Visioning Tree A Facilitation Guide
Visioning Tree A Facilitation Guide
Visioning Tree A Facilitation Guide
Participatory evaluation is an approach that ensures program participants are actively involved in
evaluation activities from start to finish. The goal of the Visioning Tree exercise is to have participants
spend time creating a vision and setting intentions for their efforts.
The Visioning Tree exercise is an engaging and participatory tool for participants to actively engage in
visioning the ideal state of the organization, group or program; reflecting on the current foundational
components or assets they might build upon; and identifying the planned outcomes they hope to
For this activity you will need:
• A large space or canvas to place the cards (Sticky Wall, large poster/chart paper, digital template)
• Masking tape to adhere the canvas to a wall
• Flip chart paper and markers to record the group agreements and reflection questions
• Notepads and pens/pencils for individual/small group brainstorming
• Cardstock cut into shapes for people to write their ideas on large enough to read
• VIRTUAL OPTION: Virtual meeting platform, PowerPoint presentation, a polling tool to capture
responses, or a shared document (e.g., Google doc or screen sharing) to record answers
Consider the size of your group and the space needed to allow people to comfortably participate in
discussion. Plan the room layout, wall space and location for hanging the cards so everyone can see
clearly. Arrange the room to allow individuals to do parts of the activity on their own (classroom style)
or together in small groups (tables of up to 8). If you are conducting this virtually, you may decide to
set-up small group breakout rooms using a virtual platform to facilitate the activity virtually.
If you are using a Sticky Wall, apply adhesive spray to the wall 24 hours beforehand so it can dry and
the cards will stick. Bring an extra spray can in case you need to spot spray any areas are not sticky.
The prep for this activity will depend on how many participants will be in the group you are facilitating. You may
choose to do this as a whole group or break into smaller teams if there are areas with different goals. Things you
will need to do include:
• Spray sticky wall or have a long piece of roll paper cut (you can draw the tree template on ahead of time or
allow the group to draw it as an icebreaker activity).
• Cut out leaf shapes from half sheet pieces of green cardstock for the leaves on the tree, some ¼ sheet
strips (from landscape orientation) in cream for the roots of the tree, and some half sheet pieces of brown
cardstock for the roots and trunk of the tree. You can also cut out cloud shapes from white cardstock for
clouds if you’d like, or you can write in the white space above the tree.
• Write group agreements on flipchart paper
• Orient group to the purpose of the activity
• Go over group agreements
• Use the metaphor of a tree to describe the picture you are trying to create together
• Clouds = Ideal vision
• Leaves = What is hoped to be created, produced, accomplished
• Trunk = Collective strengths and assets
• Roots = Individual strengths
• Reflect as a large group to wrap up activity
• What stands out
• Are there any surprises
• Last thoughts
• Share that group will get a document that reflects the work they did together
• Take pictures of the group’s finished work so that, when you take it down, you can keep it organized and have
a visual to refer to during analysis
Facilitator(s): Rational Aim: To enable the group to create a shared vision of what they Experiential Aim: To generate excitement about the possibilities of
will accomplish with the community and set intentions for what will the organization or group by imagining the ideal state for their
come. efforts and identifying strengths and resources that can help them
achieve their collective vision.
Room set-up: Round tables for Materials: Large sticky wall or roll paper; 4 sets of Cardstock cut to Supplies: Cardstock, markers, masking tape, note paper,
small groups to convene shapes of roots, trunk, leaves, and clouds; Visioning worksheet pencils/pens, chart/poster or mural paper
Introduction – Planting Our Roots Creating a Shared Vision Grow Our Trunk –Collective Strengths Our Leaves – What We Hope to Create
Hi everyone! We are so excited to be Visioning is creating a clear, specific, The foundation of your success As a result of combining your strengths you
here today and to get to know each other compelling picture of what our communities together is your collective strengths will grow and produce some amazing things
better. [DO INTRODUCTIONS HERE]. will look and be like in the future (~5 to 10 and how well you grow them together. together. What will you do? What will you
years from now). The vision is the ideal accomplish together?
Everyone in this organization/group picture of how we imagine things will be; it is • Look at the roots, what do you
brings unique strengths to the world, to the picture of our hopes for our notice? • First, brainstorm a list on your own (write
your community, and the work that we communities. Creating a shared vision gives down all of your intentions and aspirations
will do together. When I talk about us one direction that we are all moving • Which of the strengths have similar for your work within your organization). Put
strengths, I’m talking about your unique toward together. ideas? Similar threads that stick a star next to your 5 most important
knowledge, skills, abilities, talents. I’m also together? intentions/actions for this project.
talking about your personal contributions a. Describe the tree: Point to the open sky
and expertise. (this is where we want to be as a result of • Move cards around to be close to • Share your 5 important ideas with the
our efforts). similar ideas. Name the clusters of person next to you. Share your other ideas
• First, we are going to brainstorm our ideas. Write the name of clusters on a too. Decide together on just 3-5 things that
personal strengths that will help support b. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself as an half card and put those cards on the are more important or you both believe will
our work to make positive change for Eagle soaring above your communities 10 wall in the trunk. have the greatest impact (lead to the
youth and young adult mental health. years from now. [TALK ABOUT FACTORS greatest positive change).
RELEVANT TO THE IDEAL STATE OF THE • What is missing? What other
• On your own, make a list of your ORGANIZATION OR GROUP] strengths and resources do you have Write each of those 3-5 ideas on a half
personal strengths on paper. as a group or organization? What else sheet card. Go around the table and take
i. What do you see? What do you hear? is essential to supporting your turns sharing your ideas and putting them
• Share your list with the person next to success as a group? on your group tree.
you. ii. What are people doing?
• Add additional cards as needed to Once your tree is constructed, as a group
• Tell the other person about how you iii. How do people interact or treat one capture the other talk about what you notice and what stands
believe each strength contributes to another? strengths/resources/assets that exist out to you. Decide together what everyone
making positive changes in your within your organization and is committed to doing, producing, creating,
community. c. Open your eyes. Each person tell your community. or accomplishing. Write a star on those
group one word that describes your vision cards.
• Pick your top 3-5 strengths and write (round robin).
them each on a small card. Check back in with the large group. Have
d. Someone share your whole vision with each group share their tree and the key
• Together as a group, take turns putting your group. What did you see and components of their vision tree. Check to
your cards on your tree and putting them experience? see if there are any last closing thoughts,
at the root of the tree. comments, or questions.
e. Close your eyes and envision your
community in three years. Think about a Thank everyone for their time!
usual day in your home, neighborhood, or
organization, three years from now.
The prep for this virtual activity will look a little different than that of the in-person facilitation. You may choose to
do this as a whole group or break into smaller teams if there are areas with different goals. While there will be
no prep of physical materials, things you will need to do beforehand include:
• Create a digital template to work in (you can do this using Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, or other
software or by creating a space in a web-based platform like Canva or Miro)
• Send out virtual meeting invitation to participants with a web link to the virtual meeting space
• Orient group to the purpose of the activity
• Go over group agreements
• Use metaphor of a tree to ‘paint’ the visual picture
• Clouds = Ideal vision
• Leaves = What is hoped to be created, produced or accomplished
• Trunk = Collective strengths, assets, and resources
• Roots = Unique, individual strengths
• Reflect as a large group to wrap up activity
• What stands out
• Are there any surprises
• Last thoughts
• Share how the group will get documentation that reflects the work they did together
• Take screenshots of the group’s finished work so that you can have a visual to refer to during analysis
Facilitator(s): Rational Aim: To enable the group to create a shared vision of what they Experiential Aim: To generate excitement about the possibilities of
will accomplish with the community and set intentions for what will the organization by imagining the ideal state for their organization
come. and identify strengths and partnerships that can help them achieve
the ideal vision.
Room set-up: Virtual Platform Materials: virtual platform for collaboration, Visioning worksheet Supplies: digital template for Visioning Tree
(Like Zoom)
Introduction – Planting Our Roots Creating a Shared Vision Grow Our Trunk –Collective Strengths Our Leaves – What We Hope to Create
Hi everyone! We are so excited to be Visioning is creating a clear, specific, The foundation of your organization is As a result of combining your strengths you
here today and to get to know each other compelling picture of what our communities your collective strengths and how well will grow and produce some amazing things
better. [DO INTRODUCTIONS HERE]. will look and be like in the future (~5 to 10 you grow them together. together. What will you do? What will you
years from now). The vision is the ideal accomplish together?
Everyone in this organization/group picture of how we imagine things will be; it is • Look at the roots, what do you
brings unique strengths to the world, to the picture of our hopes for our notice? • First, brainstorm a list on your own (write
your community, and the work that we communities. Creating a shared vision gives down all of your intentions and aspirations
will do together. When I talk about us one direction that we are all moving • Which of the strengths have similar for your work within your organization). Put
strengths, I’m talking about your unique toward together. ideas? Similar threads that stick a star next to your 5 most important
knowledge, skills, abilities, talents. I’m also together? intentions/actions for this project.
talking about your personal contributions a. Describe the tree: Point to the open sky
and expertise. (this is where we want to be as a result of • Move sticky notes around to be • Share your 5 important ideas with the
our efforts). close to similar ideas. Name the person next to you. Share your other ideas
• First, we are going to brainstorm our clusters. Write the name of clusters too. Decide together on just 3-5 things that
personal strengths that will help support b. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself as an on a half card and put those cards on are more important or you both believe will
our work to make positive change for Eagle soaring above your communities 10 the wall in the trunk. have the greatest impact (lead to the
youth and young adult mental health. years from now. [TALK ABOUT FACTORS greatest positive change).
RELEVANT TO THE ORGANIZATIONS • What is missing? What other
• On your own, make a list of your GROWTH/ IDEAL STATE] strengths and resources do you have? Write each of those 3-5 ideas on a half
personal strengths on paper. sheet card. Go around the table and take
i. What do you see? What do you hear? • Add additional sticky notes as turns sharing your ideas and putting them
• Consider how each you believe each needed to capture the other on your group tree.
strength will contribute to making ii. What are people doing? strengths/resources/assets that exist
positive change. within your organization and Once your tree is constructed, as a group
iii. How do people interact or treat one community. talk about what you notice and what stands
• Pick your top 3-5 strengths and type another? out to you. Decide together what everyone
them onto the corresponding virtual is committed to doing, producing, creating,
sticky notes. c. Open your eyes. Each person share one or accomplishing. Write a star on those
word that describes their vision (round cards.
• Together as a group, take turns sharing robin).
your ideas and placing the virtual stickies Check back in with the large group. Have
on your tree - putting them at the root of d. Someone share your whole vision with the each group share their tree and the key
the tree. group. What did you experience? components of their vision tree. Check to
see if there are any last closing thoughts,
e. Close your eyes and envision your comments, or questions.
community in three years. Think about a
usual day in your home, neighborhood, or Thank everyone for their time!
organization, three years from now.
1 3 4
Make sure to spray the Providing
Walk around while the If you’re doing this participants with the
sticky wall ahead of time
group is brainstorming virtually, it’s best to facilitator
with spray adhesive so
to see how much time present your screen instructions for this
that the cardstock will
they need and keep and type for them, activity can build
stick when you place
them on track with time. rather than having them capacity for
them on it.
fill it out. evaluation.
This guide was created by CONNECTED evaluators at Michigan Public Health Institute.
For more information about evaluation activities, please contact the Lead Evaluator: Shannon Laing @ [email protected].