost to a competitor.
Aircraft maintenance technicians are keenly aware of this pressure and strive to accomplish their work in a
timely manner. Clearly this can sometimes lead to compromised maintenance especially when, as so often
happens, things do not go according to plan. Managements role is to ensure that their maintenance
organizations are provided with adequate personnel and resources to prevent the type of work that results in
degraded airworthiness. This problem, while not strictly speaking a communication issue, highlights the
importance of an open, two-way exchange within maintenance organizations. Airline management needs to
develop procedures and ensure their application to prevent dispatch of non-airworthy aircraft. One of the best
ways of facilitating this activity is to maintain an ongoing dialogue with maintenance staff, encouraging them
to report hazardous situations or practices.
Training methods for aircraft maintenance technicians vary throughout the world. In many
States a common procedure is for a would-be technician to enrol in a relatively short-term (two-year) course
National Transportation Safety Board. Aircraft Accident Report, Continental Express Flight 2574, In-Flight Breakup, EMB-120RT,
N33701. September 1991 (NTSB/AAR-92/04). Washington, D.C. 1992.
For a detailed discussion on Human Factors and corporate or organizational culture, see ICAO Human Factors Digest No.10 Human
Factors, Management and Organization (Circular 247).
AAIB Aircraft Accident Report 1/92, Report on the Accident to BAC One-Eleven, G-BJRT over Didcot, Oxfordshire on 10 June 1990,
London: HMSO.
of training at an aircraft maintenance technician training centre. These centres provide training in the skills
required to pass examinations given by the civil aviation authority (CAA) for the Airframe and Powerplant (A&P)
technicians licence or certificate. In addition, it is possible in many States to obtain certification through an
apprenticeship-type programme whereby, over a period of years, individuals learn their craft using on-the-job
training (OJT) methods.
In practice and as a general industry-wide trend, most graduates of A&P training institutes are
not well prepared for the airline maintenance role. As students they spend a lot of their training time learning
such skills as wood/dope/fabric repair and piston engine repair. These skills, while useful in maintaining the
general aviation aircraft which abound, are not often needed in maintaining the fleet of complex, turbinepowered air carrier aircraft. Consequently, the airlines must provide a good deal of training for their
maintenance staff. In some States, maintenance technician candidates have no prior training in training
centres. In these cases, the airlines are required to provide practically all of the training.
Airline training should be a mix of structured classroom training as well as OJT. The problem
with OJT is that it is difficult to manage, hence, the training outcomes can be expected to vary considerably.
Often with OJT a more experienced technician demonstrates a maintenance procedure to a junior or less
experienced person. The trainee is expected to assimilate the training and demonstrate this newly acquired
knowledge to the satisfaction of the trainer. If all goes well the trainee is expected to successfully perform the
task, unsupervised, in the future. On the other hand, the senior technician/trainer may not be an effective
teacher or the training environment (outdoors, night-time conditions) may not be conducive to training. The
student may not know enough about the system which is being used for training to ask questions that might
make the difference between successful or unsuccessful training. Other problems include training to perform
certain tasks which may be difficult to learn in one session. Successful accomplishment of such tasks is heavily
reliant on operator skill as there is as much art as there is science in these tasks.
OJT should be controlled and supervised. Trainers should be instructed in training procedures
that will optimize student learning. On-the-job trainers should be selected both for technical skills and for the
motivation to train others. Maintenance shop managers should recognize that a good technician does not
necessarily make a good instructor. Regardless of their personal capabilities to perform a given task,
experienced technicians can be good or bad trainers and training outcomes can be expected to be similarly
good or bad. The safety consequences are too obvious to require further elaboration. Trainees should be given
graduated experiences so that, for example, they are trained in light scheduled maintenance work and move
on to successively more difficult problems rather than start out immediately on heavy maintenance work.
Records of OJT performance should be kept and remedial training provided as necessary. OJT should be
scheduled as much as possible and should not be reliant on unpredictable aircraft malfunctions to provide
training opportunities.
The growing complexity of modern air transport aircraft makes it necessary to provide more
formal classroom-type training. With, for example, glass cockpits and sophisticated electronic systems, it is
important to provide extensive classroom-based training on underlying system principles. This is difficult to do
with OJT. Here, as well, it is very important that classroom instructors be extensively prepared for their task.
It is not enough to simply dub a senior technician a teacher. In addition to being a subject matter expert, the
instructor must also know how to teach, i.e. how to present information clearly, how to seek feedback from the
students to ascertain that they are learning, how to determine problem areas and be able to provide remedial
instruction. Most major airlines maintain training departments staffed with skilled instructors. However, this is
not always the case with smaller carriers and in fact such departments are rarely seen in many commuter-type
operations. In the meantime, commuter aircraft are also becoming as complex as aircraft operated by the major
airlines. The challenge for these operators with limited resources is to develop methods to ensure that their
maintenance technicians receive all the training required to maintain a fleet of modern aircraft. This may
include taking maximal advantage of manufacturer-provided training and negotiating for follow-up training as
part of an aircraft acquisition agreement.
Computer-based instruction (CBI) is found at some airlines depending on the size and
sophistication of the training programme. However, most of the CBI currently in use would now be considered
early or old technology. New training technologies are being developed which may complement or, in some
cases, even replace OJT and classroom methods. Certainly these new training technologies would be
expected to replace old-style CBI. Early CBI, which is still in use today, provides tutorial-type instruction usually
followed by screen-presented multiple choice questions on the tutorial material. An incorrect answer keyed in
by a student is typically met with a buzzer sound and the words wrong answer try again. The student can
keep guessing until the right answer is chosen, but usually little or no remedial instruction is given with these
Todays students have greater expectations from interactive computer systems including
training systems. In many States including a number of developing States, secondary or high school students
have already had some exposure to personal computers and to computer games available for home
televisions. These devices do provide considerable feedback and performance rating features found in new
technology training systems. Similarly, newer CBI systems offer training that adapts to the students knowledge
and skill. However, advanced technology CBI must have a reasonable degree of intelligence comparable to
that of a human instructor. More than the instructions and feedback on what needs to be done or on how one
is performing, new technology should be able to provide systemic tutoring. Systems capable of such
endeavours are now available in some high-technology training establishments. These new systems are called
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). The features that set ITS apart from the less proficient CBI systems are
software modules that emulate students, subject matter experts and instructors. This is done with an extensive
set of rules related to the functions, operating procedures and component relationships of the system or device
under study.
The primary components of an ITS are shown in Figure 3-1. At the centre of the figure is the
instructional environment. For aviation maintenance training, this environment is usually a simulation. The
expert model or module on the right of the figure must contain much of the same knowledge about a system
or device that a human expert would possess. The student model at the bottom of the figure can be based on
required student knowledge and on critical actions the student must take during interaction with the instructional
environment. This model also contains a current file of students actions as well as historical files describing
students preferred learning styles, previously mastered lessons and typical errors. The instructor or
pedagogical model on the left provides the subject matter experts knowledge in a way that optimizes student
learning. This module sequences instruction based on student performance and provides appropriate
feedback, remedial instruction and suggestions for further instruction outside of the ITS environment as
ITS have been found to be very effective for training in the diagnosis and maintenance of
complex high-technology equipment. They have a number of advantages over traditional training methods
including the capacity to provide just-in-time training or refresher training immediately before maintenance
work is started. Also with ITS, training is under the students control and can be scheduled, paced or repeated
at the students discretion. There is a feeling, in some circles, that these systems may prove to be too complex
for widespread use. It is possible that these feelings spring from lack of experience with this technology rather
than from an evaluation of technical and training staff capabilities. Operators and civil aviation authorities are
urged to keep an open mind about the use of these new technologies lest they deprive their airlines of
important capabilities which could have very significant safety implications.
to possible actions to enhance future supplies of adequately trained maintenance personnel. Supporting quality
secondary education in community schools and increasing awareness of the aircraft maintenance career
among school-age groups are two relatively inexpensive means. Other methods include loan of equipment or
instructors to A&P training schools, provision of training loans or grants to promising students in exchange for
work agreements, development of more formal training or apprenticeship programmes and recruitment of
maintenance talent from non-traditional groups such as women. Parenthetically, it is suggested that industry
support and foster expanded computer education in secondary schools since, as the trend indicates, future
maintenance activity may be heavily underpinned by computerized and automated systems even in those
States that, at present, do not employ significant electronic support systems.
Aircraft maintenance is frequently performed at night. Physiologically and mentally we are most
alert during daylight hours and prefer to rest or sleep at night. When job requirements disturb this pattern, work
performance deficits can follow. This can certainly pose problems in aircraft maintenance where safety is vitally
connected to error-free technician performance. In most maintenance-error accidents, like the ones discussed
in this digest, the faulty maintenance work which contributed to the accident was performed during night shift
working hours (inducing L-E interface flaw). Operators should carefully examine work assignments for their
effects on technicians and their work. Physically demanding tasks should not be followed by tedious work
requiring intense concentration. Management should be aware of the hazards of such activities as repetitive
inspection of identical items such as rivets or turbine blades. A long history of research shows that operator
vigilance declines rapidly on these tasks and error can easily follow. Similarly, use of certain types of equipment
is associated with work error. Old-style inspection devices rely heavily on technicians skill in manipulating
equipment and in detecting and interpreting subtle instrument indications. Couple these difficulties with a
fatigued technician and the probability for error increases dramatically. Shift supervisors need to be especially
observant of technician fatigue and to oversee and perform follow-up checks of tasks to discover any resulting
errors. Inspection during daylight hours of maintenance work accomplished the previous night could also go
a long way towards reducing the probability of an error such as happened on the accident aircraft.
Technician health and physical status can also influence work performance. Aircraft
maintenance and inspection activity can sometimes be physically demanding. Climbing over wings and
horizontal stabilizers and working in uncomfortable positions and in cramped or confined spaces are common.
These can be demanding especially for the maintenance technician who is overweight, sick or poorly
conditioned and could result in work being skipped, uncompleted or improperly performed. The need for good
vision and sometimes for normal colour vision is important as well. Older people frequently need vision
correction in the form of glasses or contact lenses. At present, there are no medical requirements for aircraft
maintenance technicians. As is the case with many people, technicians may not attend to visual deficiencies
on time, especially when we consider the fact that lacking periodic examinations, detection of gradual visual
deficiency is difficult until vision has deteriorated significantly. Moreover, the technician may experience job
insecurity and therefore avoid reporting failing eyesight.
Currently it is rare to find an operator or administration that requires regular medical screening
of technicians to detect disorders that may impair their work performance. However, due to the increasing
correlation between aviation safety and maintenance technician performance, it may be timely to consider
implementing regular medical screening of aircraft maintenance technicians.
hangars for aircraft maintenance work, such is not likely given the cost of building and operating these facilities
at every airport served by airlines. Consequently, a lot of aircraft maintenance is performed under less-thanideal-conditions including outdoor, night work in inclement weather.
One of the most important work parameters in aircraft maintenance is lighting. It is very difficult
to provide adequate lighting for all aspects of maintenance work including inspection and repair. Poor ambient
illumination of work areas was identified as a significant deficiency during the investigation of the accidents
discussed in this digest. In the BAC 1-11 aircraft accident, an adequately lighted working area may have made
it possible for the shift maintenance manager to see the excessive annulus of unfilled countersink which was
easily discernible when viewed under good lighting conditions (L-E mismatch). In the EMB-120 accident, a third
shift inspector had gained access to the top of the horizontal stabilizer to assist with the installation and
inspection of the de-ice lines on the right side of the horizontal stabilizer. He later stated that he was not aware
of the removal of the screws from the left leading edge assembly of the horizontal stabilizer and in the dark
outside the hangar, he did not see that the screws were missing from the top of the left side leading edge
assembly (L-E mismatch).
A great deal of lighting for specific tasks is provided by hand-held torches or flashlights. The
advantages of these lights are that they are portable and require no set-up time. Disadvantages include lack
of brightness and the fact that they usually encumber one hand, sometimes forcing maintenance work or
inspection activity to be performed with the one remaining hand only. One frequently noted problem in several
observed maintenance hangars is poor area lighting. Often hangar area lighting is provided by ceiling-mounted
units. These hard-to-reach units are frequently dust- or paint-coated and burnt-out bulbs sometimes go
unreplaced for long periods of time. In addition, the number and placement of these units are sometimes
insufficient to provide good area lighting conditions. Area lighting in hangars should be at least in the order of
100 to 150 foot-candles to provide adequate lighting.
Maintenance and inspection tasks performed beneath aircraft structures and within confined
spaces pose difficult lighting problems. The structure shades work points from area lighting and, similarly,
cramped equipment compartments will not be illuminated by ambient hangar lighting. Special task lighting
should be provided for these situations. Task lighting needs a range from 200 to 500 foot-candles, depending
on the task. Affordable portable lighting units which can be positioned near work areas or attached to adjacent
structures for the performance of specific tasks are available in various sizes and ranges. The use of such
lighting systems could help alleviate some of the problems which may result from a liveware-environment
Outdoor, night-time maintenance activity demands careful attention to lighting needs. A great
deal of aircraft maintenance is performed under these conditions. There is an unfortunate tendency to rely on
flashlights or ambient lighting from open hangar doors for this work because adequate portable lighting is either
unavailable or time-consuming to obtain and set up. Management must be aware of the importance of
providing and requiring the use of adequate area and task lighting. It is not a trivial issue. Adverse occurrences,
resulting, at least partly, from lack of adequate lighting, are often identified in many accident investigation
Noise is another important work environment factor. Aircraft maintenance operations are
usually intermittently noisy due to activities such as riveting, machinery operation inside hangars, or engine
testing or run-up on ramps. Noise can cause speech interference and can also have health implications. Loud
or intense noise tends to result in heightened response of the human autonomic nervous system. One of the
results can be fatigue. Perhaps more important is the effect of noise on hearing. Regular exposure to loud
noise can result in permanent hearing loss. Lower-intensity noise can cause temporary hearing loss which can
have safety implications in the workplace. Missed or misunderstood communication resulting from noise
interference or hearing loss can have serious consequences. Actions that can be taken by operators to deal
with noise problems include controlling noise sources by enclosing or insulating machinery, isolating noisy
activities so that fewer people are exposed, providing workers with hearing protection and requiring its use,
reducing engine run-up or testing to the minimum acceptable and measuring noise levels in work areas. Noise
monitoring can identify where problems exist, thereby enabling management to take corrective actions. The
serious consequences of noise exposure should be stressed so that the workers see the need for hearing
protection and for controlling noise wherever possible. Exposure to noise levels above 110 dB should not
exceed twelve minutes in an eight-hour period and continuous exposure to 85 dB noise levels requires hearing
protection. Both noise and light levels can be easily measured with relatively inexpensive hand-held meters.
These are tasks that can be accomplished by the operators health or safety departments or by supervisors
who have been trained in the use of this equipment.
Toxic materials in aircraft maintenance have become more prevalent with the advent of more
sophisticated aircraft that use composite materials in their structure or other hazardous substances such as
tank sealants or structural bonding chemicals. Some non-destructive evaluation methods such as x-rays are
also potentially hazardous. Employees should be informed of and trained on the hazards associated with
handling toxic materials. They should be instructed in proper handling methods and provided with protective
devices such as protective clothing, rubber gloves and goggles.
There are other hazards associated with aircraft maintenance. Chief among these is working
on stands or other work platforms including movable buckets or cherry-pickers as they are sometimes called.
As large transport aircraft structures stand several tens of feet from the ground, a slip or fall from a work
platform can cause very serious injury. Makeshift work stands and carelessly positioned ladders on slippery
hangar floors should be avoided at all costs. Properly designed and used work support systems will, in the long
run, be cost-effective because of reduced work error and fewer worker injuries.
The above information on noise, toxic materials, work stands and platforms is a good example
of where and how a Liveware and Environment (L-E) interface flaw can occur in the maintenance shop.
Although it addresses maintenance technicians health and safety considerations, it has obvious implications
for aviation safety. It is evident that technicians whose performance is impaired because of lack of health and
personal safety provisions will be more likely to commit error affecting the over-all safety of aircraft operation.
This is of great concern because, as a general rule, the effects of human error in maintenance are manifested
far displaced in time and location.
Chapter 4
Team work
The importance of team work in aircraft maintenance cannot be overstressed. As aircraft and
their systems become more complex, a greater emphasis on technical specialties (e.g. sheet metal/structures,
electrical/electronics, hydraulics) is emerging. An unfortunate parallel trend is to organize the technical
specialists into distinct departments or functional silos, which tends to inhibit team work and communication.
A great deal of effort has been expended in recent years on the study of cockpit teamwork.
These studies have resulted in training programmes with the familiar name of Cockpit (or Crew) Resource
Management (CRM).1 The results of this research support the conclusion that safety is enhanced when cockpit
crews function as integrated, communicating teams rather than as a collection of individuals pursuing
independent courses of action. The same conclusion might be assumed in the aircraft maintenance realm.
Some airlines are either planning or are already providing CRM-type training in their maintenance
organizations. This training, like its cockpit counterparts, emphasizes communication, leadership,
assertiveness, decision making and stress management, skills that are important to team operations. At least
one airline has shown an improvement in important operating variables such as on time departures and job
injuries after providing specially designed CRM training to its maintenance personnel.2
Another example of the benefits of a team approach to aircraft maintenance comes from the
U.S. Air Force (former) Tactical Air Command. This organization originally employed a dispatch maintenance
system where specialty technicians (e.g. hydraulic, electronics, etc.) could be dispatched to work on any of the
aircraft stationed on a given base. A centralized organization called Plans and Scheduling directed all
maintenance activity. All maintenance requests were passed to a sub-unit called Job Control which
interpreted the requests, made decisions on who or what shop to dispatch and notified the appropriate
organization to perform the work. Under this system the dispatched technician sometimes brought the wrong
tools or parts or discovered on reaching the aircraft that he was the wrong technician for the job because Job
Control was not tightly coupled with the system and frequently made wrong decisions. Technicians had no unit
identity. They could be dispatched by Job Control to work on any of the aircraft assigned to a Wing. A team
organization was not employed.
The results of this organizational scheme were apparent in a continuing decline in aircraft
readiness. Units that had initially averaged 23 sorties a month per aircraft were averaging 11.5 sorties ten years
later. Corrective action was clearly needed. As a first step, a team organizational structure was instituted. The
72 aircraft in a wing were assigned to three separate 24-aircraft squadrons. The maintenance technicians were
For a full discussion about CRM, refer to ICAO Human Factors Digest No. 2 Flight Crew Training: Cockpit Resource Management
(CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) (Circular 217).
Robertson, M., J. Taylor, J. Stelly and R. Wagner. Maintenance CRM Training. Assertiveness attitudes effect on maintenance
performance in a matched sample. WEAAP Conference. March 1994, Dublin. See also Stelly, J. and J. Taylor, Crew Coordination
Concepts for Maintenance Teams. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance and
Inspection, 1992. Washington D.C.
divided into groups and assigned to one of the squadrons, and only those people assigned to a given squadron
worked on their squadrons aircraft. A decentralized leadership structure was adopted with several levels of
authority and responsibility. Goals and standards were established including a sortie requirement for each
aircraft. The newly created maintenance teams were given the responsibility of ensuring aircraft readiness. Of
course they were also provided with the required resources (parts, supplies etc.) to get their jobs done.
Competition among the squadrons was fostered with sortie goals and squadron performance posted in
prominent places. Technician status was boosted a number of ways. The technician was identified as a key
player and not an anonymous cog in a wheel. Considerable effort was expended to establish a sense of unit
identity and ownership in the structure of the organization.
The results were dramatic. Within a relatively short time, utilization rates improved by 43%,
and aircraft readiness increased 59%. On-time departure rates increased from 75% to over 90%. These and
other performance improvements show that organizational factors in the workplace can have a strong influence
on aircraft maintenance. The structure of an organization can impede or facilitate productivity. Teamwork,
responsibility and especially leadership are key performance factors. Leadership at the working level seems
to be encouraged by a decentralized structure. Competition and team identity are also important ingredients.
Allowing the technicians to participate in decision processes will help to identify them as valuable contributors
and foster interest in team results. By maintaining a distinct group of technicians who know each other and
know one anothers capabilities, team pride and performance are encouraged. The desired results, of course,
are enhanced maintenance quality and a technician workforce that enjoys its work.
Observations made in a number of international air carrier maintenance facilities seem to
indicate that an organizational concept similar to the dispatch system once used by the U.S. Air Force is
prevalent. Distinct departments or shops with separate lines of accountability and limited goals are common.
Individual rather than team performance is encouraged. Adaptability in response to unusual events is very
important in aircraft maintenance, but can be disrupted by poor performance in one shop or department. Lack
of team identity can lead to indifferent worker attitudes with predictable results. If individual technicians
conclude that diligence will be for naught because of others poor performance, then it is likely that diligence
will become more and more rare over time.
Establishment of maintenance teams should be planned; it is not enough to simply separate
people into groups and label them teams. Principles of job design should be employed when creating work
teams. Space limitations prevent a detailed discussion in this digest on these principles; however, Appendix 1
contains a list of recommended readings on this and other subjects. Well-designed teams can result in
improvements in work performance and employee satisfaction, and poor team design can lead to effects in the
opposite direction. Without proper management and regular evaluation of team performance, negative results
are likely. For example, if work teams are given total autonomy on their productivity levels, then low productivity
may result. Also, non-monitored groups can make poor decisions and sometimes inter- and intra-group
conflicts can emerge. There may be a need to redefine goals and objectives as well as a need to exchange
or replace team members for a variety of reasons as suggested above. This, of course, is a management
function and well beyond the objectives of this digest for detailed consideration.
Current thinking in job design focuses on what is called the motivational approach. The
intention is to create jobs that are challenging, meaningful and motivating. Employees should feel their work
is important and productive. They should participate in decisions and have input into the methods used to
accomplish their jobs. Research has shown that jobs requiring mental acuity are more motivating and
satisfying. The work team concept seems to fit in especially well in this regard because there is a need for
continuing interaction and communication among team members which stimulates thought and innovation.
There is typically a certain amount of competition among team members for the leadership role which can be
a positive force enhancing team performance.
Today, many industries, ranging from heavy manufacturing, like automobile assembly, to
strictly service industries such as advertising firms, are implementing work teams. There is reason to believe
that the team approach can be successfully and fruitfully employed in aircraft maintenance and the previously
cited U.S. Air Force example supports this belief. However, careful planning and management are required
to create and maintain effective work teams. The potential payoffs of well-functioning teams are improved
productivity as well as greater job satisfaction. Both of these are difficult to obtain simultaneously when dealing
with individual jobs.
Some of the most important aspects to consider for work team design and management
include job design, reward systems, selection and staffing, and training.3
Job design
Proper job design can have an important effect on working productivity. While this fact has
been recognized for some time, considerable research is still required to determine the optimum structure for
jobs in particular occupational settings. As there are different approaches to job design, the optimum job design
may require trade-offs among these approaches. Current attention is shifting from issues of the individual
worker to issues focusing on work groups as a basic unit, especially in manufacturing and related industries.
One of the most important aspects of job design, based on a team concept, is to provide for
self-management. To the extent possible, a team should have responsibility for its own activities, including such
matters as making decisions about scheduling and employee assignments and participating in the selection
of new team members. The principal responsibility of management is to provide resources so that the team
operates smoothly. Participation by all team members is another aspect to be considered. There should be
equal sharing of the burden and jobs should be designed so that employee interaction is required. There should
also be task significance team members should feel that their contribution is important.
Moving to a team concept in aircraft maintenance is not easy. It may also not be suitable to
all maintenance organizations. However, if implemented, team design must be carefully worked out and team
performance regularly observed. What works in one airline may not work well in another. Each companys
culture must be considered when designing work teams. The potential for worker satisfaction and for improved
output appears to be sufficiently high with well-structured teams to be worth the effort to carefully examine this
Reward systems
Team structure should provide for interdependent feedback and rewards. There should be a
mechanism to identify individual performance as well as an individuals contribution to team performance. If
the only output measure available is that of the total team, the contribution of specific individuals to team
performance cannot be objectively defined. In that case, some employees may not do their share of the work.
If everyones performance is assessed and related to team productivity, all members of the team then feel that
they have a common responsibility and will benefit accordingly.
For a complete explanation of these concepts, read Campbell, R.J. Measurement of Workforce Productivity. Proceedings of the Fifth
Federal Aviation Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection The Work Environment
in Aviation Maintenance. January 1992. Washington, D.C.
Team members should be trained for their roles. This training is necessary especially for newly
formed groups of people who were accustomed to working as individual technicians. The training should
include methods of group decision making, development of interpersonal skills and working with other teams.
Team members should also receive technical cross-training so that they can fill in for absent team members.
In this way the teams productivity will not be overly impaired if a team member cannot perform.
Finally, work teams should consist of people who express a preference for team work. There
are as many people who prefer to work alone as there are who like the team approach. This consideration is
particularly important when and if one is attempting to establish self-managing teams. To succeed, such teams
require members who are interested in the increased responsibilities accompanying team work.
Chapter 5
Automation and computerization
Technology in industry is increasing at a rapid pace and this is no less true in aircraft
maintenance. Clearly, world-wide industry is entering an electronic era where more and more processes,
operations and decisions are controlled by computers and advanced technology systems. In aircraft
maintenance and inspection, a great deal of automation is currently in place but is usually somewhat removed
from the technicians performing the actual work on aircraft. Generally speaking, information management is
the area that has benefited most from applications of automation. All sorts of planning and reporting are now
accomplished electronically. Other activities such as tool and inventory control, computer-aided design of tools
and tracking of service bulletins and airworthiness directives are also done with computers, at least at the
maintenance shops of the major air carriers.
Most aircraft manufacturers either have or are developing electronic versions of their
maintenance manuals. In this case, rather than searching through paper pages in a manual, a technician can
seek the information he needs with a tape or disc and a computer or video monitor. Some sort of artificial
intelligence is incorporated in some of these systems so that by use of a few key words, the information system
will automatically display the pertinent parts of the maintenance manual that may be needed by the technician
for a particular maintenance assignment. More advanced versions of these systems allow the technician to use
a mouse or a pointing device to point to desired information items on a screen-displayed menu and then, with
a push of a button, gain access to the maintenance manual information.
New technology computers have become smaller and smaller and some incorporate features
such as handwriting recognition. This latter capability could be particularly useful in filling out the numerous
reports and forms that are required in aircraft maintenance. By some estimates, technicians spend 25% of their
time on paperwork, time that could be better spent on aircraft maintenance. If such a system had been in place
and available to the technicians working on the EMB-120 aircraft discussed earlier, the accident might possibly
have been prevented because work performed and work yet to be accomplished would have been filed
properly and on time, making it clear to the incoming shift what work still needed to be completed. By
automating the filing process to the extent possible and further automating the information filing activity into
larger computer storage facilities, recording errors can be avoided, and great savings in clerical manpower can
be obtained. Funds that are currently spent on these ancillary maintenance tasks could be devoted to actions
that would have more direct safety pay-offs such as providing further training. Furthermore, aircraft
maintenance technicians would have more time to perform their tasks, leading to a less hurried, and hence less
error-prone, work environment.
Recently developed pen computers seem to be ideally suited for these tasks. The pen is
actually a stylus which can be used to write on the computer screen. The stylus can also be used to select
items from screen-displayed menus, thus permitting the technician to quickly zero in on stored information
required for maintenance. The pen computer, not much larger than this digest, can be used in conjunction with
storage media such as compact discs to store and provide access to an enormous volume of information. The
entire maintenance manual for an aircraft and additional information such as airworthiness directives, service
bulletins, job cards and specialized inspection procedures can be quickly made available to the aircraft
maintenance technician next to the aircraft. When the technician has completed the maintenance job, he can
call up the required forms to document his work, filling them out on the screen with the stylus or an integral
keyboard on the computer, and can store this information or dump it directly onto a mainframe computer. The
automation technology needed to perform these kinds of activities exists today and is currently being tested.
There is little question that this type of job-aiding automation, which is neither overly complex or expensive,
will find its way into the aircraft maintenance workplace in due course. The training, experience and technical
talent needed at present to carry out the tasks of an aircraft maintenance technician are more than sufficient
to successfully use these automated job aids. It is reasonable therefore to expect this type of automation in
aircraft maintenance to be implemented globally.
Introducing further and advanced automation in aircraft maintenance, it should be noted that
automation, unless designed with the capabilities and limitations of the human operators in mind, can be a
source of a different set of problems hindering rather than assisting the aircraft maintenance technician.
Inevitably, such automation cannot serve the interests of safety or efficiency in aircraft maintenance. For this
reason, it is appropriate to recognize that automation devices designed and manufactured to assist a human
operator must of necessity be designed in accordance with the principles of human-centred automation.1 Such
a consideration will help ensure that advanced automated aids will serve the purpose they are designed for,
without creating an overwhelming set of new and additional problems for the maintenance organization.
Other automated job aids are found on new transport aircraft. These systems have the
capability to assess the status of on-board equipment such as engines and electronic systems. When an inflight equipment malfunction is encountered on these aircraft, the information (problem) is automatically stored
and telemetered to the aircraft maintenance base without any input from the flight crew. On landing, aircraft
maintenance technicians can be standing by with required spare parts to quickly remedy the problem and get
the aircraft back into service. Obviously, not every device or system on the aircraft can be evaluated this way,
For a detailed presentation on human-centred automation, see ICAO Human Factors Digest No. 11 Human Factors in CNS/ATM
Systems (Circular 249).
but a great deal of diagnostic or test time can be saved when major systems malfunction on aircraft which have
such built-in test equipment (BITE). The major safety pay-off of such a system is that maintenance problems
are identified and corrected early in their development stage, thus relegating the solving of maintenance
problems through trial and error to the history books. One of the big advantages of BITE is that aircraft system
malfunctions are identified at a very early stage before they become a threat to the safety of the aircraft and
its occupants. Another advantage is that flight crew members may be advised of and consulted on a developing
maintenance problem, thus enhancing their decision-making capabilities to ensure the continued safe operation
of the aircraft based on actual and timely facts.
The technicians task is complex and varied and is performed at several different physical
locations. Actual maintenance activity involves frequent access to confined or difficult-to-reach spaces and a
broad range of manipulation of tools, test equipment and other devices. Maintenance work differs from that of
pilots or air traffic controllers who perform more predictable activities at a single workstation, either a cockpit
or an ATC console. Because of these differences it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to automate much
of the work of the aircraft maintenance technician. Rather, most automation related to maintenance tasks will
likely consist of improvements in diagnostic support systems. Closely allied with these job-aiding systems are
computer-based training systems which were discussed in Chapter 4.
This chapter presented a summary on automation and advanced job aid tools currently or soon
to be available to assist aircraft maintenance technicians in accomplishing their tasks. There are other concepts
under development at this time such as automated devices that will traverse an aircrafts external structure and
inspect it for cracks, corrosion, damaged rivets and other flaws, significantly assisting the work of an inspector.
Other ideas under study involve automation of human expertise. A large percentage of the airline maintenance
workforce in the United States is now or will soon be ready to retire. This group has a tremendous body of
knowledge on aircraft maintenance and inspection methods that will be lost when these individuals retire from
the active workforce. If this expertise can somehow be captured, properly arranged and provided to the junior,
less experienced workforce, then aircraft safety, at least from the maintenance experience point of view, will
be retained and enhanced and great savings in cost and time will be realized. Some airlines are already
working on this concept.
Chapter 6
It has often been advanced that no accident, however obvious its causal factors seem to be,
ever happens in isolation. Analysis emanating from broadened perspectives that focus on safety deficiencies
in systems rather than on individuals has allowed the identification of deficiencies at several stages of the
aviation system. The aircraft maintenance shop is such an organization where focusing on system deficiencies
rather than on individual errors would, in time, significantly minimize occurrences resulting from human error
in maintenance. Considering the potential for failures and other shortcomings, human error in aircraft
maintenance has been remarkably managed. Lessons learned over the past ninety years of aviation have
rapidly made their way into the methods of aircraft and maintenance systems design. However, from the
occasional occurrences, there appears to be significant potential for improvement.
The complexity of maintenance error can range from errors as simple as a single aircraft
maintenance technician forgetting to torque a finger-tightened screw to errors that cause a system-wide failure
as in the accident investigations discussed in Chapter 2. In the cases of a significant breakdown of the
maintenance system, not only was the primary maintenance task misperformed but many levels of defence
(such as those which are discussed in the Reason Model) had to be penetrated in order for the error-tolerant
maintenance system to break down so significantly.
In between these two extremes are the systematic errors that can be more readily traced back
to some deficiency in the design of the aircraft or the management of the maintenance process. The
maintenance community has become adept at dealing with these errors through redesign and process change.
For example, units such as gauges, communication and navigation units, etc., which do not require taking the
aircraft to the maintenance hangar for replacement (line replaceable units), are currently being designed with
different size or shape electrical and fluid connectors so that cross-connection errors upon reassembly are
eliminated. On the operational side, several aircraft maintenance departments have established sophisticated
systems to ensure that work started on one shift is properly turned over to the next shift.
Errors, such as nuts and bolts not torqued, lockwire not installed and access panel not secured,
continue to frustrate designers and maintenance managers because they are associated with such simple
pieces of equipment that redesign of the equipment or maintenance system seems impractical, if not
impossible. These errors may not always be life-threatening; however, their operational and economic impact
continues to be very significant. An example of such an error is when a maintenance technician forgets to
torque a screw or nut that he has installed finger-tight. What appropriate change can be introduced, in the way
aircraft maintenance is performed to prevent such an error from occurring or to help reduce the error rate?
Remove all nuts and screws from the aircraft? Require duplicate torquing for all nuts and screws on the
aircraft? Regardless of the economic environment faced by manufacturers or commercial airlines, neither of
these changes would have much chance of implementation. These errors are not so much the result of system
deficiencies, but more a reflection of inherent limitations in the technology of both aircraft design and
maintenance systems. Theoretically, to reduce removal and installation errors, aircraft would need to be
designed with just a few components, rather than the three to four million parts currently found in large
commercial jet transport. However, todays technology requires the use of nuts and lockwire on aircraft. As a
result, sooner or later, due to improper execution of a maintenance task, each of these parts will inadvertently
be left off a departing aircraft.1
Graeber and Marx suggest that, in order to take the next significant step in maintenance error
reduction, three issues should be addressed:2
1/ Maintenance data should be organized in a form that will allow study of the human
performance aspects of maintenance:
Much of the work in the theory of human error revolves around the classification of error.
For the cognitive psychologist, there are many classification schemes from
slip/lapse/mistake, to errors of commission and omission, to skill-based, rule-based and
knowledge-based errors, to systematic and random errors. Each of these classification
schemes is applicable to errors in any context, including aircraft maintenance. While these
classifications impart order to what otherwise could appear as meaningless errors, they
have, for the most part, not been used within the aircraft maintenance community. The
problem for those in the real world of maintenance is that establishing the type of error
provides little practical help in determining the underlying cause. 3 Unless the relevance
between theoretical error classifications and the real-world management of maintenance
error is made obvious, the distinction between slips, lapses and mistakes is of little help
to the maintenance community.
Another approach to error classification which has been embraced by the aviation industry
is to focus on cause or contributing factors. This is how the industry arrived at the statistics
showing the high percentage of accidents attributable to human error in the flight deck.
While appropriate for equipment failure, this approach has significant limitations when
applied to human error. In 1991, Boeing conducted a study of maintenance-related
accidents occurring during the previous ten years. After reviewing available data, analysts
assigned contributing factors to the accident under each of the seven broad categories of
performance-shaping factors listed below:
From Marx, D.A. and C.R. Graeber (1994). Human Error in Aircraft Maintenance. In N. McDonald, N.Johnston, and R. Fuller (Eds.),
Aviation Psychology in Practice. Aldershot Ashgate Press.
Barnett, M.L. 1987. Factors in the Investigation of Human Error in Accident Causation. College of Maritime Studies. Warsash,
Southampton, United Kingdom.
a) Can particular biases that analysts are likely to bring to an investigation due to experience,
training or expertise be controlled? For example, would a maintenance instructor be more
likely to identify training as a deficiency in a particular accident or incident?
b) Would the maintenance community embrace a study that relies heavily on subjective
Both of these questions point to the need for improved human performance data collection and
investigation techniques that provide an observable framework, minimize the need for
subjective assessments and are understood and endorsed by aircraft designers and
maintenance managers.
The answer to the first question has been extensively discussed in ICAO Human Factors
Digest No. 7 Investigation of Human Factors in Accidents and Incidents (Circular 240) and Digest No. 10
Human Factors, Management and Organization (Circular 247). It often seems that investigations into human
performance simply trace error back to the careless and unprofessional work habits of the individual involved.
Traditionally during investigation of accidents, backtracking occurs until all conditions pertinent to the accident
are explained by abnormal but familiar events or acts. If an aircraft component fails, a component fault will be
accepted as the prime cause if the failure mechanism appears as usual. Human error is familiar to the
investigator: to err is human. Therefore, the investigation quite often stops once the person who erred is
Digest No. 7 proposes an approach to improve our human performance investigations and to
eliminate these premature judgements against the human operator. While not attempting to discount individual
responsibility regarding mishaps, the approach advanced by Digest No. 7, and furthered by Digest No. 10,
suggests that system safety is best served if attention is focused on those elements within the system that are
manageable. What is going on inside the heads of the maintenance workforce as well as other operational
personnel is often the hardest factor to manage. Thus, to conduct analyses that will help improve the
system, attributes of maintenance error that do not simply point to the maintenance technician involved and
do not require subjective assessments of deficiency must be investigated. Factual threads among accidents,
incidents and events that will allow members of the maintenance community to work together must be
researched to improve the over-all margin of safety standards of the whole system.
The UK CAA study discussed in Chapter 2, listing the top seven maintenance problems in
order of occurrence, represents an approach that relates to the maintenance process or behavioural task rather
than to the actual human error or causal factor. At the highest level of maintenance processes, for example,
we may identify errors associated with:
equipment removal;
equipment installation;
fault isolation/troubleshooting;
repair; and
Classifications of maintenance error based upon the process or task involved can provide
tangible near-term benefits. For example, the Aloha Boeing 737 structural failure in 1987 led to heightened
awareness of the Human Factors associated with visual structural inspection.4 As a result, the United States
Federal Aviation Administration has spent a significant portion of its maintenance Human Factors research
funding on visual inspection issues.
A more in-depth analysis of this approach for analysing and classifying human error in aircraft
engine troubleshooting has proved beneficial to the design of maintenance training systems. 5 In the case of
the Aloha Boeing 737 accident, the errors were classified according to information-processing steps within a
particular task of troubleshooting. The basic categories were observation of system state, choice of
hypotheses, choice of procedures and execution of procedures.
This process of behaviourally oriented classification avoids the pitfalls associated with the
cause or contributing factors approach discussed earlier. There is less blame placed within this classification
scheme as compared to the previous approaches discussed. Rather than reacting defensively, most people
will view this type of analysis as generating simple facts, pointing the way for improvements within the process.
In addition to error classification, prevention strategies can also be classified. Classification
of error prevention strategies in maintenance is important because it helps to increase the visibility of tools that
may be utilized by manufacturers and maintenance managers in the management of human error in
maintenance. Three classes of strategies to manage human error in the maintenance of aircraft are proposed.
Each of these classes is defined in terms of its method for controlling error:
a) Error reduction. Error reduction strategies are intended to intervene directly at the source
of the error itself. Examples of error reduction strategies include improving access to a
part, improving the lighting in which a task is performed and providing better training to the
maintenance technician. Most error management strategies used in aircraft maintenance
fall into this category.
b) Error capturing. Error capturing assumes the error is made. It attempts to capture the
error before the aircraft departs. Examples of error-capturing strategies include post-task
inspection, verification steps within a task and post-task functional and operational tests.
c) Error tolerance. Error tolerance refers to the ability of a system to accept an error without
catastrophic (or even serious) consequences. In the case of aircraft maintenance, error
tolerance can refer to both the design of the aircraft itself as well as the design of the
maintenance system. Examples of error tolerance include the incorporation of multiple
hydraulic or electrical systems on the aircraft (so that a single human error can only take
out one system) and a structural inspection programme that allows for multiple
opportunities to catch a fatigue crack before it reaches critical length.
Of the three classes of prevention strategies, only error reduction addresses the error directly.
Error-capturing and error tolerance strategies are directly associated with system integrity. From a system
safety perspective, human error in maintenance does not directly or immediately cause an aircraft to be unsafe.
Until maintenance technicians are working on aircraft in-flight, this will always be the case. It is the aircraft
being dispatched with a maintenance-induced problem that is cause for concern.
National Transportation Safety Board. Aircraft Accident Report, Aloha Airlines Flight 243, Boeing 737-200, N73711, Near Maui,
Hawaii, April 28, 1988 (NTSB/AAR-89/03). Washington, D.C. 1989.
Johnson, W.B. and W.B. Rouse. 1982. Analysis and Classification of Human Errors in Troubleshooting Live Aircraft Power Plants.
IEEE. Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.
The investigation of Human Factors in accidents has clearly shown that addressing systemic
or organizational shortcomings (latent failures) rather than individual errors (active failures) will positively
contribute to significantly minimizing human error occurrences. Appreciation of this finding has led many safety
organizations to pay increasing attention to organizational and cultural factors, both as accident-causal and
accident-preventive factors. Better understanding of these factors will lead to a better understanding of human
error in the organizational context. Human Factors Digest No. 10 maintains that knowledge gained in the
understanding of management and organizational factors, both as causal and preventive factors, can be
successfully used to face the challenges of the future in minimizing human error in the air transport industry.
Appendix 1
Air Transport Association (1989). ATA Specification 104 Guidelines for Aircraft Maintenance Training.
Washington, D.C.: Air Transport Association.
Aviation Industry Computer Based Training Committee (1989). AICC Matrix Committee. CBT
Courseware/Hardware Matrix (Report AGR 001, 22 December 1989). Washington: GMA Research
Aviation Safety Research Act of 1988, PL 100-591, 102 Stat. 3011 (1988).
Baker, B. and A. Schafer. Industrial Hygiene in Air Carrier Operations. Proceedings of the Fifth Federal
Aviation Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection The Work
Environment in Aviation Maintenance. January 1992. Washington, D.C.
Barnett, M.L. (1987). Factors in the Investigation of Human Error in Accident Causation. College of Maritime
Studies. Warsash, Southampton, United Kingdom.
Campbell, R.J. Measurement of Workforce Productivity. Proceedings of the Fifth Federal Aviation
Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection The Work
Environment in Aviation Maintenance. January 1992. Washington, D.C.
Campion, M.A. Job Design and Productivity. Proceedings of the Fifth Federal Aviation Administration Meeting
on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection The Work Environment in Aviation
Maintenance. January 1992. Washington, D.C.
DeHart, R.L. Physical Stressors in the Workplace. Proceedings of the Fifth Federal Aviation Administration
Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection The Work Environment in Aviation
Maintenance. January 1992. Washington, D.C.
Drury, C.G. (1991). Errors in Aviation Maintenance: Taxonomy and Control. Proceedings of the Human
Factors Society 35th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California.
Drury, C.G. The Information Environment in Aircraft Inspection. Proceedings of the Second Federal Aviation
Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection Information
Exchange and Communication. May 1990. Washington, D.C.
Drury, C.G. and A. Gramopadhye. Training for Visual Inspection. Proceedings of the Third Federal Aviation
Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection Training Issues.
November 1990. Washington, D.C.
Embrey, D. (1975). Training the Inspectors Sensitivity and Response Strategy. In Drury, C.G. and J.G. Fox
(Eds.), Human Reliability in Quality Control, pp. 123-132, London: Taylor & Francis.
Federal Aviation Administration. The National Plan for Aviation Human Factors. Washington, D.C.
Gallwey, T.J. (1982). Selection Tests for Visual Inspection on a Multiple Fault-Type Task. Ergonomics, 25.11,
pp. 1077-1092.
Glushko, R. CD-ROM and Hypermedia for Maintenance Information. Proceedings of the Second Federal
Aviation Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection
Information Exchange and Communication. May 1990. Washington, D.C.
Goldsby, R.P. Effects of Automation in Maintenance. Proceedings of the Fifth Federal Aviation Administration
Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection The Work Environment in Aviation
Maintenance. January 1992. Washington, D.C.
Gregory, W. (1993). Maintainability by Design. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Society of Automotive
Engineers Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability Workshop. Dallas, Texas.
Hackman, J.R. (1990). Groups that Work. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Harle, J. Industry and School Cooperation for Maintenance Training. Proceedings of the Fourth Federal
Aviation Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection The
Aviation Maintenance Technician. June 1991. Washington, D.C.
Hollnagel, E. Human Reliability Analysis Context and Control. Academic Press. San Diego, California. 1993.
ICAO Human Factors Digest No. 7 Investigation of Human Factors in Accidents and Incidents (Circular 240)
ICAO Human Factors Digest No. 10 Human Factors, Management and Organization. (Circular 247) 1993.
ICAO Human Factors Digest No. 11 Human Factors in CNS/ATM Systems. (Circular 249) 1994.
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Inaba, K. Converting Technical Publications into Maintenance Performance Aids. Proceedings of The Second
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Information Exchange and Communication. May 1990. Washington, D.C.
Johnson, R. An Integrated Maintenance Information System (IMIS): An Update. Proceedings of The Second
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Information Exchange and Communication. May 1990. Washington, D.C.
Johnson, W.B. (1987). Development and Evaluation of Simulation-Oriented Computer-Based Instruction for
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Kizer, C. Major Air Carrier Perspective. Proceedings of the Second Federal Aviation Administration Meeting
on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection Information Exchange and
Communication. May 1990. Washington, D.C.
Majoros, A. Human Factors Issues in Manufacturers Maintenance Related Communication. Proceedings
of the Second Federal Aviation Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and
Inspection. May 1990. Washington, D.C.
Marx, D.A. (1992). Looking towards 2000: The Evolution of Human Factors in Maintenance. Proceedings of
the Sixth Federal Aviation Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and
Inspection. Alexandria, Virginia.
Marx, D.A. and R.C. Graeber (1993). Human Error in Aircraft Maintenance. Boeing Commercial Airplane Group.
Seattle, Washington.
Mayr, J. Composites in the Workplace Some Lessons Learned. Proceedings of the Fifth Federal Aviation
Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection The Work
Environment in Aviation Maintenance. January 1992. Washington, D.C.
Peters, R. State and Aviation Industry Training Cooperation. Proceedings of the Fourth Federal Aviation
Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection The Aviation
Maintenance Technician. June 1991. Washington, D.C.
Rasmussen, J. and K.J. Vicente. (1989). Coping with Human Errors through System Design: Implications for
Ecological Interface Design. International Journal of Man Machine Studies, 31, 517-534.
Reason, J. (1990). A Framework for Classifying Errors. In J. Rasmussen, K. Duncan and J. Leplat (Eds.), New
Technology and Human Error. London: John Wiley.
Reason, J. (1990). Human Error. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom.
Rogers, A. (1991). Organizational Factors in the Enhancement of Military Aviation Maintenance. Proceedings
of the Fourth International Symposium on Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection (pp. 43-63). Washington, D.C.
Federal Aviation Administration.
Ruffner, J.W. (1990). A Survey of Human Factors Methodologies and Models for Improving the Maintainability
of Emerging Army Aviation Systems. US Army Research Institute for the Behavioural and Social Sciences.
Alexandria, Virginia.
Shepherd, W.T., W.B. Johnson, C.G. Drury and D. Berninger. Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance
Phase 1: Progress Report. FAA Office of Aviation Medicine Report AM-91/16, 1991. Washington, D.C.
Shute, V. and W. Regian (Eds.). Cognitive Approaches to Automated Instruction. Hillsdale, New Jersey:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 195-216.
Skinner, M. Aviation Maintenance Practices at British Airways. Proceedings of the Fourth Federal Aviation
Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection The Aviation
Maintenance Technician. June 1991. Washington, D.C.
Taggart, W. Introducing CRM into Maintenance Training. Proceedings of the Third Federal Aviation
Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection Training Issues.
November 1990. Washington, D.C.
Taylor, J.C. (1989). Allies in Maintenance: The Impact of Organizational Roles on Maintenance Programs.
Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference on Aging Aircraft (pp. 221-225). Washington, D.C.
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Taylor, J.C. Facilitation of Information Exchange Among Organizational Units Within Industry. Proceedings
of the Second Federal Aviation Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Maintenance and
Inspection Information Exchange and Communication. May 1990. Washington, D.C.
Taylor, J.C. Organizational Context in Aviation Maintenance Some Preliminary Findings. Proceedings of
the Third Federal Aviation Administration Meeting on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and
Inspection Training Issues. November 1990. Washington, D.C.
Tepas, D.I. Factors Affecting Shift Workers. Proceedings of the Fifth Federal Aviation Administration Meeting
on Human Factors Issues in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection The Work Environment in Aviation
Maintenance. January 1992. Washington, D.C.
Thackray, R.I. (1992). Human Factors Evaluation of the Work Environment of Operators Engaged in the
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Wiener, E.L. Vigilance and Inspection Performance. Proceedings of the First Federal Aviation Administration
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Francis, 128-148.
International Standards and Recommended Practices are adopted by the Council in accordance with
Articles 54, 37 and 90 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation and are designated, for
convenience, as Annexes to the Convention. The
uniform application by Contracting States of the specifications contained in the International Standards is
recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of
international air navigation while the uniform application of the specifications in the Recommended
Practices is regarded as desirable in the interest of
safety, regularity or efticiency of international air
navigation. Knowledge of any differences between the
national regulations or practices of a State and those
established by an International Standard is essential to
the safety or regularity of international air navigation. In
the event of non-compliance with an International
Standard, a State has, in fact. an obligation, under
Article 38 of the Convention, to notify the Council of
any differences. Knowledge of differences from
Recommended Practices may also be important for the
safety of air navigation and, although the Convention
does not impose any obligation with regard thereto, the
Council has invited Contracting States to notify such
differences in addition to those relating to International
Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS)
are approved by the Council for world-wide application.
They contain, for the most part, operating procedures
regarded as not yet having attained a sufficient degree of
Technical Manuals provide guidance and information in amplification of the International Standards,
Recommended Practices and PANS, the implementation of which they are designed to facilitate.
Air Navigation Plans detail requirements for facilities and services for international air navigation in the
respective ICAO Air Navigation Regions. They are
prepared on the authority of the Secretary General on
the basis of recommendations of regional air navigation
meetings and of the Council action thereon. The plans
are amended periodically to reflect changes in requirements and in the status of implementation of the
recommended facilities and services.
ICAO Circulars make available specialized information of interest to Contracting States. This includes
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Q ICAO 1995
4/95, E/P1/3000