Ingredients Games: in or Out

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Ingredients Games
These games analyse concepts into their constituent parts or
contributing factors. You can provide the ingredients, or have
players decide on their own.

In or Out
Players decide what ingredients are needed for a concept to be
realised – “Which of these do you need to be happy?”

Each group has a set of cards with words, preferably illustrated,

to show the candidate ingredients – family, friends, love, purpose,
Xbox, etc. for the example of happiness.

They place those they think are in – the ones needed for
happiness – on a large sheet of paper, table top or inside a
circle of string. They could create their own cards for missing
ingredients. As always, it’s important that each group’s decisions
can be seen by the others.

You can use this structure to sort which cards are examples of
something – good arguments, for example. Players tend to put
borderline cases on the edge and paradigm cases in the middle.

Sufficient conditions This is a good activity for looking at what

is “enough” for something – the smallest set of ingredients where
you can’t take anything else away and still have, for example,

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