Photo Electric Effect

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Presentation by

 Bilal Hassan
 Muhammad Madni
 Abdullah Zafar
 Zain ul Abidin
 Malaika Jmeel
 Afia khan
 Fakhra Zafar
Photo Electric Effect


The phenomenon in which electro magnetic raddiation i.e light of

suitable frequency is incident on metal surface to rip out the electrons from its
surface is called as Photoelectric Effect.
These electro magnetic radiation may be x-rays, gamma rays, u.v rays and infra
red rays etc.
Historical background:
Hienrich hertz firstly discovered this effect in 1887 during his research about
electromagnetic radiation. He observed that on absporption of certain frequencies of
light substances would give off a visible spark and this spark was later identified as
Then in1902 Phillip Lenard made an experimental setup and explained this effect very
well and he also study the effect of intensity on photo electrons.
In 1905 Albert einstein gave his theory that light has dual nature like wave and particle
nature and it transfer from one place to another in discontinuous manner i.e in the form
of energy packets named as photons. he also proposed the photoelectric equation by
using Max planck equation(E=hf) which he proposed in 1900.
The photoelectric equation is such that:
 Lenard experimental setup
Source of light
Evacuated glass tube
Two metal plate i.e emitter and collector
Ammeter for measuring the current
Battery for supplying potential
Work function: Metal Work function(ev)
Sodium (Na) 2.4
The minimum amount of
Potasium (k) 2.3
energy required to to rip out an electron
from metal surface is called work function. Aluminium(Al) 4.2
It is denoted by Copper(cu) 4.6
Every metal has its own particular work Zinc (zn) 3.6

Threshold frequency:
the minimum frequency of
incident light at which photoelectric effect
occurs is called as threshold frequency.
According to the photo electric equation of
h(f-fo)=1/2mv2 (1)
where fo is the thres hold frequency.
Graph b/w threshold frequency and K.E

From above equation no (1) we can conclude that:

 If f<fo – K.E is negative i.e . No emission of electrons
 If f=fo – K.E is zero i.e. emission of electron just begin
 If f>fo – K.E is possitive i.e. emission of electron takes place
Saturation Current
The limiting current through an electron tube such that
further increase of voltage produces no further increase in current is called as
Saturation current.
On increasing positive potential on anode w.r.t cathode more and more electron
are attracted toward anode and photo current increases until it reaches to the
saturation value.
Stopping Potential
the minimum magnitude of negative potential on anode w.r.t
cathode which can just stop the photo current is called as stopping potential or
stopping voltage. It represented by vo and its mathematical formula is:
 vo=Kmax/e
 stopping potential is independent of intensity of the light.
 it depends on the frequency of light as we can see it in both graph.
Effect of intensity on photo electric effect
According to Classical wave theory:
If we use dim light i.e light of low intensity it will produce electron having less K.E and
bright light will produce electron have high K.E.
But experiment shows that the kinetic energy of light does not depend on intensity.

As the graph shows that the

stopping potential is same
for high and low intensity

So by increasing the intensity the photo current increases but the kinetic energy of the
electrons remains unafffected.
Effect of frequency on photoelectric effect
According to Classical wave theory:
The light of any frequency can cause photoelectric effect.
But in experiments has proved it wrong.
As the suitable frequency required for photo electric effect which is called as threshold frequency
which we have discussed above.
frequency is direcltly related to the kinetic energy of electrons and it can not effect the emission of
Time-Delay problem in wave theory
According to Classical wave theory:
If we use light having frequency below the Threshold frequency it will take
some time to produce photoelectric effect.
As electron will continuously absorb energy of light.
After some time it would be able to jump from the valance shell of material.
But experimentally it had been seen that there is no time-delay in producing
photoelectric effect.
photoelectric effect is an instantenous process as we throw the light of
suitable frequency then electrons are ejected from it.
Calculations and Observations
Effect of Area on photo electric current:
At voltage of -4.8v at voltage of – 2.9v
Area (cm2) Current(uA) Area(cm2) Current(uA)

0.2 1.20 0.3 4.65

0.4 2.40 0.4 6.21

O.5 3.01 0.5 7.76

Effect of intensity on current

at the voltage of -4.2v

Intensity(w/ Current(uA)

5 0.9
10 1.8
15 2.7
20 3.61
25 4.51
30 5.41
Photo Cell:
it is the best application of photo electric effect.
A device which converts light energy into
electrical energy is called the photo cell.
works on the principal of photo electric effect.
When light of suitable frequency is allowed to fall on
photo emotive cathode C, the photo electrons are
emitted and current flow through the external circuit/
Load Resistor. The potential difference across the load
is used to operate the system.
Uses of photo cell:
1) it is used In reproduction of sound which is recorded on
a movie film
2) Used in exposure meter for having a good photograph.
3) It used in burgler alarm. This device is kept near a safe
to be protected from a thief.
4) It used in lux-meter to determine the intensity of light

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