Cunnings Worth

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A Graduating Paper

Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education
Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga







Salatiga, September 3 2020

Widyastuti, M.Pd.
The Lecturer of English Education Department
State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIIT) Salatiga


Case: Yurestiana Yangga Safitri Graduating Paper


Dean of Teacher

Training and Education

Assalamu ’alaikum Wr. Wb.
After reading and correcting Yurestiana Yangga Safitri s graduating paper
ALAN CUNNINGSWORTH CRITERIA, I have decided would like to
propose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher training and
Education Faculty I hope this paper be examined as soon as possible.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Wi yastuti, NLPd.
Jalan Lingkar Salatiga KM.2 Telepon (0298) 6031364 Kode Pos 50716 Salatiga
Website: e-mail: [email protected]





NIM. 23030160166

Has been brought to the board examiners of English and Education Department of
Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN)
Salatiga on (day and date), and hereby considered to complete the requirements for
degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in the English and Education.
Board of Examiners

Head : ......................................................................

Secretary :.......................................................................

1st Examiners :.......................................................................

2nd Examiners :......................................................................

Salatiga, September 3rd 2020


Prof. Dr. Mansur, M.Ag

NIP. 196806131994031004


“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Wishing is not enough, we must do.”

-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe-


This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. Allah SWT prophet Muhammad SAW who always listen to my every prayer

and give me pleasure.

2. My beloved parents Samanto and Suryati, thank you for giving support and

never stop praying for the best for me.

3. My sister Diane Putri Prahastiwi.

4. All of my great friends and mas Bagas Angger Saputra, thank you for always

support me to immediately complete the graduating paper and always help


5. My best friends Pramesti Kusumawardhani Putri, thank you for always giving

me support.

6. My best friend, Adam Egie Bathara who always praying and supporting me.

7. My big family who always support me to solve the graduating paper.


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahhirobbil’alamin, praise be to Allah SWT, the researcher pray

for all the abundance of grace and guidance so that the researcher can complete this

graduating paper smoothly without any obstacles. As well as prayers and greetings

may be poured out to our lord prophet Muhammad SAW who as the researcher hopes

for intercession.

In addition, this graduating paper will not be completed without support from

the several people and institution. The researcher would like to express gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Zakiyuddin, M.Ag. the Rector of State Insitute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Prof. Dr. Mansur, M.Ag. the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of State Insitute (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Norwanto, M.Hum., Ph.D. the Head of English Education Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. Mrs. Widyastuti, M.Pd. as the counselor who has given great attention,

suggestions, and guidence, so this paper was finally completed.

5. All of the lectures and the staff of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga.

6. All of my friends in English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Wassalamu ’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Salatiga, September 3rd 2020

The Researcher

Yurestiana Safitri


Safitri, Yangga Yurestiana. 2020. An Analysis on English Textbook Entitled “When

English Rings A Bell” Based on Alan Cunningsworth Criteria. A
Graduating Paper, English Education Department, Teacher Training , and
Education Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. Counselor:
Mrs. Widyastuti, M.Pd.
Keywords: Textbook, Analysis, Alan Cunningsworth Criteria, Qualitative Research
This research is about an Analysis of English Textbook Entitiled Bahasa Inggris
“When English Rings A Bell” based on Alan Cunningsworth Criteria. The objectives
of this research were to find out the quality of material English textbook for the seven
grade students in SMP/MTs. The researcher focuses the criteria textbook based on
Alan Cunningsworth. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative
research. In collecting the data the researcher used a documentary analysis. The
researcher analysis all of chapters in this textbook publish by Curriculum and Book
Center, Balitbang, Kemdikbud. The results showed that the textbook Bahasa Inggris
“When English Rings A Bell” was good based on Alan Cunningsworth criteria. This
textbook meets the criteria of Alan Cunningsworth because in this textbook there is
already language content, skills, and topics. The results of this study can be used by
the teacher as a reference in teaching so that the teacher can use the textbook for
teaching and learning activities in schools.



DECLARATION AND PERMISSION FOR PUBLICATION.................................iii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOUR’S NOTE....................................................................iv

A GRADUATING PAPER..........................................................................................v




TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................xi

LIST OF FIGURE......................................................................................................xv

LIST OF TABLE......................................................................................................xviii

LIST OF APPENDICES............................................................................................xix


A. Background of the Study.................................................................................1

B. Research Question............................................................................................4

C. Purpose of the Research...................................................................................4

D. Objective of the Study......................................................................................5

E. Significant of the Study....................................................................................5

F. Scope and Limitation of the Study...................................................................5

G. Definition of Key Terms...................................................................................6

H. Outline of the Study.........................................................................................9


A. Textbook.........................................................................................................11

1. The Definition of Textbook.......................................................................11

2. Characteristics of Good Textbook.............................................................12

a. Language Content................................................................................14

b. Skills....................................................................................................16

c. Topic....................................................................................................19

B. The Advantages of Using Textbook................................................................20

C. Previous of the Study......................................................................................21


A. Type of the Study.............................................................................................23

B. Place and Time of the Research......................................................................23

C. Source of the Data..........................................................................................24

D. Technique of Collecting Data.........................................................................24

E. Technique of Analyzing Data.........................................................................25

1. Defining Criteria.......................................................................................25

2. Subjective Analysing................................................................................25

3. Objective Analysing..................................................................................25

4. Matching....................................................................................................26

F. Data Validity....................................................................................................26


A. Research Finding.............................................................................................27

1. Language Content......................................................................................27

a. Language Content Used in Textbook.................................................27

b. Vocabulary Used in Textbook.............................................................36

c. Pronunciation.......................................................................................44

2. Skills..........................................................................................................45

a. Listening..............................................................................................45

b. Speaking.............................................................................................47

c. Reading................................................................................................55

d. Writing.................................................................................................63

3. Topic.........................................................................................................71

B. Discussion.......................................................................................................73


A. Conclussion......................................................................................................80

B. Recommendation............................................................................................82



CURRICULUM VITAE...........................................................................................94


Figure 4.1 The Example of the Grammar...................................................................28

Figure 4.2 The Example of the Grammar...................................................................29

Figure 4.3 The Example of the Grammar...................................................................30

Figure 4.4 The Example of the Grammar...................................................................31

Figure 4.5 The Example of the Grammar....................................................................32

Figure 4.6 The Example of the Grammar...................................................................33

Figure 4.7 The Example of the Grammar...................................................................34

Figure 4.8 The Example of the Grammar...................................................................35

Figure 4.9 The Example of Vocabulary Item..............................................................37

Figure 4.10 The Example of Vocabulary Item............................................................38

Figure 4.11 The Example of Vocabulary Item............................................................39

Figure 4.12 The Example of Vocabulary Item............................................................40

Figure 4.13 The Example of Vocabulary Item............................................................41

Figure 4.14 The Example of Vocabulary Item............................................................42

Figure 4.15 the Example of Vocabulary Item.............................................................43

Figure 4.16 the Example of Vocabulary Item.............................................................44

Figure 4.17 The Example of Pronunciation Item........................................................45

Figure 4.18 The Example of Listening Skill..............................................................46

Figure 4.19 The Example of Speaking Skill................................................................48

Figure 4.20 The Example of Speaking Skill...............................................................49

Figure 4.21 The Example of Speaking Skill................................................................50

Figure 4.22 The Example of Speaking Skill................................................................51

Figure 4.23 The Example of Speaking Skill................................................................52

Figure 4.24 The Example of Speaking Skill................................................................53

Figure 4.25 The Example of Speaking Skill................................................................54

Figure 4.26 The Example of Speaking Skill................................................................55

Figure 4.27 the Example of Reading Skill...................................................................56

Figure 4.28 The Example of Reading Skill................................................................57

Figure 4.29 The Example of Reading Skill................................................................58

Figure 4.30 The Example of Reading Skill................................................................59

Figure 4.31 The Example of Reading Skill................................................................60

Figure 4.32 The Example of Reading Skill................................................................61

Figure 4.33 The Example of Reading Skill................................................................62

Figure 4.34 The Example of Reading Skill................................................................63

Figure 4.35 The Example of Writing Skill.................................................................64

Figure 4.36 The Example of Writing Skill.................................................................65

Figure 4.37 The Example of Writing Skill.................................................................66

Figure 4.38 The Example of Writing Skill.................................................................67

Figure 4.39 The Example of Writing Skill.................................................................68

Figure 4.40 The Example of Writing Skill.................................................................69

Figure 4.41 The Example of Writing Skill.................................................................70

Figure 4.42 The Example of Writing Skill.................................................................71

Figure 4.43 The Example of Traditional Name’s Indonesia People...........................73


Table 4.2.1 The Language Content Checklist.............................................................74

Table 4.2.2 The Skills Checklist..................................................................................75

Table 4.2.3 The Topic Checklist.................................................................................77


Appendix 1 Thesis consultation sheet.........................................................................87

Appendix 2 Certificate of Activities............................................................................91

Appendix 3 Curriculum Vitae.....................................................................................94


A. Background of the Study

Textbooks have an important role in teaching and learning activities in

schools. Textbooks are used for certain subjects. The use of textbooks is

based on learning objectives that refer to the curriculum. In addition to use

textbooks, teachers can use tools or techniques that are following the

objectives that have been made previously. Using that combines textbooks,

techniques, and other means intended for facilitating the use of textbooks,

especially students in understanding the material.

Textbooks are always standard books. The standard definition here is

standard, reference, quality, and usually there is a signed endorsement from

the competent authority. In Indonesia, for example, the agency is under the

auspices of the Ministry of National Education. Textbooks are written for

certain instructional purposes. Textbooks on language skills, listening, written

for specific listening teaching purposes and, so on.

The textbook is one of the important good teaching and learning

activity in the classroom. Textbook is needed by the teachers and the students

in teaching and learning process. According to Bacon in Tarigan (2009: 12),

textbooks designed for use in class, are prepared and carefully prepared by

experts or experts in the field and are equipped with appropriate and

harmonious facilities.

Based on the explanation of the Ministry of National Education

(Depdiknas), textbooks are material for systematically fulfilled learning that

is used by teachers and students in the learning process. Textbooks must meet

several criteria into good textbooks such as making students interest to read,

giving objectives studies, delivering assignments to students, existing

resumes, and communication styles.

According to Cunningsworth, some good textbooks criteria explain in

some checklists. Criteria are the design and organization of textbooks,

language content including vocabulary and pronunciation, English language

skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing, and also textbook


Based on Richard’s explanation, learning programs may not have an

impact if they do not have a textbook because they provide structure and

syllabus. The use of textbooks can ensure students enter different classes will

receive similar content. Textbooks provide standard instruction including a

variety of learning resources such as workbooks, CDs, tapes, and videos,

which makes learning environments interesting and enjoyable for learners.

The number of textbooks is published on the market makes people

choose and evaluate textbooks in the EFL Classroom challenging task. Some

textbooks may be suitable for language instruction but are not specifically

designed for teaching purposes. They do not include material that meets the

requirements of a good EFL textbooks criteria. That what matters most is

how teachers can do with the textbooks to accomplish the goal of the

teaching-learning process. Variety of learning environments interesting and

enjoyable for learners.

A textbook evaluation is required to assist the teacher or the developer

of the program in making decisions in selecting the appropriate textbook.

Furthermore, evaluation of the achievement and lack of textbooks will

familiarize the teacher with possible weaknesses and strengths. This will

allow teachers to make adaptations that match the material in their

instructions in the future.

The use of material published by EFL is wider than ever because the

course book provides EFL teacher guidelines about syllabus, teaching

methodology, and materials to be taught. They are regarded as an essential

component of every EFL course and hence the most suitable selection of

books for a particular context requires careful investigation.

Junior High School teachers should be able to choose a textbook. This

can be one way to achieve a successful English language teaching process. It

is then necessary to choose a high quality English textbook to maintain or

even promote the quality of the learning process of the English language.

Therefore, the researcher conducted research studies in connection with the

evaluation of English textbooks used at Junior High School. Furthermore, this

study can also help teachers as a guideline for determining the book of a good

English course.

The researcher chooses to analyze the textbook “When English Rings

a Bell” used by seventh grade in Junior High School. The textbook provides a

variety of activities for students integrating English speaking skills, reading,

writing, and listening. English teachers also considered that the textbook was

in line with the student’s needs. The course book supports textbooks

published by Kemendikbud for students performing assignments in a simple

explanation. The researcher will analyze the textbook with a content analysis

approach based on the Alan Cunningsworth criteria, it was taken because of

his very complete theory including design and organization, language

content, skills, and topics in which each topic followed several items that

must be fulfilled by the textbook. Based on this reason, the researcher decides

to conduct research entitled AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK



B. Research Question

1. How is the language content of the textbook “Bahasa Inggris When

English Rings a Bell”?

2. What kinds of skills at the textbook “Bahasa Inggris When English Rings

a Bell”?

3. What is the topic of the textbook “Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a


C. Purpose of the Research

1. To know the language content of the textbook (example: grammar,

vocabulary, punctuation).

2. To know what kind of skills in the textbook (example: the task for

listening, speaking, reading, and writing).

3. To know the topic of the textbook.

D. The Objective of the Study

Based on the research questions above, the objective of the research is

the English textbook Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings A Bell”.

E. Significant of the Study

Hopefully, this study is useful for the following parties.

1. For Junior High School English teachers, in the selection of the

appropriate English textbooks to be used in the teaching and learning

process based on SK and KD. It is expected that they will be able to take

the results of these studies considering or using the instrument to evaluate

the English textbooks used in their classrooms.

2. The authors and editors of English textbooks for Junior High School, are

expected to consider the results of this study for further revisions of the

resulting English textbook.

3. Other researchers, the results of this study can be used as information as

the basis for conducting further research on the same topic.

F. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The target of this research is analyzing textbooks that students use in

learning activities at school.

1. Subject

The research subject was limited to seventh grade Junior High

School/MTs English teachers in the selection of appropriate books for

use in teaching and learning activities in schools.

2. Object

The research object was limited to the English textbook, the title

is “Bahasa Inggris When English Rings A Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VII”.

G. Definition of Key Terms

1. Textbook

Textbooks have a very important role in the teaching and learning

process in schools. According to Crowther (1995: 1234), a textbook is a

book that gives instructions inside a lesson especially in school. In BSNP

(2006), also states that material content is derived from the analysis of

curriculum in written form. Textbooks are the most important source of

teaching and learning. Well-constructed and up to date books are critical

to improving achievement quality.

Based on the course book Puskur Department of National

Education (2003) is a learning medium. It plays an important role in

class. Textbooks also consist of material based on the curriculum and

education system. The 13A textbook is designed to develop students the

knowledge and English skills and to build a positive attitude towards the

English language.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that the textbook

is a school teaching instrument and a major source of information for

teachers and students.

2. Characteristics of Good Textbook

From the characteristics of good textbook, Alan Cunningsworth

proposes that four criteria in evaluating the suggested textbook include:

1) design and organization, 2) language content, 3) skills, 4) topics. But

researchers only took these three criteria based on Alan Cunningsworth,

there are:

a. Language Content

This language content can be compared to what students need

to learn and expect to learn, to evaluate the conformity of materials

fun like language content.

Language forms and language use books related courses

teaching and learning of the language itself, in some or all of its

aspects. Themes, topics, communicative strategies, cultural issues, and

other factors are also important and will be discussed later in the book.

But the actual items of the language taught-grammar, vocabulary, and

phonology form the foundation of everything that contributes to the

complex language teaching process. It is generally necessary to

analyze the language and divide it into small units for effective

teaching and learning to be taken place.

b. Skills

The four skills in the general textbooks are ho textbooks deal

with the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) that are

viewed as a language learning center. The skill dimension

complements the dimension of grammatically/lexical/phonological

knowledge and focuses on the ability of learners sequentially to


At this time, textbooks that are sought and used for learning in

schools are textbooks that contains complete material and supporting

skills. Of the various skills in the textbook, will help students develop

their skills.

c. Topic

The content of topics and subjects although the book of

language courses is primarily a means of facilitating learning, they

cannot simply do that and no more, because the language is used in

real situations in real purpose. A study of the sheer language as a

system will not equip learners to use it in the real world. Because the

textbook must represent the language because it is actually used and

therefore it contains subject matter and dealing with a wide range of

topics. Not only this, but this book is also very desirable from many

points of view. Learners come to class, among others attributes,

knowledge, attitudes, skills, cognitive abilities, curiosity, and


H. Outline of the Study

This research consists of five chapters. In every chapter explain the

different content in line with the topic that is discussed. Chapter I discusses

the introduction of the research. They are the background of the study, the

problem of research, the purpose of the research, significance of the study,

and definition of the key terms. Chapter II is the theoritical framework. This

chapter explains the review of kinds of literature and the previous study that

related to the research. Theories that are needed by the writer for the research.

Chapter III is Research Methodology. This chapter presents the research

methodology that related to the study. There are types of research, research

approach, setting of the research, object of the research, data sources, a

technique of data collection, a technique of the data analysis, and technique of

validating data. Chapter IV is Research Finding. In this chapter, data are

collected and then processed. The researcher would like to explain about data

analysis description of the research finding. The last chapter is chapter V

closure, where the researcher writes down the conclusion and

recommendation for the future researcher. The last parts are bibliography and



A. Textbook

1. The Definition of Textbook

Textbooks have a very important role in the teaching and learning

process in schools. According to Crowther (1995: 1234), a textbook is a

book that gives instructions inside a lesson especially in school. In BSNP

(2006: 4), stated that the content of the material in the textbook come

from curriculum analysis. Textbooks are the most important source of

teaching and learning. Well-constructed and up to date books are critical

to improving achievement quality.

According to Thomson (2000: 175), the English textbook is a

stimulus or instrument for teaching and learning. A teacher usually uses

some media to make it easier to explain teaching materials. One media

that is usually used is a textbook. Textbooks are easy to buy, carry, and

learn. Although, there are many media types that rival printed

communication materials, textbooks remain a major source of school.

This is a book that gives instruction in English subjects, used mainly in


Based on the course book Puskur Department of National

Education (2003) is a learning medium. It plays an important role in

class. Textbooks also consist of material based on the curriculum and

education system. The 13A textbook is designed to develop students the

knowledge and English skills and to build a positive attitude towards the

English language. According to Cunningsworth (1995: 5) that textbooks

are materials made designed as materials for the teaching and learning

process to improve learners, knowledge and experience.

Textbooks differ from teaching materials because teaching

materials have a common meaning. This can include all materials in the

learning process such as text downloaded from the Internet, articles from

newspapers or magazines, etc. Teaching materials are not directed

directly as teaching materials while the book of teaching is purposely

intended for educational purposes only.

According to Cruickshank, Bainer, and Metcalf (1995: 134) states

that textbook are the most frequently used sources and something used

excessivelly to determine what students should learn. Textbooks are an

important resource for teachers in helping students to learn.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that the textbook

is a school teaching instrument and a major source of information for

teachers and students.

2. Characteristics of Good Textbook

Cunningsworth (1995: 7) states that the relationship between a

teacher and a textbook is an important consideration and is the best at

present a partnership that shares a common purpose with which each

party contributes a special contribution. The purpose of textbooks should

strive to meet the needs of learners to the highest level. These

partnerships are assisted when goals and objectives are well defined and

when different and yet complementary teacher and textbook roles are

clearly perceived and balanced.

Cunningsworth (1995: 15) signed up for the main guidelines to

help evaluate textbooks. The main guideline list is as follows:

a. The course book should suit the student’s needs. The must match the

objectives and objectives of the language learning program.

Cunningsworth suggest that the course goal should be set first and

the texbook suits your goals of course should be in the second order.

Another important point is you have to look into yourself if the

content suits the needs of students good.

b. Textbooks should reflect the (now future) usability that the learner

will use in that language. Choose a textbook that will help equip

students to use language effectively for their own language of

purpose. Things to look for here include authentic ingredients,

realistic situations, and activities that will help develop

communicative skills and strategies.

c. Textbooks should take student’s needs as learners and should

facilitate their learning process without imposing a rigid “method”.

Cunningsworth believes that students can consider theselves from

being allowed to use their own style to study. For example, some

students are visual learners, while others are aural students. Students

also need to be challenged because it will help motivate students.

Things to be locked in the book include: quizzes, various topics, and

activities, live and attractable presentations and self-checklists.

d. Textbooks must have a clear role as support for learning. Like

teachers, they mediate between the target language and the student.

These activities should improve smoothness and accuracy at the

appropriate level for your students. Textbooks should also support

teachers by providing teaching methodologies or approaches for

learning and advice on how to use the material.

Alan Cunningsworth proposes that four criteria in evaluating the

suggested textbook include: a) design and organization, b) language

content, c) skills, d) topics. But researchers only took these three criteria

based on Alan Cunningsworth, there are:

a. Language Content

This language content can be compared to what students

need to learn and expect to learn, to evaluate the conformity of

materials fun like language content.

The form of language used in txtbooks is related to teaching

and learning, there are several aspects. Themes, topics,

communicative strategies, cultural issues, and other factors are also

important and will be discussed later in the book. But the actual

items of the language taught-grammar, vocabulary, and phonology

form the foundation of everything that contributes to the complex

language teaching process. It is generally necessary to analyze the

language and divide it into small units for effective teaching and

learning to be taken place.

1) Grammar

The first consideration is what grammar items are

included and they fit the students needs. Grammar is the main

general language course, whether its recognized, or something

else. It is an effective grammar teaching that distinguishes

language course from a book of expression the ability to use

grammar that equips learners with the ability to create their

speech and use language for their own purposes.

2) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a foreign language that is ignored but has

been acquired because of his admission in recent years. This is

often affirmed by some true especially at lower levels, students

can communicate more effectively with vocabulary knowledge

than with grammar knowledge. Choosing a vocabulary is a

complicated subject and is not as simple as expected.

Very often additional vocabulary-learning activities are

provided in student workbooks, as many vocabulary-learning

can occur outside of class. Because the English vocabulary is

very large,we can only hope some of it will be included in any

textbook that equips students with strategies for dealing with

unfamiliar vocabulary that they are on sensitivy to the

vocabulary system, encouragement as well as teaching new

words as much as possible, textbooks can help will definitely


b. Skills

The four skills in the general textbooks are ho textbooks deal

with the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) that

are viewed as a language learning center. The skill dimension

complements the dimension of grammatically/lexical/phonological

knowledge and focuses on the ability of learners sequentially to


At this time, textbooks that are sought and used for learning

in schools are textbooks that contains complete material and

supporting skills. Of the various skills in the textbook, will help

students develop their skills.

There are four skills in general textbooks how do textbooks

deal with the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing)

which are seen as central to language learning.

1) Listening

Listening skills is a person’s ability to understand words

or sentences taught by speech partners or certain media.

Listening is a skill that is until now somewhat neglected and has

not got its proper place in language teaching. Textbook

materials and facilities are still lacking others, such as records

used to support teacher assignments in teaching listening for use

in Indonesia.

2) Speaking

Practice of speaking occurs through the oral and practice

of new language items, in dialogue work and in role play. A

more mechanically speaking aspect is covered in pronunciation

practice, where it is part of the course package, the good oral

model of their teacher and many opportunities to practice on

their own and these elements are combined to normally ensure

that students receive a varied textbook in the number of

preparations they provide at more ad levels. Realistics

interaction through the use of communication activities, as can

be found at Cambridge Advanced English Jones (1991).

3) Reading

Reading text can be used for several different purposes,

and this is reflected in the textbook. Developing your reading

and strategy skills presenting a recycled grammar item

expanding vocabulary that provides a modal for writing

provides interesting information for students stimulating verbal

working text also allows students to reflect the structure and use

of language reading at their own pace without real-time barriers

that sometimes make the stress that accompanies listening and


4) Writing

The writing activity in textbooks is usually of a

controlled or guided type, where the model is given and the

students assignment is to produce something similar, usually

based on additional information provided.

c. Topic

The content of topics and subjects although the book of

language courses is primarily a means of facilitating learning, they

cannot simply do that and no more, because the language is used in

real situations in real purpose. A study of the sheer language as a

system will not equip learners to use it in the real world. Because the

textbook must represent the language because it is actually used and

therefore it contains subject matter and dealing with a wide range of

topics. Not only this, but this book is also very desirable from many

points of view. Learners come to class, among others attributes,

knowledge, attitudes, skills, cognitive abilities, curiosity, and


B. The Advantages of Using Textbooks

Based on the advantages, a teaching and learning process consists

essentially of an instructional event sequence. This implies that the

attendance of the textbook will help:

1. To enable student motivation

2. To ensure that learners have cognitive prerequisities for the course

3. To understand about goals or objectives

4. To focus on learning

5. To acquire and store knowledge

According to Betsy Parrish (2004: 227) describes the benefits of using


1. It guarantees the structure size, consistency, and logical development in a


2. It minimizes preparation time for teachers

3. It allows students to review the material and preview the other lessons

4. Meet students needs or expectations have something concrete to work

from and take home for further study

5. It gives teachers beginners with guidance on course and design activities

6. It may provide many sources: cassette, CD, Self-learning workbooks, etc.

C. Previous of the Study

In the previous of the study, the researcher covers the other research

study. The first research was conducted by Risky Wahyu Astuti (2019) about

An Analysis of English Course Book (Content Analysis of “Bahan Ajar

Bahasa Inggris Used By the Ninth Grade Students of Junior High School in

Madiun). This research applied qualitative method, which referred to content

analysis. In this research, the researcher analyzed all chapters of the course

book for the ninth grade of Junior High School. The result of this study

implied that the teacher could use the course book although it had not

fulfilled all the demands of criteria of good tectbook suggested by Alan

Cunningsworth. In collecting the data the researcher used a documentary

analysis as the technique of data. The researcher used analysing by Alan

Cunningsworth theories.

The second research was conducted by Tira Mayasari (2015) about A

Content Analysis of “Real Time” English Textbook For Junior High School

Students Year VIII. The researcher chose evaluative research employing

content analysis method. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The textbook

fulfilled some criteria of good textbook suggested by Alan Cunningsworth.

The third research was conducted by Ika Ayu Hapsari (2017) about A

Content Analysis of “When English Rings A bell” English Textbook in 2013

Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Student of Junior High School Published

By Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. The

researcher used content analysis with descriptive qualitative approach. The

data was collecting by documenting the content materials on the textbook.

The data was analysed using Alan Cunningsworth theory.


A. Type of the Study

In this research, the researcher used the qualitative research.

According to Denzin and Lincoln (1994: 2), qualitative research is a multi-

method in focus, which involves an interpretive, naturalistic approach to the

lesson material.

This means that qualitative researcher learn things in their natural

settings, seek to understand or interpret phenomena in the sense of meaning

that people bring to them. According to Cresswell (1994: 2) a qualitative

study is defined as an investigation into the understanding of social or human

problems, based on building a complex and holistic picture, formed in words,

reporting detailed views of the informant, and performed in a natural


The qualitative research approach was chosen because this research

aims at providing of good English textbooks based on Alan Cunningsworth


B. Place and Time of the Research

Since this research does not require specific place and time, thus this

research type is documentation. The researcher can carry out this research

whenever the researcher want. The researcher had been conducted the

research on March to August 2020.

C. Source of Data

The data from this research contained several contents in English

textbooks. Data from this research were taken from a textbook entitled

Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell” SMP/MTs Kelas VII. The

textbook was written and published by the Ministry of Education and Culture

of the Republic of Indonesia in 2016.

This textbook consists of two parts, namely semester 1 and semester

2. Semester 1 consists of four chapters, then chapter 2 also consists of four

chapters. So, in the textbook it consists of 8 chapters. This textbook has green

and white colors, so the writing in this textbook is clearly visible. This

textbook has a normal thickness of 194 pages.

This textbook has several exercises, namely listening, speaking,

reading, and writing skills. Besides that, there are also several activities in

this textbook.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

The technique of collecting data applied in this research is

documentation technique of collecting data. The researcher analysis of the

textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs

Kelas VII” published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the

Republic of Indonesia.

The researcher examined this textbook which consists of eight

chapters. There are chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5,

chapter 6, chapter 7, and chapter 8.

E. Technique of Analyzing Data

To analysis of the textbook, the researchers used theories from

Hutchinson and Waters. They have a statement that the analysis of data

consists of four steps. There are defining criteria, subjective analysis,

objective analysis, and matching. The following is the explanation:

1. Defining Criteria

According to Alan Cunningsworth there are four criteria of good

textbook. Namely, design and organization, language content, skills, and


2. Subjective Analysis

In this section focus on the criteria and material contained in the

textbook. According to Hutchinson and Waters, this criteria is important

when it will be used to make comparisons of different materials.

3. Objective Analysis

In this section focus on evaluating material based on criteria. The

researcher used reference lists for selection and evaluation. The

researcher took one example of reference for the selection and evaluation

of the textbook Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs

Kelas VII” from Riski Wahyu Atuti’s research entitled An Analysis of

English Course Book (Content Analysis of “English Teaching Materials”

Used by the Ninth Grade Students of Junior High School in Madiun).

4. Matching

Data collection from the textbook analysis using a checklist. It

allows the researcher to deliver the analysis result contents in from of

table. The checklist is provided in the format “Meet the Alan

Cunningsworth’s criteria” or “Does not meet the Alan Cunningsworth’s

criteria” then the researcher checks the checklist in the appropriate

section, whereas if the textbook does not match Alan Cunningsworth’s

criteria then the researcher checks the checklist in the inappropriate


F. Data Validity

In this research, the researcher chose triangulation to check the

validity of the data. Triangulation is basically a multimethod approach that

the researcher take when collecting and analyzing data. According to Wiliam

Wiersma in Sugiyono (2007: 372), Triangulation is assessing the adequacy of

data according to several data sources or several data collection procedures.

In this research, the researcher use the data validity triangulation

method. Triangulation method is a process of checking the validity of data or

checking the validity of research findings. Method triangulation can be done

using more than one of the same data collection techniques. Its

implementation can also be done by checking.


A. Research Finding

In this chapter, the researcher will analyze the contents of the material

contained in a textbook titled Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell”

SMP/MTs Kelas VII. The author of this book is Siti Wachidah, Asep

Gunawan, Diyantari, Yuli Rulani Khatimah. The publisher of this textbook is

the Curriculum and Book Center, Balitbang, Kemdikbud. The researcher will

examine this textbook based on Alan Cunningsworth criteria.

1. Language Content

a. Language Content Used in Textbook

Based on this research, the language used in this textbook is

communicative and informative so that it can be easily accepted by

every reader. Although the explanation is brief all the material is

presented clearly. The grammar used in this textbook is also easily

understood by students.

In chapter 1, there is material about observing and asking

questions. The language used is communicative and informative

when read. Also, the material in this textbook is interestingly

presented using pictures that make students or other readers more

interested in reading this textbook. In this chapter, there is a basic

grammar that is easy for students to understand. According to

research, the grammar used in this chapter is a simple present tense.

The tenses are seen in the practice of the dialogue section on page 4.

Figure 4.1 The Example of the Grammar

In chapter 2, there is the material learn to share and inquire

about each other. The material described in this chapter is like learn

to tell other people about our names, our origins, and our home

address. The explanation on this material is not specific to the theory

but the explanation is displayed with pictures and dialogue then

students practice with their friends. The grammar used in this

material is in the form of tenses such as simple present tense, where

the introductory dialogue example the current reality. The evidence

is on page 22.

Figure 4.2 The Example of the Grammar

In chapter 3, there is material about time, dates, days, and

months. The tenses used in this chapter is simple present tense. In

one example clearly shows the habit that is always done every day.

In addition, the example as well as student practice in understanding

the material. According to research, the explanation in these

examples uses language that is easily understood. The explanation is

on page 43.

Figure 4.3 The Example of the Grammar

In chapter 4, the researcher found material about how to

express things, animals, and public places around us. The

explanation of this material is not too complicated for students to

learn. Like the sample explanation found on page 70, the researcher

can convey that in this section the material uses one of the tenses.

The tenses used on this page is present perfect continuous. Included

in the present perfect continuous because the example dialogue

shows that the activities carried out by banks and post offices have

not changed until now.

Figure 4.4 The Example of Grammar Item

In chapter 5 there is material about describing things. The

language used in this chapter 5 material is easy to understand. The

grammar used in this material uses the simple present tense. As

explained on page 100, there are two examples of dialogue. Both

dialogues in page 100 are using simple present tense. In the first

dialogue example, use the simple present tense because it is

explained that the activities carried out by the characters show the

activities that are always carried out every day. More clearly in the

dialog there is the word “always”. Then in the second dialogue, use

the simple present tense because there is the phrase “it has things”.

Figure 4.5 The Example of Grammar Item

In chapter 6, the researcher found material about asking for

and providing information. In this section, the language used is

easily understood by students, because it uses grammar that is still

simple. An example of a simple grammar used on page 121 of the

dialogue is a simple present tense. The sentence that shows the

tenses is in the answer spoken by one of the characters in the

dialogue “My father is a farmer. He plants and grows rice.” The

sentence is included in the simple present tense because the

profession is fixed and the profession is carried out every day.

Besides that, the profession of farmers always plants and grows rice.

Figure 4.6 The Example of Grammar Item

In chapter 7, the researcher found material about describing

people, animals, and things. The language used is easily understood

by students. The grammar used in this chapter specifically in the

page 146 dialogue example is in the form of a simple present tense.

Which shows these tenses is the sentence “It’s thick. It has a blue

hardcover.” The sentence is included in the simple present tense

because it shows something that is fixed or unchanging.

Figure 4.7 The Example of Grammar Item

In chapter 8, the researcher found material about to get the

message of a song. In this material, there is one example of a song

from Bruno Mars entitled Count on Me on page 173. According to

the researcher, the song uses tenses that are stillbasic and easily

understood by students, namely simple present tense. Which shows

the simple present tense on the part of the song is the first line and

the third line in the lyrics of the song. The lyrics in that line are

included in the simple present tense because they use the word “if”.

As in the lyrics that have been presented, the first line there are lyrics

with the word if, there is “if you ever find yourself stuck in the

middle of the sea”.

Figure 4.8 The Example of Grammar Item

Based on the grammar analysis above, the researcher can

conclude that the grammar contained in the textbook is following the

needs of students. Also, the grammar used in the textbook also uses

effective language so students can easily understand. Some of the

grammar given in the textbook has been recognized by the students

and some have not, but all of that is not a problem in learning when

using this textbook. Based on the research results, the grammar

contined in the textbook is good and fits the criteria of Alan


b. Vocabulary Used in Textbook

In chapter 1, the researcher found that the author of this

textbook provides vocabulary to students through a song like on

page 2. According to researcher, vocabulary is presented in the form

of a song so students easily understand and remember common

vocabulary. The vocabulary presented is very simple and easy to

remember. For example like “good morning”, the vocabulary is very

familiar to students. Besides good morning, what is in the example is

good night. The vovabulary is commonly heard by students and is

commonly spoken in real life when students are on the move.

Figure 4.9 The Example of Vocabulary Item

In chapter 2, according to researcher that the vocabulary used

in this chapter is easy to understand. As used in the dialogue

examples on page 22. In this chapter there is material about

introduction our selves, then the vocabulary used is also very simple.

The vocabulary used in the example dialogue includes name, live,

and etc. Where the vocabulary is very familiar to the students.

Figure 4.10 The Example of Vocabulary Item

In chapter 3, the researcher found an exercise on page 42. On

the exercise table students were asked to write when they had lunch,

when they had breakfast, when they had dinner. In addition by

asking to write down the time to do the activity, students are also

asked to write including in the rotation time of morning, afternoon,

or night. From there, researcher can know that this textbook is able

to make students write some vocabulary in the form of rotation of

the time. In addition, after students write their meal time on the table,

students are also asked to write a paragraph of their daily activities,

from the exercise the students get more vocabulary.

Figure 4.11 The Example of Vocabulary Item

In chapter 4, researcher found some very common

vocabularies. On page 66 there are some examples of pictures of

objects in the classroom. In this section students are asked to

mention these objects correctly. Objects in the classroom are also

included in the vocabulary section. Objects contained in the picture

include a ruler, books, pencils, etc. When students are asked to

mention it, indirectly students also easily remember some of the

vocabulary. The picture that is displayed is also very interesting, so

students are easy to remember and interested in continuing to

memorize the vocabulary.

Figure 4.12 The Example of Vovabulary Item

In chapter 5, the researcher found the exercise on page 95. In

that exercise there is a table for students to do. On the table, students

are asked to write a vocabulary related to a place, plant, things or

animal. After that, students are asked to write a brief description of

the things. Like the example in this table, for example students say

“park” then the word that describes the place is “shady”. From there,

students easily add vocabulary to memorize and understand.

Figure 4.13 The Example of Vocabulary Item

In chapter 6, the researcher found an exercise on page 126.

On that page there is an exercise for students who are instructed to

explain the professions of their families such as their mother and

father. Then students are instructed to mention verbally. From here

the researcher learns that the exercise on page 126 teaches students

to dare to bring out any vocabulary related to the profession. In

addition, students can also easily add vocabulary memorization. For

example, the example in the exercise is “farmer”. The farmer here

explained that his father’s worker was a farmer.

Figure 4.14 The Example of Vocabulary Item

In chapter 7, the researcher found an exercise on page 150. In

that exercise the students are instructed to fill in the missing sentence

with the correct and appropriate vocabulary. The exercise makes

students want to try to think the right vocabulary to compleate these

mortar sentences. Besides that the vocabulary in the exercise

sentences is also easy for students to understand.

Figure 4.15 The Example of Vocabulary Item

In chapter 8, the researcher found a song on page 173. There

students could sing the song to add their vocabulary. The vocabulary

on the song “Count on Me” was according to researcher to

understand by students and easy to memorize.

Figure 4.16 The Example of Vocabulary Item

c. Pronunciation

In this textbook, the researcher can found that in each chapter

there is the material that gives students learning about how to read

with the correct pronunciation. In each chapter, always give readings

in the form of dialogue that can be practiced by students, and each

dialogue is always given instructions on how to read correctly.

Instruction given is “we will say the sentences loudly, clearly, and

correctly”. This is derived from the instruction is when students

practice the dialogues that have been presented must try to use the

clear and correct pronunciation in by the dictionary. Of the eight

chapters, the researcher will give one of the examples on page 94.

Figure 4.17 The Example of Pronunciation Item

Based on the vocabulary item analysis above, the researcher

can conclude that the vocabulary contained in the textbook is

following the criteria of Alan Cunningsworth. This textbook can

help students in finding a lot of vocabulary. This textbook equips

students to provide srtategies for memorizing vocabulary that may be

unfamiliar to students.

2. Skills

a. Listening

In chapter 1 to chapter 8, there is a listening that can train and

improve students’ abilities. The researcher took one of the examples

on page 4, there is dialogue given the instructions “We will say the

words loudly, clearly, and correctly”. The instructions from chapter

1 to chapter 8 use the same command sentence. From the

instructions, the researcher found that the dialogue trains students to

read with the correct pronunciation and other listening students can

listen to the text that is read with the correct and clear pronunciation.

Based on what has been said, exercise can improve students’

listening skills when learning.

Figure 4.18 The Example of Listening Skills

b. Speaking

This textbook was indeed published by the Ministry of

Education and Culture with the theme of many of its skills rather

than theory, according to the researcher. So that in this text the

teacher is required to easily understand the purpose and objectives of

the material in each chapter. This textbook is made as interesting as

possible using pictures and more practice talking than theory. This

textbook not only presents grammar and vocabulary, but also

listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are also preferred.

In chapter 1, on page 4 there are examples of conversations

for students to practice. Speaking skills of students are trained

through the conversations that have been presented. Students can

practice the conversations with their friends so that in addition to

students learning to speak, students are also trained so that the minds

in speaking is honed. On this page, the conversation is still in a very

simple form and the sentences are about the daily life of students.

One example of the a conversation presented on this page is

conversation that is usually spoken when saying good morning and

asking how are you doing.

Figure 4.19 The Example of Speaking Skills

In chapter 2, on page 22 there are examples of how to

introduce ourselves. In this section, students are presented with

examples of conversations on how to introduce themselves that not

only introduce names, but also how to tell where they live, and

where they come from. From there the researcher found that students

were trained to dare to speak and introduce themselves briefly.

Speaking skills that are demonstrated are still relatively easy for

students to do. When students have dared to speak based on

examples of these conversations, automatically when students are

asked to introduce themselves without looking at the text will be

easy. Because basically, this book provides easy sentences for

students to understand.

Figure 4.20 The Example of Speaking Skills

In chapter 3, the researcher found a sample conversation on

page 46. The conversation contained activities on Sunday morning

conducted by two students. One example of the contents of the

conversation is asking when to do activities such as “What time do

you go to the park with your family?” and other students answer “I

usually go there at 07:00 in the morning.” From there the researcher

concluded, that through the practice of dialogue can improve

students speaking skills. Besides that, the example of the

conversation is also easy for students to understand. When students

will practice their speaking skills even without looking at the text

students can do it easily.

Figure 4.21 The Example of Speaking Skills

In chapter 4, the researcher found a sample conversation on

page 70 about how to ask public places, students can practice the

conversation with other friends, then an example of the contents of

the conversation is “What do people usually do there, sir?” then the

teacher answered “They can save, withdraw or transfer money.”

From there the researcher concluded that the sample conversation on

page 70 gives examples to students how to ask someone about other

public places. The conversation makes students practice their

speaking skills and the examples of the conversation are easy to

learn and understand by students to apply in their daily life.

Figure 4.22 The Example of Speaking Skills

In chapter 5, the researcher found an example of dialogue on

page 101 about describing something. The dialogue aims to make

students want to practice their speaking skills. The example dialogue

uses language that is easily understood by students so that when

students practice it becomes easier to understand. On this page,

students are taught how to describe something using the correct


Figure 4.23 The Example of Speaking Skills

In chapter 6, the researcher discovered a dialogue about the

action that is always taken, such as the example of the dialogue

found on page 129. In the example of the dialogue that contains the

action that is always done by someone, the sentence that shows the

action that is always done in that dialogue is “Yes, I do I always

study every day. The example dialogue is one way to make it easier

for students to practice their speaking skills.

Figure 4.24 The Example of Speaking Skills

In chapter 7, the researcher found material about describing

people, animals, and things. On page 147 the researcher found a

dialogue about describing a house. Students are asked to practice the

dialogue correctly. The contents of the dialogue can help students

develop their speaking skills. On the page, the dialogue presented by

the author is very important to students when there are people who

will come to the house and ask for the characteristics of the house

they live in, students will clearly describe the characteristics of the

house they live in.

Figure 4.25 The Example of Speaking Skills

In chapter 8, the researcher found material about to getting

the message of a song. On page 173 is presented a song that can be

practiced by students on how to pronounce the lyrics properly and


Figure 4.26 The Example of Speaking Skills

c. Reading

In chapter 1, the researcher found an explanation that made it

easier for students to learn the material. On page 19 there is a brief

explanation that is easy to understand when students read. The

explanation is in the form of a summary of some of the material that

was explained on the previous page. This summary makes it easier

for students when understanding the material. However, this

textbook lacks the presentation of reading skills. The readings

presented are always in the form of text stories or the like.

Figure 4.27 The Example of Reading Skills

In chapter 2, there is reading about how to introduce yourself.

On page 31 there is a discussion about students who are introducing

themselves in full. Students when reading this text will easily

understand how the sentence should be said when introducing

themselves and what is usually spoken when introducing himself.

The text on page 31 uses simple grammar and is still on a simple


Figure 4.28 The Example of Reading Skills

In chapter 3, there is material about how to tell about time,

date, and day. But on page 52 the material discussed is about the

date. The material presented in the reading skill according to the

researcher is good because students can easily understand the

material when students read the explanation. The material presented

is clear, so students can also memorize cardinal numbers easily.

Figure 4.29 The Example of Reading Skills

In chapter 4, according to the researcher, the presentation of

material in the form of reading skills is still lacking. On each page,

there are only pictures and vocabulary explanations. As in the

example on page 79, the explanation is only in the form of pictures

and vocabulary only. There is no explanation that can help students

to develop reading skills. Although the writing and presentation are

interesting the reading skill is still incomplete.

Figure 4.30 The Example of Reading Skills

In chapter 5, the researcher found a dialogue about describing

animals in the zoo. According to the researcher, the dialogue on page

109 can help students develop their speaking skills. Because the

dialogue on page 109 gives a full explanation of how to describe

something, especially what was explained in the dialogue about

describing animals in the zoo.

Figure 4.31 The Example of Reading Skills

In chapter 6, the researcher discovered several dialogues that

can develop students reading skills. For example as on page 130, on

that page provides examples of dialogue about the truth that is

always done. Students after reading the example dialogue will easily

understand a material. The material delivered through the dialogue

will help students easily understand the material about ask for and

give information related to actions.

Figure 4.32 The Example of Reading Skills

In chapter 7, there is material about describing people. On

page 154 there is an example of dialogue about describing someone.

In this example, students are asked to describe the teacher who is

standing in front of them then students describe in full. According to

the researcher, this example of dialogue is good for helping students

improve their reading skills. The language used in the reading is also

easy for students to understand. Like one of the example sentences in

the dialogue, there is a sentence explaining where one’s position and

characteristics are. The sentence presented is “You are right. Sorry.

Ah, there she is. She is the big lady with glasses. She sitting on the

brench in front of the Pricipal’s office.” The sentence is easy for

students to understand and can be practiced in real life.

Figure 4.33 The Example of Reading Skills

In chapter 8, according to the researcher, there are no specific

readings to improve students reading skills. The material presented

in chapter 8 is about to get the message of a song, so students can

only learn how they can retrieve a message from a song that has been

presented. In addition, to find a message from a song, students also

need to understand a reading. So, songs can improve students’

reading skills.

Figure 4.34 The Example of Reading Skills

d. Writing

In chapter 1, the researcher found an assignment for students

to do on page 13. On the assignment, students are asked to make a

list in the form of a table about who will be given goodbye. The table

consists of several columns, among others, who is to be given a

greeting, then when they say it, and finally what sentence they say

when they say goodbye. According to the researcher, the assignment

can help students become more creative and improve students

writing skills. Assignments given by researcher are easy, do not

complicate students when working.

Figure 4.35 The Example of Writing Skills

In chapter 2, the researcher found assignments for students to

do on page 36. In these assignments, students were asked to make a

description of their family then made in the form of a family tree. In

the family tree, the students write their name, then students explain

where they live, where they come from, in the family consists of

how many members, and others. According to the researcher, the

assignment of making a family tree and then describing their family

in the form of a family tree can help students’ improve their writing

skills. In addition, students also do not feel bored because writing a

description in the form of a family tree not only in paragraph form as

usual. This assignment can also train students creativity in making

family trees.

Figure 4. 36 The Example of Writing Skills

In chapter 3, the researcher found an assignment for students

to do on page 42. In the assignment, students are asked to write

several names, then write down the time when doing activities such

as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They write the assignment in the

form of a table, then after they finish filling out the table then

students are asked to describe the results of the data students get in

paragraph form. According to the researcher, the assignment is good

for improving students writing skills. In addition to improve writing

skills, the assignment is also good for increasing students’ creativity

in writing English.

Figure 4.37 The Example of Writing Skills

In chapter 4, the researcher found an assignment. On page 78

there are assignments for students. On the previous page is presented

a picture of the dining room and pictures of items in the dining room.

Students are asked to mention what items and how many there are.

After that, students write the results of their work in the form of

tables that have been provided. As has been exemplified in table

number one, it is stated that there is a plate and then in the next

column there are five dishes written. According to the researcher, the

assignment can train students writing skills. In addition, the

assignment can eliminate students’ laziness to work because students

are asked to search and count items in the dining room carefully.

Figure 4.38 The Example of Writing Skills

In chapter 5, the researcher finds an assignment for students

on page 96. In that assignment, students are asked to describe public

places and write them in the table provided. Then in the table, there

is an example describing the conditions in the park. According to the

researcher, the assignment on page 96 is good because it can

increase student creativity and can also improve students writing


Figure 4.39 The Example of Writing Skills

in chapter 6, the researcher find an assignment on page 142.

The students are asked to work in groups. The assignment that

students must do on the page is to write the names of objects in the

house and write down the functions of the objects. As exemplified in

the table provided, the object mentioned is a chair and then written

the function of their chair used to sit. According to the researcher,

the assignment on page 142 is good for developing students writing

skills. Besides, assignments like that will enhance student creativity.

According to the researcher, the assignment will not make students

feel bored because it is presented in table form and written briefly.

Figure 4.40 The Example of Writing Skills

In chapter 7, the researcher find an assignment for students

on page 158. In these assignment, students are asked to read some of

the descriptions that have been provided on the previous page. Then

after students read the description, students are asked to write down

some of the points obtained after reading some of these descriptions.

According to the researcher, the assignments can improve students

writing skills, but it can also improve students understanding in

writing sentences using appropriate grammar.

Figure 4.41 The Example of Writing Skills

In chapter 8, the researcher found an assignment that students

must do in groups. The assignment is on page 176 about making

sentences related to song lyrics that have been provided on the

previous page. So, on that assignment students are asked to read the

lyrics of a song called Count On Me, then students make sentences

that contain messages from the song. According to the researcher,

the assignment is good for improving students writing skills. Besides

that, the assignment is also good for increasing students’ creativity in

developing grammar.

Figure 4.42 The Example of Writing Skills

Based on the analysis of the skills in the textbook, the

researcher can conclude that the textbook is following Alan

Cuningsworth’s criteria. The textbook has met the criteria for a good

and complete textbook based on the criteria of Alan Cunningsworth.

In this textbook 4 skills must be fulfilled for learning, namely

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The textbook, which

contains 4 skills, is good textbook for students to use for learning at


3. Topic

When discussing topics, in this textbook there are several

materials that can attract students’ attention strongly. In chapter 1 for

example, although in chapter 1 it talks about greeting this textbook

inserts a song about greeting. So students for the first time opening the

textbook the beginning of the page were already interested in learning

more about the material contained in the textbook.

In addition, in chapter 8 there is also material about the song.

These materials can attract the attention of students and can make

students more excited about teaching and learning activities. Students

will not feel bored, but students will enjoy the lesson because the

material can be entertaining. Students can sing together according to the

song lyrics that have been provided.

This textbook has 8 chapters. From these chapters, there is one

material which according to the researcher is good enough to be

presented and delivered to students. The material is material about

describing places, objects, and others. According to the researcher, the

material is good because it can increase student knowledge when

students are in daily life. The material can be applied to the lives of

students, not only material but can also be useful for the of students.

In this textbook, every dialogue that is presented always uses

local names. Although this textbook is an English book, the contents still

reflect Indonesian culture. Always use the names of Indonesian people in

general such as, Siti, Dayu, Mutiara, etc.

Figure 4.43 The Example of Traditional Name’s Indonesian People

B. Discussion

1. The language content of the textbook Bahasa Inggris “When English

Rings a Bell”?

After analyzing the criteria of the textbook based on Alan

Cunningsworth, the researcher will proceed to the next step which is to

ask for many assessments that have been fulfilled by this textbook. The

researcher determines these criteria by using checklist. Table 4.1 consists

of the language content that needs improvement.

Table 4.2.1 The Language Content Checklist

Does Not Meet

Meet the Alan
the Alan
Criteria Description Cunningsworth’s

Language Textbook includes 

Content grammar that is

appropriate to the


Use of tenses in 

this textbook

The language used 

in the textbook

Presentation of 

material in the


Pronunciation used 

in the textbook

The grammar in the textbook is good because the textbook is in

accordance with Alan Cunningsworth’s critria. In addition, the grammar

in this textbook is almost perfect for grade VII levels, because it uses

grammar that is easy to understand. Then, the tenses used in the textbook

are good because they use tenses that are still basic so that the level VII

grade students can still follow. Then the language used in the textbook is

simple and straightforward. Students are able to understand the meaning

of each material. Giving material about pronunciation excercise on

reading correctly is also good in this textbook. Finally, the explanation

in the textbook is good but has not yet reached perfections. The language

content part is already good and in accordance with Alan

Cunningsworth’s criteria.

2. Kinds of skills at the textbook Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a


Table 4.2.2 The Skills Checklist

Does Not Meet

Meet the Alan
the Alan
Criteria Description Cunningsworth’s

Skills Listening skill 

in the


Speaking skill 

in the


Reading skill 

Does Not Meet
Meet the Alan
the Alan
Criteria Description Cunningsworth’s

in the


Writing skill 

in the


Given skills 

can help

students in

real life

In listening skills already available in the textbook so that it fits

Alan Cunningsworth’s criteria. The textbook also has speaking skills

which can help improve the speaking skills of the students. Furthermore,

reading skills already available in the textbook. The reading skill is not

yet perfect because in chapter 4 the material presented is only in the form

of vocabulary examples, there are no reading examples to develop

students reading skills. Then in the writing skills a lot of assignments

given to students such as describing something. It can improve the

writing skills of students. Besides, the skills given in this textbook can

help students in real life.

3. The topic of the textbook Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a


Table 4.2.3 The Topic Checklist

Does Not Meet

Meet the Alan
the Alan
Criteria Description Cunningsworth’s

Topic There is 

material of

interest to


Given topics 

are easily

accepted by




Students can 

relate to the

social context

that has been

presented in

the textbook

The 

presentation of

the theme

remains on



In the topic section, the topic in this textbook is very good for

students to use in learning based on Alan Cunngsworth’a criteria. The

material provided is very interesting does not make students feel bored,

then the topic given in this book is very easy accepted by students,

besides that this book also introduces social context to students and the

presentation of themes in this book displays Indonesian culture by giving

Indonesian names in each dialogue even though the lessons are based in


Based on the research above, the researcher will explain the

results of the analysis of a textbook entitled When Rings a Bell based on

the criteria of Alan Cunningsworth. The textbook was complete

according to Alan Cunningsworth’s criteria. In the language content

section, there is already grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation. Then the

skills section is also complete according to Alan Cunningsworth’s criteria

in the form of listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills, and writing

skills. As well as topic that provide complete material according to

student needs.

The grammar used in this textbook is easily accepted by

students. Besides that, the tenses given are also still basic so students

have no difficulty in accepting learning. In the skills are almost complete

such as listening skills, reading skills, speaking skills, and writing skills.

In each of these skills, it can increase student creativity in daily life. On

topic, the material provided is very interesting to be studied by students

because some material presents a song so students do not feel bored, then

the topic of the material is also easily accepted by students, besides

providing social context in real life.

This textbook is included in the criteria of Alan Cunningsworth.

This textbook is good for students and teachers to use in teaching and

learning activities. Therefore, almost all schools in Indonesia use this

textbook for teaching and learning activities in class.


The last chapter discusses the conclusion and recommendation.

Conclusions can be drawn after the researcher conducts research and performs

data analysis. Then, contains suggestions for providing direction to future

researchers who may be interested in undertaking similar research.

A. Conclusion

After analyzing the textbook Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a

Bells”, the researcher will provide conclusions related to the analysis of the

textbook. The conclusions are as follows:

1. The language content in the textbook Bahasa Inggris “When English

Rings a Bell” is good based on Alan Cunningsworth criteria. Kinds of

language content in this textbook include grammar, vocabulary, and

pronunciation. The language used in this textbook is communicative and

informative. The grammar used in this textbook is also easily understood

by students. From chapter 1 to chapter 8, grammar is used very

effectively to assist students in improving their understanding of

grammar. This textbook can also help students find a lot of vocabulary

that they may or may not already know. Besides that, the grammar,

vocabulary, and pronunciation used in this textbook are also suitable

based on the criteria of Alan Cunningsworth.

2. In the textbook Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell” we can find

various skills that can help improve students’ skills. The skills contained

in the textbook include listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Listening skills, can help students to improve their listening skills.

Listening skills here are contained in all material from chapter 1 to

chapter 8. Then, in the textbook, there are many examples of dialogue to

improve students speaking skills. Furthermore, the textbook also

provides reading materials that can improve students reading skills. The

language in reading text is easy for students to understand. The reading

skills are in chapters 1 to chapter 8. The last one is writing skills. The

textbook provides a lot of practice questions for students to do. The

practice questions contained in the textbook can help students improve

their writing skills. The textbook is included in a complete textbook

because it provides complete skills and meets the criteria of Alan


3. Topic in textbook Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell” it’s good.

The textbook provides topic that can make students excited when

learning. More interesting than the topic of the book is the material song.

This material makes students enthusiastic and does not feel bored when

participating in lessons. The topic in the textbook met Alan

Cunningsworth’s criteria.

The textbook Bahasa Iggris “When English Rings a Bell” based on

the criteria of Alan Cunningsworth. Based on the research, the researcher can

conclude that the textbook is included in the criteria for a good textbook to be

used by students and teachers when learning at school. The researcher can

conclude like that because it is seen from the research results of the textbook

criteria based on Alan Cunningsworth.

B. Recommendation

Based on this research, Bahasa Inggris “When English Rings a Bell”

is a textbook that has good criteria based on the criteria of Alan

Cunningsworth. The researcher recommends this for:

1. For the Teacher

In this study, the researcher provided an overview of the material,

grammar, vocabulary, topics, and various skills contained in the

textbook. Teachers can use this research as a consideration in using

English textbooks when used for teaching and learning activities in


2. For the Next Researchers

This research was conducted to determine how well the textbook

is used for learning in schools. Besides that, it also provides an

understanding of the content contained in the textbook. The researcher

hopes that this research can be used in schools. Then for the next

researcher to be more careful in conducting similar research. Thus, the

further researchers can provide better research results than this.

3. For the Readers

The readers can learn more about the criteria for Bahasa Inggris

“When English Rings a Bell” based on the criteria of Alan

Cunningsworth. This research can help readers who may not know what

the criteria are in each textbook. In addition, this study can also provide

readers with insight when choosing textbooks to use in learning



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Appendix 1


Nama Mahasiswa : Yurestiana Yangga Safitri

NIM 23030160166

Dosen Pembimbing : Widyastuti, M.Pd.

Judul Skripsi pada surat penunjukan pembimbing skripsi :




No. Tanggal Isi Konsultasi Catatan Pembimbing Paraf

1 11 Mei Project of Proposal Previous study

2020 dimasukkan dalam


2 13 Mei Revisian project of Cari referensi terkait

No. Tanggal Isi Konsultasi Catatan Pembimbing Paraf

2020 proposal dari jurnal terbaru.

3 18 Mei Chapter 1 Go on chapter 1.

2020 Go on chapter 2.

4 27 Mei Chapter 2

2020 Di beri halaman saat

29 Mei Revisian chapter 2 mengutip,

5 2020 Perhatikan numbering.

Perbaiki pengurutan


6 1 Juni Chapter 3 Sertakan reverensinya,

2020 Go on chapter 3.

Penulisan peneliti 1

orang jadi researcher

7 12 Juli Chapter 4 bukan researchers,

2020 Di perbaiki sambil lanjut

chapter 4.

Di teliti kembali ketika

menulis simple present

tense atau tenses harus

8 20 Juli Revisian chapter 4 sama semua,

2020 Membuat chapter 4

hendaknya runtut sesuai

No. Tanggal Isi Konsultasi Catatan Pembimbing Paraf

dengan permasalahan.

Pronunciation bisa

masuk kedalam listening

9 5 Agustus Revisian chapter 4 skill,

2020 Dalam teori bab 2 anda

ada 4 skill tetapi anda

baru menyebutkan 3

10 5 Agustus Revisian chapter 4 skill coba di tambahkan.

2020 Pada akhir analisis


Anda simpulkan antara

12 buku text dengan teori

11 Agustus Chapter 5 Alan Cunningsworth.

2020 Sudah betul lanjut

31 chapter 5.

12 Agustus Pengecekan plagiarism Sudah betul.

2020 Cek plagiarismnya

3 jangan lebih dari 30%.

13 September Langkah selanjutnya Mendaftar secara online.


Dosen Pembimbing,

Widyastuti, M.Pd.

NIP. 196303262014112001

Appendix 2


Nama : Dosen PA :

Yurestiana Yangga Safitri Nur Muthmainah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.

NIM : 23030160166 Jurusan : TBI

No Jenis Kegiatan Sebagai Nilai

1 OPAK IAIN Salatiga 18-19 Agustus 2016 Peserta 3

2 OPAK FTIK 22-23 Agustus 2016 Peserta 3

3 Seminar Internasional 18 Septembar 2016 Peserta 10

“Petani Untuk Negeri”

4 Seminar Internasional 25 April 2017 Peserta 10

Menjadi Mobilepreuneur

Dalam Era E-commerce

No Jenis Kegiatan Sebagai Nilai

5 International Seminar E- 13 April 2019 Peserta 10

Learning: Advantages and

Disadvantages of

Learning English Trough

the Internet

6 Seminar Nasional 10 November 2016 Peserta 8

“Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai

Pancasila Untuk

Mewujudkan Mahasiswa

yang Bermartabat

7 Seminar Nasional Pasar 19 Oktober 2016 Peserta 8

Modal Syariah “Peran

Pasar Modal Syari’ah

Bagi Mahasiswa Ekonomi

Untuk Menyongsong

Indonesia Sejahtera”

8 Seminar Nasional 21 Desember 2016 Peserta 8

“Perempuan Indonesia Di

Mata Hukum dan HAM”

No Jenis Kegiatan Sebagai Nilai

9 Seminar Nasional 22 September 2016 Peserta 8

Problematika Hakim dn

Peradilan “Rekontruksi

Ideal Sistem Peradilan di


10 Seminar Nasional 17 Desember 2016 Peserta 8

Meretas Bullying


Layanan Kemanusiaan

Berbasis Kearifan Lokal


11 Ramadhan in Campus 15 Juni 2017 Peserta 3

2017 “Jalani Bulan Suci

dengan Muhasabah Diri

Menuju Jiwa yang Suci”

12 Celebrating ELD 2018 17 Mei 2018 Peserta 3

“Throw Your Fear, Build

Your Courage”

13 Orientasi Kepramukaan 3 Juli 2019 Peserta 3


No Jenis Kegiatan Sebagai Nilai

14 KOPDAR dan MAKRAB 23 November 2016 Peserta 3

“English Like a Family”

15 Library User Education 30 Agustus 2016 Peserta 3

(Pendidikan Pemustaka)

16 Movie Appreciation 12 Juni 2017 Peserta 3

“Mata Tertutup”

17 Art and Language 26 April 2017 Peserta 3

Exhibition 2017 “Kidung

Katresnan Dewi Arimbi”

18 Talkshow “Bercinta 24 September 2017 Peserta 3

Dengan Sastra” bersama

Tere Liye

Jumlah 100

Salatiga, 3 Mei 2020


Wakil Dekan

Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan


Hammam, M.Pd., Ph.D.

NIP. 19730610 200003 100


Personal Details

Full Name : Yurestiana Yangga Safitri

Sex : Female

Place, Date of Birth : Magelang, February 8th 1998

Religion : Moslem

Address : Jl. Tidore Blok H 138 Asrama Rindam

Sanggrahan, RT 01 RW 06, Kel. Wates, Kec.

Magelang Utara, Kota Magelang

E-mail : [email protected]

Hp : 081328523861

Education Background

2002 – 2004 : TK Mashitoh 6 Magelang

2004 – 2010 : SD N Potrobangsan 2 Magelang

2010 – 2013 : SMP N 9 Magelang

2013 – 2016 : SMA N 5 Magelang

2016 – 2020 : English Education Department, of Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


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