Atomic Physics 2.photoelectric Effect Points To Remember

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a. Photoelectric effect was discovered by Hertz, demonstrated by Hallwacks and

theoretically explained by Einstein.
b. When electromagnetic radiations like UV rays, x-rays, visible light is incident
on alkali metals like lithium, sodium etc., then electrons are emitted from
those metals.
c. These electrons are called photoelectrons and this effect is called
photoelectric effect and the current developed is called photocurrent.
d. Photocurrent is of order of 10-6amp
2. Laws of Photoelectric Effect:
a. The frequency of incident radiation below which no photoelectron is emitted
from the photo surface is called threshold frequency (γ0).
b. The maximum velocity or kinetic energy of the ejected electron depends upon
the frequency of incident light. It is independent of the intensity incident
c. The photoelectric (saturation) current depends upon the intensity of the
incident radiation. It is independent of frequency of incident light.
d. Photoelectric effect is an instantaneous process. The time lag between
incidence and emission of electrons is about 10-9sec. (Photoelectric current I
α 2 ).
3. Work Function:
a. It is the minimum energy of incident radiation required to just take out an
electron from the photo surface. It is expressed in eV. W0 = h γ0 Where γ0 is
the threshold frequency.It depends upon the nature of the photo surface.
b. It is the minimum frequency of the incident radiation below which photo-
electrons are not emitted from a metal surface.
c. In alkali group, as the atomic number increases, work function decreases.
d. Among alkali metals, work function is minimum for cesium (1.9eV) and
maximum for lithium (2.5eV).
e. For a given frequency of incident photons, smaller the work function, greater
the KE of the ejected electrons.
f. When the temperature of a metal increases, the work function will decrease.
g. If W is in ev and λ0 in A°, the above equation can be written as W = eV .

4. Stopping potential (Vs) :

a. The stopping potential is that value of the retarding potential difference to be applied
between the surface of a photosensitive plate and the electrode of the collector,
which is just sufficient to stop the most energetic photo electrons emitted.
b. The stopping potential or cut off potential Vs is measure of the maximum K.E. of the
emitted photo electrons. eVs = K = mv2 Where q is the charge of the electron
and Vs is the stopping potential in Volts.
5. Einstein’s Equation:
a. This obeys the law of conservation of energy.
a. When a photon strikes a metal surface, the entire energy of the photon is transferred
to a single electron in the emitter. The energy supplied to the electron is used in two
i) Part of the energy is used in ejecting the electron from the metal (work function)
ii) The remaining energy is used to provide K.E. to the ejected electrons.
Einstein’s photoelectric equation is given by
h γ = W + mν or h γ = W + K.Emax
h γ = hν 0 + mν
Here γ is frequency of incident radiation and γ0 is threshold frequency Greater the
kinetic energy of electrons greater the stopping potential.
6. Photo electric cell or Photo Cell :
a) Photocells are the most important devices which are based on application of the
photoelectric effect. It is called magic eye.
c) There are three kinds of photocells namely photo emissive cell, photovoltaic cell
and photoconductive cell.
1. Define Photo electric effect? Write the laws of photoelectric effect. (May2009)

Describe Millikan’s experiment to verify Einstein’s equation.

A: Photo electric effect: Photoelectric effect was discovered by Hertz, demonstrated

by Hallwacks and theoretically explained by Einstein. When electromagnetic
radiations like UV rays, x-rays, visible light is incident on alkali metals like lithium,
sodium etc., then electrons are emitted from those metals. These electrons are
called photoelectrons and this effect is called photoelectric effect and the current
developed is called photoelectric current. Photocurrent is of order of 10-6amp.
Laws of Photoelectric Effect:
• The frequency of incident radiation below which no photoelectron is emitted
from the photo surface is called threshold frequency (γ0).
• The maximum velocity or kinetic energy of the ejected electron depends upon
the frequency of incident light. It is independent of the intensity incident
• The photoelectric (saturation) current depends upon the intensity of the
incident radiation. It is independent of frequency of incident light.
• Photoelectric effect is an instantaneous process. The time lag between
incidence and emission of electrons is about 10-9sec. (Photoelectric current I
α 2)
Millikan’s experiment:

The apparatus consists of an evacuated bulb B with a rotating wheel W on which

different alkali metals can be fixed. By rotating the wheel , light coming from the
window is made to incident on the required photo surface.

Light coming from a white source S1 is passed through a prism and a slit, S 2 . The
required colour of light or light with required wavelength is made to fall on the photo
surface through a quartz window ‘M’. A hollow cylindrical copper gauze C is used as a
collector whose inner side is oxidized to prevent photo emission. The collector is
connected to a galvanometer E to detect the photo current. When light falls on the photo
surface, photo electrons are emitted and reach the collector which is at a positive
potential with respect to the photo metal. When collector potential reduces to zero then
collector current will not be zero. This is due to K.E. of photo electrons liberated.

Now the collector is given a negative potential and it is increased until the
collector current becomes zero. This is called stopping potential V0 .

The experiment is repeated for various frequencies of incident light υ and stopping
potentials V0 are measured each time. A graph is drawn between frequencies of incident
light υ and stopping potentials V0 and it is shown in the figure.

According to Einstein’s photo electric equation

1 h W 
hυ = W0 + m v 2 ⇒ hυ = W0 + eVs ⇒ eVs = hυ − hυ0 ⇒ V0 =  υ −  
2 e  e 
This represents a straight line with slope h/e. From slope of graph (h/e) he calculated the
Planck’s constant value. It’s value obtained is 6.62 ×10−34 J .sec . It coincides with ‘h’
value obtained in other experiment. Hence Millikan’s experimentally verified Einstein’s
photo electric equation.


1. Define the terms work function and threshold frequency? (March2011)
Explain the relation between them.

A: Work Function: The minimum amount of energy required to just pluck out an electron
from the surface of a given photo metal is defined as work function. It is denoted by W0 .

Threshold Frequency: The minimum frequency of the incident light required to liberate
the electrons from the surface of a photo metal is defined as threshold frequency. It is
denoted υ0 .

Relation between W0 and υ0 : If W0 is the work function of a metal and υ0 is the

threshold frequency, then W0 = hυ0 Where h is the plank’s constant. Its value is
6.62 ×10−34 J − sec .

2. What is a photo-electric cell? Give two applications of photoelectric cell.(June2010)

A: Photo-electric Cell: The device which converts the light energy into electric energy is
called photo-electric cell.

A photo electric cell uses the photoelectric effect. It converts light energy into electric
energy. A photocell consists of a cathode coated with an alkali metal. A photocell
consists of a cathode coated with an alkali metal. Opposite to it a collector is placed.
These are arranged in an evacuated bulb.
When light falls on alkali metal photoelectrons are liberated. They are attracted by the
collector due to the positive potential on it and current flows through the circuit. The
changes in current are according to the changes in the light falling on alkali metal.

Uses of photo cells:

1. In the recording and reproduction of sound on films.

2. In telephotography, they are used for long distance transmission of pictures.

3. In automatic switching on and off of street lights.

4. In photometry, they are used to compare the illuminating powers of 2 sources.

5. They are used in fire alarms and burglar’s alarms.

6. They are used as counting devices.

7. In meteorology, they are used to record the intensity of day light.

8. to measure temperature and to study spectra of celestial bodies.


1. What is work function of a metal?

A: Work function (W0 ) is defined as the minimum amount of energy required just to liberate
an electron from the given photo surface. It depends only on the nature of metal surface.

4. Can X-rays produce photo-electric effect? Calculate the work function of a metal
producing photo electrons with X-rays of wave length 1A0 .

A: No. X-rays cannot produce photo electric effect. Due to their extremely small wave
length X-rays will penetrate through the alkali metals.

hc 12400
W0 = hv0 = = = 12400eV
λ0 1A0


3. The work function of a metal is 3.0 eV. It is illuminated by a light or wave length 3 ×10−7 m .
Calculate (i) threshold frequency, ii) the maximum energy of photoelectrons iii) the stopping
potential .( h = 6.63 × 10−34 Js and c = 3 ×108 m / s ).

Sol: i) W = hυ 0 = 3.0 eV = 3 × 1.6 × 10 −19 J

W0 3 ×1.6 ×10−19
v0 = = −34
= 0.72 ×1015 Hz .
h 6.63 ×10
3 × 108
ii) λ = 3 ×10 m, v = =
= 1× 1015 Hz .
λ 3 ×10 −7

K max = h(v − v0 ) = 6.63 × 10−34 (1 − 0.72) × 1015 J = 1.86 × 10−19 J .

iii) K max = 1.86 × 10−19 J and e = 1.6 ×10−19 C

K max = eV0 Where V0 is stopping potential

K max 1.86 ×10−19 J

V0 = Or V0 = = 1.16V
e 1.6 ×10−19 C

4. The work function of a photosensitive element is 2eV. Calculate the maximum velocity of
photoelectrons when the element is exposed to a light of wavelength of 4 ×103 A
( h = 6.62 × 10−34 Js , c = 3 ×108 ms −1 , m = 9.1× 10−31 kg ).

1 2
Sol: Einstein’s photoelectric equation mvmax = hv − W0

1 2 c
mvmax = h − W0 .
2 λ

hc 6.62 × 10−34 × 3 ×108

= J and W0 = 2 eV = 2 × 1.6 × 10−19 J .
λ 4 × 10 ×10
3 −10

1.765 × 2
v max = ×106 = 6.228 ×105 ms −1

5. A metal of work function 4eV is exposed to a radiation of wavelength 140 × 10−9 m .Find the
stopping potential by it ( h = 6.62 × 10−34 Js and c = 3 ×108 ms −1 )

Sol: W0 = 4eV ; λ = 140 ×10−19 m

E = hv =

6.62 × 3 ×108 ×10−34

E= J = 8.86eV
140 ×10−9

But, eV0 = E − W0 = 886-4 = 4.86eV

V0 = 4.86V

6. The wave length of Lα line from an element of atomic number 78 is ' λ ' . If the atomic number
is 48, what is the corresponding wavelength of Lα line Given b = 6.4 for Lα lines
v1 ( Z1 − b) 78 − 6.4 71.6
Sol: v = a ( Z − b) , = = =
v2 ( Z 2 − b) 48 − 6.4 41.6

v1 5127 λ2  c
= = Qv = 
v2 1731 λ1  λ

⇒ λ2 = λ1

λ2 = 2.96 λ1 = 2.96 λ

13. The work function of a metal is 2.5eV. What will be the maximum kinetic energy of the
photoelectrons emitted of a radiation of wavelength 3000 A flals on it.
( c = 3 × 108 ms −1 , h = 6.63 ×10 Js )

Sol: W0 = 2.5eV = 2.5 × 1.6 × 10 −19 = 4.0 × 10−19 J .

0 hc 6.63 ×10−34 × 3 ×108

λ = 3000 A = 3000 ×10−10 m; = = 6.63 × 10−19 J
λ 3000 ×10 −10

∴ K max = − W0 = 6.63 ×10−19 − 4 ×10−19 = 2.23× 10−19 J


7. Work function of a metal is 3.0eV. It is illuminated by light of the wavelength

3 ×10−7 m .Calculate the maximum energy of the electron.

Sol: W0 = 3 e.V ; λ = 3 ×10−7 m = 3000 A0

1 hc
K.E = mv 2 = − W
2 λ

1 2 19.86 ×10−26
mv = −7
− 3(1.6 ×10 −19 )
2 3 ×10

K.E= (6.62 ×10−19 ) − (4.8) ×10 −19 = 1.13eV

8. Photo-electrons are ejected from the surface of the metal having work function 4.5
eV. Find the impulse transmitted to the surface of the metal when electron flies off
due to collision of light quanta of energy 4.9eV.

Sol: Work function W=4.5 eV

Energy of light quanta E=4.9 eV

Mass of electron m= 9.11×19−31 kg

K.E of electron=4.9 - 4.5 = 0.4 eV

P = 2 Em

∴ P = 2 × 9.11×10−31 × 0.4 ×1.6 ×10−19 = 3.41×10−25 kgMs −1 / m

∴ Impulse P = 3.43×10-25 Kg m/s

9. What will be the minimum frequency of light source to get photo current, from a
metal surface having the work function 2 eV.

Sol: work function of surface W0 = 2 eV

W 2 ×1.6 ×10 −19

v0 = = −34
= 4.8 × 1014 Hz
h 6.6 ×10

10. The threshold wavelength for emission of photo electrons from a metal surface is
6 ×10−7 m. what is the work function of the material of the metal surface.

Sol: Threshold wavelength = λ0 = 6 × 10−7 m.

λ0 = 6000 A0

Work function of metal surface W = ?

hc 12, 400
Work function W = ⇒W = = 2.067 eV = 3.33 × 10−19 J
λ0 6000

11. A metal sheet of silver is exposed to ultraviolet radiations of wave length 1810 A0 .
The threshold wavelength of silver is 2640A0 . Then calculate of emitted electron
(1A = 10−10 m).

Sol: λ = 1810A0 ; λ0 = 2640 A0 ; K.E. = ?

1 2
From Einstein’s equation mv = hv − hv0

1 1  1 1 
K.E= hc( − ) = 6.62 ×10−34 × 3 ×108  − −10 
= 3.45 ×10−19 J
λ λ0 1810 × 10
2640 ×10 

16. A metal of work function 4.5eV is illuminated by monochromatic light of

wavelength 1.4 ×10−7 m . Calculate (i) The threshold wavelength, (ii) The threshold
frequency (iii) The maximum energy of photo-electrons (iv) The cutoff
potential. (c = 3 ×108 ms −1 , h = 6.62 ×10 −34 Js, e = 1.6 ×10 −19 C )

Sol: W0 = 4.5 eV = 4.5 ×1.6 ×10−19 J ; λ = 1.4 ×10−7 m.

hc hc 19.86
(i) W0 = ⇒ λ0 = = × 10−7 = 2758 A0
λ0 W0 7.2
(ii) ω0 = hν 0
ω0 4.5 ×1.6 ×10−19 7.2
⇒ν 0 = = −34
= ×1015 = 1.087 ×1015 Hz
h 6.62 ×10 6.62
(iii) = W + KEmax
hc (6.62 ×10−34 × 3 ×108 )
⇒ K .Emax = − ω0 = _(4.5 ×1.6 ×10−19 ) = 6.99 ×10−19 J
λ −7
(1.4 ×10 )
(iv) K .Emax = eV0
K .Emax 6.985 ×10−19
⇒ V0 = = = 4.37Volts
e 1.6 ×10−19


7. A radiation of wavelength 5000A0 is incident on a metal surface whose work function is

4 eV. Do you observe the phenomenon of photoelectric effect?

A. No, because the given wave length is more than the threshold wave length.

8. Why are alkali metals most suited for photoelectric emission?

A. These metals have less work function.

9. Is photoelectric emission possible at all frequencies?

A. No. Photoelectric emission is possible for the frequencies is more than the threshold

10. If the intensity of incident radiation in a photocell is increased, does the stopping
potential vary?

A. No. The stopping potential is independent of intensity of incident radiation.

11. What is the effect on the velocity of the photoelectrons, if the wavelengths of incident
light is decreased?

A. Velocity increases.

12. It is harder to remove a free electron from copper than sodium. Which metal has greater
work function?
A. Copper.

13. It is found that yellow light does not eject photoelectrons from a metal can we use orange
light to emit photoelectron from what metal?

A. No.

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