The Effect of Groynes On Rivers PDF
The Effect of Groynes On Rivers PDF
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on Rivers
Mohamed F. M. Yossef
Dioc "Water"
The Effect of Groynes on Rivers
Literature review
Mohamed F. M. Yossef
23 August, 2002
23 August, 2002
The following report is a literature review study carried out to acquire the background
knowledge, and the state of the art concerning the effect of groynes on rivers, as part of the
author’s Ph.D. study. This study is carried out within the framework of DIOC Water, theme
1.3 (Intermediate-scale morphological developments in rivers due to human interventions)
and Delft Cluster, theme 3 (Coasts and Rivers).
Groynes are structures constructed at an angle to the flow in order to deflect the flowing
water away from critical zones. They are made of stone, gravel, rock, earth, or piles,
beginning at the riverbank with a root and ending at the regulation line with a head. They
serve to maintain a desirable channel for the purpose of flood control, improved navigation
and erosion control. In the River Rhine, which is considered the backbone of North-western
European waterways network, the primary objective of groynes is to provide a fairway of
sufficient depth and width. For example the River Waal, the most important branch of the
Rhine River in the Netherlands is regulated by around 500 groyne.
Within the framework of the research project “Space for the Rhine Branches” several
measures have been devised to achieve a decrease of the water levels at peak discharges,
one of those measures, is lowering of the existing groynes. The rationale behind this
proposal is that; due to large-scale erosion of the low-water bed through the past decades,
the groynes are now higher than necessary for keeping the main channel at depth. Lowering
the groynes along certain reaches of the river would result in a reduction of the effective
roughness during high water conditions thus, increasing the river’s flood conveyance
If the groynes are lowered, however, the balance of hydrodynamic forces acting on the
groyne-fields will change, and there will be a large-scale morphological impact. To identify
this impact, a thorough understanding to the effect of groynes on the morphology of the
river is necessary. The sediment exchange between the groyne-fields and the main channel
needs to be more comprehensible.
The purpose of this report is to acquire the background knowledge required to study the
effect of groynes on a river. The characteristics of the existing groyne-fields along the Waal
River are presented. The hydrodynamic and morphological impact of groynes on a river
is described. Moreover, because navigation plays an important role in the interaction
between the groyne fields and the main channel, the navigation induced water motion and
its effect on the flow in groyne-fields is described. Finally, a review of some prediction
attempts to the interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel is presented.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Background-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2. Objective --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
1.3. Scale of the problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
1.4. Outlines of this report ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
2. Characteristics of Groynes
2.1. General ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2.2. Transverse structures – groynes ----------------------------------------------------------------------4
2.2.1. Types of groynes..........................................................................................................4
2.2.2. Design Considerations for Groynes .............................................................................5
2.3. Groynes in the Netherlands----------------------------------------------------------------------------7
2.3.1. Historical background ..................................................................................................7
2.3.2. Characteristics of the groyne-fields along the Waal River ..........................................9
References 41
In 1992, the World Wildlife Found published a report named ‘Living Rivers’. This plan has the
objective to recover the natural river landscape that will lead to a return of river characteristic plants
and animals. Next to this plan, many initiatives and plans from different points of view, like
navigation, nature and landscape have been published. However, safety should always have the first
priority and not to be put aside for nature development. For example, the construction of flood plain
forests will lead to an increased roughness of the river and to higher water levels upstream. It is
possible to find engineering compensation by e.g. lowering the groynes. In this case, nature and
safety would go hand in hand. However, the impact on the morphology in this case is unclear,
which means navigation might be in danger. This example emphasises that the river is a coherent
system, in which every engineering measure has implications on all the functions of the riverine
area. Consequently, the decision to execute any of the measures must be supported by good
arguments. In this way actors and stakeholders can be informed on the advantages and
disadvantages of the measure and decide if the measure is socially desirable.
Within the framework of the research project “Ruimte voor Rijntakken” (in English: “Space for the
Rhine Branches”) several measures have been devised to achieve a decrease of the water levels at
peak discharges, by means of enlarging river space. A wide range of fourteen measures is
mentioned in detail in the ‘Landscape Planning River Rhine’ (LPR) report, (see Figure 1-1). One
of those measures, is lowering of the existing groynes, say by 2 m is proposed.
The rationale behind this proposal is that; due to large-scale erosion of the low-water bed through
the past decades, the groynes that were constructed between 1860 and 1920 are higher than strictly
necessary for keeping the main channel at depth. Lowering the groynes along certain reaches of the
river, an activity requires a huge investment, would result in a reduction of the effective roughness
during high water conditions. Thus, increasing the river’s flood conveyance capacity. This
increased flood capacity would help restoring some of the riverine nature, which would in turn,
increase the effective roughness. This is important in the light of the policy objective to
accommodate higher flood discharges without raising the dikes.
If the groynes are lowered, however, the balance of hydrodynamic forces acting on the
groyne-fields will change, and there will be a large-scale morphological impact. This may involve
for example; tilting of the entire river, similar to the effect of the normalisation works in the first
half of the previous century. It may also involve the necessity of dredging or other maintenance
measures, so as to ensure desired navigable depth.
To carry on with such a plan, a thorough understanding to the effect of groynes on the morphology
of the river is necessary. The sediment exchange between the groyne-fields and the main channel
needs to be more comprehensible.
aggregation step
Predictability limit
Temporal scale
In our case, we will adopt a rather simplified classification from that of de Vriend (1999). It consists
of two levels, a small-scale level, and a large-scale level. The small scale is to some extent a
combination between the micro and meso-scales of de Vriend. The large scale is equivalent to the
macro-scale while the mega-scale is beyond the scope of this study. The small-scale analysis will
be devoted to study in detail the local behaviour of a single/few groyne-fields under the effect of
the different hydrodynamic forcings, “spatial distinction”, for a period which is relatively short
“temporal distinction”. In the large-scale analysis, the impact on the whole river system will be
considered. The results from the small-scale analysis will then be aggregated to form some kind of
a forcing function to the large-scale stage. This function is supposed to be representative of the the
small-scale phenomena. An example is presented in Appendix I for a conceptual model for the
interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel.
The hydrodynamic forcing that governs the interaction between the groyne-fields and the main
channel is the resultant of two components. The first is the effect of navigation, which is a factor
that cannot be overlooked in a river like the River Rhine that is considered the backbone of the
North west European waterways network. The other is the current induced water motion. On the
one hand, the groyne-fields are filled with sediment during times of high discharge. On the other
hand, the navigation induced water motion is held responsible for eroding the groyne-field beaches;
this effect is largest during low discharges. For an overview on the different parameters that are
affecting the interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel, see Figure 1-3.
Sediment exchange between the groyne-fields and the main channel
2D Approach
distance effect of navigation effect of river flow effect of river flow effect of navigation
E = f1(Q) D = f2(Q)
Large-scale impact on the river system
Aggregation step 1D Approach
Characteristics of groynes
River training is the stabilisation of the channel in order to maintain the desired cross section and
alignment. The practice of training a river dates back to the sixteenth century where the Yellow
River in China was trained by building embankments along its banks so that the flow would be
confined to a single deep channel, which would transport the sediment load to the sea. Modern river
training practice, however, started in Europe in the nineteenth century, driven by the demands of
the industrial revolution for the purpose of maintaining sufficient channel depth and a better course
for navigation.
In general, the objectives of river training may be summarised as:
- to increase the safety against flooding by accommodating the flood flow
- to improve the efficiency of the sediment transport
- to minimise bank erosion by stabilising the course of flow
- to direct the flow to a desired river stretch
- to reduce the probability of ice jamming
- and in most of the cases the primary objective of river training is to improve navigation by
maintaining channel depth
Natural processes and human interference may disturb the equilibrium between the sediment load
contributed to the channel and the transport capacity of the flow. Seasonal variations in the flow,
dredging of the river, construction of a reservoir, and deforestation in the catchment area are all
examples of causes of disturbance. Training structures are then necessary in order to protect the
channel against the changes that occur due to this disturbance. They could be classified into:
i. Bed fixation and bottom vanes
ii. Longitudinal structures
iii. Transverse structures
In this report, the focus will be only on the groynes as a transverse structure. For a complete review
of all river-regulating systems, see Przedwojski et al. (1995).
Characteristics of groynes
Characteristics of groynes
examples of bank protection with short groynes spaced apart 10 to 100 times their length
where the banks are protected with riprap or vegetation. If the spacing between groynes
is too long, a meander loop may form between groynes. Long and far apart spaced
groynes may contract the flow resulting in channel degradation and bank erosion, and
cause a hindrance to navigation. If the groynes are spaced too close together on the other
hand, construction costs will be higher and the system would work less efficiently without
making best use of each individual groyne.
iv. Orientation of the groynes:
Groynes may be oriented perpendicular to the flow or be inclined either upstream or
downstream. Each orientation affects the stream in a different way and results in different
deposition of sediment in the vicinity of the groyne. A groyne pointing downstream is an
attracting groyne, which attracts the stream flow towards itself. Repelling groynes, which
repel the flow away, and deflecting groynes, which deflect the flow away from the bank,
point upstream.
A groyne that is oriented upstream causes more deposition than a perpendicular one at the
downstream bank and also at the area upstream where a reverse eddy is formed and
causes suspended load to settle. The amount of deposition between groynes is maximised
in case of upstream inclination due to their ability to protect bank areas upstream and
downstream of themselves. Therefore, groynes of this kind are best suited for bank
protection and sedimentation purposes. Groynes that are perpendicular to the flow have
protection over a smaller area. Downstream facing groynes are not suitable for bank
protection purposes due to their attracting effect on the flow. The flow towards the root
of the downstream groyne threatens the surrounding bank area as well as the groyne itself.
For the purpose of maintaining a deep channel to improve navigation on the other hand,
best performance is obtained by perpendicular or downstream pointed groynes.
v. Crest elevation and slope:
The crest elevation of groynes depends on the purpose and possible problems due to
overbank flow and ice. For bank protection, the crest should be at least as high as the
bank. To avoid ice overtopping the crest elevation should be higher than the expected
levels of ice. Crests may be either level or sloping downwards from the bank towards the
end of the groyne. For bank protection, sloping-crested groynes are recommended by
Alvarez (1989) with a slope of 0.1 to 0.25 due to their advantages of reducing scour at the
groyne end, less material needed for construction, faster deposits of sediment between
groynes. For navigation channel control, level crested groynes work best normal to the
flow or angled downstream, whereas, sloping crested groynes work best normal or angled
upstream, Richardson (1975).
vi. Cross-section of the groynes:
The crest widths range from 1to 6m and side slopes from 1:1.25 to 1:5. The minimum crest
width of 1m is controlled by the equipment placing the groynes and wider crests make
placing easier.
vii. Construction materials:
Examples of the wide range of materials used for the construction of groynes are timber
piles, tree trunks or branches, rock, soil gravel, sandbags, riprap, prefabricated concrete
elements, steel and wire, etc.
viii. Scour:
The expected scour depth should be taken into consideration in the determination of the
base depth of the groynes.
Characteristics of groynes
Characteristics of groynes
Figure 2-2 The Waal River near Km 899-901 showing the channel changes over period of about 200
years , source: van Urk & Smit (1989).
Figure 2-3 The Waal River near Km 892-894 showing the channel changes since the 18th century, source:
van Urk & Smit (1989).
What the old maps do not show is the major degradation process going on in the river. The
degradation process in the Lower Rhine is complicated; it is mainly due to shortening of river
bends, dredging activities, regulation of tributaries, and channel constriction through series of
Near the entry point of the Lower Rhine to the Netherlands, bed degradation mainly occurred
between 1925 and 1960 during that period degradation was about 1.0 m, van Urk & Smit (1989).
Characteristics of groynes
The average bed-degradation in the Lower Rhine branches since the end of the normalisation works
ranges between 0.4 m to 2.2 m, see Table2-1. Visser (2000) estimated that the bed level of the
Rhine branches did not reach equilibrium yet. However, the rate of degradation will be considerably
slow when compared to that of the early period after the completion of the normalisation works
Table2-1 Average bed degradation in the different Rhine branches (after, Visser 2000)
River section Rhine Km Period Average degradation (m)
IJssel 878.5 – 1005 1938 - 1990 -0.40
Lek and Neder-Rijn 878.5 – 989 1933 - 1990 -0.90
Pannerden Canal 867.5 – 878.5 1926 - 1990 -2.20
Waal 867.5 – 952 1926 - 1990 -0.70
Boven-Rijn 857.5 – 867.5 1934 - 1990 -1.20
Figure 2-4 Definition sketch for the dimensions of an arbitrary Groyne field, after Schans (1998)
Characteristics of groynes
Two more parameters are important for characterising the groyne-fields, viz. the beach slope and
the groyne-field bed material size (D50).
Introducing two additional dimensionless parameters, (Schans, 1998), the first is the curvature
index (CI), and the second will be called the path index (PI). The curvature index could be defined
as the ratio between the length along the waterline (C) and the groyne-field length (A), and it gives
an indication about the sinuosity of the beach profile in a groyne-field. CI has a minimum of one
and the higher it gets the more curved the water line is. The path index (PI) could be defined as the
ratio between the distance of the thalweg from the groyne (E) and the width of the river (F). PI
should always be less be than the unity, and for any value other than 0.50 the thalweg is not in the
centreline of the river, (PI) gains more importance in curved parts of the river as an indication for
the location of the deep part of the river.
CI = and PI =
The characteristics of the groyne-fields along the Waal River could be summarised in Table 2-2,
and the accuracy of the measurements of the different parameters is presented in Table 2-3.
Table 2-2 the characteristics of the groyne-fields along the Waal River
Parameter Mean Standard Min. Max. Median Mode
Groyne-field length (A) 198.2 37.7 50 420 200 200
Groyne-field width (B) 67.9 28.6 0 175 65 50
Length along the waterline (C) 215.1 43.5 100 480 210 200
Beach width (D) 25.1 21.2 0 150 20 0
Distance between normal line and 129.8 93.6 10 320 123.8 25
thalweg (E)
River width (F) 279.5 35.2 252 412 260 260
Orientation of a groyne (G) -8.0o 8.7o -30o 10o -5o 0
Orientation of the groyne-field (H) 86.2o 31.4o 2o 150o 91o 96o
Bed material D50 (µm) 439.5 264.5 200 1300 347.5 225
Beach slope 0.042 0.008 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.05
Curvature index (CI) 1.097 0.117 1 1.92 1.056 1
Path index (PI) 0.478 0.338 0.03 0.949 0.046 0.077
Dimensions are in meters
Characteristics of groynes
Statistical representation of the groyne-fields length (A) Statistical representation of the groyne-fields width (B)
Cumulative %
Frequency %
Cumulative %
20% 80% 80%
Frequency %
15% 60% 60%
10% 40% 6% 40%
5% 20% 4%
2% 20%
0% 0%
0% 0%
length A (m) Width B (m)
Figure 2-5 Statistical representations for the groyne-fields length (A), and width (B), for the Waal River
Based on the previous analysis and with consideration to the representativeness of groyne-field
dimensions, it is possible to assume the following values for a simple geometry that is appropriate
to schematise the groyne-fields of the Waal River,
A ≅ 200 m
B ≅ 60 m
D ≅ 25 m
F ≅ 260 m
G ≅ 0o
H ≅ 90o
D50 ≅ 350 µm
Beach slope ≅ 1:25
CI ≅ 1.0
PI ≅ 0.5
The bed material in the groyne-fields generally consists of well-sorted medium sand with around
70% -by weight- between 250µm and 500µm. At sites which are more exposed to the current, the
bed material is less well-sorted and an armour layer of gravel may be found. At these sites, more
than 25% of the sediment is coarser than 2.0mm and around 57% is between 125µm and 500µm.
The amount of clay and silt in the river bed is insignificant in this stretch of the River Waal the
sediments contain no coarse organic material nor any significant amounts of fine detritus.
The effect of groynes on river
From the tip of the groyne to the opposite channel bank, the flow velocity is accelerated because
of the reduction of the channel width. This is called the main flow zone. The return flow zone is
located at the downstream side of the groyne, generally with two relatively large eddies. The centre
of the larger one is located at a distance of about 6 times the groyne length. The other eddy is
smaller, of which the centre is about one time the groyne length. A velocity difference exists
between the main flow zone and the return flow zone, which leads to the formation of a shear layer
between the two zones.
The reattachment zone is usually simplified by most of the researchers into a point. This point is
defined as the point at which the boundary streamline reattaches to the channel boundary. However,
the instantaneous reattachment point fluctuates back and forth, mainly due to the intermittence of
eddies in the shear layer and the unstable balance of entertainment and pressure gradient between
the main flow and recirculation zone. We can regard the point with a maximum instantaneous
velocity of zero as the upstream end of the reattachment zone, and the point with a minimum
instantaneous velocity of zero as its the downstream end. Chen & Ikeda (1997) observed that the
length of the reattachment zone is almost constant and over the range from 11 to 17 times the length
The description of the macro-turbulence flow structure is related to the local scour problem which is out
side the scope of this study
The effect of groynes on river
of the groyne, i.e. the reattachment zone covers a distance of around 6 times the length of the
Nevertheless, the time-averaged reattachment point could be defined as the point at which the time-
averaged velocity is zero. According to Chen & Ikeda (1997) the reattachment point is located at
a distance of about 14 times the length of the groyne. In a comparison between numerical model
investigation and experimental results, Ouillon & Dartus (1997) reported that -for the experiments-
the reattachment length is in the order of 12.5 times the length of the groyne, and it is around 11.5
times the groyne length according to Tingsanchali & Maheswarn (1990).
In an extensive experimental study Ishii et al. (1983), investigated the effect of some dimensionless
parameters on the shape of the separation region (only subcritical flow was studied). They reported
that the shape of the separation region is hardly affected by Froude number (Fr), and it had
dimensions of a length that ranged from 10 to 12 times the groyne length, and the maximum width
measured from the sidewall was 2 times the groyne length (for a fixed angle of 90o, and a relative
projected length of 10% from the channel width). Yet, with the increase of the relative projected
length to the flow from 10% to 40% of the channel width, the relative separation length decreased
from 12 to 7; but the reattachment angle of the boundary streamline by which the main flow and
the separation region are bounded remained constant at 15o.
Furthermore, changing the projection angle of the groyne to the flow from 90o to 150o i.e. pointing
downstream, the geometry of the separation region remained almost constant. Yet, by decreasing
the groyne angle from 90o to 30o i.e. pointing upstream, the relative length decreased from 14 to 11,
but both the relative width and the reattachment angle remained constant at 2, and 10o respectively.
The upstream separation angle is governed only by the groyne projection angle to the flow. It varies
from 30o to 60o, for a change of the groyne projection angle from 30o to 90o, and remains constant
at 60o for any groyne angle more than 90o.
From those results, we can deduce that the separation region has a length that could vary from 7
times the groyne length (for relatively long groynes), to 15 times the groyne length. Yet, the relative
width is less varying and has a value that is slightly less than two times the groyne length.
Depending on the relative wall roughness, the downstream reattachment angle could also vary from
15o to 10o with the higher values for relatively high wall roughness. Moreover, the upstream
reattachment angle varies from 30o to 60o with the variation of the groyne projection angle.
The effect of groynes on river
water level increases at the upstream side of the groyne and decreases in the downstream side, and
continuously fluctuates as the horizontal eddies periodically shed from the tip of the groyne. Chen
& Ikeda (1997) studied the water surface fluctuations though plotting the root mean square of the
surface fluctuations at several cross sections downstream of the groyne. For every cross section,
he found that there is a peak, which indicates that the centre of the large eddy. However, the
influence of the groyne on the water level fluctuations extends to a distance of only 10 times the
groyne length.
Figure 3-1 Flow pattern in a groyne-field – dimensions in metres, source: Brolsma (1988)
The effect of groynes on river
which the eddy circulate, is not really at the centre of the eddy as we may observe, it is very near
to the tip of the upstream groyne and dragged towards the main channel. Further downstream, the
main current does enter the groyne-field, consequently the stream width becomes larger. A second
-smaller- eddy develops at the upstream face of the second groyne where the outflow is hampered
by this groyne.
Based on model tests for groynes located along a river bend Klingeman et al. (1984), report that six
types of eddy patterns between groynes can be distinguished Figure 3-2.
- Type one: The circulation pattern of this
type is distinguished by the main flow that
is deflected outside the groyne field, and a
single eddy develops between the groynes.
This eddy is well developed and it could
prevent the main flow from penetrating the
groyne-field. Therefore, this pattern is
desirable for navigation purposes as a
continuous deep channel is maintained
along the face of the groyne field.
- Type two: In this type, a second eddy
appears but the main current is maintained
deflected outside the groyne-field.
- Type three: As the spacing between
groynes increase, type three-flow pattern
develops. The main current is directed into
the groyne-field, creating a much stronger
eddy near the upstream groyne, and greater
turbulence along the upstream face and at
the groyne lower head.
- Type four: in this type, the stability of the
upstream eddy is washed out, and a sing1e
strong reverse current occurs.
Figure 3-2 Types of flow pattern in groyne-field,
- Type five: In this type the flow, which is source: Przedwojski et al. (1995)
diverted by the upstream groyne, is
directed to the bank in the groyne-field.
Eddies form on both sides of this flow,
providing some protection for the bank.
- Type six: As the spacing between the groynes further increases, the downstream eddy, which
was providing the protection to the bank wanes, and the flow attacks the bank directly.
Furthermore, the maximum velocity along the bank inside the groyne-field of an aspect ratio of 2.5,
is roughly 40% of the velocity measured in a similar bend protected by riprap. This percentage is
slightly less than 40% when the spacing-length ratio decreased to 1.5, and equal to approximately
50% when the spacing increased to 3.5 times the groyne length.
In his observation on the effect of the geometry on the flow field in a groyne-field, Uijttewaal
(1999) concluded that the groyne-field length to width ratio determines the number and shape of
eddies that emerge in the stagnant flow region. An aspect ratio close to unity gives rise to a single
eddy, (Figure 3-4, upper part). A larger aspect ratio gives room for two stationary eddies, a large
one called primary eddy, in the downstream part of the groyne-field, and a smaller secondary eddy,
emerges near the upstream groyne. The extreme long groyne-field case of length to width ratio of
six, shows the penetration of the main flow into the groyne field, (Figure 3-4, lower part). The two
eddies remain in a relatively stable position, while the main flow field starts to penetrate into the
groyne field further downstream. In all cases, there is an eddy detaches from the upstream groyne
The effect of groynes on river
The effect of groynes on river
mixing process is hard to determine from Reynolds-averaged simulation models since they do not
incorporate the time dependent large-scale motions as shown in the instantaneous flow field. This
feature could be dealt with by using, e.g. large eddy simulation.
The effect of groynes on river
3.2.1. General
Erosion can refer to a multitude of natural process, such as soil erosion, beach erosion, or riverbank
erosion. It may result from flow of water or air, or from wave action. For localised erosion the word
scour is often used, scour at the head of a groyne, at an abutment, or at a bridge pier, etc. A reach
of the river may also scour but then it is usually referred to as degradation.
Scour is a localised lowering of riverbed that is usually linked to structures. It could be subdivided
- Constriction scour, arising from the constriction of the waterway by the presence of the
structure. It changes the cross section geometry in the area near the structure and normally it
does not extend to a longer distance.
- Local scour, resulting from the effect of the structure on the local flow pattern and the
generation of macro-turbulent in its vicinity. It is always more pronounced than the constriction
scour. The local scour maybe – in most cases – superimposed on constriction scour.
Further, the scour may be clear-water scour, or live-bed scour. Clear-water scour refers to
conditions when the bed material upstream of the scour area is at rest. Live-bed scour occurs under
conditions of general sediment transport i.e. there is a continuous sediment supply to the scour zone.
The term degradation, in contrast to scour, implies a lowering of the riverbed that extends over a
long distance. Degradation may progress in the downstream direction, upstream direction, or in both
directions. For example, the construction of a dam would cause downstream propagating
degradation, lowering the downstream water level would cause degradation that propagates in the
upstream direction. Usually, channel bed degradation is accompanied by change in the river slope.
When a series of groynes is constructed, the bed forms near the groynes change because of the
combined effect of bed degradation due to the long constriction, and the local scour at the end of
each groyne. Bed degradation due to long constriction of an alluvial channel as well as, the local
scour phenomena near a single groyne has been discussed by many researches. Yet, the overall bed
degradation caused by a series of groynes, which have characteristics of both long constriction and
a single groyne was discussed by very limited number of researchers. In the following section, we
will present the morphological impact of groynes on a river.
The effect of groynes on river
B ( 7 ) τ ( 7 ) D ( −
6 3 1
1 1 1 clear-water
d 2 B2 τ 2 D2
d1 B ( 6 7 ) τ ( 2 7 )
1 1
B2 τ 2
Another way to evaluate the ultimate response of the river to a long constriction, or any other
change in the forcing parameters, is the use of the so-called “Lane’s balance”. It was first
introduced by Lane in 1955, see Jansen et al. (1979), Bhowmik (1989), and Klaassen (1995). The
basic theory behind it is that for any stable stream, a balance exists between the water discharge
(Q), gradient (i), sediment load (S), and the bed load material size (D). This relation takes the form,
[S . D : : Q . i ] where “::” means “is proportional to”. This relation could also be derived analytically
through the application of the four equations describing the time and space dependant behaviour
of a river. The four equations are the conservation of water mass, conservation of water momentum,
conservation of sediment mass, and the equation of sediment motion, Jansen et al. (1979). Later,
the original Lane’s balance was modified by Klaassen (1995), who derived it analytically to include
more parameters. The expressions are then read:
i. For the slope (i):
n −3 2n n n
S ⋅ Dp ⋅ B 3
= m ⋅C 3 ⋅Q3 ⋅i3
Where, the exponents (n) and (p) depend on the sediment transport predictor. The value of (n)
ranges from 2 to 5 for high values of bed shear stress; n = 5 for the England & Hansen (1967)
formula. For the same formula, (p = 1), and for the formula of Meyer-Peter & Muller (1948) (p)
takes the following form:
3 0.047
2 θ ′ − 0.047
V= ∫
1 year
S .dt
Applying this concept for the simple case of a constant water discharge and sediment discharge
leads to the following expressions for the slope and depth variations of the constricted reach:
n −1
d 2 B2 n
d1 B1
The effect of groynes on river
n −3
i2 B2 n
i1 B1
= ⋅
d1 B2 L
Spannring (1999), applied Komura’s formula of equilibrium degradation depth to calculate the
coefficient (λ) introduced earlier by Suzuki. From known values for ∆zmax resulting from numerical
computations, the corresponding values for (λ) could be determined. The resulting groyne
coefficients are in a narrow range with a mean value of λ = 0.78 and a their standard deviation is
σλ = 0.02. Further, he commented that the cross section profile could be approximated by a 4th
degree parabola.
The effect of groynes on river
for example Gill (1972), Klingeman et al. (1984)and Hoffmans & Verheij (1997). For example, the
expression of Ahmed as given by Hoffmans & Verheij (1997) reads:
q 3
ys ,e + h0 = K A ⋅ K ⋅
1− m
ys,e = equilibrium scour depth below initial depth
h0 = initial water depth
m = b/B, b and B are the width of the dike and channel respectively.
K`A = 2.14g- 1/3 (≅ 1.0 m-1/3. s2/3)
KA = 2Kp Ks Kα Kµ
Kp = correction factor for the influence of channel bend, (inner = 0.85, outer = 1.1~1.4)
Ks = for the shape of structure, (vertical wall = 1.0, 1:1 sloped =0.85)
Kα = for the angle of attack, (30o to 150o = 0.80 ~ 1.10)
Kµ = for the influence of porosity (0.2 porosity =1.0, 0.5 porosity =0.9~0.6)
The previous expression for local scour estimation was based on experimental work, and
dimensional analysis techniques. It lacked the theoretical background and missed some parameters
that proved to be of importance. Laursen, who contributed many researches about local scour
problem, emphasised the importance of the distinction between clear-water conditions, and live-bed
conditions in the estimation of scour depth. A factor that was considered in the above mentioned
Gill (1972), through analytical approach extended the formulation of Straub. He distinguished
between clear water condition, where the bed shear stress is less than then the critical bed shear
stress (τ1<τc), and live bed condition where (τ1>τc). Moreover, Gill introduced the effect of the
sediment size (D), and the sediment transport capacity formula exponent (n) (of s = m.un). His form
1 ( 6 7 ) τ (
1 − m c τ
ys ,e + h0 = h0 ⋅
( 6 )−( 3 )
1 7 7n
α 1 − m live-bed, τ c >> τ 1
The effect of groynes on river
α = 8.375 50
Hoffmans & Verheij (1997) compared a large number of scour predictors with experimental data
and proposed the following formula:
1 h
= h0
y s ,e − 1 + K B ⋅ b ⋅ tanh 0
1− m b
With (ys,e) as the scour below the original depth and (KB) correction factor ≅1.5 for groynes with
sloped face, and m = b/B, b and B are the width of the dike and channel respectively.
= scour depth around any groyne far downstream.
Zs, DS
Zs, 1= scour depth around the first groyne which is similar to the scour depth near a
single groyne and could be estimated using any of the above mentioned formulae.
When (S/L)>12, i.e. the groynes are very far apart, the group action vanishes and the scour depth
near any groyne is nearly the same as that of a single groyne.
Przedwojski (1995) investigated the bed topography and the local scour at groynes in two bends
of the Warta River. He found that the local scour depth varies with groyne location, and the
maximum depth occurs at the groyne located downstream of the bend apex. The longitudinal
variation of scour depth at groynes located along the outer bank of a bend is quite similar to the bed
level changes due to the bend curvature. The scour depth changes depend significantly on the flow
and bed topography in a given bend. Moreover, based on the analysis of the field investigations he
estimated that the variation on the scour depth along a bend takes the following relation:
n −2
h Q x
y s ,e = β ⋅ H 0 + g cos(2π ⋅ ) + sin(α − 90)
H Q0 L
- β = coefficient (β = 0.275 as given by Przedwojski (1995))
- α = angle between groyne axis and flow direction
- n = exponent of sediment transport formula (s = m.un)
- H = average reach flow depth
- h0 = unperturbed flow depth
- L = bend length
- x = distance from the bend entrance
- Q0 = discharge over the bottom width between groynes
The effect of groynes on river
- Qg = part of the discharge blocked by the groyne ( Qg = h0 U S sin )
- S = spacing between two groynes
- U = unperturbed velocity at the toe of the groyne
- ∆φ = angle between two successive groynes
Extended review for local scour problem is given by Przedwojski et al. (1995) and Hoffmans &
Verheij (1997).
K ⋅ h02 ⋅ ∆1.7
ts =
(αU 0 − U c )4.3
In which:
K = coefficient (K = 330 hours m2.3.s-4.3, then t1 is expressed in hours)
∆ = relative density
α = coefficient depends on turbulence intensity
U0, Uc = mean, and critical velocities [m/s]
The α-factor is given in Hoffmans & Verheij (1997) to range from 2 to 9 according to the geometry
of the groyne.
Scour Geometry
As the geometry of scour near groynes is not of much importance to the research, reference is made
to some researchers who treated this point.
Rajaratnam (1983), through experimental work described the bed shear stress distribution in the
vicinity of a groyne, he noted an increase in the shear stress value up to 5.2 times the values in the
undisturbed locations.
Kuhnle et al. (1999) studied the effect of normal/overtopping flow conditions in the laboratory. He
deduced detailed topographic maps showing the geometry of the scour/deposition near groynes, and
predicted the area and volume of scour holes. He further commented that the larger the overtopping
ratios caused the region of maximum scour to shift towards the channel bank and caused a
secondary scour zone to form downstream of the groyne.
Peng et al. (1999) studied the scour and deposition around submerged groynes through numerical
simulation and compared his results with experimental results. He noted that the scour develops
rapidly at the initial stage, 78% of the equilibrium depth was reached within 25% of the equilibrium
The effect of groynes on river
time. Moreover, he presented the transverse and longitudinal profiles of the scour hole, and noted
that the eroded sand deposited just downstream the scour hole.
Klingeman et al. (1984) tested different orientations and found that the shape and area of scour is
strongly related to the orientation of the groyne to the flow.
Hydraulic disturbances caused by navigation
Figure 4-1 Ship-induced water motion in a restricted waterway, source:Przedwojski et al. (1995)
As the vessel displaces water during its forward motion, it causes a drop in the water level alongside
the barges known as the drawdown, Figure 4-1A. Drawdown begins near the bow and rebounds
near the stern producing a single wave with a duration on the order of 40 to 120 sec, depending on
vessel length. Drawdown can cause dewatering of shallow areas along the shoreline during vessel
The maximum return current is produced adjacent to the barges and typically closer to the stern.
As vessels move upstream, return currents cause a temporary increase in ambient current velocities.
Hydraulic disturbances caused by navigation
In a tow moving downstream, the return current causes a decrease in ambient current velocities and
under certain low flow conditions can create temporary ambient flow reversals. Currents associated
with the propeller jets are highly three-dimensional and cause localised disturbances to the flow.
The characteristics of these jets are a function of the hull shape, propeller type and size, and
horsepower of the vessel. The thrust, alignment to the bank, and the rudder angles affect the
potential flow impingement on the bed or banks. Under normal underway operations, propeller jet
effects are limited to the area behind the tow in the navigation lane.
Beginning at the corners of the lead barges, waves diverge from the sides of the tow. As transverse
stern waves intersect with this diverging wave, secondary waves are formed which propagate away
from the tow at an angle toward the shoreline, Figure 4-1B. These waves are rather consistent in
amplitude and have short periods (1 to 5 sec.). For high-speed vessels, these waves can have
significant wave heights and often dominate the hydraulic disturbances produced by the vessel.
Transverse waves diminish in magnitude with distance from the stern and have wave periods on
the order of 2 to 5 seconds. The influence of waves will diminish as the return current and
water-level depression are enlarged. In this way, the smaller and faster ships are usually responsible
for bank erosion due to the secondary waves, while the larger and slower ships cause erosion due
to the return current.
U r = Vs c − 1
V2 A
∆h = s α ( c )2 − 1
2 g Aw
α = 1.4 − 0.4( )
Ac = undisturbed waterway cross sectional area
Aw = waterway cross sectional area during a ship passage = (Ac – ∆h.B - Am)
Am = cross sectional area of water replaced by the vessel
B = undisturbed waterline width
Vs = vessel speed
Vlim = vessel limit speed = (0.5 ~ 0.75) ⋅ gh
These equations can be solved by iterative procedures, or by the use of design curves, see
Groeneveld (1997). The maximum values of return current velocity (Ur,max) and the water level
depression (∆hmax), are dependant on the ship type. For the pushtow units, Verheij & van der Wal
(1984) found that:
U r ,max = C ⋅ U r
∆hmax = C ⋅ ∆h
Hydraulic disturbances caused by navigation
B L2s
C = 1.2 + 5 ⋅10 −4 ⋅ Frh ⋅ ⋅
yt h Am
Frh : Froude number related to water depth =
yt : distance between vessel axis and waterway bank
Ls : Length of the vessel
A review for the different formulations to compute the return flow due to navigation traffic is given
by Bhowmik et al. (1995) and Hochstein & Adams (1989). For the Waal River conditions the
model given by Hochstein & Adams (1989) seems to be most applicable, ten Brinke et al. (1999).
Later Ten Brinke used it to compare between the measured and computed current velocities in the
groyne-fields along the Waal River. Yet, he found that the actual measured maximum current
velocities are much higher than the computed near bank current velocities (even higher than the
computed average return flow in the river). Further, he concluded that it could not be applied to
navigation traffic in the Waal River. However, the model of Hochstein & Adams (1989) reads:
U r = Vs ⋅ [(a − 1) B + 1] − 1
n Ac
a= with, n =
n −1 Am
1.8 s Vs
0.3 ⋅ e ≤ 0.65
B= for the Waal River B =1.0
1 V
for 0.65 < s ≤ 1.0
Vcr is the so-called vessel critical velocity and takes the following form:
g ⋅ Ac
Vcr = K
Bc = channel top width
K = constrainment factor = f(n, vessel dimensions), for the Waal River K ≅0.70
The shape of the lateral flow velocity distribution could be represented by the following relation:
U r ( y ) = k1 ⋅ e k2
k1 = U r (0) = α ⋅U r
k2 =
α (1 − e−α ⋅ f (α ) )
0.114 + 0.715
α = max b
f (α ) = 0.42 + 0.5ln α
Ur(y) = return flow velocity at a distance (y) from the centreline of the vessel
ys = distance between the vessel centreline and the bank
Hydraulic disturbances caused by navigation
b = vessel width
The above expression is based on Kelvin’s theory for deep-water conditions. The same theory used
for calculation of the wave length gives:
2π 2
Lw = 0.67 ⋅ ⋅Vs (Valid only for Frh <0.7, and Hi <0.67h)
And the wave period,
2π Lw
An expression that relates the maximum bottom wave orbital velocity to wave height, length, and
period is given by (van Rijn, 1993):
!= π ⋅ Hi
T ⋅ sinh(kh)
k (wave number) =
h = the water depth
Hydraulic disturbances caused by navigation
Figure 4-2, shows three important stages during the passage of a pushtow sailing upstream. The
return current is a maximum immediately after the bow passes a groyne. The return current is
furnished by water from the upstream groyne field and the groyne field alongside. An eddy
develops at the groyne head and the small vortex at the downstream end of the groyne field
apparently disappears entirely. As the push-boat passes by the supply flow refills the groyne-field.
When the stern of the push-boat passes the particular groyne-field, the supply flow is forced to flow
out of the groyne field by the upstream groyne, perpendicular to the axis of the fairway. The natural
eddy immediately downstream of the groyne is transported downstream by the main current.
Hydraulic disturbances caused by navigation
The magnitude of the velocities in the complex ship-induced water movement depends on, ship
dimensions, draught, unit speed, distance between pushtow and groyne, dimensions of the groyne
field and the river discharge.
In a physical model study performed by WL|Delft_Hydraulics (1987) , see also Brolsma (1988),
the navigation-induced water motion for three different formations, namely (3x2), (2x2), and (1x2)
were investigated, Figure 4-3. In addition, field measurements during the trial year 1984, to study
the effect of (2x2), (3x2), and (2x3) formations on the flow in groyne-fields were carried out by
Havinga et al. (1984). From both, the following remarks could be emphasised:
- The increase in return and supply flows can be expected to cause larger velocities mainly just
downstream of the groynes. Therefore, increase in ship speed, dimensions and draught will
increase the flow velocity near groynes.
Figure 4-3 Flow velocities during a pushtow passage, source: Brolsma (1988)
- The flow velocities in both (X), and (Y) directions, increase almost linearly with the increase
of the relative navigation speed for all the tested formations.
- The model results demonstrated the effect of the passing distance, where the velocities increase
with decreasing distance between the ship and the groyne.
- The experiments showed that the maximum current velocities in small groyne-fields are less
than in large groyne-fields, because of the smaller effect of the supply flow.
- From the field measurements, the current velocity in the groyne-field was recorded during the
passage of all three types. The (2x2) formation produced a maximum return current of 1.10 m/s,
2 to 3 times higher than that with no navigation. The wide formation (2x3) had a lesser effect
than the long one (3x2), however they both produced higher current velocity than the (2x2)
formation. The long formation yielded an increase in the current magnitude of 45% than the
(2x2) formation i.e. 1.6 m/s, and the wide formation increased the current only by 15% i.e.
- The water surface decline was also reported by Havinga et al. to be almost the same for the
three above-mentioned formations. Around 27cm near the tip of the groyne, and around 20cm
near the bank.
- The field experiments further indicated that whereas pushtows tended to produce a considerable
increase in the flow in the groyne field, the largest self-propelled ship (about 2000 tons) had
very little effect.
- When the river discharge increases, the river cross section also increases. This increase causes
a relative reduction of the return current and supply flow caused by navigation. Thus, a
reduction of the navigation induced flow velocities occurs. In addition, the relative draught
(blockage) decreases, which is also a factor in favour of reducing the navigation effect.
Hydraulic disturbances caused by navigation
From the field measurements by ten Brinke et al. (1999), the effect of a push-two combination
passing a groyne-field was also observed. It induced a water level depression of 15~20 cm, in
addition to a drawdown current of 30~40 cm/s (less than what was reported by Havinga et al. there
is no clear reason for that). This current was strong enough to resuspend the sediment of the
groyne-fields beach. An example of the effect of navigation on current velocities, water level
fluctuations, and suspended sediment concentration is shown in Figure 4-4. The effect of a pushtow
unit passage on the sediment concentration, water level depression, and the return current velocity
could be observed during the time 11:5 to 11:20. These results are in analogy with the results
obtained from the field measurements of Havinga et al. (1984).
Figure 4-4 Example of the field records showing the navigation effect on current velocities, water level,
and sediment concentration, source: ten Brinke et al. (1999).
Morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel
The morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel, is a typical Dutch
problem. In most rivers, this interaction is insignificant and not perceived as a problem. After the
construction of the groynes, the river experiences large-scale deepening. Meanwhile, sand deposits
between the groynes form a stable beach. However, in the Waal River the shipping density is
among the highest of all the inland waterways of the world. Ships passing through the Waal some
times have a length that is more than the distance between two groynes, and they often sail
relatively close to the groynes. This results in pronounced sediment transport from the groyne fields
to the main channel.
The morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel is a combination
between the effect of navigation and the effect of river flow. At different discharges, the relative
effect of the various forcing parameters is different. Erosion of sand is thought to take place due
to currents and waves induced by navigation traffic. Deposition of sediment probably takes place
mainly at times of high discharge, when the groynes are completely submerged. During these
events, sediment is transported from the main channel to the groyne-fields and further landward to
the floodplain, (ten Brinke et al. 1999). As long as erosion and deposition are in equilibrium on a
time-scale of a couple of years, the beaches between the groynes are in dynamic equilibrium. This
has been the case over the last several decades in the Dutch part of the Rhine River. However, this
situation may change if the balance between the hydrodynamic forces changes. This could happen
if, for example, the navigation intensity changes or the discharge distribution between the branches
of Rhine changes, ‘which is unlikely to happen’. Changing the geometry of the existing groynes
by lowering, shortening, extending, etc. is also a change that could affect the morphodynamics of
the river.
Studies to understand the interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel are scarce in
the literature. Moreover, the focus is on understanding the effect of navigation on the morphology
of the groyne-fields only during low water conditions. This is one side of the process, which causes
erosion of groyne-fields beaches, as the effect of navigation dominates. On the other hand, t the
author’s knowledge there are no studies ‘up to my current knowledge’, that discuss the process
during high water conditions. Thus, the question of how much sediment is restored to the beaches
of the groyne-fields during a flood could not be answered yet.
The effect of navigation on the morphology of the groyne-field was investigated through field
measurements, (Havinga et al., 1984), (de Haas & van Essen, 1987a; 1987b), and (ten Brinke et al.,
1999) and through model tests (WL|Delft_Hydraulics 1987). A conclusion that they all agreed on,
is the complexity and difficulty of describing this phenomenon. In addition, there is a large
uncertainty in the estimated sediment transport during a ship passage.
Morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel
a better understanding to the physics behind the phenomena is reached through analytical models.
In general, analytical models are rather simplified; yet, they give a comprehensive grasp of the
physics behind the phenomena. Combined with field data and physical model results they yield a
powerful tool of analysis and prediction.
Havinga et al. (1984) measured the sediment concentration and the flow velocity during a ship
passage; the study area is shown in Figure 5-1. They were aiming to quantify the effect of
increasing the capacity by introducing six-barge pushtow units to the navigation fleet. Based on
these measurements, they found that for pushtow units, the sediment transport duration is about 60
seconds, and the sediment outflow is primarily through the upstream part of the groyne-field. They
estimated this length to be around 20 m, in addition to some outflow from the downstream part
directly after the passage of the unit. Further, they estimated the sediment flux from groyne-fields
to the main channel per passage for the different pushtow formations. Summery of the results from
Havinga et al. (1984) is presented in Table 5-2. These values would lead to an estimate of the
erosion volume from the groyne-fields nearly 40%, of that estimated by Bruin (1977).
Morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel
Additional conclusion from Havinga et al. (1984) is the effect of the formation geometry on the
amount of sediment transport during its passage. With reference to section 4.2, a long formation
causes much stronger return current that lasts for a longer period than a shorter formation.
Consequently, its associated sediment flux from a groyne-field is much larger than that of the
shorter one.
Moreover, they reported that the bottom material is generally at rest in the absence of navigation
where the velocity does not exceed 0.2~0.3 m/s as a threshold value. In addition, groyne-fields are
supplied with sediment in a much less quantity from the main channel during the periods when
there is no ship passages. This supply takes place across the downstream part, primarily due to the
primary eddy.
De Haas & van Essen (1987a) studied the groyne-fields in a straight reach of the Waal River near
Druten, Figure 5-1. His results conformed to the same conclusion that, there is a sediment supply
from the river in the absence of navigation. In this case, the measurements were carried out during
a relatively high discharge condition (2000 to 3000 m3/s). Consequently, the estimated recharge of
sediment was relatively high, i.e. in the order of 3.6*10-5 m3/s for each groyne. Still the effect of
navigation was higher, but no quantitative results could be obtained.
In addition to the study of a straight reach near Druten, de Haas & van Essen (1987b) studied the
groyne-fields in a curved reach near St. Andries, where the groynes are located at the outer bend,
Figure 5-2. In this case, no sediment recharge from the river, on the other hand, erosion was
observed. This is clear as the groynes are located already in the deep part of the cross section and
the helical flow structure in a bend is in favour of eroding the groyne-fields that are located at the
outer bend.
Figure 5-1 River Waal near Druten Figure 5-2 River Waal near St. Andries
The most recent field investigation is due to Ten Brinke (1999). He carried out field measurements
in the area shown in Figure 5-1. A sample result of his measurements is shown in Figure 4-4, in
which it is clear that the turbidity peaks coincides with the passage of a pushtow unit. He estimated
an average sand transport from a single groyne-field to be 4.5 kg/s (0.003m3/s), for 15% of the time.
This value is equivalent to 0.18 m3/passage (with passage time of 60 seconds), compared to the
values in Table 5-2, i.e. 2.5 times higher than the maximum value estimated Havinga et al. (1984).
Further, they used this value to estimate a sediment budget from the groyne-fields to the main
channel. For roughly 500 sandy groyne-fields along the banks of the Waal, this would result in a
total input volume of 7*106 m3/year. Compared with a yearly sand transport of 0.5*106 m3/year, this
is clearly far too much. The reason for this exaggerated estimation could be one or more of the
following reasons:
- The study was carried out during a relatively low discharge, around 1000 m3/s compared with
1467 m3/s as a mean value. This means that the effect of navigation is relatively high, as the
effect of navigation increases with the decrease of the water level.
Morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel
- The study area is in a straight reach of the river and cannot be generalised for the entire river.
As the groyne-fields behaves differently according to their location along the river. A
groyne-field in a bend behaves significantly different from that in a straight reach. The location
in the bend, i.e. inner curve or outer curve has a great effect.
- For the estimation of the total sediment volume, the total year was used as a base time, and the
effect of the discharge stage was not considered. During relatively high discharges, the effect
of navigation could be neglected. This would lead to decreasing the time at which there is
erosion of the groyne-fields.
Sedimentation of groyne-fields
In the first part of the model, the navigation effect is not present and the bed is assumed to be
aggrading due to an inflow sediment flux. The sediment flux is assumed to take place through
the downstream part of the groyne-field. Integrating the sediment concentration (s/q) over the
inflow length and depth, the total inflow sediment volume could be estimated. Due to the eddies
that are dominating the flow inside the groyne-field, sediment is assumed to be distributed
uniformly throughout the whole groyne-field area (Lgf x Bgf), the temporal bed variations
( Zgf/ t) could then be estimated. The assumptions behind the model are based on the results
of a physical model investigation. With reference to Figure 5-3, they are as follows:
Figure 5-3 Definition sketch for the model of WL|Delft Hydraulics (1987)
- Active inflow length is only 20% of the total groyne-field length, the last 20% of the
groyne-field length (Lgf).
Morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel
- The inflow velocity (u) is 35% of the stream velocity (ur), i.e. u = 0.35*ur.
Integrating the inflow velocity and the sediment concentration (c) over the length and depth of
the groyne-field;
∂Z gf
Lgf a
Bgf ⋅ Lgf ⋅
(1 − ε ) ⋅ ρ s
⋅ ∫ ∫ u ( x, z ) ⋅ c( x, z ) ⋅ dz ⋅ dx
0 0
with inflow concentration (ci);
a − z gf s
ci = ρ s ⋅ (1 − ε ) ⋅ ⋅( )
a q
and, inflow discharge;
∆Q = 0.2 ⋅ Lgf ⋅ 0.35 ⋅ ur ⋅ (a − z gf ) ⋅
#$# % " #$# % " #$# %
active length inflow velocity water height
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25
Time (years)
Morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel
Note that for time (t ), the solution of this equation is (Zgf = a) i.e. the groyne-fields will
be completely filled with sediment. This is not true, but it is a direct result for the assumptions
underlying this model.
E=∫ ∫ mv
δ ⋅( x − Lgf )
* ⋅e ⋅ dx ⋅ dt
0 0
by integration;
Ts ⋅ mv*n −δ ⋅ L
E= (1 − e gf )
−δ ⋅L
Assuming that the term (e gf ) is negligible, the temporal bed variation due navigation
induced erosion will take the following form:
dZ gf f s ⋅ Ts
=− ⋅ (m ⋅ vmax
dt Bgf ⋅ Lgf ⋅ δ
fs : frequency of navigation;
Ts : vessel passage time;
δ : reduction parameter;
and by integration;
f s ⋅ Ts
Z gf = z0 − ⋅ (m ⋅ v*n ) ⋅ t
Bgf ⋅ Lgf ⋅ δ
This is a linear relation with time, and it gives rise to unacceptable results for large values of
time. This is a result to the absence of any slowdown mechanism. For example, if the outflow
velocity is a function of the groyne-field bed level, and the sediment transport formula has a
threshold value, eventually the bed degradation will converge to an equilibrium value. In the last
step, i.e. the integration of the DE, all parameters were considered constant with time. However,
if the effect of the discharge stage on the navigation-related parameters is implicitly introduced,
a better definition might be reached.
∂z gf ∂z
+ gf =0
∂t erosion ∂t deposition
simplifying and introducing a constant (A2);
Morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel
m ⋅ a2
A2 =
0.07 ⋅ Lgf ⋅ s ⋅ δ
We reach a definition for the equilibrium bed level (Zeq) that reads:
Z eq = a − A2 ⋅ f s ⋅ Ts ⋅ V*n
Furthermore, by combining the two definitions reached for the temporal variations of both
erosion and deposition, we reach at a definition that describes the long-term variations of the
groyne-fields bed level, see Figure 5-5. The definition reads:
A3 1 + A3 ( a − Z gf ) A3 1 + A3 (a − z0 )
⋅ ln =t+ ⋅ ln for A3 ⋅ (a − Z gf ) < 1
A1 1 − A3 (a − Z gf ) A1 1 − A3 (a − z0 )
A3 1 + A3 ( a − Z gf ) A3 1 + A3 (a − z0 )
⋅ ln =t+ ⋅ ln for A3 ⋅ (a − Z gf ) > 1
A1 A3 (a − Z gf ) − 1 A1 A3 (a − z0 ) − 1
With the constant (A3);
A1 ⋅ Bgf ⋅ Lgf ⋅ δ
A3 =
f s ⋅ Ts ⋅ (m ⋅ vmax
Groyne-field Bed Level development
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (years)
This representation of the combined effect of flow and navigation induced sediment motion
inherits the deficiencies of both parts. The groyne-field bed level converges to the equilibrium
bed level (zeq) which is directly defined by equating both of them.
Finally, the model of (WL|Delft_Hydraulics 1987) has some deficiencies as we mentioned before
and it might lead to unrealistic results. In addition, it is very sensitive to some parameters such as
the reduction parameter (δ ), navigation frequency (fs). However, the basic idea and the assumptions
behind it are valuable and it forms a base for further development to remove the deficiencies.
Morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel
Furthermore, they attempted to estimate the effect of the interaction between the groyne-fields and
the main channel on the morphology of the main channel he arrived at the following expressions:
c k Lg ∆z ∂z u dqs ∂zmc Lg 1 ∆z ∂z gf
1 − k (1 − ) 2 ⋅ mc + ⋅ = c − c k (1 − ) − 1 + ε ⋅
(1 − ε ) Bmc a ∂t a du ∂x Bmc (1 − ε ) a ∂t
The first for the small-scale (simple wave model), and the second for the large-scale effect
(parabolic model). Moreover, he estimated the morphological time-scale for the groyne-field bed
variations to take the following definition:
a (1 − ε )
Tm = ⋅
k ⋅ w` χ ⋅ ( qs )
where, Tm [s] is the morphological time-scale. Sieben & Douben (2000) estimated that for the
groyne-fields bed variations under the Waal River conditions is about 50 days.
Morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel
Additionally, as the morphological interaction between the groyne-fields and the main channel due
to navigation is not fully understood, the impact of lowering the groynes ‘from this point of view’
cannot be predicted. In the light of the above section (5.2), the groyne-fields bed generally erodes
due to navigation during low water conditions, and during high water conditions deposition occurs.
The transition of the behaviour from bed erosion to deposition and vice versa, is strongly related
to the groynes crest level. Lowering the crest level would affect the existing balance between the
two forcing parameters. The result is not really known.
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Conceptual model
- 2
- 4
ship passage
- 6
tim e (S )
possible; more effort will be spent to define this Figure I-1 Combined effect of navigation and
relation through the course of the research. discharge for three different discharges Q1<Q2<Q3
For every discharge, we can estimate the
sediment transport rate from the slope of line.
S = (Smax/Qtrans).Q - Smax
Then, the relation between the discharge Q
S (Groin Field)
The values of (a) and (b) could be chosen based on imperial values for (Smax) and (Qtrans), that could
be obtained from field data and/or numerical computations. This relation is a simplified way of
introducing the effect of both navigation and high river-discharge. The effect of navigation is
assumed to be eroding the groyne-field at low to normal river-discharge, and will vanish during
high river-discharge. The navigation effect will determine the value of (Smax). During the time that
there is no navigation, some of the sediment that is transported to the main channel will be restored
Appendix I 44
Conceptual model
to the groyne-fields, with a rate that is determined by the discharge value. The effect of discharge
will determine the slope of the line. The compound effect of navigation and river discharge will
determine the value of the transition discharge (Qtrans).
Utilising the dimensions of the Waal River i.e. mean channel width of 250m, and mean groyne-field
width of 60m, and applying the mass balance concept to a unit length of the river, with no supply
or losses to the system. With the aid of the river discharge data (figure I-3), the morphological
behaviour of the main channel and the groyne-field only due to their interaction could be obtained,
(Figure I-4).
The value used for Smax were estimated from the field measurements results, performed by ten
Brinke et al. (1999), who estimated a sediment flux from the groyne-fields to the main channel of
4.5 Kg/s for 15% of the time, with a dry density of 1500 Kg/m3. This would be equivalent to a
uniform sediment flux along the whole time of 2.25*10-6 m2/s. The transition discharge were
assumed to be 1450 m3/s and the sediment porosity 40%.
Q (m3/s)
-0.60 0.05
-1.00 0.00
0 Jan -4 5 Ja n-50 Ja n-55 Ja n-6 0 Jan -6 5 Ja n-70 Ja n-75 Jan-8 0 Jan -8 5 Ja n-90 Ja n-95 Jan -0 0
Jan -4 5 Ja n-50 Jan -55 Ja n-60 Jan -65 Ja n-70 Ja n-75 Jan -8 0 Ja n-85 Jan -9 0 Ja n-95 Jan -0 0 D ate
D ate
D Zmc (m ) One ye ar variation
Figure I-3 Waal River discharge from 1945 Figure I-4 Bed variations for the period from
to 1998 1945 to 1998
The results of this simple approach showed the dynamics of the interaction between the main
channel and the groyne-fields. Provided that the channel bed level was in equilibrium at the
beginning of the time series, The range of the channel bed variations was found to be in the order
of ±0.50m for the whole time series (50 years). The variation over a year was found to have a
maximum value of 0.20m, (Figure I-4).
By calculating the water level equivalent to W a te r Le vel Inc rea se
Appendix I 45
Conceptual model
the effect of the discharge history is very significant. On the one hand, a flood will have a much
higher level if it is preceded by a long period of low discharges since the channel bed would have
had a long period of aggregation as a consequence of the low discharges. On the other hand, a flood
preceded by a flood will have a relatively lower water level as the channel would experience some
degradation as a result of the earlier flood.
Through the analysis, the effect of both Smax and Qtrans were analysed. Changing the value of Smax
changes the values of the bed variations with 1:1 proportion, but the shape and the transition points
remains the same. Yet, changing the value of Qtrans would change the whole pattern of the channel
bed variations leading to changes in the bed level with a much higher magnitude.
This conceptual model succeeded to show the dynamics of the interaction between the groyne-fields
and the main channel. However, it requires improvement.
The values of channel bed variations, (aggregation/degradation) might be over-estimated with this
approach. Moreover, the bed variations could reach ±∞, which is not possible in reality. This is due
to the fact that in this simple approach there is no slow-down mechanism that could control the
morphological process i.e. equilibrium bed level(s).
The effect of discharge history in this approach is very significant. The absence of an equilibrium
bed level or as consequence to that, the absence of a morphological time-scale effect allows the
effect of the discharge history to extend over a very long period (infinite in this model).
The choice of the Smax might be easy and straightforward as it only affects the values of the bed
variations. Nevertheless, the choice of a value for Qtrans might change the pattern of the bed
variations so it is very important to make an accurate choice for Qtrans.
It is very important to define two different equilibrium bed levels for the groyne-fields. The first
is the groyne-field’s minimum bed level, after which the navigation-induced erosion would vanish.
The second is the groyne-field’s maximum bed level, after which the sedimentation due to high
discharge would stop.
The morphological time-scale associated with the groyne-fields, main channel interaction is a factor
that plays an important role on the extent of the effect of the discharge history, i.e. the influence of
that interaction on the flood levels.
Appendix I 46
The model of Sieben & Douben
Mass Balance
With reference to the definition sketch the groyne-
field (GF) bed level is in balance with the vertical
sediment flux (F), and the sediment balance reads:
∂z gf
(1 − ε ) ⋅ Agf ⋅ +F = D−E (II.1)
Agf = Lgf x Lg [m2]
ε = porosity [--]
With the vertical sediment flux (F) as
F = w`⋅ Agf ⋅ (ce − c ) (II.2)
w‘ = exchange rate between GF bed material,
and water [m/s]
Ce = equilibrium concentration in the GF
C = actual concentration in the GF
Sediment concentration
Ce = Cre ⋅θ gfb / 2
−k⋅ qs
C=e a
⋅χ⋅ (II.3)
C = actual concentration in the GF
θgf = effective GF dimensionless shear stress (Shields parameter) [-]
Cre = reference concentration in the main channel
b = empirical factor
K = damping factor (for the concentration over the depth)
χ = steering factor (relates the concentration in GF to the one the main channel)
q = specific discharge [m2/s]
qs = specific sediment load in the main channel [m2/s]
The values for both parameters (Cre), and (b) must be analysed from the prototype data. For the
estimation of the steering factor (χ) along the Waal River, (Lenders et al., 1998 – after Sieben &
Douben, 2000) showed that a base sediment concentration in the GF (flow induced) Cflow = 2*10-5,
and a peak concentration (navigation induced) Cnav = 2*10-4, i.e. Cnav = 10*Cflow.
Appendix II 47
The model of Sieben & Douben
Assuming that the average ship passing time is around 100s, and an average frequency of about one
ship every three minutes, i.e. the percentage of time that there is a ship passing (p) ≅ 0.50.
Consequently, the time of high concentration (Cnav) could be estimated to take place for around 50%
of the time, and a rough estimate for χ ≅ 6, is possible.
In addition to the navigation-induced disturbances, there is another effect for the relative depth
( ) of the groyne-field; (this effect will not be included in this model)
Appendix II 48
The model of Sieben & Douben
−k ( ) qs
e a
⋅χ ⋅ = Cre ⋅ f ⋅θ b / 2 (II.7)
We must realise that it is a dynamic equilibrium, which could be explained in the following way.
The navigation-induced water motion creates a higher sediment concentration inside the groyne-
field, while the concentration in the main channel (qs/q) is almost constant. The damping factor
represented in the left-hand side of the equation [-k .(∆z/a)] must increase, by taking a lower value
for the groyne-field bed level (∆z), (EROSION). On the other hand, in the absence of navigation, the
damping factors must decrease through a higher value for (∆z), (SEDIMENTATION).
An expression for (qs/q) could be estimated with a combination between Engelund & Hansen
sediment transport formula, and Chezy equation,
qs 0.084 ⋅ i Ch
= X ⋅ θ ( n−3) / 2 ; where X = ⋅ [− ]
q ∆ g
Finally, the equilibrium bed level could be written in the following form;
= A + B ⋅ ln θ (II.8)
−1/ k
Cre ⋅ f b / 2
A = ln
−2 k
Appendix II 49
The model of Sieben & Douben
Sediment Exchange
Using the above-described model, Figure II-1, the sediment exchange between the groyne-field and
the main channel could be roughly estimated. The mass balance could be written the following way:
∂c (a − ∆z )
Agf ⋅ − F + G ⋅ Lgf = 0 (II.12)
For the value of the horizontal flux (G) to be determined, the time variation of the suspended
sediment “1st term of the equation”, and the vertical flux (F) must be first defined. The vertical flux
is defined in equation (I.2), the horizontal flux could then be written;
∂c ∂ (a − ∆z )
G ⋅ Lgf = − Agf ⋅ (a − ∆z ) − Agf ⋅ c + w`⋅ Agf ⋅ (ce − c) (II.13)
∂t ∂t
For c>>1.0, then:
∂z gf D − E
G ≅ − Lgf ⋅ (1 − ε ) + (II.14)
∂t Lgf
The sediment balance in the main channel could be now written;
∂zmc ∂B qs G V
Bmc + = − dredging (II.15)
∂t ∂x (1 − ε ) (1-ε )
for c<<1, we can use equation (I.14) to substitute for (G), then:
∂zmc ∂B qs ∂z D−E
Bmc + = − Lgf gf + (II.16)
∂t ∂x ∂t Lgf ⋅ (1 − ε )
For the basic equation, de Vries (1996) showed that it could be simplified to:
Applying the same concept to equation (1.16), we end up with two equations describing the main
channel bed variations due to the interaction with the groyne-fields. Neglecting any losses
‘dredging’, or supply ‘filling’ to the system, the two equations will take the following form:
Appendix II 50
The model of Sieben & Douben
c k Lg ∆z ∂z u dqs ∂zmc Lg 1 ∆z ∂z gf
1 − k (1 − ) 2 ⋅ mc + ⋅ = c − c k (1 − ) − 1 + ε ⋅
(1 − ε ) Bmc a ∂t a du ∂x Bmc (1 − ε ) a ∂t
Simple-wave model (II.17)
Appendix II 51