Case 2.1 Book

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Case 2.

1 Auto Assembly

Decision Variables

X1 No. of Family Thrillseeker Car

X2 No. of Classy Cruisers Car


Labour Hours 6*X1 + 10.5*X2 <= 48000

No. of Doors 4*X1 + 2*X2 <= 20000
Demand of X2 X2 <= 3500

Objective Function

Maximise Profit 3600*X1 + 5400*X2

X1 X2
Profit $3,600.00 $5,400.00


3800 Family Thrillseeker Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit

2400 Classy Cruisers Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit
X1 X2
3800 2400

6.00 10.50 48,000.00 48,000.00 <=

4 2 20,000.00 20,000.00 <=
2400 3500 <=

Max Z $ 26,640,000.00
Case 2.1 Auto Assembly

Decision Variables

X1 No. of Family Thrillseeker Car

X2 No. of Classy Cruisers Car


Labour Hours 6*X1 + 10.5*X2 <= 48000

No. of Doors 4*X1 + 2*X2 <= 20000
Demand of X2 X2 <= 4200

Objective Function

Maximise Profit 3600*X1 + 5400*X2

X1 X2
Profit $ 3,600 $ 5,400
Ad $ 500,000

Conclusion: Advertisement should not be undertaken since there is no quan

optimal solution, with the addition of advertisement which is reducing the pr
X1 X2
3800 2400

6.00 10.50 48,000.00 48,000.00 <=

4 2 20,000.00 20,000.00 <=
2400 4200 <=

Max Z $ 26,140,000.00

here is no quantity increase of Classy Cruiser, for

reducing the profit
Case 2.1 Auto Assembly

Decision Variables

X1 No. of Family Thrillseeker Car

X2 No. of Classy Cruisers Car


Labour Hours 6*X1 + 10.5*X2 <= 60000

No. of Doors 4*X1 + 2*X2 <= 20000
Demand of X2 X2 <= 3500

Objective Function

Maximise Profit 3600*X1 + 5400*X2

X1 X2
Profit $3,600.00 $5,400.00


3250 Family Thrillseeker Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit

3500 Classy Cruisers Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit
X1 X2
3250 3500

6.00 10.50 56,250.00 60,000.00 <=

4 2 20,000.00 20,000.00 <=
3500 3500 <=

Max Z $ 30,600,000.00
With overtime the company earns a profit of $30,600,000 but without overtime the comp
$26,640,000. Since overtime comes with a price, Rachel should be willing to pay at most
profits for overtime costs, i.e. at most $3,960,000.
overtime the company earns a profit of
ing to pay at most the difference in these two
Case 2.1 Auto Assembly

Decision Variables

X1 No. of Family Thrillseeker Car

X2 No. of Classy Cruisers Car


Labour Hours 6*X1 + 10.5*X2 <= 60000

No. of Doors 4*X1 + 2*X2 <= 20000
Demand of X2 X2 <= 4200

Objective Function

Maximise Profit 3600*X1 + 5400*X2

X1 X2
Profit $3,600.00 $5,400.00


3000 Family Thrillseeker Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit

4000 Classy Cruisers Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit
X1 X2
3000 4000

6.00 10.50 60,000.00 60,000.00 <=

4 2 20,000.00 20,000.00 <=
4000 4200 <=

Max Z $ 32,400,000.00
Case 2.1 Auto Assembly

Decision Variables

X1 No. of Family Thrillseeker Car

X2 No. of Classy Cruisers Car


Labour Hours 6*X1 + 10.5*X2 <= 60000

No. of Doors 4*X1 + 2*X2 <= 20000
Demand of X2 X2 <= 4200

Objective Function

Maximise Profit 3600*X1 + 5400*X2

X1 X2
Profit $3,600.00 $5,400.00


3000 Family Thrillseeker Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit

4000 Classy Cruisers Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit

Solution in e) is wiser compared to a) because of increased profit

If Rachel uses the advertising campaign and the overtime labor, then the profit will be $3
campaign nor overtime labor, the profit will be $26,640,000. If Rachel uses just the camp
If Rachel uses just overtime labor, the profit will be $29,000,000. Thus Rachel should cho
and the overtime labor.
X1 X2
3000 4000

6.00 10.50 60,000.00 60,000.00 <=

4 2 20,000.00 20,000.00 <=
4000 4200 <=

Max Z $ 30,300,000.00

the profit will be $30,300,000. If Rachel uses neither the

uses just the campaign, the profit will be $26,140,000.
s Rachel should choose to use the advertising campaign
Case 2.1 Auto Assembly

Decision Variables

X1 No. of Family Thrillseeker Car

X2 No. of Classy Cruisers Car


Labour Hours 6*X1 + 10.5*X2 <= 48000

No. of Doors 4*X1 + 2*X2 <= 20000
Demand of X2 X2 <= 3500

Objective Function

Maximise Profit 2800*X1 + 5400*X2

X1 X2
Profit $2,800.00 $5,400.00


1875 Family Thrillseeker Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit

3500 Classy Cruisers Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit
X1 X2
1875 3500

6.00 10.50 48,000.00 48,000.00 <=

4 2 14,500.00 20,000.00 <=
3500 3500 <=

Max Z $ 24,150,000.00
Case 2.1 Auto Assembly

Decision Variables

X1 No. of Family Thrillseeker Car

X2 No. of Classy Cruisers Car


Labour Hours 7.5*X1 + 10.5*X2 <= 48000

No. of Doors 4*X1 + 2*X2 <= 20000
Demand of X2 X2 <= 3500

Objective Function

Maximise Profit 3600*X1 + 5400*X2

X1 X2
Profit $3,600.00 $5,400.00


1500 Family Thrillseeker Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit

3500 Classy Cruisers Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit
X1 X2
1500 3500

7.50 10.50 48,000.00 48,000.00 <=

4 2 13,000.00 20,000.00 <=
3500 3500 <=

Max Z $ 24,300,000.00
Case 2.1 Auto Assembly

Decision Variables

X1 No. of Family Thrillseeker Car

X2 No. of Classy Cruisers Car


Labour Hours 6*X1 + 10.5*X2 <= 48000

No. of Doors 4*X1 + 2*X2 <= 20000
Demand of X2 X2 = 3500

Objective Function

Maximise Profit 3600*X1 + 5400*X2

X1 X2
Profit $3,600.00 $5,400.00


1875 Family Thrillseeker Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit

3500 Classy Cruisers Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit

Profit is decreased by US$ 990,000/- compared to a)

In this case 1875 Family Thrillseekers and 3500 (of course) Classy Cruisers should be asse
$25,650,000. Now, the profit found in Part a) was $26,640,000 and when we subtract this
$990,000. This difference is less than $2,000,000 and so Rachel should meet the full dem
X1 X2
1875 3500

6.00 10.50 48,000.00 48,000.00 <=

4 2 14,500.00 20,000.00 <=
3500 3500 =

Max Z $ 25,650,000.00

$ (990,000.00)

isers should be assembled for a maximum profit of

en we subtract this new profit we get a difference of
d meet the full demand of the Classy Cruisers.
Case 2.1 Auto Assembly

Decision Variables

X1 No. of Family Thrillseeker Car

X2 No. of Classy Cruisers Car


Labour Hours 7.5*X1 + 10.5*X2 <= 60000

No. of Doors 4*X1 + 2*X2 <= 20000
Demand of X2 X2 <= 4200

Objective Function

Maximise Profit 2800*X1 + 5400*X2

X1 X2
Profit $2,800.00 $5,400.00


2120 Family Thrillseeker Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit

4200 Classy Cruisers Car are produced for the optimal maximum profit
X1 X2
2120 4200

7.50 10.50 60,000.00 60,000.00 <=

4 2 16,880.00 20,000.00 <=
4200 4200 <=

Max Z $ 26,516,000.00

$ (124,000.00)

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