Rickenman 90 PHD
Rickenman 90 PHD
Rickenman 90 PHD
Doctoral Thesis
Rickenmann, Dieter
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Diss ETH No. 9065
presented by
Dieter Rickenmann
Leer -
Vide -
3 -
project with the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape
Research (VSL). The study was financially supported by a research grant
ratory, Prof. Dr. D. Vischer, for the support and encouragement and to
Dr. H. Jaggi, head of the river engineering section, for the supervision
Zealand who helped setting up the project and reviewed parts of the
manuscript. Thanks are also extended to J. Zeller from the VSL for his
Several people from the workshop helped operating the flume system; I
acknowledge the effort of Rolf Virz, Stefan Ziist, Bruno Schmid and Gery
Wanner. Thanks also go to Karl Salzmann and Andy Rohrer for the drawings
and to Hare Lehmann for the revision of the english draft.
Dieter Rickenmann
Leer -
Vide -
5 -
Abstract 8
Zusanenfassung 9
Resoae 10
Riassunto 11
Photos 12
6.1 201
6.2 Recommended calculation procedure 204
6.3 Example calculation
6.4 Suggestions for further research
For the
majority of the bed load transport tests, density effects
were and viscous effects were negligible. These experiments
were analysed together with the steep flume data of Smart and Jaggi
(1983). By adjusting the density factor, both data sets could be
described by a bed load transport formula (based on the flow rate)
similar to the one of Smart/Jaggi. By including also the comprehensive
data set of Meyer-Peter and Muller (1948) in the analysis, it was shown
that an alternative transport equation (based on the dimensionless shear
stress) is of more general applicability; with this relationship, bed
load transport rates can be predicted both for low and steep slope
;y\j' sM
Other terms used for the same or a similar phenomenon include: mud(-
rock)-flow, mud slide, earth flow, lahar, debris slide, debris ava¬
lanche, debris torrent, alpine mudflow and mountain debris flow. To some
Besides the fact that the mechanics of a debris flow are still poorly
understood the variety of terms used for more or less the same pheno¬
menon illustrates that there is also no generally accepted terminology
and classification. It seems, however, that the term "debris flow" has
Probably the first comprehensive work on the topic dates back to 1910
when the Austrian engineer Stiny compiled a book entitled "Die Muren",
flows are distinctly different. While floods with minor sediment con¬
shaped front part containing a lot of coarse boulders, possibly wood and
comparativly little water while the preceding flow is more fluidic and
the initial surge wave. Debris flow data suggests that such flows
usually start at slopes steeper than 21% and that deposition occurs at
15 m/s. The bulk density of the mixture is usually larger than 1.4 T/m3
and can reach values of about 2.4 T/m3, which is possible due to the
and that they have been said to show a similar flow behaviour to wet
17 -
this scheme the four following criteria are used: Nature of debris flow
coarse material) and size of a debris flow event (eroded volumes, de-
structiveness). With regard to the flow behaviour the second and third
tion of the different flow types. According to O'Brien and Julien (1984)
Thus it seems that the use of the sediment concentration alone is not
non-Newtonian, and between slurry flow and granular flow, the limit
23 40 52 63 72 80 87 93 97 100
Source 10 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Beverage and
:ulbertson (1964) High Extreme Hyperconcentrated Mud Flow
Sediment Laden
1.2. The last two types have a higher viscosity than the first one, and
Flow Tvce 1 2 3
Sizes present
the density range of 1.8 to 2.0 T/m3, and it is associated with rapidly
increasing viscosity parameters in this range. Possibly due to the fact
that Chinese debris flows consist mainly of fine material, their limi¬
ting values are higher than Davies' (1988) values. A similar separation
into rapid turbulent and quasilaminar (structural) mud-streams is also
Stony debris flows only have a minor content of water and of fine
debris flow in the near-bed layers with a turbulent mud flow prevailing
in the upper layers. In an immature debris flow particles move basically
as an intense bed load while the upper layer contains only very few
Debris flows primarily occur on steep slopes and can obviously have
only a few experimental studies have been carried out in steep flumes.
Mizuyama (1977), Mizuyama and Shimohigashi (1985), and Smart and Jaeggi
The transporting fluid used in these flume tests was clear water. It
the geology and the flood history allow so. However, it is difficult to
predict how the increasing density and viscosity of the fluid influence
the flow behaviour and the sediment transport rates if the flow changes
from an "ordinary" flood to a low density debris flow (type 1 of Davies'
debris flow, and to measure the flow resistance and the sediment trans¬
Smart and Jaeggi (1983) were performed at the same hydraulic laboratory
they could serve as a reference condition for the clear water case.
- 21 -
cluded that the transition from the steady (type 1) to the unsteady
lated bed load concentrations (by volume) for the Smart/Jaeggi tests are
as high as 33% for the same gravel material as was to be used in the new
density range.
ratory using a conveyor belt flume where the bed moves upstream and the
in reality unsteady -
front remains stationary with respect to the
Photo 2 (p. 13) shows a typical front of a debris flow. The flow
There are many countries that have to face problems due to the oc¬
regions. Debris flows have long been known in mountainous regions in the
gineers that have been concerned with this topic, and their interest was
Topics of debris flow research cover various aspects such as: Mecha¬
prediction of debris flow events and of (rough) rules for the design of
torrent control projects.
A very concise review on the state of the art in modelling the motion
of a debris flow was made by Iverson and Denlinger (1987). As a first
matrix, consisting of water and the fine material, and the coarser par¬
ticles. It is then assumed that the slurry with the fines behaves like a
23 -
are two main problems connected with this approach: Which is the limi¬
ting particle size that delinates the fine from the coarse particles,
and what is the relative importance of grain-grain contacts and of
In the past, two principally different debris flow theories have been
only have little water, Takahashi (1978, 1980) proposed a set of equa¬
depends on the velocity gradient dv/dy (shear rate) in the flow. The
Ostwald and De Waele, the Prandtl-Eyring model and the Bingham model.
The power law relation is given as:
- ' A
<!>" (2.1)
24 -
x =
xB yg) (2.2)
where T_ is the Bingham (yield) stress and f\- the Bingham viscosity. The
na " +
"B <2-3>
primarily the Bingham model and sometimes the power law relation that
are commonly used. Debris flows have been modelled as Bingham fluids,
dilatant fluids, or as viscoplastic fluids.
Dilatant fluids, having an exponent n>l in the power law model, on the
interesting that both for power law fluids with n<l and for Bingham
fluids a certain minimum shear stress is required for the flow to start.
ality many fluids show a behaviour that is described by more than only
one model, depending on the shear range of interest. And even within a
Shear velocity ^
Bingham model can be used to analyse the flow behaviour. D.G. Thomas
+ p
v£> (2.4)
where c' is the cohesion, p is the normal stress and o is the static
there are only smaller grain sizes present in the flow, the first two
meter, becoming equal to the Bingham yield stress T-. The Bingham model
or a modified form thereof have been extensively used in the United
26 -
States (Johnson and Rodine, 1984; Naik, 1983) and in China (Cheng,
1986b) to explain many aspects of debris flows.
Since the Bingham model appeared adequate to describe the clay sus¬
pension used in the experimental work the rheology and the flow re¬
of the applied shear rate for various grain concentrations. Since the
flow depth normal to the shear plane was confined, the dilation of the
moving grain mass caused a normal dispersive pressure P, which was also
the shear stress T acting between different grain layers. The proportio¬
nality factor can be termed dynamic friction angle a, and the relation
is written as:
T = P tana (2.5)
primarily the interaction between the grains and the fluid that deter¬
mines the flow behaviour. To separate the two flow regimes a dimension-
G>=5g (2.6)
where a is the grain density, d the grain diameter, r\ the dynamic fluid
viscosity, and X the linear grain concentration which can be expressed
- 27 -
X =
(CVC )"3-l
* s'
in the transition region both grain to grain and grain to fluid inter¬
and Re = ,
for the macroviscous case (2.9)
where p is the fluid density. In terms of Re the transition region lies
between 55 and 10. For volume grain concentrations C <57% (X<12) in his
T =
a.c(Xd)2(du/dy)2sina for the inertial case (2.10)
and T = a X (du/dy)sina for the macroviscous case (2.11)
below which the grain dispersion would behave like a Newtonian fluid.
For natural, reasonably rounded uniform bed material these X-values cor¬
(X=14, C =52%) Bagnold found that the overall shear stress should be at
least 100 times greater than the fluid shear due to viscous forces only.
He could not determine the residual fluid shear stress due to turbulence
(as modified by the presence of grains) but he stated that this effect
28 -
seems to become less and less important with increasing grain concentra¬
quasi-steady state because the scouring depth of the bed remained limi¬
ted. In the other case, at very steep flume slopes, he observed a pro¬
gressive erosion of the bed and a continuous growth of the bore front,
while the front velocity remained almost constant. Having determined the
tion should theoretically occur in the slope range between 26% and 42%,
profile to become more uniform with the wider grain size distribution.
He observed an accumulation of the coarser particles at the front which
coarser particles, driving them to the flow surface that moves faster
For a stony type debris flow in the inertial regime where the mo¬
mentum exchange is mainly due to grain contacts and the role of the
Id <fiifa (V^-VS
)1/2 c^)1'3-1)
("3/2-("-y)V2) (2-^)
29 -
(mixture) flow depth and the vertical coordinate y is measured from the
bed upwards. Takahashi (1987) later modified his approach to account for
tion calculated with this new model matches his experimental results
better than his first model assuming a constant concentration, and it
also agrees fairly well with experimental data of Tsubaki et al. (1982).
fact, Davies (1985, 1988) put forward the hypothesis that the unsteady,
the fact that a yield strength cannot be predicted by the dilatant fluid
model (Naik, 1983). In spite of these limitations Takahashi's model has
been applied in Japan with some success to treat granular type debris
Davies (1988) suggested that his type 1 flows (s. section 1.3) pro¬
flow resistance and sediment transport formulae may still apply although
they might have to be modified to account for the changed density and
30 -
1980) theory.
flow (Bagnold's grain flow number G2 being less than 100) is a necessary
grains over the flow depth and for the onset of several pulses in large
debris flow. According to Bagnold (1955) the increase of the shear
mean flow velocity. This, in turn, can bring about an instability of the
flow, in that slower moving, deeper reaches begin to form and develop
into surges. The initial increase in shear stress may be due to a change
in flow depth, slope or grain concentration.
Assuming typical values for the slurry density, the flow depth, the
grain size, the grain concentration, and the bed slope of a hypothetical
debris flow, Davies (1988) calculated the necessary apparent viscosity
t| of the slurry for macroviscous flow with equ. (2.6) to be about 5000
Ward and O'Brien (1981) also suggested that debris flows can occur in
Bagnold. They presume that in actual debris flows mainly three types of
cous stresses dominate and the flow appears to be laminar, turbulent and
they expressed the total shear stress t' in the inertial regime as:
31 -
T' =
aio-(Xd)2sina(^)2 +
p(.K'y)>(^)' (2.13)
grains. Assuming that the particles and the fluid move with the same
suggested to use the mixture density instead of the fluid density in the
effects of turbulent mixing become more important for lower solids con¬
x' =
h +
V& ci02 + + "- <2-u>
size and boundary roughness. The first and second term of equ. (2.14)
contain yield and viscous stress and represent the Bingham model; the
term because they both depend on the shear gradient squared and because
it is difficult to separate them in debris flows. By using a rotational
centrations, and determined values for x_, n_ and C.. However, in con¬
grain sizes can be sheared, and thus dispersive stresses caused by coar¬
ser grains are not included in the analysis. As indicated by the dots in
equ. (2.14) and pointed out by O'Brien and Julien this relation is still
Chen (1986a, 1988a,b) noted that Bagnold's model and also Takahashi's
extension thereof have major constraints in modelling real debris flows.
On the one hand Bagnold's formulation is strictly valid only for the
fully dynamic state because in the transition to a quasy-static state
the grain stress relation should not only contain a rate-dependent but
also a rate-independent part, including cohesion. On the other hand the
obtain the velocity and pressure distribution for uniform debris flow.
He termed his model the generalized viscoplastic fluid model, and the
Tyy =
-p +
y2(g)n (2.16)
rir = (1 -
KCs)"B/K (2.17)
Chen (1988a) noted that the first two terms of equ. (2.15) represent
a soil yield stress which might become negligible if a flow is in the
fully dynamic range. The value of the flow behaviour index n can vary
- 33 -
the depth, Chen (1988a) showed that Bagnold's (1954) model is a par¬
ticular case of the generalized viscoplastic fluid model (for the fully
B'/K. Chinese researchers have found (Chen, 1986b) that the value of
B'/K should increase with increasing fine sediment concentration,
assumptions are usually required for the value of the flow behaviour
ling are summarised by Iverson and Denlinger (1987). Extensive work has
been done to study the behaviour of dry granular flows. It is found that
height above the bed. At the higher flow depths particles followed more
irregular paths while near the bed they tended to flow parallel to the
bed and occasionally formed densely packed clusters. Iverson and Den¬
dictory to Chen's (1988b) model which predicts that the near bed shear
linger (1987) report that during a collision the fluid will be pres¬
surized and squeezed out of the gap between the grains, thus forming a
energy dissipation and thus increase the mobility of the flow. There are
mixture theories that allow for large deformations and varying concen¬
trations and contacts of particles and that include viscous drag effects
hensive theory.
along the coarser particles or interact with them (Iverson and Den¬
linger, 1987; Davies, 1988). Many experimental studies have been made to
Naik (1983) summarised the factors that affect the rheological pro¬
concentration of solids
clay content
type of clay
absolute size of the solid material
size distribution of clay, silt, sand, and gravel fractions
characteristics of clastic materials, such as shape, size
and density
packing arrangement
electro-chemical characteristics of the liquid phase
This list illustrates that it is difficult to develop theoretical
equations to predict the rheological properties of natural grain
materials. Therefore the main approaches to treat hyperconcentrated
flows are based on an experimental determination of the rheological
behaviour. The term hyperconcentrated flow or suspension is used here in
grains that are more or less uniformly dispersed within the flow.
suspension, n ,
at low concentrations of spherical grains A. Einstein
ns = *i(l +
2-5Cs) (2.19)
debris flows. Theoretical models that account for the effects of wide
cedure to actual debris flow materials by dividing the wide grain size
tB =
K^ (2.20)
ITg =
hvexp(K2Cf) (2.21)
depending on grain size and shape. According to D.G. Thomas (1963a) the
above equations are valid up to fine material volume concentrations C,
between 0.2 and 0.3; for higher concentrations the flow behaviour will
(1979) can also be used for grain dispersions in a Bingham fluid, Naik
Bingham yield stress and the Bingham viscosity for such a dispersion.
His equations show good agreement with measured Bingham parameters of
Mills (1983) for uniform dispersions of spherical glass beads sheared in
Wan (1982) measured the Bingham parameters for a kaoline and a ben-
TB =
K3C3 (2.22)
(equ. 2.20) given by D.G. Thomas (1961). For the kaoline suspension Wan
rig =
K4 +
K5C^68 (2.23)
where K,, K,- are dimensional constants. Wan made further maesurements
O'Brien and Julien (1986) noted that in previous studies in which the
pensions (e.g. Thomas, 1963a,b; Wan, 1982; Mills, 1983) the rheological
parameters were determined from measurements in the high shear rate
region (dv/dy > 100 l/s). They claim that in natural debris flows and
determine the Bingham parameters for ten different natural soils they
used a special viscometer in which they could shear a fluid containing
sand particles up to 0.5 mm. Their empirical relations for T and tlD
determined in the low shear rate region are given as:
K6exp(K?Cf) (2.24)
K8exp(K9Cf) (2.25)
It can be seen that the relation for the Bingham viscosity (equ. 2.25)
is similar to the theoretical equation (2.21) given by D.G. Thomas
(1961). O'Brien and Julien measured the Bingham parameters also for
estimate the Bingham yield stress. Fei (1981) proposed the following
KllCsfw3cJ'33 for
Cf > °-106
St;4" (2-26b>
where C ,
denotes the weight concentration of fine particles smaller
than 0.025 mm. According to the above relations the influence of the
his relation showed good agreement with field data from the Yellow
River. Kang and Zhang (1980) analysed numerous samples of debris flow
material from a particular torrent and they found a breakpoint in the t„
rig =
yi -
2.5K12Cf) (2.27)
bound water. Chu further suggested another relation which can be written
^B "
V1 -
cf>~2'5 <2'28)
39 -
Fei (1983) modified equ. (2.28) and developed two separate forms the use
of which depends on the presence of particles finer than 0.01 mm. Chen
Shen and Xie (1985) measured the Bingham properties of fine slurries
Summary Definitions
Bingham fluid and stated that the flow resistance should be a function
f = Fn
(ks/h, Fr, ReB, Yf) (2.29)
f =
-jtj- : Darcy-Weissbach friction factor (2.30)
Fr =
, _.,.,
: Froude number (2.31)
Re_ = : Bingham Reynolds number (2.32)
Yf =
-y£ : Yield factor (2.33)
where x =
pghj is the shear stress at the bed, J is the slope (=tang)
and V is the mean cross-sectional velocity. The yield factor can also be
He =
r-j : Hedstroem number (2.34)
Yf =
if (2.35)
High values of
Yf or He indicate increasing non-Newtonian characteristic
of the flow.
open channel the velocity distribution over the depth is obtained as:
v -
«J<h'-y"> .
^1 (2.36)
ZnB %
where y' is measured downwards from the flow surface. From this equation
the mean velocity can be calculated as:
- 41 -
hx x. x
V = 7-2 [1 -
1.5-5 +
o.5(-5)3] (2.37)
—x. —T.
Shg 0 o
These results are confirmed by the equations given by Howard (1963) and
Kozicki and Tiu (1967). If the last term in equ. (2.37) is neglected and
the stress ratio a' = x_/x is smaller than 0.5 this leads to an error
D 0
in the mean velocity that is smaller than 6.3 %. The simplified relation
can be expressed as:
^B +
\ <2-38>
Combining equ. (2.37) with equs. (2.30), (2.32) and (2.34) a friction
— -
— -
+ —-f—)3 (2^•»>39)
ReB 8Re| 3f2^Re|;
The use of equ. (2.39) allows the friction factor to be plotted against
the Bingham Reynolds number, with the Hedstroem number as an additional
Kozicki and Tiu (1967) considered the steady, uniform, laminar flow
general method to predict the flow rate and the maximum velocity. Their
equations for the Bingham model are somewhat more elaborate than the
ones given above, in that they include two cross-sectional shape para¬
aspect ratio A =W/h, where W is the width of the channel. From the
equation for the mean velocity given by Kozicki and Tiu, Naik (1983)
at the corners becomes important for narrow channels (low aspect ratio).
D.G. Thomas (1963a) used the Bingham model to analyse pipe flow ex¬
of an
f-ReB-He relation another, equally satisfactory method to predict
42 -
apparent viscosity f| except that the former is used for mean flow
values. Considering the simplified equ. (2.38) for open channel flow,
the bed shear stress x can be plotted as a function of the shear rate
»e2 \ +
W- (2-40>
V2 =
\ I [1 -
1.5(^) o
0.5(^)3] (2.41)
Re, = ^ (2.42a)
or Re, = ^ (2.42b)
al. (1980) carried out similar open channel tests in flumes with dif¬
ferent cross sections. They presented their results in an f vs. Re, plot
and found the relation f = A /Ren for the laminar flow region, where A_
m 2 m
is 84 for the rectangular and the U-shaped and 74 for the trapezoidal
cross section. Wan (1982) measured the flow resistance of a bentonite
f =
43 -
ac He
(1-a')3 48'000
ReB,c "
I&- c
(1 "
U5a'c +
°'5ac3> (2.44)
according to Naik the "constant" 48'000 may vary between 24'000 and
being in the range of 2'000 to 8'000. Naik found quite good agreement
between the equs. (2.43) and (2.44) and his experimental data obtained
from flume tests with a kaoline suspension. His data covered Hedstroem
numbers He up to 2-106 and stress ratios a' up to 0.75. Hanks (1963) in
his analysis, however, had found good agreement between theory and ex¬
5'000 (Quian et al.', 1980), 4'000 ... 5'000 (Zhang et al., 1980), 4'000
... 6'000 (Wan, 1982, covered flume) and 6'000 ... 8'000 (Cao et al.,
1983, including field data). For his pipe flow data, Thomas (1963a) gave
extent on the channel shape and is generally larger than for pipe flow.
They also concluded that the cross-sectional shape is quite important in
rough laminar open channel flow.
44 -
V 1
lnlf- B
+ (2.45)
X s
with B
= 2 5 ln(Re*) 5.5 if
Rek <= 5 (2.46)
B 8 5 if >= 70 (2.47)
flow (or regime), and Re, = 70 is the lower limit of the fully developed
turbulent or rough turbulent flow (or regime); in between these values
the flow is in the transitional regime. Fig. 2.2 (taken from Yalin,
1977, his Fig. 2.5) illustrates how the value of B varies with Re, for
N/m2 the values of the friction factor f tended to approach those for
Newtonian flows with increasing Re_, but for x_ > 23.9 N/m2 f tended to
paramter B ,
which is to be determined from experiments, representing
the effect of the boundary in damping the turbulence. Naik (1983) adap¬
ted this theory for smooth turbulent open channel flow of a Bingham
fluid. He found from his experiments with a kaoline slurry that for
values of the yield factor Y, smaller than 0.001 the flow is essentially
Newtonian (and B assumes its Newtonian value), and for Y,>0.001 the
Gupta and Mishra (1974) showed that the conventional f vs. Re rela¬
tionship for Newtonian flow is also valid for pipe flow of a Bingham
fluid. Both Wan (1982) for his covered flume tests with a kaoline sus¬
pension and Zhang et al. (1980) for their open channel experiments with
fine slurries presented their data on a f vs.
Re, plot (using the effec¬
from the clear water data to the hyperconcentrated data points indica¬
ting that such a representation is possible not only in the laminar but
also in the smooth turbulent region. From pipe and open channel flow
experiments with a clay suspension, Yano and Daido (1965) concluded that
the conventional Newtonian relations can be used if a suitable Reynolds
10 Hedstrom number
Locus of transition
0 01
Newtonian flow
/iVhc |
Bingham Reynolds number I—-
smooth and rough pipes. His flow resistance equations can be given for
Bingham fluids (fluid index n=l) as:
A1log(l-a') +
A2log(ReBi|f) -
A, for smooth pipes (2.48)
1 R
for rough pipes (2.49)
A4log(j-) +
^ =
21og(|-) +
Ag -
ti -21°«<iis +
ii!i> <2-52>
fully rough regime (large Re), this formula becomes identical to the
Nikuradse equation:
Jj . 21og(i^) (2.53)
theory for such flows in open channels. He assumed that the Bingham
Reynolds number is large so that the laminar shear stress due to the
^ =
0.88(l-a')lA +
ln(|-)] s
,~ (A +2)h2
Aq =
ln[(^) exp(-l- —^ )] (2.55)
velocities for the flow of a kaoline suspension over a rough bed (made
48 -
Re*' =
vjtksp(l-a')/nB (2.56)
Re* =
v^d p/ye2 (2.57) Summary
D.G. Thomas (1963b) pointed out that the use of Newtonian friction
tonian flow may be a too simplified approach. For it implies that the
core. Dodge and Metzner (1959) presented a generalised power law model
Richardson and Julien (1986) stated that large scale turbulence may
may be rapidly damped. This is in agreement with van Rijn's (1983) con¬
van Riin and Richardson and Julien report that the effect of high sedi¬
ment concentrations on the von Karman constant K is not yet clear. The
remain the same as for clear water flow if the concentration of fine
sediment is uniform over the depth. They claim that Parker and Coleman
mistakenly assumed a decrease of the drag coefficient in dilute sus¬
control the flow behaviour and the sediment transport for fine material
tion can be much smaller for highly viscous clay suspensions (as for
example with bentonite clay). Quian et al. (1980) gave a limiting con¬
fluctuation energy remains strong within the boundary layer and that the
With increasing values of the Bingham parameters x. and fi_ the (ef¬
determined the universal Reynolds number Re. as well as the drag coef¬
ficient C_ given by Ansley and Smith (1967):
R^=1 =
" : (2-58)
v, v,A
+ Tx„n7/24n7/0A
4 (o--p)gd .
4> "
3 pW2
Wan plotted his data in a C_ vs. Re. diagram, which shows his points to
lie close to a line for natural sand settling in a Newtonian fluid. Wan
balanced the integral of the drag force due to the yield stress over a
xn =
0.067(<j-p)gd (2.60)
different concentrations.
51 -
the fluid and flow properties are discussed in section 2.2. If the fine
material is uniformly distributed over the flow depth then the suspen¬
Beverage and Culbertson (1964) observed from field data that the sand
concentration increased in hyperconcentrated flows with increasing
amounts of fine material in suspension. They concluded that water and
fine material act as lubricants and that the decreased fall velocity
and is based on field data (Rio Puerco, New Mexico) as well as flume
reduced fall velocities. Bradley (1986a) reported field data from the
Mount St. Helens mudflow. In this case no bed load discharges were
water flow, and for the laminar mud flows the transport rates were even
tration C, was 2.3% at which the apparent viscosity (which they did
however not define) was increased by a factor of about 4 and the fall
bed material used in the sediment transport tests had a fall diameter of
bed forms, they noted a stabilization of the bed and a decrease in the
flow resistance. The transported bed material (bed load and suspended
load) decreased in flows over a dune bed, which they attributed to a
reduced fluid shear due to a smaller f-value. In the upper flow regime
(plane bed, standing waves, antidunes) they observed an increase in flow
**t =
b [(s-l)gcosgd3]"2
1/2 2/3
and eA ]
i(.e-ec)e (2.62)
with 6
Pg(sT-l)dm <2-63>
where q is the volumetric transport rate per unit width of bed load and
d ,
6 denotes the dimensionless bed shear stress, and 6 is the critical
m c
al. there is much less scatter of the data points if the fine sediment
fine sand as washload and sand of 0.18 mm mean diameter as bed material.
from a flat bed to antidunes when the washload concentration in the flow
was increased.
53 -
about 4 cps. and the Bingham yield stress x_ about 0.56 N/m2. For an
t =
but noted that most of the transported bed material moved as bed load.
As compared to the corresponding clear water flows the values for the
bentonite suspension runs were lower if 6 <= 0.4 and higher if 0 >= 0.4.
Wan calculated bed load transport rates for his experimental conditions
with the formula of Engelund and Fredsoe (1976), including some adjuste-
ments: He took into account the effect of a Bingham fluid (i.e. his
pared to clear water flow, the bed load transport rates were smaller in
suspension flow would be smaller in the low flow intensity region and
larger in the high flow intensity region, as compared to clear water
With respect to bed forms Wan observed that dunes are lower and
smoother in the bentonite flows and that the transition to a flat bed
occurred at lower flow intensities than in clear water flow. Wan only
presented flow resistance data for runs with a fixed bed and no sediment
Wan and Song (1987) conducted flume experiments with a clay suspen¬
sion and using PVC particles with densities of 1.27 and 1.34 g/cm3 as
bed material. They measured flow and sediment parameters and found that
the total transport rate (bed load and suspended load) of the plastic
rected for side wall influence. If the fall velocity was calculated
according to Ansley and Smith (equ. 2.58 and 2.59), the flume data of
Wan and Song for the turbulent flow runs followed more or less a
straight line on a log-log plot. For the laminar flow runs they observed
sediment transport capacity between the laminar and turbulent runs was
(V3/(gR,W) =
1), whereas at higher flow intensities (V3/(gR.W) =
there was almost no difference.
fluid viscosity was about 870 times larger than that of water. He
forms he observed both dunes and plane beds. In general sediment trans¬
port rates over plane beds were an order of magnitude larger than those
over dunes, for the same fluid discharge. For the plane bed case the
much bed material as did the corresponding clear water flows. Two runs
at the highest clay concentrations were in the laminar flow regime, one
having dunes and the other a plane bed; the sediment transport capacity
significant change in flow resistance was found for the turbulent flows
as compared to the clear water flows, but for the laminar flows f in¬
terial was in motion in the plane bed laminar flow run; this layer was
the particle Reynolds number (Einstein and Chien, 1953); and a correc¬
tion to the von Karman "constant" (Einstein and Abdel-Aal, 1972), which
load discharges obtained with the original and the modified Einstein
fluid density generally will decrease the bed load discharge. He stated
that for the flow conditions of the Simons' et al. experiments these
effects seem to have counterbalanced each other. Woo further concluded
charge. He calculated the total bed material discharge and found that by
accounting for the changed density and viscosity in the Einstein
total bed material discharges with Yang's (1979) equation but he only
found a marginal improvement over the calculated discharges with the
Einstein equation.
56 -
the Simons et al. (1963) flume data for which the highest clay concen¬
with the latter formula Bradley also accounted for the decreased fall
varied from 1.06 up to 4.25. His bed load transport equation can be
written as:
10qJ(x -x )
where q_ is the volumetric bed load transport rate per unit width, q is
the volumetric water discharge per unit width, and x is the critical
Mizuyama and Shimohigashi (1985) made steep flume tests to study the
effect of fine material in suspension on bed load transport. For a slope
sand with d = 1.9 mm as bed material they found the following relation-
ship to be valid:
where A'= 20 for clear water and A'= 25 for the experiments with the
fine sediment suspension. They also performed some tests with flyash
rates with the flyash suspension are about twice as high, because they
were obtained from tests with a fixed, rough bed (Mizuyama, 1988). The
viscosity of the fine material suspensions was not determined but Mi¬
was varied between 2.65 and 4.50 by using particles with different
specific weights; the initial downstream slope of the dam was fixed
the ratio q„/q depends, among other parameters, on the factor l/(s-l)2.
*B =
8(6-9c)1-5 (2.67)
*B =
qB/[(s-l)gd3]1/2 (2.68)
*B =
5.7(9-ec)1,5 (2.69)
The highest measured value of *_ was about 0.08. Equ. (2.69) can be
rearranged as:
58 -
5.7 . o c-1.5
., 7n.
<b (iris (-p-}
U. = 11.5(v*-0.7v*) (2.71)
b c
equation for the mean speed of bed load grains was theoretically derived
by Bridge and Dominic (1984) (s. section 2.3.2, equ. 2.98). According to
equ. (2.71) the particle velocity may depend on the density ratio s only
via v*, and if the above relation is also valid at higher shear inten¬
grains which is approximately the case for grains flowing "en masse")
but that s can not be neglected if the individual, irregular motion of a
This fact is also illustrated in Fig. 2.4 (s. page 49), taken from
Yalin (1977), where bed load transport data from various sources are
lighter than ordinary quartz grains. In this plot only the Wilson (1966)
data points for nylon particles in water (s =
1.138), covering a range
of 6 values between 1 and about 3.2, are located apart from the general
trend defined by the rest of the data. From the limited data it seems
that only at higher shear stresses the effect of the density ratio s
becomes noticable. Considering the weight of the moving layer and its
average velocity, Yalin (1977) theoretically developed a bed load trans¬
*„ = 0.635 90-5 m [1 -
—ln(l+zm)] (2.72)
59 -
with 1 (2.73)
m =
(9/9c) -
A check of Yalin's equation was made for one of Wilson's data points
9 2.3, 9 0.05, and 2.68 (for sand) 1.14 (for
using = = s = or s =
smaller transport rate for the sand case, the measured *_ value (at 9 =
2.3) for sand is about 2.4 times higher than that for nylon.
Wang and Zhang (1987) presented a new bed load transport equation
jump characteristics and the grain velocity also depend on the density
9 from 0.04 up to about 5. For a given shear rate 9 larger than about
ratios. Most of the flume data shown in the plot is for the transport of
quartz grains in water but some data from Wilson (1966) for nylon par¬
3.2) seems to support the equation of Wang and Zhang also for s values
smaller than 2.68. For 9 values below about 0.1 the influence of s on *_
appears to be negligible. Thus their theory does not contradict the data
(1976) and by Meyer-Peter and Muller (1948) (since only a few data
amounts of lead inside them to obtain s values between 1.17 and 2.46.
results he found that the bed load transport rate should be related to
the ratio of the shear velocity to the grain fall velocity; he proposed
the equation:
^li (2.75)
Low also compared his measured transport rates graphically with those
and Jaggi. Thus it appears that the first four formulae adequatly ac¬
a change in s.
Willi (1965) studied the erosion of a gravel bed with time at steep
t -
pg <v+ V) (2.76)
Using a relationship between the von Karman konstant K and the grain
concentration developed by Einstein and Chien (1955), Willi found that
factor of 2.5. For their flat bed runs they found only a slight increase
in the bed friction factor but an increase in the bed layer discharge
concentration by about a factor of 3 for the highest viscosity increase.
The results of the individual runs are, however, not directly comparable
because the experiments were conducted so as to maintain approximately a
constant depth while the energy slope was higher for the lower tempera¬
ture runs (Lau, 1987). Furthermore, Woo (1985) questionned the increase
in the bed layer discharge on account of the uncertain definition of the
With regard to bed load transport Yalin (1977) stated that with
particle near the bed at low Reynolds numbers. The results of both
For bed load transport in turbulent flow Bagnold (1956) found that
9=2. These findings may suggest that the bed load transport rate could
difference (a-p =
0.004) in a closed rectangular channel, Bagnold (1955)
observed that with increasing grain concentration turbulence was more
and more suppressed; near the bed C decreased from its maximum value in
turbulent flow while the grain concentration at the top of the flow
Later Bagnold (1973) stated that bed load transport by saltation can
this implies that bed load transport should be different in laminar and
turbulent flow. Yalin and Karahan (1979) described that grains of the
commonly used for open channel flows. Therefore the findings from pipe
flow experiments may also be relevant for the prediction of the sediment
pared to the case with clear water as carrier fluid. The reduction of
the pressure gradient was the more pronounced, the finer was the slurry
material and the larger was the sand concentration.
Bruhl performed main tests with very fine limestone and quarzit
particles (because they are chemically less reactive than bentonite
critical deposit velocity (below which sand starts to settle out of the
63 -
an open channel flow. It is noted that most sand particles moved in the
layers near the bottom of the pipe, and in some cases there was a
stationary deposit layer. For the transport of sand with a mean diameter
of about 0.35 mm, Briihl found that the reduction in the pressure
flow, the sediment transport capacity should increase under the above
a slurry of fines. For the 0.35 mm sand, a reduction of AH/L was ob¬
served for the tests with a velocity V smaller than 4.5 m/s. For the
tests with V = 5.0 m/s, however, AH/L was larger than for the clear
water case.
the flow more homogeneous, which was also confirmed by measured velocity
reduction in W was less pronounced than for the smaller sand. The higher
is the slurry concentration, the larger are the particles which make up
Briihl used existing methods, i.e. the approach of Durand and the one
least partly responsible for the change in the pressure gradient AH/L.
- 64 -
For large pipe sizes and for the case that the particle size d was
Jd =
KlgP(s-l) (2.77)
Vd = [2.0 +
0.31og^-] l2gD(s-l)J1/2 (2.78)
of a change in the density factor (s-1): The smaller is the density dif¬
ference between the fluid and the transported solids, the higher will be
V* = l.l[gti(s-l)/p]1/3 (2.79)
and p/D
Jd =
4.4[l+Cs(s-l)][gn(s-l)/p] (2.80)
From these two equations it can be concluded that the higher the fluid
viscosity the lower the transport capacity of the flow will be in the
pipe. Obviously the influence of the fluid viscosity is larger for the
case d <= 8 than for d >= 8. A.D. Thomas (1979a) further showed that by
combining the theories for the two cases he could improve the prediction
65 -
results for the cases where the particle size was close to the thickness
mainly in the sliding bed. He found that the pressure gradient required
to prevent deposition will always be greater than in turbulent flow,
laminar sublayer. This again suggests that the transport capacity may be Summary
tical considerations (Woo, 1985). What regards the effect on bed load
by Meyer-Peter and Muller (1948) and by Luque and van Beek (1976), and
from theoretical considerations by Yalin (1977) and by Woo (1985).
However, Wan and Song's (1987) theory predicts a decrease in *„ for
change in the density ratio s, but that the Smart and Jaggi (1983)
al., 1984; Woo, 1985; Lau, 1987). Wan (1982) concluded from his
intensity region.
Results from pipe flow experiments indicate the following trends for
the hydraulic transport of solids (at conditions that are probably
similar to equilibrium bed load transport in flumes) in a slurry of
fines: An increase in transport rates will result for the case where the
laminar flow. In their experiments, both Wan and Song (1987) and Bradley
(1986) observed an increase in the total bed material discharge; in
Bradley's study the transport rates in laminar flow were about an order
may suggest that the bed load transport rates decrease in laminar flow,
2.3.2 Bed load transport at steep slopes and high shear stresses
grain size d was 4.2 and 10.5 mm for the two relatively uniform mate¬
rials, while d was 2.0 and 4.3 mm for the two materials with a wide
4 ,d90>0.2 S
<i=l) ^
" (1
9"> <2-81)
where d„- and d,~ are characteristic grain sizes, than which 90 % and
(water) flow depth Hf (=q/V). For this increase in flow depth Smart and
Jaggi found an empirical relation as a function of slope and dimension¬
H,/H = 1 -
1.41 S1-14 *?-18 (2.82)
i m B
*B - * ^>0-2 *0-6«>:-5
<w £ m
Equ. (2.83) differs from their corresponding form given in Smart and
Jaggi (1983) and in Smart (1984), where the factor 9,/9 had not been
t m
»B =
agreement also with the flume data of Smart and Jaggi, and proposed the
*B "
Daido (1983) also reported on bed load transport tests in steep chan¬
following equation:
*B =
B261-5(l -
Q^)1,5 (2.86)
slope, the ratio 8 /6, the relative depth h/d, and the Froude number Fr
0 5 '
V/(gh) . For his experimental conditions Daido found B. = 3.7.
From data of Japanese steep flume tests that cover a slope range
betweentween isis much
larger than 6 ,
= 5.5 S (2.87)
69 -
Takahashi (1987) introduced the term "immature" debris flow (s. also
sec. 1.3) where the moving grain layer is in the domain of sediment
gravity flow and the concentration over the whole thickness of the
ferent from a debris flow in that there is still a clear water layer
above the moving sediment carrying almost no grains; and it is different
from ordinary bed load by the fact that gravity rather than fluid shear
is the main force acting on the grains. If an appropriate bed load
Mizuyama, Smart and Jaggi, and Takahashi, and on observed grain velocity
qB 2 4.2-0.3^ 2 9c 2
6 (1 (2,89)
= "
v*~d 3 cos2B(tana-tan6)2
, 4.2-0.3C* , '
, 9 -
*B 6 <X "
T> (2'89b)
3 cos2P(tana-tanP)2
higher slopes and higher discharges q* than ordinary bed load transport
flows. It appears from equ. (2.89b) that under these conditions i„
should depend more strongly on 9 than under ordinary bed load transport
Wilson (1966) intended to study the bed load transport of fine bed
material at high shear stresses. Previous flume data only covered *„
values up to about 10 and 9 values up to about 1. He performed bed load
to be the only comprehensive data set on bed load transport at such high
shear intensities. From a correlation of his experimental results Wilson
12 instead of 8, which might be due to the fact that the equations are
conditions. Fig. 2.4 (taken from Yalin, 1977) shows the experimental
grain velocity gradient and the thickness of the sheared layer he ob¬
tained the following theoretical equation:
above assumptions -
also the numerical constants are almost the same.
where v =
y/p is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid and ^ is a func¬
mula, equ. (2.67), it can be shown (Yalin, 1977) that for very high
shear intensities, i.e. 9 » 6 ,
the following proportionality relation
is obtained:
*B ~ 61-5 (2.94)
h -pv* V* (2-95)
where i„ is the bed load transport rate by immersed weight of solids per
unit width.
*^B = (6 -
ec)90-5 (2.96)
where *.„= q„/b[g(s-l)d3cos3] ,
6 =
9/cos0 and 6 = 9 /cosB. The factor
"D D HI c c
cosB (which effect is smaller than 0.5% for slopes less than 10%):
•B =
b(9 -
9c)90,5 (2.97)
Yalin showed furthermore that for very high shear stresses equ. (2.97)
Bagnold (1956) found that extrapolated curves of the bed load portion of
various sediment transport data on a log-log plot are asymptotic to the
**R= 9-6 .In the same plot he also showed data of his
Yalin (1977) also examined the bed load formula of Einstein (1950).
For high shear stresses the original Einstein equation follows the
proportionality relation *_ ~
9. Yalin agreed on the principles of
Einstein's formula but proposed some modifications in the details of its
(1956, 1973). They derived expressions for the mean velocity of the
moving grains, U_, and for the immersed weight of grains moving over a
UB =
a(v* -
v*) (2.98)
with a = I ln(-"0 (2.99)
W' =
(t -
xc)tana (2.100)
where y is the distance of the effective fluid thrust from the boundary
74 -
9 is obtained again. Bridge and Dominic theoretically discussed the
influence of the parameters in equ. (2.99) on the value of 'a' and con¬
cluded that 'a' should increase for both fixed and mobile beds if the
bed shear stress increases. They analyzed available data both on grain
velocity and on sediment transport rates for lower and upper stage plane
beds. They found the parameter 'a' to increase with transport stage
ment concentrations, tana, on the other hand, was found to decrease with
increasing bed load concentration, grain size and grain shear stress.
The overall result is an increase in the value (a/tana) from lower stage
plane beds (mean value 9.5) to upper stage plane beds (mean value 17.1).
It may be interesting to note that in the Smart/Jaggi equation (2.83)
for bed load transport on steep slopes there is the factor cJ which
is close to cJ =
Fr; thus there seems to be a dependence of *„ upon
approximately 1 and 3.
*„ = 6 92-5 (2.102)
The theory of Hanes and Bowen allows to calculate *_ separately for the
two bed load transport regions; they concluded that about 90 % of the
slopes S steeper than about 10 X, it has been found that the ratio q„/q
conclusion that -
in terms of the conventional dimensionless parameters
the equation *_ = A 9 becomes a good approximation at high shear
stresses (Bagnold, 1956; Yalin, 1977; Daido, 1983; Bridge and Dominic,
2 5
relationship with the proportionality *_ ~
9 has been proposed, based
on experimental data (Takahashi, 1987). A theoretically developed granu¬
lar fluid model also suggests that at very high transport stages the
2 5
relationship *_ -
9 might be valid (Hanes and Bowen, 1985).
The studies of Smart and Jaggi (1983), Daido (1983) and Bridge and
Dominic (1984) indicate that the bed load transport on steep slopes may
vary between about 0.03 and 0.06, and often an average value of 0.05 is
assumed; when the flow near the bed is the transitional regime between
hydrodynamically rough and smooth flow, 9 reaches a minimum at about
0.1/Re based on the few data points then available. Recently, some
account for changed gravity effects. Ashida and Bayazit (1973) intro¬
duced a new definition for the critical, dimensionless bed shear stress
9sc =
Exactly the same definition was proposed by Mizuyama (1977) and by Daido
(1983), and a similar one, neglecting the lift force influence, by
Bathurst et al. (1982a). Ashida and Bayazit (1973) performed experiments
on the initiation of motion in a steep flume at high relative roughness
values d/h. They
' plotted their data in terms of 9 vs. d/h and showed
that 9 increases from 0.04 for d/h <= 0.4 to about 0.12 at d/h * 1.7.
v '
c c sma
They showed that the above equation represents their experimental data
for slope angles 6 =
12°, 18°, and 22°, if the angle of internal
9' = 9 cosB(l -
~^) (2.105)
c c tana'
77 -
9'/9 =
(1 -
tan2B/tan2a)°'5cosP (2.106)
they concluded that the influence of the lift force can be neglected
diagram by Mantz (1977) for the region Re <= 1, for which the following
relation is obtained based on new experimental data:
9 = 0.1/Re*0-3 (2.107)
region (with 8 > d) because the viscous flow near the bed is essentially
the same if x is also the same. But the conditions for the detachment
two different curves should exist for incipient motion. They performed
at Re = 6.5, 9 = 0.07 for laminar flow and 9 = 0.035 for
c c
approach each other for Re <= 1. Similar experiments were carried out
by Lin and Sun (1983) with a glycerol and water solution to determine 9
Daido (1971) proposed to use the shear stress ratio a' = x_/x as an
o o
example if a' =
0.5, 9 is increased by about a factor of 1.5 to 2.
8 = 0.047 +
K'^5 B
v '
c 2 pg(s-l)d
He determined the constant K' = 0.4 from his experiments, which con¬
the critical flow rate (per unit width) at beginning of bed load
transport, q :
« 0.26 (s-1)1'67 d1^5 S-1-17 (2.109)
of bed load transport. For a slope range 0.25% < S < 20% and for essen¬
n n^ tt. is1-67 „0-5 j1-5 S ,, 111N
0.065 (s-1) (2.111)
equation which defines the critical conditions at which the block ramp
is beginning to be destroyed:
- 0.257 (s-1)0"5 g0-5 d1-5 S"1-167 (2.112)
„ ... .
,vl.67 0.5 ,1.5 --1.167 ,„ ..,.
(s-1) S
= 0.143 g dfi5 (2.113)
the critical discharge predicted for the block ramp situation is roughly
twice as high as for the beginning of bed load transport data which is
the basis of the constant in equ. (2.110) and (2.111). The relative
depths in the block ramp tests were in the range 0.5 < h/d,,- < 5, and
thus they were possibly somewhat lower than in the flume situations
analysed by Bathurst et al., but there may be other reasons for the
different constant.
It is noted again that the formulae for the critical flow discharge
were derived from the concept of a critical shear stress, and thus there
steep slopes. The muddy slurry flowing in a torrent was simulated in the
transport capacity.
by volume, for which the flume system could be reasonably well operated.
For each concentration level two kinds of tests were performed. First
the flow resistance was measured for flows of the clay suspension with¬
out sediment transport. This allowed to study the effect of the non-
a two phase flow. In a second step, both the bed load transport capacity
of the clay suspension and the flow resistance of the fluid-gravel
mixture were determined for each concentration level.
One objective of the study was to compare the new experiments with
the results obtained by Smart and Jaggi (1983) who had used clear water
bed material No. IV of Smart and Jaggi. Thus their results could serve
The flume slope, the fluid discharge and the fluid density (clay
concentration) were set for each experimental run; together with the
at the same hydraulic laboratory by Hanger (1979) and by Smart and Jaggi
(1983). For the new tests with the objective of recirculating a clay
Slurry pump ,
possible, in order to limit the amount of added (dry) clay and to mini¬
ticles. The overall volume of the circuit was about 10 m3, including the
sump, the constant head tank and the pipelines.
high perspex side walls. The bed material consisted of relatively uni¬
form gravel. It was fed from two pairs of exchangable sediment hoppers
via a conveyor belt which discharged the gravel into the slightly
steeper upstream portion of the flume. There roughness elements were
flume. They could be tilted at any angle against the flow, in order to
Before performing a sediment transport test the desired flow rate was
reducing both the sediment input and the flow rate, using a gate valve.
This could be opened quickly to set the desired flow rate again; the
alone, without any sediment transport but under similar roughness con¬
ditions, a fixed rough bed was mounted on the flume bottom. The fixed
like a natural bed than a completely plane bed. The grain size distribu¬
tion of the gravel particles was the same as for the bed material used
Since the fluid volume of the circuit was about 10 m3 and some part
of the added clay was "lost" (for the suspension) having settled out in
dead zones of the system, several tons of clay were necessary to achieve
other works. This type of clay had been previously used for hydraulic
Einstein (1966).
The grain size distribution curves for Opalit as given by the above
two authors are shown in Fig. 3.3, and soil mechanical and mineralogical
properties are listed in Table 3.1. The values given by H. Einstein and
methods used in analyzing the samples. In this study, the particle den¬
cult, and for certain clay types very differing results may be obtained
modern method than wet sedimentation, it is about 40% (Kahr, 1989). This
value corresponds better with the overall mineral content for the clay
1^ s
/ /
Ah Einstein (1966)
40 <
0001 0.002 0 01 01
Particle size
Kaolinite 20 -
Chlorite 5-10
Calcite 10
Carbonate 6
The clay was added into the operating circuit via the conveyer belt
of the sediment feeding machine. Thus the addition rate was regular and
could be kept small, so that good mixing of the dry clay with the flow
was obtained and no particle aggregation or clusters formed.
Once the pump had been started it took no longer than half an hour
until the flow had established a new equilibrium between the resuspended
particles and the ones still resting in the dead zones of the system;
then the fluid density remained practically constant until the pump was
shut off again. After a day or two of not operating the system, the
system was not operated for a similar period, the fluid density
tion level, since they were measured separately for each experiment.
For the examined steep slopes, flow rates and relative roughnesses,
and with the roughness conditions at the flume entrance, the turbulence
One of the four bed materials used by Smart and Jaggi (1983) was also
taken for this study. For experimental reasons their material no. IV was
the hoppers through a plastic mesh on one side, with quadratic holes of
86 -
the selected material. The grain size distribution of the material used
is shown together with material no. IV of Smart and Jaggi in Fig. 3.4.
They claimed that the slight variation in grain size distribution during
the tests did not significantly affect the results.
naturally river rounded grains that had been previously used by Smart
and Jaggi and also by Hanger (1979). The specific density of the
material had been determined by Hanger as 2680 kg/m3, and the angle of
repose as 32.5°; these values were also adopted for this study.
A 'A
// '/,'
i\ ni Mat m Smart/jaggi
// / i
L'' /
___/* -*-*
18 20
Fig. 3.4 : Grain size distribution curves of the bed material used
Material: d
m d90 d30 d90/d30
[mm] [mm] [mm]
no. IV of
3.5.1 Slope
The flume slope, which was preset before each test, was one of the
and the fluid surface slope should be approximately equal to the flume
slope. The maximum deviation of the fluid surface slope from the flume
of the energy slope from the flume slope S amounts to (AS- + AS_) = ±0.7
d r
A magnetic flow meter was used to monitor the fluid discharge. Accor¬
However, at the two highest clay concentration levels the reading was
regulating valve, influencing also the flow in the magnetic flow meter
slot through which the gravel was discharched into the flume.
ting knob (s. Fig. 3.5). Having installed an additional regulating knob
surements, which are also shown in Fig. 3.5. At the highest speeds the
new points indicate a slight deviation from the original, straight line.
The result of the calibration for the bed material no. IV used both
by Smart and Jaggi and by Hanger is given in Fig. 3.6. Because the
gravel mixture of this study was slightly different from the original
material no. IV, a few check measurements were made with the new mix¬
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 3.5 : Relation between the position of the regulating knob and
Both Fig. 3.5 and 3.6 indicated that the original calibration curves
could also be adopted for this study, if the position of the regulating
knob would not exceed a value of 70 %. For the experiments of this
few percent.
90 -
80 / /
/ 7 y
IS 50
\ 1\
o 40
o 30
10 20 30
GB lllU [kg/.]
not move with the same velocity as the carrier fluid except for debris
ledge of the mixture flow depth and the flow rate alone.
91 -
was already employed by Smart and Jaggi (1983). Also in this study three
pairs of electrodes were fixed on the flume walls (s.Fig. 3.7). By in¬
Fig. 3.8 shows three different types of small tubes which were used
for an optimal injection of the salt solution into the flow at the top
this method did no longer provide sufficient mixing of the salt solution
with the fluid. Therefore the glass bottle was replaced by a steel tank
92 -
which allowed to use higher pressures. With pressures between 1.5 and
2.5 bar the tracer could then be injected much faster too, and mixing
was sufficient again.
Fig. 3.8 : Three types of tubes used to inject the salt solution
If the salt solution is well mixed with the flow, the recorded con¬
three electrode pairs, the velocity in the upper and lower reach of the
trated in Fig. 3.10. The starting point (t.) of the conductivity in¬
calculated and multiplied by a certain factor which was found from ex¬
perience. A moving average value was then used to compute the starting
sediment transport.)
is representative for the passage of the tracer (s. Fig. 3.10). The
first method (a) is the same as the one used by Smart and Jaggi,
94 -
determining the centroids of the whole area under the peak; Fig. 3.10a
shows the line through the centroid defining the time t . With the
second method (b) the reference time (t, ) is determined by the line
dividing the area under the conductivity curve into two equal halves, s.
Fig. 3.10b. The third method (c) is one described by Cao (1985): The
the base conductivity level (EC,) and the peak conductivity level (ECp).
Line through centroid
1 ^^ of shaded area
95 -
From a knowledge of the flow rate and the measured flow depth for a
flow over the fixed bed without any sediment transport, the average
o 0
0 o fl
.<•/. 0
0 0
o •
-iV. 0
o 8
09 Method applied a b C
Symbol D o
the one obtained from the flow rate and flow depth mea¬
ductivity readings.
It can be seen from Fig. 3.11 that the salt velocity technique tends
to give too lower velocities than the depth-discharge method, for rela¬
tive depths values less than about 4. (In the sediment transport tests
96 -
the values h /d were always above 4, so that this peculiarity did not
three analyzing methods shows that method c seems to give slightly too
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 K 15 16 17 18 19 20
analysis it was decided to use only those measurements with (V.-V,)/V, <
5 % for the determination of a mean value. The mean value for each test
Having found that method (a) gave the largest number of useful
measurements under all flow conditions, it was selected for the final
to use sodium chloride as tracer salt. Also, the applied salt should
influence the rheological properties of the clay suspension as little as
possible. One possible problem is that cations in the clay structure may
the added salt on the Bingham parameters of the clay suspension. The
results indicated that the rheological parameters did not change noti-
3.14) by visual observation of the flow through the perspex flume wall.
By using a muddy clay suspension in this study, the motion of the grains
could no longer be visually detected. Furthermore it was desirable to
level and, in addition, to determine the bed level in the case of the
of 1 mm. The air temperature was recorded before each series of measure¬
ments, and a numerical correction was applied for the change of sound
velocity with temperature. The fluid surface level was measured during
five to seven seconds, before an average value was displayed and stored
on the computer.
In the case of tests without any sediment transport, the flow depth
(H) could then be determined. The bed level of the fixed rough bed was
taken as the mean elevation of the roughness elements (grains) above the
flume bottom (s. Fig. 3) at the measuring cross-sections (Bl and B2, s.
Fig. 3.7). For a fluid flow over the fixed rough bed, the standard
average value over 5 second periods) was generally less than 0.5 mm
Yi + 1
Fig. 3.13 : Scematic sketch of flume cross-section illustrating the
In the sediment transport tests the thickness of the erodible but not
moving grain layer in the flume depends mainly on the height of the end
sill and to some extent also on the flow conditions. The bed level was
defined as the height above the flume bottom where the largest gradient
in grain velocity over depth could be detected. In transport tests with
boundary exists between fast moving grains of the bed load transport
zone and the almost stationary gravel particles in the bottom layer
The following technique was employed to detect the bed level: At the
same two measuring cross-sections (Bl and B2) where the ultrasonic
devices were installed, a number of "point" electrodes (screws) were
fixed at different levels above the flume bottom on both side walls,
each successive level (screw) being 5 mm higher (s. Fig. 3.14). During a
Quasi stationary
of erodable bed
level where grains of the bed load layer were moving fast through the
frequency of a few Hz. On the other hand there were less frequent and
lower amplitude fluctuations (or almost none at all) in the conductivity
readings from a level where the bed was quasi-stationary.
Cross-section B1 Cross-section B2
the left indicate the height (in cm) above the flume
cal analysis of the conductivity readings for each sampled level (e.g.
sura of the absolute amplitude values with respect to the mean value, or
determined by taking a sample of one liter from the flow at the end of
the flume. For the lower clay concentrations the density could be mea¬
For each set of experimental runs (for which the fluid density re¬
clay suspension was taken. The samples were then analysed with a vis¬
Fig. 3.16.
Fig. 3.17. The fluid is sheared between two cylinders at a given shear
instrument the clay suspension was sheared in a 1.8 mm wide gap between
two concentric cylinders. The shear rate was increased continously and
automatically in one minute from 0 to 650 l/s and decreased at the same
rate. This comparatively short measuring time (the shortest one avai¬
P 1 27 g/Cm3
24 00
22 00
4 000' —
2 000
ooooi"-l—I—I—I—I I 1 1 1 1 1 1—
0 20 40 60 BO 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700
Shear rate
j± [|]
Rotating inner
Sheared fluid
The straight line that approximates the true rheologic behaviour (s.
Fig. 3.16) was positioned so, that it matched the curve at shear rates
above about 150 l/s. For in this region the measured lines are already
rather straight; furthermore, it was not known a priori which range of
The flume slope and the flow rate were set before starting each test.
The third independent parameter, the fluid density, was given by the
actual concentration of the clay suspension (in the flume) after
cross-sections (Bl and B2) and of a velocity measurement for the upper
In the case of the sediment transport experiments, the bed level was
also determined, apart from recording the fluid surface level and
used to check whether this requirement was satisfied: The fluid surface
(implying that also the movable bed slope is equal to the flume slope);
and the velocities in the upper and lower flume reach should not differ
much from each other. The equilibrium transport conditions for each test
had to be found by trial and error. The sediment feeding rate was first
gravel input was too small, the movable bed was quickly scoured, begin¬
ning downstream of the adjustable roughness elements, and the erodable
bed was washed down the flume. On the other hand, if there was too much
sediment input, the bed aggraded and the bed slope increased. Once the
were considered for which both the fluid surface and the bed level at
the upstream cross-section did not differ by more than about 10 mm from
differ by more than 5 % between the upper and lower flume reach, except
for extreme flow conditions; with the highest clay concentrations,
successful application of the salt velocity technique became more and
more difficult.
105 -
their tests with bed material No. IV were reproduced with the slightly
modified experimental setup. The reproduction of some earlier experi¬
The six tests which were reproduced are shown in Table 3.3 together
with the corresponding tests of Smart and Jaggi. The tests which were
chosen to cover mainly the higher transport domain of their test series.
Table 3.3 also includes the experimental values obtained and gives the
h V Ah AV
s h V
[%] [L/s] [kg/s] [cm] [m/s] [kg/s] [cm] [m/s] IX] m m
sults, is to plot the measured values against the calculated ones (s.
Fig. 3.18). The bed load transport rate q„ was computed with a new
(2.82) was used to calculate the mixture flow depth H (the fluid flow
106 -
• a
Smart/Jaggi »
i •
mat W
4 4
Tests repeated •
by author
0 02 0 03
cWa- [m3/sm]
Fig. 3.18 (a)
A * A
• A
* A
0 06
* A
Smart/Jaggi A
mat IV
1 A Tests repeated •
by author
0 04 0 06 0 08 010
Fig. 3.18 (b)
107 -
• 4 4
" 4
Smart/Jaggi 4
mat IV
Tests repeated •
by author
10 14 18 22 26
depths as inferred from the flow rate and velocity measurements were
It can be seen that the values measured by the author are generally
within about +/- 10 X of the calculated ones, and they indicate about
the same amount of scatter as the values obtained by Smart and Jaggi.
The measured velocities by the author are somewhat smaller than the ones
of Smart and Jaggi; this could be due to the fact that they let the salt
solution fall into the flow surface from a flat plate while the author
injected the solution in the middle of the flow cross section from one
108 -
tube or several smaller tubes. Thus the mixing in the first case might
not have been sufficient (at higher velocities) to prevent that the
major part of the solution travelled with the faster moving upper fluid
layers. While the bed load transport rates obtained by the author are
close to the calculated ones, the (new) measured depth values appear to
account for that part of the energy loss which is due to friction of the
fluence. The flow cross section is divided into a part where the flow
acts on the bed, and into two parts where the flow acts on the side-
walls; the three areas are separated by straight lines (Fig. 4.1a).
Assuming equal mean velocities in all three subareas, the following
relationship can be used:
F .,
and k is the Strickler value characterising the flume wall mate-
w w
H-B (2
(hr B) +
Rw H) (4.2 )
where H denotes the measured flow depth, h is the reduced flow depth
corrected for sidewall influence, and B is the flume width. Combining
equs. (4.1) and (4.2), h is determined as:
hr -H -2
(^53>1'5 I
<4-3 >
q -
V (H -
hr) (4.4 )
(a) lb)
F * '
w w w
/ \ \
1 1
fr \ a:
1 \
Smart and Jaggi examined the influence of the choice of the flume
measured bed load transport rates. Apart from their main experiments in
value was important for the 10 cm flume, but not important in the case
present study, the same Strickler coefficient was adopted for the side-
L(X -
I) a - X )
c c m m
(4 5 }
[r(xc -
Xc)2(XB Xn)2]0-5 -
value; the bars indicate mean values over the total number of observa¬
2 0 5
^-0-5 (4.6 )
(N-i)0,5 t
It should be noted that r and S_ are calculated with linear, and not
was to check how well the Opalit clay suspension could be recirculated
in a flume system.
during these tests and analysed with a viscometer (as described in sec.
rw, were determined. The same procedure was applied to the samples ob¬
tained during the experiments in the main flume. The relation between
40 -*
-—kaoline suspension (Wan, 1982) *
Debris flow slurries
0 Mount St Helens (Higgins etal, 1983) *
Jangj a Ravine (Chen, 1986b) *
Y 1
1 T
01 —n
Fig. 4.2 : Relation between Bingham yield stress x_ and volume con-
Hb [°ps1
V •
y •
s Author's Opalit clay suspension
a in main ffume
%+ + in smaller flume
kaoline suspension (Wan, 1982)
Debris flow slurries
0 Mount St Helens (Higgins at al, 1983)
01 02 0.3
It can be seen from Fig. 4.2 that the samples from the main flume
apparatus show a larger x_ value than those from the smaller flume for a
system and was not resuspended during the experiments. Thus the samples
from the main flume contained a larger fraction of the very fine par¬
portional to
C|; this proportionality is also indicated by the dashed
line, which represents measurements made by Wan (1982).
The data points from the main flume apparatus in Fig. 4.3 seem to
particles than before. For a clay concentration up to 15%, the data from
the two flume systems show that the Bingham viscosity of the Opalit
suspension seems to be less sensitive to particle composition than the
It may be noted that for the Bingham type approximation, the straight
line in the rheological diagrams (e.g. Fig. 3.16) was fitted at shear
rates above about 100 s~ for most of the data shown in the above
fixed, rough flume bed. The rough bed was made up of the same gravel as
that used in the sediment transport tests (s. section 3.4 for grain size
Ci, twelve combinations of flow rate and flume slope were considered. A
Summarised, the fluid flow rate was varied between 10 l/s and 40 l/s,
and the slope was set between 5% and 20%. The range of the examined clay
concentration levels is shown in Table 4.1, together with the correspon¬
ding Bingham parameters; the figures represent mean values for a given
clay concentration level. Also shown is the effective viscosity (which
depends on the flow conditions).
viscosity u
was calculated according to equ. (2.40); it
the turbulent and laminar regimes (some tests at the levels C4 and C3);
this was indicated by relatively large differences in the values V and
o2.5s n „»„/•
"l*1 mO-5 t ,12.27 h, ,,
= -
^ [1 exp(- (4.7)
bed load transport tests, Smart and Jaggi (1983) determined a. = 0.05
and 1.5.
Bx =
The results of the flow resistance measurements with the clay suspen¬
V/v* as a function of the relative flow depth h/d„n; note that the flow
h/dgfl for the experimental data. Equ. (4E4) and the Nikuradse equation
for open channel flow, equ. (2.53), are included for comparison.
It can be seen from Fig. 4.4 that most of the data points show no
indication that the roughness elements no longer dominate the flow be¬
The comparison with equ. (4.7) shows that the flow resistance (at
steep slopes) is smaller in a flow over a fixed bed than in a flow over
a permeable bed is higher (by about a factor 1.5 to 2) than for a flow
over an impermeable bed with the same roughness elements. Further, the
macrostructure of the particles on the fixed bed might have been still
somewhat more regular than the natural arrangement on a mobile bed.
117 -
Symbol Ci »
a H,0
* CI
o C2
+ C3
o C4
r C5
\pj*y s
/ \\ /z
h yy& I
flow depth h/dqo; data points with equal slope and for a given clay
concentration level are connected by straight lines. The Nikuradse
(with ou« 0.05 and P.= 1.5) are shown for comparison.
96/Re, in a rectangular channel, (a) Data points for H„0, C2 and C4,
(b) data points for CI, C3 and C5.
119 -
// /
/ '//
/// '/
/// / s
/A '/
«y v/// l'>
*' / /' i
/ /f/ A
/ //^ / /
/ u
/// /
j / / / y
<•>' *//f//A y
t yj<rf /
*\i y///yf
X • ''yy\
^ <* »*
io B * n w — Soooooo o o
(as defined by equ. 2.42a). Again the reduced flow depth h (corrected
for sidewall influence) was used to determine f and Re, for the
2d_. for larger relative depths (h/d.. >= 15); a few experimental points
in the range 2 < h/d.. < 10 indicate that k is approximately equal to
occurs at a critical Reynolds number Re, between about 500 and 1500. The
change in Re. with increasing clay concentration seems to be reasonably
well reproduced by using the Colebrook equation in combination with the
effective viscosity u
4 -
2 log (-rM = 2.4 (4.8 )
121 -
1 12hr
2 log (4.9 )
Tfa (5^ra^>
Comparing equ. (4.9) with the Nikuradse equation (2.53), it follows that
a mean value of k = 0.76-d.. would best describe the conditions of the
It is further noted from Fig. 4.6 that B' does not change below Re, »
54 (corresponding to v*k /u
= 70). This value marks the upper limit of
region, an increase of B' occurs for flows over uniform sand roughness,
while B' should gradually decrease in the case of a nonuniform sand
roughness (Rouse, 1960). There are only two data points for the clay
concentration level C4 which may indicate an increase in B'.
• «
* *
* * m
*+ +
•• + ++
1 i
Symbol Ci
* C1
+ C3
o ** 1 * C4
II ii Y C5
0) of
tr cn ]
3 4
log (Re,*)
Fig. 4.6 : Flow resistance data shown in terms of the parameters B'
[1/-Jf -
2-log(h /d_.)J and Re,, for the clay suspension
in Fig. 4.7, although this may not be evident from Fig. 4.5. Data from
The experimental data shown in Fig. 4.7 seems to support the theore¬
tical criterion for the transition between laminar and turbulent flow of
a Bingham fluid in an open channel. It may be noted that the data points
marked "laminar or transition" in Fig. 4.7 all have a Reynolds number
Re, smaller than approximately 1500 which is about the upper limit for
the critical value of Re, as predicted from Fig. 4F4. Thus it appears
v » v-f
.* 7
y? 7 1 r/l eoretical curve)
/ "I
J it \
< i *
laminar or turbulent
Flow behaviour
f C5 0
Data from J ci m 0
main flume 1 ._
Data from « +
smaller flume
1 1 1 I I II
)0o ;o
Similar to the tests without bed load transport on a fixed rough bed,
experiments were performed at five different clay concentration levels
(Ci). At each level, the fluid flow rate was varied between 10 and 30
L/s, and the slope was set between 7% and 20%. A list with all performed
124 -
A 0.998 0.0
H20 0.0 1.02 1
** * +
1 0 1 1 1 2 13 1 4
r , «,
P [g/cm3]
Fig. 4.8 : Ratio of the bed load transport rate measured in the clay
For open channel flow, the thickness of the laminar (viscous) sub¬
the relationship for S is also valid in the case of the clay suspension,
using the effective viscosity u
With regard to the critical value of
Re, shown in Fig. 4.9, this means that the thickness of the laminar
126 -
sublayer is of the order of the grain size of the transported bed ma¬
terial. Thus it appears that once the flow around the grains becomes
laminar, the bed load transport capacity starts to decrease, for other¬
qB 4
2 0-1
* <&
+ *
+ * g
0.8- . _
1.0 10.0 15
100.0 1000.0
Fig. 4.9 : Ratio of the bed load transport rate measured in the clay
suspension to the value obtained in clear water,
function of the grain Reynolds number Re,.
VqB,H20 ,
as a
crease in the density ratio s (s. sec.; in these studies the
assume that at least a part, if not all of the increase in the ratio
ls due to the increasing density of the clay suspension. Some
additional tests were carried out in a smaller flume apparatus (with a
measured fluid velocity , V, and the mixture flow depth corrected for
0 80 I
0 70 \ 96
0 60
0 50
\ Re2
•-* \ S-20% »>
0 40 \
V^ \ N
\ \\
V \ \
030 \
\ \
0 20
^^ k
K> \\ \^ \
\ \
^ \
010 \
0 09 \
0 08
o2 103 1 3' 1 0B 106
a rectangular channel.
sured at the next lower clay concentration level (with a lower fluid
levels H20 (data taken from Smart and Jaggi), CI, C2; 10 tests at the
level C3; and 4 experiments at the level C4 (s. also Appendix II). This
confirmed by Fig. 4.11a and b, where the change of the corrected mixture
flow depth, h ,
and of the fluid velocity, V, respectively, are shown
r, m
* +
D +
+ «.
X *
+ X
** X
+ X X
11 1 2 1 3 1 4 15 16
(a) 1 0
1 J-
*1 **"
1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16
« +
* <>
+ *
X *
X X +
0 8-
08 09 1 0 1 1 1 2 13
Fig. 4.12: Ratio of the bed load transport rate measured in the clay
suspension to the value obtained in clear water,
r,m r,m,H20
130 -
two parameters.
found that is proportional to the flow rate q (s. sec. 2.3). In Fig.
4.13 the ratio q_/q is plotted against the density factor (s-1) for the
experimental results of this study; q denotes the reduced flow rate
a r
B2 q*1 Se2 (s-l)e3 (4.10)
qB .
.,2.0 qr Sp = 14.9%
(s-1) E
Scr "
9c <S-X) dm /
hm <4-12>
} S=7%
Fig. 4.13: Ratio of bed load transport rate to corrected fluid dis¬
0 04 » /
25 2 1
0 03 *
+ / »
/ *
> /
0 02
x/ A
0 01
A i Data
0 00
0 00 0 01 0 02 0 03 0 04
experimental conditions. These 9 values were then reduced for the slope
effect with the equation of Stevens et al. (1976) (equ. 2.105) to obtain
16.7 ,. .
.2.1 r2 = 0.959 ,, ,,.
% qr Scr> (A-13)
SE =
The quality of the correlation is practically the same for equ. (4.13)
and equ. (4.11). However, the introduction of the critical slope S
Froude number Fr and the density factor (s-1) were chosen as additional
and Jaggi, equ. (2.83), the factor cS appears, which is very close to
Fr = cS . Low
*B =
*(e, 9c, Fr, s-1) (4.14)
the procedure of Daido (1971), and then corrected for the slope effect
with the relation of Stevens et al. (1976), as described above. It
134 -
spurious correlation because the density factor (s-1), which was varied
quality of the correlation was also checked between the measured trans¬
rates (q_ ) and those calculated (q_
. ) with a transformed
VMB,meas. ^B,calc.
version of equs. (4.15) to (4.17). This resulted in the following
correlation parameters:
*B,calc.[g(s-1)dml0'5 SE
s-1). From the point of view that the experimental determination of the
flow rate Q (and thus q ) is more reliable than the measurement of the
flow depth H (and thus h ) and the fluid velocity V, a better correla¬
tion might be expected when using the first parameter set. But this
first set does not include any parameter describing the flow behaviour
In the analysis of their steep flume data, Smart and Jaggi (1983)
During the analysis for the present study it was found that a dif¬
ference exists in comparison to the procedure that lead to the bed load
was measured and cannot be derived from the mixture flow depth). Thus
their reduced flow rates q are higher (for the steeper slope condi¬
tions) than if these values are determined with the measured fluid
velocities. But it should be pointed out that this peculiarity did only
affect the bed load transport equation (2.81). In the other parts of
their analysis they used measured values (not corrected for sidewall
influence), and in the verification calculations that followed the
III). These two classes are marked with different symbols in the fol¬
lowing figures.
In this study their bed load transport data was reanalysed using the
measured fluid velocities in the sidewall correction procedure. It is
seen in Fig. 4.15 that a systematic deviation of the bed load transport
rates calculated with the Smart/Jaggi equation (2.81) exists for the
136 -
S instead of 8 :
cr c
4 "90.0.2 .0.6 ,.
q* n
S <S S ) (2.81b)
•B (ill) qr cr
qB =
4( |2)02 qrSoe(S-Scr) (s-1)1 /X
0 03
/ X
0 02
x A
/ *
/ X 4
/ X
0 01
4x a
Uniform gram
Data set Mixture
A * size
Smart/Jaggi A X
0 0
00 0 01 0 02 0.03
Fig. 4.15 : Bed load transport rates of Smart and Jaggi, comparison
between measured values, q„ ,
and those calculated
8,/9 ,
f m
e°-5 <W
*b -
Bed load transport rates q_ were calculated with equ. (4.18) for the
the transport rates. However, it should be pointed out that the bed load
transport rates predicted by the equations of Smart and Jaggi only devi¬
ate substantially from the measured ones for slopes steeper than 10% to
9.4 d90,0.2 „ _
r* = 0.958 1Q,
S ,„ , ,.
" -
(iTI) 1r (S
gE = 205%
8.1 d90.0.2 .. _
.1.9 rJ = 0.958
,. ,.,
(d^> Scr>
qB (S
qr 20.4%
SE =
(iriy (a^> qr
sE = 21.2%
138 -
It is again noted that for the majority of the data points S >
i.e. conditions clearly above beginning of transport. As found for the
clay suspension data, the equs. (4.19) to (4.21) show that the inclusion
of the term S does not greatly affect the quality of the correlations.
0.06 X
qB.caic[m3/sm] •b =
<@0!S"cC! (em-ecr)
0 03
0 02 A 4 /
< /
Uniform grain
0.01 *&/ Data set Mixture
t size
Smart/Jaggi A X
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Fig. 4.16 : Bed load transport rates of Smart and Jaggi, comparison
and those calculated
q_ ,
4 ,d90.0.2 „
S ,„
„ .
r2 = 0.952
(2*81b) ...,
qB Scr>
qr (S
<a*^> SE = 29.3%
comparative regression analysis was made, using the measured flow rates
7.2 ,d90.0.2 „
S (S,«,,..
r* = 0.956
,. 17.
(4*17b) ,
<d^> SE = 27.3%
very pronounced.
The different exponent in equ. (4.17) and equ. (2.81b) must therefore
have another reason. It is presumably due to the fact that Smart and
tion 4.6.2).
Comparing the new equations for the Smart/Jaggi data set (SJ) with
the relations obtained for the data set of the author (RI), it is re¬
cognised that the exponent of the slope factor is not much different,
but that there is stronger dependence upon the density factor in the
formulae for the clay suspension data. In Fig. 4.17 the measured bed
load transport rates of the RI data set are compared with those pre¬
0 04
0 03
0 02
0 01
0 00
0 00 0 01 0 02 0 03 0 04
q„ ,
with those predicted by equ. (4.20), q_ ,
B,meas. B,caic.
for the new experiments.
Since the density factor (s-1) did not vary in the Smart/Jaggi tests
it was decided to fix the exponent at -1.6, the value obtained for the
cr = 19.5%
the values for equ. (4.20). In Fig. 4.18 the measured bed load transport
141 -
rates are compared with those predicted by equ. (4.22); it is seen that
A >
> /
+ y%
Clay concentration
Smart/Jaggi a (H20)
/+ Rickenmann * C1
« C2
+ C3
• C4
0 00 0 01 0 02 0 03 0 04
U Uf X
qB = 13 0(g)" q,(S -
Scr) *(s-1)
W^3' s m]
(J Uo"
/x *
U \Jd~ /
X/* A
/ X
* ££
yA X
Uniform gram
Data set Mixture
Smart/Jaggi A X
0 00 0 01 0 02 0 03 0 04
Fig. 4.18 (b)
Equation (4.23) has the practical advantage that it only requires the
knowledge of the slope, the flow rate, the grain size characteristics,
flow depth, in contrast to the formulae where the critical slope term
S is included,
. ... ,
,,1.67 0.5 ,1.5 .-1.12
0.065 (s-1) g d5Q S (2.111)
143 -
Another regression analysis was performed with the data sets SJ and RI,
,d90s0.2 „2.0 r2 = 0.951
(j^)"" , x
S-" I (4-24)
(qrr qcr)
j-j J 20zv.iz1%
(s-1)1*6 d30 cr
!>E -
calculated q_ values for the steep flume data under consideration (q >
JJ r
quality of correlation.
be more appropriate in this case to use equ. (2.113) which was developed
to judge the stability of steep block ramps.
given in Smart and Jaggi (1983). Most of the 137 experiments were
carried out with ordinary quartz grains as bed material. Coal (a = 1.25
Muller (1948) had shown that their formula adequately accounts for a
change in the grain-fluid density ratio s = tj/p. This is also true for
Low (1989) demonstrated that the Smart/Jaggi formula (equ. 2.83 with
correctly predict bed load transport rates for varyng s values (s. sec. This can also be seen from Fig. 4.19(a) where q_ values were
calculated by equ. (2.82) for all MPM experiments with a mean grain
diameter of 5.21 mm (N =
40), having a uniform grain size distribution,
including the coal and baryt runs. The data points with s « 1.25 and
agreement. Fig. 4.19(b) shows the same data but with q_ values computed
by a modified formula, equ. (4.25), which is presented below.
|% =
0.0001 ©/
s=4 22
S=2 68 o
00 0.0001 0.0002
^B.meas [m3/s m]
qB =
2.7@^qrS0 5(S-Scr)(s-1)^ X
A *
s=4 22
^0 s-2 68 o
s-1 25
0.0 0.0001 0.0002
(b) qB,meaJm3/S N
An analysis was performed with a subdata set of the coal, baryt and
some of the quartz grain experiments of the MPM data. A better agreement
between predicted and measured bed load transport rates was found if the
exponent of the density factor (s-1) in equ. (2.83 or 4.18) was put to
A new regression analysis was performed for the MPM data set only,
and the exponent of the density factor (s-1) was fixed at -1.5. The
5 9%
(s-1) 30
mean value for the MPM experiments. Smart and Jaggi gave the correlation
parameters for equ. (2.82) applied to the MPM data set as: r2 =
0.97, S„
= 66%, and for the original formula developed by Meyer-Peter and Muller
2 7 90 0 2 0 5
*B ^ V (6r ecr> Fr (4-26>
B r r cr
(s-ir--5 Q30
where again a constant value 9 = 0.047 was used. (Note that at the
set is illustrated in Fig. 4.20. It may be seen that the relative error
between measured and calculated bed load transport rates decreases with
performed with a uniform bed material and with a mixture of grain sizes,
'09 (<W)
a f4 «
0 ©
X < i
X z
'A ?
z£ 0°/ 3 [
z X
X 0
: *
/ X
Uniform grain
Data set
z Mixture
Meyer-Peter 0 x
X 0
-7 0 -6 0 -5 0 -4 0 -3 0
Fig. 4.20 : Bed load transport rates of the Meyer-Peter and Muller
data set (N =
137), comparison between measured values,
q. ,and those calculated with equ. (4.26), q„ .
o,meas. o,caic.
qB =
(A~) n
S Scr) (4.27)
D qrr
(s-l)1-0 °30 C
Comparing equ. (4.27) with equ. (4.25) it is seen that there is only a
tabulated below for some slope values within the range of the MPM
148 -
(which is still within the calculated standard error for equ. 2.25). It
was developed by Smart and Jaggi to also predict the steep flume data.
However, an equation based on the Smart/Jaggi data only, equ. (4.19), is
used to predict transport rates for low and steep slopes. Thus a better
case of one equation covering both slope ranges. It should be noted that
in view of the scatter between predicted and measured values, the Smart/
Jaggi formula, equ. (2.81 or 4.27), is equally valid as equ. (4.25) over
the whole range of the MPM data set but their equation tends to under-
predict the higher transport rates of the SJ and RI data sets (i.e. at
Smart/Jaggi data set. In Fig. 4.21 all three data sets obtained at the
for the SJ and RI data). It may also be inferred from this figure that a
*xx grain
X 1
o »g 0 * H
*. /
Jag i
Rickenma Meyr-Petr Muler
^ CO
x<V Q
Si* 1
'Y i'
H\ f
\ \
1 -
\XV .
< 1
1 <
0 *C x
.- o
o o
Fig. 4.21 : Experimental results of the three bed load transport data
The following bed load transport formula was obtained from a re¬
(s-l)0*-' a30 r r cr
0.961 and
and qn *_ r2 34.8%.
[g(s-l)d3] = =
MB,calc. B.calc.
*B =
3lO028r°5 (6r "
9cr) Fr"(S-1)05
c %A a
O ©
x? o* *'
F » Uniform grain
* w Data set Mixture
x size
Smart /Jaggi » x
/ X
Rickenmann *
Meyer Peter /
o X
07 05 03 02 01
+ /
0.03 + /
Clay concentration
0.01 level
Smart/Jaggi a (H20)
Rickenmann * C1
o C2
+ C3
* C4
0.0 | |
0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
1 1 !
<J>b =
3M!o)02 <C5 (em- ecr)Frii(s-i)0
X <
X /
X /
<y x
V* : :
Uniform grain
A^r^ Data set
Smart/Jaggi A X
on- _| 1 1
0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Fig. 4.23 (b)
RI data set (N =
50): r2
25.2 „2.3
qr s .(4.11) 0.964 14.9
1bB =
TH r
16.7 ..
.(4.13) 0.959 15.9
%B =
(S "
t._3i9 J^Fr0*8
(9-e .(4.16) 0.975 13.0
B cr'
^^0.4 m
9.4 ,90.0.2 .
(s-1) 30
0.960 45.9
2l-'7 90 0 2 0.5
* =
. (-r^r"** e"*D (6 -
0 ) Fr ..(4.26) =
B r r cr
(s-l)u*° a30
Table 4.3 shows the bed load transport equations developed indepen¬
dently for the data sets RI, SJ and MPM.
In Table 4.4 the new formulae are listed which were developed for a
combination of the data sets RI, SJ, and MPM. They are compared to the
original formula of Smart and Jaggi, for which the influence of the
equations valid only for the steep flume data (equ. 4.22, 4.24, 4.23) or
the one valid for the low slope data only (equ. 4.26 =
4.25) show a
It has also been checked how well the proposed equations perform for
a subdata set containing only experiments with an essentially uniform
bed material and those with a mixture of grain sizes. The correlation
parameters calculated for these subdata sets are given in Table 4.5. It
is noted that both subdata sets of the Smart/Jaggi experiments are best
Table 4.4: Comparison of bed load transport formulae for various combi¬
nations of the data sets of the author (RI), of Smart and
Q) w
vo to en
3 Z "ST o
O o o
en w
r— CO CO r-
H CM in
C en en
o o o
m CO CO •3"
<U r- w
ci to d o T
a Z r- *T fM CO co
E CM m
°} en en
d o O o o
*T O
D- o w
t CO CXi
CM CN ro
Z r^ VD a\ ^
H r^ r~ VD
C Oi en Cn en cn
a o O o o
5 5 « £ P
TT «r <* -r
^ <r
n &
4-> Cn
Q) o ° U
~H to
T) U to
J3 1.
1 O1 O CD D
CO ui to
In ^
cr o u
cr O1 rj*
CD ©
o O o ^ Q o
ol o Si 0 ol o
en f-i en -n en ci en -o
T> It) TJ I'D -O TO T) IT) tj m tj It)
VO vD o Ln
m u-l
^ ". CM
o^ O
cr cr a1
It is seen from Fig. (4.10) that the friction factor did not signifi¬
higher bed load transport rates brought about a slight increase in the
mixture flow depth (Fig. 4.12).
function of the relative depth h/d,... The data points of the clay sus¬
pension tests were determined with the corrected mixture flow depth
h ; they are compared in Fig. 4.24 with equ. (4.7) used by Smart and
slight tendency can be observed that the experiments with the higher
transport rates (especially C2 and C3 tests with S >= 15 %) show a
periments (data set RI) with those of the Smart/Jaggi tests, the flow
resistance equation used in their study, equ. (4.7), was applied to both
data sets. Calculated and measured values are depicted in Fig. 4.25. It
appears that the two data sets may be analysed together. In general, the
predicted velocities are somewhat larger than the measured ones; this
K\\ X
v^ -5^K
^NX \
\ \^ >
Ski A
o I* o
< *
-4 in
6 (J O
Symbol 0 >-
Fig. 4.24 (c)
160 -
X /
* 5 *
* X ,/
* 4/ '*
y x
2.0 4
r x
44 t
1.5 * X
x1 x
A x
Uniform gram
1.0 A Data set Mixture
X Smart/Jaggi & X
A *
Rickenmann *
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
V [m/s]
4.25 : Comparison
between measured fluid velocites, V ,
The correlation parameters for the data shown in Fig. 4.25 were
.8.0.5 .
1 . rjin.0.5 ,. ,Q.
(?) =
-q~29 (j-*-)
1.50 (4.29)
su.^ a90
(gd90) (gd90)
meters are: r2 =
0.68, S„ = 16.5% with equ. (4.29), and r2 =
0.88, Sg =
10.8% with equ. (4.30). Since both equations are based on a limited
shown in Fig. 4.27 (a). It may be noted that generally slightly higher
velocities were measured for the case with a bed material with a wide
the finer particles lying between the coarser grains on the stationary
bed. It also be noted that in general is taken of
may d„n as a measure
many fine particles present near the bed surface, this approximation
Vca,>/S] V =
3 \0 5 A
/ X
A* X
• * X*
• / *
/A A
X/b. « x x
A A, / > X
.* •
* / x
* A/ "
4 / X
** X
%y*y e
y X
^4 x
Uniform grain
Data set Mixture
x/x Smart/Jaggi a x
A x
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Fig. 4.27 (b) that the measured velocities systematically deviate from
not unexpected that there is no unique constant for the two cases, i.e.
for a sediment transporting flow over a mobile, permeable bed and for a
fluid flow over a fixed, impermeable bed (s. also section 4.3).
163 -
transported bed load grains should allow to compute the mean grain
a +
5m = H (4.31a)
or =- (4.31b)
sediment transport tests (SJ and RI) and (b) the clay
suspension experiments with a fixed rough bed.
164 -
-160 yU
/ y
y&x *
/ y
/ y
/ y
/ y
/ y
/ y
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Fig. 4.27 (b)
A combined analysis of the data sets SJ and RI showed that the constant
An alternative equation was devloped from both data sets using the
values corrected for sidewall influence (h , and h ) and the
L j L L fill
instead of the terms
QR/qr #fi and (s-1):
%* - 1 -
1.64 S0*42 A0*63 (4.34)
hr,m qr
for equ. (4.33) and (4.34) are practically the same. A comparison
between measured and calculated depths ratios is shown in Fig. 4.28a for
1 0
hrl/hrm = 1
0 8
Uniform grain
Data set Mixture
0 4*-
0 06 08 1 0 12 14
determine a mean grain velocity and a mean bed load concentration (by
volume) of the moving grains for each experiment. First, the smoothed
q /V
O0.42. (4.35)
r,m,calc. , ,.
1.64 S
and then the mean grain velocity, U_, was obtained as:
UB =
(q /V)
r,m,calc. r
Since the fluid and the grains do not move with the same (mean) velo¬
q /V
Cv,B "
167 -
equ. (4.34) but this was not found to greatly affect the results presen¬
ted below. The effect of an increasing clay concentration (of the sus¬
and Fig. 4.11b, respectively. The change in the mean bed load
previous figure.
1.5 *.
"•^ S=20%
1 /^ s
\ *^
\A^ N
\ -^O-
0.8 X„
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
Fig. 4.29 : Ratio of mean bed load grain velocity in clay suspension
to corresponding value in clear water, UD/UD „„„, as a
a DftiZO
function of the density factor (s-1); experimental points
with equal slope and flow rate are connected by straight
168 -
c„ S=7%
*s S=10%
«. \N sN S=15%
\ \
1.8 ^
k.^ \\ V
\ ^ XX Xx
1 4
\ .x>X s'.
\ ^
_„——-*""" <^ ;X
1 0
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
Fig. 4.30 : Ratio of mean bed load concentration (by volume) in clay
suspension to corresponding value in clear water,
Cv B/Cv B H20'
as a function or tne density factor (s-1);
vague for these experiments with relatively large errors between mixture
flow depth and fictitious fluid flow depth. In Fig. 4.31 there is an
seen in Fig. 4.9 that the bed load transport rate decreased with in¬
case II is also described in sec. 4.5. A decrease in the bed load trans¬
port rate q„ With respect to the corresponding value at the next lower
concentration level was observed for the following tests (s. also Appen¬
dix II): For three experiments at the level C4 and for all 5 tests per¬
formed at the highest clay concentration level C5. All these experiments
belong to the case II category.
for the experiments at the level C5, because the mixing of the salt
solution within the viscous clay suspension was not sufficient. As an
used to calculate the friction factor f and the Reynolds number Re. for
For the case II experiments, Fig 4.9 shows that the ratio q./q. „„.
is related to the logarithm of the corresponding Re. values. The
transport rate (for the same flow rate and flume slope) observed at the
Comparing the shear rates for the case II experiments with the cor¬
than 15%. It can therefore be concluded that the decrease in the bed
load transport rate is mainly due to the increase in the fluid vis¬
which increases for Re, values below about 10. The relation for 6 given
2 c
in Yalin and Karahan (1979), equ. (2.107), was used (with Re, instead of
Re ) to determine S with equ. (4.12); then q was calculated with equ.
(4.22). The q values calculated for the C4 tests (case II) were smaller
than the q„ values for the corresponding C3 experiments. But for the C5
by Wan (1982) for Bingham fluids, equ. (2.108). However, the computed 9c
values were larger than the measured 9 values, and thus no bed load
08 » /
Y A 1
A y
04 Y /
Oi 06 08 toglRe}) 10
Fig. 4.32 : Ratio of bed load transport rate for case II experiments
to the corresponding value at level C3, as a function of
\ •
X. Y
He2 ,C3
Fig. 4.33 : Ratio of bed load transport rate for case II experiments
to the corresponding value at level C3, as a function of
173 -
author are considered, for which viscous effects were found not to be
Based on the steep flume experiments with both clear water (Smart and
Jaggi, 1983) and the clay suspension (tests of this study), a new bed
load transport formula, equ. (4.22), has been developed in terms of the
following parameters:
(qr, S, Scr, s-1, d90/d3Q) (5.1 )
Using the same parameters, a similar relationship, equ. (4.25), has been
established for the low slope experiments of Meyer-Peter and MOller
(1948; data given in Smart and Jaggi, 1983). Comparing equ. (4.25) with
mula for the two slope ranges will give better predictions than one
Many bed load transport equations based on the tractive force concept
*B =
(6' 9cr' Fr' s_1' d90/d30) <5*2 >
a more universal formula, equ. (4.28), has been proposed which predicts
bed load transport rates reasonably well for both the low slope and the
174 -
steep slope data analysed in this study. It should be pointed out that
of (5.1). When comparing equ. (4.28) and (4.27) in Table 4.4 (section
* =
+[9, Fr, s-1] (5.3 )
The use of the Froude number implies that the bed load transport rates
of a similar form, except for the additional inclusion of the grain size
The entire data set used in this study is replotted in Fig. 5.1. Also
shown are the three bed load transport equations of Meyer-Peter and
Muller (in the simplified version given by Yalin, 1977), equ. (2.67), of
Bagnold (1956; with an average value of b = 4 for d >= 0.5 mm), equ.
(2.97), and of Luque and van Beek (1976), equ. (2.69). It is seen from
Fig. 5.1 that equ. (2.67) predicts an upper limit of the Meyer-
Peter/Muller data; this is not surprising since any effects of (bed)
form drag and sidewall friction were neglected in the derivation of equ.
(2.67) from the original version of Meyer-Peter and Muller (1948). The
that this value of 9 is an approximate limit above which bed load con
a. re
(1> .a » re
2" c re ts
•"I ft)
- a -
» B> •o a
re o
h; w
s. «
« =r
o o
B S =r
ro *»
o re
re cr
» «
0 0001
w to n
0 04 0 06 0 08 0 1
176 -
centrations (in the steep flume tests) were no longer negligible, i.e.
the transport layer occupied more than about 10% of the flow depth.
number Fr = c-S . Bridge and Dominic (1984) compared several data sets
concerning bed load transport rates for flows over plane beds. They
2.101, and concluded that the value of the factor (a/tana) in their
relationship should increase from lower stage to upper stage plane beds
various forms, while ripples were present only in very few tests. To
account for additional friction due to bed forms, Meyer-Peter and Muller
(1948) had introduced the factor (k,/k ) in their original bed load
transport equation; k denotes the Strickler k value for the total bed
resistance, and k the corresponding value for grain friction only. Thus
the factor k,/k represents a correction factor to reduce the shear
stress in account of form drag losses. Smart and Jaggi demonstrated that
the factor (k,/k ) in the original Meyer-Peter/Muller equation.
177 -
However, it should be noted that there were only a few experiments with
a high form roughness (the tests with ripples, where k,/k =
0.5); the
It was also shown by Mantz and Emmett (1985) that a flow resistance
the bed load transport rate by immersed of solids per unit width,
» = x -V is the stream power
and « the critical value of w at initia-
o c
a measure of the flow strength, while the fall velocity V can be looked
ments, where the density ratio s was varied. It appears that the inclu¬
(s-1) ,
which accounts for the change in fall velocity.
similar dependence of „ on (s-1), (s. equ. 4.15 to 4.17). For this data
change in the bed load transport behaviour was found in the clay suspen-
* *
sion tests at Re. =
10; in the region Re. >= 10, transport rates can be
found that the pressure gradient is reduced (i.e. the transport capacity
increased) if he used a slurry with fines as transporting fluid instead
of clear water. In analysing his results, he calculated the pressure
gradient with existing methods developed for the clear water case. In
these methods, the fall velocity of the transported solids appears ex¬
predictions for the slurry data. This again suggests that a correct
other. But for the steep flume situation with high bed load
easily transformed into the parameter set (5.1), because the flow rate
and the fluid velocity. The regression analysis of the clay suspension
data (RI) resulted in similar exponents for the density factor (s-1) as
S (4-23)
(s-1)2*0 d30
= 5.5 q S2 (2.87)
In order to compare the steep flume data used in this study with
these two formulae, a regression calculation was made with the data sets
,d90.0.2 .2.0
1 r2 = 0.94 ...
Qb "' (
V SE - 21*5*
0 2
If the grain size distribution factor (d-./d,.) is to be neglected,
it should be replaced by the value 1.05 according to Smart and Jaggi
(1983). Comparing equ. (5.4) with equ. (2.66), this results in A' = 15.1
for the data of this study. Mizuyama and Shimohigashi (1985) gave A' =
20 for the case of clear water, and A' = 25 for the tests performed with
a fine material suspension. If equ. (2.87) is transformed into a rela¬
steep flume data used in this study (data sets RI and SJ) and the one
used by Mizuyama (1981) result in very similar bed load transport for¬
experiments with a fine material slurry (in the study with Shimohigashi)
lead to a different value for the constant A'.
In the clay suspension experiments (RI data set), the same slope and
flow rate combinations were used for all clay concentration levels (Ci).
According to equ. (4.11), the bed load transport rate can be described
It is seen from Fig. 4.31 that the calculated mean grain velocity U_
was also observed by Abbott and Francis (1977); they further showed that
U, was slightly higher for smaller grain densities o (or smaller values
of s, since p was constant). In Fig. 4.31 there seems to be a similar
tendency for the data from the tests with 10% and 15% slope, whereas the
It is also observed from Fig. 4.31 that the mean grain velocity UD is
not only a function of v* but also of the slope. A higher shear velocity
is required for a steeper slope to result in the same U_ value. Since
the bed load concentration are clearly higher at steeper slopes, grain
to grain interactions may be expected to become more important, possibly
resulting in an increased loss of grain momentum.
181 -
In the steep flume tests of Smart and Jaggi (1983), the bed forms
present were flat beds and antidunes; for the tests with mat. IV (used
as reference conditions) there were only flat beds. In the clay suspen¬
sion experiments, flat beds also existed at the lowest clay concentra¬
tion level; no direct observation was possible for the tests with a
denser suspension. However, some indication was obtained from the opera¬
v s ^/3 )
U -
(5l3':>5 '
UE 2/3 . .
g d (s-1)
White proposed that for flat beds and antidunes U„ should be greater
than 0.02. This criterion is satisfied for the clay suspension experi¬
ments (using v =
u_./p). It is interesting that the value of U_ in¬
creases with a decrease in (s-1) and with an increase in v. For the clay
suspension experiments, a stabilising effect on the bed forms under
velocity above which there should be suspended load: V >= 360-g.d. For
Murphy and Aguirre (1985) suggested that suspended load and bed load can
considered, apart from the trajectory length and height of the grains
which can be obtained from mean flow parameters.
layer is between 0.63 and 0.74 (O'Brien and Julien, 1984). For the clay
suspension experiments with 20% slope, the calculated mean bed load
0.60 (in a sheared layer it must be less than CA), it results that this
layer occupied more than half of the total (mixture) flow depth. In
other words, the transport layer had a thickness of several grain dia¬
meters while the "clear" fluid layer above was only a few grain
diameters thick. Thus it seems questionable whether a suspended load
should be defined for the given flow and transport conditions.
saltating particles from returning to the bed. They also noted then a
debris flow as defined by Davies (1988) (s. Table 1.2, section 1.3).
The role of the Froude number was discussed by Smart and Jaggi (1983)
with respect to the Meyer-Peter/Miiller experiments; it may be looked at
steep flume tests the bed forms were flat beds and antidunes, and bed
load transport rates were generally large. Therefore, bed form drag may
alone may not be sufficient to predict bed load transport rates. The
the forces acting on the grains within the flow. Since both Fr and q„
simplifies to:
*B "
7V5 e1"5 Fr <5*6 >
iB S0*5 (5.7 )
B3 co
Bagnold (1973) postulated that the work rate performed by the trans¬
(5.8 )
(tana -
where the first factor on the right hand side is the efficiency factor.
Many attempts were made to determine the angle of internal friction for
the dynamic case of bed load transport. Bridge and Dominic (1984) sum¬
marised values proposed in the literature: A range of tana = 0.4 ... 0.7
viscous conditions (G2 < 100). It was concluded by Bridge and Dominic
that tana should also increase with increasing bed shear stress (in the
inertial region).
The steep flume data (sets SJ and RI) are shown in Fig. 5.2 in terms
of the stream power parameters. Also shown are two lines defining the
100% efficiency according to Bagnold (1973), equ. (5.8); both lines were
determined for the steepest slope of 20%, line (A) represents the case
iJN/s m]
^^ ^l\
^y # t\
^y r • -»
\A^ X *
.* »**
Uniform grain
Data set Mixture
a Smart/Jaggi » X
Rickenmann •
1-1 1 III
100 1000
<o[N/s m]
Fig. 5.2 : Experimental data from steep flume tests (data sets SJ
This same result is also obtained from equ. (4.28) and (4.26), for con¬
respect to the total flow depth and if a flow over a plane bed is con¬
sidered, then Fr may have no influence on #_. In Fig. 5.1, the simpli¬
fied Meyer-Peter/Miiller equation (2.67) is seen to predict *_ values
within the range defined by the steep flume data. A correlation calcu¬
» 8 (e e X5 r2
*B =
8cr) _ 37Z
However, as is also seen from Fig. 5.1, the steep flume experiments
alone define a relationship in terms of (9-8 ) with an exponent somewhat
B - 8.9
(9r -
total depth, and not to the thickness of the transport layer) were
determined for some of the steep flume tests. For the clay suspension
experiments there was no indication that the grains were transported in
cluded from the conductivity readings of the bed level measurements, and
from several checks by holding one hand into the muddy grain-fluid
the steep flume tests (SJ and RI data) were in the regime of Takahashi's
not quite in agreement with the values proposed by Takahashi. The bed
load transport equation proposed by Takahashi (1987), equ. (2.89b), is
shown in Fig. 5.1 for comparison with the steep flume data; the values
tang = 0.20 (S =
20%), C^ =
0.65, 9 =0.05 were used to determine the
186 -
2 5
8 at high shear stresses (9 » 9 ). This is a somewhat stronger de¬
pendence than suggested by equ. (5.9), which was fitted to the steep
nated by grain collisions and a saltation zone where both grain and
fluid stresses are important. Their results also lead to the conclusion
that *_ may become proportional to 8 at high shear stresses.
It is shown in section 4.2 that the clay suspension used in the ex¬
f (5.10)
that the data points in the laminar flow region lie below the theore¬
tical relationship for Newtonian pipe flow. Straub et al. (1958) noted
that the channel geometry is an important factor determining the value
for a rectangular channel with the aspect ratio (W/h). For the experi¬
to assume a value between 60 and 77. This is in good agreement with the
187 -
lines defined by the data in Fig. 4.5. Zhang et al. (1980) also analysed
the flow of a Bingham fluid using y .
and Re.; for experiments made in a
laminar flow data the best. Kozicki and Tiu (1967) presented a theore¬
With regard to the transition from the turbulent flow of the clay
extending from the middle of the flow surface out- and downwards; this
is a characteristic feature of a Bingham fluid. In the region Re. <= 10,
slopes, with small depths) appeared to have become laminar with in¬
bulent flow (Fig. 4.5 and Fig. 4.6). This particularity could be ex¬
plained by the fact, that there is not only a growing viscous sublayer
at the bottom, but also a (laminar) plug flow zone near the surface,
is small, the two laminar zones may soon merge with growing viscous
The fact that any viscous effects may be neglected in the region Re.
>= 10, is also supported by the analysis of the bed load transport ex¬
equally well both clear water data and clay suspension tests with Re.
Steep flume data with bed load transport; comparison with other data and
In the combined analysis (sec. 4.8) with the experiments of Smart and
Jaggi (1983), only those bed load transport tests with the clay suspen¬
(4.7). In another study, Jaggi (1983) had found that velocities tend to
depths and steeper slopes in flows over mobile gravel beds. He therefore
lated the flow resistance due to grain friction, f', with a Nikuradse
type equation:
^ = 2.12 + 2.03
mined f" = f -
£', where f is given by the experimental values. He then
showed how the ratio t"II' varied with total dimensionless bed shear
, ..
,-0.066,11 ,1.30, XX
f = f (1 + exp[ ] (-5—)
' 455(g-)
9 m c
The procedure of Griffiths (1989) was applied to the steep flume data
(SJ and RI), and a comparison between calculated and measured velocities
189 -
increasing velocity. This may be due to the fact that the relatively
high transport rates in these tests result in a too high a factor (9-
' =
Data set
Uniform grain
Smart/Jaggi & X
A c
X 4
/ 4,
Xx X
X /
4 1
/ 4 X
X /
4 X* ,
i » X
* x X4 • * &
/ .
" 4 X4
/ 4
X *.
/ x •
* *
* * *
» *
» • * X «
Xx < 4 *
* • •
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
(8/f) to decrease with increasing slope and bed load transport. Since
the bed forms changed from plane bed to antidunes and then weak anti¬
tance measurements from experiments with a mobile gravel bed, with vary¬
mobility number. The same behaviour was shown to apply to data taken
from Cooper and Peterson (1969), and to the data of Smart and Jaggi
field and laboratory data from other sources with h/d., < 50, including
also flows with sediment transport. In the region of the sediment trans¬
porting flows (approximately defined by h/d., >= 5), the envelope of the
191 -
for a given value of h/d... If the steep flume data of this study is
regression analysis with the field data given by Bathurst (1985), and
S°*289h (5.13)
,8,0.5 =
1.25 ,h ,0.5 ... ,.,
^OT <d^>
,8,0.5 -
, ,h,0.5 ,. 1K,
(3) (g)
where m' is a function of the slope. Equ. (5.14) and equ. (4.29) are
compared in Table 5.1, where the corresponding values for m' are given
for the different slope values.
For the slope range of this study, equ. (4.29) is seen to predict
velocities about 40% to 60% higher than those calculated with equ.
developed from subcritical flows over a rigid bed while the other
192 -
(8)0.5 0.27 M
; (5.17)
meas«, calc.
m' = 1.5.
It is observed from Table 5.2 that the equation developed from the
steep flume data of this study (equ. 5.17) predicts velocities that are
20% to 50% higher than those calculated with Takahashi's (1987) formula
(equ. 5.16) for intense bed load transport conditions. It cannot be
scatter between predicted and measured velocities for the steep flume
experiments of this study, irrespective of which approach is used to
flow resistance equation given by Smart and Jaggi (1983), equ. (4.7), if
the fluid velocity is to be estimated as a function of the mixture flow
depth (and the slope). On the other hand, if the flow rate is given or
assumed (as in the design case), it is more reliable to use equ. (4.30),
in a slope range between 5% and 20% (s. also sec. 6.2), or equ. (5.20,
[q /(gd )]
where U is the mean velocity of the moving grains and q is the fluid
equ. 5.18) vs. the bed slope tang. As predicted by equ. (5.18), there is
only a slight dependence on tan6 in his figure. From his diagram (Fig.
9, Takahashi, 1978), it can be determined that A* = 1.3. Using this
experimental value for the parameter A*, equ. (5.18) can be transformed
q /
• a\0.2 0.6 0.2 .
,. ..,
U =
1.3 (smB) q g / d (5.19)
Comparing this relation with the empirical equ. (4.30) derived in this
good agreement for the steep flume data between measured and calculated
(5.19) becomes:
transporting flow at slopes 0.05 <= S <= 0.20 may be predicted by the
same formula as the velocity of the front of a debris flow. The cor¬
X /
calJm/S] | V =
1.3S02qr06g02d9004| X
4 /4
** *
/ x
•» Xx 4
X* .
44 4
4 / *
X X 4
4 X 4 *
4' **X^
4 +*/£ *
Data set
Uniform grain Mixture
O 4/1"
4 X
Rickenmann *
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
associated with only a minor increase in flow depth and in flow velocity
(Fig. 4.11), implying that the flow resistance did not significantly
change (Fig. 4.10). It can be concluded that the fluid velocity is
largely determined by the slope and the flow rate. Since these two
196 -
parameters also determine the bed load transport rates (s. for example
equ. 4.23), any effects of a bed load on the fluid velocity could be
implicitly accounted for by q and S. This may explain the rather good
Equ. (4.30) is based on flume tests with relatively high bed load
transport rates. Somewhat larger velocities were measured for the flows
over a fixed rough bed without sediment transport (for the same values
of q and S); however, the velocities were found to be only about 16%
higher on the average for the case of a rigid bed (s. Fig. 4.27). A
closer examination of Fig. 4.27a and b reveals the following trend: For
velocities are smaller in the movable bed case while for larger values
of q and S they seem to approach those of the rigid bed case.
steep rough channel is mainly governed by the slope and the flow rate
and the fluid density. For a given q and S, larger depths were observed
for the flows over a movable bed than for the flows over a fixed bed.
These larger flow depths (or shear velocities) are associated with the
space required for the transported grains. The only minor change in
fluid velocity suggests that the adjustement of the (mixture) flow depth
could be the primary mechanism by which the flow supplies the energy
fluid -
grain mixture is a self -
depth and transport rates in such a way that the fluid velocity is not
flow rate.
transport rates was observed with further increasing Cf values (s. also
197 -
on experiments, Davies and Samad (1979) found the lift forces to de¬
pipe flow, A.D. Thomas (1979b) concluded that the transport capacity
should be smaller in laminar than in turbulent flow. Since the flow
difficult to predict what the combined effect will be on the bed load
important (Bagnold, 1962). When the the bed slope is higher than the
ratio W/U_, then the gravity component of the moving grains contributes
concentration level C4) and mean grain velocities (UR)j this mechanism
seems possible for the steepest slopes at the the clay concentration
levels C3 and C4.
Scaling considerations
responding viscosity increase by about the same factor (s. also Fig.
4.33). The effective viscosity y .
is given as:
e2 \ +
fv (2-40)
For the given "mean" shear rates (2-V/h) and fluid properties of the
less than 10% of the right hand side of equ. (2.40). Therefore, the
o (5-21>
R „
Nature Model R R
Given the same Tn value in the model and in nature and using equ.
(5.21), the viscosity scale becomes: (y ,). = (hD) . This allows the
. ez k k
* * hR
<Re2>R= 0.5 -\ <5-22>
Considering a field situation with the same fluid and flow properties,
it can thus be concluded that Re. will be greater in nature, despite a
grains might be deposited when the flow around them becomes laminar. It
may also be noted in this context that the grain size distribution
channel, and a debris flow may be initiated when this dam breaks.
number for the occurrence of roll waves is much smaller in laminar than
in turbulent flow. Based on field data, Davies showed that the limiting
200 -
conditions developed for clear water flows, also apply generally for
debris flow conditions. Recently, Savage (1989) demonstrated theore¬
tically that the critical Froude number for the occurrence of roll waves
nounced decrease of the bed load transport rate in macroviscous flow may
In the range of fine material concentrations C, between 20% and 50%, the
local input of fine material might thus cause a sudden decrease in bed
6.1 Summary
and clay particles. It has been shown that these slurries often show a
clear water and approximately uniform flow on the one side, and the
wide and 5 m long flume. For slopes ranging from 7% to 20% and for flow
rates between 10 l/s and 30 l/s, the equilibrium bed load transport
rates were determined. A rather uniform gravel mixture with a mean
10), no viscous effects on the bed load transport rates could be de¬
performed with the Meyer-Peter and Muller (1948) bed load transport
experiments which were carried out at lower slopes (data given in Smart
and Jaggi, 1983). The exponent of the slope factor was found to be
different, and it was therefore concluded that the steep and low slope
data should be described by two separate equations in the q„(q) -
of the parameters *_ =
<K9, 9 , Fr, s-1, d../d,.). The resulting bed
load transport formula can be applied to all three data sets considered
cribing the flow behaviour (i.e. 9 and Fr). It should however be pointed
out that the role of the Froude number is different for the low and
(total) flow resistance which is due to bed forms and is thus not avai¬
lable for bed load transport. In the case of the steep flume experiments
(of Smart/Jaggi and of the author), antidunes and plane beds were pre¬
sent; they caused probably not much form drag. In the tests with high
Froude numbers, bed load grain concentrations were so large that several
flow depth. Since 9 is only a measure for the shear stress at the
case be a measure for the velocity of the upper, faster moving grain
203 -
In the hydraulically smooth turbulent regime (Re, <=* 10), the bed
viscosity. No bed load tests could be carried out in the laminar flow
effective visosity y ».
No viscous effects could be detected in the
zone with no shearing between adjacent fluid layers, extending from the
section. When it merges with the viscous sublayer, the flow becomes
As noted by Smart and Jaggi (1983), the flow resistance of the sedi¬
equation for the fluid velocity was developed as a function of the flow
formula becomes very similar to the one of the author. If applied to the
steep flume data of this study, it shows even a better performance than
the author's equation. It is therefore recommended to use this semi-
slope and the grain size characteristics can be obtained in the field,
while an appropriate value for the fluid density has probably to be
the quality of the predicted parameters will not be the same whether the
use two different sets of equations, which should give best estimates of
the unknown parameters for each of the two cases. The two recommended
If two out of the three parameters (q, V, h,) are known, then the
fluid flow is determined. In the case (A), q is given, and the calcu¬
the fluid flow rate that largely determines the flow of the mixture, a
plied procedure.
slope range between 5% and 20%, because the bed load transport equation
(4.24) was derived from the steep flume data. It has been shown that an
Procedure (B), on the other hand, may be used both for steep and low
slope situations (slope range 0.2 X <= S <= 20 %). The bed load trans¬
port equation (4.28) was developed from the Meyer-Peter/Muller and the
steep flume data. The logarithmic flow resistance formula (4.7) can be
unity for low slope values and for large relative flow depths. Also, no
distinction between the mixture depth and the fluid depth is necessary
at low slopes and low bed load concentrations, i.e. equ. (4.23) and
be sure that these flood marks are due to a more or less steady uniform
material is not yet broken up. In this case, equ. (2.113) may be used
instead of equ. (2.111). But it should be remembered that the bed load
Calculation scheme:
(Tr) (q
(s-1)' 30
.0.2 0.6 0.2 .0.4
„ , .
S q g /
V =
hf =
h - hf / [
1 -
1.64 S°-42 (V*63 (4.34)
m f yq
Fig. 6.1 : Proposed calculation procedure for the "design case" (A).
Recommended range of application: 5 % <= S <= 20 %,
q >= 5-qr h
<= 20. (A sidewall correction procedure
Calculation scheme:
•lV.0.5, ,12*3hm
V = 2.5
(ghmS)0*5 [1 -
exp( 0.5
)] ln(
ei d90
)] (4.7)
= h
1.64 S0*42 (^)°*63 ] (4.34)
Fig. 6.2 : Proposed calculation procedure for the "field case" (B).
Recommended range of application: 0.2 % <= S <= 20 %; ax
S = 0.15
d9Q = m
d..= d = 0.15 m
50 m
d3_ = m ;
d.0/d,. =
12.5, take maximum recommended value of 10.
(4.24) q. = 12.6-100*2-(3.5 -
0.153)-0.152*0 / 1.301*6
= 0.985 m3/s
- 2610 kg/s
= 0.854 m
(4.34) h = 0.854 / [1 -
= 1.28 m
b) In the second case, it is assumed that the mixture flow depth has
been measured as h = 1.4 m, and procedure (B) can be applied:
(4.7) V = 2.5-(9.81-°-5.[l -
assume 9 =0.05
(4.28) *R = 3.1-10°'2-1.08°*5.(1.08 -
0.05)-1.041-1 / 1.300*5
= 4.78
*B-[g(s-l)d3l0*5 4.78-[9.81-1.30-0.153]0*5=
= 0.996 m3/s
= 2640 kg/s
(4.23) qB/q = 17.3-10"*lyj0.2.n-CIS"--1 ,
= 0.30
(4.34) h{ =
1.4-[1 -
= 0.916 m
q =
V-hf =
= 3.52 m3/s.m
about the same flow rate and bed load transport rate. This is not sur¬
How does the bed load transport capacity change from the hydrauli¬
A wide grain size distribution can considerably affect the rheolo¬
gical properties of the slurry. What will the effect be on bed load
According to the theoretical analysis of Savage (1989), roll waves
are more likely to occur in laminar flows and fluids with a high
cohesion (or Bingham yield stress) than in turbulent water flows. The
In order to gain a better understanding of the mechanics of these
If heavily sedimented uniform flows at steep slopes appear to become
More experiments should be performed with flows over a mobile bed at
slopes steeper than about 25%. Under these conditions, small shear
suggests that the whole layer of loose material may start to move en
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A dimensional constant
B ,
B' nondimensional parameter in the logarithmic velocity law
f weight concentration of fine particles smaller than
0.025 mm
number of observations
2] dipersive pressure
hydraulic radius
-] slope (=tanB)
V, [m/s] critical deposit velocity, for the case 5<d (pipe flow)
V, [m/s] critical deposit velocity, for the case 6>=d (pipe flow)
W' [N/m2] immersed weight of grains moving over a unit bed area
a. constant
a. constant
a constant
d30 [m] characteristic grain size, than which 30% of the material
by weight is finer
[l/s fluid velocity gradient (shear rate) perpendicular to the
dy flow direction
-'' mixture flow depth (including space occupied by moving
grains), corrected for sidewall influence
p [N/m2] pressure
t [s] time
[m] rougness height
slope angle
kinematic viscosity
] fluid density
] grain density
=( qt/[g(s-l)d3]"2] )
=( qB/b[g(s-l)dmcose]"2] )
stream power =( Vx ) =
( Vpgh S )
Leer -
Vide -
231 -
sediment transport
Note: The fixed rough bed consisted of gravel particles glued to the
flume bottom, with the same grain size characteristics as for the
<D O CI rH
rH O rH
> E
rH i-H CO
o X O
233 -
A *
a CM
01 O
i DC
<n >
- 234
3 t?
i cc
? I
rH O
£ O
235 -
CN 10 V
10 io en Ol m *J" rH Ol O tn
« r- OJ Ol rH OJ r-
-. CD Ol m P-
rH Ol m v m 40 r- 00
m 10 CO Ol m
rH rH
rH rH Ol OJ
to rH lO CN m <N Ol
CN CO Ol <N H H o
o 40 o en 10 r- 10
- <D rH tn Ol to
40 00 in r- o Ol 10
10 00 en en in rH en m tn
rH rH Ol
r- tn m tN m O o P* tn
m P~ O w m CO m
10 CM m r- 10 f- <H
** o. r» rH m rH o o H Ol rH
Ol rH w o r» m m 00 00
Ol rH en CO o Oi r- CO m
a H OJ Ol rH CN rH t- o 00 r- 10 m m N (N Ol
Ol o 00 Ol m CO Ol tn Ol 00 CO
en to en Ol 10 Ol
o p* CO O 40
en CO Oi rH o p- 00 m 00 00 m r-
o Ok rH tn M Ol
o Ol r- Ol o 40 r- o m
rH rH ri rH fH rH rH O
rH rH o o rH rH o rH rH Ol
o o O O o o o O O
o o o O o o o o o
Ol tn P- m 40 Ok Ol
o rH m OJ CN CO Ol rH
p* 40 in 40 OJ m o
o O 40 r- CO p- CO Ol
CO o V u> CO m r- CO
rH CO Ol o CO
rH rH
00 r- en rH p- tn O rH
Ol U> OJ 00 00 o o
m <N tn Ol
o r- rH o o CM Ol 00 40 Ol Ol
Sjz" a
tn en OJ en tn
OJ en Ol en m en en tn OJ
o r-t oi m Ol 00 10 o
m m in o p- CO m r-
e-t r- OJ 00 tN 10 Ol r-
m r- co en 00 GO
10 en p-
s Ol en Ol en 40 m m *r en en tN en
m m m m m m in m O o o
OJ Ol CN Ol OJ <N v> 10 10 10 40 40 10 10 40
£ en en en en en en en en tn tn tn tn en tn tn en tn tn
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
o o o o o o en en tn en en en tn tn en o o o
£ t? o o o o o o lo lo is
Ol OJ OJ OJ <N OJ tn tn tn tn tn tn en en tn tN OJ Ol
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o
10 10 10 10 10 00 00 CO 00 CO 00 CO CO CO O o o
5 t*° en en en en en en o o o o o o o o o o o o
OJ Ol CM CN CN Ol tn tn en
r- en OJ Ol Ol en tn en m r- o o r-
co r* 10 r- rH Ol 10 m CO CO en m Ol 00 00 tn
£ x
Ol en m Ol in to 10 in tn Ol m
CS a a a at a a eg 9 ctt m 9 «
a a
o 10 Ol o i0 m io en 10 OJ r- p- P- lo
r- o CO en r- rH m 00 r* o r- (M p-
5 >
Ol Ol rH Ol en o rH H rH H rH rH (M H Ol Ol
o o o O o o o O O o o O O O o o O o
st O o m o O o o o m o o m
o O
rH H en rH CN rH rH OJ
in m m O O o m m in o o o m m m o O o
rH rH H Ol Ol Ol o o o rH tH rH rH rH Ol OI Ol
5 w
O o o o O o o o o o O o o O o o O o
- 236 -
The experimental results labelled H.O were taken from Smart and
Jaggi (1983).
Ci S Q V H GB *B In P
S Q V H Gb *B -1b P
S Q (s-1)
% Qr Q« s„
Ci •b 9 C,,b UB
[l/s]_ [m/s]
S Q % 9 9
C,B Ub
C2 °-07 i5-0 0.593 0.280 0.032 1.77 0.061 0.620
S Q hr J\_ C f
r* Re2 Re*2
[l/s] [cm] [cps] [-102]
C2 0.07 15.0 5.30 4.42 6.67 0.1797 59.5 52.22 44.3
Note: Columns (1) to (8) refer to measured parameters, the other columns
S Q V H GB TB nB p
Ci S Q Qb (S-1) e
a •b
C5 15.0 1.10 0.0690 0.966 0.361 0.459
Ci S Q h, hr f
Hc.2 Re2 Re*2
Curriculum vitae