Homework 1 - Part 1
Homework 1 - Part 1
Homework 1 - Part 1
Work with a partner or group. Do the discussion and vocabulary activities below.
PART I Discuss and/or write a few reasons why it can be difficult to be a parent.
It´s expensive to be a parent.
Because is a big challenge.
PART II Discuss the questions below depending on whether you are a parent or not.
What are some activities you did What are some fun activities parents
with your children when they were can do with young children on the
young? weekend?
PART III Fill in the missing letters for each thing or object in the images below.
1 2 3
S w i n G S p i d e R N e c k
PART IV Write a short story using the three words above in your story.
I was goinf to the park to play with the swing, but a spider bit me in my neck.
PART V Study the adjective afraid below and fill in the blanks below.
What are some other than spiders that people are generally afraid of?
PREVIEW ACTIVITY (II) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Friends - Ross & Rachel: Swings, Kids, Spiders (B1)
PART I Fill in the blanks below with a suitable verb in the present continuous (-ing ending).
1 2 3
PART II Match the adjectives with the definitions below the context examples.
PART III Choose the correct phrasal verb of get for each sentence below.
PART IV Choose the correct definition or synonym for each verb below.
(1) My son often gets hurt on his skateboard, so I tell him to wear a helmet.
to get hurt means... a. sit b. injure c. buy
(2) I promised my son that I would take him to the park tomorrow.
2:29 5 TRUE FALSE Ross is comfortable with the spider in his hand.
PART II Match the first part of the sentence on the left with the answers on the right.
0:52 f 2 When Emma is on the swing, Rachel asks Ross for the... b. ...neck.
3:06 b 6 At the end, Rachel tells Ross that the spider is on his... f. ...camera.
PART III Write a short answer according to the information in the video.
PART I Repeat each sentence out loud with the same tone and intonation as Rachel / Ross.
0:04 1 “Watch her hair. Watch her hair!”
Say each 0:40 2 “Oh my god! Look at that! She’s a little daredevil!”
sentence like
1:19 3 “Ross, see, I told you! Those things are evil!”
0:08 1 “Rachel, she’s got like three hairs.”
Say each
sentence like 1:11 2 “Oh relax, I didn’t say the F-word!”
Ross. 2:12 3 “It wasn’t the swing’s fault! It was my fault!”
PART II Do the speaking tasks below with your teacher or partner. In your discussion, explain
your ideas and use the highlighted vocabulary word / phrase in your answers.
Study the examples and usage of the verbs say and tell from the video below.
- SAY + SOMETHING Oh relax! I didn’t say the F-word!
- SAY + SOMETHING (+ to somebody) Ross didn’t say the F-word to the children.
- SAY (+ that something) Rachel says that Emma is a daredevil.
With the verb say / said it generally is not important who the subject is speaking to. Usually,
only the information is important - not the recipient.
PRESENT SIMPLE I say the F-word. I don’t say the F-word.
PAST SIMPLE I said the F-word. I didn’t say the F-word.
After Ross gets hurt, Rachel says... “Ross, see, I told you! Those swings are evil!”
- TELL + SOMEBODY Ross, see, I told you!
- TELL + SOMEBODY (+ noun) Rachel told Ross her feelings about swings.
- TELL + SOMEBODY (+ that something) Rachel told Ross that swings are evil.
- TELL + SOMEBODY (+ to do something) Rachel told Ross to be careful with Emma.
With the verb tell / told the recipient of the speech is important. This means it is important
who the subject is speaking to.
PRESENT SIMPLE I tell you. I don’t tell you.
PAST SIMPLE I told you I didn’t tell you.
PART I Choose the correct form of say or tell for each sentence below.
Work with a partner. Complete the quiz and review activities below.
PART II Vocabulary: Fill in the blank spaces with the vocabulary word used from the video.
PART III Pronunciation: Pronounce the following sentences from the video.
PART IV Grammar: Explain the difference between say and tell. Then write 2 sentences about
the video using the verb say or said and 2 sentences using tell or told.
PART V Bonus: Work with a partner or teacher. You will perform the dialogue between Rachel
and Ross in the video. Choose who you want to be - Rachel or Ross. Watch the scene
a few more times from 1:18 - 2:11. Perform the dialogue together. The text is on the
next page to study.
DIALOGUE ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Friends - Ross & Rachel: Swings, Kids, Spiders (B1)
Study your role in the dialogue. Then perform the dialogue with a partner.
RACHEL: Ross, see, I told you. Those swings are evil! Alright that is it. That is the last time Emma is
getting on one of those things for her entire life.
ROSS: No! No, no, no. It wasn’t the swing’s fault. It was my fault. And kind of that kid’s fault. Who is
still laughing.
RACHEL: Ross can we please get out of here before someone else gets hurt?
ROSS: No, ok, ok, wait. I have an idea. I want you to get on the swing. And you’ll see there’s nothing
to be afraid of.
RACHEL: I know what this is all about. You’ve always been jealous of my hair.
ROSS: Look I just think you’re adult, ok? And you should get over your silly fears.
RACHEL: Alright, fine, I’ll do it! If you hold a spider.
ROSS: What? Where?! Where?!
RACHEL: If you hold a spider.
ROSS: I know.